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 fetch up

o v. arrive or come to rest somewhere, typically by accident or unintentionally.

 blaring
o blare: v. make or cause to make a loud, harsh sound.
 straggle up
o straggle. v.
 verb (used without object), straggled, straggling.
 to stray from the road, course, or line of march.
 to wander about in a scattered fashion; ramble.
 to spread or be spread in a scattered fashion or at irregular intervals
 flicks
o n. 1. a sudden sharp movement 2. a motion picture
o v. propel (something) with a sudden sharp movement, especially of the fingers.
 porpoise
o n. a small toothed whale with a low triangular dorsal fin and a blunt rounded
snout (es como un delfin, pero con la aleta de arriba mas corta y mas gordito)
o v. move through the water like a porpoise, alternatively rising above it and
 jewess
o a Jewish woman or a girl (OFFENSIVE)
 spanner
o n. a wrench
 n. 1. a sudden violent twist or pull 2. a feeling of sadness or distress
caused by one’s own or another’s departure.
 v. pull or twist (someone or something) suddenly and violently
 sash
o faja, banda (como las de miss universe) de uniforme
 burly
o adj. (of a person), large and strong, heavily built
 snuffbox
o tabaquera (una cajita donde metes Tabaco)
 urbane
o (or a person, especially a man) suave, courteous, and refined in manner
 bristle
o n. a short stiff hair, typically one of those on an animal’s skin, a man’s face, or a
o v. 1. (of hair or fur) stand upright away from the skin, especially in anger or fear.
2. be covered with or abundant in.
 specious
o adj. 1. superficially plausible, but actually wrong
o 2. misleading in appearance, especially misleadingly attractive
 bleating
o bleat: v. (of a sheep, goat, or calf) make a characteristic wavering cry.
 2. speak or complain in a weak, querulous, or foolish way.
 swine
o n. a pig. (a formal)
o (informal) a person regarded by the speaker with contempt and disgust “what
ann arrogant, unfeeling swine!”
 flog
o v. beat (someone) with a whip or stick as punishment or torture
o v. (british, informal) sell or offer for sale
 truncheon
o n. (british) a short, thick stick carried as a weapon by a police officer
o (british) a staff or baton acting as a symbol of authority
 ravish
o v. (archaic) seize and carry off (someone) by force
o v. (literary) fill (someone) with intense delight; enrapture
 twinge
o n. a sudden, sharp localized pain
o v. (of a part of the body) suffer a sudden, sharp localized pain

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