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Study Case: Juminahan Village, Code River

A. Introduction
Cempaka cyclone that hit Special Region of Yogyakarta caused several disaster. Based on
Ridarineni and Putri (2017), there is 611 points disaster of typhoon, landslide, and surface
runoff that spread over four regency and one city. Some of public facility such as roads,
utility poles, and also 146 houses are damaged. One of causes the destruction of houses is
landslide. Hanafi (2017) stated that landslide caused by Cempaka cyclone destroyed the pile
on Code river bank or more precisely in Juminahan village, Tegalpanggung, Danurejan,
Yogyakarta city. There are about 130 residents are affected from RT 56 and 57 that evacuated
due to landslide.

Berdasarkan Peta Kawasan Rawan Bencana Gunung Merapi Dan Area Terdampak Letusan
2010, wilayah bantaran Kali Code Kecamatan Danurejan tidak termasuk Kawasan Rawan
Bencana I. Tetapi berdasarkan Idhom (2011), beberapa permukiman ditepian Kali Code
seperti kelurahan Tegal Panggung, Kecamatan Danurejan terendam banjir akibat lahar
dingin yang meluapkan Kali Code. Untuk itu rumah di Kampung Juminahan yang rusak
akibat longsor sebaiknya direlokasi daripada direkonstruksi. (mau dibeneirin tokichi)
The location and quality of new relocation sites is an important factor in relocation planning,
as it largely determines some things such as ease of access to business land and social
networks. Each location has its own limitations and opportunities. Choosing the same
location as the old one (in the old place) in terms of social, economic, and environmental
characteristics will make it possible to successfully relocate and restore livelihoods. Site
selection should be considered as part of the feasibility study. Site selection should take
account of the impact on local communities. Issues such as land quality, location capacity,
public property, resources, social infrastructure and population composition (social
stratification, ethnicity, gender, ethnic minorities) need to be considered during the feasibility
GIS as an application can be used to analyze the area that suits for a relocation site. In spatial
planning, GIS become a powerful application that can search location, quantity mapping,
density mapping, trend mapping, pattern mapping and map everything inside and outside of
the area (Prasetyo in Muta’ali 2013). One of method that can be used for spatial planning in
GIS is Spatial Multi-criteria Analysis. Based on Malczewski, 1999 for multi-criteria analysis
we can use raster-based unit analysis or we can call it Multi-Attribute Decision Maker
(MADM) which is the output of MADM is relevant to evaluation or choice. In this study, we
want to try applied spatial data and multi-criteria analysis to define the area for the relocation
site, after Cempaka Cyclone that caused landslide in Code River, Study case: Juminahan
A. Methods
The aim of this study is a relocation site for people who exposed by Cempaka Cyclone that
caused a landslide. The method that used in this study is Spatial Multi-criteria Analysis using
GIS. The first step we have to define several criteria for a relocation site. Based on Permana,
2017; Lumban Batu, 2017; Kavurmaci, 2016; Omar and Raheem, 2016 we define several
criteria for relocation site which is new settlement area. The criteria are chosen using
deterministic approach. In this study the criteria for relocation site such as Land use,
Topographic, Accessibility (Roads and Public Facilities), and Hazard zone.
 Land use
Criteria for land use is bare land. Bare land as a location that can build a new
settlement for people who need to relocate due to disaster. Bare land in Yogyakarta
City is identified using SPOT satellite imagery.
 Topographic
The topographic condition can be derived from slope condition. The new settlement
should build with slope less than 10%. The flat condition is suited to build a
settlement which avoids the landslide hazard. The topographic model that used in this
study is Digital Terrain Model (DTM) which describes the ground elevation more
 Distance from roads
The new area for settlement or relocation site should easy to access. Roads are
important for people to access the new relocation site. The distance from the road for
people easy to access is less than 500 meters. The distance model that used in this
study is Euclidean Distance.
 Distance from public facilities
To ensure that relocation site is well served. Considering the distance from public
facilities such as school, government building, market, mosque or church, and
hospital are important. The nearest area with the public facilities around 500 meters is
suit area. The distance model that used in this study is Euclidean Distance.
 Hazard zone
Relocation related to moving people to a safer place than before. The new settlement
area should free from another hazard. In this study, we are considering flood as a
common hazard in Yogyakarta city. So, the new settlement area is not susceptible
with flood. Susceptible flood area model that used in this study is hydrology – basin
model which is in the area has characteristic as a basin is susceptible to flood.

Weighting Criteria
Each criterion is weighted using a boolean number which is 0 and 1. The nearest or less than
500 meters are weighted as 1. The area that frees from flood or not susceptible area is
weighted as 1. The area with slope condition less than 10% are weighted as 1 too. Then, after
the value from each criteria are same, we overlay each criteria with an equal scenario which
is each criteria considered has an equal impact on the relocation site. The result is divided
into three class, not suitable, suitable and most suitable.
B. Result and Discussion
Relocation is one of the solutions to reduce an element of risk. Juminagan village is
located in central Yogyakarta city, near from code river. Juminahan’s people requires
new suitable space for living due to Cempaka cyclone that impacted a landslide.
Suitable space is considered by several aspects such as land use, topographic, distance
from roads, distance from public facilities and hazard zone. All of the aspects has
been considering to decrease society conflict if relocated is needed. Hazard zone
means space which is not impacted cyclones, such as landslide and flood. Roads and
public facilities demanded human activities.
Lahan kosong menjadi area baru untuk relokasi. Terdapat tiga klasifikasi dalam analisis
kesesuaian area relokasi, yaitu Not Suitable, Suitable, dan Most Suitable. Berdasrkan peta
analisis Not Suitable ditunjukkan dengan warna merah, Suitable dengan warna kuning, dan
Most Suitable warna hijau. Area terbanyak dan terluas untuk relokasi berada pada klasifikasi
Most Suitable (The most bare land area for relocation is classified as most suitable area).
Dapat diartikan Yogyakarta memiliki banyak lahan kosong yang dapat digunakan untuk
relokasi. Terdapat 18 area lahan kosong yang sapat direkomendasikan untuk relokasi.
Suitable area memiliki enam lahan kosong dan Not Suitable memiliki lima lahan kosong.
Masing-masing lahan kosong memiliki luas yang berbeda yaitu Not suitable, suitable maupun
Most Suitable. Relokasi dapat dilakukan pada suitable dan most suitable, tetapi lebih
direkomendasikan pada Most Suitable.

Berdasarkan analisis area terbaik untuk relokasi yaitu Desan Pandeyan dan desa Giwangan.
Jarak antara fasilitas publik temasuk dekat. Di sekitar area terdapat, masjid, kantor kelurahan,
pasar, rumah sakit/puskesmas, dan sekolah. Masjid termasuk kedalam tempat penting untuk
beribadah, khususnya di hari jumat. Kantor kecamatan dibutuhkan masyarakat untuk
mengurusi kebutuhan administrasi. Pasar tradisional memiliki harga yang murah. Terdapat
pula macam-macam kebutuhan pangan. Masyarakat dapat membeli kebutuhan pangan
mereka secara mudah. Jarak menjadi pertimbangan untuk membeli kebutuhan pangan.
Kebanyakan orang menyukai sesuati yang praktis termasuk jarak. Rumah sakit/puskesmas
merupakan kebutuhan primer. Masyarakat membutuhkan tempat darurat untu pertolongan
pertama ketika sakit. Rumah sakit/puskesmas termasuk kedalam keselamatan jiwa manusia.
Pendidikan menjadi hal yang penting dalam hidup. Biasanya, orang mencari sekolah yang
dekat dengan rumah mereka, seperti SD, SMP dan SMA.
Desa pandeyan dan desa giwangan memiliki jarak yang dekat dengan jalan. Jalan merupakan
aspek pentik untuk aktivitas manusia. Masyarakat membutuhkan akses yang baik untuk
melakukan aktivitas seperti bekerja, sekolah dan lain-lain. Mereka mempertimbangkan harga,
keuntungan dan waktu. Kedua desa tersebut tidak berlokasi di area bahaya bencana seperti
longsor dan banjir. Topografi tidak curam sehingga Desa pandeyan dan desa giwangan dapat
direkoendasikan untuk relokasi apabila bencana terjadi secara keberlanjutan. area yang di
anjurkan berada pada Most Suitable.
Yang dibawah ini hasil translate ku dan perbaikan aa..
Bare land becomes a new space for relocation, it aims to be easier to rebuild the settlement
area. There are three classifications in this analysis for bare land area with some
consideration criteria of the topography, distance from roads and public facilities, and also
hazard zone, namely Not Suitable, Suitable, Most Suitable. Based on the map, Not Suitable
area is shown by red color, Yellow color shows Suitable area and Green color shows Most
Suitable area. The safest from hazard potential, the easiest access to the roads and public
facilities, and has the large area represents by Most Suitable criteria. From the map, there are
several Most Suitable areas which are distributed in Yogyakarta City. It means Yogyakarta
City has many bare lands to use. There is eighteen bare land space that can be recommended
for relocation. Suitable space has six bare lands and Not Suitable have five space. Each bare
land space has different larges involve Not suitable, Suitable, and Most Suitable. Relocation
can be carried out in Suitable space and Most Suitable space. But, it is recommended to
relocate to the Most Suitable classification of space.
Based on the analysis, the most suitable relocation areas are Pandeyan Village and Giwangan
Village. The distance from the public facilities is relatively short. There are worship place,
Sub-district Office, Market, Hospital/Puskesmas, and School. Worship facility, such as
mosque, is an important facility besides as worship place especially Friday prayer, it is also
as an activity center of the people around it. Sub-district office also needed by the resident to
facilitate their administrative business. The market provides daily needs with cheaper price. If
the market is located near to the settlement area, it will give easiness to the resident.
Hospital/puskesmas is a primary need to provide their health needs and as the first aid in the
emergency state. And also, people usually choose to school around their neighborhood.
Pandeyan Village and Giwangan Village facilitate educational needs around the
neighborhood from the elementary school, junior high school, and senior high school level.
Pandeyan Village and Giwangan Village have relative short distance from the road. The road
is one of the important facility to support human activities. Human needs easy access in doing
an activity such as working, going to school, and so on in considering cost, benefit and time
effectively. Both Villages are not located in hazard areas such as landslide and flood.
Topographic is flat or almost flat. Pandeyan Village and Giwangan Village can be
recommendation as relocation areas if the disaster occurs continuously.
Based on analysis of the research, the conclusions are:
1. Caused by Cempaka Cyclone, 130 residents had to be evacuated due to a landslide
that affected their houses. The houses that exposed by a landslide are located on the
riverbank along Code River at Juminahan Village. Juminahan Village is a flood-prone
area, especially for flood and landslide. The houses that damaged by a landslide are
built too near to the river. It should be a protected area and the residents need to be
relocated to the safer place to live.
2. In determining new settlement area, the research used Spatial Multi-criteria Analysis
using GIS that considered land use, topography, distance to road and public facility,
and hazard zone. There are three classifications of possible land to be a new
settlement area i.e. Not Suitable area, Suitable area, and Most Suitable area. This
research recommends using the area named Most Suitable area as the possible area to
relocate the residents from Juminahan Village that affected by the landslide.
3. This research recommends relocating the residents of Juminahan Village along the
river bank to Pandeyan Village or Giwangan Village to minimize the risk from flood
and landslide. Both of the recommendation areas has a quite large bare land area to
rebuild their houses. The area has an easy access to the main road, public facility, and
relatively safe of hazard potential.
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