Principles of Marketing Assignment

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Principles of Marketing

Assignment 1
(TMA1 – 15%)

Submission Date:
23 Aug 2009
Tutor-marked Assignment 1


1. TMA 1 covers Unit 1 and Unit 2

2. TMA 1 contains 2 application questions

3. TMA 1 carries 15% of your final total marks

4. The assignment must not exceed 2,000 words (excluding references and
appendices) and should be typed using Times New Roman, font size 12
and double spaced.

5. The deadline for the submission of TMA is during Tutorial 2. A softcopy

should be submitted via Online Assignment Submission System

Question 1
a) Discuss the differences between a company that follows the marketing
concept and a company that follows the societal marketing concept.
(35 marks)

b) Choose a company which you believe is adopting societal marketing

orientation. Justify your answer.
(15 marks)

Question 2
Assume that you are the newly appointed marketing manager of Proton. Discuss
the five (5) types of publics that would have the greatest impact on your
marketing plans to launch the latest Proton Exora.
(50 marks)

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