Essay Rubric

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How can we create the best laws for America?

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Organization Essay is very Essay is organized Essay is not very Essay is not
organized with with defined organized and the organized and
well-defined paragraphs to paragraphs are there are no
paragraphs to guide the reader. hard to follow. paragraphs.
guide the reader.
Structure Essay addresses all Essay addresses Essay addresses Essay addresses
four important three important two important one important
points. points. points. point.

Content Essay incorporates Essay incorporates Essay incorporates Essay incorporates

all the steps in the most of the steps some of the steps almost none of the
legislative in the legislative in the legislative steps in the
processes and the processes and the processes and the legislative
actual activities actual activities actual activities processes and the
associated with associated with associated with actual activities
each step. each step. each step. associated with
each step.
Support Student conveys Student conveys Student conveys Student does not
honest reflection honest reflection honest reflection convey any honest
and provides and provides and provides reflection.
thoughtful reasons thoughtful reasons thoughtful reasons
in addressing three in addressing two in addressing one
or more of the of the important of the important
important points. points. points.
Mechanics There are no errors There are almost There are several There are many
in spelling or no errors in errors in spelling or errors in spelling or
grammar. spelling or grammar. (6-10) grammar. (10 or
grammar. (1-5) more)

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