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Printing Page(s) : 1 Paper Code :DMA-102

Roll No.
M.A. (English)-2
1st Year Examination, Calendar Batch 2017
English Poetry Till 1798
Time : 3 Hours ] [ Max. Marks : 100
Note. Attempt any Five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

Q.1 Bring out the main characteristics of metaphysical poetry and illustrate how Donne is a
metaphysical poet?

Q.2 Comment on Donne as a satirist? Give illustrations from the poems you have read.

Q.3 Discuss the Rope of the Lock as mock-epic or heroic-conical poem?

Q.4 Milton Poetry is the meeting ground of Renaissance and reformation? Illustrate with
reference to Book I of paradise lost?

Q.5 Do you agree with the view that Marvell in his poems deals with old and traditional
themes in a new way?

Q.6 Discuss ‘Paradise Lost’ as a classical epic with particular reference to Book I?

Q.7 Critically analyse Carew’s poetic art? How was he influenced by the Metaphysical

Q.8 Discuss the quality of wit in Donne’s poetry with illustrations from his poems?

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