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Program Outline- Online MBA Induction Program

The Young MBA Induction Pack

Chapter Topics - What will you learn?
The Concept of Business and its Classification: A brief discussion
on the concept of a Business, and how it is structured.

Accounting Principles: An overview of key accounting principles

(Going Concern, Conservatism, Accrual etc.)
The Accounting Process: The overall flow, right from Transaction
Accounting through General Ledger and Financial Statements. Also, the Double
Entry Method.
Recording Financial Transactions: How financial transactions are
recorded; Debit and Credit entries. Concept of suspense accounts.
Depreciation: Explanation of Depreciation and Amortization.

Trial Balance: Validation of entries using Trial Balance.

Profit & Loss (P&L) or Income Statement: The components -

measures of profitability and items of expense. The format of a P&L
Cash Flow Statement: The concept of a Cash Flow Statement and its
break-down into Financing, Investing and Operational Cash Flows.
Financial Statements
Balance Sheet: A detailed discussion on various components of a
Balance Sheet, such as Assets, Liabilities, Owner's Equity, Contingent
Assets & Liabilities etc.
Live Examples: A discussion on the Balance Sheet with a live

Macroeconomics: Economic Systems and Circular Flow Model,

Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Gross National Product (GNP) etc.
Macroeconomics - The Indian Context: Reserve Bank of India and
its Functions, Reserve Ratios, Policy Rates, What are FDI and FII?
Balance of Payments. The budget and its components
Concept of Money: An introduction to money, as a standardized unit
of exchange.

Concept of Interest: Simple and Compound Interest.

Compounding and CAGR: Effective Interest (Yield); CAGR & its
Finance: Basics
Time Value of Money: Future Value, Present value, NPV, IRR with
illustrations & the Excel functions.

Inflation: Inflation, Nominal Rate and Real Rate.

Excel Getting Started: Editing in Excel, Viewing options, Printing
Excel for reference.

Excel - Managing Data: Formatting Data, Find & Replace.

Excel - Calculations: Mathematical Operators, Logical Operators,

Tools for Business – Text Operators.
Excel & PowerPoint
Excel - Formulae: Sum, Product, Average, Sub Total.

Excel for Presentations: Different ways of Representation of Data,

Creating charts in Excel
PowerPoint for Managers: Creating good presentations, Presenting
Data, Working with Templates and Charts
Fractions, Decimals and Percentages: Used for any business
Discounts: Straight discounts, series of discounts and equivalent
single discounts: used for product pricing and devising marketing
Cost Price/Selling Price, Profit Margin – Mark up based on CP/SP:
used for product pricing and devising marketing strategies

Business Permutations and Combinations

Averages: Mean, Moving Average, Median, Mode: Usage across
business situations
Measures of Dispersion: Std. Deviation, Variance: Usage across
business situations, especially risk management

Correlation, Regression etc.

Probability & Probability Distributions

Essential Grooming: Telephone Etiquette, Personal Meeting

Essential Grooming
Corporate Communication: How to write a formal mail? How to
& Corporate
Communication write a SOP, make a business presentation, - Dos’ and Don'ts.
Report Writing: How to write a report? Dos’ and Don’ts.

Niveda UK
Educational Institutes Division
Finitiatives Learning India Pvt Ltd Ph: 72047.41596

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