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N e u r o r a d i o l o g y / H e a d a n d N e c k I m a g i n g • R ev i ew

Rueda-Lopes et al.
Diffusion-Weighted Imaging of Demyelinating Diseases

Neuroradiology/Head and Neck Imaging

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Diffusion-Weighted Imaging
and Demyelinating Diseases:

New Aspects of an Old

Advanced Sequence
Fernanda C. Rueda-Lopes1 OBJECTIVE. The purpose of this article is to discuss classic applications in diffusion-
Luiz C. Hygino da Cruz, Jr. weighted imaging (DWI) in demyelinating disease and progression of DWI in the near future.
Thomas M. Doring CONCLUSION. DWI is an advanced technique used in the follow-up of demyelinating
Emerson L. Gasparetto disease patients, focusing on the diagnosis of a new lesion before contrast enhancement. With
technical advances, diffusion-tensor imaging; new postprocessing techniques, such as tract-
Rueda-Lopes FC, Hygino da Cruz LC Jr, Doring TM, based spatial statistics; new ways of calculating diffusion, such as kurtosis; and new applica-
Gasparetto EL tions for DWI and its spectrum are about to arise.

iffusion-weighted imaging (DWI), imaging (DTI) with its various parameters,
one of the first advanced MRI including axial and radial diffusion, has al-
techniques, has rapidly ascended lowed the description of intrinsic white mat-
on the basis of its applicability in ter (WM) damage [8, 9]. The demyelination
strokes and some infectious diseases [1–4]. process and neuronal loss are now part of the
Restricted diffusion is significant informa- context of imaging findings. Postprocessing
tion in the context of vascular ischemia, help- techniques, such as tract-based spatial statis-
ing to delimit the brain-damaged area [5]. tics (TBSS) [10], have provided new research
Nonetheless, the utility of DWI in assessing opportunities, including mapping normal-
demyelinating disease has always been ques- appearing WM damage, reflecting its greater
tionable, and the main clinical utility of this sensitivity for detecting initial WM lesions
sequence could be in helping with the differ- compared with conventional MRI [11].
ential diagnosis [1–5]. The most described A new era of diffusion is about to begin.
aspect of demyelinating disease in DWI is fa- Diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI) is a new
cilitated diffusion [5, 6]. However, restricted DWI approach considered even more sensi-
diffusion may occur at early stages of lesion tive than DTI and TBSS for microscopic WM
Keywords: demyelinating, diffusion-tensor imaging, progression [6]. The apparent diffusion coef- lesion detection. Some reports are appearing
diffusion-weighted imaging, kurtosis, tract-based spatial ficient (ADC), a map calculated from DWI on this topic, and DKI seems to be better than
statistics (TBSS) data, has also been extensively investigated DWI in assessing WM [12, 13]. Taking into
to establish a connection with disease severi- account all this advancement of DWI and its
ty and clinical correlation. Another applica- related aspects, we will discuss the main ap-
Received June 17, 2013; accepted after revision tion for DWI is its capacity to evaluate tissue plications for clinical aspects and research.
August 25, 2013. characteristics in patients with demyelinating
1 disease. Conventional T2-weighted images Diffusion-Weighted Imaging
All authors: Department of Radiology, Federal University
of Rio de Janeiro, Clinica de Diagnostico por imagem– are highly sensitive in depicting focal demy- Principles and Acquisition
CDPI/DASA, Rua: Eneida de Morais, 141/203. Ilha do elinating lesions but lack histopathologic Diffusion describes the transfer of water
Governador, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, CEP 21920-230. specificity, such as inflammation, edema, gli- molecules from one spatial location to other
Address correspondence to F. C. Rueda-Lopes osis, and axonal loss, which are all represent- locations, increased by thermal agitation in-
ed as areas of high signal intensity. Because side a sample of biologic tissue [8, 9]. Random
WEB of this lack of specificity, T2-weighted imag- movement, or Brownian motion, is the result
This is a web exclusive article. ing does not provide information that can be of a movement without a preferred direction,
reliably associated with the pathologic sub- in which molecules collide randomly, typical
AJR 2014; 202:W34–W42
strate and clinical status of the patient, which of diffusion in pure water. This nondirected
0361–803X/14/2021–W34 can be determined using DWI [7]. movement is also called “isotropic diffusion”
Over the past decade, new insight has been in which water molecules move equally in all
© American Roentgen Ray Society gained into DWI. The use of diffusion tensor directions. In biologic tissue, especially brain

W34 AJR:202, January 2014

Diffusion-Weighted Imaging of Demyelinating Diseases

tissue in which the WM tracts may serve as including intramyelinic edema (cytotoxic oli- gies, which are quick, efficient, and insensi-
pathways that the water molecules are able godendroglia edema) or myelin vacuolation tive to small motion, with the incorporation
to follow, a directed movement occurs. This and reversible reduced vascular input. Myelin of a diffusion-sensitized module [8]. This
property is called “anisotropic diffusion.” breakdown and inflammatory cell infiltration sensitization scheme can be achieved by a bi-
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The diffusion of water in biologic tissues oc- may reduce water movement in the extracel- polar gradient waveform before and after the
curs inside, outside, around, and through cel- lular space because of reduced fiber tract or- 180° refocusing radiofrequency pulse. The
lular structures [8]. Nonetheless, when water ganization. Likewise, this inflammatory influx first gradient pulse dephases the magnetiza-
molecules encounter structures, such as mye- can lead to disturbances of energy metabolism, tion across the sample and the second pulse
lin sheaths, axonal membranes, or subcellular namely mitochondrial dysfunction, notably rephases the magnetization. For nondiffusing
organelles, their continued motion in a partic- in acute lesions [5, 6, 15, 16]. The presence of molecules representing restricted diffusion,
ular direction can be impeded [14]. iron-laden macrophages in this inflammatory the phases induced by both gradients will be
Reduction of the motion along pathways re- process can result in an overall lack of DWI completely canceled, the magnetization will
flects the interaction between the water mole- signal because of very rapid T2* relaxation, be maximally coherent, and there will be no
cules and the damaged structures, called “re- the same as seen in the center of an abscess [5]. signal attenuation from diffusion, represent-
stricted diffusion.” There are many causes for DWI is acquired most commonly with sin- ing the high signal intensity on a classic DWI
restricted diffusion in demyelinating diseases, gle-shot echo-planar imaging (EPI) strate- map [8, 9].



4 3 2 1


Fig. 1—Tumefactive demyelinating plaque in 41-year-old man.
A–C, FLAIR (A) and contrast-enhanced T1-weighted (B) images show expansive lesion with hypersignal intensity on FLAIR and irregular rim of contrast enhancement
located in right centrum semiovale. Notice increased choline peak on spectroscopy image (C).
D and E, Enhancing ring corresponds with area of restricted diffusion on trace image (D) and apparent diffusion coefficient map (E).
F, Susceptibility weighted image shows many small venosus vessels penetrating lesion.

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Rueda-Lopes et al.

The sensitization profile of the gradient is such as lymphoma and small cell carcino- T2-weighted image alterations, in the course
determined by the b factor. The higher the b ma of the lung; and hyperacute hemorrhage of disease (Fig. 2). ADC reduction may be a
factor, the more diffusion weighted the im- can have restricted diffusion [2–4]. Howev- transient alteration in the hyperacute phase
age will be. A typical DWI sequence for rou- er, DWI findings may vary from normal to of a demyelinating lesion. To depict such an
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tine brain MRI protocols includes a b factor facilitated diffusibility within neoplastic le- abnormality, MRI should be performed in
of 1000 s/mm2 (ideal between 700 and 1300 sions [2–4]. Intracerebral abscesses usually the early phase after clinical symptom onset
s/mm2). At high b values, the signal intensi- have restricted diffusion centrally after com- (from hours up to 2 days) or even before the
ty will be reduced. A b value of zero means plete formation. In the early stages, abscesses symptoms [6]. By this time, T2-weighted im-
application of the normal single-shot EPI se- may have peripheral restricted diffusion [1]. aging abnormalities are not yet significant and
quence without diffusion weighting. In prac- Diffusion restriction is found throughout the the lack of contrast enhancement reflects that
tice, it is denominated as a b 0 image and is ischemic tissue, with the lowest ADC values the increased permeability of the blood-brain
similar to a T2-weighted image. To evalu- detected in the infarct core [5]. There is no es- barrier and the edematous tissue changes are
ate diffusion properties of the tissue, the se- tablished diffusion pattern for demyelinating not fully developed. Within gradual develop-
quences have to be sensitized in three dif- plaques, but variable ADC patterns in a sin- ment of signals of prominent inflammatory
ferent dimensions. The diffusion coefficient gle MRI study (representing different stages edematous changes, which enlarge the extra-
generated is proportional to the displacement of lesion progression) and rapid changes in cellular space, ADC reaches a brief pseudo-
of water molecules (which may be tortuous such patterns on previous reports are high- normalization and subsequent increase of val-
depending on membrane barriers) and is di- ly suggestive of demyelinating disease. The ues, usually 3–7 days after symptom onset
vided by the number of dimensions, usual- most common ADC finding is homogeneous- [15]. Different case descriptions confirm the
ly three. Trace diffusion imaging and ADC ly facilitated because of vasogenic edema [5, changing pattern of ADC within a demyelin-
maps, representing the magnitude of the dif- 6, 17]. However, homogeneous restriction, ating lesion. Acute disseminated encephalo-
fusion and the trace divided by three, are cal- peripheral restriction with a partial or com- myelitis and relapsing-remitting MS patients
culated from the raw diffusion images of the plete dark ring surrounding a bright center, or may have acute lesions showing decreased
scanner. In practice, the restricted diffusion central facilitation with an isointense periph- ADC values, which become facilitated dur-
represents a decrease in the apparent diffu- eral ring or homogeneously isointense can ing the subacute stage [16, 18].
sivity of water [8, 17]. also be seen [5]. In our practice, the incom- ADC is a potential marker for disease se-
plete peripheral restriction ring usually en- verity. Low signal intensity on ADC, which
Clinical Applications hances with contrast administration, notably represents restricted diffusion, is associated
An important clinical application for DWI in the medial zone of an acute lesion (Fig. 1). with higher expanded disability status scale
in demyelinating disease is in establishing a Thin slices of sagittal FLAIR sequences, (EDSS) score at the index attack. Moreover,
differential diagnosis with other pathologies. including the corpus callosum are useful for neurologic deterioration may be accompanied
In some circumstances, tumefactive inflam- early diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (MS) with ADC variation from homogeneously fa-
matory lesions may mimic a cerebral neo- [17]. But in some specific and rare situations, cilitated to a dark or isointense ring pattern.
plasm, infectious abscess, or vascular isch- restricted diffusion can be the first marker This restricted diffusion could reflect a great-
emia. Most high-grade gliomas; metastases; for a demyelinating lesion, preceding con- er extent of inflammation and tissue dam-
tumors with high nuclear-cytoplasmic ratios, trast enhancement and associated with subtle age in such patients [5]. The damage severity

Fig. 2—25-year-old woman with demyelinating lesion.
A–C, Demyelinating plaque is seen in left middle cerebellar peduncle (green circle) showing restricted diffusion with hypointense signal intensity on apparent diffusion
coefficient (ADC) map (A) and hyperintense signal intensity on trace image (B). Notice no contrast enhancement is seen in that location on contrast-enhanced T1-
weighted image (C), reflecting hyperacute demyelinating plaque. On same contrast-enhanced T1-weighted image, there is another focus of enhancement (blue circle, C),
located in right cerebellar peduncle close to fourth ventricle wall, with hyperintense signal on trace image (blue circle, B) and isointense signal on ADC map (blue circle,
A), representing most common demyelinating lesion behavior on diffusion-weighted imaging.

W36 AJR:202, January 2014

Diffusion-Weighted Imaging of Demyelinating Diseases
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Fig. 3—37-year-old man with spinal cord demyelinating lesions.
A, Sagittal STIR image of dorsal spinal cord shows demyelinating plaque in inferior dorsal segment (red circle) and normal-appearing white matter (WM) damage in
superior segment (green circle).
B and C, Fractional anisotropy colored map (B) of dorsal spinal cord and corresponding apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) map (C) show dorsal WM tracts are highly
anisotropic and main diffusion direction is in head-to-foot orientation (blue, B). Notice that fractional anisotropy value is lower in plaque (0.56 ± 0.11) and mean diffusivity
(1.30 ± 0.17 × 10 −3 mm2 /s) compared with normal-appearing WM damage fractional anisotropy (0.83 ± 0.28) and mean diffusivity (0.84 ± 0.05 × 10 −3 mm2 /s), and opposite
holds true for ADC value.

and ADC value correlation was confirmed by ty, including on the parallel and perpendicu- the number of averages is increased, DTI ac-
comparison between low-signal-intensity le- lar axes. The diffusion tensor may be visu- curacy will improve, but the scanning time
sions on T1-weighted imaging and ADC val- alized as an ellipsoid, with the eigenvectors will increase [8]. The use of 3-T scanners,
ues on secondary progressive MS patients. defining the directions of the principal axis with a higher signal-to-noise ratio, may also
The lower the signal intensity on T1-weighted and the eigenvalues (‫ג‬1, ‫ג‬2, ‫ג‬3) the diffusion improve the sequence acquisition. DTI tech-
imaging, the higher ADC tends to be, repre- coefficients in the main directions. To char- nique also should be position-invariant but
senting the so-called “black holes,” which are acterize diffusion as anisotropic, the eigen- only for a voxel with the size of a point; for
related to significant tissue destruction, prob- values are different in magnitude along dif- all other applications, head angulation does
ably secondary to axonal loss [7]. ferent axes, and the eigenvector parallel to matter and should be standardized. The pa-
the WM tracts is the principal eigenvector. rameters provided by DTI using the eigen-
Diffusion Tensor Imaging This magnitude may be affected by local tis- vectors and eigenvalues are mean diffusivi-
Principles and Acquisition sue injury, modifying the diffusion param- ty, which is quite similar to ADC, fractional
In WM, water diffusion is relatively un- eter values and thus helping to characterize anisotropy, radial diffusivity, and axial dif-
impeded parallel to the fiber orientation and abnormal microstructure [8, 9, 19, 20]. fusivity. The mean diffusivity gives an over-
relatively restricted perpendicular to its fi- To perform DTI, a minimum of six noncol- all measure of the water diffusion in a vox-
bers, defined as anisotropism. DTI will allow linear diffusion-encoding directions is neces- el or region, whereas fractional anisotropy is
the measurement of orientation of diffusivi- sary. If the number of encoding directions or a measure of the degree of anisotropy. Frac-

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Rueda-Lopes et al.

tional anisotropy ranges from 1 (anisotropic

diffusion) to 0 (isotropic diffusion). The radial
diffusivity [(‫ג‬2 + ‫ג‬3) / 2] and axial diffusivity
(‫ג‬1) are measures of the orthogonal and paral-
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lel diffusivities, respectively, to the main dif-

fusion directions [8, 9, 19, 20]. Radial diffu-
sivity is modulated by myelin in white matter,
whereas axial diffusivity is more specific to
axonal degeneration [8, 19, 21]. When applied
together, these DTI parameters will evaluate
the WM tracts, indicating areas of lesions not
detected on conventional MRI and identifying
damage in the normal-appearing WM [9, 20]. Fig. 4—Tract-based spatial statistics. Corrected p maps overlaid on skeleton (green) and mean fractional
anisotropy image (gray scale). Skeleton shows main tracts where statistical analysis was carried out. Orange
Clinical and Research Applications areas show fractional anisotropy is significantly reduced (p < 0.05) in one group compared with another.
The investigation of the normal-appear-
ing WM damage using DWI and DTI tech- spiratory movement artifacts. Some articles in The results are significant maps correct-
niques gave a new direction to the radiologic this field reflect the same brain findings. There ed for multiple comparisons, which can show
approach concerning demyelinating disease. is extensive damage of the normal-appearing significant alterations in diffusion param-
As previously mentioned, in clinical prac- WM, reflected by decreased fractional anisotro- eters between groups of study. All DTI pa-
tice, DWI can be helpful in identifying ac- py values and increased mean diffusivity values rameters are analyzed, including fractional
tive demyelinating lesions [5, 17, 18] and for [30, 31], including in patients with NMO [31]. anisotropy, mean diffusivity, axial diffusiv-
differential diagnosis with some conditions The majority of previous studies assessing ity, and radial diffusivity [10].
that can mimic demyelinating disease [1–5]. DTI findings in demyelinating disease have
DTI application clarified the general under- used region of interest (ROI)-based analysis. Research Applications
standing about some histopathologic aspects Standard limitations of the ROI approach are TBSS is a postprocessing technique pre-
of the structural WM damage in demyelinat- that the method is subjective, presents diffi- dominantly used for research purposes. TBSS
ing disease [19, 20]. DTI can identify a broad culties in reapplication, and is necessarily hy- allows group analysis of all major WM tracts,
area of a WM lesion not identified by conven- pothesis driven; thus, the entire WM is not providing an overview of WM damage, in-
tional MRI techniques and that could only assessed [28, 29, 32]. A new approach, vox- cluding normal-appearing WM damage. In-
be accessed by histopathologic examination. el-based analysis, is more general and robust; deed, TBSS is helping in the identification
In general, MS lesions have decreased frac- the statistical analysis is more reliable; and of the histopathogenesis behind all structural
tional anisotropy values and increased mean the total brain tissue is evaluated, which is damage in a noninvasive manner, contributing
diffusivity values compared with the con- proportioned by TBSS [10]. toward the general knowledge of demyelinat-
tralateral normal-appearing WM damage ing disease evolution. With this technique, dif-
and healthy control subjects [17]. Reduced Tract-Based Spatial Statistics ferent groups of diseases can be studied and
fractional anisotropy values in the normal- Postprocessing Principles compared, highlighting the differences be-
appearing WM damage surrounding demy- TBSS is an observer-independent and hy- tween phenotypes, clinical course, age of on-
elinating plaques reflect wide involvement pothesis-free method that provides the abil- set, and so on [32–34].
because the lesion is greater than it seems to ity to spatially locate group differences in Studies using TBSS have revealed that WM
be on conventional sequences [9, 14, 22–26]. the DTI data. In such a technique, fraction- damage is already widespread when detected
Within other DTI parameters, such as ra- al anisotropy data for individual subjects are in pediatric MS onset (patients younger than
dial diffusivity and axial diffusivity, the con- projected on a common space in a way that 18 years at onset). The most common plac-
tribution of demyelination and axonal loss does not depend on perfect nonlinear record- es for fractional anisotropy reduction are the
for this damage may be estimated. The cor- ing, differing from the other voxel analysis splenium of the corpus callosum and parietal
pus callosum has been extensively studied by tool. This is achieved through the use of an areas, which correlate with disease duration
DTI parameters [27, 28], and the results may initial approximate nonlinear recording, fol- [33]. But pediatric onset itself is also a predic-
also be used as a tool to differentiate MS lowed by projection on an alignment-invari- tor of WM damage. The premature beginning
from other demyelinating diseases, such as ant tract representation (the ‘‘mean fractional of MS is worse, and such patients have exten-
neuromyelitis optica (NMO) [29]. However, anisotropy skeleton’’). The skeleton repre- sive lower fractional anisotropy when com-
more effort is needed in this field to make sents the centers of all fiber bundles that are pared with groups of patients matched for age
DTI a useful technique for demyelinating generally common to the subject involved in and disease duration [34].
disease follow-up. a study. Each subject’s fractional anisotropy Clinically isolated syndrome patients are an-
DTI parameters have also been evaluated data are then projected on the mean fractional other important group for analysis by TBSS.
in the spinal cord [30, 31] (Fig. 3). There are anisotropy skeleton in such a way that each Decreased fractional anisotropy values in-
many technical issues regarding DTI acquisi- skeleton voxel takes the fractional anisotropy volving the most significant WM pathways,
tion in the cord because there is extensive bone value from the local center of the nearest rel- including the corticospinal tracts, corpus cal-
structure surrounding the neural tissue and re- evant tract [10] (Fig. 4). losum, and longitudinal fasciculi, when com-

W38 AJR:202, January 2014

Diffusion-Weighted Imaging of Demyelinating Diseases
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Fig. 5—Parametric DKI maps. Values of parameters
are described in Table 1.
A–D, Proton density image (A) shows hypersignal
intensity representing demyelinating lesion on the
ROI located in right frontal side. ROI in left side
represents NAWM. Other maps are axial diffusivity
(B), radial diffusivity (C) and mean diffusivity (D)
E–H, Fractional anisotropy map (E) and diffusion
kurtosis imaging maps of axial kurtosis (F), radial
kurtosis (G), and mean kurtosis (H).

aspects, mostly cognition impairment [11, 38–

40]. Since the first descriptions of MS, the cor-
pus callosum has been described as the center
of demyelinating lesions, and good judgment
for radiologic MS diagnosis includes consid-
ering lesions in this location highly sugges-
G H tive of MS [27, 28]. But corpus callosum le-
sions or any other lesions are not necessarily
pared with control subjects are described in year of conversion [37], but they definitely in- evident as causes for disturbances in MS, re-
clinically isolated syndrome [35]. These struc- crease during disease progression [11, 36]. flecting the contribution of normal-appearing
tural changes may not be significant at the be- The detection of microstructure damage is WM damage in cognitive abnormality [11,
ginning of the disease [36] or during the next also important in the correlation with clinical 38]. Fractional anisotropy variations in the

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Rueda-Lopes et al.

normal-appearing WM damage of the corpus mains is predicted [39]. Again, corpus cal- sion barriers, thus causing water diffusion to
callosum have already been detected by ROI losum damage may result in a disconnection deviate from gaussianity. So, DKI is theoreti-
analysis [27, 28], but its correlation with cog- syndrome that contributes to long-term MS cally better able to characterize microstructur-
nitive impairment is mostly described using disability [39]. al brain tissue [44]. One main difference with
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a voxel-based analysis method [11, 38–40]. In NMO patients, TBSS revealed a new facet DTI is that the signal decay is not monolog-
The corpus callosum is one of the main impor- of brain involvement [32, 43]. Widespread WM arithmic but includes a logarithmic extension
tant structures connecting both cerebral hemi- damage was detected in the normal-appearing that incorporates diffusion kurtosis [13, 45],
spheres, and its disconnection may be a po- WM damage, including the corpus callosum, a unitless quantitative measure of the devia-
tential mechanism for physical and cognitive internal and external capsules, and both longi- tion from the gaussian distribution (in other
disability in MS [38, 39]. Different cognitive tudinal fasciculi. Typically, this damage is not words, the degree of restricted diffusion). Not
domains are impaired in MS patients, includ- merely affecting visual and motor pathways only six—as necessary in DTI—but at least 15
ing processing speed, which is correlated with secondary to Wallerian degeneration from op- independent diffusion directions (gradients)
abnormal fractional anisotropy in the corpus tical neuritis and spinal cord affection, but also within three different b values have to be ac-
callosum [11]. This same domain is correlat- this in situ WM lesion, mostly correlated with quired to completely calculate diffusion kur-
ed with fractional anisotropy reduction main- demyelination, provides significant new infor- tosis parameters. Unlike DTI, the maximum b
ly associated with variations in radial diffusiv- mation about such a condition [32]. value is higher in DKI, therefore commonly
ity and reflecting myelin disarrangement as With improvements in TBSS and continu- used b values are 0, 1000, and 2000 s/mm2. In
a significant contributor to the damage [40]. ous evaluation of different demyelinating dis- a typical DKI acquisition, besides the com-
Sustained attention, working memory, visu- ease cohorts, it will be possible to map the mon diffusion parameters, such as mean dif-
al working memory, and verbal learning and most common areas of normal-appearing WM fusivity, axial diffusivity, radial diffusivity,
recall are associated with differential patterns damage lesions and the way in which the dam- and fractional anisotropy, diffusion kurtosis
of fractional anisotropy reduction. Likewise, age progresses over the years, and it may be parameters are estimated, including the mean
these damaged tracts interconnect cortical re- possible to use this technique for radiologic kurtosis and the two directional kurtosis pa-
gions thought to be involved with processing follow-up of patients and medication trials. rameters, radial kurtosis and axial kurtosis [13,
in these cognitive domains or even in possible 45] (Fig. 5 and Table 1).
compensatory pathways [38]. Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging
Correlations between TBSS parameters Principles and Differences Between DTI Interpretation of Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging
and motor index are also possible. Increasing and DKI Parameters and Main Applications
EDSS scores and decreasing fractional an- Diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI) is a novel Mean kurtosis gives an overall measure-
isotropy values can be found in the splenium imaging technique and an extension of the DTI ment of diffusion kurtosis in the ROI. When
of the corpus callosum and along the cortico- model that allows simultaneous estimation of anisotropic diffusion occurs—for example
spinal tract. The correlation of changes with diffusion and kurtosis parameters [12]. DKI within the nerve fibers—the directional kurto-
radial diffusivity points toward the myelin enables a more accurate description of pro- sis parameters, such as radial kurtosis and ax-
process as the major participant in damage ton diffusion than DTI, considering that diffu- ial kurtosis, can respectively describe the dif-
[41, 42]. TBSS parameters may serve as pre- sion occurs differently from that described by fusion kurtosis perpendicular to and along the
dictors for motor outcome in primary pro- a gaussian diffusion probability distribution main eigenvector. In a previous study apply-
gressive MS. Lower fractional anisotropy in for free diffusion. Actually, gaussian diffusion ing DKI to correlate kurtosis parameters with
the splenium of the corpus callosum predicts of the water is only seen in homogeneous so- brain maturation and the myelination process
a greater progression of disability in 5 years lutions. Water diffusibility in biologic tissues, in rat brains, the authors showed that the diffu-
of follow-up. When the fractional anisotro- such as brain, often shows nongaussian behav- sion kurtosis parameters, especially radial kur-
py reduction of the entire corpus callosum is ior [13] because neurologic tissue is more mi- tosis, showed higher sensitivity to the degree
noted, worsening of the major cognitive do- crostructurally complex and has more diffu- of myelination [46]. This is reflected by an in-

TABLE 1: Values for Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging for Lesions Described on Proton Density
Image and Contralateral Normal-Appearing White Matter Damage
Region of Fractional
Interest Anisotropy Mean Diffusivity Mean Kurtosis Axial Diffusivity Axial Kurtosis Radial Diffusivity Radial Kurtosis
a 0.296 1.155 0.665 1.524 0.736 0.955 0.678
std 0.09 0.085 0.041 0.220 0.155 0.073 0.081
a 0.535 0.907 0.851 1.528 0.776 0.597 0.804
std 0.05 0.03 0.037 0.107 0.080 0.026 0.086
Note—Fractional anisotropy values are lower in the lesion compared with contralateral ROI. The mean kurtosis and radial kurtosis values vary in an opposite
manner. There are increased mean diffusivity and radial diffusivity values and decreased mean kurtosis and radial kurtosis values within the lesion, as
described in the text. Axial diffusivity and axial kurtosis values are not different between lesion and normal-appearing WM damage, probably reflecting
predominance of demyelination in such lesions. a = average, std = standard deviation.

W40 AJR:202, January 2014

Diffusion-Weighted Imaging of Demyelinating Diseases

crease in radial kurtosis because the diffusion tions than DTI, giving more stability and re- and it appears to be more useful for provid-
is more restricted perpendicular to the axon liability to the tensor. Boundaries between dif- ing cortex diffusion measurements.
due to the growing myelin shell. Inversely, ferent tissue types, crossing WM pathways and In the near future, radiologic and thera-
during the demyelination process, commonly fiber orientation distribution, axon diameter, peutic trial follow-up techniques and pat-
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seen in demyelinating diseases, radial kurto- and density are better analyzed by high-angu- terns of diffuse WM involvement may be es-
sis decreases because diffusion occurs more lar-resolution diffusion imaging than DTI. For tablished using these advanced techniques to
freely, and DTI radial diffusivity will increase. cortex tissue evaluation, where the dominant highlight the damage that is not revealed by
An advantage of DKI over DTI in the as- orientation varies widely, Q-Ball orientation conventional sequences.
sessment of demyelinating disease is the eval- distribution function may be a better choice.
uation of fiber crossing regions. Mean kur- This feature is independent of orientation and References
tosis values are relatively preserved in these so is able to associate voxels with similar mi- 1. Guo AC, Provenzale JM, Cruz LC Jr, Petrella JR.
regions, whereas fractional anisotropy values crostructure but different orientation [49]. Cerebral abscesses: investigation using apparent
are mistakenly lower in crossing fibers com- diffusion coefficient maps. Neuroradiology 2001;
pared with the surrounding normal WM [47]. Conclusion 43:370–374
This DKI advantage might be useful in the DWI is an interesting technique for evaluat- 2. Cruz LC Jr, Sorensen AG. Diffusion tensor mag-
evaluation of normal-appearing WM damage ing demyelinating disease. Although it is fre- netic resonance imaging of brain tumors. Neuro-
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