BCG Organizing For A Digital Future Oct 2017 Tcm9 173535

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By Gabrielle Novacek, Rashi Agarwal, Sonya Hoo, Steve Maaseide, Benjamin Rehberg, and
Liza Stutts

D igital is on the CEO agenda of

established companies, and many
CEOs approach the topic by asking two
Digital does not change the principles of
organizational design and governance. But
because the capabilities and cadence of
initial questions: digital work can differ so significantly from
traditional ways of working, leaders must
•• Who should be in charge of digital? be thoughtful in their approach. Below, we
offer a practical guide to establishing a dig-
•• What is the best model for organizing ital organizational model and governance
digital? structure—including such issues as wheth-
er to separate digital into a standalone unit
These are relevant questions, but answer- and whether to name a chief digital offi-
ing them too quickly will likely send a com- cer—for companies that began life in a
pany down the wrong path. In their rush to brick-and-mortar world.
go digital, companies often dive into a mix
of projects and activities without having
first developed a clear understanding of Acting with Deliberate Dispatch
what they want to accomplish and how Once digital is on a CEO’s radar, the urge to
they plan to achieve those goals. act swiftly—for example, by appointing a
chief digital officer with an ill-defined port-
Companies are better off establishing a few folio—is understandable. After all, account-
overarching goals, selecting a digital model ability, responsibility, and momentum drive
that is in tune with their current organiza- performance. But fast moves can backfire.
tion and capabilities, and then embedding
digital carefully and strategically through- Digital covers a wide range of customer-
out the organization. To jump into the fu- facing, back-office, and shop-floor activities,
ture too quickly is to risk frustration, fail- including (among others) algorithmic deci-
ure, and waste. sion making, microtargeting of customers
through artificial intelligence, use of soft- the original site of the steam engine, even
ware bots to automate clerical deskwork, though they no longer needed the old en-
and self-learning robots. Without clear gine’s mechanical connections to run ma-
goals, companies are likely to chase shiny chinery. History is now repeating itself.
objects that look exciting but may turn out Many companies are digitizing the belts
to be subscale, redundant, or off point. and pulleys of legacy processes when they
should be thinking deeply and creatively
The same need for deliberation applies to about how to use digital to operate and or-
organizational and governance issues. A ganize in new ways that create new oppor-
company that fails to establish digital roles tunities.
and decision rights is likely to end up with
several of its teams pursuing similar incre- Powered by the exponential growth of pro-
mental goals. And if the company estab- cessing power, bandwidth, and storage, dig-
lishes a digital operating model in a vacu- ital differs fundamentally from earlier, lin-
um, it will inevitably generate friction ear business developments. It’s not enough
among existing teams and functions. Ac- to sprinkle digital pixie dust here and there
countability and oversight are common ca- and declare victory. Companies must clear-
sualties when a company fails to think ly define the ends that they are trying to
through organizational issues. achieve by digital means. At the beginning
of this process, three subsidiary questions
In other words, to say that a company are especially important:
wants to become digital is to start a conver-
sation about a set of choices and decisions. •• What is the company’s overall
Answers to three key questions—one in- ambition as an enterprise? Digital
volving strategy and the others focusing on should act in the service of that agenda,
organization and leadership—will help not as an effort tangentially or not at all
shape and inform that evolutionary jour- related to it.
ney. (See Exhibit 1.)
•• In what critical areas will digital
most effectively accelerate or enable
What Are the Company’s Digital corporate objectives? Most companies
Strategy and Ambitions? cannot immediately go digital across
In the early days of electrification, compa- the entire organization. Instead, they
nies retained factory layouts built around need to establish priorities that reflect

Exhibit 1 | The Evolutionary Path to a Digital-Everywhere Organization

Digital becomes a End state
strategic priority


A protected breeding ground
Standalone unit for disruptive and
experimental activities

Starting line Decentralized Digital is dispersed

throughout the
Digital is at the core of
Opportunistic strategy, execution, and
Hybrid Business units drive all capabilities
aspects of digital execution
Centralized Centers of excellence
Centers of excellence may exist to set best
Organization appoints Central team focuses on support coordination, practices and coordinate
Organization dabbles leader to own the digital setting best practices and focus, scale, and capabilities

in digital initiatives agenda supporting local teams Temporarily, new trends

Role of center is limited to and technologies may be
Digital talent is dispersed Execution is centralized to build Business units drive digital areas of scale advantage or centralized to ensure
throughout organization focus, scale, and capabilities execution best practices best-in-class performance

Source: BCG analysis.

The Boston Consulting Group | Organizing for a Digital Future 2

opportunity or (conversely) anticipate embed digital in the company’s fabric as
danger from disruption. quickly as possible, the internal option is
the best—and most common—approach.
•• How digitally mature is the company But committing to the internal option leads
in those critical areas today? The to myriad related choices about where and
company must have the right capabili- how best to locate digital activities.
ties in place if digital is to work effec-
tively. Digital skills are not fungible. A Often, the first question about digital orga-
digital marketing specialist cannot nization that CEOs ask is whether they
manage robots on the factory floor. should appoint a chief digital officer. (See
the sidebar “The Role of a Chief Digital Of-
ficer.”) But that question is actually subor-
Should the Company Build dinate to a broader question involving
Digital Capabilities Within Its three options: Does the company want to
Business? centralize its digital activities, distribute
Once a company has defined its digital them throughout its businesses, or split the
strategy, the next key question is organiza- difference and create a hybrid model? (See
tional and relates to integration versus sep- Exhibit 2.)
aration of digital activities: Should digital
activities reside within or outside the cur- If a company’s strategy requires significant
rent organization? coordination and cooperation across busi-
nesses and functions, or if the company
Building digital capabilities internally, needs a big digital push, centralization may
within an existing hierarchy, is generally make more sense for digital activities and
the easiest way to integrate digital activi- other functions. Likewise, if the company’s
ties into a company’s strategy, execution, current expertise or scale in digital is weak,
and talent development. If one goal is to centralizing probably makes sense. Finally,


The idea of having a chief digital officer their CDO’s initial focus to commercial
is popular these days. Giving a single functions in order to drive impact
executive accountability for digital quickly. A CDO who has unduly wide
activities is appealing, but the success of latitude may cover too much ground and
a CDO depends on the organizational risk losing effectiveness and focus.
context. If a company’s digital activities
are highly centralized, having a CDO is A company with decentralized digital
likely to make sense; but establishing activities, on the other hand, is unlikely
roles, responsibilities, and relationships to benefit from naming a CDO to set
with line businesses remains critical. digital strategy, since line businesses
Even if the company sets strategy make those decisions. Within a decen-
centrally, execution will probably occur tralized company, a CDO could conceiv-
within the businesses, so upfront ably run digital shared services or
discussions about how to make the centers of excellence, but it is unclear
matrix work are essential. Such discus- whether the company would need a
sions are even more critical in compa- C-suite executive for that role.
nies that adopt a hybrid model in which
line businesses have a strong say in Figuring out these issues upfront will
digital strategy. accelerate a company’s digital activities
in the future.
Other questions involve the chief digital
officer’s portfolio. Many companies limit

The Boston Consulting Group | Organizing for a Digital Future 3

Exhibit 2 | How to Think Through Digital Centralization Versus Decentralization



CDO Function Function CDO Function Function Function Function


DRIVERS OF High Complexity of digital strategy Low


Low Level of digital maturity High

High centralization Current enterprise governing model Low centralization

Size indicates level of capability and resourcing

Source: BCG analysis.

Note: CDO = chief digital officer or head of a business unit; CoE = digital center of excellence.

businesses that run on a command-and- decentralized approach is that digital may

control model tend to gravitate toward cen- not have an advocate in the executive suite,
tralization. putting digital at a disadvantage in compe-
tition with other company priorities. In ad-
A centralized approach has strong visibility dition, global practices and organizational
with senior leaders, meaning that the digital standards may fail to develop.
team will likely have the resources and peo-
ple it needs to create new capabilities and Under a hybrid approach, line businesses
develop scale and global practices. On the continue to run digital activities, but they
other hand, if it establishes a central team, a work closely with the center on best prac-
company runs the risk that line leaders else- tices and other forms of support. Digital
where in the organization will view that has support at the top, and—if the center is
team as an ivory tower out of touch with responsive—the company can maintain a
the grind of business. To avoid this percep- good balance between global consistency
tion, the team must constantly engage with and local initiative. As in the decentralized
line leaders and work on initiatives that model, however, digital in a hybrid system
those leaders consider relevant. is at risk of competing with and losing out
to other priorities.
The profile of companies that decentralize
digital is the mirror opposite of those that Companies that adopt a hybrid approach
favor centralization. A decentralized strate- need to create effective reporting lines and
gy does not rely on coordination across a clear delineation of decision rights and
boundaries, and organizational decision accountability. Each part of the matrix
making is distributed across the company. must have a clear organizational mandate
Line businesses are responsible for their for digital activities.
digital activities, with support from one or
more centers of excellence.
How Should the Company
When digital becomes more fully embed- Organize a Standalone Unit?
ded in the organization, businesses through- Integration is not the only option. Some
out the company will find it easier to devel- companies create a standalone digital unit
op a digital culture and to recruit digital that operates independently of the day-to-
team members rather than digital special- day business. This makes sense when a
ists who are unaccustomed to having front- company’s digital ambitions require entire-
line responsibilities. The downside to this ly new business models and capabilities or

The Boston Consulting Group | Organizing for a Digital Future 4

when those ambitions are disruptive to the ties are unlikely to take root at scale within
core business. A standalone digital unit may the hierarchy.
also make sense when the main organiza-
tion resists change or when the company is At the other extreme, some companies de-
unlikely to attract digital talent to its core. liberately design standalone units to func-
tion as digital natives. Consequently, these
The standalone option has some positive units tend to adopt the policies and practic-
attributes. It can act as a breeding ground es of a startup rather than of an incumbent.
for new ways of thinking and working, and This approach makes sense when a compa-
it can enable companies to move quickly at ny wants to build a business or a set of ac-
the start, with less risk of failure. Digital in- tivities that the company is unlikely in the
tegration with a standalone unit takes lon- medium term to fold into a line business.
ger, but that may be the price of moving
forward if the core business is initially in-
hospitable. Embedding Digital in an
Organization’s DNA
Standalone digital units may look very dif- To some degree, the digital organizational
ferent from one another. Although compa- and governance issues described earlier
nies deliberately set up these units outside are transitional. In the long run, companies
the hierarchy, the units may still mirror the should aim to fully embed digital in day-to-
hierarchy’s traditional structures, process- day operations. This is what digital natives
es, and incentives. The standalone ap- such as Spotify and Zappos have done
proach makes sense when the digital activi- since birth and what ING, a traditional

In 2006, Francisco González, the chair- analytics. In 2012, the digital business
man and CEO of BBVA, a Spanish bank, unit reporting to the CEO came to life.
declared his vision to “build the best Although the unit did not have P&L
digital bank of the 21st century.” (See responsibility, its mission was to lead the
The Power of People in Digital Banking digital agenda across the business and
Transformation, BCG report, November the bank.
2015.) As González wrote in the Financial
Times, “Banks need to take on Amazon In 2015, the bank pushed the digital
and Google or die.” agenda to its business units. In order to
present a unified end-to-end customer
The resulting transformation has experience, the bank created a customer
traveled from the top of the organization solutions unit that uses an innovation
to the bottom. The president and CCO, lab to conduct real-time customer trials.
for example, formerly ran the bank’s digi-
tal unit, and many executive-committee Organizations become digital not to
heads have extensive digital experience. catch a fad but to improve customer
Today, digital is embedded in all of experience, financial performance, and
BBVA’s major business units. competitive advantage. On all three
fronts, the transformation has paid off
BBVA’s transformation journey com- for BBVA. Digital transactions make up
prised several stages. First, the IT 15% to 26% of the bank’s total transac-
department focused on modernizing tions, depending on the geographic
business systems. The bank created market. Costs for these transactions are
several digital centers of excellence to lower by nearly half, and satisfaction, as
address such high-priority issues as measured by net promoter scores, has
mobile banking, big data, and advanced risen.

The Boston Consulting Group | Organizing for a Digital Future 5

global bank headquartered in the Nether- If history is any guide, however, the jour-
lands, has implemented with its agile ap- ney to organize for digital will be an ongo-
proach. Discussions about digital strategy ing one. Companies will continue to swing
and digital capabilities will fade away as between centralization, when they want
digital strategy becomes a company’s strat- state-of-the-art capabilities, and decentral-
egy, and digital talent will spread through- ization, when they want wider dispersion
out the organization rather than residing of expertise and capabilities. In the digital
within a priesthood of experts. The CEO age, we anticipate that this accordion will
will be the de facto leader of digital efforts. continue to play as new trends and tech-
Digital will be so central to the company’s nologies emerge.
strategy and execution that it will seem in-
visible. (See the sidebar “BBVA’s Journey.”)

About the Authors

Gabrielle Novacek is a partner and managing director in the Chicago office of The Boston Consulting
Group and a member of the firm’s global digital transformation leadership team. She has worked exten-
sively in the consumer industry, focusing on retail strategy, transformation, organizational design, and
change management. You may contact her by email at

Rashi Agarwal is an associate director of the People & Organization practice in the firm’s New York of-
fice. She is an expert in digital transformation, shared services, and organizational design. You may contact
her by email at

Sonya Hoo is a principal in BCG’s Washington office and is active in the Consumer and People & Organi-
zation practices. She has worked extensively in the areas of strategy, organizational design, and change
management. You may contact her by email at

Steve Maaseide is a senior partner and managing director in the firm’s Washington office and a core
member of the Consumer and People & Organization practices. He has worked extensively for packaged
goods, consumer services, and retail companies and has led large transformation, restructuring, and cost
reduction efforts. You may contact him by email at

Benjamin Rehberg is a partner and managing director in BCG’s New York office and the global leader of
the software and agile transformation topic. He specializes in technology and operational issues in the
financial services industry. You may contact him by email at

Liza Stutts is a principal in the firm’s Boston office. She focuses on people and organization topics, with a
specialty in leadership and talent issues. You may contact her by email at

The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) is a global management consulting firm and the world’s leading advi-
sor on business strategy. We partner with clients from the private, public, and not-for-profit sectors in all
regions to identify their highest-value opportunities, address their most critical challenges, and transform
their enterprises. Our customized approach combines deep insight into the dynamics of companies and
markets with close collaboration at all levels of the client organization. This ensures that our clients
achieve sustainable competitive advantage, build more capable organizations, and secure lasting results.
Founded in 1963, BCG is a private company with more than 90 offices in 50 countries. For more informa-
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The Boston Consulting Group | Organizing for a Digital Future 6

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