Guía 6° Inglés

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Class 1: “I can do it”

Objetivo de aprendizaje:Leer y demostrar comprensión de textos adaptados y

auténticos simples, no literarios, que contengan palabras de uso frecuente, familias
de palabras y repetición de frases, y estén acompañados de apoyo visual y
relacionados con los temas y las siguientes funciones del año:expresar habilidad e
inhabilidad, referirse a acciones cotidianas que ocurren al momento de hablar y en el
pasado, pre lectura: hacer predicciones, basándose en conocimientos previos,
elementos visuales y contextuales.Escribir para realizar las siguientes
funciones:contrastar información; por ejemplo: it can flybutitcan’tswim.

Conceptos Clave:Can – Can’t

Habilidades:Conocer– Aplicar

 Look at the following boxes and check the information about Can and

CANsuggests the ability to do something.

Example:Our teacher canspeak English

CAN + NOT= CAN’T suggests the incapacity to do something

Example:Our teacher canspeak English,but he can’tspeak Chinese.

 Look at the pictures below do a ticket the things that you CAN and X that you

 Now write one sentence with (choose the activities above).





Habilidades:Conocer – Aplicar

 Look at the picture and make predictions about the following article.

 Read the text quickly and choose the best picture for the text.
 Read the text and answer the questions. Correct the false ideas.

My pet Jack
Jack is a very intelligent and skilful pet. He can jump very high and
climb trees. He can open the front door with his mouth and show
me exactly what he needs: food or water. Jack is 5 years old, but he
is very strong. Sometimes, we go for a walk and spend the
afternoon looking at the sky sitting in the park. I tell him stories and
he listens to me patiently. Jack can’t speak, but I know everything
he thinks because he barks once when he is hungry and twice
when he is thirsty. My neighbours love him and they say he is man
in an animal body.

 Jack is a cat.
 The narrator knows everything Jack needs.
 Jack barks once when he is thirsty

Cierre Habilidad:Sintetizar

 According to your experience. Write abilities and incapacities of your pet.

Can Can’t
Class 2:“Can he…?”

Objetivo de aprendizaje:Expresarse oralmente, ya sea en diálogos, presentaciones

o actividades grupales, con apoyo visual y/o digital, en torno a los temas del año.
Utilizar los pasos del proceso de escritura (organización de ideas, escritura,
corrección y publicación), recurriendo a herramientas como diccionario en línea y
procesador de texto para:crear sus propias oraciones y párrafos breves o diálogos
con la ayuda del docente.

Conceptos Clave:Can –Can’t

Habilidades:Conocer –Aplicar

 Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

Can he walk?

Can he swim?

Can he play football?

Can she draw?

Habilidades:Comprender –Aplicar
 Read the following conversation.

Sam: (on the phone) Hi Emma! How do you feel?

Emma: I Sam! I feel bad. I have a flu.

Sam: Oh! Do you have to stay in bed?

Emma: Yes, the doctor says that I have to drink a lot of water and I have to stay in

Sam: Can you watch TV?

Emma: Yes, I can. But I have to rest and sleep a lot too.

Sam: I hope you get well son.

Emma: Thank you, Sam, bye.

Sam: See you in school next week.

 Answer the following questions.

 How does Emma feel?


 What does she have to do?


 What can she do?


 Who calls Emma?

Habilidades:Sintetizar –Evaluar

 Change the words in bold and write another conversation in pairs, present to your

Sam: (on the phone) Hi Emma! How do you feel?

Emma: I Sam! I feel bad. I have ____________.

Sam: Oh! Do you have to stay ___________?

Emma: Yes, the doctor says that I _________________________________

Sam: Can you ______________?

Emma: Yes, I can. But I have to rest and sleep a lot too.

Sam: I hope you get well son.

Emma: Thank you, Sam, bye.

Sam: See you in school next week.

A: _________________________________________

B: _________________________________________

A: _________________________________________

B: _________________________________________

A: _________________________________________

B: _________________________________________

A: _________________________________________

B: _________________________________________

A: _________________________________________
Class 3:“Vegetables make me healthy and wise”

Objetivo de aprendizaje:Escuchar y demostrar comprensión de información

explícita en textos adaptados y auténticos simples, tanto no literarios (textos
expositivos, diálogos) como literarios (rimas, poemas, canciones, cuentos) que estén
enunciados en forma clara, tengan repetición de palabras y apoyo visual y gestual, y
estén relacionados con las funciones del año y los siguientes temas: la comida y la
bebida, la salud, lugares.

Conceptos Clave:Food

Habilidades:Conocer –Aplicar

 Listen to the poem.

Circle the vegetable that you here on the picture

Tomatoes are red,

beans are green,

an eggplant has a crown,

just like a queen.

Potatoes are brown,

onions are pink,

carrots have juice

which I can drink.

Vegetables make me healthy and wise,

I'll eat some daily with milk and rice.

 Repeat the poem

Desarrollo Habilidades:Conocer – Aplicar

 Look at the following menu.

 Read the list of food below, use your dictionary to check the meaning.

Lettuce – oranges- bread – milk – fruit- pineapple juice – bananas – coffee –

butter – past – tuna – pork – beef – eggs – tomatoes – grapes – carrots –
potatoes- ice cream- meat –cake – chocolate – cookies – sugar- vegetables

 Choose some words of the list and write your own menu for:



 Share your menus for your classmates.

Cierre Habilidades:Comprender –Aplicar

 According to the menus.

 What time do you have the first meal of the day?


 What meal do you have at evening?


 Do you have salads in the Omooki restaurant?

Class 4:“Chicken salsa”

Objetivo de aprendizaje:Usar las siguientes estrategias para apoyar la comprensión

de los textos leídos, tanto en formato digital como impreso: prelectura: hacer
predicciones, basándose en conocimientos previos, elementos visuales y
contextuales, lectura: usar organizadores, como títulos, subtítulos, ilustraciones,
imágenes y notas,poslectura: organizar información en diagramas, releer, usar el
texto leído como modelo para la expresión escrita.Leer comprensivamente textos no
literarios, como notas, postales, invitaciones, tarjetas de saludo, menús, recetas,
instrucciones, avisos publicitarios, emails, diálogos o textos expositivos, identificando:
propósito del texto, ideas generales, información explícita, palabras clave,
expresiones de uso común asociadas a las funciones del nivel (por ejemplo:have
lunch, catch a cold) y vocabulario temático.

Concepto Clave:Food

Habilidades:Conocer– Aplicar

 Read the following poem.

Lots of fruits we must eat,

Less of chocolates, and less of sweets.

Fruits make you strong,

They make you live long.

They give you energy to play,

That will last all the day.

Complete the diagram

What your favorite food?

Fruit Vegetable Meat

_______ _________ _______

_ _


_______ _______
Habilidad: Comprender

 Underline the words that rhyme.

 My favorite food is _____. It is ______ (delicious, sweet, etc.)

 Draw your favorite food.

 Write the country of the food.

Sushi _____________





Cierre Habilidades: Comprender –Aplicar

 Read the following text.

 Answer the following questions.

 The text is about…
a) A recipe
b) A magazine
c) A restaurant

 What is the name of the restaurant?


 Is it a vegetarian restaurant?


 What is the country of the restaurant?

Class 5:“I am writing a letter”

Objetivo de aprendizaje:Escribir, de acuerdo a un modelo y con apoyo de lenguaje

visual, textos no literarios y textos literarios con el propósito de compartir información
en torno a los temas del año. Reaccionar a los textos leídos, expresando opiniones
ysentimientos o haciendo conexiones con experienciaspersonales, en forma oral o
Concepto Clave:Presentcontinuous

Inicio Habilidades:Conocer– Aplicar

Present Continuous


[am/is/are + present participle]


• You are watching TV.

• Are you watching TV?

• You are not watching TV

Use the Present Continuous with Normal Verbs to express the idea that something is
happening now, at this very moment. It can also be used to show that something is
not happening now.


 You are learning English now.

 You are not swimming now.
 Are you sleeping?
 I am sitting.
 I am not standing.
 Is he sitting or standing?
 They are reading their books.
 They are not watching television.
 What are you doing?
 Why aren't you doing your homework?
 Make the ing form of the verbs.

1. hold …………………………. 2. come ………………………………..

3. watch ………………………... 4. skate ………………………………...

5. smile ………………………… 6. die …………………………………..

7. speak ……………………….. 8. run …………………………………..

9. meet ………………………… 10. talk …………………………………

Desarrollo Habilidades: Sintetizar

 What are they saying?

I / not/ feel / well

You/ sit / in my seat

I/ write/ a letter

The thief/ go out

You/ not / listen to me

1__I am writing a letter______ 2_________________________

3 _______________________ 4__________________________

 Complete these sentences. Use the correct form of the present tense of the verb

a) I_______ listening to music on my MP3

b) _______you writing a letter?

c) Nick________ wearing old gray jeans.

d) We________ looking for wild animals.

e) I think they ________ loading boxes.

Cierre Habilidad:Evaluar

 Make questions from these words.

a) a new jacket/ Nick/ is trying/ on?

b) You/are/learning to swim?

c) Helen/is / what / doing?

d) Listening to / they are/ what?

e) Why/ they/ are/ boxes/ loading?

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