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Remedial Law Review I Venue: If real property, where the real

Venue: Where the real property or part property or a part thereof is situated
Jurisdiction thereof is situated
Partition Jurisdiction: If real property, with the RTC If personal property, where the plaintiff or
if the value of the property within Metro any principal plaintiff resides or any of the
Q: Case for unlawful detainer: defense is that since the Manila exceeds P50,000, otherwise MTC principal defendant or any defendants
defendant is a protestant, the case falls in the jurisdiction resides, or in case of a non-resident where
of Sharia’h District Courts If real property, with the RTC if the value of he may be found at the election of the
property outside Metro Manila exceeds plaintiff
A: The defense is not tenable P20,000, otherwise MTC Small File a petition for certiorari under Rule 65
Claims with the RTC since the adverse decision in
Under Batas Pambansa B.P. 129, as amended by R.A. 7691, If personal property, with the RTC if the Cases Small Claims is final, executory and
the MTC has exclusive original jurisdiction over forcible value of the property within Metro Manila unappealable. No MR is required since it is
entry and unlawful detainer cases. P.D. 1083 also provides
exceeds P400,000, otherwise MTC a prohibited pleading in Small Claims
that actions for unlawful detainer and municipal courts Cases.
shall be cognizable by the municipal courts. Hence, the
If personal property, with the RTC if the
defense is not tenable. value of the property outside Metro Katarungang Pambarangay
Manila exceeds P300,000, otherwise with
Q: Special Jurisdiction of the Regional Trial Courts the MTC
Q: Action in barangay. One party dies. Need for another
A: Under B.P. 129, the Supreme Court may designate conciliation
Venue: If real property, where the real
certain branches of the RTC to handle exclusively criminal property or a part thereof is situated
cases, juvenile and domestic relations cases, agrarian A: Yes the judge is correct in dismissing the case.
cases, urban land reform cases not falling within the If personal property, where the plaintiff or
jurisdiction of any quasi-judicial bodies or agencies or such Under the Rules, the heirs are substituted to the action
any principal plaintiff resides or any of the
that survives without the need of appointment of executor
other special cases as the Supreme Court may determine principal defendant or any defendants
in the interest of speedy and efficient administration of or administrator when the action survives. However, the
resides, or in case of a non-resident where
Katarungang Pambarangay Law requires that there should
justice he may be found at the election of the
be a confrontation before the Lupon or Pangkat. Hence, if
the original party to the action dies, he should be properly
Q: RTC even if sitting as special court has jurisdiction over Interpleader Jurisdiction: If real property, with the RTC substituted to the action but his heirs and another
injunction since it is a court of general jurisdiction if the value of the property within Metro
barangay conciliation is required.
Manila exceeds P50,000, otherwise MTC
Jurisdiction and Venue In this case, since C and D have not reached a
If real property, with the RTC if the value of confrontation with B in the barangay, there is a need for
property outside Metro Manila exceeds
Accion Jurisdiction: MTC, MeTC, MCTC another confrontation between them before the Lupon or
P20,000, otherwise MTC
Interdictal Venue: Where the real property or part Pangkat. Hence, the action should be dismissed.
thereof is situated
If personal property, with the RTC if the
Foreclosure Jurisdiction: Where the value of the Q: Defendant is a non-resident.
value of the property within Metro Manila
of Mortgage property exceeds 50,000 within Metro exceeds P400,000, otherwise MTC
Manila, the venue is with the RTC, A: I will grant the motion
otherwise the MTC If personal property, with the RTC if the
value of the property outside Metro Under the Katarungang Pambarangay Law, a party cannot
Where the value of the property exceeds Manila exceeds P300,000, otherwise with institute an action in the barangay if the defendant is not a
P20,000 outside Metro Manila, the venue the MTC resident here in the Philippines. Both must be a resident
is with the RTC, otherwise the MTC thereof.

Rule 3: Parties A: No. As a general rule, the parties may validly agree in
Q: Lack of barangay conciliation raised on appeal. writing before the filing of the action on the exclusive
PUP entered into a contract with B Corp. for the venue thereof under Rule 4, Sec. 4. However, in Sps.
A: If I were the judge, I would deny the appeal raising the rehabilitation of school building. B complied with the Ochoa v. China Banking Corp. (2011), it was held by the
issue of lack of barangay conciliation because the same Supreme Court that Rule 4, Sec. 4 can only be applied to
obligation. However, PUP did not pay because its funds
not being a jurisdictional requirement, is deemed waived if were disapproved by COA. B filed a suit against PUP. PUP ordinary action and not to foreclosure of mortgage.
not seasonably objected to. Defenses and objections not
filed a motion to dismiss on the ground that it is immune
pleaded are deemed waived under Rule 9, Sec. 1 if not from suit. Decide. CA dismissed the case. Was the As judge, I would grant the motion to dismiss on the
raised in the motion to dismiss or answer. ground of improper venue without prejudice to the
dismissal proper.
refilling of the case since improper venue as a ground for
Rule 3: Parties A: No, the judgment is not valid. the dismissal of the action is not one of those mentioned
in Rule 16, Sec. 5 which is appealable.
Q: Define class suit. Under the 1987 Constitution, the State cannot be sued
without its consent. Rule 6: Pleadings
Rule 3, Sec. 12. Class suit — When the subject matter of
the controversy is one of common or general interest to Q: Juana Complex I HOA v. Fil-Estate Land, Inc., (2012). In Q: In a letter dated February 18, 2004, Flordelis B.
many persons so numerous that it is impracticable to join this case, the suit is clearly one that benefits all Menzon, Regional Director of the Home Development
all as parties, a number of them which the court finds to commuters and motorists who use La Paz Road. As Mutual Fund (Pag-IBIG), requested the intervention of
be sufficiently numerous and representative as to fully succinctly stated by the CA: Executive Judge Sinforiano A. Monsanto (Executive Judge
protect the interests of all concerned may sue or defend Monsanto) of the RTC of Catbalogan, Samar on the
for the benefit of all. Any party in interest shall have the The subject matter of the instant case, i.e., the closure alleged anomalous auction sale conducted by Sheriff
right to intervene to protect his individual interest. and excavation of the La Paz Road, is initially shown to be IVLorenzo De Guzman (De Guzman). According to Pag-
of common or general interest to many persons. The IBIG, De Guzman previously acceded to its request to
Rule 2: Cause of Action records reveal that numerous individuals have filed move the date of the auction sale to January 20, 2004;
manifestations with the lower court, conveying their however, to its surprise, the sale proceeded as originally
intention to join private respondents in the suit and scheduled on January 15, 2004. Pag-IBIG also claimed
claiming that they are similarly situated with private that the winning bid of Leoncio Lim (Leoncio) in the
respondents for they were also prejudiced by the acts of amount of P500,000.00 was grossly disadvantageous to
(a) B&D filed two suits based on the same cause of
petitioners in closing and excavating the La Paz Road. the government considering that the outstanding loan
action? Is this valid?
Moreover, the individuals sought to be represented by obligations of the mortgagor, Eduardo Monsanto
(b) What is the remedy in case of splitting of causes of
private respondents in the suit are so numerous that it is (Eduardo), was more than the bid amount. Is the
impracticable to join them all as parties and be named intervention valid?
A: No, this violates the principle of splitting of causes of individually as plaintiffs in the complaint. These
individuals claim to be residents of various barangays in A: Monsato v. Lim, (2014). In this case, records show that
action under the Rules
Biñan, Laguna and other barangays in San Pedro, Laguna. no formal complaint or petition was filed in court. The case
was supposedly "commenced" through a letter of Pag-IBIG
Under Rule 2, Sec. 4, if two or more suits are instituted on
asking the intervention of Executive Judge Monsanto on
the basis of the same cause of action, the filing of one or a Rule 4: Venue
the alleged anomalous foreclosure sale conducted by De
judgment upon the merits in any one is available as a
Guzman. However, said letter could not in any way be
ground for the dismissal of remedies Q: considered as a pleading. Rule 6, Sec. 1 defines pleadings
as "written statements of the respective claims and
The remedy in case of splitting of causes of action on the (a) May the parties in an action for foreclosure of defenses of the parties submitted to the court for
ground of that there is another action pending the same mortgage stipulate as to the exclusive venue of the appropriate judgment." To stress, Pag-IBIG’s letter could
parties for the same cause of action and that the cause of action? not be considered as a formal complaint or petition. First,
action is barred by prior judgment is to file an appeal. (b) As judge, what would you do? the parties to the case were not identified pursuant to
Section 1, Rule 3 and Section 1, Rule 7. Second, the so-
called claim or cause of action was not properly In this case, since the denial was not under oath, the Should the defendant fail to answer the complaint within
mentioned or specified. Third, the letter miserably failed contents of the promissory note are deemed admitted. the period provided, the court shall declare defendant in
to comply with the requirements of Rule 7, Rules of Court. Hence, there is no longer a triable issue. Thus, as counsel I default and upon motion of the plaintiff, shall receive in
The letter bore no caption; it was not even assigned a shall move for judgment on the pleadings under Rule 34. evidence ex parte and render judgment based thereon and
docket number; the parties were not properly identified; the reliefs prayed for.
the allegations were not properly set forth; no particular Q: A obtained a loan in the amount of P1M from B and
relief is sought; in fact, only the intervention of Executive executed a promissory note, A failed to pay the said Q:
Judge Monsanto is requested; it was not signed by a loaned amount. B filed a case against A for sum of
counsel; and most of all, there is no verification or money. A filed her answer and denied the existence of A: No, the dismissal is not correct.
certification against forum-shopping. the said promissory note for lack of knowledge sufficient
to form a belief as to the truth of the said document. The complaint is the written statement of cause of action
Rule 7: Forum Shopping of the plaintiff submitted to the court for appropriate
A: Under Rule 8, Sec. 10, where a defendant is without action. The allegations therein must be considered in
No, A’s contention is not tenable. knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to rendering judgment. Moreover, preponderance of
the truth of an allegation, he shall so state and this shall evidence is the quantum of evidence required in civil cases
Forum shopping (a) is the act of litigants who (b) have the effect of denial. However, the denial of A where the evidence of the parties when taken together, it
repetitively avail themselves of multiple judicial remedies constitutes bad faith, and such denial is constitutes an must be shown that the evidence of one is greater than
(MJR) in different fora, (c) simultaneously or successively admission. Moreover in contesting an actionable the other.
(SS), (d) all substantially founded on the same transactions document, the genuineness and due execution of such
and the same essential facts and circumstances; and (e) promissory note are deemed admitted because A did not In this case, since B failed to file an answer to the
raising substantially similar issues either pending in or make a denial under oath of the genuineness and due complaint of A should be given merit because he proved
already resolved adversely by some other court; or (f) for execution of the document. his claim by preponderance of evidence.
the purpose of increasing their chances of obtaining a
favorable decision, if not in one court, then in another. Since there is already an admission by A, judgment on the Rule 10: Amended and Supplemental Pleadings
pleadings under Rule 34 is proper upon motion of B and
In this case, although there is identity of the parties in the the RTC may grant such relief as B’s pleading may warrant.
Q: Is it required to pay docket fees when supplemental
present case, the actions filed by the Respondents prayed complaint is filed?
for different relief. It is also not resorted to, to gain Rule 9: Effect of Failure to Plead
favorable judgment in different courts but only in pursuant A: No, payment of docket fees is no longer required in a
of the remedies available to it under the law. Hence, there Q: Motion for extension of time in environmental cases supplemental complaint.
is no forum shopping.
A: Under the Rules on Environmental Cases, a motion for In the case of Do-All Metal Industries, Inc. v. Security Bank
Rule 8: Manner of Making Allegations in Pleadings extension of time to file a pleading is a prohibited motion, Corp. it was held that on the issue of jurisdiction,
except to file an answer, the extension of which shall not respondent Bank argues that plaintiffs’ failure to pay the
Q: Failure to deny under oath the allegations in an exceed 15 days. filing fees on their supplemental complaint is fatal to their
actionable document action.
Hence, a motion for extension of time to file an answer
A: As counsel for B, I will move for judgment on the may be allowed. But what the plaintiffs failed to pay was merely the filing
pleadings. fees for their Supplemental Complaint. The RTC acquired
Q: Declaration of Default in Environmental Cases jurisdiction over plaintiffs’ action from the moment they
Under Rule 8, Sec. 8, an action based on an actionable filed their original complaint accompanied by the
document to be contested must deny specifically under A: Under the Rules on Environmental Cases, a motion to payment of the filing fees due on the same. The plaintiffs’
oath the genuineness and due execution of such declare a defendant in default is a prohibited motion. non-payment of the additional filing fees due on their
document and set forth the facts that he claims to be. However, under the same rules, it provides that: additional claims did not divest the RTC of the jurisdiction
it already had over the case.

A supplemental complaint is like any complaint and the (1) The party relying on substituted service or the sheriff Q: A file a case for collection of sum of money against B
rule is that the filing fees due on a complaint need to be must show that defendant cannot be served promptly in the RTC of Manila. After hearing, the court rendered a
paid upon its filing. The rules do not require the court to or there is impossibility of prompt service decision in favor of A ordering B to pay A, which became
make special assessments in cases of supplemental (2) The sheriff must describe in the Return of Summons final and executory. C, counsel for A file a Motion for
complaints. the facts and circumstances surrounding the Issuance of Writ of Execution on May 16, 2012 and set it
attempted personal service. The efforts made to find for hearing on May 18, 2012 at 2PM copy furnished D
the defendant and the reasons behind the failure counsel for B. On the hearing of the motion A & B
Q: Jejomar filed a motion to dismiss. Then declared in
must be clearly narrated in detail in the Return. appeared together with their counsel, and the latter was
default. Remedy
(3) If the substituted service will be effected at given a chance to file his Comment on the motion within
A: Under Rule 10, Sec. 2, a party may amend his pleading defendants house or residence, it should be left with five (5) days. In his comment, D contended that the
a person of suitable age and discretion then residing motion does not comply with the three (3) days notice
once a matter of right at any time before a responsive
pleading is served or, in case of a reply, at any time within therein requirement on motions. Is the contention correct?
(4) If the substituted service will be done at defendants
10 days after it is served. Moreover, according to
jurisprudence, a motion to dismiss is not a responsive office or regular place of business, then it should be Answer: No, the contention is not correct.
served on a competent person in charge of the place
The 3 day notice rule on motion is not an absolute rule. By
In the case at bar, since the personal service of summons way of exception, as long as the adverse party will be given
Hence, since Jejomar did not file his answer, the court
properly declared him in default. was not made, there was substituted service of summons an opportunity to be heard and to object on the motion,
given to the housemaid of B, who is living in his residence the 3 day notice rule will not apply.
and of suitable age and discretion.
In case of declaration of default, his remedy is to file a
motion to lift order of default on the ground of FAME with In this case, B and his counsel was given five (5) days to
I will deny the motion of B comment on the motion. Hence, there was no violation of
the corresponding affidavit of merit. If denied, file MR
then petition for certiorari under Rule 65 since there is no the 3 day notice rule.
Under the Rule 14, Sec. 20, the defendant’s voluntary
plain, speedy and adequate remedy in the ordinary course
of law. appearance in the action shall be equivalent to service of XPN to 3-Day Notice Rule: urgent motions, non-litigated
summons. Also, according to jurisprudence, there can be motions, ex parte motions, joint motions, motions agreed
Before finality, he may file MR, new trial or appeal. voluntary appearance of the defendant when he seeks by the parties to be served on shorter notice, and
affirmative relief to the court such as filing a motion for summary judgment motions.
extension of time.
After finality, file petition for relief from judgment under
Rule 38, annulment of judgment under Rule 47, petition Rule 16: Motion to Dismiss
In this case, his motion for extension of time, which
for certiorari under Rule 65 or collateral attack
constitutes an affirmative relief is tantamount to voluntary
appearance and the court has acquired jurisdiction over Q: Motion to dismiss based on res judicata, requisites.
Rule 14: Summons his person.
A: For dismissal on res judicata to apply, the following
Q: requisites must be present:
Rule 15: Motion

(a) Service of summons to a housemaid, valid? (a) There should be a judgment that is final;
(b) As judge, what would you do in case of defect in the Q: What is the omnibus motion rule? What are the (b) The judgment must be an adjudication on the merits
summons? exceptions? (c) Jurisdiction was acquired by competent court on the
subject matter and defendant
A: Under the law, the general rule is that service must be Rule 15, Sec. 8. Omnibus motion — Subject to the (d) Identity of the parties, causes of action and relief
provisions of Sec. 1 of Rule 9, a motion attacking a
done by personal service pursuant to Rule 14, Sec. 6.
However, substituted service may be effected provided pleading, order, judgment, or proceeding (POJP) shall In this case, since there was no valid service of summons,
include all objections then available, and all objections not jurisdiction was not acquired over the person of the
that the following requisites are present:
so included shall be deemed waived.
defendant. Hence, the dismissal on the ground of res (b) If the defendant fails to appear at the pre-trial, the A file a case against B, C, D. D is a corporation. Judgment
judicata shall not apply. court shall receive evidence ex parte. in favor of A. B filed a petition for certiorari of the
judgment. It was signed by counsel (no board resolution).
Rule 17: Dismissal of Actions Rule 29: Refusal to Comply with Modes of Discovery While the petition for certiorari was pending. Judgment
by A was satisfied. If you were the judge, how would you
treat the decision?
A filed a case against B. B filed counterclaim. A failed to Q: Refusal to comply with written interrogatories
prosecute the case so Judge dismissed the claim and the
A: Jacinto v. Gumaru, G.R. No. 191906, June 2, 2004
counterclaim. Is the dismissal of the counterclaim Rule 29, Sec. 5. Failure of party to attend or serve answers
correct? — If a party or an officer or managing agent of a party
The Court finds that the Petition has become moot and
wilfully fails to appear before the officer who is to take his
A: Under Rule 17, Sec. 3, if, for no justifiable cause, the deposition, after being served with a proper notice, or fails
plaintiff fails to prosecute his action for an unreasonable to serve answers to interrogatories submitted under Rule
It is true, as petitioner asserts, that if for reasonable or
length of time, the complaint may be dismissed upon 25 after proper service of such interrogatories, the court
defendant’s motion or upon the court’s own motion, on motion and notice, may strike out all or any part of any justifiable reasons he is unable to sign the verification and
certification against forum shopping in his CA Petition, he
without prejudice to the right of the defendant to pleading of that party, or dismiss the action or proceeding
prosecute his counterclaim in the same or in a separate or any part thereof, or enter a judgment by default against may execute a special power of attorney designating his
counsel of record to sign the Petition on his behalf. In
action. that party, and in its discretion, order him to pay
reasonable expenses incurred by the other, including Altres v. Empleo, this view was taken:
In this case, the dismissal of the judge of the counterclaim attorney's fees.
For the guidance of the bench and bar, the Court restates
is not correct since it can be prosecuted by the defendant
in capsule form the jurisprudential pronouncements
in the same or separate action pursuant to Rule 17, Sec. 3. Rule 33: Demurrer to Evidence already reflected above respecting noncompliance with
the requirements on, or submission of defective,
Q: Failure to appear in the presentation of evidence in A filed a case against B before the RTC of Quezon City for verification and certification against forum shopping:
chief collection of sum of money. After the presentation of the
plaintiff’s evidence, B filed a demurrer to evidence which (1) A distinction must be made between non-compliance
A: Under Rule 17, Sec. 3, if, for no justifiable cause, the was denied by the court, and the trial proceeded, then with the requirement on or submission of defective
plaintiff fails to appear on the date of the presentation of the court rendered a judgment in favor of A. B filed an verification, and non-compliance with the
his evidence in chief on the complaint, the complaint may appeal to the Court of Appeals and assigned as one of the requirement on or submission of defective
be dismissed upon defendant’s motion or upon the court’s errors the denial of his demurrer to evidence. The Court certification against forum shopping.
own motion, without prejudice to the right of the of Appeals set aside the judgment of the lower court and (2) As to verification, non-compliance therewith or a
defendant to prosecute his counterclaim in the same or in granted the demurrer to evidence based on insufficiency defect therein does not necessarily render the
a separate action. of evidence, and dismissed the case. Is the dismissal pleading fatally defective. The court may order its
valid? submission or correction or act on the pleading if the
Q: attending circumstances are such that strict
A: No, considering that demurrer to evidence is a motion compliance with the Rule may be dispensed with in
(a) Failure to appear in envi cases, effect? to dismiss which must be filed before the court which order that the ends of justice may be served thereby.
(b) Recourse of plaintiff? renders the judgment, and it is no longer within the power (3) Verification is deemed substantially complied with
of the Court of Appeals to rule on the same. when one who has ample knowledge to swear to the
A: truth of the allegations in the complaint or petition
Rule 34: Judgment on the Pleadings signs the verification, and when matters alleged in
(a) The court shall not dismiss the complaint, except the petition have been made in good faith or are true
upon repeated and unjustified failure to appear. The and correct.
Rule 36: Judgment
dismissal shall be without prejudice and the court (4) As to certification against forum shopping, non-
may proceed with the counterclaim. compliance therewith or a defect therein, unlike in
verification, is generally not curable by its subsequent

submission or correction thereof, unless there is a WHEREFORE, the Petition is DENIED for being moot and (a) Did the RTC acquire jurisdiction over the case?
need to relax the Rule on the ground of "substantial academic. (b) In case of adverse decision of RTC, what is the
compliance" or presence of "special circumstances or proper remedy?
compelling reasons." Rule 38: Petition for Relief
(5) The certification against forum shopping must be A:
signed by all the plaintiffs or petitioners in a case;
Q: Remedy in case of petition for relief from judgment?
otherwise, those who did not sign will be dropped as (a) Rule 40, Sec. 8. Appeal from orders dismissing case
parties to the case. Under reasonable or justifiable without trial; lack of jurisdiction – If an appeal is taken
A: The remedy is to file a motion for reconsideration. And
circumstances, however, as when all the plaintiffs or from an order of the lower court dismissing the case
in case of denial of MR, file a petition for certiorari under
petitioners share a common interest and invoke a without a trial on the merits, the Regional Trial Court
Rule 65 since under Rule 41, no appeal shall be taken from
common cause of action or defense, the signature of may affirm or reverse it, as the case may be. In case
an order denying a petition for relief or other similar
only one of them in the certification against forum of affirmance and the ground of dismissal is lack of
action seeking relief.
shopping substantially complies with the Rule. jurisdiction over the subject matter, the Regional Trial
(6) Finally, the certification against forum shopping must Court, if it has jurisdiction thereover, shall try the case
be executed by the party-pleader, not by his counsel. Rule 39: Execution on the merits as if the case was originally filed with it.
H, however, for reasonable or justifiable reasons, the In case of reversal, the case shall be remanded for
party-pleader is unable to sign, he must execute a Q: A filed an ejectment case against B. The court, after further proceedings.
Special Power of Attorney designating his counsel of due hearing, ruled in favor of A. During the execution of B
record to sign on his behalf. suddenly disappeared, hence, it cannot be enforced. How If the case was tried on the merits by the lower court
would you enforce the judgment after 5 years? Which without jurisdiction over the subject matter, the Regional
However, while the Court takes the petitioner's side with court has jurisdiction? Venue? Trial Court on appeal shall not dismiss the case if it has
regard to the procedural issue dealing with verification original jurisdiction thereof, but shall decide the case in
and the certification against forum shopping, it A: I will file action for revival of judgment with the RTC accordance with the preceding section, without prejudice
nonetheless appears that the Petition has been overtaken because it is incapable of pecuniary estimation. It depends to the admission of amended pleadings and additional
by events. In a May 24, 2011 Manifestation, respondent whether the property is real or personal. evidence in the interest of justice.
informed this Court that the judgment award has been
satisfied in full. The petitioner does not dispute this claim, Appeal (b) Since it is as if originally filed with the RTC, the
in which case, the labor case is now deemed ended. "It is remedy is to file an appeal, by notice of appeal within
axiomatic that after a judgment has been fully satisfied, 15 days from decision by way of Rule 41.
the case is deemed terminated once and for all." And Q: Lack of verification in appealed cases
"when a judgment has been satisfied, it passes beyond Q: RTC sitting as Special Commercial Court, remedy?
review, satisfaction being the last act and the end of the A: Yes, the CA is correct in dismissing the action
proceedings, and payment or satisfaction of the obligation A: The remedy in case of adverse decision of RTC sitting as
thereby established produces permanent and irrevocable Under the Rules, non-compliance of the formal
requirements in appealed cases shall be a ground for the special commercial court is to file a petition for review
discharge; hence, a judgment debtor who acquiesces to under Rule 43 of the Rules of Court with the court of
and voluntarily complies with the judgment is estopped dismissal of the CA motu proprio or upon motion of the
appellee of the case. Appeals
from taking an appeal therefrom."

In this case, the CA correctly dismissed the case since Under the Intellectual Property Code, the RTC sitting as
With the above development in the case, the instant commercial court is acting as a quasi-judicial body in
Petition is rendered moot and academic. The satisfaction verification is a formal requirement in appealed cases.
adjudicating the cases before it.
of the judgment in full has placed the case beyond the
Court's review. "Indeed, there are no more proceedings to Q: A filed a case before the MTC for the recovery of a Hence, I would file a petition for review under Rule 43 with
speak of inasmuch as these were terminated by the sum of money which was dismissed by the said court for the Court of Appeals.
satisfaction of the judgment." lack of jurisdiction. A appealed to the RTC wherein said
court assumed jurisdiction.
Q: Where no appeal can be taken?

A; Rule 41, Sec. 1. Subject of appeal — An appeal may be Under Sec. 7, the defendant who appears in the absence
taken from a judgment or final order that completely of the plaintiff shall be entitled to judgment on his Q: Engaged in the Business of Lending, venue?
disposes of the case, or of a particular matter therein counterclaim in accordance with Sec. 6 hereof. All cross-
when declared by these Rules to be appealable. claims shall be dismissed. As counsel for Rodrigo, and considering that the amount
claimed is within the Rules on Small Claims, I will file the
No appeal may be taken from: If the sole defendant shall fail to appear, the plaintiff shall case in the Municipal/City Trial Court in Davao.
be entitled to judgment either upon motion or motu
(a) An order denying a motion for new trial or proprio by the court as may be warranted by the facts Under the 2016 Amended Rules on Small Claims, as a
reconsideration; alleged in the complaint and limited to what is prayed for. general rule, the regular rules on venue shall apply,
(b) An order denying a petition for relief or any similar However, if the plaintiff is engaged in the business of
motion seeking relief from judgment; This Rule shall not apply where one of two or more lending and that he has a branch where the defendant
(c) An interlocutory order; defendants sued under a common cause of action who resides, it shall be filed where such branch is located.
(d) An order disallowing or dismissing an appeal; had pleaded a common defense shall appear at the
(e) An order denying a motion to set aside a judgment by preliminary conference. In this case, it shall be filed in the municipal or city court of
consent, confession or compromise on the ground of Davao City.
fraud, mistake or duress, or any other ground Q: Jurisdiction in Summary regardless of unpaid rentals
vitiating consent; sought. Q: False representation as to engaged in lending or other
(f) An order of execution; business activities?
(g) A judgment or final order for or against one or more A: The motion should be denied.
of several parties or in separate claims, A: Yes, the dismissal is correct since under the Rules on
counterclaims, cross-claims and third-party Under B.P. 129, as amended, the MTC shall have exclusive Small Claims, when the plaintiff falsely represents that he
complaints, while the main case is pending, unless the original jurisdiction over unlawful detainer cases. is engaged in the business of lending or similar activities, it
court allows an appeal therefrom; and Moreover, the Rules on Summary Procedure provides that shall be a cause of the dismissal of the Statement of Claims
(h) An order dismissing an action without prejudice. jurisdiction of MTC over unlawful detainer cases is with prejudice and shall be meted with appropriate
irrespective of the unpaid rentals sought to be recovered. sanctions such as direct contempt. Hence, the dismissal is
In all the above instances where the judgment or final proper
order is not appealable, the aggrieved party may file an In this case, jurisdiction was properly acquired since the
appropriate special civil action under Rule 65. (n) case was filed in the MTC of Maguindanao. Hence, the Q: Remedy in Small Claims?
motion should be dismissed/denied.
Summary Procedure A: The remedy is petition for certiorari under Rule 65 since
judgment in Small Claims is final, executory and
Q: Unlawful detainer where parties are Muslims
unappealable. He may no longer move for reconsideration
Q: A filed collection for sum of money for 100,000 and
since it is a prohibited pleading under the Rules on Small
attorney’s fee (jurisdictional amount sa summary Under Batas Pambansa 129, cases of forcible entry and
unlawful detainer falls within the exclusive original Claims
procedure). B filed a counterclaim for 50,000. A failed to
appear in the trial? Judge dismissed the complaint and jurisdiction of the MTC. Also the rules on Summary
Procedure provides that jurisdiction of MTC over unlawful Q: Physical inability in small claims
detainer cases is irrespective of the unpaid rentals sought
to be recovered and even if one or both of the parties are A request for postponement of a hearing may be granted
a. Was the dismissal of the complaint proper?
Muslims. only upon proof of the physical inability of the party to
appear before the court on the scheduled date and time. A
Yes, Under Sec. 7 of the Rules on Summary Procedure, the
In this case, SDC has no jurisdiction over forcible entry or party may avail of only one (1) postponement.
failure of the plaintiff to appear in pre-trial shall be a cause
for the dismissal of the complaint. unlawful detainer cases even if both or one of the parties
Motion means a party’s request, written or oral, to the
is Muslim. It is the MTC which has jurisdiction.
court for an order or other action. It shall include an
b. Is the dismissal of the counterclaim proper?
informal written request to the court, such as a letter;
Small Claims

concealed, removed, or disposed of to prevent its Consequently, the petitioner filed its petition for money
Q: Failure of the plaintiff to appear being found or taken by the applicant or an claim in the COA. On November 15, 2012, the COA issued
authorized person; its decision denying the petition, holding that under Sec.
Sec. 20. Non-appearance of Parties – Failure of the (d) In an action against a party who has been guilty of a 447 and Sec. 458, LGC only municipal or city governments
plaintiff to appear shall be cause for the dismissal of the fraud in contracting the debt or incurring the are expressly vested with the power to secure group
Statement of Claim/s without prejudice. The defendant obligation upon which the action is brought, or in the insurance coverage for barangay workers; and noting the
who appears in the absence of the plaintiff shall be performance thereof; LGU’s failure to comply with the requirement of
entitled to judgment on a permissive counterclaim. (e) In an action against a party who has removed or publication under Sec. 21 of R.A. 9184 (Government
disposed of his property, or is about to do so, with Procurement Reform Act).
Failure of the defendant to appear shall have the same intent to defraud his creditors; or
effect as failure to file a Response under Section 14 of this (f) In an action against a party who does not reside and The petitioner received a copy of the COA decision on
Rule. This shall not apply where one of two or more is not found in the Philippines, or on whom summons December 14, 2012, and filed it MR on January 14, 2013.
defendants who are sued under a common cause of action may be served by publication. (1a) However, the COA denied the motion, the denial being
and have pleaded a common defense appears at the received by the petitioner on July 14, 2014.
hearing. Rule 58: Preliminary Injunction
Hence, the petitioner filed the petition for certiorari on
Failure of both parties to appear shall cause the dismissal August 12, 2014, but the petition for certiorari was
Q: Is TRO allowed in the Environmental Cases?
with prejudice of both the Statement of Claim/s and the dismissed as earlier stated through the resolution
counterclaim. promulgated on August 19, 2014 for (a) the late filing of
A: Under the Rules on Environmental Cases, no court can
the petition; (b) the non-submission of the proof of
issue a TRO or writ of preliminary injunction against lawful
service and verified declaration; and (c) the failure to
Rule 57: Preliminary Attachment actions of government agencies that enforce
show grave abuse of discretion on the part of the
environmental laws or prevent violations thereof, except
the Supreme Court.
Rule 57, Sec. 1. Grounds upon which attachment may In its motion for reconsideration, the petitioner submits
issue — At the commencement of the action or at any Q: Can the RTC acting as Special Commercial Court issue that it filed the petition for certiorari within the
time before entry of judgment, a plaintiff or any proper injunction? reglementary period following the fresh period rule
party may have the property of the adverse party attached enunciated in Neypes v. CA; and that the petition for
as security for the satisfaction of any judgment that may A: Concorde Condominium, Inc. v. Baculio, et. al., (2016). certiorari included an affidavit of service in compliance
be recovered in the following cases: Yes, since the RTC is a court of general jurisdiction with Section 3, Rule 13 of the Rules of Court. It admits
having overlooked the submission of a verified
(a) In an action for the recovery of a specified amount of declaration; and prays that the declaration attached to
Rule 64: Review of Judgments and Final Order or
money or damages, other than moral and exemplary, the motion for reconsideration be admitted by virtue of
Resolutions of the COMELEC and COA
on a cause of action arising from law, contract, quasi- its substantial compliance with the Efficient Use of Paper
contract, delict or quasi-delict against a party who is Rule by previously submitting a compact disc (CD)
about to depart from the Philippines with intent to Q: Respondent Provincial Government of Antique (LGU)
and the petitioner executed a MOA concerning the life containing the petition for certiorari and its annexes. It
defraud his creditors; disagrees with the Court, insisting that it showed and
(b) In an action for money or property embezzled or insurance coverage of qualified barangay secretaries,
treasurers and tanod, the former obligating proved grave abuse of discretion on the part of the COA
fraudulently misapplied or converted to his own use in issuing the assailed decision.
by a public officer, or an officer of a corporation, or P4,393,593.60 for the premium payment, and
an attorney, factor, broker, agent, or clerk, in the subsequently submitting the corresponding
disbursement voucher to COA Antique for pre-audit. The (a) Can the Neypes Rule apply in Rule 64?
course of his employment as such, or by any other (b) Can Neypes Rule can be given retroactive effect?
person in a fiduciary capacity, or for a willful violation latter office disallowed the payment for lack of legal basis
of duty; under R.A. 7610, LGC. Respondent LGU appealed but its
appeal was denied. A: The petitioner posits that the fresh period rule applies
(c) In an action to recover the possession of property because its Rule 64 petition is akin to a petition for review
unjustly or fraudulently taken, detained or converted, brought under Rule 42 of the Rules of Court; hence,
when the property, or any part thereof, has been
conformably with the fresh period rule, the period to file a Pursuant to Section 3 of Rule 64, it had only five days from
Rule 64 petition should also be reckoned from the receipt receipt of the denial of its motion for reconsideration to Answer: Requisites for the issuance of a writ of mandamus
of the order denying the motion for reconsideration or the file the petition. Considering that it received the notice of not shown Rule 65, Section 3 of the 1997 Rules of Civil
motion for new trial. the denial on July 14, 2014, it had only until July 19, 2014 Procedure provides that:
to file the petition. However, it filed the petition on August
The petitioner’s position cannot be sustained. 13, 2014, which was 25 days too late. Rule 65, Sec. 3. Petition for mandamus – When any
tribunal, corporation, board, officer or person unlawfully
There is no parity between the petition for review under We ruled in Pates v. COMELEC that the belated filing of the neglects the performance of an act which the law
Rule 42 and the petition for certiorari under Rule 64. petition for certiorari under Rule 64 on the belief that the specifically enjoins as a duty resulting from an office, trust,
fresh period rule should apply was fatal to the recourse. As or station, or unlawfully excludes another from the use
As to the nature of the procedures, Rule 42 governs an such, the petitioner herein should suffer the same fate for and enjoyment of a right or office to which such other is
appeal from the judgment or final order rendered by the having wrongly assumed that the fresh period rule under entitled, and there is no other plain, speedy and adequate
RTC in the exercise of its appellate jurisdiction. Such Neypes applied. Rules of procedure may be relaxed only to remedy in the ordinary course of law, the person
appeal is on a question of fact, or of law, or of mixed relieve a litigant of an injustice that is not commensurate aggrieved thereby may file a verified petition in the proper
question of fact and law, and is given due course only with the degree of his thoughtlessness in not complying court, alleging the facts with certainty and praying that
upon a prima facie showing that the RTC committed an with the prescribed procedure. Absent this reason for judgment be rendered commanding the respondent,
error of fact or law warranting the reversal or modification liberality, the petition cannot be allowed to prosper. immediately or at some other time to be specified by the
of the challenged judgment or final order. In contrast, the court, to do the act required to be done to protect the
petition for certiorari under Rule 64 is similar to the Q: rights of the petitioner, and to pay the damages sustained
petition for certiorari under Rule 65, and assails a by the petitioner by reason of the wrongful acts of the
judgment or final order of the Commission on Elections (a) In case of judgment, final order or resolution of COA, respondent.
(COMELEC), or the Commission on Audit (COA). The what is your remedy? (You will be asked as counsel
petition is not designed to correct only errors of the legal recourse) The petition shall also contain a sworn certification of non-
jurisdiction, not errors of judgment. Questions of fact forum shopping as provided in the third paragraph of
cannot be raised except to determine whether the A: File a petition for certiorari under Rule 64 in relation section 3, Rule 46.
COMELEC or the COA were guilty of grave abuse of Rule 65 within 30 days from notice of judgment, final
discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction. order or resolution. The writ of mandamus will issue when the act sought to be
performed is ministerial. An act is ministerial when it does
The reglementary periods under Rule 42 and Rule 64 are (b) Provided that MR was filed within the 15 day period, not require the exercise of judgment and the act is
different. In the former, the aggrieved party is allowed 15 but it was denied, how many days will you file the performed in compliance with a legal mandate. In a
days to file the petition for review from receipt of the petition for certiorari? petition for mandamus, the burden of proof is on
assailed decision or final order, or from receipt of the petitioner to show that one is entitled to the performance
denial of a motion for new trial or reconsideration. In the A: Within 15 days (balance of the 30 day period). Note: of a legal right and that respondent has a corresponding
latter, the petition is filed within 30 days from notice of Neypes rule is not applicable in Rule 64 petition for duty to perform the act. Mandamus will not lie "to
the judgment or final order or resolution sought to be certiorari. compel an official to do anything which is not his duty to
reviewed. The filing of a motion for new trial or do or which it is his duty not to do, or to give to the
reconsideration, if allowed under the procedural rules of applicant anything to which he is not entitled by law."
Rule 65: Certiorari, Prohibition, Mandamus
the Commission concerned, interrupts the period; hence,
should the motion be denied, the aggrieved party may file In this case, petitioner has not shown how he is entitled
the petition within the remaining period, which shall not Petitioner Rolly Mijares (Mijares) prays for the issuance to the relief prayed for. Hence, this court cannot be
be less than five days in any event, reckoned from the of a writ of mandamus in order to compel this court to compelled to exercise its power of judicial review since
notice of denial. exercise its judicial independence and fiscal autonomy there is no actual case or controversy.
against the perceived hostility of Congress. The complaint
The petitioner filed its motion for reconsideration on implied that certain acts of members of Congress and the Note: See Highlighted parts
January 14, 2013, which was 31 days after receiving the President after the promulgation of these cases show a
assailed decision of the COA on December 14, 2012. threat to judicial independence. Will mandamus lie?
Rule 67: Expropriation
denied, file a separate civil specifically deny under oath
Q: During the pendency of the trial, the property action the genuineness and due
expropriated was no longer intended for public purpose. Dismissal by the plaintiff Dismissal by plaintiff may execution of the document
Plaintiff filed a motion to discontinue expropriation. Rule be effected by notice to the and state the facts which
on the motion court but if a prior action he believes to be true
has been dismissed by Motion to dismiss Defendant: File an answer
A: Motion to discontinue expropriation granted. notice, the defendant may alleging as affirmative
file a motion to dismiss on defense the ground for
Under the 1987 Constitution, private property shall not be the basis of the two dismissal and proceed to
taken for public use without payment of just dismissal rule pursuant to trial. In case of adverse
compensation. Moreover, jurisprudence provided that Rule 17, Sec. 1 decision, file an appeal.
public use is a continuing requirement in expropriation
proceeding such that if it cease to exist, it becomes duty of Dismissal may also be by Plaintiff: if appeal is
the court to dismiss the complaint. motion of the plaintiff. The granted, file MR, and if
dismissal is without tainted with grave abuse of
Hence, since the property expropriated is no longer prejudice discretion, file a petition for
intended of public purpose, the motion to discontinue Splitting of Causes of Defendant: File a motion to certiorari under Rule 65
expropriation proceedings must be granted. Action dismiss on the ground of Defective Verification Plaintiff: Motion to amend
that there is another case the pleading
(b) Is the respondent entitled to anything, if any? pending between the same
parties for the same cause Defendant: File a motion to
Answer: Respondent shall not be entitled to “just of action under Rule 16, strike out the unverified
compensation” since the property expropriated shall be Sec. 1(e) or that the cause pleading from the records.
reverted to him as a consequence of the expropriation of action is barred by prior Dismissal in Small Claims File petition for certiorari
proceedings. However, he shall be entitled to actual and judgment under Rule 16, under Rule 65.
other compensatory damages from the time of taking Sec. 1(f)
(filing of complaint/actual taking) up to the time that the 1. Denial of Third Party File MR, if MR is denied file
property is reverted to him. If motion is denied, file an Complaint petition for certiorari under
answer alleging as Rule 65 since judgment or
Expropriation. Is motion to dismiss allowed in affirmative defense either final orders in third-party
expropriation? both grounds and proceed complaints, while the main
to trial. In case of adverse case is pending is generally
Answer: Under Rule 67, Motion to Dismiss is not allowed decision, file an appeal. not appealable, unless the
in expropriation proceedings. The proper remedy is to file Judgment by Default court allows an appeal
an Answer and raise affirmative defense the grounds for Execution of Award in (1) Execution within 6 therefrom.
dismissal. Katarungang Pambarangay months from the date 1. Complete relief for File a motion to bring in
of settlement or award counterclaim and new parties (Rule 6, Sec.
to the Barangay cross claim other than 12)
(2) File the proper the original parties
petition with the court 2. Failure of the Amended Rules on Small
Granting of complete relief Motion to bring in new after then lapse of 6 Respondent to file Claims, Sec. 14. Should the
in the determination of parties under Rule 6, Sec. months from date or Verified Response in defendant fail to file
counterclaim or cross- 12 award or settlement, Small Claims his/her/its Response within
claim for the execution the required period, and
Order denying motion to File an appeal to the
likewise fail to appear on
intervene motion to intervene. If still Actionable Document The defendant shall the date set for hearing,
the court shall render answer interposing as ground of improper venue
judgment on the same day, defense that the case is a and proceed to trial.
as may be warranted by the SLAPP and shall be
facts alleged in the supported by documents, Note: Motion to dismiss is a
Statement of Claim/s. affidavits, papers, and prohibited motion in
other evidence, and, by summary proceedings. So
Should the defendant fail to way of counterclaim, pray hindi pede mag MTD.
file his/her/its Response for damages; attorney’s Remedy in case of denial of File a motion for
within the required period fees. And costs of suit. writ of execution reconsideration.
but appears on the date set
for hearing, the court shall In case of adverse decision In case of denial, file
ascertain what defense in SLAPP. petition for mandamus
he/she/it has to offer which under Rule 65. (Note: Writ
shall constitute his/ her/its Rules on Envi, Rule 6, Sec. of execution shall issue as a
Response, and proceed to 4. The dismissal shall be matter of right when the
hear or adjudicate the case with prejudice. judgment has become final
on the same day as if a and executory. Hence, it is
Response has been filed. Remedy: Appeal the ministerial duty of the
Notice of Lis Pendens Plaintiff: File an appeal to 4. Motion for File a petition for certiorari court to issue it)
the LRA en consulta within Reconsideration of an under Rule 65 pursuant to Denial of Motion for Two remedies:
5 days from notice of Interlocutory Order Rule 41, Sec. 1(b) Intervention
denial. 5. Failure to comply with Two remedies: (1) File an appeal from the
order to file bill of order denying motion
If appeal is denied, file MR particulars (1) Motion to strike the for intervention
if the motion is denied file a pleading with (2) File a separate action
petition for review under ambiguous allegations Failure to make page Rule 50, Sec. 1(f). An
Rule 43 with the CA. (2) Dismissal under Rule reference in appellant’s appeal may be dismissed by
17, Sec. 3 for failure to brief the Court of Appeals, on its
In case denial, file MR comply with lawful own motion or on that of
under Rule 52. order of the court the appellee
6. Denial of Petition for Two remedies: File a Writ of Kalikasan and
In case the motion is Annulment of ask for Temporary
dismissed, file petition for Judgment (1) If annulment of Environmental Protection
review on certiorari with judgment of MTC, file Order in the same action
the Supreme Court under an appeal by notice of Examination of deponent File a motion to terminate
Rule 45 appeal within 15 days is to harass or annoy him or limit examination with
3. Action is a SLAPP Rules on Envi, Rule 6, Sec. to the Court of the RTC where the action is
2. SLAPP as a defense; how Appeals under Rule 41 pending (Rule 23, Sec. 18)
alleged – In a SLAPP filed (2) If annulment of Pleading with sham and Motion to strike pleading or
against a person involved in judgment of RTC, file a scandalous matter part thereof. Plus
the enforcement of petition for review on
environmental laws, certiorari with 15 days Rule 7, Sec. 3. Counsel who
protection of the to the Supreme Court deliberately alleges
environment, or assertion under Rule 45 scandalous or indecent
of environmental rights, the Improper Venue in File Answer and raise as matter shall be subject to
defendant may file his Unlawful Detainer Cases affirmative defense the appropriate disciplinary
action petition for review with the required, the appellant
When Admission under File a motion to withdraw Court of Appeals under shall file a notice of appeal
Rule 26 is thru mistake or amend admission (Rule Rule 43. and a record on appeal
26, Sec. 4) on the ground within 30 days from notice
that no admission was In case of denial, file MR. of the judgment or final
actually made and that his order. Appeal is with the
silence on the request for In case of denial of MR, file RTC
admission was merely due petition for review on 11. Adverse decision in Under Rule 71, Sec. 11, the
to inadvertence or certiorari with the SC within indirect contempt judgment or final order of a
excusable neglect. 15 days pursuant to Rule 45 court in a case of indirect
Failure to comply with the Rule 61, Sec. 5. 7. Adverse Decision in If originally filed with the may be appealed to the
Order to Provide SPL Enforcement of Order – If Accion Publiciana, MTC, file a notice of appeal proper court as in criminal
the adverse party fails to how made? within 15 days from notice cases. But execution of the
comply with an order of judgment or final order judgment or final order
granting support pendente appealed from under Rule shall not be suspended
lite, the court shall, motu 40. Appeal is with the RTC until a bond is filed by the
proprio, or upon motion, person adjudged in
issue an order of execution If originally filed with the contempt, in an amount
against him, without RTC, file a notice of appeal fixed by the court from
prejudice to his liability for within 15 days from notice which the appeal is taken,
contempt of judgment or final order conditioned that if the
Motion to amend the appealed from under Rule appeal be decided against
pleading to conform to 41 with the RTC. him he will abide by and
evidence. However, failure 8. Adverse decision in File a notice of appeal perform the judgment or
to make such motion will interdictal, how within 15 days from notice final order.
not affect the court’s made? of judgment or final order 12. Denial of Writ of Under Rule 7, Sec. 16 of the
judgment on the case. appealed from under Rule Kalikasan Rules on Environmental
Denial of Petition for Relief Not appealable (Rule 41, 41. Appeal should be filed cases, within 15 days from
from Judgment Sec. 1(a)) with the RTC the date of notice of the
9. Adverse decision in The appeal shall be taken adverse judgment or denial
Remedy: File a motion for expropriation, how within 15 days from notice of the motion for
reconsideration. In case of made? of judgment or final order reconsideration, any party
denial of MR, file petition appeal from. Where a may appeal to the SC under
for certiorari under Rule 65 record on appeal is Rule 45. The appeal may
Denial of Motion for New Appeal the judgment as required, the appellant raise question of fact.
Trial well as the order denying shall file a notice of appeal 13. Motion to dismiss is File an answer alleging as
motion for new trial and a record on appeal denied. affirmative defense the
pursuant to A.M. No. 07-7- within 30 days from notice grounds for the dismissal.
12-SC of the judgment or final In case of adverse decision,
Remedy in case of Adverse File an appeal to the LRA en order. Appeal is with the appeal to the next higher
Claim consulta within 5 days from RTC court
denial. 10. Adverse decision in The appeal shall be taken
partition, how made within 15 days from notice File a Petition for certiorari
In case of denial, file MR. of judgment or final order if there is grave abuse of
appeal from. Where a discretion.
If MR is denied, file a record on appeal is 14. Denial of Writ of Under Sec. 19 of the Rule

Amparo on Writ of Amparo, any review on certiorari under prejudice
party may appeal from the Rule 45 with the CA 25. RTC in Unfair File an MR. If MR is denied,
final judgment or order to 19. FEUD, defendant in Competition file a petition for review
the SC under Rule 45. case of non-payment under Rule 43 with the CA
of periodic monthly since the RTC is acting as a
The appeal may raise rentals quasi-judicial body.
questions of fact or law or 20. Denial of Continuing File MR, if denied, file 26. Failure to refer the Defendant: Motion to
both. Mandamus petition for certiorari under case with barangay dismiss based on failure to
Rule 65 with the next lower comply with a condition
The period to appeal shall court precedent under Rule 16,
be 5 working days from the 21. Death of Mortgagor, Sec. 1(j). In case of denial,
date of notice of the remedy of mortgagee file an answer and raise as
adverse judgment. The 22. Denial of Habeas Data Under Sec. 19 of the Rule affirmative defense of
appeal shall be given on Writ of Amparo, any failure to comply with
priority as in habeas party may appeal from the adverse judgment. In case
corpus. final judgment or order to of adverse decision, file an
15. Remedy of defendant Under Rule 6, Sec. 2, the the SC under Rule 45. appeal
in SLAPP cases defendant may file an
answer interposing as a The appeal may raise Plaintiff: In case of motion
defense that the case is a questions of fact or law or to dismiss is granted,
SLAPP and shall be both. comply with the referral of
supported by documents, the case and refile the case.
affidavits, papers and other The period to appeal shall 27. Failure to appear in
evidence, and, by way of be 5 working days from the pre-trial conference
counterclaim, pray for date of notice of the
damages, attorney’s fees adverse judgment. The Distinctions
and costs of suit. appeal shall be given
16. Petition for certiorari File a petition for certiorari, priority as in habeas
the petition for review on Q: Error of Judgment v. Error of Jurisdiction
certiorari under Rule 45 23. Denial of Foreclosure The appeal shall be taken
17. In case of grave abuse File MR, then file a petition of REM within 15 days from notice Error of Judgment Error of Jurisdiction
of discretion of Civil for certiorari with the next of judgment or final order One which the court may One which the court acts
Service Commission higher court appeal from. Where a commit in the exercise of without or in excess of
18. Adverse Claim File an appeal to the LRA en record on appeal is jurisdiction jurisdiction
consulta within 5 days from required, the appellant Such an error does not Such an error renders an
notice of denial of the shall file a notice of appeal deprive the court of order or judgment void or
adverse claim. In case of and a record on appeal jurisdiction voidable
adverse decision, file MR. within 30 days from notice Correctible by appeal Correctible by the special
of the judgment or final civil action of certiorari
If MR is denied, file petition order. Appeal is with the
for review under Rule 43 RTC or CA as the case may Q: Failure to State Cause of Action v. Lack of Cause of
with the Court of Appeals. be Action
24. Two Dismissal Rule File an appeal to the next
In case of adverse decision, lower court by filing a Failure to State Cause of Lack of Cause of Action
file MR. In case MR is notice of appeal within 15 Action
denied, file petition for days since dismissal is with Rule 16, Sec. 1(g) Rule 33; Rule 10, Sec. 5
Refers to the insufficiency Refers to a situation where of the court “if the matter of the opposing subject matter of the
of the pleading, and a the evidence does not presentation of the merits party’s claim opposing party’s claim
ground for dismissal under prove the cause of action of the action and the ends Barred if not set-up in the Not barred even if not set
Rule 16 alleged in the pleading of substantial justice will be answer (or in the amended up in the answer
A matter of insufficiency of A matter of insufficiency of subserved thereby (Rule 10, answer)
the pleading evidence Sec. 5) Plaintiff need not answer. Plaintiff need to answer. He
The remedy is to move for The remedy is to demur to If the motion to dismiss is If a demurrer is denied, the He cannot be declared in can be declared in default
dismissal of the pleading evidence denied, the movant shall be defendant shall have the default for not answering in respect thereto
Motion to dismiss is made Demurrer is filed after the required to file his answer right to present evidence Does not require Requires certification of
within the time for but plaintiff has completed the within the balance of the certification against forum non-forum shopping
before the filing of an presentation of his period to which he is shopping
answer evidence/rested its case. entitled at the time such Docket and other lawful Docket and other lawful
Determined on the basis of Based on the appreciation motion was filed, but in no fees are suspended fees should be paid
the allegations in the of evidence case shall be less than five Responsive pleading Initiatory pleading
complaint of the plaintiff (5) days (Rule 16, Sec. 4) Does not require for its Requires for its
May still be curable by When a demurrer is filed on If a motion to dismiss on If a demurrer to evidence is adjudication presence of adjudication the presence
amendment of the pleading the ground of insufficiency the ground of failure to granted, the dismissal is third parties of whom the of third parties of whom
(Rule 16, Sec. 3) as a matter of evidence after the state a cause of action has with prejudice, as the same court cannot acquire the court can acquire
of right before a responsive plaintiff rests its case, the been granted, the dismissal is considered a judgment jurisdiction jurisdiction
pleading has been filed, latter may not anymore ask is without prejudice to the on the merits of the case,
even when a motion to for an amendment of his refilling of the action hence, the remedy of the Motu Proprio
dismiss on such ground has pleading, but may ask the plaintiff is to appeal from
been made by the court for the admission of a such judgment.
Affirmative Yes, under Rule 16, Sec. 6, if no motion
defendant, the same not supplemental pleading in Defense to dismiss has been filed, any of the
being a “responsive light of supervening events, Consequently, on appeal, if
Raised in the grounds for dismissal provided for in
pleading” under the Rules setting forth “transactions, the judgment was reversed,
Answer this Rule may be pleaded as affirmative
occurrences or events the defendant shall be
defense in the answer and, in the
(TOE) which have happened deemed to have waived his
discretion of the court, a preliminary
since the date of the right to present his
hearing may be had thereon as if a
pleading sought to be evidence
motion to dismiss had been filed.
supplemented. May be invoked in a motion The ground of insufficiency
Trial by As a general rule, no since under the
to dismiss or as an of evidence may be invoked
Commissioner Rule 32, Sec. 1, the court may order any
The court may however affirmative defense in the in a motion for demurrer to
or all the issues in a case to be referred
require an amendment pleading (Rule 16, Sec. 6) evidence (Rule 33), in a MR
to a commissioner only upon written
during the presentation of (Rule 37) or in an appeal
consent of both parties.
evidence of the plaintiff, if memorandum
evidence that is not in issue
As exception, the court may motu
is not objected to by the Q: Compulsory Counterclaim v. Permissive Counterclaim proprio appoint a commissioner in the
defendant, in which case
following cases:
the evidence is deemed Compulsory Counterclaim Permissive Counterclaim
“impliedly admitted” so an Also known as Principle of Also known as Principle of (a) When the trial of an issue of fact
amendment is not really recoupment set-off requires the examination of a long
necessary to appreciate the Arises out of or is May not arise out of and account on either side, in which
evidence; or when an connected with the may not be connected with case the commissioner may be
objection was in fact made, transaction or occurrence the transaction or directed to hear and report upon
but at the liberal discretion constituting the subject occurrence constituting the
the whole issue or any specific ordinary civil action.
question involved therein
(b) When the taking of an account is By way of exception, under the Rules on
necessary for the information of Environmental Cases, the court may
the court before judgment, or for motu proprio declare a defendant in
carrying a judgment or order into default but the plaintiff may upon
effect motion be allowed to present evidence
(c) When a question of fact, other ex parte.
than upon the pleadings, arises Issuance of No, it requires an ex parte motion by
upon motion or otherwise, in any Writ of the prevailing party pursuant to Rule 39,
stage of a case, or for carrying a Execution Sec. 1.
judgment or order into effect Conclusiveness Yes, since conclusiveness of judgment is
Demurrer to As a general rule, there must be a of Judgment a specie of res judicata, the court may
Evidence motion filed by the defendant. dismissed under Rule 9, Sec. 1, in small
claims cases and summary procedure.
By way of exception, in case of
Summary Procedure or Rules on Small
Single Motion Under the Single Motion Rule, once a
Rule MR is filed, no second motion for
reconsideration shall be filed in the
Court of Appeals or Supreme Court
Certification of No, as expressly provided in Rule 7, Sec.
Non-Forum 5, dismissal based on non-compliance
Shopping with the certification of non-forum
shopping must be upon motion and
after hearing. Moreover, it is not a
ground mentioned in Rule 9, Sec. 1 for
motu proprio dismissal of the case.

By way of exception, in Summary

Procedure and in Small Claims cases
Limit or No, under Rule 23, Sec. 18, ay anytime
Terminate during the taking of the deposition, on
Examination motion or petition of any party or of the
of Deponent deponent and upon showing that the
examination s being conducted in bad
faith or in such manner as unreasonably
to annoy, embarrass or oppress the
deponent or party,
Lapse of time Yes, under Rule 50 lapse of time of
to appeal or appeal or non-payment of docket fees is
non-payment a ground of dismissal of the case motu
of docket fees proprio or upon motion of the appellee
Declaration of As a general rule, no because it requires
Default a motion from the plaintiff in case of

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