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email : cemechid_nsk@sancharnet.

in _w»` A{^`§Vm (`m§{ÌH$s)

Om.H«$._wA`m§/Vm§.10/E_`wAma/1076/2015 Obg§nXm {d^mJ, Zm{eH$-2.
\$moZ Z§. (0253) 2578354 (\°$Šg 2578356) ISO 9001:2008 CERT. No.
Certified QMS-K12320
`m§Mo H$m`m©b`.
{XZm§H$ - 10/04/2015

_w»` A{^`§Vm,
(Obg§nXm {d^mJ d gmd©O{ZH$ ~m§YH$m_ {d^mJ A§VJ©V gd©)

{df` : `§Ìgm_J«r dmna Xa gZ 2014-2015 (H$mbmdYr 1.7.2014 Vo 30.6.2015)

`§Ìgm_wJ«r dmna Xa àñVmd gZ 2014-2015 emgZ _mÝ`VogmR>r gmXa H$aÊ`m§V Ambm hmoVm. gXa àñVmdmg
emgZ nÌ H«$. `§dmX 2014/ (à.H«$. 103) `m§{ÌH$s, Obg§nXm {d^mJ, _§Ìmb`, _w§~B© {X. 18/03/2015 AÝd`o
_mÝ`Vm àXmZ H$aÊ`m§V Ambr Amho. emgZmZo _§Oya Ho$bobo `§Ìdmna Xa `m nwpñVHo$V A§V^y©V Ho$bobo AmhoV.
`m nwpñVHo$_Ü`o g_m{dï> Agbobo Xa ho emgZmÀ`m Obg§nXm {d^mJmÀ`m A{YnË`mImbrb `m§{ÌH$s g§KQ>Zo
_m\©$V H$aÊ`mV `oUmè`m H$m_mdarb g`§Ìm§gmR>r bmJy AmhoV. (g§X^© emgZmMo O. {d. n[anÌH$ H«$. `§dmX- 20.12/
à.H«$. 124/2012/`m§{ÌH$s {X. 10/10/2012) H§$ÌmQ>Xmam_m\©$V / R>oHo$Xmam_m\©$V H$aÊ`m§V `oUmè`m Hw$R>ë`mhr
H$m_mÀ`m A§XmOnÌH$mgmR>r Ë`mMm {dMma H$aÊ`m§V `oD$ Z`o.
Á`m g§`§Ìm§Mo Am`wî`_mZ nyU© Pmbobo Amho. Ë`m§Mm Zm__mÌ Kgmam Xa nwñVrHo$V Z_wX Ho$bm Amho.
H§$ÌmQ>Xma / R>oHo$Xma `m§Zm emgH$s` `§Ìgm_wJ«r ^mS>o VÎdmda XoVmZm H$amd`mÀ`m H$m`©dmhr~m~V nwpñVHo$Vrb
A.H«$. 22 Zwgma H$m`©dmhr H$aÊ`mV `mdr.
{Q>ßng©Mm 96 {H$._r. àVr {Xdg n`ªVM dmna Agë`mg VmgmZwgma d 96 {H$._r nojm OmñV dmna Agë`mg
{H$bmo_rQ>aZwgma Xa AmH$maUr H$aÊ`m§V `oV Agë`m_wio {Q>ßng©À`m dmnam~m~V Zm|Xr {H$._r. d VmgmZwgma R>odÊ`m§V
emgH$s` `§Ìgm_wJ«rdarb IMm©Mr VgoM àmßVrMr _m{hVr `m nwpñVHo$_Ü`o XoÊ`m§V Amboë`m a{OñQ>a Am°\$
dŠg©À`m {d{hV ànÌm_Ü`o R>odÊ`m~m~V Amnë`m A{YnË`mImbrb g§~§{YV A{YH$mè`m§Zm gwMZm XoÊ`m§V `mdr.
`§Ìgm_wJ«r dmna Xa nwpñVH$m gZ 2014-2015 (H$mbmdYr 1.7.2014 Vo 30.06.2015) À`m 2 àVr
gmo~V nmR>{dÊ`m§V `oV AmhoV.
gmo~V -2 nwpñVH$m ({d. H¥$. H$m§~io)
_w»` A{^`§Vm (`m§{ÌH$s)
Obg§nXm {d^mJ, Zm{eH$-2.
àV g{dZ` gmXa -
_m. àYmZ g{Md (Obg§nXm), Obg§nXm {d^mJ, _§Ìmb`, _w§~B© - 32 (ghnÌ - 1 nwpñVH$m)
_m. àYmZ g{Md ({d.), Obg§nXm {d^mJ, _§Ìmb`, _w§~B© - 32 (ghnÌ - 1 nwpñVH$m)
_m. g{Md (añVo), gmd©O{ZH$ ~m§YH$m_ {d^mJ, _§Ìmb`, _w§~B© - 32 (ghnÌ - 1 nwpñVH$m)
H$m`©H$mar g§MmbH$, gd© ghm_§S>io (ghnÌ- 1 nwpñVH$m)
_m. _hmg§MmbH$, _hmamï´> A{^`m§{ÌH$s g§emoYZ g§ñWm, Zm{eH$. (ghnÌ - 1 nwpñVH$m)
H$m`©H$mar g§MmbH$, _hmamï´> ^y-{dH$mg _hm_§S>i, nwUo. (ghnÌ - 1 nwpñVH$m)
_hmboImnmb - 1 _w§~B© / _hmboImnmb - 2 ZmJnya. (ghnÌ - 1 nwpñVH$m)

àV gñZoh AJ«o{fV -
_w»` A{^`§Vm d g§MmbH$, _hmamï´> A{^`m§{ÌH$s g§emoYZ g§ñWm, Zm{eH$. (ghnÌ - 1 nwpñVH$m)
_w»` A{^`§Vm d g§MmbH$, A{^`m§{ÌH$s A{YH$mar _hm{dÚmb`, Zm{eH$. (ghnÌ - 1 nwpñVH$m)
_w»` A{^`§Vm ({dÚwV), Ob{dkmZ àH$ën, _w§~B©. (ghnÌ - 1 nwpñVH$m)
_w»` A{^`§Vm, bm. jo. {d. àm{YH$aU, Am¡a§Jm~mX. (ghnÌ - 1 nwpñVH$m)

àV AJ«o{fV -
AYrjH$ A{^`§Vm, `m§{ÌH$s _§S>i nwUo/Zm§XoS>/ZmJnya/H$moëhmnya/Zm{eH$ (ghnÌ nwpñVH$m)
AYrjH$ A{^`§Vm, (AYrjH$ A{^`§Vm (`m§{ÌH$s) dJiyZ) Obg§nXm {d^mJmVrb gd© (ghnÌ nwpñVH$m)
gd© àemgH$, bm. jo. {d. àm{YH$aU (ghnÌ - àË`oH$s 5 nwpñVH$m)
AYrjH$ A{^`§Vm (`m§), gm.~m§.{d., H$moH$U ^dZ, Zdr _w§~B© - 400 614 (ghnÌ nwpñVH$m)
_hmamï´> emgZ
H«$_m§H$ : `§dmX-20.14/ (à.H«$. 103/2014)/`m§{ÌH$s Obg§nXm {d^mJ,
_mXm_ H$m_m _mJ©
hþVmË_m amOJwê$ Mm¡H$,
_§Ìmb`, _w§~B©-32
{XZm§H$ : 18 _mM© 2015
_w»` A{^`§Vm (`m§{ÌH$s),
Obg§nXm {d^mJ,
Í`§~H$ amoS>, Zm{eH$.

{df` - gZ 2014-15 Mm `§Ìdmna Xa àñVmd....

_mÝ`Vm XoUo~m~V.
g§X^© : 1) emgZmMo g_H«$_m§H$ {X. 30.7.2014 Mo nÌ.
2) Amnbo nÌ H«$.Om.H«$._wA`m§/(`§dmX 14-15) Vm§-10(6/14)/2554/2014,
3) Amnbo nÌ H«$._wA`m§/(`§dmX 14-15) Vm§-10(6/14)/2863/2014,
{X. 22.8.14.
4) Amnbo nÌ H«$._wA`m§/(`§dmX 14-15)Vm§-10(6/14)/3177/2014,
{X. 23.9.14.
5) Amnbo nÌ H«$._wA`m§/(`§dmX 14-15)Vm§-10(6/14)/185/2015,
{X. 7.1.15.

`m§{ÌH$s g§KQ>ZoÀ`m gZ 2014-15 Mm `§Ìdmna Xa àñVmdm~m~V Amnë`m g§X^© H«$. 3 d 4 À`m nÌmÝd`o àmá Pmboë`m gZ.
2014.15 À`m `§Ìdmna Xa àñVmdmg emgZmMr _mÝ`Vm XoÊ`mV `oV Amho. gXa Xa ho {X. 1 Owb¡, 2014 Vo {X. 30 OwZ, 2015 `m
H$mbmdYrgmR>rMo AmhoV.
emgZ n[anÌH$ H«$.`§dmX 2012/à.H«$ 124/2012/`m§{ÌH$s, {XZm§H$ 10/10/2012 _Yrb {ZX}emMm CëboI `§Ìdmna
XagyMrV H$aÊ`mV `mdm.
Var Ë`mZwf§JmZo nwT>rb C{MV H$m`©dmhr H$amdr d AÚmdV `§Ìdmna Xa gyMrÀ`m àVr emgZmÀ`m CnbãY H$ê$Z Úmì`mV, hr
(^yfU amR>moS>)
emgZmMo H$j A{YH$mar
ghnÌ:`§Ìdmna Xa 2014-15
AYrjH$ A{^`§Vm, `m§{ÌH$s _§S>i, Zm{eH$, ZmJnya/H$moëhmnya/Zm§XoS>/nwUo.
`m§{ÌH$s H$m`m©gZ g§J«hmW©.
`m§[ÌH$s g§KQ>ZoH$S>rb g§`§ÌmMm
`§Ìdmna Xam~m~V.
_hmamï´> emgZ
Obg§nXm {d^mJ
emgZ n[anÌH$ H«$_m§H$:`§dmn-2012/à.H«$.124 / 2012 / `m§{ÌH$s
_§Ìmb` ({dñVma) _mXm_ H$m_m amoS>,
_w§~B©-400 032.
{XZm§H$:- 10 Am°ŠQ>mo~a,2012
dmMm:- `§dmn-2011/1170/(à.H«$.165/2011)/`m§{ÌH$s, {XZm§H$ 19/1/2012
emgZ n[anÌH$:-
Obg§nXm {d^mJmÀ`m AIË`m[aVrb _w»` A{^`§Vm (`m§{ÌH$s) Obg§nXm {d^mJ, Zm{eH$ `m§MoH$S>rb
CnbãY g`§Ìo Obg§nXm {d^mJmÀ`m {d{dY àH$ënm§da dmnaÊ`mV `oVmV, Aer g§`§Ìo dmnaÊ`mnmoQ>r àM{bV
`§ Ì dmna Xamà_mUo ^mS> o aH$_o M r AmH$maUr H$aÊ`mV `o V o . Ë`mgmR> r à{Vdfu emgZmH$Sy > Z `m§ { ÌH$s
g§KQ>ZoH$S>rb g`§Ìm§Mm Xa {ZpíM H$aÊ`mV `oVmo.
`§ Ì gm_w J « r dmna Xa nw p ñVHo $ _Ü`o g_m{dï> Agbo b o Xa ho emgZmÀ`m Obg§ n Xm {d^mJmÀ`m
A{YnË`mImbrb `m§{ÌH$s g§KQ>ZoÀ`m _mbH$sÀ`m `§Ìgm_wJ«rÀ`m ghmæ`mZo àH$ënmda ImË`m_m\©$V H$aÊ`mV
`oUmè`m H$m_mgmR>rM A{YH¥$V AmhoV. H§$ÌmQ>Xmam_m\©$V/R>oHo$Xmam_m\©$V H$aÊ`m§V `oUmè`m Hw$R>ë`mhr H$m_mÀ`m
A§XmOnÌH$mgmR>r Ë`mMm {dMma H$aÊ`mV `oD$ Z`o. hr ~m~ _w»` A{^`§Vm (`m§{ÌH$s) `m§Zr {ZJ©{_V Ho$boë`m
`§Ìgm_wJ«rÀ`m Xa nwpñVHo$_Ü`o Z_yX Ho$bobr Amho, Ë`mAZwf§JmZo Imbrbà_mUo emgZ {ZX}e XoV Amho.
emgZmMo {ZX}e
`m§{ÌH$s g§KQ>ZoH$S>rb _mÝ`Vm àmá ""`§Ìdmna Xa'' ho Ho$di `m§{ÌH$s g§KQ>ZonwaVo _`m©XrV AmhoV.
gXa `§Ìdmna Xa Ho$di `m§{ÌH$s g§KQ>Zo_m\©$V H$aÊ`mV `oUmè`m H$m_mdarb g§`§ÌmgmR>r bmJy AmhoV. `m§{ÌH$s
g§ K Q> Z o H $S> r b g`§ Ì mÀ`m H$m_mì`{V[aŠV AÝ` H$m_mgmR> r gXahÿ Xa bmJy amhUma ZmhrV. hr ~m~ `m
n[anÌH$mÛmao {ZXe©Zmg AmUyZ XoÊ`mV `oV Amho.

darb emgZmÀ`m {ZX}emMo H$mQ>oH$moanUo nmbZ joÌr` A{YH$mè`m§Zr H$amdo.

gXahÿ emgZ {ZU©` _hmamï´> emgZmÀ`m do~gmB©Q> da CnbãY AgyZ Ë`mMm
gm§Ho$Vm§H$ H«$_m§H$ 201210101629106927 Agm Amho.

_hmamï´>mMo amÁ`nmb `m§Mo AmXoemZwgma d ZmdmZo,

emgZmMo Cn g{Md
1) _m.àYmZ g{Md (Obg§nXm) `m§Mo ñdr` ghm`H$, _§Ìmb`, _w§~B©-32

2) _m.g{Md (bmjo{d) `m§Mo ñdr` ghm`H$, _§Ìmb`, _w§~B©-32

3) gd© H$m`©H$mar g§MmbH$, gd© nmQ>~§Ymao _hm_§S>io
4) gd© joÌr` _w»` A{^`§Vm, Obg§nXm {d^mJ
5) _w»` A{^`§Vm (`m§{ÌH$s), Obg§nXm {d^mJ, Zm{eH$
6) AYrjH$ A{^`§Vm, `m§{ÌH$s _§S>i (C.g§.) ZmJnya, H$moëhmnya/nwUo/Zm§XoS>/(Ûmao) nwUo
7) gd© A{YjH$ A{^`§Vm, Obg§nXm {d^mJ,
Sr.No. Name of Equipment Page No.

1. Motorised Scrapers 1
2. Excavators 2
3. Wheeled Loaders 4
4. Crawler Loaders 4
5. Crawler Tractors 4
6. Dumpers 5
7. Motor Graders 6
8. Vibratory Compactors 6
9. Diesel Road Rollers 6
10. Tipper 6
11. Trucks 7
12. Transporters 7
13. Cranes 8
14. Air Compressors 8
15. Generating Sets 9
16. Pumping Sets 10
17. Diesel Welding Plants 10
18. Boring Machinery 11
19. General conditions for use of Boring Machiney 12

20. Special equipment of Public Works Department 13
21. Procedure for Departmental use of Machinery 14
22. Procedure When any machine is given for use to the Civil Division 14
by the Mechanical Division
23. Conditions for hiring machinery to Contractors / Piece workers etc. 14
24. Note on works abstracts, Register of works and preparation of 17
works abstracts
25. Register of work 19
26. Form of requisition of the machinery. 23
MACHINERY USE RATES FOR THE YEAR 2014-2015 (1-07-2014 to 30-06-2015)
Rate of Rate of Rate of Total
Depreciation Repair Running and Machinery
Sr. Group Name fo Equipment Maintenance Use Rate
No. No.
per hour per hour per hour per hour
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.

(Rates only for the machinery of mechanical Organisation)


1 1.1 TEREX TS-24 Scraper 10.00 1896.00 4497.00 6403.00

Capacity : 18.4/24.5 cum (24/32 cu.yds.)

2 1.2 Caterpiller 627 B 10.00 1704.00 3578.00 5292.00

Capacity : 10.7/13.7 cum (14/18 cu.yds.)

3 1.3 TEREX TS- 14 B Scraper 10.00 1176.00 2689.00 3875.00

Capacity : 10.7/15.3 cum (14/20 cu. yds.)

4 1.4 Euclid B-6 FDT 10.00 739.00 2274.00 3023.00

Capacity : 9.5/12.2 cum (12/16 cu.yds.)

5 1.5 John Deer J D 762 B 91.00 911.00 2020.00 3022.00

Capacity : 8.4 cum (11 cu.yds.)
(Rates only for the machinery of mechanical Organisation) 1/7/2014 to 30/6/2015

Rate of Rate of Rate of Total

Depreciation Repair Running and Machinery
Sr. Group Name fo Equipment Maintenance Use Rate
No. No.
per hour per hour per hour per hour
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.


6 2.1 Poclain CK-300 215.00 1248.00 3073.00 4536.00

Capacity : Loader : 3.23 cum. (4.25 cu.yds.)
Back hoe : 2 cum. (2.6 cu.yds.)

7 2.2 Demag H 51 10.00 1191.00 2843.00 4044.00

Capacity : Loader : 3.23 cum. (4.25 cu.yds.)
Back hoe : 2 cum. (2.6 cu.yds.)

8 2.3 Poclain HC - 300 10.00 1129.00 2842.00 3981.00

Capacity : Loader : 3.23 cum. (4.25 cu.yds.)
Back hoe : 2 cum. (2.6 cu.yds.)

9 2.4 L & T Poclain CK 90 10.00 396.00 1727.00 2133.00

10 2.5 Atlas E 1602 ( Back-hoe) 10.00 239.00 1451.00 1700.00

11 2.6 Poclain LC-80 10.00 287.00 1501.00 1798.00

Capacity : 0.9 cum (1.14 cu.yds.)

12 2.7 Tata Hitachi EX 100 (Back Hoe) 170.00 422.00 1317.00 1909.00

13 2.8 JD 550 B Backhoe 90.00 222.00 1416.00 1728.00

14 2.9 JD Wheel Tr (2130) Backhoe 10.00 423.00 681.00 1114.00

15 2.10 JCB JS-80 119.00 142.00 1009.00 1270.00

16 2.11 TATA Hitachi EX-200 191.00 216.00 1599.00 2006.00

17 2.12 Tata Hitachi Ex-200 With Rock Breaker Attchment 239.00 269.00 1830.00 2338.00

18 2.13 Tata Hitachi Ex-200 With Slope Compactor 236.00 267.00 1830.00 2333.00
(Rates only for the machinery of mechanical Organisation) 1/7/2014 to 30/6/2015

Rate of Rate of Rate of Total

Depreciation Repair Running and Machinery
Sr. Group Name fo Equipment Maintenance Use Rate
No. No.
per hour per hour per hour per hour
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.

19 2.14 TATA Hitachi EX-70 109.00 122.00 933.00 1164.00

20 2.15 JCB JS-140 172.00 204.00 1252.00 1628.00

21 2.16 JCB JS 140 With Slope Comp. 222.00 264.00 1410.00 1896.00

22 2.17 TATA EX-350 338.00 575.00 2295.00 3208.00

23 2.18 L & T Hyd. Exvacator CK-72 167.00 199.00 1174.00 1540.00

24 2.19 TATA Hitachi Zaxis120 H 189.00 118.00 1252.00 1559.00

25 2.20 BEML BE 200 (NEW) 217.00 136.00 1640.00 1993.00

26 2.21 BEML BE 71 (NEW) 110.00 68.00 1010.00 1188.00

27 2.22 Terex 72-21 Backhoe 26.00 233.00 1407.00 1666.00

28 2.23 Tata Hitachi Zaxis 50 133.00 78.00 780.00 991.00

29 2.24 BEML BE 75 123.00 72.00 1016.00 1211.00

30 2.25 Tata Hitachi Zaxis 120 (New 2014) 208.00 123.00 1254.00 1585.00

31 2.26 BEML BE 200 (New 2014) 218.00 130.00 1641.00 1989.00

(Rates only for the machinery of mechanical Organisation) 1/7/2014 to 30/6/2015

Rate of Rate of Rate of Total

Depreciation Repair Running and Machinery
Sr. Group Name fo Equipment Maintenance Use Rate
No. No.
per hour per hour per hour per hour
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.


32 3.1 Fiat Allis 745 C 10.00 821.00 2359.00 3190.00

33 3.2 Caterpillar 966 D 10.00 702.00 2109.00 2821.00

34 3.3 Terex 72-21 Wheel Loader 10.00 540.00 1820.00 2370.00

35 3.4 Caterpillar 930 35.00 435.00 1777.00 2247.00

36 3.5 Escort JCB- 3C 40.00 375.00 1100.00 1515.00

37 3.6 Tata Wheel Loader 143.00 227.00 1497.00 1867.00

38 3.7 BEML BL 9H with backhoe 116.00 136.00 1273.00 1525.00


39 4.1 Caterpiller 977-L 29.00 403.00 2286.00 2718.00

Capacity : 2.1 cum (2.75 cu.yds.)


40 5.1 Komastsu D-355A-3 10.00 1165.00 3861.00 5036.00

41 5.2 BEMLD - 355 A-3 135.00 1258.00 3861.00 5254.00

42 5.3 CATD-9H 10.00 1489.00 3861.00 5360.00

43 5.4 BEMLD-155 A-1 10.00 1241.00 3235.00 4486.00

44 5.5 CATD-8-K 10.00 1428.00 3209.00 4647.00

(Rates only for the machinery of mechanical Organisation) 1/7/2014 to 30/6/2015

Rate of Rate of Rate of Total

Depreciation Repair Running and Machinery
Sr. Group Name fo Equipment Maintenance Use Rate
No. No.
per hour per hour per hour per hour
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.

45 5.6 Caterpillar D8H-68 A&22A 10.00 1189.00 2950.00 4149.00

46 5.7 CATD-7G Dozer 10.00 791.00 2354.00 3155.00

47 5.8 Bharat D-80 A12 10.00 708.00 2205.00 2923.00

48 5.9 CAT D-4 D Dozer 10.00 268.00 1306.00 1584.00

49 5.10 CAT D-4 E Dozer 10.00 414.00 1233.00 1657.00

50 5.11 JD 550 B Dozer 10.00 400.00 1168.00 1578.00

51 5.12 CAT D-3 B Dozer 10.00 267.00 1168.00 1445.00

52 5.13 CATD - 3-79-U Dozer 10.00 224.00 1093.00 1327.00

53 5.14 Shantui SD-13 Dozer 337.00 915.00 1502.00 2754.00

54 5.15 Shantui SD-16 Dozer 471.00 1281.00 1725.00 3477.00


55 6.1 WABCO-35 Dumper 10.00 764.00 2909.00 3683.00

56 6.2 Bharat Haulpack-35 99.00 890.00 2566.00 3555.00

57 6.3 BHARAT -25 Haulpack Dumper 10.00 780.00 2534.00 3324.00

(Rates only for the machinery of mechanical Organisation) 1/7/2014 to 30/6/2015

Rate of Rate of Rate of Total

Depreciation Repair Running and Machinery
Sr. Group Name fo Equipment Maintenance Use Rate
No. No.
per hour per hour per hour per hour
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.

58 6.4 Terex-R-25-H-4 TD 65.00 663.00 2343.00 3071.00

59 6.5 AL Hippo ALH 1/5 10.00 444.00 1891.00 2345.00

60 6.6 AL Beaver 12.00 155.00 1408.00 1575.00


61 7.1 Komatsu GD-605 A-3 87.00 596.00 1359.00 2042.00

62 7.2 BEML GD 605 R-1 10.00 649.00 1359.00 2018.00


63 8.1 Dynapack CA 51-P 10.00 1045.00 1838.00 2893.00

64 8.2 Aveling Barford Vib. Comp 10.00 575.00 1241.00 1826.00

65 8.3 L&T Sismopactor TT 900 107.00 803.00 1323.00 2233.00

66 8.4 Sismopactor 850-S 55.00 485.00 1390.00 1930.00


67 9.1 D R R - 8 / 10 Ton 11.00 142.00 537.00 690.00

Note :- Assumption for fixing hourly use rates for 7.5 Tones capacity tippers
Plant hourly rate X 8 Hrs. = K M rate X 96 KM.
Assuming average running of 12 Km / Hr for a Tipper working on project under a loader with average
lead of 1.5 Km. one way (4 Trips/Hr.) and 18 Km./Hr. for P.W.D. and long distance running

68 10.1 7.5Ton (Per KM) 2.50 12.60 46.80 61.90

10.2 7.5 Ton (Per Hr) (12 Km/hr) 30.00 151.00 557.00 738.00

69 10.3 10 Ton (Per Km) Tipper 4.50 9.50 50.50 64.50

10.4 10 Ton (Per Hr) (12 Km/hr) 54.00 113.00 603.00 770.00

70 10.5 Tata SK 1613/36 Scoop type (Per Km) 6.6 6.8 89.9 103.3

10.6 Tata SK 1613/36 Scoop type (Per Hr.) 79.00 82.00 1081.00 1242.00
(Rates only for the machinery of mechanical Organisation) 1/7/2014 to 30/6/2015

Rate of Rate of Rate of Total

Depreciation Repair Running and Machinery
Sr. Group Name fo Equipment Maintenance Use Rate
No. No.
per hour per hour per hour per hour
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.

71 10.7 Tata SK 1613/42 Box type (Per Km) 6.4 6.6 89.9 102.9

10.8 Tata SK 1613/42 Box type (Per Hr.) 77.00 79.00 1081.00 1237.00

72 10.9 AL ALCTTP 1616 II (Per Km) 6.6 6.8 101.4 114.8

10.10 AL ALCTTP 1616 II (Per Hr.) 79.00 82.00 1221.00 1382.00

73 10.11 Tata LPK 2518 BS III (Per Km) 10.4 10.7 109.5 130.6

10.12 Tata LPK 2518 BS III (Per Hr.) 125.00 128.00 1312.00 1565.00


74 11.1 7.5 Ton (per KM) 1.00 10.70 45.50 57.20

75 11.2 Water Tanker 7000/9000 Ltr Mounted on 5.00 115.00 551.00 671.00
Tata 1210/AL Chassis (Per Hr.)

76 11.3 School Bus 39/49 Seater Mounted 1.00 10.70 45.50 57.20
on Tata 1210/AL Chasis (Per Km)

77 11.4 Mahindra Bolero Camper 2.50 2.50 16.10 21.10

78 11.5 Mahindra Maxx Pick up 2.50 2.50 16.10 21.10

79 11.6 Tata 407 3.00 3.00 17.20 23.20


80 12.1 60 Ton (Mack) (Per Hr) 10.00 300.00 1607.00 1917.00

81 12.2 40 Ton (Mack/Scamell) 10.00 279.00 1542.00 1831.00

82 12.3 30 Ton (AL Hippo/ERF) 8.00 219.00 1389.00 1616.00

83 12.4 20 Ton (AL Beaver/Mack) 5.00 190.00 1335.00 1530.00

84 12.5 11 Ton AL Semigama 1.00 10.30 62.40 73.70

(Rates only for the machinery of mechanical Organisation) 1/7/2014 to 30/6/2015

Rate of Rate of Rate of Total

Depreciation Repair Running and Machinery
Sr. Group Name fo Equipment Maintenance Use Rate
No. No.
per hour per hour per hour per hour
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.


85 13.1 Voltas Omega - 35 190.00 390.00 1741.00 2321.00

86 13.2 Coles Endurance 30 T 131.00 464.00 1741.00 2336.00

87 13.3 Coles Hydra 830-30 T 165.00 618.00 1487.00 2270.00

88 13.4 Marshall Demag 30 T 182.00 381.00 1735.00 2298.00

89 13.5 Coles 1510 (S) 15.85 T 31.00 242.00 851.00 1124.00

90 13.6 Coles Mobile Aneas 12.5 T 13.00 245.00 844.00 1102.00

91 13.7 Escort MOC - 8E (Cap 8 T) 18.00 80.00 590.00 688.00

92 13.8 Escort Mobile (8T) 58.00 114.00 590.00 762.00

93 13.9 Escort MOC (5T) 22.00 63.00 564.00 649.00

94 13.10 Escort MOC (3T) 10.00 70.00 523.00 603.00

95 13.11 J.D. Wheel Tractor Crane 52.00 131.00 493.00 676.00

96 13.12 Usha Atlas DC-6 18.00 68.00 477.00 563.00


97 14.1 510 CFM. Elect. 4.00 92.00 621.00 717.00

98 14.2 400 Cfm. 10.00 96.00 1009.00 1115.00

99 14.3 260/250 Cfm. 6.00 45.00 701.00 752.00

100 14.4 280 Cfm. 6.00 45.00 701.00 752.00

101 14.5 210 Cfm. 4.00 44.00 700.00 748.00

102 14.6 175 Cfm. 3.00 33.00 516.00 552.00

Note :- If the purchase cost of the Machine is more than indicated, the owner should work out the

depreciation as per following formula

Purchase Cost - 15% Salvage Value
Depreciation =
Life in Hrs.
(Rates only for the machinery of mechanical Organisation) 1/7/2014 to 30/6/2015

Rate of Rate of Rate of Total

Depreciation Repair Running and Machinery
Sr. Group Name fo Equipment Maintenance Use Rate
No. No.
per hour per hour per hour per hour
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.

Life may be assumed as below :

For Item Nos. 14.1 to 14.2 = 12000 Hrs.
For Item Nos. 14.3 to 14.6 = 10000 Hrs.


103 15.1 125 To 135 KVA 5.00 75.00 1133.00 1213.00

104 15.2 100 KVA 4.00 56.00 1016.00 1076.00

105 15.3 41to 60 KVA 2.00 31.00 704.00 737.00

106 15.4 31to 40 KVA 2.00 38.00 544.00 584.00

107 15.5 21 to 30 KVA 2.00 30.00 399.00 431.00

108 15.6 10 to 20 KVA 1.00 27.00 302.00 330.00

109 15.7 6 to 7.5 KVA 1.00 15.00 232.00 248.00

110 15.8 5 KVA 1.00 12.00 164.00 177.00

Note :- If the purchase cost of the Machine is more than indicated, the owner should work out the
depreciation as per following formula,
Purchase Cost - 15% Salvage Value
Depreciation =
Life in Hrs.

Life may be assumed as below :

For Item Nos. 15.1 to 15.3 = 30000 Hrs
For Item Nos. 15.4 to 15.8 = 20000 Hrs
(Rates only for the machinery of mechanical Organisation) 1/7/2014 to 30/6/2015

Rate of Rate of Rate of Total

Depreciation Repair Running and Machinery
Sr. Group Name fo Equipment Maintenance Use Rate
No. No.
per hour per hour per hour per hour
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.


111 16.1 75 HP 3.00 34.00 424.00 461.00

112 16.2 50 to 60 HP 2.00 33.00 410.00 445.00

113 16.3 30 to 40 HP 2.00 30.00 311.00 343.00

114 16.4 20 to 29 HP 1.00 24.00 265.00 290.00

115 16.5 10 to 19 HP 1.00 20.00 206.00 227.00

116 16.6 5 to 9 HP 1.00 12.00 162.00 175.00

117 16.7 3 HP 1.00 8.00 98.00 107.00

118 16.8 2 HP 1.00 8.00 86.00 95.00

Note : If the purchase cost of the Machine is more than indicated, the owner should work out the
depreciation as per following formula,

Purchase Cost - 15% Salvage Value

Depreciation =
Life in Hrs.

Life may be assumed as 10000 Hrs. for each item.


119 17.1 30 HP 3.00 35.00 366.00 404.00

(Rates only for the machinery of mechanical Organisation) 1/7/2014 to 30/6/2015

Rate of Rate of Rate of Total

Depreciation Repair Running and Machinery
Sr. Group Name fo Equipment Maintenance Use Rate
No. No.
per hour per hour per hour per hour
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.


120 18.1 Over Burden by Diamond Drilling Machine 10.00 95.00 860.00 965.00

121 18.2 Quartzite by Diamond Drilling Machine with 16.00 575.00 3846.00 4437.00
NX BitCore size 54mm (2 inch)

122 18.3 Quartzite by Diamond Drilling Machine with 10.00 435.00 2881.00 3326.00
AX Bit Core Size 41.3mm (1 inch)

123 18.4 Quartzite by Diamond Drilling Machine with 8.00 287.00 1944.00 2239.00
AX Bit Core size 30.2mm (1 inch)

124 18.5 Other Rock With Diamond drill with 15.00 241.00 1905.00 2161.00

NX Bit Machine (0 to 50 Meters)

Core Size 54 mm (2 inch)

Note : For Boring more than 50 meters below the ground level the charges will be at actuals.

18.6 Sample Cores 18"(45.7 cm), 24" (60.9 cm),

36" (91.4cm) Dia in masonary / Concrete upto 0.9 mtr.

125 i) 18" 0.00 2478.00 5185.00 7663.00

126 ii) 24" 0.00 3672.00 7154.00 10826.00
127 iii) 36" 0.00 4893.00 9546.00 14439.00

Note : The Charges of Air Compressor will be extra at the sanctioned rates. Cost of Diamond Bits, Drill
Rods, Remaing Shell, Core Lifter, Core Barrel, Impregnated Diamond Bits, Air Houses, Water Swivel etc.
will be extra at actuals.


1. Percolation and permeability test charges are Rs. 150 per day plus Rs. 40.00 per pocket of
10 ft. and Rs. 20.00 per packet of 5 ft.

2. Soil sampling of 4" (100 m.m.) size will be Rs. 150.00 per sample excluding drill and material

3. Above rates do not include labour required for loading, unloading, erection, shifting and
operation of machine which will be provided by the user Division / project.

4. The transport charges of machine will be separate for each work.

5. The water supply charges will be extra at actual according to site conditions.

6. Boulders met in overburden will be charged at the rate of respective rock.

7. The casing pipe if required to be kept permanently in the bore will be charged extra at actual.

8. For re boring the charges will be at half rates.

9. The charges of watchman to be provided for the machines would be charged extra at actual.

10. Idle charges per day will be Rs. 200 for all days the machine is not used on the site for want
of work.

11. For angle boring and drilling in standing water the rate will be 1.5 times the usual drilling
charges. The cost of extra bits and material would be charged at actual.

12. Approach road to boring site so also approach road from one - bore point to another bore
point should be done by user Division / Project.

13. If casing pipes or any material is lost in bore that will be charged extra as per actual.

14. For relief well the perforated pipes which are to be kept permanently in bore should be supplied
by the project authority. Program should be given in advance estimates to be prepared and
budget provision to be made.
MACHINERY USE RATES FOR THE YEAR 2014-2015 (1-07-2014 to 30-06-2015)
Rate of Rate of Rate of Total Machinery
Depreciation Repair Running and Machinery use rate Per
Maintenance Use Rate Day (8 Hrs.
Sr. Group Name fo Equipment
Inclusicve of
No. No. 1 Hr. rest
per hour per hour per hour per hour
recess to the
A B C A+B+C crew)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.


128 19.1 Branto Sky Lift Bridge 360.00 795.00 1971.00 3126.00 25008
Inspection Unit (Insurance Extra as actual)

Note :- 1. The above machinery use rate do not include the charges on account of Watchman
Mistries and any labour and material required for Civil works. They include the
charges of labour and material for operation maintenance and repairs to the ma-
chine only. Therefore the charges for labour and material for Civil works will be

2. The machinery use rates for all the other machinery will be the same as specified for
the machines of Water Resources Department

3. All other terms and conditions for hiring of these machines to contractor will be the
same as specified for the machines of Water Resources Department.

4. For Asphalt Boiler at Sr.No. 23.6 Fuel and labour is to be provided by the Civil
Division which is charged to work.

Chief Engineer (Mechanical),
Water Resources Department, Nashik - 2.


20.1 Fraction of an hour / KM, should be counted as full hour / Km. The rounding of hours
/ Kms. should be done at the end of each month.
20.2 Unless Otherwise mentioned in the requisition it shall be presumed that the machinery
is being used to department works only and is not hired to contractor or piece worker.
20.3 The machinery working charges do not include the following charges which will be extra
at actual.
(a) Transportation of machinery from the Sub - Divisional Stores to the work site and
return to stores.
(b) Transportation of machinery from one work site to another work site.
(c) Transportation of fuel, Lubricants, spares, tools, OMR staff etc. from Sub -
Divisional head quarters to work site and back.
(d) Transportation of machinery for carrying out major repairs to the nerest work shop.
(e) The charges of watchman to be provided for the machines working at isolated
(f) If the machies are required for period less than a working season the D.A. of crew
will be charged extra.

21.1 Operation and maintenance (including day to day running repairs) is to be arranged
by civil division.
21.2 The credits for the element of depreciation should be passed on to the concerned
authority i.e. either mechanical divisions or projects according to ownership of the
21.3 No debit or credits on account of O.M.R. (inclusive of running repairs) should be passed
on by the civil divisions to the Mechanical Divisions.
21.4 Major repairs should be carried out by the Mechanical Divisions for which the credits
for the element of Major Repairs should be passed on to the Mechanical Division by
the Civil Divisions every month at the same time as credits for Depreciation are passed
on to the authority concerned.


22.1 Charges for hiring equipment to contractor / piece worker and local bodies. Zilla
Parishads, Municipalities, Mah. State Elect. Boards etc. shall be worked out as below
and charged accordingly.
If Rs. "H" is the machinery use rate, I.I.H. will be the machinery use rate to be adopted
in respect of the machinery given on hire to contractor / piece worker and local bodies,
Zilla Parishads, Munipalities, Mah. State Elect Boards etc. On this 10% Supervision
charges should be levied as per Government Memorandum Irrigation and power
Department No. MCN. 1064/14858 - IP (1), dated 8-12-64 and MCN-1073/159062- IP
(1), dated 12-12-73.
Sample calculations of charges for hiring.

Hiring Charges for

Total Use Contractor / Piece Worker
Name of Equipment 1.1 (H)
Rate Rs.(H) after adding 10%
Supervision on 1.1 (H)
8/10 Ton Diesel Road Roller 690/Hr. 759/Hr. Rs.834.9/Hr.

22.2 In case of Minor Irrigation works the terms and conditions for hiring the machinery as
stipulated in Government letter No. MNs/1078 (617/78) / MIN-1 of 7-10-78 should be
made applicable. However the hourly use rate for Diesel Road Roller may be taken
as per the current use rate read with hiring conditions.
22.3 Requisition should come through the Civil Authorities as per the enclosed form.
22.4 Agreement in form No. 587 and other formalities should be completed by the civil
22.5 The hire charges do not include the following charges which will be extra :-
(a) Transportation of machinery from the Sub-Divisional Head Quarters Garage stores
to the work site and back.
(b) Transportation of machinery from one work site to another work site.
(c) Transportation of fuel, Lubricant spares, tools, OMR staff etc. from Sub-Divisional
Head Quarter / Garage / Stores to the work site and back.
(d) Transportation of machinery for carrying out major repairs to the nearest workshop.
(e) The charges of watchman to be provided for the machine working at isolated
(f) If the machines are required for a period less than a working season the D.A.
of crew will be charged extra.

22.6 Quarters for Mechanical staff and workers and shades for parking and reqpirs to
machinery and for stores be provided by the project authorities.
22.7 Machinery will be made available on hire to contractors and piece workers, whenever
it is possible to do so and as it is available without affection Government works.
22.8 When any machinery is allocated to a work for issue to contractor/piece worker it will
be hired out for period of not less than 1 month and the contractor / piece worker will
be charged for it for minimum 5 hours utilization in a day when the machinery is
available for use being in working condition. If the machine works for more then 5 hours
in a day the contractor / piece worker will be charged for the actual number of hours
the machine works. Any fraction of an hour over and above 5 hours will be counted
as one full hour. If the machine fails after working for some hours the contractor will
be charged for the actual number of hours the machine has worked any fraction of
an hour being counted as one hour. The machinery will stand issued to the contractor
/ piece worker for use on the work let out on contract.

22.9 In respect of vehicles such as Trucks, Tippers and Water Tankers the contractor or
piece worker will be charged for minimum 5 hours utilization or 96 Kms. as applicable
run in a day when the machines are available for use being in working conditions
excepts for the machines which are given on hire under condition No. 27.12 mentioned
below if the truck, Tipper, Water Tankers fail after working for sometime the contractor
or piece worker will be charged for the actual hours / Kms. the machine have worked
any fraction of an hour being counted as one full hour if this machines work for more
then 5 hours or 96 Kms. in a day, the contractor or piece worker will be charged on
hourly or Km. basis (whichever recovery is higher) for actual number of hours / Kms.
The machines have worked any fraction of an hour being counted as one full hour.
22.10 When the machinery allocated to a work which is being carried out through several
piece-workers and many small contractor, the machinery may stand issued to the local
project authority which will be charged for its utilization as per condition 27.9 above
and the local proejct authority may issue it to different agencies according to
requirements and for such period or time, as the project authorities may find expedient
and charge them accordingly.
22.11 When machinery is regularly working on a Project on departmental execution of work
and some of its is required for a short time for emergency, or casually, not amounting
to regular execution of work, by any contractor or piece worker employed on the
proejct, it may be hired out for the purpose on hourly / Km. charges, any fraction of
any hour being counted a one full hour. The period reckoned will be the time for which
the machinery leaves for such a use to the time it returns to the original location. This
provision is intended to cover casual requirements of small agencies on proejcts
executed departmentally.
22.12 During rainy season, the machines may be hired out on hourly / Km. charges The period
of rainy season may be generally taken from 15th June to 30th September.

Chief Engineer (Mechanical)
Water Resources Department, Nashik - 2.


On account of all the transaction related to the work (O, M and R to machinery during a month
in respect of cash is to be prepared by the SDO in the form of works. Abstracts From No. 56 PW424),
in which the account of the final outlay is kept by sub-heads. The transaction occured in the Sub-
Division from 21st of the month to 20th of the next month will appear in the works abstracts. On
receipt of the works abstracts in the Divisional Office from the Sub-Divisional Office along with
monthly account, the transactions appeared in the Cash Book and Transfer Entry Book of the
Divisional Office and stock account submitted by the Sub-Divisional Office will be included in the
works abstracts by the Divisional Office.

The expenditure will be booked in the works abstracts by sub-heads as mentioned below:-

(i) B-1 Cost of OEM Genuine Spare Parts, Materials and Batteries.
(ii) B-2 Cost of spare parts, got manufactured.
(iii) B-3 Cost of Tyres, Tubes and Flaps.
(iv) B-4 Sundries (Misc. expenditure relating to repairs)
(v) B-5 Expenditure on jobs done by outside agencies.
(vi) B-6 Expenditure on jobs done by Departmental Workshops.


(i) C-1 Cost of fuel.
(ii) C-2 (a) Cost of Lub. Oil and Grease.
(iii) C-2 (b) Cost of Hyd. Oil and Brake Oil.
(iv) C-3 Expenditure on Operating Crew.
(v) C-4 Expenditure on Maintenance Crew.
(vi) C-5 Expenditure on labour for Repairs.
(vi) C-6 Sundries (Misc. expenditure relating to R and M)

Credits : The debit memos for the use of machinery are prepared by the Sub-Divisional Officer
based on the Hours / Km done and the machinery use rates sanctioned by the Govt. and they
are adjusted in the Divisional office by debit to the works or Division concerned. The credits
in this connection will appear under the head Receipts and Revenue. The transaction of credits
mentioned in the works abstracts is to get the position of difference between the amount worked
out at sanctioned rates and actual expenditure on working of machinery.
(i) Running of machinery in Kms. or hours.
(ii) Depreciation.
(iii) Repairs.
(iv) Running and Maintenance.
(v) Total Credits

The monthly totals of sub-heads of work abstracts are then posted in the Register of works
in the Divisional Office.

Results : The Resultant position of the machinery showing the difference between the
amount worked out at sanctioned rate and actual expenditure is shown in the Register of Works
as under :-

1. Repairs : (Credit under repairs minus expenditure on repairs).

2. Running and Maintenance : (Credit under Running and Maintenance minus expendutire
on Running and Maintenance)
3. Net Result : (1 + 2)



Name of the group of the Machinery

Month B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B C1
Expdr. on Cost of Cost of Sundries Expdr. on Expdr. on Total Cost of
OEM Spare Parts Tyres, Jobs done Jobs done Expd. on Fuel
Genuine got Manu- Tubes & by outside by Deptt. Repairs
Parts factured Flaps agencies Work- shop
Materials &

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.



Estimated Plant Hrs. of the group Amount of Sanction estimate Rs.

C-2(a) C-2(b) C-3 C-4 C-5 C-6 Total Expendi- Signaure

Expendi- ture on of
Cost of Cost of Experidure Expendure Expendure Sundries ture on OM & R Executive
Lub Oil & Hyd. Oil on on on R&M (B+C) Engineer
Gease & Brake Oil Operating Mainte- Labour 'C'
Crew nance for
Crew Repairs

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.



Month Kms. Run Hours Depreciation Repairs R and M Total

Worked (A) (B) (C) Credits

19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.



Results Total
Column No. 26+27
Repairs R and M
(Colomn No. 23-8) (Column No. 24-16)

26 27 28

Rs. Rs. Rs.



Name of work on which machiney is required -----------------------------------------------------------

Particulars of machinery required Quantity

Particulars of machinery required

(i) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(ii) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(iii) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(iv) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(v) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Name of the Division -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Name of the Sub-Division -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Name of the contractor / Piece worker (in block letters) ----------------------------------------------------

Period for which the machinery is required from ---------------------------- to -----------------------------

The relevant machinery use rates as laid down in the booklet of Machinery use rates and conditions
thereof prescribed by the Chief Engineer (Mechanical), Nashik are accepteable.

Note :- Minimum period should not be less than one month as prescribed in the conditions of
hire charges.

Signature of the Piece Worker


Executive Engineer / Dy. Engineer

Forwarded with compliments to the Executive Engineer/Deputy Engineer/Mechanical Division/Sub

- Division for further action.
The necessary agreement in form 587 has been signed by the Contractor / Piece worker.
The hire charges and the supervision charges will be recovered from the Contractor / Piece worker
by this office.

No. Date Executive Engineer Division

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