Bruchet 2011

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J. Sep. Sci.

2011, 34, 2079–2087 2079

Anthony Bruchet1,2 Research Article

Vincent Dugas2
Clarisse Mariet1
Florence Goutelard1 Improved chromatographic performances
Jérôme Randon2
of glycidyl methacrylate anion-exchange
Commissariat à l’Energie
Atomique, Saclay, DEN/DPC/
monolith for fast nano-ion exchange
SECR/LANIE, Gif-sur-Yvette,
Laboratoire des Sciences
Analytiques (UMR CNRS 5180), An efficient and reproducible photopolymerized poly(glycidyl methacrylate-co-ethylene
Université de Lyon, dimethacrylate) was synthesized in Teflon-coated fused-silica capillaries (100 mm id) and
Villeurbanne, France
functionalized by reaction of triethylamine with reactive epoxy groups. We report here the
successful transfer of a standard polymerization mixture optimized for the thermally
Received March 1, 2011 initiated synthesis of glycidyl-based monolith to photo-induced polymerization. The
Revised April 11, 2011 monolith obtained after optimization of the photo-initiation conditions was characterized
Accepted April 11, 2011 in reverse-phase chromatography evaluating its suitability in terms of efficiency, retention
and hydrodynamic permeability. Reproducibility of the photo-induced procedure was
satisfactory with RSD below 6% for retention and efficiency and slightly higher for
hydrodynamic permeability (12%). The functionalized generic support was then used in
nano-ion-exchange chromatography. Efficiencies up to 75 000 plates/m, ion-exchange
capacity of 8 nano-equivalents/cm of monolithic column, with a combination of a satis-
factory hydrodynamic permeability allowed to perform fast separations of five inorganic
anions in o3 min maintaining baseline resolution. The efficiency of the monolith was not
retention-dependent, demonstrating its wide range of possible applications for highly
retained anions.

Keywords: Chemical functionalization / Fast nano-IEC / Monolith / Photopoly-

merization / Strong anion exchanger
DOI 10.1002/jssc.201100180

1 Introduction inorganic anions or cations [10, 11], carbohydrates [12],

small organic charged compounds [13], peptides or proteins
Since their introduction in the early 1990s [1], polymeth- [14, 15]. Although high performances have been obtained
acrylate monoliths have emerged as a powerful alternative for ion-exchange separations of large biomolecules [16, 17],
tool in chromatographic column technology. The combina- monoliths suffer from a lack of ion-exchange capacity (IEC)
tion of their singular porous properties, the various for small ions due to their highly porous structure. From
chemistries available and their relatively simple implemen- this point of view, the preparation of methacrylate monolith
tation in columns with small internal diameters make them for ion-exchange chromatography is still challenging and
particularly attractive for the new chromatographic chal- two strategies can be implemented for the enhancement of
lenges of complex matrices analysis [2], fast chromatography IEC: tuning the porous structure in order to increase the
[3] or on-chip separations [4]. Besides the use of methacry- surface area or maximizing the surface density of ion-
late monolith in many chromatographic modes [5–9], ion exchangeable groups.
exchange is of growing interest. It allows the separation of During the last ten years, research mainly focussed on
the enhancement of the surface-density of ion-exchangeable
groups in order to obtain high capacity ion-exchange
Correspondence: Dr. Vincent Dugas, Laboratoire des Sciences monoliths. Such surface functionalization of methacrylate
Analytiques, Université de Lyon, Université Claude Bernard
monolith was divided into two different strategies as referred
Lyon 1, Bâtiment Curien, 43 Boulevard du 11 Novembre 1918,
69622 Villeurbanne Cedex, France recently by Hilder: co-polymerization and post-synthesis
E-mail: functionalizations [18]. Co-polymerization has been
Fax: 133-472-431-078 successfully used by Lee et al. with direct incorporation of
sulfonate, phosphonate or ammonium functions into the
Abbreviation: AIBN, 2,20 -azoisobutyronitrile; EDMA, monolithic structure for biomolecule separations [15, 19, 20].
ethylene dimethacrylate; GMA, glycidyl methacrylate; IEC,
Additional correspondence: Anthony Bruchet
ion-exchange capacity; SEM, scanning electron microscopy;
TEA, triethylamine E-mail:

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2080 A. Bruchet et al. J. Sep. Sci. 2011, 34, 2079–2087

However, this approach suffers from some drawbacks such [43]. Here, we showed that the transfer of well-established
as the need for mixture optimization for each type of func- thermally induced polymerization to photo-induced poly-
tionalization [21], poor mechanical stability and high swel- merization can be a relevant way to enhance the IEC of
ling [11]. Therefore, post-polymerization modifications have glycidyl-based monolith. Using the efficient mixture defined
emerged as versatile tools in order to easily tune the surface by Ueki et al. [11] and our previously published functiona-
properties of monolith as mentioned in numerous reviews lization procedure [44], the present study demonstrates the
[18, 22, 23]. These modifications can be performed in three potential of this strategy to obtain monoliths with unmat-
different ways: electrostatic coupling (the use of surfactant or ched chromatographic performances.
latex particles), surface grafting on reactive groups and
surface radical grafting. Latex-coated monolith, introduced
by Hutchinson et al. [8, 24], showed improved IEC but 2 Materials and methods
involved the incorporation of a negatively charged monomer
into the bulk polymer. Reaction with reactive epoxy groups 2.1 Reagents and materials
was first demonstrated by Svec and Frechet as early as 1992
[1] and is still widely employed to obtain cation or anion GMA, EDMA, 1,4-butanediol and AIBN were obtained from
exchangers [11, 20, 25–28], but the surface availability of the Acros Organics (Noisy-Le-Grand, France). All HPLC-grade
reactive epoxy rings limits the capacity. Alternative approa- solvents (1-propanol, acetonitrile, ethanol), 3-(trimethoxysi-
ches have been developed with surface-initiated poly- lyl)-propyl methacrylate and triethylamine (TEA) were from
merizations. First attempt was carried out with a chemical Sigma-Aldrich (Isle-d’Abeau, France). All anions used for
initiation using CeIV as the initiator [29], but photo-induced the preparation of mobile phases and samples (iodate,
functionalizations have been intensively developed during bromate, nitrite, bromide, nitrate, benzoate and perchlorate)
the last few years with the successful grafting of 2-acryl- were purchased as their sodium salts from Sigma-Aldrich.
amido-2-mehtyl-1-propanesulfonic acid (AMPS), methacrylic The aqueous solutions were prepared using 418 MO DI
acid (MAA) and [2(methacryloyloxy)ethyl] trimethylammo- water (Millipore, Molsheim, France). UV-transparent
nium chloride (META) [10, 30, 31]. Such a technique intro- Teflon-coated capillaries with an inner diameter of 100 mm
duced by Ranby et al. involved the use of benzophenone as were obtained from CIL-Cluzeau Info Labo SA (Sainte-Foy-
free radical initiator allowing free radical processes by La-Grande, France). Concentrations of individual anions
hydrogen abstraction from surface available alkyl groups were chosen according to their UV absorbance at 210 nm as
[32, 33]. This led to the creation of polymer brushes from follows: 200 mg/L iodate, 300 mg/L bromate, 100 mg/L
only one reactive site, thus increasing the density of ion- nitrite, 300 mg/L bromide and 100 mg/L nitrate.
exchangeable groups compared with the modification of
surface reactive groups [34, 35].
As stated above, the enhancement of IEC can be 2.2 Instrumentation
obtained also by tuning porous structure in order to increase
the surface area. The preparation of monoliths via photo- Vinylization of capillaries was done by flushing reagents
initiated polymerization is well and widely used from through capillaries by applying a 1-bar nitrogen pressure
sample treatment to classical RP separation [36–38]. In with the Nanobaume system (CIL-Cluzeau Info Labo SA).
particular, it was already successfully applied to miniatur- The illumination system used for photopolymerization
ized capillary columns [39] and microfluidics [40]. In order reactions was a Bio-link cross-linker (VWR International,
to prepare the column with ion-exchange capability, most of Strasbourg, France) equipped with five 8 W UV tubes
the previous works have used glycidyl methacrylate (GMA) emitting at 365 nm. A UVX-radiometer (Fisher Scientific,
polymers as the backbone support either for surface coating Lyon, France) equipped with a 365-nm sensor (1 cm2) was
or surface grafting since they have proved efficient ion- used to record the total UV-light energy supplied during
exchange separations. However, these polymeric monoliths each polymerization. An HPLC pump (Merck, Lyon,
provide only small surface areas [41]. The optimized France) and an HPLC oven were used for functionalization
mixtures are generally composed of GMA, ethylene di- steps.
methacrylate (EDMA), ternary (1,4-butanediol/1-propanol/ Evaluation of chromatographic performances of GMA-
water) or binary (dodecanol/cyclohexanol) porogens and based monolith in reverse-phase chromatography (RP
2,20 -azoisobutyronitrile (AIBN) as the initiator for thermally mode) was performed using the Agilent3D CE system
induced free radical polymerizations. Recently, attempts (Waldbronn, Germany) operating in pressure-driven mode.
have been made in order to increase the specific surface area Ion chromatography experiments were performed with
by means of terminated polymerization [41] or post-poly- a MicroPro syringe pump from SunChrom (Friedrichsdorf,
merization hypercrosslinking [42] for RP-mode chromato- Germany) and external injection and detection devices.
graphy. As described earlier, photo-initiation process on Temporized manual injection was realized using a Vici
poly(butyl methacrylate-co-ethylene dimethacrylate) mono- C72NH nanovolume valve (Interchim, Montluc- on, France)
liths led to the obtention of a smaller structure and can in order to obtain injection volume of approximately 10 nL.
improve the specific surface area of the porous materials The detection was carried out at 210 nm using an Ultimate

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J. Sep. Sci. 2011, 34, 2079–2087 Liquid Chromatography 2081

UV detector from LC-Packings (Amsterdam, The Nether- The resulting 3-triethylammonium-2-hydroxy-propyl func-
lands) equipped with a detection cell of 3 nL. Strict evalua- tionalized monolith was then rinsed at 1 mL/min succes-
tion of flow rate was obtained using the liquid flow sensor sively with ethanol and water for 3 h before equilibration in
Sensirion SLG-1430 (Sensirion AG, Germany). 10 mM sodium perchlorate for 6 h.
The study of monomer conversion was carried out with
a Waters HPLC system equipped with a W-600 pump, a
W-717 plus autosampler, a Waters 996 DAD detector and 2.4 Evaluation of the GMA-based monolithic column
Millennium 32 software (Waters, Guyancourt, France). performances in RP chromatography
Hypercarb column (3  100 mm, packed with 5 mm parti-
cles) and a mobile phase of 50:50 v/v ACN/water were used As extra-column dispersion effects are a critical in nano-
for reverse-phase separation of the two monomers. The liquid chromatography, the evaluation of monoliths was
injection volume of samples diluted in acetonitrile was performed using the CE system equipped with an in situ
20 mL. Linear response of the UV detector, set at 220 nm, hydrodynamic injection (by applying a constant pressure for
allowed the quantitative determination of non-reacted several seconds), and with in situ UV detection (214 nm)
monomers collected after the in-capillary monolith synth- through the capillary. This system also allowed to move the
esis as previously described by Nischang et al. [41]. mobile phases through the monolithic column from the
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images were inlet to the outlet with an internal/external pressure device
acquired using a JCM-5000 Neoscope Scanning Electron (2–12 bar). Mobile phase used was 50:50 v/v ACN/water and
Microscope (Jeol, Croissy-sur-Seine, France) after metalli- samples of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and acetone
zation of monolithic capillary columns. (non-retained marker) were prepared in ACN. The injection
was performed by applying 3 bar at the inlet for 6 s.
Determination of the minimum plate height (HETPmin)
2.3 Preparation of monolithic columns was performed by varying the pressure applied at the inlet
of the column, hence by varying the flow rate (measured
UV-transparent Teflon-coated fused-silica capillaries were with the flow sensor). Hydrodynamic permeability was
first pretreated with 3-(trimethoxysilyl)-propyl methacrylate measured by
according to a previously published procedure [44]. There- L
after, polymerization mixture was introduced under the gas K0 ¼ Z:us ð1Þ
pressure of 500 mbar for 1–2 min and the capillary ends
where L is the length of the column, DP is the pressure
were sealed with silicon.
drop, Z is the ACN viscosity and us is the superficial velocity
Polymerization mixture was prepared following the
of the mobile phase.
procedure of Ueki et al. [11]: 900 mL of GMA and 300 mL of
EDMA were dissolved in a ternary porogen of 1050 mL of
1,4-butanediol, 600 mL of 1-propanol and 150 mL of water.
2.5 Determination of the IEC
Twelve milligrams of AIBN was added to the mixture as a
polymerization photo-initiator (1 wt% relative to the
The IEC of the monolith was determined using the
monomers). Prior to irradiation, dissolved oxygen in solu-
breakthrough curve of perchlorate with a UV detection at
tion was degassed by sonication for 15 min. Photo-
210 nm. The column was first equilibrated using low
polymerization was performed in room temperature at
retained benzoate anions at a concentration of 2 mM until
365 nm (1.4 mW/cm2) for different irradiation times.
obtaining a stable baseline of the UV signal. After a washing
During the irradiation step, the temperature increased
step with water in order to remove the interstitial benzoate
slightly in the UV-oven (few degrees), without a impact on
ions, a solution of 10 mM perchlorate was passed through
the final monolith properties compared with temperature-
the column at 1 mL/min until breakthrough detection.
controlled photopolymerization. After polymerization, the
monolithic columns were rinsed with acetonitrile at 1 mL/
min for 100 min either to remove the remaining reactant or
to collect 100 mL for the monomer conversion study. A UV 3 Results and discussion
detection window was then created at 8.5 cm from the inlet
of the column by depolymerization of the monolith under 3.1 Transfer of polymerization process from thermal
exposure to a deuterium lamp, inside the CE instrument, to photo-induced initiation
before reverse-phase chromatographic experiments.
Functionalization of monolith was performed according The elaboration of an efficient anion-exchange monolith
to the optimized procedure previously described [39]. first relies on the synthesis of a suitable generic support
Briefly, monolithic columns were filled with diluted solution before any further modifications. We carefully designed the
of TEA diluted in 50:50 v/v ethanol/water mixture. The experimental protocol in order to produce a monolith with
functionalization was carried out under dynamic conditions suitable chromatographic characteristics evaluated in
with a flow rate of 1 mL/min at a temperature of 851C for 4 h. reverse-phase mode. Since glycidyl-based monolith

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described by Ueki et al. [11] is well-established, no changes dynamic permeability by a factor of 2 within approximately
have been made as regards to initiator, monomers and 40 min. This was correlated with SEM photographs showing
porogenic solvent, but we paid a special attention to the a decrease in macroporosity for monolith obtained after
photo-initiation step. In thermal initiation, the number of 15–40 min of irradiation.
free radicals produced during the overall polymerization Retention and minimum plate height (HETPmin) for the
process is governed by temperature and time of reaction three alkylbenzene are plotted in Fig. 2 as a function of the
determining the size of the polymeric structure and the rate irradiation time. The minimum of plate height is reached at
of incorporation of monomers. By analogy for UV-induced a reaction time of 30 min (HETPmin 5 10 mm for an opti-
polymerizations, the key parameters are the radiant power mum velocity of 0.5 mm/s). Conversely, it corresponds to a
of UV light and also the time of reaction. As our maximum of retention for each alkylbenzene with k 5 1.2,
experimental setup did not allowed to adjust the radiant 1.5 and 1.8, respectively. These relatively high retention
power (fixed at 1.4 mW/cm2), optimization of the monolith factors, despite the poor hydrophobic character of the
structure has been carried out varying energy doses supplied monolith, illustrate the relative high surface area of the
from 0.9 to 3.4 J/cm2. As recently described, the kinetic monolith. The best compromise between acceptable
study of the monomers incorporation is a relevant way to permeability (Fig. 1) and lower HEPT (Fig. 2) was chosen to
improve chromatographic performances of methacrylate be 30 min of photopolymerization, corresponding to an
monolith [41]. Conversion yield of monomers during the irradiation dose of 2.6 J/cm2.
photopolymerization process obtained with HPLC measure- SEM images of monolith obtained for this optimized
ments is reported in Table 1. As photopolymerization is conditions are given in Fig. 3. Fine structure of monolith
known to be much faster compared with thermal polymer- clearly shows closely aggregated small globules with a
ization, 50% of monomers were already incorporated in only diameter of 1 mm (compared with 2–5 mm for thermally
10–15 min and more than 90% in 40 min. The constant initiated monolith [11]) and macropores of about 1 mm.
ratio of 1.2 between the quantities of crosslinker and Surface roughness highlighted the relatively high specific
functional monomer during the first 20 min indicated a area developed on the monolith. The photopolymerized
higher conversion of the cross-linker in the bulk polymer. monolith exhibited a permeability of 5  1014 m2 with a
The decrease in this ratio to a value of 1.05 at 40 min reflects total porosity eT of 0.86 (porosity was estimated from flow
a higher incorporation of GMA in surface layers, which rate and measurement of the dead volume). The mechanical
should be advantageous with regard to loading capacity. As strength of these monolithic columns was also assessed by
the crosslinker conversion occurs during the overall process, recording the backpressure for different flow rates. High
even surface layers are reticulated too and thus are less rigidity of the monolithic structure was demonstrated by the
subject to the phenomenon of swelling. It should be noticed linear correlation between flow rate up to 10 mL/min (with
that the ratio obtained for the photopolymerization process ACN) and backpressure for a 10 cm length column (corre-
differs significantly from that observed for thermally sponding to 160 bar).
initiated polymerization of butyl methacrylate and EDMA Photopolymerized monoliths are considered as repro-
[41]. ducible as thermally initiated polymers [43, 45] but because
The characterization of the monoliths was also photopolymerization process is faster than thermal initia-
performed on the basis of chromatographic parameters: tion (30 min compared with 24 h for this monolith), small
hydrodynamic permeability K0, retentions and efficiencies deviations of the experimental setup during the initiation
(measured for model solutes in reverse-phase chromato- step could lead to high variations of the monolithic structure
graphy). Evolution of resulting K0 was recorded as a func- and poor reproducibility. Robustness of the monolith
tion of irradiation time as shown in Fig. 1. Low UV dose synthesis was evaluated through measurement of repeat-
(o0.9 J/cm2) results in non-uniform monolithic material, ability (capillary-to-capillary RSD) and reproducibility
unsuitable for liquid chromatography. An increase in the (batch-to-batch RSD) with three synthesis batches
polymerization time leads to a decrease in the hydro- composed up to three monolithic capillaries. Hydrodynamic

Table 1. Monomer-specific conversion during photopolymerization of poly(glycidyl methacrylate-co-ethylene dimethacrylate) monolith

in Teflon-coated fused-silica capillaries (id 100 mm)

Irradiation time (min) Energy supplied (J/cm2) EDMA (% conversion) GMA (% conversion) Ratio (EDMA/GMA)

10 0.9 43.5 36.1 1.20

15 1.4 59.6 48.6 1.22
20 1.8 72.8 60.2 1.21
25 2.2 82.3 70.8 1.16
30 2.6 91.3 82.6 1.10
40 3.4 95.2 90.1 1.05

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10 .0

K0 (x 10-14 m²)



10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Irradiation time (min)

Figure 1. Evolution of hydro-

dynamic permeability K0 of
GMA-based monolith synthe-
sized in Teflon-coated
capillaries with increased irra-
diation time and SEM images
of polymer structure corre-
sponding to polymerization
time of (A) 15 min (top right
corner), (B) 25 min (bottom left
corner) and (C) 40 min (bottom
right corner). Column:
100 mm  8.5 cm. Mobile phase:
100% ACN.

2.5 60

Figure 2. Impact of irradiation

2 50
time at 365 nm on (A) reten-
Retnetion factor, k

40 tion factor, k and (B) mini-

HETPmin (µm)

1.5 mum plate height for benzene

30 (}), toluene (&) and ethyl-
1 benzene (D) using GMA-
20 based monolith. Column:
0.5 100 mm  8.5 cm. Hydrody-
namic injection: 3 bar during
0 0 6 s. Mobile phase: 50:50 v/v
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 ACN/water. UV detection at
Irradiation time (min) Irradiation time (min) 214 nm.

Figure 3. SEM photographs of the column

cross-section and surface roughness of the
optimized GMA-based monolith.

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2084 A. Bruchet et al. J. Sep. Sci. 2011, 34, 2079–2087

Table 2. Capillary-to-capillary repeatability and batch-to-batch reproducibility relative standard deviation for permeability (K0), minimum
plate height (HETPmin) and retention factor (k)

Capillary-to-capillary repeatability Batch-to-batch reproducibility

Mean RSD (%) Mean RSD (%)

K0 (m2)a) 5.1  1014 6 4.9  1014 12

HETPmin (mm)b) 11 4 10 6
kb) 1.2 1 1.2 5

a) Effective length of column: 8.5 cm. Mobile phase: 100 % CAN.

b) Effective length of column: 8.5 cm. Mobile phase: 50:50 v/v ACN/water. Hydrodynamic injections: 3 bar during 6 s. Samples: acetone
(dead-volume marker) and benzene. Linear velocity: 0.5 mm/s. UV detection at 214 nm.

permeability, efficiencies and retentions measured for the groups allowed to develop a high IEC particularly suited for
model compounds were used to qualify the robustness of use in nano-IEC.
photopolymerization. The results obtained using this stan-
dardized test are given in Table 2. Minimum plate heights 3.2.2 Kinetic properties
and retention factors were found to be in the range of
9–11 mm and 1.1–1.2, respectively, for benzene. Intra-batch Evaluation of the quaternary ammonium functionalized
RSD values were below 6%. These variations were monoliths was carried out with nano-IEC experiments using
comparable to those obtained by Ueki et al. [11] and indi- sodium perchlorate as mobile phase and UV detection at
cated a suitable monolith manufactory process. Reproduci- 210 nm. Ion-exchange methacrylate monoliths are widely
bility of synthesis, evaluated through the inter-batch RSD, used for fast separations of large biomolecules, thanks to the
was satisfactory. These results corroborated that the photo- convective flow of mobile phase allowed by their intrinsic
initiation process is as reproducible as the thermal initiation macroporous properties [46]. However, these monoliths
one. typically show poor performances for the separation of small
The characteristics of such optimized monolith reported molecules due to the swelling of the surface layer mainly
in Table 2 have been taken as a reference in order to eval- constituted of non-reticulated polymer brushes. Highly
uate the suitability of each synthesized monolith for further retained molecules can diffuse through this non-uniform gel
functionalization and use in nano-ion-exchange chromato- layer generating significant peak broadening [41]. However,
graphy (nano-IEC). this phenomenon has not been investigated yet for meth-
acrylate ion exchangers. Evaluation of kinetic properties has
been carried out with the separation of three model anions to
3.2 Performances of functionalized monolith for probe a wide range of retention factors spanning from 1.1 to
nano-IEC 8.1 in the 10 mM sodium perchlorate mobile phase. Column
efficiency was recorded at different flow rates and different
3.2.1 Evaluation of IEC ionic strengths of mobile phase. Van Deemter curves plotted
for bromate, nitrite and nitrate in a 10-mM sodium
Photopolymerized monolithic capillary columns (7.5 cm perchlorate mobile phase are shown in Fig. 4. Efficiencies
length) were obtained according to optimized conditions up to 75 000 plate/m were measured for the three anions at an
previously mentioned (i.e. 30 min irradiation) in 100 mm id optimum linear velocity of 0.5 mm/s corresponding to a flow
Teflon-coated capillaries. Single-step preparation of rate of 100 nL/min. These high efficiencies obtained with the
quaternary ammonium functionalized monolith has optimized photopolymerized monolith are almost two to three
been carried out according to a previously published times higher than in previous works [8, 10, 11]. Van Deemter
procedure [44]. Briefly, monolithic capillary columns plots for each anion were similar with no significative
were filled with a solution of TEA in 50:50 v/v EtOH/water. deviation of efficiencies until 3.5 mm/s corresponding to an
Total conversion of epoxy groups was then performed average value of 18 000 N/m. This trend is conserved in all the
under dynamic conditions through pumping the reactive experimental domain explored (see Fig. 4) when retention
solution at 1 mL/min for 4 h at 851C leading to an factors were increased by using mobile phases with lower
average maximized IEC of 8 nequiv/cm (measurements ionic strengths (8 and 5 mM). The photo-polymerized ion-
realized in triplicates for each column). Such IEC compares exchange monolith did not show any retention dependence of
very favourably with results reported for methacrylate kinetic performances unlike thermally initiated methacrylate
monolith functionalized by means of latex coating [8] or used in reverse-phase mode. This can be attributed to a less
photografting [10]. Despite the relative poor surface area of pronounced phenomenon of swelling of the monolith surface
methacrylate monolith, the quantity of available ammonium layer as indicated in Section 3.1.

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J. Sep. Sci. 2011, 34, 2079–2087 Liquid Chromatography 2085

3.2.3 Nano-IC separations of inorganic anions 10

The same set of three anions was first used to evaluate the 8
performances of the monolith in fast nano-IEC using a 10- 7

Absorbance (mAu)
mM sodium perchlorate mobile phase. An example of fast 6

separations of bromate, nitrite and nitrate is presented in 5

Fig. 5. Increasing flow rate from 0.1 to 1.7 mL/min
(corresponding to linear velocities of 0.5 and 4.3 mm/s, (1)
respectively) allowed to reduce the time of analysis from
15 min to o1 min maintaining baseline resolution for all (2) (4)
Separations of five inorganic anions were also 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
performed at flow rates up to 1400 nL/min as illustrated in Retention time (min)
Fig. 6. Particularly interesting are the high retention
Figure 6. Fast separation of five inorganic anions using the
obtained with retention factors ranging from 0.5 to 4.3 GMA-based photopolymerized column at 1400 nm/min (corre-
(iodate, bromate, nitrite, bromide and nitrate) and the sponding to a linear velocity of 3.5 mm/s). Peaks: (1) 200 mg/L
maintainance of baseline resolution for all peaks. The iodate, (2) 300 mg/L bromate, (3) 100 mg/L nitrite, (4) 300 mg/L
analysis time was also reduced from more than 25 min for a bromide, (5) 100 mg/L nitrate. Other chromatographic conditions
are as in Fig. 4A.
flow rate of 100 nL/min (corresponding to an optimal linear

Figure 4. Plate height curves

A B as a function of linear velo-
60 60
city for (A) bromate (&),
50 50 nitrite (J) and nitrate (D) in
10 mM NaClO4 mobile phase
Plate Height (µm)
Plate Height (µm)

40 40 and for (B) nitrates in 10 mM

(D), 8 mM (m) and 5 mM (m)
30 30 NaClO4 mobile phases for
the GMA-based anion-
20 20
exchange monolith. Column:
10 10
100 mm  7.5 cm. Injection:
10 nL of anions prepared in
0 0 water. Mobile phases
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 prepared in water. UV detec-
Linear Velocity (mm.s-1) Linear Velocity (mm.s-1) tion at 210 nm.

1.6 2


1.2 1
Absorbance (mAu)


0.8 B 0.3
Absorbance (mAu)


0.6 C 0.2
Figure 5. Evolution of the
0.15 separation of bromate (1),
0.4 0.1
nitrite (2) and nitrate (3) for
increased flow rates of (A)
D 0.05 100 nL/min, (B) 400 nL/min, (C)
0.2 800 nL/min, (D) 1400 nL/min,
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 (E) 1700 nL/min and a zoom
E Retention time (min) for the separation at 1700 nL/
0 min (bottom right corner).
0 5 10 15 20 25
Chromatographic conditions
Retention time (min) are as in Fig. 4A.

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Table 3. Capillary-to-capillary repeatability and batch-to-batch reproducibility RSD for retention factor of bromate, nitrite and nitrate and
for ion-exchange capacity

Capillary-to-capillary repeatability Batch-to-batch reproducibility

Mean RSD (%) Mean RSD (%)

kBromatea) 1.1 0.5 1.1 5

kNitritea) 2.3 1 2.4 3
kNitratea) 4.1 2 4.1 3
IECb) (nequiv/cm) 8.0 2 8.1 6

a) Effective length of column: 7.5 cm. Mobile phase: 10 mM sodium perchlorate. Injection: 10 nL. Samples : bromate 100 mg/L, nitrite
100 mg/L and nitrate 100 mg/L in water. Linear velocity: 0.5 mm/s. UV detection at 210 nm.
b) Effective length of column: 7.5 cm. Loading step with 2 mM sodium benzoate, wash step with water and breakthrough step with 10 mM
sodium perchlorate. UV detection at 254 nm.

velocity of 0.5 mm/s), to o3 min. Moreover, it should be strates their great potential of separation not only for large
noticed that no overloading effect was observed when using biomolecules but also for the separation of small ions.
relatively high sample concentrations due to low UV Moreover, the use of the photopolymerization process is
sensibility (ranging from 100 to 300 mg/L). valuable for the localized synthesis of monolithic stationary
Pure anion exchange process was also confirmed by phase in micro-Total Analysis System.
plotting the retention factors versus the inverse of sodium
perchlorate concentration for all anions. Linear correlation The authors have declared no conflict of interest.
was obtained in the range of 5–10 mM of sodium perchlo-
rate (data not shown).
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