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After Death is there single or multiple lives?

Most of human civilizations, cultures and religions around the world believe in two main parts of every living
being; which is alive on the earth.

(1) Body: – Though body is visible yet body is perishable. Body dies, never becomes alive, lastly decays that is body’s end.

(2) Spirit (soul): – Though spirit/soul is/are invisible yet imperishable. Body remains alive, only till spirit/soul dwell inside it.

Sciences’ theories of conversions, of energy into another form of energy and mass into another form of mass also
becomes supportive to faiths, believes and assumptions stated bellow about body, spirit (soul) and life.

(A) Concept of Reincarnation (Rebirth): After the death of living being, departed spirit from dead body enters into
the embryo of same kind or even another kind of living being and takes birth on earth again. Thus a single spirit
passes through millions of life cycles (deaths and births). Human birth is a high standard birth. Good or bad deeds
in the life-times, affects spirits journey in forward or even backward directions. If total of bad deeds exceed than
good deeds in life cycles then it will lead the spirit in the Narak (hell). Highest caste human Birth and only good
deeds in that life, frees the spirit from the cycles of lives and the free Atma (spirit) merges into Param-Atma
(God), such end of life cycles is called as ‘Mukti’. In cycles of life, if spirit takes birth on second time again in
human form and only under some influence, remembers incidences of previous human life, is mostly considered
as reincarnation. (Even though it should be a rebirth, of the same spirit in the second human form).

Proofs: Though Rare, stories of reincarnation or rebirth (only in human forms) are heard from the people around
the world. But one just cannot overlook reincarnation stories, especially when accurate details of last human life
were told and their evidences are also given by few small children.

Reviews: Hence, killing of any living being, even for food, is same as breaking (killing) life cycle of some spirit in
that life form. Therefore, People who believe in reincarnation expected mandatorily to eat only vegetarian food.
So they are preaching the benefits of vegetarian diet; around the world. But other groups which also believe in
reincarnation are non-vegetarians. They oppose above one sided view and medically prove the importance of
non-vegetarian diet for some patient’s health and also for living healthy life, during human form. Apart from
delicious test of non-vegetarian food, this food is useful for the laborers and essential in cold and extremely cold
geographical belts around the world. So arguments over veg. and non-veg. diets turned into issues of conflicts.

(B) Concept of only two lives for mankind: Apart from every kind of living being on earth, only mankind is actually
dominantly ruling the earth. The Bible tells that God the creator who rules the entire universe, created man in his
own image to rule the earth. Hence each and every kind of living being on earth also is given under the control of
mankind. That is why, only human beings possess body, soul and spirit (first Thessalonians 5: 23). The verse
indicates that all other living beings possess only body and soul means no spirits inside them. Hence there is no
resurrection or salvation of other living beings is mentioned in The Bible. So in the death of all living beings soul
departs from the body and vanishes, leaving behind their dead bodies to decay. But in death of mankind though
their bodies are left behind for decaying, but their spirits together with souls go either in The Hades (place of
unsaved human spirits with souls) or go in The Paradise (Place of saved human spirits with souls). They are fixed
in two above territories and not even allowed to cross their territories. Hence no human spirit or soul can come
back on earth in the form of Ghosts or even in the form of Saints (Luke 16: 19 to 31) except cases of some
resurrections (not reincarnations or rebirths) of few dead ones in the same bodies and in the same lives, made by
Jesus and his disciples in order to make people believe, in the day of resurrection. Only in a single exceptional
case, dead prophet Samuel’s spirit was allowed to talk with king Saul, when nation of Israel was facing critical
situation of war and civil war as well. Otherwise dead saints or sinner’s spirits have to remain inside their
respective territories, till the day of their resurrection (for the second life, in the form of imperishable bodies).
Resurrected imperishable bodies with their same respective spirits, have to face the Day of Judgment before the
throne of God the creator, to get their final destination for ever. Either in the heaven or in the hell - (i) According
to their faith in Jesus Christ; (ii) As per their good and bad deeds in the human life-time on earth. That’s why;
there is no information about any reincarnation (rebirth) is found in the writings of The Bible, except the
description of only one more life after death, is for all mankind on The Day of Resurrection alone.
Proofs: Though rare, stories of Hades and Paradise or heaven and hell, angels and demons etc. are also heard
from some people around the word. Again one cannot just overlook the testimonies shared by some small
children with evidences, which are matching with the descriptions in The Bible.

(C) What can happen after humans die, their Reincarnation (Rebith) or their Resurrection or Nothing?
(I) The concept of Reincarnation (rebirth) of spirits (souls) into some other new life forms is difficult
to accept. But some proofs mentioned above, forms enough faith to believe in those stories.
(II) The concept of Resurrection for only mankind, humans and all other living beings, two words (spirit
and soul), Hades and Paradise, Heaven and Hell are to be understood properly. Yet Biblical links,
concepts and evidences mentioned above are not crossing or contradicting one another but are
parallel, supportive and matching together.
(III) The Bible tells that, during early periods of creation, in the war of angels, defeated 1/3 angels were
thrown out of heaven. So they stay on some planets and even on earth. They are in Satan’s army, they
are called Demon spirits. They still possess same angelic powers like – angels can disappear, reappear,
take form of human (example – Lot and two strangers). They can appear in the form of any other living
being (example – snake in The Garden of Eden; was also able to speak in human language). They can
also enter into human body and speak through human mouths. They make humans to commit sins and
evil deeds. They are liars and sources of every evil thing; hence they are also called evil spirits!
Their motto is: To deceive mankind by spreading lies, tempt humans to commit sins, to lead mankind
towards the paths of hell, so that human race is destroyed.
(IV) Thus above fallen angels (demons) are able to copy miracles in the Bible, up to some extent
(example – Moses verses Pharos’ Magicians). Till today above evil spirits appear and disappear to
certain people as a ghost of some dead person, or as some dead saint, or may be in the form of some
God or Goddess, in order to frighten, or to deceive, or to spread some wrong, harmful massage or
ideology in the mankind. Since only mankind is created by God the creator, in his own image to rule the
whole earth. Satan and his demons wished to rule the earth as well; that is why demons hate mankind.
Therefore, demon spirits are trying their level best to break human unity, divide humans into groups
and destroy the whole mankind through the groups of people who can learn, follow evil ideologies and
believe in evil deeds as well. Demons mostly frighten illiterate people by taking appearance of ghosts
and fooling many educated people by taking appearance of aliens/extraterrestrials (There are no
conformed proofs of Ghosts and Aliens). But existence of unknown spirits is accepted in human world.
(V) Spirit communicators (oza) call the spirits of people, who died centuries or decades ago. Oza try to
find some true facts; as they had actually occurred in the past from those spirits. After decades or after
centuries, one particular person’s spirit must have passed through several life cycles of reincarnation.
How can that spirit reverse its own lives and deaths (course of life cycles), comes back to talk with
today’s spirit communicator? Then returns again by same route of deaths and lives to get in its present
state? As per the concept of reincarnation this is quite impossible. Hence, either spirit communicators
are not speaking with expected genuine spirits or the concept of reincarnation is wrong or imaginary.
(VI) Some evil spirit can enter in some humans suitable for them. So, they are caste out by the
anointed servants of God. Very few demons know the detailed life of some people, who had died in the
past. Such demon spirits enter inside some suitable living people or suitable children and through them
start telling and showing true details of their previous lives; which were in only human forms and were
before present-time reincarnation; also in human form (logically, those proofs should be of some other
dead person’s past lives). Actually such details are uttered by liar demon spirit through the mouths of
possessed humans. Why? Is evil spirits’ main purpose; spreading fake concept of reincarnation (after
the deaths) and also making fake concept of seven human births? But when anointed servant of living
God, casts out the liar evil spirit from inside that person then the freed person remembers nothing of
the previous life. How come? Since those details were never been present in any form (slept or silent)
in the possessed person’s brain or mind. The prompting demon spirit has already left after casted out.
(VII) In the invisible supernatural realm, soul, spirit, hell, heaven, angels, God, evil spirits, Satan etc. things
are present. In the visible natural world, extremely few people are able to feel or see supernatural
beings or things in their visions or in dreams. Descriptions, explanation and details in Bible give better
ideas and good guide lines of the supernatural world. Though supernatural realm is a greatest mystery,
no doubt it affected human world, history, lives, nature and even present and futures tens of mankind.
Writings and teachings in Bible proved their superiorities and Bible’s prophecies always come to pass.

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