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Integrated Software Solution for model based Design & Construction

The Basics
User Manual

RIB Software AG

This manual is intended for use as a working document for users of RIB product

The procedures described in this document and the products belonging to them are
the property of RIB Software AG.
We reserve the right to change the information in this document without prior
notice, and the contents pose no obligation to the RIB Software AG. The software
described in this document is provided in conjunction with a licence agreement.
All information is given without warranty. Reproduction or transfer of this document,
or parts of it, is only permitted with the explicit written permission of RIB Software
With respect to liability for the software described here, please refer to our software
contract conditions.

Copyright RIB Software AG

Published by:

RIB Software AG
Vaihinger Straße 151
70567 Stuttgart-Möhringen Tel.: +49 711 7873-0
Post office box 80 07 80 Fax: +49 711 7873-119
70507 Stuttgart E-Mail:


DIGIMASS®, TRIMAS®, PONTI® and ZEICON® are registered trademarks of
RIB Software AG. Other product names mentioned in this documentation may be
owned by other trademark holders and are used only for information purposes.

This product contains software that was developed by the Apache Software
Foundation (

2 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

Table of contents

Table of contents
Before you begin... 9

1 Introduction 11

2 General security instructions 12

3 Basic principles 13

3.1 What to do and where? 13

3.2 Check default settings 14

3.3 Phases 15

4 Surface 17

4.1 Interface in the style of Microsoft Office 2007 17

4.1.1 Select design 17

4.1.2 Multi-function bar 18

4.1.3 Setting up the quick-start bar 19

4.1.4 Taskbar 19

4.2 Adapting the screen configuration 20

4.2.1 Screen configuration window 22

4.2.2 Saving the screen configuration 27

4.2.3 Deleting the screen configuration 27

4.2.4 Resetting the screen configuration 28

4.3 Configurations 29

4.4 Help topics 30

4.5 Table functions 31

4.5.1 Working with the table 31

4.5.2 Navigation in tables 33

4.5.3 Adapting tables 34

4.5.4 Searching in a table 40

4.5.5 Creating diagrams from table data 41

4.5.6 Print table 45

4.5.7 Setting default font attributes in tables 45

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Table of contents

4.5.8 Save table as Excel file 45

4.5.9 Delete content in filtered table 46

4.6 Views 46

4.7 Process phases 47

4.8 Properties of the documents 47

4.9 Mini toolbar 47

5 Project structure 49

5.1 Project alternatives 51

5.1.1 Filling in PA properties 51

5.1.2 Locations 80

5.2 Packages 85

5.2.1 SP group folder properties 85

5.2.2 Filling in SP properties 87

5.2.3 Execute SP phase change 109

5.2.4 Roll-out wizard 110

5.2.5 Definition in the master 112

6 Template projects 113

6.1 Create template project 113

6.2 Copy data from the template project 113

7 Documents 114

7.1 Link documents 114

7.1.1 Link external document 114

7.1.2 Link a secretary document 115

7.1.3 Copy file links 115

7.1.4 Delete link 116

7.1.5 URL document linking 116

7.2 Document properties 117

8 Filter 118

8.1 Setting a filter 118

8.1.1 Filter definition variable 118

4 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

Table of contents

8.2 Filter definition dialog box 119

8.2.1 Filter definition Parameter 122

8.2.2 Extended location filter 123

8.2.3 MULTI operator 124

8.2.4 Quick editing 125

8.3 Filter in split-quantities 126

8.4 Saving the filter 126

8.5 Loading the filter 126

8.6 Switching a filter off 127

9 Specification 128

9.1 Editing the specification 128

9.2 Specification templates 129

9.3 Text formatting during the input 130

9.4 Format specifications uniformly 130

9.5 Adjust specifications 132

9.6 Text boxes and graphics 133

9.6.1 Inserting and changing graphics in iTWO 133

9.6.2 Inserting a text box 134

9.6.3 Editing text boxes and graphic boxes 135

9.6.4 Deleting text and graphic boxes 139

9.7 Page break 139

9.7.1 Page break in the prescript 141

9.8 Tables 142

9.9 Searching for text 145

9.10 Insert directory of attachments 146

9.11 Editing text supplements in the specification field 147

9.12 Hyphenation and Spelling Checker 147

9.12.1 Default settings 147

9.12.2 Hyphenation/spell checker 151

9.12.3 Remove hyphens 152

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Table of contents

9.12.4 Go to error mark 152

9.12.5 Removing an error mark 153

9.12.6 Converting user dictionary 153

9.13 Multilingual bill of quantities 153

10 Parameters 156

10.1 Create parameters 156

10.2 Select parameter 157

10.3 Delete parameter 157

11 Print 158

11.1 Print box 158

11.2 Print data of project 160

11.2.1 Print Options 161

11.3 Print data of the Project Explorer 162

11.4 Print data of the Project alternative 162

11.4.1 Print Options 163

11.5 Print data of the package 176

11.5.1 Print Options 176

11.6 Print Options 180

11.7 General print options 181

11.7.1 Cover sheet 181

11.7.2 Templates 182

11.7.3 Format composites 183

11.7.4 Data Transfer 184

11.7.5 XML data transfer 188

11.8 Creating a print and export package 192

11.9 Printing dynamic attributes 192

12 Import/Export 194

12.1 Import project data 195

12.2 Export project data 195

12.3 Exporting a package 195

6 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

Table of contents

13 Master project 197

13.1 Save master project 197

13.2 Restore master project 198

14 General Functions 200

14.1 Locations document 200

14.1.1 Creating locations manually 200

14.1.2 Copying locations from the master project 202

14.1.3 Set defaults for name 202

14.1.4 Selection Sets 202

14.2 Quantity splitting 210

14.2.1 Create quantity splitting 212

14.2.2 Quantities from the element planning document 215

14.2.3 Quantity splitting in the billing BoQ 216

14.2.4 Quantity Splitting in BQ - IQ Document 217

14.3 Mathematical operations and constants 218

14.4 PDF Output 223

14.5 Creating a bill of quantities from the elemental costing and 224
object model

14.5.1 General explanations 224

14.5.2 Updating quantities or links 226

14.5.3 Creation target 228

14.5.4 Form job packages 228

14.5.5 BoQ assignment 229

14.5.6 Determine BoQ levels 230

14.6 Configurations 230

14.6.1 Create KOSIV Configurations 231

14.6.2 Create Config. of Allowances Sheet 231

14.6.3 System characteristics 232

14.6.4 Configured characteristics 235

14.7 Send message to all project editors 242

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Table of contents

14.8 Project version with write-protection 242

14.9 Checking the Database 243

14.10 Authorisations 243

14.11 User information 245

14.12 Fixed Administrator Account 245

14.13 Working with other languages 246

14.14 Configuring the element properties 247

15 Overview of the key combinations 248

16 Troubleshooting 251

Subject index 252

8 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

Before you begin...

Before you begin...

General instructions
Before you begin, please observe the following notes:

▪ We assume that you are familiar with your computer and its operating system.

▪ The processes described are based on a complete program version with all
licences and administrator rights.

▪ The instructions for the mouse functions are aimed at right-handed individuals.

▪ We recommend our training sessions for effective work. The dates can be
found on our training calendar or on the Internet.

Instructions for using the documents

▪ For better clarity, we use various Font mark-ups:

– Italics for interface elements

– Bold lettering to emphasise certain text and input values

– <Angle brackets> for keys and key combinations

▪ The following icons are used for navigation within the documents:
Icon Meaning

Safety instructions
must be read. They contain warnings which must not be ignored.

contain important information such as exceptions or special cases.

Working steps
are instructions that should be followed in the given sequence.

facilitate your work.

relate to work steps or serve to clarify relationships.

deals with a problem and its solution.

Target (only in training documents and introductions)

defines the next learning target

Exercise (only in training documents and introductions)

shows a practical example for better understanding.

Conclusion (only in training documents and introductions)

provides a short summary of the course content.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 9

Before you begin...

Please send any suggestions and wishes regarding our documentation and online
help to the respective hotline.

10 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG


1 Introduction
This product provides you with a qualified, standard software, based on modules.
Its special features are its planning and billing systems that are oriented towards
values and quantities, comprehensive project and management controlling, as well
as a management information system with meaningful key management data.

The work of those involved in the construction project can be very roughly split into
the areas "planning" and "construction". Both of these groups which are also
referred to as client and contractor or planner and contractor, must put very
different demands on the program systems that you use as the working equipment.
At the same time, more and more work on one side is being performed by
members from the other side (general contractor, construction architect, property
developer, etc.).
This program meets the requirements of a task related, noise free work interface
on the one hand and integral, consistent processing on the other hand.

This product guarantees you integrated project processing, beginning with quantity
determination and cost estimation, enquiry and awarding through tender and
contract processing up to final application and management. This way, AVA,
estimate and construction management can be used throughout an integrated
software solution.

Despite the integrated approach, the modular structure always allows the
customising of individual solutions for all areas of the construction industry.

The phase model supports the overall planning and construction process together
with documentation and archiving functions. It offers very individual configuration
options for personalised system and work settings. Various user groups can be
assigned with functional authorisations and access rights to documents and

All modules have a common base. They profit from a standard database as well as
standardised operation by all application areas.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 11

General security instructions

2 General security instructions


Caution: Data loss!

Never move the project files (.rpd) within Windows Explorer!
If program files are moved in Windows Explorer, data will be lost.
Therefore, use only Project Explorer to delete projects or to move or copy them to other folders.

12 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

Basic principles

3 Basic principles
In this chapter, we want to provide you with the basics.

3.1 What to do and where?

There are different window types. Certain tasks are executed in each window type.

After the program starts, the desktop opens. Open the desktop during the project
editing by clicking on in the bottom right of the screen.
The desktop is the program's "control hub". Here you can start the project editing,
open documents, default settings, etc.

Navigator/Project Explorer
From an optical point of view, the Navigator and Project Explorer are very different
program components, nevertheless having the same purpose. Here are some of
the activities that you execute here:

▪ Create project

▪ Rename Project

▪ Save and restore project

▪ Reorganise project

▪ Roll out and roll in project

▪ Add and remove project

▪ Copy project

▪ Delete project

▪ Export project

Start the Project Explorer

▪ Application Button | Project Explorer

▪ Context menu command Project Explorer in the navigator, if a project or a

project group has been selected

Start the navigator

Click on Navigation in the bottom left of the screen

Project window
You will be in the project window if you have opened a project. Here are some of
the activities that you execute here:

▪ Input project data

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 13

Basic principles

▪ Create project alternatives

▪ Create packages

▪ Create documents

▪ Export project

Document window
You are in the document window if you have opened a document like a bill of
quantities in a project. This window offers you special functions in each job area.
Here are some of the activities that you execute here:

▪ Edit document

▪ Print document

▪ Export document

3.2 Check default settings

Global settings

In the Global Settings, you can determine how the program should react in certain
situations for all users and all projects.
You can open these settings as follows:
, Global | Global Settings

User-related settings

You can define settings in the User-related Settings which are then only valid for
this user and only for the current project.
You can open these settings as follows:
, User-related | User-related Settings

Functional authorisations

In the Functional Authorisations, you determine which user can change certain
settings and in which situations this is permitted. You also determine which
functions can be executed by individual users and which cannot. These
authorisations are usually awarded by the administrator.
You can open these settings as follows:
, Global | Functional Authorisations

System and User Options

Basic working techniques are defined in the System and/or User Options.
You can open these settings as follows:

▪ System options:
, Global | System Options

14 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

Basic principles

▪ User options:
, User-related | User Options

3.3 Phases
The construction progress changes constantly within a construction project. The
project begins with the enquiry phase, moves to the tender phase, then proceeds
to the award phase, further on to the contract phase and finally to the execution
These phase changes apply to the entire construction process. If you only consider
the phases of the planner, these are the SP phases Enquiry, Award and Contract.
The contractor, on the other hand, works in the project phases Tender, Contract
and Execution. A general contractor, in turn, works with the project and SP phases,
since he is both the contractor and client (subcontractor) at the same time.

Project phases
Every project is always in one of the three project phases:

▪ Tender (phase 1)
In the tender phase, the contractor prepares his tender. The tender processing
begins with this. The bill of quantities of the potential client contains prices from
various sources e.g. cost planning or estimate.

▪ Contract (Phase 2)
This is the phase in which negotiations take place and bid alternatives are
worked out. The tender estimate is checked for reserves and technical
alternatives are worked out and estimated for price reduction.

▪ Execution (Phase 3)
This is the phase where the contractually defined project is created. In this
phase, a job estimate is created, QTOs are determined and applications are
rendered up to the final application.

a) The negotiation phase does not take place if you are awarded a contract from a public tender in
an award procedure which complies with German VOB. Such projects can be transferred directly
from the tender phase into the construction phase.
b) A new project version is always created when there is a change to another project phase; the
original version is then read-only. Read-only documents can be read but cannot be edited.

Changing the project phase

1. Select a project or a project alternative in the project window or in the


(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 15

Basic principles

2. In the project window, click on Actions | Project | Change Project Phase, in the
navigator click on the context menu command Change Project Phase.
A message appears. Click on OK.
A window opens.

3. You can select the relevant project phase in Phase Transition.

Check the rest of the settings and click on OK.
The new project phase is created. A copy of the previous project phase is
created, and the original data becomes read-only and is hidden.

SP phases (phases of the package)

Which SP phase should be active for a newly created project can be set in the
Package folder of the System Options on the SP Phase tab.

▪ Enquiry
In the enquiry phase, the client drafts a bill of quantities with the work items to
be executed. With this bill of quantities, the client obtains multiple tenders from
potential contractors.

▪ Award
In the award phase, the client creates an evaluation with the tenders of the
potential contractors. The client awards the contract to a bidder.

▪ Contract
In the contract phase, the client verifies the received applications of the

Changing an SP phase

1. Select a package in the project window or in the navigator.

2. In the project window, click on Actions | Package | SP Phase Change| Xxx, in

the navigator click on the respective context menu command.
Another window appears for the target SP tender, where you can select a
bidder as the contractor.
Click on OK.

3. The new SP phase is created as an independent package. A copy of the

previous package is created, and the original data becomes read-only and is

16 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG


4 Surface
This chapter explains the general controls which you will often encounter in the

Change window
Most of the time, you will have multiple windows open and switch back and forth
between them. You are able to see which windows are open in the status bar of
your operating system and on the desktop in the list of opened documents .
Switch to the desired document with a (double) click. The list of opened
documents, which you see on the desktop, can also be opened in the individual
documents with <Ctrl>+<Tab>. Switch to the next document with a mouse click or

4.1 Interface in the style of Microsoft Office 2007

The interface appears in Microsoft Office 2007 style. You can benefit from the
following functions:

▪ Simple switching between open windows since each window is shown

separately. Toggle between the windows using the taskbar or Start | General |
Opened Documents <Ctrl>+<Tab>.

▪ Quick toggle to the desktop with in the taskbar

▪ You can set up a customised quick-start bar

▪ The functions are grouped thematically in multifunction bars.

▪ You will find the most important functions of the current job area in the Start
multifunction bar.

4.1.1 Select design

System or User Options | General | Display | Design

You can select a design and adjust it if necessary. The program designs work
independently of the Windows designs.

Select and modify design

1. Open the System or User Options.

2. Switch to General | Display | Design

Background image main window

If you make changes here, you must restart the program.
The background image can be set for the main window in bmp (bitmap) format.

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– Active
Activate this function if the background image is to be visible in the main

– Stretching
Activate this function if the background image should be adjusted to fit the
size of the main window.
If this function is disabled, the background image is displayed in its actual
size in the main window. Small images are placed next to one another like
tiles until the entire window is filled.

Select a design from the list field.

Removing deactivated functions

In the program, only those functions are active that can currently be used. For
example, the Insert function is only active if there is something on the clipboard.
Until then, the function remains disabled.
Using this setting you can now select whether the disabled functions shown in grey
whilst being visible, or if they are to be hidden.

Securing the docking window

This setting is normally switched on. This means that all visible windows are
docked and are not displayed as floating.

Status bar
The status bar contains current program information. You can hide or display the
status bar.

4.1.2 Multi-function bar

The multi-function bar connects the previous menu bars and toolbars.

Multi-function bar 22

The multi-function bar usually consists of several groups, e.g. General. These
groups include the functions that are required for the current program situation.
You can switch between the multi-function bars by simply clicking on the name,
e.g. Start.

18 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG


The multi-function bars cannot be adjusted. The functions which you always need
can be stored in the quick-start bar.

4.1.3 Setting up the quick-start bar

The functions of the multi-function bars are set and stored and cannot be changed.
However, to make sure that you can store your key functions on the desktop, you
can configure the quick-start bar yourself.

Quick-access bar

The quick-start bar is usually above the corresponding multi-function bar in the title
bar. It includes functions which you will need regularly.
You can add or change links on the quick-start bar to simplify the navigation. The
quick-start bar can be configured for each job area.

Adding or removing functions

1. Click on on the right next to the quick-start bar.
A context menu opens.

2. Select the context menu command More Commands.

The standard Windows selection box is displayed.

3. All functions are displayed in the left list. The right list contains the functions
that are already included in the quick-start bar.
Double-click to move the individual functions to the other list. Use the arrow
buttons on the far right to change the selection sequence.

4. Click on OK.
The changes are applied immediately.

Repositioning the quick-start bar

The quick-start bar is usually positioned above the multi-function bar. To optimise
the paths with the mouse, you can position the quick-start bar below the multi-
function bar.

1. Click on on the right next to the quick-start bar.

A context menu opens.

2. Select the context menu command Display Below Multi-Function Bar.

The new position is adopted immediately.

If you want to move the quick-start bar back to above the multi-function bar,
select the context menu command Display Above Multi-Function Bar.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 19


4.1.4 Taskbar
Opened documents are permanently displayed in the Taskbar as a miniature
display for a quicker navigation. The taskbar is located above the navigator bar.

iTWO taskbar

1 Navigator

2 Taskbar

Each open document is displayed in a tab. If you move the cursor over one of
these tabs, a tool tip is shown with additional information.
If you click on a tab, it takes you to the document.
Click on or select <Ctrl>+<Tab> to open the whole document bar with the
additional corresponding information.

Activating/deactivating the taskbar

You can activate and deactivate the taskbar in the System or User Options. Here you will find the
setting: General | Display | Design, Opened Document Bar.

4.2 Adapting the screen configuration

View | Screen Configuration |

The screen content is often very comprehensive and you will no doubt need other
windows and content on the screen than those supplied as standard. Since every
user has his own ideas of how to divide the screen, we offer you the option to
implement your own ideas.
You can use the screen configuration to show or hide content or whole windows,
and to change the description of the windows, table columns and sequence. You
can also change the display of the content as a docking window or property page.

20 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG



Standard elements
a) Make sure that all element descriptions of the help and documentation relate to the standard
b) If you integrate docking windows into a property page, it is no longer available under View |
Screen Configuration | Docking Window.

1. Start the screen configuration by clicking on View | Screen Configuration | .

The window Screen Configuration opens.

2. The window Screen Configuration contains the maximum possible content of

the current screen.
If necessary, adjust the size of the window in the bottom right corner so that all
columns are visible.

3. Once you have made the desired changes, click on Save as. A window opens.

– Directory
From the list Directory, select the System or User Directory.
The screen configurations of the system directory are available to all users,
but only you can use the stored screen configuration of the user directory.

– File name
In the field File name, enter a name.
In this case it is the internally programmed file name; the name which you
would use to call up these settings in the program is awarded in the window
Screen Configuration in the following work step.

4. Click on OK.
Your settings are saved.

5. You are back in the window Screen Configuration. The window title now
contains the name of the settings you have saved.
Now enter an appropriate name in the field Description. This name appears
when you select the screen configuration in the program under View | Screen
Configuration | View.

6. Click on OK.
The settings are applied to the current screen display.

Tables as part of the screen configuration

There are often tables within the screen. You can also adapt these tables as you
wish. Start the Adapt Table [➙ 34] in the table header by selecting the context
menu command Adapt.
For each table of the current screen, a separate file is saved which contains the
settings. These files are saved below the screen configuration.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 21




\[Job area]




Move window
You can arrange all docking windows as you wish on the screen. To do so, the
window in question must be fixed in place with and the function View | General |
Fix in place must be deactivated.

4.2.1 Screen configuration window

View | Screen Configuration |

Here, determine which content is to be displayed in which form.

This window always displays the maximum possible content of the current
document for all job areas, i.e. in the screen configuration of a bill of quantities, you
can for example set the display of the estimate summary which you can see in the
estimate BoQ, but not in the bill of quantities of the package. You can use this
screen configuration at any time for all documents that are the same, for instance
BoQ in all job areas such as enquiry BoQ, estimate BoQ.
The program, however, automatically ignores the screen settings which are not
possible in the current job area.

Screen configuration_01

1 Name of screen configuration

Select this name to call up the settings under View | Screen Configuration | View.

22 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG


2 Selecting the visible content and its appearance

3 Sorting the selected content and jump sequence with <F6>

The screen configuration is not available or does not work?

These setting options may have been restricted via the Function profiles. Contact your administrator.

Alternative Description
The screen configurations are displayed as standard with the file name when a
screen configuration is selected. It may sometimes be useful to separate the
naming from the file name. To do so, enter the alternative name here.
Enter the name which is to appear when you load a screen configuration with View
| Screen Configuration | View. A selection is displayed of all screen settings which
have been saved, divided into system-related and user-related settings.
The alternative name is separate from the file name under which the screen
configuration is saved.
If you do not enter an alternative name here, the file name under which it has been
stored, is displayed when you select a screen configuration.

Subwindow definition
All available technical content such as main window, docking window and property
pages, are listed here. Elements of the same type are highlighted here by the same
background colour.
Here you can define whether a screen element should be a docking window, which
can be freely positioned, or whether the content should be integrated in the
properties window. You can only change the display of the respective main window
in a few job areas. On the other hand, the (jump) sequence can be determined
Each table cell represents a screen element, which can be integrated into the
screen layout.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 23



Standard elements
a) Make sure that all element descriptions of the help and documentation relate to the standard
b) If you integrate docking windows into a property page, it is no longer available under View |
Screen Configuration | Docking Window.

Meaning of table fields

Column Meaning

Ribbon Label This is a sub-division of the menu structure of the function View | Screen
Configuration | Docking Window.

Name internal program element description which cannot be changed; it appears as

standard in the title bar of the element

Alias If you do not want the internal program element description, you can replace it.
Enter a different element description in the field Alias.

Display Here you can specify the appearance of the screen element.

▪ Some screen elements are defined by default and cannot be changed.

▪ As soon as you click on a field where the display can be changed, a

selection list appears with the following options:

– Docking window
The element is used as a separate docking window.

– Properties page (document properties)

The element is integrated into the document properties.

– Properties page 1-4

The element is integrated into a separate properties page. You can
use up to four of these property pages to organise the properties

– Docking window
The element is used as a separate docking window.

– Properties page (document properties)

The element is integrated into the document properties.

– Properties page 1-4

The element is integrated into a separate properties page. You can

24 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG


Column Meaning

use up to four of these property pages to organise the properties


Active The screen only shows those elements which are active. The first element in
this table is usually the main window, which is active by default. It cannot be

Active screen elements are only shown if this will help from a functional point of
view. This means: even if you activate all elements here, not all elements will be
This is also the case even when the screen configuration is saved. If you
activate the elements which serve no meaningful purpose in the current job
area, this setting is not saved; in this case, the active flag is removed by the

Deactivated by the Property pages can for example be deactivated by restrictions or other options.
program This is indicated by the flag in this column.
The property pages however are displayed in the Screen Configuration Window
and can also be activated. However, they only become active once all program
restrictions have been removed.
The configuration window of the properties only shows the property pages
which serve a purpose in the respective job area.

Height The height of the individual property pages is determined as standard by the
program, but it can be modified here.

▪ No entry
The standard height is determined by the program.

▪ Any number e.g. 250

Where the screen resolution is 1280 x 1024, this means that the height of
the current property page is 250 screen pixels of the overall screen height
of 1024 screen pixels.

(jump) Sequence Select <F6> to jump clockwise from one screen element to the next, as long as
<F6> this function has been defined.
To do so, click in the cell Sequence for the elements which are to be jumped to
with <F6>. A check mark appears. Only those elements which have been
activated here can be jumped to with <F6>.
To define this jump sequence, place the elements in the desired order. To do

so, use the and functions.

Select <Shift> + <F6> to change the screen elements anticlockwise.

You can create any sequence you want within all of the property pages. To do
so, use the arrow buttons. The sequence created here corresponds to the
display in the property pages.
sequence of
property pages The property page, including the content, forms a closed complex. This complex
cannot be interrupted by elements which are not part of the property page. If, for
example, you move a docking window using the arrow buttons and then click on
an arrow, it will jump over the whole complex of a property page since it is not

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 25


Column Meaning

part of the property page.

Hide blank property pages

If this function is activated, the property pages without content are completely
hidden. If you deactivate this function, then the blank property pages also are

The settings are accepted. The window is closed.

The settings are accepted. The window is closed.

The settings are saved with the current description.

Save as
The settings can be saved under a different name.

The settings are accepted. The window stays open and you can determine other
settings. Validity
Select the validity to specify the project or SP phases in which the respective
screen configuration can be used. The validity is evaluated when the selection lists
are made available for a view. The view selection therefore only shows valid views.

Project phases
Phases of the package
The view only applies to the activated phases.

Function profile
The view is only displayed if one of the listed function profiles is active.

The view applies as standard to all areas; the field is blank.
If necessary, you can specify job areas for which the current view should be
available. This view cannot be loaded for the rest of the job areas.

You can therefore for example create individually optimised views for different

26 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG


Several screens
Views which have this option cannot be selected when used with only one screen.

Administration of views
For administrative editing purposes, all available views can be shown. The following function must be
System or User Options, General | Display | Design | Validity Conditions Check

4.2.2 Saving the screen configuration

View | Screen Configuration |

1. Open the screen configuration with View | Screen Configuration | .

Change the desired settings.

2. If you want to save the screen configuration under a new name, overwrite the
existing name in the field Description and click on Save as.
A window opens.

3. Enter a name for the new screen configuration in the field File name and click
on OK. You are back in the window Screen Configuration.

4. Close it by clicking on OK.

You can now load the new screen configuration with View | Screen
Configuration | View.

System or user-related screen configuration

When a new screen configuration is saved, you can determine whether these should be available on
the network to all users (System directory) or just to yourself (User directory). Determine the setting in
the window Save Screen Settings in the list Directory.

4.2.3 Deleting the screen configuration

View | Screen Configuration |

1. Open the screen configuration with View | Screen Configuration | .

2. Click on Save as.

The window Save Screen Settings opens.

3. In the field Files, select the screen configuration which you want to delete.
The name is copied to the field File name and the Delete function becomes

4. Click on Delete.
A confirmation query appears.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 27


Click on Yes.
This takes you back to the window Save Screen Settings.

5. Click on Cancel.

Does a message appear when you close the window "Save screen settings"?
If you should accidentally click on OK, then an error message appears since the field File name is
Click on Cancel to close the window.

4.2.4 Resetting the screen configuration

View | Screen Configuration | Reset
, Administration | Resetting the Screen Views (System/User)

You can reset the screen views anytime back to the state when delivered. During
this procedure, the program uses a directory installed for that very purpose, in
which all standard screen views are located.
A window opens. Depending on the job area, you will be offered more or fewer
options. A click of the button and the corresponding function is executed without a
query. A windows appears to tell you that the function has been completed

Resetting the current view

Only the screen view which is currently visible is reset to the delivery state.

Resetting the system views (incl. process steps) of the current

module to the delivery state
All screen views of the job area which can be accessed by the whole system are
reset to the delivery state. Modifications made to the process steps are also reset.

Resetting the system views (incl. process steps) of all modules to the
delivery state
(available in the job area under , Administration | Resetting Screen Views

The screen views of all job areas which can be accessed by the whole system are
reset to the delivery state. Modifications made to the process steps are also reset.

Deleting user views of the current module

All screen views of the current user are reset to the delivery state for the active job

28 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG


Deleting user views of all modules

(available under , Administration | Resetting Screen Views (System/User))

The screen views of all job areas are reset to the delivery state for the current user.

Deleting user views (of all users) of the current module

(available in the job area under , Administration | Resetting Screen Views

The screen views of all job areas are reset to the delivery state for the current user.

Deleting user views (of all users) of all modules

(available under , Administration | Resetting Screen Views (System/User))

The screen views of all job areas are reset to the delivery state for the current user.

No changes
The window is closed and no changes are made.

4.3 Configurations

Most setting options are summarised in the configurations. Start the configurations
by clicking on in the top right of the screen.

The following settings are available to you:

▪ Global settings

▪ System options

▪ Functional authorisations

▪ User-related settings

▪ Desktop/Navigation options

▪ User options

▪ User information [➙ 245]

▪ Profile information

▪ Display profile selection window

▪ Report Writer layout

▪ Report Writer template

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 29


▪ Print options

▪ Print packages

▪ Migration assistant

▪ Form designer
(The form designer must be installed separately.)

▪ Resetting screen views (System/User)

The screen configurations are reset to the delivery state. You can select
whether this should affect the current or all system or user views.

Release used licences
This function is only useful for the network operation. In normal cases, used
licences are only released for further use after exiting the program. Use this menu
command to release individual licences prior to exiting the program so that other
users can use this licence.

Version info
Displays the current program version and your service number. This information is
needed by our Hotline employees each time they are contacted.

4.4 Help topics

You will find this help menu in almost all program components. Click on and a
window appears with support functions such as online help and remote

Online help
Click on Online Help to start the help function.

All PDF documents of the program are available here.

All service functions such as the training calendar, service requests via internet and
remote maintenance are available here.
You will need an internet connection for this function.

30 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG


Chargeable service - remote maintenance

Remote maintenance is included in the scope of the service agreement. Remote maintenance and the
hotline are chargeable without the service agreement.

Version info
Displays the current program version and your service number. This information is
needed by our Hotline employees each time they are contacted.

4.5 Table functions

You will be working with tables in almost all program components. It is there that
you will enter data, sort data, etc. These tables offer you an easy and effective
working method. The most important general table functions are described in the
following sections.

4.5.1 Working with the table

The behaviour of the table is the same as for any modern spreadsheet program.

▪ When you click in a cell, the cursor jumps to that position, allowing you to start
writing (Exception: read-only cells).

▪ Go to the next unlocked cell using the <Tab> key.

▪ Go to the previous unlocked cell using the <Shift>+<Tab> key combination.

▪ Use the arrow keys to jump to the cell located in the direction of the arrow.

▪ You can copy the data from the cell located above the current cell using <F11>.

▪ Active elements in the table

As soon as the cursor is located in a cell of the table, the table row will be
marked as active with a small arrow in the grey field to the left at the edge of
the table. In the following descriptions this process is called selecting.
If you create a side computation for example, the active element in the side
computation is also active.

▪ Selected elements in the table

You can select individual elements or a number of elements in the table in
order to copy, delete, etc. Select an element by placing the cursor in the grey
field to the left next to the reference number, whereupon the cursor changes.
You can select the complete table row by clicking in this field.

– The best way to select several contiguous lines of the table is to click on
the grey selection field in the left margin of the table. You can also select

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 31


the first element as described above; when you click on the last element to
be selected, press the <Shift> key.

– You can select several discontiguous lines of the table by holding down the
<Ctrl> key and clicking with the mouse in the grey field in the left margin of
the respective lines.

– You can select the entire table by clicking on the uppermost left grey field
of the table.

– You can exclude individual lines from the selection if you select the desired
line while holding down the <Ctrl> key.

When you select elements in the table, only the visible elements are selected. If you have a filtered
view, only those elements are displayed and marked which match the filter definitions.

▪ Disabled fields are greyed out by default, as configured in your operating

system. You cannot enter any data into these fields. They either contain
information resulting from values of other fields or the particular element does
not have the prerequisites to make an entry.

▪ A context menu is available when working with the table, which contains the
most important functions depending on the cursor position. You can open the
context menu with a click of the right mouse button.

Display of multiple assignments

In many tables, you can create references to catalogs. Generally, catalog elements
are selected with <F3>. The catalog element code is displayed in the given table
cell. For improved clarity, you can also display the catalog-element label as a table
If the entry * appears in a table cell, a multiple assignment exists.

Selection behaviour of the objects in several windows

Selection behaviour linked

The selection behaviour is linked in the Object table and in the Object display. This means that you
can select objects in either the Object table or in the Object display; the object in the other table is also

The following applies:

▪ The focus of the object table determines the filtering by object structure. In
addition, filtering can also be done by object attributes.

32 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG


▪ The objects which have been selected via the highlighted lines in the object
table are displayed in the object display.

▪ If however, objects are selected in the object display, then the lines in the
object table can only be highlighted, if these objects are already displayed in
lines (are already open) when the selection is made.

4.5.2 Navigation in tables

To quickly find certain elements in the table, you are provided with modern
navigation elements.

Navigation elements_01

1 Set context 4 Progress

2 Back 5 Document

3 Forward 6 Subordinated hierarchy exists/open

You should be familiar with most navigation elements from Internet searches. The
contacts bar therefore shows you your exact current position. Click on (1) Set
context to hide all elements, except for the current elements and their subordinate
If you want to show all elements again, click on the first entry in the contacts bar.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 33


The last navigation steps are saved in progress (4). Click on (4) to open the
progress list. You can click on an entry in this list to go directly to it. Select Back (2)
and Forward (3) to follow the individual navigation steps.

If an arrow (6) appears in the contacts bar, this indicates that there are additional
subordinate elements. Click on (6) to display the subordinated hierarchy as a

The path of the current object is displayed in the contacts bar. If it is "only" a
document (5), its name is displayed. You can see the location of the document via
the status bar. It displays the whole path right up to the document. Status bar
entries are also sensitive; this means that you can switch to this document by
clicking on one of the entries.

4.5.3 Adapting tables

Context menu: Adapt

The contents of the tables are often very comprehensive. This is why we offer you
the option of customising tables according to your own requirements. You can hide
or display columns and adjust the column width, font attributes and background
colours. In most tables you can format the free and read-only fields differently.

There are two Types of tables:

▪ Job area tables (view)

These table configurations are always saved [➙ 27] and loaded as part of the
screen configuration.

▪ Tables in windows (standalone)

These tables are separate from the job area and can also be saved and loaded
separately with the window.

The table configuration works in the same way for both types of tables.

1. Right-click the grey table header to view the context menu.

Select the context menu command Modify.
A window opens.

2. Adjust the table columns in this window.

Close the window.

3. Click on View | Screen Configuration | Save to save the current settings.

The table settings are saved as *.cft files. The table settings are part of the
Screen configuration [➙ 20]. A .cft file is created for each table below the
screen configuration.

34 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG


Meaning of the table columns

Column label Meaning Special features

Column Display of the program field You can shift the sequence of the
description. The texts cannot be column in the table via drag and
edited. drop.

Header Display of the column headers. You

can overwrite the text.

Width Number of characters shown in the You can also use the double arrow to
column. You can overwrite the value. directly adjust the column width of
the table in the window.

Visible Check mark:

The table element is displayed.

No check mark:
The table element is not visible.

Entry point Check mark:

You can move to the referenced
table element with the cursor for
editing purpose.
The cursor moves directly into the
field if you select <Enter>.

No check mark:
You cannot automatically go to the
referenced element in the table via
the <Enter> key.
With the <Tab> key, you can
normally jump to all fields.

Inactive columns All currently inactive columns are This column can only be seen once
automatically identified as such. This the function Show All Columns has
flag cannot be changed manually. been activated.

You temporarily activate the table configuration with the OK button. The table is
displayed according to your settings. However, these settings are only retained for
the current program editing. Your configuration is not maintained after exiting the

Select Cancel to cancel the editing and the changes are not accepted.

Use the functions Lines and Columns to format the table.

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▪ Lines
You can change the font attributes of the elements.
If you highlight several lines, you can determine the font for all highlighted table
columns in a single work step.

▪ Columns
You can assign conditional formatting to the columns.

Number of fixed columns

Use Fixed Columns in the Display Properties of Table Columns window to define
columns that should remain fixed when scrolling (scroll bar). The value 1 causes
the first column to remain fixed. The value 2 causes the first two columns to remain
firmly fixed and so on.

Line break
Specify here, whether or not a page break should be displayed in the selected
table columns. A page break, for example, is particularly practical for outline specs
that have multiple lines.

Show all columns

You will need this function in the following situations:

▪ Program update of iTWO V 2.1

If you renamed the column headers of tables in the old program version, they
can no longer be assigned after an update. This creates blank columns which
you can display by selecting the function Show all columns.

▪ Data cleansing in different project phases

Defined table configurations are used in different states. This depends on the
data of the project, the project phases and other factors.
For a BoQ in the tender phase, the fields original DJC and German VOB are
not available. These fields are, however, available in the execution phase.
Irrespective of these data dependencies, you would still like to be able to cover
these states with a table configuration. Otherwise you would have to define a
separate table configurations for each data state.
The table configuration therefore always saves all current column definitions in
the table configuration. Columns which are invalid in the current state are not
removed since they may be valid in a different data state. These saved fields
(these are inactive in the current state) can be made visible with this function.

(redundant) Delete columns

If you have activated the function Show All Columns, the function Delete Columns
appears. You can then remove the redundant columns of the old program version.

36 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG


To do so, highlight all columns by clicking on in the top left corner.

Then click on Delete Columns. Only the redundant columns are deleted.

You can load table configurations from other job areas. Font attributes window

Modify Table, Lines

You can determine the font attributes for the different elements, for each table. If
you highlight several lines (elements) here, you can change the font attributes in a
work step.

1. In the table header, click on the context menu command Modify.

The window Display Properties Of Table Columns opens.

2. Click on Font.
The window Font Attributes opens.

You can change the font information for each element at any time. Apart from that,
you can format the free and read-only fields differently. To do so, click the
corresponding field in the table and select the Font, Colour and Background.

You can save these settings as favourites and use them in other tables.

You can save these table settings as favourites and use them in other tables.

Add to favourites

Once you have optimised a table view, you can save it as a favourite by clicking on
the icon. The window Add Font Attributes opens where you can save the current
table configuration under any name you want.
Here, you can also select whether the table should be saved in the user or system
directory. If the table is only to be available to yourself, use the user directory but if
it is to be available to all users, save the table in the system directory.
The table settings are saved with the screen configuration.

Favourites and administration

Click on this icon to open the window Font Attributes of Tables – Favourites and
Administration. Here you can view and edit the table configurations which have
been saved.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 37

Surface Conditional formatting of table columns

Modify Table, Columns

Click on Column in the Display Properties of Table Columns window. You can
assign individual formatting to any cells of a column which is bound to a condition.
You can therefore for example colour the cells with the unit of measurement "m".
You can define the condition via parameters and/or functions. Once the condition is
fulfilled, the respective value is displayed in the table in the given format.


a) This formatting does not apply to all columns of the table, e.g. RN in the BILL OF QUANTITIES
and columns, which can be activated or deactivated by setting a check mark.
b) This type of formatting has absolute priority. This means that even the character formatting of the
System Options are overwritten by the conditional formatting.

1. Right-click the grey table header to view the context menu.

Select the context menu command Modify.
The Display Properties of Table Columns window opens.

2. This window lists all columns that exist for the current table view.
Highlight one or several lines for which the conditional formatting is to apply.

3. Click on Columns.
The window Conditional Formatting opens.

4. Select the desired formatting by clicking on Font and Background Colour.

5. Enter the condition by clicking on Parameter and Function.

Click on OK.
The window closes.
Return to the Display Properties of Table Columns window.

6. Click on OK.
The formatting is applied to those cells that fulfil the given condition.

if(strcmp([ME]; "m") ==0;1;0)

If the unit of measure is "m", the condition is fulfilled and the formatting is applied to the respective cell
of the UoM column. If the condition is not fulfilled, the standard formatting is retained.

Meaning of the fields in the "Conditional Formatting" window

Field description Meaning Special features

Preview Sample display of the selected


Font Selection of:

38 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG


- Font
- Typeface
- Font size
- Font colour
- Effects

Background Colour Selection of a background colour

Here you define the condition that must be fulfilled so that the formatting is accepted. You can also
enter the details manually; without both interfaces.

Parameter List of existing columns. Selection in the Column column

Selection of the column, where the
values are to be analysed via the

Function List of mathematical functions Selection in the Name column

When querying numerical conditions such as IT>10,000.00 the program tries to convert all of the
values from the column IT into numerical values. This cannot be done with values in brackets, e.g.
(11,250.00). The condition in these cases is said to be unfulfilled. Displaying dynamic attributes

Dynamic attributes are for example characteristics and object attributes. These can
be shown via the table configuration. A max. of 10 placeholders are available for
these dynamic attributes, with the names Attribute 1-10 . You can define the
content that is displayed.

The object attributes can be displayed in the following tables:

Dynamic attributes in tables

Job area Table

BoQ Quantity splitting

Quantity takeoff Quantity takeoff

Estimate Quantity splitting

Locations / objects Locations / objects

Element Planning Quantities

Object table

Object selection groups

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Job area Table

Activity model Assigned quantity splitting

BoQ Quantity splitting

1. The Display Properties of the Table Columns window is active.

Click on an attribute in the column Column.
The button is displayed .

2. Click on the button .

The window Column Definition opens.

3. Enter the following data in the window:

– Type
Depending on the job area, either Characteristic or Object Attribute is

– Attribute
The characteristics or object attributes which are available are listed here.

– Content
Depending on the Type of attribute selected, the content to be displayed
(value, detail, UoM) is available here.

4. Click on OK.
The window Column Definition closes.
You are back in the window Display Properties of the Table Columns.
The Description and Heading of the dynamic attribute have been changed. You
can change the heading.

5. Close the window Display Properties of the Table Columns by clicking on OK.
The attribute is shown in the current table.

See also

 Printing dynamic attributes [➙ 192]

4.5.4 Searching in a table

Context menu command: Search In Table
Context menu command: Replace In Table

You can search for specific terms in the table and replace them as necessary with
this context menu command.

40 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG


If a term is found, the selection arrow jumps to the left table border in the table cell.
The cell in which the sought term appears is highlighted.

In these fields, enter the character (strings) and/or the controls for which you are
searching in your table and which you wish to replace.

Search for whole words only

When you activate this function, the program only searches for the entered
characters as a complete word, and not as a part of a word. If you would like to find
the characters entered as a portion of a word, deactivate this function.

Case Sensitive
You should activate this function if the string for which you are searching is not
always written in the same way (upper/lower case letters). This allows this factor to
be ignored.

Search direction
If you would like to search through only a part of the table, place the cursor in a
table and select the desired search direction here.

Continue search
The program continues the search and goes to the next found entry.

The found characters are replaced by a specific text.

Replace all
The program automatically replaces all entries found with the replacement text.

4.5.5 Creating diagrams from table data

Context menu command: Diagram
Context menu command: Diagrams | xxx

You can display data from many tables as a geometrical figure, in the form of
diagrams. You can therefore very quickly show the desired relations.
You can easily select the diagram type via the diagram assistant.

1. In the table, mark the rows that are to be included in the analysis.

2. Open the context menu in the table header.

Select the context menu command Diagram.
The diagram assistant opens and guides you through the individual steps for
creating the diagram.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 41

Surface Diagram assistant: Column selection

In this dialog box, you can select the contents which provides the basis for creating
the diagram.

The first row of the table is highlighted by a colour. Click on one of the coloured
cells to set a check mark. The columns above which you have set a check mark
are used to create the diagram.

Show all columns

Only the currently visible columns of your table are shown as standard. The
function Show all columns shows all available columns, regardless of the set table

You can use this function at any time. You thereby cancel the assistant and the
diagram is created in a separate window with the default settings. The functions
Properties (to check and change the diagram properties), Print, Save and Close
are available in this separate window.
Select Properties to check and, if necessary, change the set diagram properties.
Select Save to save the diagram in different formats, e.g. jpeg, emf.

Use these functions to switch to the next or previous step of the diagram assistant.

Use this function to end the diagram assistant. Diagram assistant: Axis configuration

In this dialog box, you can select the contents which provide the basis for creating
the X axis of the diagram.

You can change the details from your table here. To do so, use the table in the top
area. You can edit the values entered here.
You can adjust the text headings in this view. You can set a limit for long texts. You
can also define which data will be shown on the X axis.

Create X axis from

Here select which data is to be included on the X axis. A preview is shown on the

42 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG


Max. text length

Here you can specify the maximum number of characters for the entries of the X
and Y axis.

Once you have changed the Max. Text Length, use this function to update the
preview graphic. Diagram assistant: Diagram options

In this dialog box you select the diagram type, title, type of caption, labelling,
colours and 3D effects. The individual setting options can be found in the sub-tabs.

Select the diagram type here. You can choose from the following options:

▪ Line diagram

▪ Area diagram

▪ Bar chart

▪ Circle diagram

▪ Grid diagram

Enter a heading here, and the descriptions of the X and Y axis.

Indicate here whether a legend is to be shown and where it is to be positioned.

Here you can select whether the labelling of the X axis is to be horizontal or
vertical, whether the Y axis is labelled and whether the values are to appear in the

Here you can assign colours to the respective data.

3D effects
Here you can create a structural effect for the diagram. A 3D effect only becomes
visible if all three scroll bars (depth, increase, rotation) are moved to the right.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 43

Surface Diagram assistant: Save options

You can save the set graphic rules. You can pull up these settings and use them
for other analyses.

This configuration can be system-wide or user-related. You make your selection

when you click on Save. In the following dialog box, select the User Directory or
System Directory. Diagram window

Once you have closed the diagram assistant, an additional dialog box appears with
the diagram.
You can change the properties here, start printing or save the diagram.

This opens the Diagram Properties dialog box. Here you will find the setting options
of the diagram assistant. Here you have the option to change all settings.
You can also save these diagram settings in order to re-use them for other

This opens the Print Diagram dialog box.

▪ Print diagram directly

This setting prints the diagram as it appears on the screen.

▪ Diagram with original table as PDF

This setting prints a combination of the table printout and diagram; a PDF
document is created. You can select whether the diagram is printed above or
below the table. The Diagram width in percent indicates the percentage of the
print area that is available for the diagram.
You must set the print options for the table printout. Select Change Options to
open the Print options for tables dialog box.
The whole table is always printed even if the diagram only contains the values
of the selected rows. The diagram is printed exactly as it appears in the dialog.
It can be scaled in the dialog if necessary before being printed.
The dialog stores the last settings. Use preconfigured diagrams

Diagram configurations that have been saved can be used again and again. To do
so, first highlight the rows in the desired table to form the basis of the graphic.

44 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG


Then, in the table header, select the context menu command Diagrams | Xxx. Xxx
in this case stands for the diagram configurations which you have saved.

When you select a diagram, it is automatically adapted to the currently selected

data. You can make changes via the Settings.

4.5.6 Print table

Context menu: Print Options
Context menu: Print | xxx

You can print the content of the table.

Setting the print options

1. Position the mouse pointer on the table heading.
Select the context menu command Print Options.
A dialog box opens.

2. Activate the Print Options.

In the print options for example you can set that the cell formatting is copied to
the printout.

3. Click on Close.

Save the settings as XML configuration files based on the system or user.
These XML configuration files are available to you for all tables via the context

Printing a table
1. Position the mouse pointer on the table heading.
Select the context menu command Print.
A submenu opens.

2. Select a paper format.

3. A PDF file is generated.

4. With the usual functions, you can print the PDF file.

4.5.7 Setting default font attributes in tables

You can customise the way in which texts are displayed in tables. You can enter
separate settings for each table. The settings can be found in the System or User
Options and in the Font Attributes.
You can save these settings as favorites and use them in other tables.
The font attributes are available in the system or user options in those areas where
it is possible to display tables, e.g. catalogs.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 45


4.5.8 Save table as Excel file

Context menu in the table header: Save As | Excel Document

All visible table contents are exported. During the export from the BoQ table, the
specification is also exported, provided that BoQ items are displayed in the table.

4.5.9 Delete content in filtered table


You can reduce the contents of tables using a filter so that only the contents with
specific properties are displayed. Once a filter has defined only those elements are
displayed which correspond to the filter definition.
Because not the whole table contents are displayed, a specific prompt is displayed
before deletion. You will confirm which elements really to delete. The following
alternatives are provided:

▪ Delete only filtered data

With this selection you delete the selected table rows corresponding to the filter
If the selected element meets the filter definition, all subordinated elements are
deleted either.

▪ Delete filtered data including hierarchies (without subelements)

With this selection you delete the selected table rows corresponding to the filter
If empty hierarchy levels result from deletion, they will be also removed.

▪ Delete filtered data including hierarchies (with subelements)

With this selection you delete the selected table rows.
Furthermore the hierarchy levels are deleted, at least containing one
subelement, which meets the filter definition.

▪ Cancel
The procedure is cancelled.

Some parts of the program offer two different working methods:

▪ Classic
Use this working method if you do not have a 3D model of your project.

46 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG


▪ Model-oriented
Your work is supported by the 3D model. This data must be available in cpixml

You can switch between the two working methods by clicking on the corresponding
category. It is up to you to freely configure the screen layout.

4.7 Process phases

Some parts of the program offer you support with so-called process phases. Each
process phase stands for a significant work step in the program. The sequence of
the individual process steps is followed in a logical order. The process phases are
summarised in the process list.

Process list, element planning

This example shows the five process phases of element planning. They begin with
the first process phase and switch with one click to the next process phase.
The current process phase is highlighted in colour.

Select views
You can select a screen configuration directly for the current process phase.

Views in process phase

For this, click on . A submenu opens that contains all the saved screen
configurations. Click on the view in order to load it.

This function is also available in View | Screen Configuration | View

4.8 Properties of the documents

In the document properties, you determine the individual basic settings for the
documents. You will see the Properties of the documents:

▪ In the project tree if you select the document and show the properties via View
| Docking Window | Properties

▪ in the navigator if you select the document and click in the context menu

command on Properties or

▪ in the opened document if you click on Start | General | Xxx Properties.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 47


4.9 Mini toolbar

While editing the text in the specification or in the secretary, you can use a mini
toolbar which offers the most important formatting functions.

The mini toolbar appears if you highlight a text or open the context menu.

48 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

Project structure

5 Project structure
The project structure is based on the actual project activities. Each project can
therefore be made up of one or more project versions with different project

Each project is classified hierarchically. It consists of project alternatives, catalogs,

configurations and documents. Project alternatives contain bills of quantities, QTOs
and packages. You can use the project alternatives to create different alternatives
for the same project. With the project structure you can reproduce the HOAI
performance phases.

The program by default works with seven levels in the project structure:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Project Project Folder for Project Documents,

group project alternatives e.g. BoQ,
alternatives Locations

Folder for Catalogs, Folder for Packages Documents,

catalogs e.g. packages e.g. BoQ,
Contacts, Award

Folder for Configuratio

configuration ns, e.g.
s configured

Folder for Documents,

documents e.g. Reports

Folder for Forms Form set


Project groups
The project groups should help you classify similar projects into groups. Some
project groups exist as a standard.

All data is grouped in a project. Several Project versions of a project can exist,
which also all contain data. Each project version is displayed as a separate project.
The master project is a special project where all the master data is managed. This
master data is your personal archive for project editing.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 49

Project structure

Unique project code

The project codes inside a project group must be clear and unambiguous. Otherwise a corresponding
message is displayed by the program.

Project description
Project code Project version Project phase Project description

M_Structural V2 (Execution) Sample project for

Engineering structural engineering

Project version
A project always exists in a certain project version. You can create a new project
version anytime to try different alternatives. Only the last project version can be
edited as standard; the others are read-only.

Project phase
The contractor works as standard in the project phases. There are three project

▪ Tender

▪ Contract

▪ Execution

The contractor creates a tender for the tendered services. He might then be
awarded the contract and negotiates alternatives until the construction project is
finally executed. In the execution phase, the contractor creates quantity takeoffs
such as applications.

Project alternatives
The project alternative describes a technical alternative or various states of the
project. A project can contain any number of project alternatives, which can be
edited at the same time. All project alternatives access the same catalogs. This
means that a change in a catalog affects all project alternatives.

The packages form an arrangement for the inquiry request and contract data. Each
package usually includes a trade or work category. Each trade can contain multiple
bills of quantities.
If a contract has been awarded, the package is completely assigned to the
contractor. Each package has its own phase cycle, which runs independently of the
project phase.

50 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

Project structure

SP phases
The contractor works as standard in the three SP phases. He creates a
specification (enquiry), receives tenders (award), assigns contracts for the work to
be executed and bills it (contract).

Catalogs contain elements, activities and definition of all the necessary
construction management functions such as units of measurement and currencies.

Configurations - usually not used by the planner - contain information and settings
for basic definitions with respect to the cost comparison for planned vs. actual
costs and for estimate definitions with respect to the allocation and the design of
the allowances sheet.

The term document covers everything that you can edit such as contracts, bills of
quantity and quantity takeoffs.

5.1 Project alternatives

Context menu command: New | Project Alternative

The project alternative (PA) describes a technical alternative or various states of

the project. A project can contain any number of project alternatives, which can be
edited at the same time. All project alternatives access the same catalogs. This
means that a change in a catalog affects all project alternatives.

The first project alternative is created automatically with the project, provided you
are working with project alternatives.

Creating a project alternative

1. Open the project.

2. Select the context menu commandNew | Project Alternative.

You must not highlight the folder Documents or Forms.
The new project alternative is created.

5.1.1 Filling in PA properties

If you select the project alternative in the project structure, the Project Alternatives
Properties are displayed.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 51

Project structure

You can only view the PA Properties if you have configured that you use project alternatives in the
System Options. If you have configured that you do not want to use project alternatives, the settings of
the PA Properties of the now unavailable project alternative are additionally displayed in the Project
Properties. Basic Data

The content varies depending on the PA/SP phase.

The default setting for these fields is taken from the project. You can change the
description for the current document.

The code length is the default from the System Options. If you change this default in the system
options, you must change it in several print templates also.

VAT [%]
The default is the VAT rate from the Project Properties | Settings | Tax Table.
Select <F3> to use a different tax rate from the tax table.

The project currency is set as default.
You can transfer another currency from the Currency catalog using <F3>.

Government fee (additional tax rate)

Tax (additional tax rate)
If you have specified additional tax rates in the System Options | General |
Additional Tax Rates, these fields are active.
This way, you can specify two further tax rates besides the value-added tax. This is
also necessary for the Chinese market. The VAT may have already been included
in the unit rate; but it may have to be shown separately.

▪ Tax calculation

The value-added tax is added first. Tax 2 and, subsequently, tax 3 is then
added to the specified output level.


+ (Net * VAT %)

= Total1

+ (Total1 * Tax2)

52 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

Project structure

= Total2

(Total2 * Tax3)

= Overall total

The Tax column shows the grand total of all three taxes.
These taxes are only shown in detail in the BoQ printout and in the Basic Data of
the PA or SP Properties.
This functionality is not available in other program components.

At the beginning of the project processing, you can type in a value here. However,
if you want to specify Budgets when editing the project, this field is disabled for
entry and the total of all subordinate budget values is specified.

Tender or cost planning

You can enter a value here at the start of project editing.

▪ If you only have an enquiry and award in the package, the values of the enquiry
are copied and the field is disabled.

▪ If you only have an enquiry in the package, the values are copied.

▪ If you only have an award in the package, the values are copied.

Total job costs

This field contains the direct job costs of work items plus general conditions (DJC +

Change orders approved (in net, VAT, gross)

These values are only displayed to you in the SP phase contract.
The total of all approved change orders of the current package is displayed.

Change orders not approved (in net, VAT, gross)

These values are only displayed to you in the SP phase contract.
The total of all unapproved change orders of the current package is displayed.

Reserve (in net, VAT, gross)

These values are only displayed to you in the SP phase contract.
The total of all reserves of the current package is displayed.

Total (in net, VAT, gross)

These values are only displayed to you in the SP phase contract.
The total of the subordinate contracts and change orders is shown here.

Select Update to recalculate the values.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 53

Project structure

If you activate this function, the item totals (Calculated IT and Entered IT) of all
items are hidden. The fields are then highlighted in grey and cannot be edited. If
the package is disabled, it is not included in the summary.

2nd CUR
There is an option of entering a 2nd currency here. In many cases, the second
currency can also be printed out. Conversion is automatic.

In this field, you can enter any text for the package.

Currency portions in the UR

These fields are only active if you have activated With Local/Foreigns in the
project. The default setting is determined in the System Options | Project Mode.

You can enter a 2nd currency here. In many reports, the 2nd currency can also be
printed out (automatic conversion to the 2nd currency). The currency has to be
entered in the Currencies catalog. You can select the currencies using <F3>.

The displayed amounts are calculated again with this button.

In this field, you can enter any comments. VAT
This setting is only active when the function Different VAT rates within one contract
is activated for the project under Settings | Tax Table.

1. Click in the Code field on <F3>.

A dialog window opens.

2. Click on a tax rate and then on OK.

The tax rate is applied to the selected element.

The depicted tax rates come from the Tax Table of the project (project Properties,
Settings | Tax Table). Settings
Rounding BoQ
The number of decimal places of the unit rates in the bill of quantities is set here,
as is the number of decimal places of the item totals in the bill of quantities.

54 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

Project structure

This function is only active if you have activated the function Selectable in the System Options |
General | Basic Settings, in the Rounding BoQ section.


Changing these may result in irreversible rounding differences.

Desired decimal places for URs

This refers to a pure XML export option for an invitation to tender. This setting has
an effect only in external programs in which the tender was created.
You can choose between 2 or 3 decimal places. Depending on the selection, only
the specified number of decimal places can be used in the external program.
This setting is ignored if the tender is imported as an X83 file.

Project statistics
The project alternative is taken into account in the project statistics if you enter a
check mark for Project Statistics. You can print out the project statistics in the
Project Explorer with the Application Button | Print | Print. Change orders

In the tender project phase, you can only view these properties if you have activated them in the
System Options Project / Project Alternative | Change Order, function Change Order in Tender Phase.

Create Change Order Number

1. In the project structure, select the respective project alternative (as of tender)
or the package in order to make the PA or SP Properties visible.

2. Select Change Orders, click in the upper white field in the tab with the right
mouse button and execute the context menu command New.

3. The program creates a new line. The numbering of the change orders is
consecutive. The description of the change order is set as default. You should
change this yourself.

4. You can enter the different valuation factors in this table. The default setting
originates from the system or user options. The following valuation factors are

– By reason

– By height

– Worst case

– Best case

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 55

Project structure

With these eight functions, you can set defaults for the relevant status of the
change order. As soon as you activate one of the functions, the program
automatically enters the current date (internal computer date) - which you may
This information is set as a default when a BoQ element is assigned to a change
order number; however, they can also be overwritten there. You can modify the
change order status at any time.

You can press the Update button if the totals are not automatically calculated.

Optional change order

Optional change orders will be evaluated as costs, a valuation factor of 0 is
assumed for revenue. The estimate will show the item DJC/unit for your
information, but the total DJCs are always 0. Since a surcharge item has no unit
values, the DJC is always 0. Budget values of optional change orders are not taken
into consideration.

Valuation factors
These fields contain the defaults from the System Options | Change Orders. You
can adapt the value of the fields for each change order.

▪ Table
The fields highlighted in grey with the columns Net, VAT and Gross are valid
for the respective (selected) change order number and will be calculated
automatically, as soon as you assign BoQ elements with cost details to a
change order number.

▪ Change order
This field contains the total of the change order items belonging to a change
order, which does not depend on the status and the valuation percentages.

▪ Change order approved

This field contains the total of the approved change orders of the current
change order number.

▪ Change order not approved

The line Change order not approved only displays the total of the change
orders that have not been approved, taking the valuation factor into

Total job costs

This line will only be displayed if an estimate exists.

56 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

Project structure

Enter a description for this change order.

a) If several change orders exist, you can see the details for each change order when you select the
respective change order.
b) If not all change order items (for one change order number) have the same status, all the status
information given in the bill of quantities will be activated and displayed highlighted in grey.
c) The totals including all change order items are displayed in the bill of quantities.
d) New change orders automatically receive the status Identified. Valuation factors

It is usually the case, that each user valuates the unapproved change orders in
different ways. Enter the valuation factors of the received change orders in the
change orders of the tender BoQ and enter the valuation factors of your awarded
change orders in the change orders of the tender.

Each change order that you create in the bill of quantities adopts the setting of the
valuation factors from the PA and SP Properties, respectively. In the bill of
quantities, you can change these defaults for the current change order in the
Element Properties | Change Orders.

If the current change order has an item total in the bill of quantities and you change
one (or both) of the valuation factors, the information of the parent PA and SP
Properties are automatically adjusted, respectively. However, first you must select
Update in the PA or SP Properties, Change Orders. If you subsequently create a
further item for the current change order, the newly calculated valuation factors are
also used as a basis there. Submission
Enter all the information for the tender opening.

Enter the number for the data processing here.

Award No.
Enter your award number here.

Award method
You can select the type of award from the drop-down list.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 57

Project structure

Type of contract
Select the contract type here. The default selection options are present in the
system characteristic VTGGR.

Enter data regarding the enquiry here.

Bid opening
Select the date for tender handover in the calendar.

Enter the time for the handover deadline.

Award deadline by
Select the date on which the award deadline is set in the calendar.

Location for handover

Enter the location for the hand-over in this field.

Request deadline
Enter the request deadline in connection with the enquiry database.

Date of publication
Enter the publishing date in connection with the enquiry database.

This field is available to you for comments on the tender opening. Award
Here, all data on the award is entered.

Contract number
This field is intended for the contract number.

Select the date in the calendar.

Enter the planned and actual dates for the execution of construction work.

▪ The Planned date

Actual date
for the Start and End can be selected from the calendar.

Enter the information regarding acceptance of construction.

58 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

Project structure

▪ Method
You can select the acceptance method from the drop-down list.

▪ Date
You can select the date for the acceptance of construction from the calendar.

▪ Warranty
Specify the warranty period here and select months or years from the drop-
down list.

▪ Warranty End
This field shows the date on which the warranty expires.

The planned budget is displayed for your information.

▪ Award Factor/Award Target

Here, you can define an award target depending on the budget. Enter the
planned values here.

The selected currency unit is shown for information. You can transfer another
currency from the catalog using <F3>.

Lot-based award
BoQ alternative tender
approved for each lot
These flags provide information for the enquiry databases. You can specify
whether the awarding is by lot. You can also select the function One BoQ for each
lot. You can specify whether alternative tenders are permitted.
This field is available for extra notes pertaining to the award. Client/client's representative

You can switch the display between the client and the client's representative. Click
on Client or Client's Representative. The contents of both displays are the same.
You can print this data in the list Project Alternative Data.

Enter the data in the fields or select a contact from the Contacts catalog by
selecting <F3> or Search.

New contact
Enter a new contact.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 59

Project structure

Find an existing contact.

This button only becomes active if you have selected a contact.
Click on this button to open a dialog window into which you can enter further data
related to the contact.

a) If you have selected a contact which is used in other objects too (e.g. contact in a package), a
note appears in colour.
b) If you want to change a contact which is used in more than one object and one of these objects is
read-only (e.g. a package), you cannot make any modifications in the first line that concerns the
company name. Create a new contact in this case. Basis of Contract

Enter all contractually determined allowances, deductions, terms, etc., for discount,
partial final and final application.

Table field
Create the data with the context menu.

▪ Insert line
Insert a line above the current item.

▪ Add line <Ctrl>+<N>

Insert a line below the current item.

▪ Delete line <Ctrl>+<L>

Delete the line.

▪ Insert
Add a particular line type.

– Text
Insert a line for text.

– Base amount
Insert an amount.

– Total
Insert a totals line. The total combines all elements which lie above this

60 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

Project structure

– Markup
Insert a markup.

– Deduction
A line for a deduction is inserted with this command.

– Assembly
Insert an assembly from the Assemblies catalog.

Set the default settings for line types in the System and User Options | Configuration.

Payment modalities
The payment modalities can be defined in the lower section. Specify the term for
payment and the early payment discount conditions in the form of days or for a
certain date. Bond
Here, you can make all specifications for bond administration.

There are 4 lines for entering the bonds in the table. The data in the lower part for
the bond relates to the selected field in the table. The defaults from the System
Options | Project / Project Alternative | Bond are adopted and can be expanded at
this location, if necessary.

You must fill the following fields for each bond created in the table field.

▪ % of the Contract Total
Enter the percentage of the contract value for which the bond is accepted. The
contract value from the basic data is displayed next to it for information. You
can enter a net or gross value instead, then the percentage is automatically

▪ Net
Enter here whether the gross or net value of the tender total is to be considered
as the basis of calculation, and enter the amount of the bond. The percentage
of the bond in relation to the contract totals is calculated automatically.

You can select the respective date from the calendar.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 61

Project structure

In the drop-down list, select the bank in which the bond has been deposited.
The defaults stem from the system characteristics.

This field displays the amount of the total bond with the associated currency.

Redeemed on
You can select the date from the calendar. Parameters
You can create, delete or filter parameters via the context menu.

Enter a name for the new parameter in the Code field. You can also select a
parameter from the catalog. For this, use the function key <F3> and select a

If you search for a parameter in the Characteristics catalog, you can select whether the parameter
from the master project or your current project is to be used. If you use a parameter from the master
project, it is automatically copied to the Characteristics catalog of your current project.

If you enter a code for the parameter, which is not yet present in the Characteristics
catalog, you are asked by the program whether you want to enter the parameter.
Clicking the Enter button to open the catalog editing and you can enter a new
parameter there. With a click on the Search button, the Parameter dialog box
opens, in which you can select an existing parameter.

The name and the unit of measure are copied from the Characteristics catalog.

Quantity detail/Typical value

Enter a quantity detail for the parameter or select a typical value using <F3>.
Position the cursor in the field Quantity Detail/Typical Value. Some parameters
require a typical value (which is given in the Characteristics catalog), while for
others, you can simply enter a value or a quantity detail using simple mathematical
notation (without an equal sign). If no typical value is required, you can also use
another parameter that you have already created here. Select the parameter using

62 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

Project structure

A detail is shown in red if it cannot be resolved because, for example, it refers to itself.

If the parameter is a number that can be totalled, the number used in the quantity
detail appears in the Value column. For text parameters, the value is a text, e.g.
colour = green.

The parameter type entered in the Characteristics catalog appears in this column
(Text, Summable Number, Non-summable Number, Date or Key Figure).

By default, these columns are not visible. You must first activate these with the
table configuration. The column headers stem from the Catalog Properties, User-
defined of the Characteristics catalog. Enter the relevant data here. Key figures

With the key figures, you can have values calculated as you wish. Key figures are
available to you on several levels:

▪ Project alternative

▪ Package

▪ Bill of quantities on all levels, e.g item, division

▪ Class
Key figures can be defined on all levels of the class catalogs. The results of the
key figures are not displayed in the catalog, since results are not generally
calculated in catalog elements. The key figures of the class can be output in a
matrix report printout.

They are used, for example, to determine the costs, the budget, the quantity and
the revenue. You can access various system values for this. The key figures are
managed in the Characteristics catalog. Here you can only select entries, which
were assigned the type Key Figure in the Characteristics catalog.

Using the system values, you can call up e.g. the total values of the total job costs.
However, if you would only like to call up costs of a specific type, you can create
these values individually using a syntax.

Likewise, the key figures are also shown in the estimate document. The key figures
can be output in the BoQ and matrix report printouts.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 63

Project structure

Creating a key figure

1. Go to Key Figures.

2. Create a line in the table field. Do this via the context menu command New.
Position the cursor in the Code field. You now have the following options:

Select key figure

Open the Characteristics catalog by pressing <F3>. Since key figures are also
managed in the Characteristics catalog, you can now select any key figure (you
can only view the key figures here). If you know the code of the key figure, you
can simply type it in.

Enter key figure (quick entry)

If you would like to add a new key figure, type a name for the new key figure in
the Code field. A dialog box opens.
Click on the button Input. The Characteristics catalog is opened. You can add
the new key figure here. The name of the new key figure has already been
entered here and the type has also already been specified. You only need to fill
in the remaining fields. After this, go to Key Figures.

3. After you have added the code for the key figure, the cursor automatically
jumps to the Quantity Detail/Typical Value field. You now have the following

To select the respective parameters and system values, press <F3> in the
Quantity Detail/Typical Value field.

– Enter quantity detail

Type in the values, using mathematical expressions if necessary. The
combination of mathematical expressions and the use of parameters and
system values via <F3> is also possible.

– Select parameters or system values <F3>

The program offers you the option of accessing your parameters or using
specified system values.

– System values
There are a certain number of system values. The system values are
provided as pre-calculated declarations automatically determined from your
project. In order for you to be able to differentiate between system values
and other parameters/characteristics, the names (codes) always begin with
an underscore (_) e.g. _PA_Ten_BoQ (net tender total related to the BoQ

64 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

Project structure

The Parameters show all of the parameters of the current project. The three tabs
PA, Object Model and Elemental Costing display the respective system values.
Select a parameter or a system value.

System values that cannot be calculated as a result of missing data have the value 0. If, for example,
you have not created an elemental costing and then carry out a multiplication with the system value
_EC_sum, the result will be equal to zero, since the system value _EC_sum (sum of the elemental
costing) is equal to zero.

▪ Use input assistant <Shift>+<F3>(Only in the project alternatives!)

With the Input Assistant, you can easily enter the individual system values. The
result of the quantity detail is automatically entered in the Value field. These
key numbers are updated automatically. This way, you always have an
overview of the current key numbers.

Individual system values

Using the system values, the total values of the total job costs, for example, can be
called up by the system. However, the user often just wants to call up costs of a
specific type, for example, in order to be able to calculate further key numbers
based on these reference parameters. A syntax is provided for this purpose, so
that these values can be calculated individually. The costs, the budget, the quantity
and the revenue of a project alternative are calculated.
The parameters of the function consist of code and value in the form of Code =
"Value". The parameters are separated by a ';'.

Example: F(CoC="2";M="BoQ")

The possible codes are:

Keywords Values Meaning Remark

Base quantity M BoQ (default) BoQ quantity

AQ Adjusted

Evaluation variable Type Costs (default)



Quantity The details from cost types

and commodities are added,
which have the unit of
measurement of the
characteristic or can be
converted to it.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 65

Project structure

Type and code COC Code or range Cost code See below

Syntax for the selection of catalog elements:

Code Meaning

1,2,4 Specifying more than one element separated by a comma.

2- Everything above 2, including 2

2-5 Range 2-5

2-5+ Range of 2-5, including all subordinate elements

-5 Everything below 5, including 5

>5 Greater than 5, not including 5

5< Greater than 5, not including 5

<5 Less than 5, not including 5

5> Less than 5, not including 5

- Nothing

+5 5, including all parent elements

5+ 5, including all subordinate elements

F(Code="Costs"; CoC="1-3,5+") calculates the costs of cost codes 1 to 3 plus the

costs of cost code 5 and all of its subordinate cost codes.


The current values are recalculated when this button is clicked. Apart from that,
total values of the QTOs and the calculation are updated. Using system values

System Values are reserved for the project alternative and the package, which are
calculated and provided by the program.

To prevent overlapping with self-defined characteristics, the code of these system values are all
prefixed with "_" (underscore). Values that arise from the BoQ/the estimate of the project alternative
(values regarding the client)
_PA_Ten_WQ Tender/Bid Total based on WQ Quantity (net)

66 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

Project structure

_PA_Ten_AQ Tender/Bid Total based on AQ Quantity (net)

_PA_Con_WQ Contract Value (without Change Orders) based on WQ Qty (net)

_PA_Con_AQ Contract Value (without Change Orders) based on AQ Qty (net)

_PA_ConT_WQ Total Contract Value PA, based on WQ Qty (net)

_PA_ConT_AQ Total Contract Value PA, based on AQ Qty (net)

_PA_eCO_WQ Evaluated Total of all Change Orders based on WQ Quantities (net)

_PA_eCO_AQ Evaluated Total of all Change Orders based on AQ Quantities (net)

_PA_eaCO_WQ Evaluated Total of all approved Change Orders based on WQ-Quantity (net)

_PA_eaCO_AQ Evaluated Total of all approved Change Orders based on AQ-Quantity (net)

_PA_nanCO_WQ Non-valuated Total of all Change Orders not approved, based on WQ Quantity

_PA_nanCO_AQ Non-valuated Total of all Change Orders not approved, based on AQ Quantity

_PA_eanCO_WQ Total of all Change Orders PA not approved with Validation, based on WQ
Quantities (net)

_PA_eanCO_AQ Total of all Change Orders PA not approved with Validation, based on AQ
Quantities (net)

_PA_BoQ_ApplT Application-Invoice Total

_PA_BoQPay Total of Payments PA for BoQ Billing (net)

_PA_DWAT Billing Total PA for DW Applic. / T+M Invoices (net)

_PA_DWAP Total of Payments PA for DW Applic. / T+M Invoices (net)

_PA_Budget Budget Total (always based on AQ Quantities - net)

_PA_TJCt_WQ Total Job Costs, based on WQ Qty (net)

_PA_TJCt_AQ Total Job Costs, based on AQ Qty (net)

_PA_ODJC_WQ Total of Original DJC based on WQ Quantities (net)

_PA_ODJC_AQ Total of Original DJC based on AQ Quantities (net)

_PA_PlanHrs_WQ Planned Hours based on WQ Quantities

_PA_PlanHrs_AQ Planned Hours based on AQ Quantities

_PA_ActHrs Actual Hours

_PA_TotGA_WQ Total G&A based on WQ-Quantity

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 67

Project structure

_PA_TotGA_AQ Total G&A based on AQ-Quantity Values calculated from all packages (regarding the contractor)

_TSP_PT_WQ Planned Total, based on WQ Qty (net)

_TSP_PT_AQ Planned Total, based on AQ Qty (net)

_TSP_CwoCO_WQ Contract Value (without Change Orders), based on WQ Qty (net)

_TSP_CwoCO_AQ Contract Value (without Change Orders), based on AQ Qty (net)

_TSP_CT_WQ Total Contract Value, based on WQ Qty (net)

_TSP_CT_AQ Total Contract Value, based on AQ Qty (net)

_TSP_CO_WQ Total of evaluated Change Orders, based on WQ Qty (net)

_TSP_CO_AQ Total of evaluated Change Orders, based on AQ Qty (net)

_TSP_aCO_WQ Total of all Change Orders approved, based on WQ Qty (net)

_TSP_aCO_AQ Total of all Change Orders approved, based on AQ Qty (net)

_TSP_naCO_WQ Total of all Change Orders not approved, based on WQ Qty (net)

_TSP_naCO_AQ Total of all Change Orders not approved, based on AQ Qty (net)

_TSP_enaCO_WQ Evaluated Total of all Change Orders not approved, based on WQ Qty (net)

_TSP_enaCO_AQ Evaluated Total of all Change Orders not approved, based on AQ Qty (net)

_TSP_BoQApplT Total of Applications/Invoices over all BoQs (net)

_TSP_BoQPay Total of Payment Releases for BoQ Billing (net)

_TSP_DWApp Total of Applications/Invoices for Daywork/Time&Material (net)

_TSP_DWAppPay Total of Payment Releases for Daywork Applic./T&M Invoices (net)

_TSP_Budget Budget Total (always based on AQ Qty) (net) Values that are calculated from a package

Only available in the Key Figures of the package.

_SP_PT_WQ Cost planning total based on the WQ quantity (net)

_SP_PT_AQ Cost planning total based on the AQ quantity (net)

68 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

Project structure

_SP_CwoCO_WQ Contract value (without change orders) based on the WQ quantity (net)

_SP_CwoCO_AQ Contract value (without change orders) based on the AQ quantity (net)

_SP_CT_WQ Total Contract Value SP, based on WQ Qty (net)

_SP_CT_AQ Total Contract Value SP, based on AQ Qty (net)

_SP_CO_WQ Total SP of all Change Orders with Validation based on WQ Quantities (net)

_SP_CO_AQ Total SP of all Change Orders with Validation based on AQ Quantities (net)

_SP_aCO_WQ Total SP of all approved Change Orders based on WQ Quantities (net)

_SP_aCO_AQ Total SP of all approved Change Orders based on AQ Quantities (net)

_SP_naCO_WQ Total SP of all Change Orders not approved, based on WQ Quantities (net)

_SP_naCO_AQ Total SP of all Change Orders not approved, based on AQ Quantities (net)

_SP_naeCO_WQ Total SP of all Change Orders not approved with Validation, based on WQ
Quantities (net)

_SP_naeCO_AQ Total SP of all Change Orders not approved with Validation, based on AQ
Quantities (net)

_SP_BoQAppT Total SP of Applications/Invoices accross all BoQs (net)

_SP_BoQAppPay Total SP of Payment Releases for BoQ Billing (net)

_SP_APPT Total of Applications/Invoices for DW / T+M (net)

_SP_DWPay Total SP of Payment Releases for DW Appl. / T+M Invoices (net)

_SP_Budget Budget Total SP (always based on AQ Quantities) (net) Values that are calculated from the object model

_OM_EDW Exterior Doors and Windows

_OM_FC_COV Floor and Ceiling Cover

_OM_GFAa Gross Floor Area a

_OM_GFAa15 Gross Area, a Height under 1.50m

_OM_GFAb Gross Area b

_OM_GFAb15 Gross Area, b Height under 1.50m

_OM_GFAc Gross Area c

_OM_GFAtot Gross Area, total

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Project structure

_OM_GVa Gross Volume, a

_OM_GVa15 Gross Volume, a Height under 1.50m

_OM_GVb Gross Volume, b

_OM_GVb15 Gross Volume, b Height under 1.50m

_OM_GVc Gross Volume, c

_OM_GVtot Gross Volume, total

_OM_CR_Cov Ceiling and roof covering

_OM_FUAa Functional Use Area, a

_OM_FUAa15 Functional Use Area, a Height under 1.50m

_OM_FUAb Functional Use Area, b

_OM_FUAb15 Functional Use Area, b Height under 1.50m

_OM_FUAc Functional Use Area, c

_OM_FUAtot Functional Use Area, total

_OM_MUAa Main Use Area, a

_OM_MUAa15 Main Use Area, a Height under 1.50 m

_OM_MUAb Main Use Area, b

_OM_MUAb15 Main Use Area, b Height under 1.50m

_OM_MUAc Main Use Area, c

_OM_MUAtot Main Use Area, total

_OM_IDO Interior doors and openings

_OM_CFAa Construction Floor Area, a

_OM_CFAa15 Construction Floor Area, a Height under 1.50m

_OM_CFAb Construction Floor Area, b

_OM_CFAb15 Construction Floor Area, b Height under 1.50m

_OM_CFAc Construction Floor Area, c

_Om_CFAtot Construction Floor Area, total

_OM_RA_T1 Rental Area, Trade 1 (exclusive Use Right)

_OM_RA_T2 Rental Area, Trade 2 (Common Use Right)

70 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

Project structure

_OM_RA_TRn No Rental Area Trade Room

_OM_UUf Use Area, finished

_OM_UUu Use Area, unfinished

_OM_UUu_3 Use Aarea, not finished, minus Plaster

_OM_NAa Net floor area, a

_OM_NAa15 Net Area, a Height under 1.50m

_OM_NAb Net Area, b

_OM_NAb15 Net Area, b Height under 1.50m

_OM_NAc Net Area, c

_OM_NAtot Net Area, total

_OM_SUAa Secondary Use Area, a

_OM_SUAa15 Secondary Use Area, a Height under 1.50m

_OM_SUAb Secondary Use Area, b

_OM_SUAb15 Secondary Use Area, a Height under 1.50m

_OM_SUAc Secondary Use Area, c

_OM_SUAtot Secondary Use Area, total

_OM_Total Total Object Model (net)

_OM_TAa Traffic Use Area, a

_OM_TAa15 Traffic Use Area, a Height under 1.50m

_OM_TAb Traffic Use Area, b

_OM_TAb15 Traffic Use Area, b Height under 1.50m

_OM_TAc Traffic Use Area, c

_OM_TAtot Traffic Use Area, total

_OM_W_Fac Wall Facing

_OM_LAf Living Area, finished

_OM_LAnf Living Area, not finished

_OM_LAnf_3 Living Area, not finished, minus Plaster

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 71

Project structure Values that are calculated from the elemental costing

_EC_Tot Total of the elemental Costing, net User-defined fields

Two user-defined fields are available in the Characteristics catalog. Individual
values can be entered into these fields for each characteristic. Thus, filters and
sortings can be created for key figures.

Create a user-defined field Type (Internal/External). Assign the property I=internal

or E=External to each characteristic. In the report, you can create a filter which only
takes the external key numbers into account. Key figure from the lead quantity of a division

The analysis parameter "Lead Quantity" is available in the Key Figure assistant of
the project alternative. This can be specified in detail in the "BoQ Selection". A BoQ
must be specified in order to evaluate the lead quantity. A simple from-to range or
an extended selection can be used to limit the selection. Allocate key figures

A special copy function can be used for the fast assignment of key figures.
Choose the key figures to be distributed and select Copy Below from the context
menu. The elements to which the key figures are to be assigned can now be
selected. Further help functions for quick allocation are available from the context
menu. Printing key figures Table printout

All Key figures can be printed in the form of a table via the Project alternatives

In the the print options, you can define filters for controlling the output.

Example of a Key Figures report:

Key figures

72 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

Project structure

Code Description Typical value UoM Type (Int, Ext) Type


CC Costs of concrete F(_M_="_AQ_";_Type_="_Costs_";_CoC_ I Concrete


CKN Key number for CKN / _PA_ATJC_AQ *100 E Concrete


QC Quantity of Concrete F(M="AQ";Type="Quantity";CoC="241- m3 I Concrete

(from commodities) 241")

HC Hours for Concrete F(_M_="_AQ_";_Type_="_Quantity_";_Co Hrs I Concrete


FC Total formwork costs F(_M_="_AQ_";_Type_="_Quantity_";_Co I Formwork


FKN Key number for FQ_T / FC * 100 E Formwork


FQ_FO Formwork quantity, F(_M_="_AQ_";_Type_="_Quantity_";_Co QM I Formwork

foundations C_="33110+") Form print

If you would like the created report to be similar to a form i.e. a specific key figure
should always appear in a specific place, this key figure is entered in the report
writer as a dynamic placeholder via the Insert menu. To do this, enter the
characteristics code (valid for Parameter and Key Figure) and checkmark the data
field of the characteristic that is to be printed.

You can use these characteristics in formula placeholders, in order to form lists
containing any number of key figures.

Characteristics can also be used in formulae in the report writer. Bill-to party

Enter the bill-to party for whom you can generate your applications. The name and
address of the respective bill-to party appears on the applications, in accordance
with the planned type of billing.
Enter the bill-to parties in a table via the context menu.

Bill-to parties will be billed according to

You can specify the type of billing here:

▪ Item/Quantity Reference
In this case, you can assign the quantities to the bill-to party.

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Project structure

▪ Spread by Percentage
The percentage share of the respective bill-to parties are set by default and
each quantity is automatically divided in this ratio when it is entered.

▪ Changeable at BoQ
This function only becomes active if you have selected Spread by percentage.
If you activate this function, you can change the default in the bill of quantities.

Middle section
Here, you can create the bill-to party. Enter the description of the bill-to party in the
Description field. If you have selected the percentage distribution, fill the
Percentage column also.

▪ New
Delete (context menu command)

Use New in the context menu to create a line for a bill-to party. With Delete,
you can delete a selected bill-to party.

Lower section
New contact
Enter a new contact.

Find an existing contact.

This button only becomes active if you have selected a contact.
Click on this button to open a dialog window into which you can enter further data
related to the contact.

a) If you have selected a contact which is used in other objects too (e.g. contact in a package), a
note appears in colour.
b) If you want to change a contact which is used in more than one object and one of these objects is
read-only (e.g. a package), you cannot make any modifications in the first line that concerns the
company name. Create a new contact in this case. Report periods

The report periods for installed quantities, actual costs and actual hours are
defined and displayed here, as is the status of editing the installed quantities,
actual costs and actual hours.

74 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

Project structure

a) Do not confuse the terms Report Period (RP) and Billing Period (BP). Billing periods exclusively
refer to time periods for billing.
b) In System Options, Controlling | General, you can determine how report periods are input. If the
Use Fixed Report Period (Monthly) setting is activated there, you can only select calendar months
for this purpose. Otherwise, you may freely enter a start date and end date.

Closing a report period

The conclusion occurs in Report Periods at the project alternative level. For the
conclusion, it is necessary to click in the column Close RP.
The closing flag can be removed again subsequently. The concerned values will
then be deleted from history.

Report status
Below the table of report periods, you will notice the status of reports for the report
period that is selected in the table.

▪ Missing

If the check mark has been set by the program, no values have been entered

▪ In progress

If the check mark has been set by the program, some values already exist. The
check mark under Missing is removed by the program in this case.

▪ Complete

Click this check box once the recording of values for the report period has been
completed. The check mark under In Progress is removed by the program in
this case.

The table view can be expanded to allow entry of specific information for individual report periods
concerning particular totals or surcharges for administration costs.


a) You should not define report periods in advance, only up to the current report period. This is
because you might want to select a different end for the next report period than initially
anticipated. In any case, you cannot define report periods in advance if you have activated Only
Edit Last RP in System Options | Quantity Administration | Quantities 1.
With this setting, you can only record values for the last report period.
b) If you would like to compare performance factors with application totals during construction, or if
you would like to generate the billed quantities from the installed quantities for specific effective
days, you must make sure that the end dates for billing periods and report periods coincide.
The following thus applies:
Report periods should either match the billing periods, or multiple report periods together should
form one billing period.
BPx = RPn + RPn+1

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Project structure

Of course, this rule must also be observed when defining the billing periods for the packages
(subcontractor billing). After all, you must be able to deduce the performance factor for a SUB at its
effective billing date from the performance factor at the end of a report period. The billing period of a
SUB should therefore at least correspond to one report period. However, it may also contain several
report periods and correspond to one or several billing periods for the client. Create report period

1. Place the cursor in the table.

2. Click on New in the context menu.

If report periods already exist, click in the last (right-hand) field of the lowest
table line and press <Enter>.

3. Enter a start and end date or the calendar month, depending on the default in
the System Options (for information on this, see the System and User Options
for Controlling).

If a report period already exists, the program will suggest the following:

– In the event of free definition:

new start date = old end date + 1 BT

– In the event of monthly:

next calendar month Delete report period

You can only delete report periods for which no installed quantities, actual costs or actual hours have
been assigned. Otherwise, a corresponding message appears.

1. Place the cursor in the corresponding report period line.

2. Select Delete from the context menu.

If only installed quantities prevent the deletion, the Delete Quantities dialog box
appears after you click OK.

With OK, the installed quantities in the current report period are deleted.
Next, select the report period again and select Delete from the context menu. Cash inflow

Compile a table in which you can create the payment schedule. Go to the empty
field and open the context menu. Use the options Insert <Ctrl>+<I> or Append

76 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

Project structure

<Ctrl>+<N> to create a line. With the option Delete <Ctrl>+<L>, delete the selected
line after confirmation.

Table field
Build a table whose columns have the following meaning:

▪ No.
The serial number appears here. It is automatically entered by the program and
cannot be changed.

▪ Description
Enter a distinctive description.

▪ Date
Enter the date for the payment in this field.

▪ %
Enter a percentage of the payment. The remaining values are filled by the

▪ Amount (Net) [EUR]

Amount (Gross) [EUR]
In this field, you can enter the amount in either net or gross. The other value is
automatically calculated by the program. The amounts are given in the
currency that you specified in the basic data for the CCU or the contract.

▪ Billed
You can enter a checkmark in this field if the billing has been carried out.

▪ Due
Enter when the payment is due in this field.

▪ Conditions
In this field, you can specify the conditions under which the payments are to be
made, e.g. completion of structural work. Automatically generating a payment schedule

You can create a schedule for the partial payments of a given total amount.

1. Click on Generate.
A dialog box opens.

2. Enter the total to be divided in the upper field.

This value may not exceed the Budget.
Gross is automatically active when you activate it in the cash flow.

3. Select the period between the partial payments or enter the number of desired
partial payments.

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Project structure

4. Enter the point in time for the first and the last partial payment.

5. You can edit the existing text in Description field. This text appears in the Cash
Flow section of the table, in the Description column.

6. Click on OK.
A table is generated in the cash flow.
The number of lines corresponds to the division of the partial payments.
The amounts are the quotient of the totals to be divided and the number of
partial payments.

€ 100,000 Euros is meant to be divided into 5 progress applications in a specific period.

The automatically generated payment schedule creates 5 partial payments, each with a value of €
20,000. Display payment schedule graphically

You can display the payment schedule information graphically in the from of a

See also

 Creating diagrams from table data [➙ 41] External ID
This property is only active if System Options, Project/Project Alternative | PA
Workflow or Package | SP Workflow were registered as workflow connectors.

During the export, an external ID can be supplied by the external program. This ID
is displayed here. Authorisations
If you like to have no restrictions, you can ignore these settings.

The authorised or excluded users can be individual users or user groups. The
users and groups that ultimately appear in your selection dialog box upon clicking
one of the Edit buttons depends on your company's internal network structure.


In the Functional authorisations for all users field, you can set the default setting for
the object administrator. If you have not made any default settings there, this tab

78 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

Project structure

will be empty and only the Edit button in the Object Administrators section will be
active. This case is assumed in the following description.


a) Generally speaking, setting no authorisation permits each user to do everything.

b) A single set authorisation excludes all non-authorised users from using this function.
c) All of the authorisation settings set here cannot be exported.
d) You must at least establish yourself as object administrator. Otherwise, you will be unable to edit
the current project. If you have forgotten to establish yourself as object administrator, an error
message will appear when you try to close this window, reminding you that you have forgotten to
do this.
e) The object administrator automatically has all authorisations for the project and the project group.
f) The functional authorisations have a higher priority than the object authorisations. This means, if
you restrict a user from editing the bill of quantities, he would not be able to edit any bill of
quantities, even if he is named as an object administrator. In this case, this user will only have
read-access to the bill of quantities.

Awarding authorisations
1. First, award the authorisations for the object administrator.

Object Administrators
Click on the Edit button to the right of the Object Administrators area, in order
to specify the user, the users or groups that are allowed to administrate the
respective project (changing the authorisations, for example). A dialog window

2. Select the object administrator here.

Add Users/Groups
Double-click inside the two sections on the left side of this box to move groups
or individual users to the section Authorised on the right. You can also click on
a group or a user from the left-hand field and then move this item into the right-
hand section via the arrow button. As soon as you have selected a group or a
user, the name will appear in the opposite field.

The servers used for the system administration, which manages the groups
and the users, are displayed here. Click on theUpdate button to update the
display of the users and groups.

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Project structure

a) You can enter the user name or even the user name with its default domain name in the Users
b) Remove Users/Groups
Click on the user or the groups in the right-hand field if you want to withdraw the awarded rights
from single users or groups of users, and remove the item with the appropriate arrow button or by

3. Finish entering information for the object administrator by clicking OK.

4. The function Edit in the other three fields becomes active. You can also set
certain restrictions for single users or groups of users in these fields as
described above.

All the users and groups of users with read-only access for the current object
are shown in this field. The object administrator can change this authorisation.

Read-write Access
All the users and groups with read-write access to the current object are shown
in this field. The object administrator can change this authorisation.

No Access
All the users or groups of users who do not have access to the current object
are located in this field. The object administrator can change this authorisation.

5.1.2 Locations
"Locations" refers to the spatial structuring of a building in this context. A "location"
is a particular spatially delimited component of a building. However, the term can
also be defined more broadly: Auxiliary measures for a building are also
"locations", such as e.g. an access road and the site facilities.

These "locations" are closely related to the elements of the object model. The
object model also describes a building by introducing a spatial structure. For this
reason, there is a function to generate the "locations" from the structure elements
of the object model. The work items of the object model refer to the same location
as the BoQ elements generated from the object model.
There is a description of the locations in modern CAD systems as well. When using
the CAD data (CPIXML), the Locations document is automatically created in the
corresponding project alternative and filled with the content of the CAD data.
You can manually append the locations anytime.

The locations may assume considerable importance in connection with the project
controlling. A particular work item may arise for many project "locations" with
respective split quantities. A quantity determination for a work item is implemented

80 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

Project structure

in planning by determining its split quantities for all individual locations. The
quantity total of the work item is then obtained as the total of these split quantities.
The planning therefore provides information on which work items occur at which
locations and in which quantities.

This view is offered in the Edit BoQ under Quantity Splitting

Any "location" contains particular quantities of particular work items. The

"locations" should be structured in a hierarchical manner, since this allows the
generation of partial bill of quantities for cruder building subunits as well.

This view also corresponds to the approach used for the construction activities.
Particular work items are assigned here, with particular split quantities as well.
However, a construction activity usually only describes a particular work category
for a location. Several construction activities can thus be assigned to one location.

You can create one "Locations" document for each project alternative.

Prepare CAD data (CPIXML data)

The CAD system data must be made available for this application.

1. Export the data from the CAD system as a cpixml file. One or more files can be
generated here.

2. Copy the CAD export data (.cpixml) in the CPI directory:

……\Application Data\Files\Documents\[Project
Group]\[Project]\[Project Alternative]\CPI
3. When you open a document, the CAD data is read and presented in the 3D

The classification structure of the locations is hierarchical; i.e. the partial code is
compounded into a complete code. With the complete code - or code for short -
each location is identified uniquely. Properties
Document Locations, Properties

In the properties, you specify, for example, the classification of the document and
define which model data is relevant for your work. Basic data

Document Locations, Properties | Basic Data

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 81

Project structure

You can change the name. The remaining fields are purely informative. You can
see when the last document changes were made and by whom. Structure
You can see the structure when you select the document Locations or Object
Model in the project structure or by opening the document and selecting the
uppermost entry.

Define the structure of your building here. You can award a maximum of 12
hierarchy levels. Work with the context menu in the table.
If you want to display additional columns, you can do this using the table

a) You can append individual hierarchy levels to the end of the object hierarchy at any time.
b) You can only delete hierarchy levels not used in the program.

Meaning of the table columns

Column label Meaning Special features

Hierarchy level Number of the hierarchy level Are numbered consecutively

Label Name of the hierarchy level Is used in the context menu of the
object model

Format Input:

▪ A = alphanumeric

▪ N = numeric

Format definitions for the CAD code

Min. length Number of characters that must be

used in the object number

Max. length Number of maximum possible

characters of an object number

Start value Value used as a starting point for the

numbering of the object numbers.

Increment Increments for the automatic

numbering of the object numbers

Separators Characters used to separate the

parts of the object numbers; the
default is a period.

Filler character Characters used to fill the erroneous Specify exactly 1 filler character.

82 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

Project structure

parts of the object numbers

CAD type Object description according to CAD ▪ Icons are set up automatically
▪ You can exchange individual
icons if required.

▪ Each icon can only have one

assignment CPI properties

Document Locations, Properties | CPI Properties

Here, you can define a filter for the element planning document in order to display
only the model data that you require. The remaining data is hidden. You can
change this filter as necessary at any time.
You can also edit it in the element planning document in the object filter. There,
you can control the filter via the context menu.

Provided that CPI data were imported by the program, the existing properties are
displayed here.
The properties that are located in the list on the left are displayed in the element
planning document. The properties in the list on the right are not displayed. You
can control this with the context menu.

If the left list does not contain any entries, all CPI properties and all model data is displayed.

The following context menu commands are available to you:

New <Ctrl>+<N>
You can add a property to the current list.

A selection dialog opens. This selection dialog contains all CPI properties for the
model data. Accept an entry by clicking on OK.

Delete <Ctrl>+<L>
The selected entry is deleted from the list after a confirmation query.

Selection dialog <F3>

You can replace one list entry by another. To do so, choose an entry and then
select this context menu command.

A selection dialog opens. This selection dialog contains all CPI properties for the
model data. Accept an entry by clicking on OK.

The selected entry is replaced.

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Project structure

In addition, you can further restrict the properties by entering wildcards and/or text
fragments. To do so, place the cursor in the corresponding field and enter the
desired text. Creating locations manually

Creating document locations Start | New | Modules | Locations
Create locations in the document: Start | New | xxx

1. Select the project alternative.

2. Click on Start | New | Modules | Locations.

The program will ask you if you want to open the document. Click on Yes.

3. Click on Start | New | Modules | Locations.

The Locations document is created in the current project alternative.

4. Open the document by double clicking.

5. Create the locations using the commands in the area Start | New or using the
context menu. Copying elements with location reference

The model data from the CAD system of your project is saved as locations, for
instance. Since you cannot change the model data, you cannot simply just copy a

Please note the following when copying elements with a location reference:
a) Location document blank at the target
If an element, an item or a package is copied to a different document/project alternative, the
location references (including those of a contained quantity splitting) are also copied. With this
process, the whole location document is copied.
b) Locations exist in the location document at the target
If an element, an item or a package is copied to a different document/project alternative, the
existing location references (including those of a contained quantity splitting) remain unchanged;
however, no new locations are copied to the location document. This means that the newly added
elements do not have a location reference at the target.

Since no distinction is made with locations as to the origin (CAD model or manual),
these copying instructions also apply to manually created location documents. Import and export

Application Icon | Data Exchange | Export
Application Icon | Data Exchange | Import

84 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

Project structure

The document Locations is exchanged in XML data format. The separators

between the partial codes is not transferred by default.

1. Select the Locations document in the project structure.

2. Click on the Application Icon | Data Exchange | Export.

A dialog box opens.

3. Select the directory and enter a filename.

4. Click Save.

1. Specify a document location in the project structure.

2. Click on Application Icon | Data Exchange | Import.

A dialog opens.

3. Select the file to be imported.

4. Click on Open.
The data is imported.

5.2 Packages
The packages (SP) form an arrangement for the enquiry request and contract data.
All bills of quantities (BoQs) of a package are awarded together. The packages
usually correspond to the work categories. Each trade can contain multiple bills of
If a contract has been awarded, the package is completely assigned to the
contractor. Each package has its own phase cycle, which runs independent of the
project phase.

Creating a Package
1. Open the project.

2. Select the context menu command New | Package. You should not have
highlighted the folder Catalogs, Configurations, Documents or Forms.
The Create SP dialog box opens.
Here you can enter a name and description or select Search to copy a package
from the master project into the current project.

5.2.1 SP group folder properties

In the project structure, select the group folder of the packages. You can see the
SP Group Folder Properties on the right-hand side of the screen.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 85

Project structure Basic data

Some totals of the subordinate packages are displayed here.

In this line, the total of all subordinate budgets is displayed.

Cost planning
In this field, the total of all cost planning is displayed from the subordinate SP info.

In this line, the total of all subordinate contracts is displayed.

Change orders (approved)

In this line, the total of all subordinate change orders is displayed.

Change orders (not approved)

In this line, the total of all subordinate unapproved change orders is displayed.

In these fields, the total of the contract, approved change orders and unapproved
change orders is displayed.

In these fields, the total of the billed applications is displayed.

In these fields, the total of payments recorded for the applications is displayed.

In this field, the currency in which the amounts were indicated is displayed.

These values are not always automatically updated. Therefore, click Update first to
ensure that the current values are displayed.

Cost Control is started.
Another dialog box opens. It contains other details in addition to these values.

86 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

Project structure Settings
Budget determination off
Here, you select on what basis the budget of the project is to be determined.

▪ Project alternatives via work item allocation

▪ BoQ of the package

▪ Elemental costing (budget splitting)

In the elemental costing, packages can be assigned to the individual elements.
In this way, for example, you can analyse the elemental costing sorted
according to packages. Since this assignment was already made in an earlier
project phase, this is a code reference. That is, only the code of the package
needs to be entered - the package does not need to be created as of yet.
In the course of the construction documentation, this elemental costing is used
as a budget for the packages. Correspondingly, this is taken into account in the
dialog box and in the analyses of the elemental costing. Print properties

Application Button | Print | Print

If you are in the project structure on the group folder of packages, and you activate
this function, you will start the Cost Control. You can print several reports with
project data.

5.2.2 Filling in SP properties

If you have selected a package, you will see the SP properties. In the SP
properties, you can enter all the required data for packages. Basic Data

The content varies depending on the PA/SP phase.

The default setting for these fields is taken from the project. You can change the
description for the current document.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 87

Project structure

The code length is the default from the System Options. If you change this default in the system
options, you must change it in several print templates also.

VAT [%]
The default is the VAT rate from the Project Properties | Settings | Tax Table.
Select <F3> to use a different tax rate from the tax table.

The project currency is set as default.
You can transfer another currency from the Currency catalog using <F3>.

Government fee (additional tax rate)

Tax (additional tax rate)
If you have specified additional tax rates in the System Options | General |
Additional Tax Rates, these fields are active.
This way, you can specify two further tax rates besides the value-added tax. This is
also necessary for the Chinese market. The VAT may have already been included
in the unit rate; but it may have to be shown separately.

▪ Tax calculation

The value-added tax is added first. Tax 2 and, subsequently, tax 3 is then
added to the specified output level.


+ (Net * VAT %)

= Total1

+ (Total1 * Tax2)

= Total2

(Total2 * Tax3)

= Overall total

The Tax column shows the grand total of all three taxes.
These taxes are only shown in detail in the BoQ printout and in the Basic Data of
the PA or SP Properties.
This functionality is not available in other program components.

At the beginning of the project processing, you can type in a value here. However,
if you want to specify Budgets when editing the project, this field is disabled for
entry and the total of all subordinate budget values is specified.

88 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

Project structure

Tender or cost planning

You can enter a value here at the start of project editing.

▪ If you only have an enquiry and award in the package, the values of the enquiry
are copied and the field is disabled.

▪ If you only have an enquiry in the package, the values are copied.

▪ If you only have an award in the package, the values are copied.

Total job costs

This field contains the direct job costs of work items plus general conditions (DJC +

Change orders approved (in net, VAT, gross)

These values are only displayed to you in the SP phase contract.
The total of all approved change orders of the current package is displayed.

Change orders not approved (in net, VAT, gross)

These values are only displayed to you in the SP phase contract.
The total of all unapproved change orders of the current package is displayed.

Reserve (in net, VAT, gross)

These values are only displayed to you in the SP phase contract.
The total of all reserves of the current package is displayed.

Total (in net, VAT, gross)

These values are only displayed to you in the SP phase contract.
The total of the subordinate contracts and change orders is shown here.

Select Update to recalculate the values.

If you activate this function, the item totals (Calculated IT and Entered IT) of all
items are hidden. The fields are then highlighted in grey and cannot be edited. If
the package is disabled, it is not included in the summary.

2nd CUR
There is an option of entering a 2nd currency here. In many cases, the second
currency can also be printed out. Conversion is automatic.

In this field, you can enter any text for the package.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 89

Project structure

Currency portions in the UR

These fields are only active if you have activated With Local/Foreigns in the
project. The default setting is determined in the System Options | Project Mode.

You can enter a 2nd currency here. In many reports, the 2nd currency can also be
printed out (automatic conversion to the 2nd currency). The currency has to be
entered in the Currencies catalog. You can select the currencies using <F3>.

The displayed amounts are calculated again with this button.

In this field, you can enter any comments. VAT
This setting is only active when the function Different VAT rates within one contract
is activated for the project under Settings | Tax Table.

1. Click in the Code field on <F3>.

A dialog window opens.

2. Click on a tax rate and then on OK.

The tax rate is applied to the selected element.

The depicted tax rates come from the Tax Table of the project (project Properties,
Settings | Tax Table). Settings
Rounding BoQ
The number of decimal places of the unit rates in the bill of quantities is set here,
as is the number of decimal places of the item totals in the bill of quantities.

This function is only active if you have activated the function Selectable in the System Options |
General | Basic Settings, in the Rounding BoQ section.


Changing these may result in irreversible rounding differences.

Desired decimal places for URs

This refers to a pure XML export option for an invitation to tender. This setting has
an effect only in external programs in which the tender was created.
You can choose between 2 or 3 decimal places. Depending on the selection, only

90 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

Project structure

the specified number of decimal places can be used in the external program.
This setting is ignored if the tender is imported as an X83 file.

Project statistics
The project alternative is taken into account in the project statistics if you enter a
check mark for Project Statistics. You can print out the project statistics in the
Project Explorer with the Application Button | Print | Print. Change orders

In the tender project phase, you can only view these properties if you have activated them in the
System Options Project/Project Alternative | Change Order, function Change Order in Tender Phase .

Create change order number

1. In the project structure, select the respective project alternative (as of tender)
or the package in order to make the PA or SP Properties visible.

2. Select Change Orders, click in the upper white field in the tab with the right-
hand mouse button and execute the context menu command New.

3. The program creates a new line. The numbering of the change orders is
consecutive. The description of the change order is set as default. You should
change this yourself.

With these eight functions, you can set defaults for the relevant status of the
change order. As soon as you activate one of the functions, the program
automatically enters the current date (internal computer date) - which you may
This information is set as a default when a BoQ element is assigned to a change
order number; however, they can also be overwritten there. You can modify the
change order status at any time.

You can press the Update button if the totals are not automatically calculated.

Optional change order

Optional change orders will be evaluated as costs, a valuation factor of 0 is
assumed for revenue. The estimate will show the item DJC/unit for your
information, but the total DJCs are always 0. Since a surcharge item has no unit
values, the DJC is always 0. Budget values of optional change orders are not taken
into consideration.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 91

Project structure

Valuation factors
These fields contain the defaults from the System Options | Change Orders. You
can adapt the value of the fields for each change order.

▪ Table
The fields highlighted in grey with the columns Net, VAT and Gross are valid
for the respective (selected) change order number and will be calculated
automatically, as soon as you assign BoQ elements with cost details to a
change order number.

▪ Change order
This field contains the total of the change order items belonging to a change
order, which does not depend on the status and the valuation percentages.

▪ Change order approved

This field contains the total of the approved change orders of the current
change order number.

▪ Change order not approved

The line Change order not approved only displays the total of the change
orders that have not been approved, taking the valuation factor into

Total job costs

This line will only be displayed if an estimate exists.

Enter a description for this change order.

a) If several change orders exist, you can see the details for each change order when you select the
respective change order.
b) If not all change order items (for one change order number) have the same status, all the status
information given in the bill of quantities will be activated and displayed highlighted in grey.
c) The totals including all change order items are displayed in the bill of quantities.
d) New change orders automatically receive the status identified. Valuation factors

It is usually the case, that each user valuates the unapproved change orders in
different ways. Enter the valuation factors of the received change orders in the
change orders of the tender BoQ and enter the valuation factors of your awarded
change orders in the change orders of the tender.

Each change order that you create in the bill of quantities adopts the setting of the
valuation factors from the PA and SP Properties, respectively. In the bill of

92 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

Project structure

quantities, you can change these defaults for the current change order in the
Element Properties | Change Orders.

If the current change order has an item total in the bill of quantities and you change
one (or both) of the valuation factors, the information of the parent PA and SP
Properties are automatically adjusted, respectively. However, first you must select
Update in the PA or SP Properties, Change Orders. If you subsequently create a
further item for the current change order, the newly calculated valuation factors are
also used as a basis there. Submission
Enter all the information for the tender opening.

Enter the number for the data processing here.

Award No.
Enter your award number here.

Award method
You can select the type of award from the drop-down list.

Type of contract
Select the contract type here. The default selection options are present in the
system characteristic VTGGR.

Enter data regarding the enquiry here.

Bid opening
Select the date for tender handover in the calendar.

Enter the time for the handover deadline.

Award deadline by
Select the date on which the award deadline is set in the calendar.

Location for handover

Enter the location for the hand-over in this field.

Request deadline
Enter the request deadline in connection with the enquiry database.

Date of publication
Enter the publishing date in connection with the enquiry database.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 93

Project structure

This field is available to you for comments on the tender opening. Opening
Specify the assignment of the enquiry to the work categories.

Work categories
Specify the work categories assigned in the bill of quantities here.

In the System Options, determine whether the work categories are generated from
the reference to the BoQ catalog or from the StLK number. If the StLK number is
given as a reference, these work categories are automatically entered in the WC
catalog if this has not already been done.

Generate from BoQ

The assigned work categories are automatically copied from the bill of quantities to
this list. Any values entered earlier are deleted.

CPV number
For EU Enquiries, the CPV numbers (Common Procurement Vocabulary) of the
enquiry can be assigned. The CPV number is a System Characteristic, to which the
CPV class catalog is assigned as the typical value.

Enter the specification of the enquiry in unformatted form. Award
Here, all data on the award is entered.

Contract number
This field is intended for the contract number.

Select the date in the calendar.

Enter the planned and actual dates for the execution of construction work.

▪ The Planned date

Actual date
for the Start and End can be selected from the calendar.

94 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

Project structure

Enter the information regarding acceptance of construction.

▪ Method
You can select the acceptance method from the drop-down list.

▪ Date
You can select the date for the acceptance of construction from the calendar.

▪ Warranty
Specify the warranty period here and select months or years from the drop-
down list.

▪ Warranty End
This field shows the date on which the warranty expires.

The planned budget is displayed for your information.

▪ Award Factor/Award Target

Here, you can define an award target depending on the budget. Enter the
planned values here.

The selected currency unit is shown for information. You can transfer another
currency from the catalog using <F3>.

Lot-based award
BoQ alternative tender
approved for each lot
These flags provide information for the enquiry databases. You can specify
whether the awarding is by lot. You can also select the function One BoQ for each
lot. You can specify whether alternative tenders are permitted.
This field is available for extra notes pertaining to the award. Contractor
You will only find the Contractor in the SP properties of the SP phase contract. You
will find the Bidder instead in the SP phases enquiry and award.
The contact of the bidder to whom you have awarded the contract is copied here.

New contact
Enter a new contact.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 95

Project structure

Find an existing contact.

This button only becomes active if you have selected a contact.
Click on this button to open a dialog window into which you can enter further data
related to the contact.

Award No.
You can enter the creditor number in this field.

Enter the number for the data processing here.

Cost Code
This field is intended for the cost code.

a) If you have selected a contact which is used in other objects too (e.g. contact in a package), a
note appears in colour.
b) If you want to change a contact which is used in more than one object and one of these objects is
read-only (e.g. a package), you cannot make any modifications in the first line that concerns the
company name. Create a new contact in this case. Basis of Contract

Enter all contractually determined allowances, deductions, terms, etc., for discount,
partial final and final application.

Table field
Create the data with the context menu.

▪ Insert line
Insert a line above the current item.

▪ Add line <Ctrl>+<N>

Insert a line below the current item.

▪ Delete line <Ctrl>+<L>

Delete the line.

▪ Insert
Add a particular line type.

96 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

Project structure

– Text
Insert a line for text.

– Base amount
Insert an amount.

– Total
Insert a totals line. The total combines all elements which lie above this

– Markup
Insert a markup.

– Deduction
A line for a deduction is inserted with this command.

– Assembly
Insert an assembly from the Assemblies catalog.

Set the default settings for line types in the System and User Options | Configuration.

Payment modalities
The payment modalities can be defined in the lower section. Specify the term for
payment and the early payment discount conditions in the form of days or for a
certain date. Cost codes

You can assign cost codes to the UR breakdown. These cost codes have to be
created in the Cost Code catalog. These defaults are needed in the enquiry and
award phases, if you want to copy the award prices to the estimate. Bond
Here, you can make all specifications for bond administration.

There are 4 lines for entering the bonds in the table. The data in the lower part for
the bond relates to the selected field in the table. The defaults from the System
Options | Project / Project Alternative | Bond are adopted and can be expanded at
this location, if necessary.

You must fill the following fields for each bond created in the table field.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 97

Project structure

▪ % of the Contract Total
Enter the percentage of the contract value for which the bond is accepted. The
contract value from the basic data is displayed next to it for information. You
can enter a net or gross value instead, then the percentage is automatically

▪ Net
Enter here whether the gross or net value of the tender total is to be considered
as the basis of calculation, and enter the amount of the bond. The percentage
of the bond in relation to the contract totals is calculated automatically.

You can select the respective date from the calendar.

In the drop-down list, select the bank in which the bond has been deposited.
The defaults stem from the system characteristics.

This field displays the amount of the total bond with the associated currency.

Redeemed on
You can select the date from the calendar. Parameters
You can create, delete or filter parameters via the context menu.

Enter a name for the new parameter in the Code field. You can also select a
parameter from the catalog. For this, use the function key <F3> and select a

If you search for a parameter in the Characteristics catalog, you can select whether the parameter
from the master project or your current project is to be used. If you use a parameter from the master
project, it is automatically copied to the Characteristics catalog of your current project.

If you enter a code for the parameter, which is not yet present in the Characteristics
catalog, you are asked by the program whether you want to enter the parameter.
Clicking the Enter button to open the catalog editing and you can enter a new
parameter there. With a click on the Search button, the Parameter dialog box
opens, in which you can select an existing parameter.

98 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

Project structure

The name and the unit of measure are copied from the Characteristics catalog.

Quantity detail/Typical value

Enter a quantity detail for the parameter or select a typical value using <F3>.
Position the cursor in the field Quantity Detail/Typical Value. Some parameters
require a typical value (which is given in the Characteristics catalog), while for
others, you can simply enter a value or a quantity detail using simple mathematical
notation (without an equal sign). If no typical value is required, you can also use
another parameter that you have already created here. Select the parameter using

A detail is shown in red if it cannot be resolved because, for example, it refers to itself.

If the parameter is a number that can be totalled, the number used in the quantity
detail appears in the Value column. For text parameters, the value is a text, e.g.
colour = green.

The parameter type entered in the Characteristics catalog appears in this column
(Text, Summable Number, Non-summable Number, Date or Key Figure).

By default, these columns are not visible. You must first activate these with the
table configuration. The column headers stem from the Catalog Properties, User-
defined of the Characteristics catalog. Enter the relevant data here. Key figures

With the key figures, you can have values calculated as you wish. Key figures are
available to you on several levels:

▪ Project alternative

▪ Package

▪ Bill of quantities on all levels, e.g item, division

▪ Class
Key figures can be defined on all levels of the class catalogs. The results of the
key figures are not displayed in the catalog, since results are not generally

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 99

Project structure

calculated in catalog elements. The key figures of the class can be output in a
matrix report printout.

They are used, for example, to determine the costs, the budget, the quantity and
the revenue. You can access various system values for this. The key figures are
managed in the Characteristics catalog. Here you can only select entries, which
were assigned the type Key Figure in the Characteristics catalog.

Using the system values, you can call up e.g. the total values of the total job costs.
However, if you would only like to call up costs of a specific type, you can create
these values individually using a syntax.

Likewise, the key figures are also shown in the estimate document. The key figures
can be output in the BoQ and matrix report printouts.

Creating a key figure

1. Go to Key Figures.

2. Create a line in the table field. Do this via the context menu command New.
Position the cursor in the Code field. You now have the following options:

Select key figure

Open the Characteristics catalog by pressing <F3>. Since key figures are also
managed in the Characteristics catalog, you can now select any key figure (you
can only view the key figures here). If you know the code of the key figure, you
can simply type it in.

Enter key figure (quick entry)

If you would like to add a new key figure, type a name for the new key figure in
the Code field. A dialog box opens.
Click on the button Input. The Characteristics catalog is opened. You can add
the new key figure here. The name of the new key figure has already been
entered here and the type has also already been specified. You only need to fill
in the remaining fields. After this, go to Key Figures.

3. After you have added the code for the key figure, the cursor automatically
jumps to the Quantity Detail/Typical Value field. You now have the following

To select the respective parameters and system values, press <F3> in the
Quantity Detail/Typical Value field.

– Enter quantity detail

Type in the values, using mathematical expressions if necessary. The
combination of mathematical expressions and the use of parameters and
system values via <F3> is also possible.

100 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

Project structure

– Select parameters or system values <F3>

The program offers you the option of accessing your parameters or using
specified system values.

– System values
There are a certain number of system values. The system values are
provided as pre-calculated declarations automatically determined from your
project. In order for you to be able to differentiate between system values
and other parameters/characteristics, the names (codes) always begin with
an underscore (_) e.g. _PA_Ten_BoQ (net tender total related to the BoQ

The Parameters show all of the parameters of the current project. The three tabs
PA, Object Model and Elemental Costing display the respective system values.
Select a parameter or a system value.

System values that cannot be calculated as a result of missing data have the value 0. If, for example,
you have not created an elemental costing and then carry out a multiplication with the system value
_EC_sum, the result will be equal to zero, since the system value _EC_sum (sum of the elemental
costing) is equal to zero.

▪ Use input assistant <Shift>+<F3>(Only in the project alternatives!)

With the Input Assistant, you can easily enter the individual system values. The
result of the quantity detail is automatically entered in the Value field. These
key numbers are updated automatically. This way, you always have an
overview of the current key numbers.

Individual system values

Using the system values, the total values of the total job costs, for example, can be
called up by the system. However, the user often just wants to call up costs of a
specific type, for example, in order to be able to calculate further key numbers
based on these reference parameters. A syntax is provided for this purpose, so
that these values can be calculated individually. The costs, the budget, the quantity
and the revenue of a project alternative are calculated.
The parameters of the function consist of code and value in the form of Code =
"Value". The parameters are separated by a ';'.

Example: F(CoC="2";M="BoQ")

The possible codes are:

Keywords Values Meaning Remark

Base quantity M BoQ (default) BoQ quantity

AQ Adjusted

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 101

Project structure

Evaluation variable Type Costs (default)



Quantity The details from cost types

and commodities are added,
which have the unit of
measurement of the
characteristic or can be
converted to it.

Type and code COC Code or range Cost code See below

Syntax for the selection of catalog elements:

Code Meaning

1,2,4 Specifying more than one element separated by a comma.

2- Everything above 2, including 2

2-5 Range 2-5

2-5+ Range of 2-5, including all subordinate elements

-5 Everything below 5, including 5

>5 Greater than 5, not including 5

5< Greater than 5, not including 5

<5 Less than 5, not including 5

5> Less than 5, not including 5

- Nothing

+5 5, including all parent elements

5+ 5, including all subordinate elements

F(Code="Costs"; CoC="1-3,5+") calculates the costs of cost codes 1 to 3 plus the

costs of cost code 5 and all of its subordinate cost codes.


The current values are recalculated when this button is clicked. Apart from that,
total values of the QTOs and the calculation are updated.

102 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

Project structure User-defined fields

Two user-defined fields are available in the Characteristics catalog. Individual
values can be entered into these fields for each characteristic. Thus, filters and
sortings can be created for key figures.

Create a user-defined field Type (Internal/External). Assign the property I=internal

or E=External to each characteristic. In the report, you can create a filter which only
takes the external key numbers into account. Key figure from the lead quantity of a division

The analysis parameter "Lead Quantity" is available in the Key Figure assistant of
the project alternative. This can be specified in detail in the "BoQ Selection". A BoQ
must be specified in order to evaluate the lead quantity. A simple from-to range or
an extended selection can be used to limit the selection. Allocate key figures

A special copy function can be used for the fast assignment of key figures.
Choose the key figures to be distributed and select Copy Below from the context
menu. The elements to which the key figures are to be assigned can now be
selected. Further help functions for quick allocation are available from the context
menu. Bill-to party

Enter the bill-to party for whom you can generate your applications. The name and
address of the respective bill-to party appears on the applications, in accordance
with the planned type of billing.
Enter the bill-to parties in a table via the context menu.

Bill-to parties will be billed according to

You can specify the type of billing here:

▪ Item/Quantity Reference
In this case, you can assign the quantities to the bill-to party.

▪ Spread by Percentage
The percentage share of the respective bill-to parties are set by default and
each quantity is automatically divided in this ratio when it is entered.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 103

Project structure

▪ Changeable at BoQ
This function only becomes active if you have selected Spread by percentage.
If you activate this function, you can change the default in the bill of quantities.

Middle section
Here, you can create the bill-to party. Enter the description of the bill-to party in the
Description field. If you have selected the percentage distribution, fill the
Percentage column also.

▪ New
Delete (context menu command)

Use New in the context menu to create a line for a bill-to party. With Delete,
you can delete a selected bill-to party.

Lower section
New contact
Enter a new contact.

Find an existing contact.

This button only becomes active if you have selected a contact.
Click on this button to open a dialog window into which you can enter further data
related to the contact.

a) If you have selected a contact which is used in other objects too (e.g. contact in a package), a
note appears in colour.
b) If you want to change a contact which is used in more than one object and one of these objects is
read-only (e.g. a package), you cannot make any modifications in the first line that concerns the
company name. Create a new contact in this case. Logs
All the actions performed with the project, such as Roll In and Roll Out, are
documented here. Cash flow

Compile a table in which the payment schedule is created. Go to the empty field
and open the context menu. Use the context menu commands Insert <Ctrl>+<I> or

104 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

Project structure

Append <Ctrl>+<N> to create a new line. Use Delete <Ctrl>+<L> to delete the
selected line after confirmation.

Table field

You can generate this table field automatically. To do so, click on Generate.

Compile a table whose columns have the following meaning:

▪ No.
The serial number appears here. It is automatically entered by the program and
cannot be changed.

▪ Description
Enter a distinctive description.

▪ Date
Enter the date for the payment in this field.

▪ %
Enter a percentage of the payment. The remaining values are filled by the

▪ Amount (Net) [EUR]

Amount (Gross) [EUR]
In this field, you can enter the amount in either net or gross. The other value is
automatically calculated by the program.

▪ Billed
You can enter a checkmark in this field if the billing has been carried out.

▪ Due
Enter when the payment is due in this field.

▪ Conditions
In this field, you can specify the conditions under which the payments are to be
made, e.g. completion of structural work.

The data is updated.

The program creates a complete payment schedule according to your

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 105

Project structure Automatically generating a payment schedule

You can create a schedule for the partial payments of a given total amount.

1. Click on Generate.
A dialog box opens.

2. Enter the total to be divided in the upper field.

This value may not exceed the Budget.
Gross is automatically active when you activate it in the cash flow.

3. Select the period between the partial payments or enter the number of desired
partial payments.

4. Enter the point in time for the first and the last partial payment.

5. You can edit the existing text in Description field. This text appears in the Cash
Flow section of the table, in the Description column.

6. Click on OK.
A table is generated in the cash flow.
The number of lines corresponds to the division of the partial payments.
The amounts are the quotient of the totals to be divided and the number of
partial payments.

€ 100,000 Euros is meant to be divided into 5 progress applications in a specific period.

The automatically generated payment schedule creates 5 partial payments, each with a value of €
20,000. Display payment schedule graphically

You can display the payment schedule information graphically in the from of a

See also

 Creating diagrams from table data [➙ 41] External ID
This property is only active if System Options, Project/Project Alternative | PA
Workflow or Package | SP Workflow were registered as workflow connectors.

During the export, an external ID can be supplied by the external program. This ID
is displayed here.

106 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

Project structure Authorisations
If you like to have no restrictions, you can ignore these settings.

The authorised or excluded users can be individual users or user groups. The
users and groups that ultimately appear in your selection dialog box upon clicking
one of the Edit buttons depends on your company's internal network structure.


In the Functional authorisations for all users field, you can set the default setting for
the object administrator. If you have not made any default settings there, this tab
will be empty and only the Edit button in the Object Administrators section will be
active. This case is assumed in the following description.

a) Generally speaking, setting no authorisation permits each user to do everything.

b) A single set authorisation excludes all non-authorised users from using this function.
c) All of the authorisation settings set here cannot be exported.
d) You must at least establish yourself as object administrator. Otherwise, you will be unable to edit
the current project. If you have forgotten to establish yourself as object administrator, an error
message will appear when you try to close this window, reminding you that you have forgotten to
do this.
e) The object administrator automatically has all authorisations for the project and the project group.
f) The functional authorisations have a higher priority than the object authorisations. This means, if
you restrict a user from editing the bill of quantities, he would not be able to edit any bill of
quantities, even if he is named as an object administrator. In this case, this user will only have
read-access to the bill of quantities.

Awarding authorisations
1. First, award the authorisations for the object administrator.

Object Administrators
Click on the Edit button to the right of the Object Administrators area, in order
to specify the user, the users or groups that are allowed to administrate the
respective project (changing the authorisations, for example). A dialog window

2. Select the object administrator here.

Add Users/Groups
Double-click inside the two sections on the left side of this box to move groups
or individual users to the section Authorised on the right. You can also click on
a group or a user from the left-hand field and then move this item into the right-
hand section via the arrow button. As soon as you have selected a group or a
user, the name will appear in the opposite field.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 107

Project structure

The servers used for the system administration, which manages the groups
and the users, are displayed here. Click on theUpdate button to update the
display of the users and groups.

a) You can enter the user name or even the user name with its default domain name in the Users
b) Remove Users/Groups
Click on the user or the groups in the right-hand field if you want to withdraw the awarded rights
from single users or groups of users, and remove the item with the appropriate arrow button or by

3. Finish entering information for the object administrator by clicking OK.

4. The function Edit in the other three fields becomes active. You can also set
certain restrictions for single users or groups of users in these fields as
described above.

All the users and groups of users with read-only access for the current object
are shown in this field. The object administrator can change this authorisation.

Read-write Access
All the users and groups with read-write access to the current object are shown
in this field. The object administrator can change this authorisation.

No Access
All the users or groups of users who do not have access to the current object
are located in this field. The object administrator can change this authorisation. Other addresses

You can enter as many addresses as you like for the project and package.

It is best to enter all project participants at project level. This will give you a clear
overview at all times. During the course of the project, you can access these
project addresses each time you select an address and therefore don't have to go
and find them in the general address book.

Entering other addresses

1. Open the project.

2. In the structure tree, highlight the top entry; in other words, the project.

3. Select Project Properties, Other Addresses.

4. In the top table field, click on the context menu command New.
A table cell is created. The No.. column is automatically numbered sequentially.

108 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

Project structure

5. In the table cell Description, click on <F3> or in the lower area, click on Find.
The window Address Selection opens.

6. From the list Project, select the address book to be displayed.

Select the current project or master project.
The addresses from the selected address book are listed.

7. Select one of the addresses.

The address is saved in the current project.

8. In the table cell Description, enter a function or role, e.g. architect.

This brief description simply acts as a reminder.
The address is copied to the current project address book.

Enter all project addresses in the same way. If later on, e.g. in the bidder
administration, you create a bidder, then when you come to select an address, all
addresses that have been entered are displayed here.

Entering JV members
1. Open the project.

2. In the structure tree, highlight the top entry; in other words, the project.

3. Select Project Properties, Other Addresses.

4. In the top table field, click on the context menu command New.
A table cell is created. The No.. column is automatically numbered sequentially.

5. In the lower area, activate the function JV.

This table cell is interpreted as a JV.

6. Click on JV members to enter all associated members.

5.2.3 Execute SP phase change

Actions | Package | Phase Change | xxx

The SP phase change is carried out in the project window.

1. Select the package.

2. Click on Actions | Package | Phase Change to Award Phase or Phase Change

to Contract Phase

Since the activities are different in the two SP phase changes, they are explained
separately in the following sections. Move SP to Bid Analysis Phase

Actions | Package | Phase Change | Change SP to Award Phase

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 109

Project structure

1. You have selected the package whose SP phase you want to move to another
phase in the project window.
Click on the above-named function.

2. A confirmation query appears.

Click Yes.

The SP phase award is created and the SP phase enquiry appears as read-
only in the project structure. In the SP phase Award, an evaluation is
automatically created. Roll Back SP to Inquiry Phase

Actions | Package | Phase Change | Roll Back SP to Tender Phase

a) If you cannot execute this function, you probably do not have the rights (functional authority).
b) If you roll a bill of quantities back to the SP phase enquiry, any changes made to it in the SP
phase enquiry are copied.

If you want to roll a package back from the SP phase award to the SP phase
enquiry, carry out the following work steps:

1. Select the package in the project structure.

2. Click on the above-named function.

The program informs you about the deletion.

3. Confirm the confirmation query with Yes.

The package is rolled back to the SP phase enquiry. An already existing
evaluation is deleted. Move SP to Contract Phase

Actions | Package | Phase Change | Change SP to Contract Phase

1. You have selected the package whose SP phase you want to move to another
phase in the project window.

2. Click on the above-named function.

3. A confirmation query appears.

Select the bidder who is to get the contract and click on OK.
The SP phase contract is created.
The document Application/Invoice is automatically created in the new SP
phase contract.

110 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

Project structure

5.2.4 Roll-out wizard

Actions | Package | Offline | Roll Out
Actions | Package | Offline | Undo Roll Out
Actions | Package | Offline | Roll In

With this wizard, you can roll out or roll in packages and fixed term contracts. This
is practical if you want to edit the data on site and no one is allowed to change the
database in the office.
When rolling a project out, a new project is created, which contains the desired
package. The original package is read-only.

Defaults for the Roll Out wizard can be specified in the System Options.

Roll out
1. Select a package in the project structure.

2. Click on Actions | Package | Offline | Roll Out.

The wizard opens.

3. Select the project group in which the new project with the selected package is
to be created.
Enter a name for the new project in the Code field.
Optionally, you can create an archive file in the lower section.

4. Click on Next.
The wizard displays another window.

5. In this window, a combination is displayed.

In the lower section, you can enter a descriptive text.

6. Click on Finish.
The new project is created with the package.
The action is documented as Rolled Out in the Logs of the SP Properties.
The package that has been rolled out is read-only. You will recognise it by the
changed symbol in the project structure.

Undo roll out

If you rolled out an incorrect package by mistake, you can restore it with Actions |
Package | Offline | Undo Roll Out.
This step is also documented in the Logs.

Roll in
1. Select a package in the project structure.

2. Click on Actions | Package | Offline | Roll In.

The wizard opens.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 111

Project structure

3. Select the package and the project.

4. Click on Next.
The wizard displays another window. A summary is displayed in this window.

5. Click on Finish.

6. The write protection of the package is removed.

The package is overwritten with the given data.
In the SP Properties | Logs, this action is documented as Rolled In.

5.2.5 Definition in the master

The package structure can be specified in the master. In the project, pressing <F3>
in the package code accesses the master in order to accept the package code and
the label.

If a new package is created in the project and the package is available in the
master, all data specified for the package in the master is copied, e.g. the bidder
administration with all specified bidders. If no parameters or key figures are defined
in the master SP, they will be copied from the defaults in the project type catalog.

112 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

Template projects

6 Template projects
Template projects are standard projects, the contents of which you can reuse when
you create new projects Template projects have a special flag.

Projects that occur frequently in the same form, can be flagged as template

6.1 Create template project

Project Properties | Basic Data, Template Project

Template projects must be identified as Template Project in the Project Properties |

Basic Data. If you activate this function, you can transfer the contents of this project
to a new project.

a) When the template projects are saved, this flag is saved. If you back up a project with this flag, it
is automatically a template project.
If you do not want this, remove the flag from the Project Properties | Basic Data after backing up.
b) Ensure that you know the contents of the template projects. The comparison and quick project
editing are based on the standard that the structure is comparable.
c) You can also use every other project as template, by copying and editing it.

See also

 Copy data from the template project [➙ 113]

6.2 Copy data from the template project

There are two ways of copying data from a template project:

▪ If you have already created a project and want to paste the data of a template
project into this project, copy the data from the template project and paste into
the current project.

▪ When you create a new project, select any template project as basis for the
data stock of the new project.

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7 Documents
The program refers to nearly everything as a documents, such as, for example,
bills of quantities, estimates, QTOs, stored reports, secretary documents. With the
Start | New | xxx in the project window, you can insert documents into the project
alternative or package. Which of the documents can be inserted in the particular
situation can be seen from the commands. If you have inserted a document, the
properties of the particular document are displayed.

Default settings in the system and user options

System or User Options | General | Create Documents

Here, you can specify whether or not a newly created document should be opened
automatically, and whether or not a query should appear. Furthermore, you can
specify how the program should be configured in the event that individual
documents already exist.

The following sections describe the handling of secretary and external documents.

7.1 Link documents

You can insert any secretary document and/or external documents in a project. In
doing so, you will create a reference or a link to the desired document. They can be
links to Excel tables, links to logs as Word document etc. You can also create a link
to a secretary document.

Note that each edit changes the original document. If you want to retain the original
document, create a copy of it before you edit it.

a) A link is not a copy but merely gives path details leading to the source file. A link can be identified
by a small arrow on the lower left-hand corner of the icon. The source file opens when you open
the link. If you wish to retain the contents of a source file, you must first make a copy in the
desired project in Windows Explorer and then link it.
b) External documents are not saved with the project.

You can create an infinite number of links to a source file within one or several
projects. All the links remain but they can no longer be opened, if you delete the
source file.

7.1.1 Link external document

Start | New | Documents | External Document

114 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG


1. Click on the project alternative, the package, the fixed term contract or the
documents folder in your project structure.

2. Click on the above-named function.

A dialog window opens.

3. Select the folder that contains the file that you want to link. Select the
document and click on Link to create the link. The action is cancelled when you
click on Cancel.

4. The created link is displayed in your current project structure.

Double-click the document to open the source document.

7.1.2 Link a secretary document

Start | New | Documents | Secretary Document

You can create a link to a document within your project structure, if you have
created it directly in the Secretary.

1. Click on the Project Alternative, the Package, the Fixed Term Contract or the
Documents folder in your project structure.

2. Click on the above-named function.

A dialog window opens.

3. Enter the name of the document and confirm it by clicking on OK.

4. The created link is displayed in your current project structure.

Double-click the document to open the source document.

7.1.3 Copy file links

You can configure that a selection appears if you copy the file links.

Default in the system options

Activate the following function:

General | External Documents | Advanced options for copying links to external


Wherever no dialog box is displayed, e.g. while copying an entire package, the first option is always

Copy options
▪ Only copy existing files in the project structure

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This option is the standard default, even if the dialog box is closed.
With this option, only files that are already present in the correct place in the
Documents folder are copied. All other files are referenced with a link.

▪ Copy all files in the project structure

This option ensures that all files are copied to the document structure in the
target object, even if the output object references an external file e.g. in

▪ Reference all source files

This option always creates a link, regardless of where the output file is located.

7.1.4 Delete link

Start | Edit |

If you want to remove the link of the document to the project, click on this function.
The link is deleted if you confirm the confirmation query with OK. The document
disappears from the display in the project structure.

7.1.5 URL document linking Create URL document link

Start | New | Documents | URL

This functionality must be activated in the System Options | General | External


As a general rule, documents may also reside on web servers. Documents can be
inserted in the document folder of any project by specifying a URL path.

1. Select the folder in the project structure into which you want to insert the

2. Click on the above-named function.

A dialog window opens.

Enter the URL. This can be an http: https: ftp: file: and mailto: link.
You need not necessarily specify the Title of the document; it is generated from
the filename.

3. The URL document link is inserted in the project structure.

116 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

Documents Copy URL document into the project structure

The URL document link references a document with a specified address. It may be
sensible to copy this document to the project structure, for example when saving as
an archive file RPA.

1. Select the document in the project structure.

2. Click on Copy into project structure.

3. A confirmation query appears which you must answer with Yes.

The document is copied into the project structure.

7.2 Document properties

If you are on the document in the project structure, the Document Properties are
displayed. You can find information about the linked file in the basic data.

The path and filename of the selected file are displayed in this field. The two
buttons beside this field have the following function:

You can rename the current document.

Enter the name and the file extension. The name is adopted when you click OK.
Click Cancel to quit the dialog without adopting the entry.

If you rename the file, make sure the original file is also renamed. The file with the previous name will
then no longer exist.

Click on this button to open the Link dialog box. In this dialog box, you can replace
the selected linked file with another selected file.

If the document is changed or deleted in the original, the changes are adopted into the links.

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8 Filter
Start | Filter |
Start | Filter |
Start | Filter | ∑

The filter functions support you in numerous program areas. You can activate and
deactivate the filter with the above-named functions.

▪ Click on Start | Filter | and the program opens a submenu where the saved
filter definitions are listed.
The filter definition with the checkmark is the currently loaded filter

▪ The absence of a checkmark means that the filter is deactivated. All the
elements are displayed.

The screen view is refreshed immediately after you activate or deactivate the filter.

Effects with selection totals

a) If you activate this function, the current total is only calculated based on the displayed – filtered –
elements. If you print the document with the activated filter settings, then the total is also
calculated based on the displayed elements.
b) If you deactivate this function, the total is calculated based on all elements. Filter settings have no
effect on the totals; the elements that are faded out are also included in the totals.

Deactivate filter

Click on Start | Filter | to deactivate the filter.

8.1 Setting a filter

Start | Filter |

1. Click on Start | Filter | .

The Filter Definition dialog is opened.

2. Select an entry from the Data Field list field.

3. Copy an operator and enter a value or select one.

4. Click on Add. The stated filter definition is transferred to the filter description.

5. Click on OK.
Once the dialog box is closed, the filter settings become active, and only the
elements which meet the filter criteria can be seen.

118 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG


8.1.1 Filter definition variable

The Parameter data field is a special feature. You change the display in the Filter
Definition dialog box here.
The Code field is also shown. You can enter the code for the parameter here or
select the parameter via the Search button. The Parameter dialog box opens.
Select the respective parameter and click on OK. The code for the parameter will
be transferred.

Typical values
If a variable has typical values, click on Typical Values. The Selection of
Parameters dialog box opens, in which you can select the appropriate parameters.
If you click OK, the parameter is shown in the Value field and can be used as a
filter criterion.

Variable (advanced)
You can enhance the filter definition if you want to restrict the selection of the filter
criterion Variable even further.

1. Select the filter definition Variable (advanced) in the Data Field field. The Edit
Filter for Parameters button appears.

2. Click on Edit Filter for Parameters to open another dialog box for the filter
Certain criteria are available for selection in the Data Field list field, e.g.
Description, Unit Of Measure, Code and Value.

3. Select a filter criterion and click on OK. The filter criterion is now transferred to
the display field of the filter definition.

8.2 Filter definition dialog box

Start | Filter |
Data field
The list field contains nearly all possible data field descriptions that are currently
available to you. The filter criteria Characteristic.Description and
Characteristic.Code are important for filtering according to characteristics.

▪ Typical values
This function only appears if you have made a selection in the data field, which
is aimed at a catalog such as location or work category. Open the

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corresponding catalog; there, you can search for the filter criteria for the current
document. If you know the desired value, you can enter it as usual in the Value

This drop-down list adapts to the selected data field, i.e. not all of the operators are
active all of the time. You can select how the filter should work here.

▪ = (equal)
Only those elements are shown which correspond exactly to the value of the
data field selected.

▪ = (unequal)
Only those elements are shown which do do notcorrespond to the value of the
data field selected.

▪ > (greater)
Only those elements are shown which are greater than the selected value of
the data field.

▪ < (lesser)
Only those elements are shown which are less than the selected value of the
data field.

▪ >=(greater than or equal to)

Only those elements are shown which are greater than or equal to the selected
value of the data field.

▪ <=(lesser than or equal to)

Only those elements are shown which are less than or equal to the selected
value of the data field.

Several elements can be selected.

Only those elements that begin with the specified value are displayed.

All elements beginning with a text other than that specified are displayed.

Only those quantity details are displayed which include the value given.

All elements are displayed which do not contain the specified text.

120 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG


The content of the drop-down list adapts to the selected data field. For some data
fields, you have to enter a value, while for others, you can choose from a number
of different selection options.

You copy the selected field contents into the filter description.

You can create complex filter settings with the link buttons And, Or, [ (open
bracket), ] (close bracket). You can enter a condition, transfer it into the filter with
Add and then use the link buttons to decide whether the conditions have to be
fulfilled simultaneously, or alternatively, and so on.


A filter is only defined if the selected field contents have been adopted into the filter description using
the Add button.

By double-clicking on a filter condition in the lower portion of this window, this filter
condition is adopted in the upper part of the window so that you can change it as
needed. Then click the Replace button to replace the filter condition.

You can use this button to delete one of the selected filter conditions in the filter

You can link two filter definitions with one another, in order to further limit the
search according to elements. There is always an operator between two filters
(AND/OR) which determines how the two filters are to be linked to each other:

▪ Filter definition 1 AND filter definition 2:

Both have to occur in the element for which you are searching.

▪ Filter definition 1 OR filter definition 2:

One of the two filter definitions has to occur in the element for which you are

(, )
The AND/OR operators have a different weighting in the filter definition. The AND
operator has a greater weighting than the OR operator. You can use brackets to
create mathematically flawless filter definitions.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 121


Add at the Beginning

This function is only active if a filter definition already exists. Activate this function
to insert a second filter definition before the one which has already been
determined. Deactivate it again if you wish to add filter definitions at the end.

Case Sensitive
This function is active as standard. Deactivate the filter if you prefer it to ignore

Quick editing
The quick filter can have several default attributes (AND or OR link) and can be
used quickly by selecting the "Edit filter" button and only entering the filter terms in
the relevant fields.
If there is a logical link (AND/OR), only the line in the table which can actually be
completed, is displayed.
The quick filter can be deactivated via No Filter.

You can load the saved filter definitions.

You can save the current filter definition, enabling it to be reused again quickly and
without complications. The filters will be saved with the file name extension .fil.

You delete the existing filter definition from the window and create a new one.

When you close the setting with OK, the filter is automatically active.

Activating and deactivating the filters

You can activate and deactivate the filter with a click on .

8.2.1 Filter definition Parameter

The Parameter data field is a special feature. Here the display changes in the Filter
Definition window.

▪ Code

The Code field is also shown. You can enter the code for the parameter here or
select the parameter via the Search button. The Parameter window opens.
Select the respective parameter and click on OK. The code for the parameter
will be transferred.

▪ Typical values...

122 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG


If a variable has typical values, click on the Typical Values... button The
window Selection of Parameters opens where you can select the appropriate
parameters. If you click OK, the parameter is shown in the Value field and can
be used as a filter criterion.

Variable (advanced)
You can enhance the filter definition if you want to restrict the selection of the filter
criterion Variable even further.

Proceed as follows:

1. Select the filter definition Variable (advanced) in the Data Field field. The Edit
Filter for Parameters button appears.

2. Click on the button Edit Parameter Filter to open another window for the filter

In the Data field list box, you can select various criteria, e.g. Description, Unit of
measurement, Code and Value.

3. Select a filter criterion and confirm your entry with OK. The filter criterion is now
transferred to the display field of the filter definition.

8.2.2 Extended location filter

In the BoQ and estimation, there is the option to filter by location – not just by the
location code, but by any location attribute, especially in connection with model

It is therefore possible, for example, to filter by all items where there are quantity
splitting lines with allocation to spaces.

1. Start the filter editing by clicking on .

2. In the data field, select the entry Locations (advanced).

Another button, Edit Location (advanced) Filter appears.

3. Click on Edit Location (advanced) Filter.

Another filter window opens.

4. Enter the following:

– Data field
Object Element Type

– Operator
= (same)

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– Value
Space (enter the word.)

5. Click on Add.
The filter definition is copied to the field below.

6. Click on OK.
This takes you back to the first window Filter Definition.
The previously specified filter definition is now in the Value field.

7. Now click here on Add.

The filter definition is copied to the field below. You will now see the following
8. Click on OK.
The filter is immediately used for the current elements. Only those elements
are displayed to which an object element has been assigned.

8.2.3 MULTI operator

You can define a filter which works similarly to an internet search engine.


BoQ data
RN Specification

1.1.10 Store wood on its side

1.1.20 Impregnate wood

1.1.30 Apply protective coating

1.1.40 Saw wood into 33 cm length

Filter: Specification CONTAINS_MULTI 'Protection storage'


1.1.10, 1.1.30

124 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG


Filter: Specification DOES_NOT_CONTAIN_MULTI 'Protection storage'


1.1.20, 1.1.40

Filter: Specification =MULTI 'Protection "Store wood on its side"'



Filter: Specification <>MULTI 'Protection "Store wood on its side"'


1.1.20, 1.1.30, 1.1.40

8.2.4 Quick editing

Use the filter quick editing to search effectively for specific content in the current
data. This type of filter definition speeds up the process and helps you work more
efficiently in the current document. Use the "normal" filter definition to create a
basic filter, without having to indicate the values to search for. Only enter those
when you are searching for specific content in the document.

1. Define a filter query with several conditions and save this filter definition.
Example: Specification CONTAINS_MULTI '' AND Specification
Use this filter definition to search for the specifications which contain two terms.

2. In addition, activate the setting Quick editing on/off.

The window Filter Quick Editing opens.
This setting will then always immediately open the filter with the quick editing.
Close the window.

3. If, for example, you search for items with specific specifications during the BoQ

editing, click on .
The window Filter Quick Editing opens with the previous settings.

4. The filter quick editing is displayed as a table.

The following entry displays all items where the specification contains both

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Attribute Value (example)

Specification Masonry

Specification 24

The filter condition is:

Specification CONTAINS_MULTI 'Masonry' AND Specification

8.3 Filter in split-quantities

For the data fields (in the filter definition) Bill-to and Location, the following rules
apply for split-quantities:

▪ Operator <> (not the same)

The filter condition is fulfilled if the comparison does not apply to any of the

▪ Remaining operators

The filter condition is fulfilled if the comparison applies to at least one split-

The same filter logic applies to the data field Classification No. as to the filters in the split-quantities.

8.4 Saving the filter

You can save the set filter definitions in a file so that you can retrieve them at a
later date.

Proceed as follows:

1. Activate the menu command View |

2. Edit filter... The Filter Definition window opens Enter your filter conditions.

3. Click on the button Save and the current filter definition is saved in the directory
...\Configurations\Filter\"Project" with the file extension

4. .fil.

The program shows the window Save Filter.

You can select whether you want to save the filter separately in the User
directory or together in the System directory.

5. Enter a name for the file. Click on OK to save the filter file. Select the Delete
button to again delete the highlighted filter file from the directory.

126 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG


8.5 Loading the filter

You can load your saved filter definitions and filter your data with it.

Select the menu command View | Load Filter. You will find all saved filter
definitions in the submenu. Click on one of these filters to activate it immediately.

Another option for loading filters is described below:

1. Activate the menu command View |

2. Edit Filter...
If you select the menu command, the Filter definition window opens.

If you click on the relevant button in the toolbar, a submenu opens with all previously saved filter
definitions. Click on an entry in this submenu to load the respective setting.

3. Click on Load. The window Load Filter opens.

Select the Directory where the filter file is saved.

The Files field lists the saved files. Highlight the filter file which you want to
load. The name of the selected file is displayed under File name.

Click on OK to load the filter file.

The saved filter conditions are displayed in the display field for the filter.

4. If you complete the settings in the window Filter definition by clicking on OK,
the filter is automatically activated (menu command View | Filter on is
activated) and the search result is displayed immediately.

8.6 Switching a filter off

Deactivate the filter with the following menu command:

View | Load Filter | No Filter

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9 Specification
View | Screen Configuration | Docking Window | Specification

You can enter descriptive texts for individual objects in the Specification window.
In the Project Properties | Settings, Specification Format you can select whether
you want to use the Secretary (WTX) or an RTF editor within the specification. You
must use the RTF editor if you would like to use Unicode.

Enter a specification
1. If necessary, switch to the Specification window.

2. Enter the desired text.

3. To format the text, use the context tab group Text with the multi-function bars
General and Advanced.
Show and hide ruler and ruler scale
Text | Advanced | Show/Hide | Ruler
Text | Advanced | Show/Hide | Ruler Scale

Click on the relevant function to show or hide the ruler and ruler scale.

Using Unicodecharacter
Unicode characters are supported.

a) Unicode characters can be output.

b) The Specification must be entered in the RTF format. Enter it in the Project Properties | Settings |
Project Mode.
c) The import and export of Unicode characters is only possible via the German GAEB XML or
another XML data exchange format.

9.1 Editing the specification

Text | General
Text | Advanced

You can edit the specification using the functions of the internal text processing
Secretary. As soon as you position the cursor in the specification, the context tab
group Text is also displayed with the multi-function bars General and Advanced.

The formatting of the specification is defined by the templates of the layout you
have set. The layout "A4portrait.lay" is selected as the default layout.

128 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG


a) If you use a project-related layout, this will be used automatically as the screen layout.
b) It is also useful to set the print layout for the specifications. This ensures that the specifications
will be printed exactly in the same way as they appear on the screen. You have to make two
settings in order to ensure this:

⇨ Adjust the screen layout

Open the global or user-defined basic settings and click on Screen Layout. Adjust the layout
as desired in the Specification Template section.Adjust the screen layoutglobaluser-defined
basic settingsScreen LayoutSpecification Template
⇨ Set project layout
The project layout is used when printing out reports. You can replace the standard layout for
a certain project, for example, in order to change the company heading and logo.
To do so, open the Project Properties | Company/Office. Click on Project Layout. In the
following dialog, select the layout you want to use or create a new layout.Set project
layoutProject PropertiesCompany/Office.Project Layout

Specifications are available to you for many elements. You can start entering text
when you position the cursor in the specification field. If you cannot edit an existing
specification if it is read-only.

Hard formatting in the specification

When you use hard formatting for the text while typing (user-defined formats
diverging from the templates), this will be saved in the database together with the
text. These texts are always displayed and printed with this formatting. This (hard)
formatting has the highest priority. You cannot change it using a print or screen
layout. You can only change this formatting by editing element by element in the
specification window.

a) You can jump to the next tabulator position in the specification with the shortcut <Ctrl>+<T>.
b) When you import ASCII specifications, the page margins are adapted to the template you have

9.2 Specification templates

Global or User-related Settings, Screen Layout.

Once your product is installed, you will discover that the A4portrait.lay layout with
its templates BoQ Specifications, BoQ Note, BoQ Text and BoQ Design
Description is set as default for editing specifications. The templates are set
automatically in the product as text is entered.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 129


If you wish to work with the default templates or have already edited the existing templates, you do not
need to make any further changes.

Once the new templates have been defined, it is very easy to set them as default
for your specification.

Assign the templates in the following way, even after a new layout has been

Any changes you may make to the settings only take effect once your application has been restarted.

1. Open Global or User-related Settings, Screen Layout.

– Layout for the screen display (and print)

If necessary, use Find to select a layout. If you wish to assign templates to
a newly created layout, first use Find to select the layout.

– Specification template
Here, you can assign a template to each text group (item, note etc.). You
have to enter the name of the template.

9.3 Text formatting during the input


The display of the specification is always determined by the layout selected. Of

course, you can change the layout at any time. The layout "A4portrait.lay" is
selected as the default layout.

▪ Hard formatting in the specification

When you use hard formatting for the text while typing (user-defined formats
diverging from the templates), this will be saved in the database together with
the text. These texts are always displayed and printed with this formatting. This
(hard) formatting has the highest priority. You cannot change it using a print or
screen layout. You can only change this formatting by editing element by
element in the specification window.

9.4 Format specifications uniformly

Advanced | Format Specifications | Format uniformly

Use this function to assign different formatting than that in the layout (lay) to the
selected specifications or format all specifications the same.

130 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG



This kind of modification is also hard formatting which overrides the settings of the layout file.

1. Click on Advanced | Format Specifications | Format uniformly.

A dialog box opens.

You now have the following settings options:

Selection of the elements

In this section, you can define which specifications are to be changed.

▪ Entire BoQ
The specifications of the entire bill of quantities are affected by the changes.

▪ Table
Only the specifications of the items visible in the table view are changed.

▪ Selections in the table

Only the specifications of the items selected in the table are changed.

Format template
You can select a template from the list field and assign it to the selected

▪ Font
The font dialog box opens. You can set the font, font style and font size.

▪ Remove hyphens
Remove line breaks
The existing hyphens and line breaks are removed when the selected elements
are reformatted.

▪ Set hyphens
The selected elements are tested for correct hyphenation. Leave this function
deactivated if you do not want any hyphenation.

▪ Remove paragraph markers

The paragraph markers are removed when the selected elements are
reformatted. You change the line breaks if you activate this function!

Enter a text into the Find field for which the specifications of the selected elements
should be searched. Enter a text into the Replace field which will replace the text
you are looking for. The changes will be executed without further queries as soon
as you click on OK.

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Select whether the listed BoQ elements are to be affected by the new formatting.

9.5 Adjust specifications

Advanced | Adjust | Specifications

You can modify the templates of selected specifications and move the margins and
tabulators in selected specifications.

This kind of modification is also hard formatting which overrides the settings of the layout file.

1. Click on Advanced | Adjust | Specifications.

A dialog box opens.

You now have the following setting options:

Selection of the elements

In this section, you can define which specifications are to be changed.

▪ Entire BoQ
The specifications of the entire bill of quantities are affected by the changes.

▪ Table
Only the specifications of the items visible in the table view are changed.

▪ Selections in the table

Only the specifications of the items selected in the table are changed.

Replace format template

with format template
The template that is used in the current specification is shown in the upper field.
Select the template from the lower list field, which will be assigned to the selected
elements. The changes will be executed without further queries as soon as you
click on OK.

Move margins
You can modify the margins for the selected specifications here.

▪ Left

▪ Right

Enter the values for the left and right margins in these fields.

132 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG


Move tabulators
You can move all tabs of the selected specifications by the value you enter in this
If you enter a positive value, the tabulators will be moved to the right by the value
entered. If you enter a negative value, the tabulators will be moved to the left by the
value entered.

Select whether the listed BoQ elements are to be affected by the new formatting.

9.6 Text boxes and graphics

You can insert as many text boxes and graphics as you like.

Printing graphics
Graphics are saved and edited internally, e.g. in the specification or when printed as JPEG format.
This means that many more images can be output during the printout without causing any memory

9.6.1 Inserting and changing graphics in iTWO

Text | General | Insert | Graphic/Text box | Insert Graphic

While editing the text, you can insert a graphic at any point in the text. The inserted
graphic and its frame are anchored to the text and move with it if changes are
made. You can use the cursor to determine where in the text the graphic is to be
inserted, baring in mind that the location of the cursor represents the bottom left
corner of the graphic.

The program provides the common menu commands in the context menu to make your work easier:
Change Box, Delete Box, Load Content from File and Delete Content.

Inserting a graphic file (without proportions)

Position your cursor at the point where the graphic is to be inserted. Select the
above command. A graphic box is created in the text and a Load Image window
opens at the same time where you can select the graphic file to be inserted. Then
click on Open.

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If you close the Load Image window by clicking on Cancel, an (empty) graphic box is still created. You
can delete this graphic box by selecting it and pressing <Del>.

The graphic is adapted to fit the graphic box, regardless of its original size and

You can change the size of the inserted graphic. To do this, move the mouse to
one of the small squares (the mouse pointer becomes an arrow), click the left
mouse button and continue to hold it down while dragging the mouse in the
appropriate direction.

Inserting a graphic from the clipboard (keep proportions)

1. Position the cursor at the point where the graphic is to be inserted.

2. Select <Ctrl>+>V>.
The graphic from the clipboard is inserted and the correct proportions of the
graphic are maintained.

The graphic inserted from the clipboard always retains its proportions, even if you change the size of
the box.

Changing the graphic

▪ Change graphic file

Highlight the graphic which you want to replace and select the context menu
command Load Content from File. A Load Image window opens where you can
select the graphic file to be inserted. Then click on Open.

▪ Change clipboard graphic

Highlight the graphic which you want to replace and select <Ctrl>+<V>.
The graphic from the clipboard replaces the existing graphic.

9.6.2 Inserting a text box

Text | General | Insert | Graphic/Text box | Text box

This command inserts a box at the cursor position. Double click in the text box to
write inside it and to format it. The text box is anchored to the text and moves with
it when changes are made. You can use the cursor to determine the location at
which the box is to be inserted, baring in mind that the position of the cursor
represents the bottom left corner of the box.

It is also possible to change the size of the inserted text box. Click on the frame
and position the mouse pointer on one of the small squares, known as anchor
points or handles (the mouse pointer becomes a double arrow).

134 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG


While holding down the left mouse button, drag the mouse in the appropriate
direction. As soon as you release the mouse button, the frame is changed in
accordance with the direction in which the mouse was dragged.

9.6.3 Editing text boxes and graphic boxes

Text | General | Insert | Graphic/Text box | Change box...

Use this command to edit highlighted boxes.

The Tools functions are not described in the following section because you are not
able to make any changes to them.

You can only undo changes which may have been made to the boxes with a renewed change. For this
reason, you should note the original settings. General
In this field, you can assign a name to the selected box. You can use project-
related company logos and texts.

Text and graphic boxes can be used with reference to the cursor, the page or the
layout, depending on their function in the document.

▪ Text

Text-related boxes are part of the continuous text flow and are used for
inserting objects (e.g. figures) that should appear in a fixed position at a
specific point in the text.
The position of a (text-related) text flow box is defined by the position of the
cursor when the box is created and has a fixed assignment within the text.
However, its position on the page is treated dynamically. A text-related box
always adapts to the flow of the text. This means that if text is inserted at a
later date, the box in the text flow area automatically moves with the text and is
shifted accordingly.

By assigning a fixed text position as default, you can prevent text flow boxes from being moved, with
the result that only the size of the box can be changed.

▪ Page

Page-related boxes can appear anywhere on the page, both inside and outside
of the text flow area. They are assigned a fixed position on the page and have

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a "text displacement" effect, in other words, the text flows around these boxes.
A text area in which a text-related or page-related box is created automatically
adapts to the new prevailing conditions of the page. The text flow can be
defined separately for each box and can be based on the position and size of
the boxes.

▪ Layout

Layout-related boxes function as repeated boxes for managing headers/footers

(e.g. showing page numbers/graphics), which appear with the same structure
on every page of the document. They are part of the page layout and are
therefore added to the layout file when the layout is saved.
In contrast to text-related and page-related boxes, layout-related boxes are not
integrated into the page but are superimposed over it in the same way as a

Since this can lead to overlapping text, please ensure when working with these boxes that the content
of the text area is not overwritten by the content of the repeated boxes.

The arrangement of the boxes and the editing of their contents depends on the
settings you have entered in the page layout for the first, the even-numbered and
odd-numbered pages.

If, for example, you have designed independent even- and odd-numbered pages,
you also have to edit the repeated boxes of these pages separately. This also
applies to the editing of boxes that have been created in the page layout on a
separately defined first page.

You can change the position and size of the respective box in this area.

▪ Line/column

These fields contain the current position of the box, which can be changed

▪ Height/width

Indicates the current size of the graphic or text box in cm. Enter new values to
change the size of the box accordingly. As soon as you click on OK, the
Secretary module changes the size of the box according to the new values.

Text flow
Here, you can determine the way in which the text surrounds or encloses the box.
The following settings are available for this purpose:

▪ Skip

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There is no text to the right or left of the box, the text flow continues below the

▪ Automatic

The text flow is based on the position of the box. If the box is positioned on the
right side of the page, the text flows past it on the left. If the box is positioned
on the left, the text flows past the it on the right.

▪ Left

The text flows past the box on the left side only.

▪ Right

The text flows past the box on the right side only.

Here you can specify the appearance of the box, the distance between the box and
the continuous text flow, and the distance between the contents of the box and the

▪ Frames

Here you can determine the thickness of the frame in cm. If you enter 0, no
frame will be created.

▪ Colour...

Click on this button to set the colour of the frame in a typical Windows window.

▪ Space to text

Here, you can specify the distance between the text flow outside the box and
the contents of the box. The size of the box is reduced by the value entered.

▪ Space to content

Here, you can specify the distance between the box content and the frame of
the box. The size of the box content is then reduced by the value entered.

These options can be used to determine the general properties of the boxes:

▪ No layout box on last page

Layout box only on last page

In this way, you can prevent layout boxes from appearing on the last page if,
for example, it should not receive a page number.
The second option (only on last page) allows you to position the selected layout
boxes on the last page of the document only.

▪ Fix box size and position

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If you set this option, you are only able to change the size of the frame via
direct entries in the Height and Width fields. Changes cannot be made with the

▪ Keep box proportions

Activate this function (OK check mark) in order to retain the height-to-width
proportions when increasing or reducing the box size. In other words, the
function prevents you from compressing or stretching the box. Content
Change by
This area is not active as standard.

Indicates whether the box in question is a graphic box or a text box. You cannot
change the box type!

These options can be used to determine the general properties of the boxes:

▪ Adjust image proportions

Activate this function if you wish to adapt the size of the box content to the box

▪ Match box height to text

Activate this function to automatically adapt the height of the respective box to
its content.

In the case of multi-line texts, it is possible under certain circumstances for a text to extend into the
actual main text area.

▪ Checkbox

When you activate this switch, the box takes on the function of a checkbox.

The Check Box option allows you to insert check box fields or similar items into
your document. This option can be activated for both graphic boxes and text
boxes. If a check box is selected, it can be switched between the states Yes
and No. Do this by double-clicking on the box. If Yes is activated, the box
contents entered or loaded for this box will be shown; in case of No, the box
contents are hidden.

138 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG


Background Colour
This button opens the typical Windows colour selection where you can select the
colour you want to fill the box frame. Using the mouse to change frame size

The option Set Box Size and Position (context menu command Change Box,
General) must be deactivated.

First select the frame. Eight small black squares appear around the frame. You can
use the squares in the corners to enlarge/shrink the frame whilst maintaining the
proportions. The four remaining squares can be used to change the height and
width of the frame. Position the mouse on one of these squares. Press the left
mouse button and hold it down as you drag the frame to the size you require.
Guiding lines appear to assist you.

When editing a text box, the text is hyphenated in relation to the size of the box.

9.6.4 Deleting text and graphic boxes


You cannot undo this action!

You can completely delete text box and graphic boxes (frame and content) by
selecting the <DEl> button or selecting the context menu command. A safety query
is issued.

Only the content of a box can be removed with the menu command Edit | Cut. The
frame of the box remains positioned in the text.

9.7 Page break

There are two different types of page breaks, which are explained below.

Optimised automatic page break (BoQ only)

The page break of the bill of quantities is executed automatically according to fixed

▪ Page breaks occur before and after items. In an item, a page break can only
occur in the specification. The lines before the specification (RN, item additions
and outline spec) are never split. The lines after the specification (quantity, unit,
discounts and UR breakdown) are never split either.

▪ There is also no page break at the start and end of the specification.

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▪ The program checks the rest of a page which can be printed and decides
whether the item should even be started; the item is otherwise moved to the
next page. If it is started, the program checks whether the specification can be
split. Only specifications of 4 lines or more can be split. If it cannot be split, then
the item goes on the next page.

You will therefore discover that some pages are printed to the very bottom of the
page whilst others have free space.

Where possible, allow the program to insert the page break.

If you want to insert manual page breaks, do it in the specification field and never in the report (wtx
file). This can cause unwanted effects such as incorrect page numbering and missing headers.

Manual page break

Text | General | Insert | Page break

You are free to set manual page breaks wherever you wish. The program reacts by
starting a new page and adds a page header to the pages with items. The
automatic page breaks are then calculated again starting from the next page.

▪ Therefore, you can already define page breaks when creating the bill of

▪ Page breaks after subtotals are configured in the Print Options.

▪ If text elements (prescript, postscript, execution descriptions or notes) should

start on a new page, you can insert a page break at the first text item when
creating the BoQ.
If page breaks should be inserted in front of further text elements, you can also
insert a page break at the end of the previous text element.

▪ If you insert a manual page break at the start of a specification, the

specification starts on a new page.
This method is not recommended since the manual page break is also
executed in the specification window and the actual specification text then ends
up on the second page in the specification window.
If necessary, scroll down in the specification window to see the specification on
the second page.

▪ If you insert a manual page break at the end of a specification, the current item
is written to a new page.
This does not happen with elements where the specification is read-only, e.g.
WIC elements or items from data collections.

▪ You also create a manual page break by inserting a blank note and creating a
manual page break in the specification. The whole note is then output at the
start of a new page.

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Please note that the blank notes are not transferred during the data exchange.
However, if you enter a text in the specification before the page break and use
it for example as an intermediate header, the note is also transferred during the
data exchange.

Rule for manual page breaks

You should only set manual page breaks in a standard line (without indents) after a
paragraph marker. Therefore, you have to remove any indents which may exist in
the line of the page break. If you do not remove the indents, undesirable reverse-
indents may occur, or an empty line may be printed on the following page. This
means that the appearance of the printout would no longer match your input.

There is still plenty of space in a page of the report and yet the next element starts on the next page?
There may be blank lines at the end of the specification. Since blank lines are also output, this makes
it look like the page break is incorrect.
Check the specification and delete the blank lines if necessary.

The display in the specification window and printout are not identical?
To ensure that the printing data is displayed in the same way as the specification window, make sure
that the layout is the same.
Assign the same layout which you use for the printout to the specification window. You will find this
setting in the Global or User-related Settings, Screen Layout, Layout for the Screen Display.

9.7.1 Page break in the prescript

The page break in the specifications field is displayed as a horizontal line.

The number of lines that can actually be printed per page is determined by the print
template (DVL file) you selected. With this default setting, the program calculates
the space actually available for the output of text elements in the prescript by
subtracting the page header and a fixed safety margin at the bottom of the page
from the total height of the page. The result of this calculation is the space on each
page that is available.

You can enter default settings in the Global Settings or User Settings | Screen
Layout, Report Template for the Adjustment of Page Length in Pre-Script Texts.
The program always calculates the space available in the specifications field if you
activate the function and enter a DVL file. Deactivate this function if you prefer to
work without it (for existing text elements with manual page breaks, for example).

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Page breaks may be shifted, if the DVL file you enter for the printout does not provide the same space
for text elements as the DVL file you have set as a default. An error message will draw your attention
to this.

Several existing text elements will be printed continuously in the print document.
This means that only the first text element will be printed in the way in which it is
entered. If you want the second and all further text elements to each start on a new
page, you have to enter a manual page break at the end of the preceding text

Rule for manual page breaks

You should only set manual page breaks in a standard line (without indents) after a
paragraph marker. Therefore, you have to remove any indents which may exist in
the line of the page break. If you do not remove the indents, undesirable reverse-
indents may occur, or an empty line may be printed on the following page. This
means that the appearance of the printout would no longer match your input.

9.8 Tables
Text | General | Table | Create
Text | General | Table | Modify
Text | General | Table | Split
Text | General | Table | Line | xxx
Text | General | Table | Column | xxx
Text | General | Table | Cell | xxx

You can display data, e.g. text and numeric data, in columns and lines with a table.
Text in tables is just as much a part of the continuous text as text in cursor related
boxes. This means that it is included when you edit text, e.g. in find and replace
operations, or for the spell checker/hyphenation.

a) You can select one or several table rows quite easily if you place the cursor to the left outside of
the table, click with the left-hand mouse button and drag the mouse to the right and into the table
while pressing the mouse button.
b) You can use the key combination <Ctrl>+<T> to jump to Tabs within tables.

142 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG



Single table cells must not be higher than a printout page (minus header and footer). When you print a
table in which one or several table cells are too high, you will receive a message informing you of this−
however, the print preparation will continue. The respective table will not be output in the printout.

Creating a table
Text | General | Table | Create

1. Position the cursor in the line in which the table is to be created.

This position will be used as the left upper corner of the table when it is

2. Click on Text | General | Table | Create

A dialog box will be opened where you can make all the necessary settings, in
other words, enter the size of the table and define the display of the table.

You then set the number of lines and columns here, by stating the appropriate
values used to construct the table. You can also define a column width. You
can change both the number of lines and columns and also the width of the
columns later when you edit the table in the document.

You can select from four setting options, respectively, for displaying the grid
and the border and can also work with highlighting.

Modifying a table
Text | General | Table | Modify

You can change the ruling of the table in which the cursor is positioned.

1. Click on Text | General | Table | Modify .

The Modify Table dialog box opens.

2. You can now make changes as desired and then click on OK.

Moving a table
You can move the table in the horizontal direction using the mouse.

1. Click on the left-hand edge of the table and keep the mouse button pressed.

2. You can now reposition the table with the mouse button held down.
Finish moving by releasing the mouse button.

Changing the width of individual table elements.

If cells of the column you are editing already contain text, this will be appropriately
reformatted in accordance with the changes you have made to the table format.
This means that if reducing the column width necessitates new line breaks, the
Secretary module automatically inserts the required number of lines in the cell. If a
column is enlarged and can therefore contain more text per line, then other cell

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lines no longer required are removed.

The column size is displayed in the ruler line. This is where the ruler is shown for
the respective current column (cursor position).

▪ Modify column width (total width of the table will be adapted)

The size of a column can be increased or reduced by shifting the associated
right column edge. Click on the (right-hand) edge of the column to be changed,
and drag the edge of the column to the desired new position with the mouse
button held down. Letting go of the mouse button finishes the action. Changing
an individual column as described here has an effect on the total width of the
table. It will be enlarged or reduced exactly by the changed value of the column

▪ Modify column width (total width of the table remains unmodified

You can also modify the width of a column without affecting the width of the
table. Press <Shift> and then click on the edge of the column to be changed
and make the desired enlargement/reduction with the mouse button held down.

▪ Modify cell width (total width of the table will be adapted)

You can modify the width of individual cells in the table. Press <Ctrl> to do this
and move the right-hand edge of the cell with the mouse. Letting go of the
mouse button finishes the action. The line of the table will also be enlarged or
reduced by the changed value of the table cell.

▪ Modify cell width (total width of the table remains unmodified)

You can modify the width of individual cells in the table without affecting the
width of the table lines. Press <Ctrl> and <Shift> (together) to do this, and
move the right-hand edge of the cell with the mouse. Letting go of the mouse
button finishes the action.

You can change the column width with the mouse if you want to re-adapt the width of individual cells
to the column width. This modification has an effect on cells the dimensions of which you have
previously changed.

Inserting, appending and deleting lines, columns and cells.

Text | General | Table | Line | xxx
Text | General | Table | Column | xxx
Text | General | Table | Cell | xxx

With this function, individual lines, columns and cells can be inserted into a table.
Position the cursor in the line, column or cell where insertion should be made and
click on the desired function:

insert append delete

144 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG


Row Line above current line Line below current line Deletes current line

Column Column before (left of) the Column after (right of) the Deletes current column
current column current column

Cell Cell before (left of) the Cell after (right of) the Deletes current cell
current cell current cell

Splitting a table
Text | General | Table | Split

You can split a table, i.e. create two separate tables from one table.

1. Position the cursor in the table line before which you want to split the table.

2. Click on Text | General | Table | Split .

The table will be split by inserting an empty line.

Deleting the line break (the empty line) created by the splitting means that the table
will be joined together again.

Inserting an empty line before table

Text | General | Table | Split

You can also use this function to insert an empty line before the table.

1. To do this, place the cursor in the first line of the table and click on this

Deleting a table

1. If you want to delete a table from a document, you have to select it first. Move
the mouse cursor to the upper left-hand corner of the table and press the left-
hand mouse button. Now drag the selection downwards with the mouse button
held down.

2. Click on <Del>.
The table is deleted without a confirmation query.

Tabulators in the table

Tabulators are set up as a standard inside the table. You can create your own
tabulators as desired as usual in word processing. You can jump to tabulators
within a table cell using the key combination <Ctrl>+<T>.

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9.9 Searching for text

Text | General | Edit | Find
Text | General | Edit | Find | Replace

You can search for specific text passages in the current or in all specifications if the
cursor is in the specifications field.

1. Click on Text | General | Edit | Find.

A dialog box opens.

Enter the term or partial term you wish to find.

The program opens a list of text elements for which you can search in
connection with a search term. The selected character is inserted into the Find
input field at the current cursor position.

Text supplement
You can choose here, whether the search shall include text supplements. You
can activate Client and Bidder either together or separately.

Replace with
Activate this function if the sought text is to be replaced with another text. Enter
the text to be replaced here.

Activate one of the options for the search direction.

Match case
Activate this function if you want to perform a case-sensitive search. Otherwise,
the search does not consider the case.

In this specification only

Activate this function if only the current specification is to be searched.
Otherwise, the specifications of the whole bill of quantities will be searched.

2. Click on Find Next (F3) to start the search process. You can then find the
search term in other specifications by pressing <F3>.

9.10 Insert directory of attachments

Text | General | Insert | Table of Attachments

You can insert a reference to an attachment in the specification.

146 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG


1. Place the cursor in the specification field, in the place where the reference to
an attachment is to be placed.

2. Click on Text | General | Insert | Table of Attachments

Two coloured square brackets appear in the specification.

3. The cursor remains within the square brackets.

Enter the name of the desired attachment.

4. You can include the reference to attachments in the printout in order to get an
overview of which attachments must be output with which document.

9.11 Editing text supplements in the specification field

The cursor is positioned right at the end of the text supplement if you have created
a text supplement with the multi-function bar. The insert marker is positioned
behind the first bracket in the pretext if you have created the text supplement with
the key combination. This enables you to continue writing immediately.

When you edit the text supplement, it may be the case that you delete one of the inner (blue) brackets.
If this happens, select and delete the complete text supplement including the first and last brackets.
Then insert the text supplement again. It is easier to edit in the Element Properties | Text

9.12 Hyphenation and Spelling Checker

Text | Advanced | Hyphenation/Spell Checker

The functions of the specification field are provided by the Secretary. You can only
use the hyphenation and spell checker and also the related default settings if the
cursor is positioned in the specification. You should first adapt your default settings
to your wishes in order to achieve optimum results.

9.12.1 Default settings

Text | Advanced | Options | Options

You can enter any number of default settings for the editing of specifications,
including spell checking and hyphenation. General
Set the scroll distances of a mouse scroll wheel, activate or deactivate overwrite
mode and drag and drop.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 147


You can activate/deactivate the following settings as often as you like.

▪ Delete selected section automatically upon input

This function is activated by default and means that a selection in the text will
be completely replaced as soon as you enter new text.
If you do not use this function, newly written text is inserted inside the selection.
The new text is then inserted at the position where the cursor was placed when
you selected the text.

▪ Overwrite mode <Ctrl>+<Shift>+<Ins>

This function is deactivated by default to protect your text from being
accidentally overwritten. If you activate this function, text to the right of the
cursor is replaced, character by character, as soon as you enter new text. If
this function is deactivated, the newly written text is inserted at the cursor
position. You can change this setting with the given key combination, even
when working in the specification.

▪ Use Drag and Drop

Activate this function to simply move or copy selected areas within your texts
using the mouse.

You can enter settings that affect the way in which you move or scroll through the
screen contents in horizontal and vertical directions.

▪ Horizontal/vertical scrolling distance

The higher you set this value, the quicker you can move in the document with
the horizontal or vertical image scroll bar (default setting: 0.3 cm).

If you set 30 cm for the vertical scrolling distance, for example, you can scroll down approximately 1
page with a click on the upper or lower arrow of the vertical image scroll bar.

▪ Wheel mouse scroll distance

This setting is only for computer mice that have a wheel between the left and
right mouse buttons.
The higher the value you enter in this field, the less you will have to move the
wheel to scroll within the document (default setting: 3 cm).

148 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG


If you enter high values here, it may be the case that a slight movement of the mouse wheel results in
several pages being scrolled. It is best to experiment with several settings before deciding on one of
them. You do not necessarily have to adopt the value from a colleague, since you can apply
completely different settings for the mouse via your operating system.

▪ Gridwhen positioning
Set any value you like here (e.g. 0.5 cm) in order to set tabs, tables and other
items manually to the size you want.

Save automatically
This function is currently not active.

Calculate background
This function is currently not active.

Units of measure
Select the desired unit. Hyphenation and spell checker

Set the basic functions for the spelling and hyphenation.

While writing
The check boxes in this section control the specified functions during word

▪ Hyphenation
Activate this function to allow the hyphenation to be checked while you are
writing. Deactivate the function if you do not want this check to be run.

▪ Mark misspelled words

The Secretary module checks the spelling of the document or the selection if
you activate this function. If it finds an unknown word, it automatically searches
for it in your chosen dictionary. The word is marked in red if it is not found.

▪ Use automatic correction/replacement where possible

Activate this function if you want the Secretary module to replace misspelled
words with the spelling from the dictionary defined.

▪ Change two capital letters at the beginning of a word to one

The second upper case letter at the beginning of a word will be corrected
automatically if you activate this function (it will be written in lower case).

▪ Recognise incorrect capitalisation

Activate this function if the Secretary module is to consider upper- and
lowercase letters. Words written incorrectly are marked.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 149


The Secretary module allows you to check a section at any time using the context menu option
Hyphenate and Check Selection.

During the check routine

The functions in this section control the specified functions when the Secretary
module carries out a hyphenation/spell check.

▪ Hyphenation
Activate this function to allow the hyphenation to be checked during the
process. Deactivate the function if you do not wish for the check to be run.

▪ Spelling
Recognise incorrect capitalisation
Activate this function if the Secretary module is to consider upper- and
lowercase letters. If the program finds a misspelled word, you can correct this
in the Hyphenate and Check Document window.

Select the correct language setting from the list field so that the Secretary module
sets the correct internal dictionary (not to be confused with your personal

Hyphenation as of word length

In this field, you can set the minimum number of characters for which the
hyphenation of a word is permitted. The default setting is set to 5 characters, so
that it is not possible to split words such as or. Dictionary
You can create a dictionary, copy it or select it for use in the Secretary module.
You can also insert the contents into another dictionary, change them or delete

In this section, you can specify the dictionary that you wish to use.

▪ Select
You can set an available dictionary for the specification editing. The RIB
dictionary, Ribwoerterbuch.wrt, is supplied as standard.

▪ Save As
You can copy the set dictionary. After confirmation, a typical Windows Save
File dialog window opens, in which you can provide the copy of the dictionary
with a name. Close this dialog with Save. The newly created copy of the

150 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG


dictionary is immediately adopted in the left-hand field and is accordingly

selected for immediate use. An empty dictionary can be created by clicking on
Save As, without a dictionary being set or with New Dictionary.

▪ New dictionary
Generate a new, empty dictionary. In the subsequent dialog window, provide
the dictionary with a name. Close the window with Save. The newly created
copy of the dictionary will be copied immediately and is selected accordingly for
use in the Secretary module.

You can edit the entries in your personal dictionary.

▪ Add entry
You can expand your dictionary.

– Word separation and hyphens

While typing, you can specify where a possible word separation should
occur. To do this, enter a hyphen (-) at the correct place in the word (there
may be more than one), e.g. bill of quan-ti-ties. When you edit text in the
Secretary module, the word will be hyphenated automatically at one of
these marks. If you wish to enter a compound word with a hyphen e.g. WC-
BoQ (which is not intended as a separation indicator), the character "/"
must be entered before the hyphen, e.g. WC/-BoQ.

▪ Delete entry
The entry is deleted without further confirmation.

▪ Modify entry
Modify the desired entry and confirm the changes by clicking on OK.

▪ Import from TexAss 5.x

With this function, you can import a dictionary from the word-processing system
TestAss V 5.x.

9.12.2 Hyphenation/spell checker

Text | Advanced | Hyphenation/Spell Checker | For Single Element |
Hyphenation/Spell Check
Text | Advanced | Hyphenation/Spell Checker | For Whole Document |
Hyphenation/Spell Check

The Secretary module checks all words in succession and stops at the first
unknown or misspelled word. It then opens the Hyphenate and Check Document
dialog box. The suggested corrections entered in the personal dictionary will be
automatically entered in the right places.

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You have the following options:

▪ Select
The program jumps to the next unknown or misspelled word. This word will be
marked with red. Select one of the other options now or click on Select again to
highlight the individual variants.

▪ Select all
This function marks all errors in the complete or selected text red. You can then
jump to the individual errors with <F11> to correct them.

▪ Ignore
The program jumps to the next unknown or misspelled word. The word found
previously remains unchanged. It will no longer be considered misspelled or
unknown when this check is run.

▪ Copy to dictionary
The word is copied to the Personal Dictionary and is no longer considered
misspelled or unknown. The program jumps to the next unknown word.

▪ Replace
This function is only active if there is a string in the Replace with field. Click on
this function if you want to overwrite misspelled text with the string in the
Replace with field.

9.12.3 Remove hyphens

Text | Advanced | Hyphenation/Spell Checker | For Single Element | Remove
Text | Advanced | Hyphenation/Spell Checker | For Whole Document | Remove

You delete all hyphens, i.e. you create a word break this way, which does not look
good for short lines. You have to restart the hyphenation/spell checker to restore
the hyphenation or separate the words with the manual hyphenation.

All the unknown or misspelled words are marked with red if you have executed a
run of the Hyphenation/Spell Checker with the Mark option, without individual
confirmation. This function immediately removes all the markings. This is important
if you have executed the Hyphenation/Spell Check with the wrong settings.

9.12.4 Go to error mark

Text | Advanced | Hyphenation/Spell Checker | For Single Element | Jump to check

152 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG


Text | Advanced | Hyphenation/Spell Checker | For Whole Document | Jump to

check marker

If you have executed the menu command Hyphenation/Spell Check without

individual confirmation with the Mark option, all unknown or misspelled words are
marked with red. With this function, you can jump from one check marker to the
next and then decide what you want to do.

9.12.5 Removing an error mark

Text | Advanced | Hyphenation/Spell Checker | For Single Element | Remove
check marker
Text | Advanced | Hyphenation/Spell Checker | For Whole Document | Remove
check marker

With the function Jump to check marker, the cursor can be set automatically to the
next check marker in the text. You make the necessary changes there in the usual

If you have entered corrections, remove the check markers by selecting this

9.12.6 Converting user dictionary

Text | Advanced | Hyphenation/Spell Checker | Convert the user dictionary

If you often work with Microsoft Office and you have created your own dictionary
there, you do not have to work without it in the Secretary module.

1. Click on Text | Advanced | Hyphenation/Spell Checker | Convert the user

A dialog box opens.

2. Click on Search and select your dictionary.

3. Click on Convert.
The converted dictionary is located in the same directory as the dictionary used
by Microsoft Office and has the same name, but with the file extension .WRT.
Then set the path for the new dictionary in the Options.

9.13 Multilingual bill of quantities

You can enter the outline specifications and specifications in two languages. The
following requirements are necessary:

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Regional and language options in the operating system

The following description applies to the Windows XP operating system.

1. In System Control open the Regional and Language Options.

2. Switch to Languages.

3. Click in the upper section on Details.

The Text Services and Input Languages dialog box opens.

4. Click on Add.
The Add Input Locale dialog box opens.

5. From the top list field Input Locale, select the desired language.
The bottom list field is set automatically.
Click on OK.
You are taken back to the dialog Text Services and Input Languages.

6. Click on OK.
In the following dialog click on OK too.
The Input Locale List now appears in the status bar.
Click on this bar to open the list with the possible languages.

Activate specifications 2
1. Click outside of the Specification window to show the general menus.

2. Activate the second specification window.

To do so, click on View | Screen Configuration | Docking Window | 2nd
Activate outline specification 2
1. Click in the table.

2. Open the table configuration with the context menu command Modify.
The Display Properties of Table Columns dialog box opens.

3. Change the column Outline Specification 2 to make it visible.

Enter texts in the second language

1. You have completed the three preparation steps.

2. Now switch to the desired second language in the Input Locale List. Position
the cursor in the second outline specification or specification field and enter the
If you want to enter the texts in the first language, you must change the
language again in the Input Locale List.

154 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG


Display and analysis in desired language

In the BoQ Properties you can select the language in which the BoQ is to be
To do so, click on the bill of quantities in the project structure. Select the Settings in
the BoQ Properties. In Display and Analysis with you can now select the texts to be

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 155


10 Parameters
Parameters can be formed and used at various hierarchy levels. All parameters are
managed in the master-based or project-based Characteristics catalog. The same
parameter therefore has the same description in all applications within a project.
The following types of parameters exist:

▪ Text
Descriptive parameters, such as red, yellow or green

▪ Summable number/non-summable number

Parameters such as building length, length, thickness, width, VOL a, total job
costs with respect to adjusted quantity

▪ Date

▪ Key figure

The type of the parameters specifies whether you can calculate with these
parameters, i.e. whether this parameter can be used. Any key figures can thereby
be calculated, and with these as parameters, further calculations can be carried

If numeric parameter codes or parameter codes that start with a number, are used in a computation,
these are automatically placed in square brackets so that they are identified as parameters, e.g.

Each application has hierarchical rules. If the parameters are used in the
calculation, the value of these parameters is determined and used according to the
hierarchy. The search begins at the current location and continues with increasing
hierarchy. For example, if you search for the value of a parameter in the object
model, the search begins directly with the created object model parameters, then
the program searches at the PA level and then at project level. The program uses
the first found parameter value.

By default, there is no connection or dependencies between the parameters of

individual applications. Thus, the parameter in the QTO worksheet can have a
value different from that in the bill of quantities.
The parameters of the elemental costing can also be used in the object model. If a
parameter of the object model is not found in the elemental costing, the usual
inheritance sequence applies.

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10.1 Create parameters

1. The parameters are created in a table.

2. Create a new line. Use the context menu option New.

3. In your new line, only the cells of the columns Code and Quantity Detail/Typical
Values are enabled for input. The remaining fields are filled automatically with
details from the Characteristics catalog.

4. Enter a parameter code in the column Code. If you enter a code, which is not
present in the Characteristics catalog, the quick add feature of the catalog data
is started.

5. In the column Quantity Detail/Typical value, assign a value to the parameters.

10.2 Select parameter

Once you have created the parameters in the catalog, you can use them for the
whole project editing. The same parameter thus has the same description in all

1. Click in the Code column on <F3>.

The Variables dialog box opens.

2. Select a parameter.
Click on OK.
The parameter is accepted.

3. For the selected parameter, you can select the quantity detail or the parameter
(typical value) with <F3>.
A dialog box opens.

4. Select the parameter.

Click on OK.
The parameter is adopted.

10.3 Delete parameter

1. Select the line with the parameters that you want to delete.

2. Select the context menu command Delete.

3. Confirm the security query with Yes.

The parameter is deleted.

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11 Print
Application Button | Print | Print

1. Select the document in the project structure or open it.

2. Click Application Button | Print | Print.

The Print dialog box appears.

3. Select a report type or a print package.

4. Change the Print Options by clicking Options, if required.

5. Click Print.

6. If you have activated the preview, a print preview appears. Otherwise, printing
begins on your standard printer.

The contents of the reports to be printed depend on the selection. For example, if
you start the print process for an element in the third hierarchy, this element will be
printed, as well as the parent level (2nd hierarchy) and the level above that (1st
hierarchy). The remaining elements are not considered.
If you have marked elements in the table, this overrides the selection in the
structure tree. Only the marked table elements are printed.

11.1 Print box

Application Button | Print | Print

The Print dialog box is opened when the printing process is executed.

As soon as you have specified a Favourite and/or a User directory in the global
settings, a selection of corresponding folders is offered to you here.

▪ System
This folder always exists and contains all of the report types available to you.

▪ Users
This folder will also be available to you if the use of user directories has been
activated in the Print Directories of the Global Settings, and the corresponding
folders for Templates and Report Types have been specified. You can add the
desired report type to the User folder via the context menu.

▪ Favourites
With the context menu command Add to Favourites, you can add the desired
report type to the Favourites folder. This way, you can collect the various
reports that you require regularly in the Favourites folder.

158 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG


▪ Packages
This folder contains all print packages.

Select the required report type. All further actions then refer to this report type.

You start the printing process.

You terminate printing.

Printing Options opened.

The Windows dialog box for the Printer Settings is opened.

New report type

Create a new Report Type.

Delete report type

Delete report type

Report Phases
You specify the phase in which the selected reports are available.
This button is only available in the defaults of Print Options. The Print - Defaults
dialog box appears. Select a report and click Defaults. The Print dialog box opens
and makes the Report Phases function available to you.

You can swap the layouts of all report types very easily. This is very useful if you
would like to swap the provided layouts and use your own layouts which already
have headers and footnotes as well as your own company logo.

This function is only available in the Defaults inPrint Options in the main window.

You can select whether the data is printed without a print preview or if a print
preview should be shown.

Start values
This setting is useful for printing individual date settings or to print applications after
amendment again.

▪ Date/Time
The input field is set with the current date as default. It is printed in the

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 159


document header with the month written out. The time does not appear in the
printout, it is only for information.

▪ Page Numbering
Enter the page number of the first page into the input field.

Both the following functions are only active when a few requirements are fulfilled:

▪ System Options, General | Display | Settings, Extended Filter Options in Print

Dialog Box function

▪ The global settings module Connect: Free Export must be available

Show Export Prints

If you deactivate this function, all printouts that are configured for export will be
This function has no influence on print packages.

Show export packages

If you deactivate this function, all printouts that are configured for an XML export
will be hidden.

11.2 Print data of project

Application Button | Print | Print

You can print various reports from the project window. Depending on what you
have selected in the project window, various report types are offered to you.

Cursor location in Report areas Examples of report types

project window

Project Modification history Modification history

Project list Project data, project list, project

characteristics, project rights

Authorisations List of authorisations

Tax table List of taxes

Project alternative BoQ Tender BoQ, UFS price

Project alternative Bond list, change order overview, applications

Authorisations List of authorisations, matrix report,

Group folder of Award controlling Bidder list, bond list, change order overview,
packages applications, overall analysis (SUB
evaluation), received applications
Change order

160 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG


SUB evaluation

Application summary

Sorted summary

Sorted application summary

Package BoQ Tender BoQ, UFS price

Project alternative Bond list, change order overview, applications


Change order

Application summary

Sorted summary

Catalog Catalogs Contact catalog, Characteristics catalog


System Catalogs System characteristics


Documents - No printout is possible here. The particular

document must be opened and then printed.

11.2.1 Print Options Report type Modifications History General
Select the contents of the report.

Editing information
Restrict the contents of the report to a period and/or a processor. Report type Authorisations General
Printing objects without access restrictions
The authorisations are not considered for printing if you activate this function.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 161

Print Report type Project statistics Project selection

Select the projects that should be included in the project statistics. With the filter in
the lower area, you can restrict the project list. General
Currency unit of the report
You can print the report with another currency. Select the desired currency with

Define the page break for the report.

11.3 Print data of the Project Explorer

You can print various reports from the Project Explorer. Depending on what you
have selected in the Project Explorer, before you start the printing process, various
report types are offered to you.

Cursor position in Report areas Examples of report types

Project Explorer

Group folder of project Project Project data, overview of all projects, project rights,
alternatives Award controlling projection

Project group Project Access rights, project data, overview of all projects,
Award controlling projection

Project Project Access rights, project data, project contacts, project

characteristics, project rights

11.4 Print data of the Project alternative

Application Button | Print | Print

You can print out information about the project alternative from the project window.

1. Place the cursor in the project structure on a project alternative (not on the
group folder of project alternatives!) and click on Application Button | Print |

162 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG


2. The Print dialog box will open.

3. Select a report type or print package.

4. Change the Print Options if necessary.

5. Click on Print.

6. If you have activated the preview, a print preview appears. Otherwise, printing
begins on your standard printer.

11.4.1 Print Options Report type BoQ BoQ 1/Bidder Quote

Here you will find all the options you require to determine the contents of the report
to be printed. With a click on one of the selection buttons, you can enter further
settings for the entry next to the button. Table of contents

Specify whether the table of contents is to be printed. Here information is provided
on the location of the table of contents, e.g. At the Beginning. If you click here,
another window opens. You can determine the position of the table of contents in
the printout.
Select the desired entry and close the window with OK. The table of contents will
be printed out at the defined position.

To hierarchy
Enter the hierarchy levels, out of which the table of contents will be composed. The
higher the number, the more detailed the table of contents will be. For example, the
first three hierarchy levels will be output if you enter the number 3.

Pre-script in table of contents

The pre-script text elements are noted in the table of contents. In doing so, the first
line of the outline spec will be copied for the prescript elements.

Entry for summary

Enter the title which is to appear as the heading for the summary.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 163

Print Pre/Post Scripts

You can also print a pre-script and post-script. Neither a pre-script nor a post-script
will be printed out if this function is deactivated. Item summary

Item summary
You can specify which information should be released for each BoQ element. No
BoQ items appear in the printout if this function is deactivated. The subordinate
settings Quantities, Prices, outline specifications, and Specifications have no effect
if the Item Summary function is not active.

The effect of this function is that quantities in the middle section of the bill of
quantities are displayed in the printout. If you deactivate this function, these
quantities are not output.

You have further settings options:

▪ BoQ Quantity
Adjusted Quantity
You can choose whether prices should be output based on the BoQ or AQ

▪ Quantity Details
You can choose whether the quantity details are printed.

▪ Split Quantities
You can choose whether the split quantities are printed.

▪ Suppress Decimal Zeros from Digit

Enter the decimal place here, as of which no zeros are to be output for the

You can choose whether the prices of the BoQ elements are printed.
If this function is activated, the prices of the BoQ elements are printed.
If this function is deactivated, placeholders are printed out instead of the prices.

You have further settings options:

▪ Placeholders for Prices

You can use this field to define your own placeholders which are to be printed
out instead of the prices. These placeholders are only printed if you deactivate
the Prices function in BoQ 1.

164 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG


Outline specs
The outline specifications of the bill of quantities will be output if this function is
active. If you deactivate this function, the outline specifications will not be output.

You have further settings options:

▪ For Notes Also

If you activate this function, the outline specifications of notes will be output.
The outline specifications of notes will not be output if you do not activate this

▪ For Pre-/Post-scripts also

If you activate this function, the outline specifications of pre-scripts and post-
scripts will be output. The outline specifications of pre-scripts and post-scripts
will not be output if you do not activate this function.

The specifications of the bill of quantities will be output if this function is active. If
you deactivate this function, the specifications will not be output.

You have further settings options:

▪ Note if Split
If you activate this function, the text "Function Continuation" appears for
specifications that do not fit on one page. The next page will begin with the text

This function is only active for report types with specifications.

▪ Modify Note
You can change the note in the respective template in the format composites:

– [-- Specification Continuation (bottom) --]

– [-- Specification Continuation (top) --]

▪ Cut if matches with

Using this function, you can shorten the printout of specifications provided you
have used identical or almost identical parts of the specifications in several
Activate the option Paragraphs or Line Breaks and and, in the entry field to the
left, enter the number of paragraphs or lines of your specification that should be
identical for two items, so that the printout for the second BoQ element is
If this function is active, the program compares the specified number of
paragraphs/lines during the print preparation to determine whether they are the

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 165


same. The check always starts at the beginning of a specification. If the defined
number of paragraphs or lines is identical, the identical text is not output in
further BoQ elements. If the specification of a further item contains a
divergence, then the specification is only output as of this divergence.
Paragraphs/lines following a divergence in the specification are output
If you do not activate this function, the specifications will be completely printed
for all items.

▪ With Item Reference

Activate this function to refer to the BoQ item in the printout that is identical or
almost identical to the current BoQ item.

The function With Item Reference should always be active if you are working with shortened
specifications; otherwise, you will be unable to establish a reference to the specification to which the
shortened specification refers.

▪ Not with Notes

This function allows you to select if the specification notes should be printed.
If they should not be printed then activate this function.
If the specifications should be printed, deactivate this function. Further options of the item summary

Item summary
You can specify which information should be released for each BoQ element. No
BoQ items appear in the printout if this function is not active. The subordinate
functions Quantities, Prices, Outline Specifications and Specifications have no
effect if the Item Summary function is deactivated.

The Item Summary dialog appears where you can specify which properties of the
items are to be printed. Here follows the possible settings:

▪ Include VAT in Unit Rates

If you want to include the VAT in the relevant unit rates then you must activate
this function.

▪ Show VAT separately

This effect of this function is that the value-added tax will be shown separately
at the end of the bill of quantities. If you deactivate this function, the value-add
tax is not separately indicated at the end of the summary.

166 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG


▪ VAT at Divisions to Depth

If you would like to output the value-added tax at the division level, activate this
function and enter the hierarchy level up to which the value-added tax should
be separately displayed.

The setting VAT at Divisions to Depth is not included if you use different VAT details in the contract.

Division in page header

Activate this function to insert additional lines in the page header, that contain the
number and description of the respective division. You can determine up to which
hierarchy level the division is to be inserted into the page header.

UR breakdown for flagged items

This function has the effect that the UR breakdowns in the UR Breakdown tab of
the Element Properties are printed out.

▪ For all items (enquiry BoQ only)

Activate this function to create lines for a UR Breakdown in the printout, also for
items without UR breakdown. These lines will be automatically filled in with the
value Zero, unless you activate the following function.

▪ Ignore Zero Values

Activate this function if you do not want to output the zero values for items. If
you deactivate this function, the zero values are also output.

You should only activate the unit rate breakdown for all items, if you print a blank form so that the
bidder considers the unit rate breakdown for the corresponding items.

Unit rate in words

The respective price is output in words if the function is active.

Classification 1-4
Reference Item
Reference to Design Description
The effect of this function is that the defined references are output. If you
deactivate this function, the references are not output.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 167


Bill-to parties
This effect of this function is that the defined references are output. If you
deactivate this function, the references are not output.

▪ Spread by Percentage
In the unsorted BoQ printout, the percentage of the distribution to bill-to parties
can be printed in the same way as the split quantity.

Total of working hours

Activate this function if you would like the specified total of working hours to be

Ignore zero values

Activate this function if you do not want to output zero values for the defined total of
working hours.

Activate this function if the specified budget should be output.

Ignore zero values

Activate this function if do not you wish to output zero values for the budgets to be

Ignore zero values for budget errors

Activate this function if wish to ignore zero values for budget errors in the printout.

Carry over
If you activate this function, a carry-over line is inserted at the end of the page and
at the beginning of the next page. You can modify the appearance of this line in the
respective template in the following format composites:

▪ [-- Carry over (bottom) --] and

▪ [-- Carry over (top) --]

Only incorrect Items

This function is only available when printing bidder bids. This function limits the
printout to incorrect items only.

Consider submitted IT
This function is only available when printing bidder bids. If the function is active, the
submitted IT will be considered in the printout.

If you wish to print the comments, activate this function.

168 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG


The subtotals of the BoQ sections and the BoQ areas will be output if this function
is active. If you deactivate this function, the subtotals are not output.

With IT portions
Activate this function if you would like to output the IT portions of the subtotals.

Divisions with Hierarchy

Here, you can select the hierarchy level up to which the printout should be

Divisions with hierarchy

Here, specify which divisions should be printed and which should be omitted.

Page break after divisions

Here, you can specify the divisions after which a page break is to be inserted in the
printout. The functions 1 to 5 correspond to the BoQ levels 1 to 5, that you have
determined for the BoQ Properties, Classification. If all five functions are activated,
a page break will be inserted at the end of each division.

Print BoQ partially

If you activate this function, the bill of quantities will be printed in several parts. In
doing so, all items with specifications are output in the first part, and all items with
outline specifications are output as Enquiry BoQ in the second part. Both parts can
receive a title which will appear as Report Heading.

▪ 1. Part

▪ 2nd Part

You can enter any name into each of these fields.

If you wish to print the parameters, activate this function. You can also select a
print template. Click on . A standard "open file" dialog box opens, in which you
can select the print template.

Additional tax rates

If you activate this function, the specified tax rates will be printed. Summary
If you activate this function, you can print a summary in addition. If you do not
activate this function, no summary is output.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 169


When you click, another dialog appears. The dialog contains three tabs. You
can specify where the summary is to be output: At the beginning, When the 1st
hierarchy level is changed or At the end. Activate the corresponding function in one
of the tabs. The remaining contents of the tabs is identical and includes the
following settings options:

A summary of the divisions will be output at the beginning for this report.

▪ To Hierarchy
Indicate up to which hierarchy level the summary should occur.

▪ With Page Break

If you activate this function, a page break is inserted at each change in the
hierarchy level. If you do not activate this function, the summary is continuous
up to the defined hierarchy.

The following illustration shows a report which has been edited with the
Secretary so that it can be completely viewed here.

For a BoQ with three hierarchy levels e.g. lots, regions, sections (and the items):

The summary starts with the lowest division. The prices of the lowest hierarchy
level are indented left. The totals of the higher hierarchy levels are in printed in bold
and slightly more to the right.

▪ To Hierarchy
Indicate up to which hierarchy level the summary should occur.

Hierarchically arranged
The sequence of the headings is the same as in the cascading report. The prices,
however, are always in the right-hand margin.

▪ With Subtotals
Specify whether or not the subtotals of sub-divisions are to be output.

▪ Analysis level to
Enter here, until which analysis level the summary should be made. The
functions 1 to 5 correspond to the BoQ levels 1 to 5, that you have determined
in the BoQ Properties, Classification.

▪ Page Break at
Enter here after which hierarchy levels the defined element has to be inserted.
The functions 1 to 5 correspond to the BoQ levels 1 to 5, that you have
determined in the BoQ Properties, Classification.

170 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG


The following illustration shows a report which has been edited with the
Secretary so that it can be completely viewed here.

IT Portions at
Hour Portions at
Budget at
Enter here after which hierarchy levels the defined element has to be inserted. The
functions 1 to 5 correspond to the BoQ levels 1 to 5, that you have determined in
the BoQ Properties, Classification.

▪ Ignore Zero Values

Activate this function if you do not want to output the zero values for items. If
you deactivate this function, the zero values are also output.

Page break before grand total

If you would like to insert a page break between the summary and the grand total,
then you must activate this function. Closing
There are two different format composites for the closing text:

▪ 1. [-- Closing Text (Outline) --]

▪ 2. [-- Closing Text (Spec) --]

The format composite that will be printed depends upon whether you wish to print
the outline specification, the specification, or both.
If you have activated the Outline Specification in the Print Options, BoQ 1, the
format composite [-- Closing Text (Outline) --] will be used in the printout. If you
have activated the specification, the format composite [-- Closing Text (Spec) --]
will be used.
If you activated the Outline Specification and specification in the Print Options, only
the format composite [-- Closing Text (Spec) --] will be used.

You can only change the text of the two format composites if you own a licence for the Report Writer. Signature Line

This function means that a signature line will be inserted in the printout.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 171

Print Bidder Specification List

If you activate this function, the bidder's text supplements of the bidder are printed.
You can change the format in the print template.
The table of bidder supplements is only printed if it contains text supplements. Directory of Attachments

You can print this directory to check whether the individual BoQ elements refer to
specific attachments that must be output with the bill of quantities. List of Assigned Work Categories

If you activate this function, the summary will be printed. List of used StLB and StLB Construction Versions

If you activate this function, the summary will be printed. The following is entered:

▪ Title

▪ Month of issue

▪ Year of issue

At the Beginning
If you activate this function, this summary will be output at the beginning of the
printout. Item statistics

If you activate this function, the summary of item types used is output at the end of
the printout.
This summary contains the number of each item type used as well as the amount
and the percentage of each item giving a total number. Labour Escalation

If you activate this function, the labour escalation details are printed.

The labour escalation amount is taken into consideration in the grand total summary of the bill of

When you click on another dialog appears with the following settings options:

172 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG


Output sorted by
The following choices are available here:

▪ RN and labour period

▪ Labour period and sections

Specify the criteria after which there should be a printout.

Output page
The following choices are available here:

▪ at the End

▪ After Summary
You can enter the location in the BoQ printout where the labour escalation
details should be output.

▪ Replace Fictious Wage Adjustment and Amounts by

Activate this function if you do not want labour changes output in the printout,
but would like to replace them with any characters or text. The field to the right
will become active and you can replace the predetermined characters with your
own entries.

Labour escalation dvl-file

Here you can replace the predefined print template with another print template. The
labour escalation will be printed in a separate Print Template to the rest of the BoQ
printout. BoQ 2
You find options here for printing change orders, for sorting and for RN formatting.
You can select the sorting criteria that will be decisive for the printout, and whether
absolute discounts from divisions are to be considered. Change Orders and Reserves

With these settings, you can compile any alternatives of the report e.g.:

▪ Contract components (major contract, change orders, only approved change


▪ Bid n-th change order (Change orders, change order No. n, without valuation)

▪ Forecast report (Major contract, change orders, all change orders, with
valuation and reserves)

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 173

Print Behaviour when printing out ranges, filtered Bill of Quantities and
change orders
Consider absolute discounts from divisions

You can show any absolute discounts when printing out filtered reports.

If these fields are not active, no change orders have been created in your current bill of quantities. Format of Ref. No


The reference numbers will be shown as on the screen.

With leading zeros

All reference numbers will be completed with the figure zero, the same as your


The reference numbers will not be printed.

Items without RN hierarchy

If you activate this function, the item reference numbers will not be printed
completely. The item is identified (e.g. 10 instead of 1.1.10), but beneath the
respective division.
If you deactivate this function, the item reference numbers will be printed

Replace by user field (1-4)

If you activate this function, the reference numbers will be replaced by the
description of the BoQ Properties, User-defined.

Replace by continuous No

If you activate this option, the reference numbers of the BoQ items will be replaced
by consecutive numbers in the printout. The new numbering begins at the first BoQ
item with 1 and is continued until the last BoQ item.
The parent division is not affected.

Restart at the 1st hierarchy level

174 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG


The original reference numbers always remain intact. The reference numbers are only replaced in the

If you activate this function in addition to the previous function, the numbering of all
BoQ items will start again with 1 after each change of the first hierarchy.

Without points

Activate this function if you wish to print out the reference number without the
separator points. BoQ 3
Here you can make settings for printing out several bills of quantities.

Several BoQs
▪ Common summary

▪ Show VAT for every BoQ

Activate one of the two functions (check mark visible) to either generate a
common summary for the bills of quantities or to show the VAT individually for
each bill of quantities.

The setting Show VAT for every BoQ is not included if you use different VAT details in the contract. In
this case the VAT is output as stored in the BoQ.

▪ Highest Division at the Beginning

This function is deactivated by default, i.e. the BoQ totals are always output at
the end of the summary when printing. If you activate this function, the BoQ
total will be output by the bill of quantities as the highest hierarchy level at the
beginning of each report.

Use filter
Using filters or special sorts (not Ref. No. as standard) small rounding differences
may appear in additions of item IT. Due to an active filter the item IT is displayed
unchanged as rounded value, but is not rounded in further summation und is used
with its exact value.
In some cases this may result in rounding differences, in other cases for example
filtering by bill-to parties may have 'better' results. The totals of the BoQs filtered by
single bill-to parties is nearly at the total of the BoQ. If rounding would take place,
this rounding differences may be added up.

▪ Active Filter
If you activate this function, the currently set filter is used in the document.
Deactivate this function if you wish to print all data from the document.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 175


▪ Filter File
For the printout, you can also use one of the filters you have defined and saved
during the document editing or a fixed filter that has been set as a default. You
can use this data filtering option for all report types.
If you want to use a filter defined during the document editing, click on this
function. Copy a filter file in the following dialog. Only the filtered objects are
considered when printing.


Effects With Selection Totals

In the document, if you activate the command View | With Selection Totals, the current total is only
calculated based on the displayed – filtered – elements. If you print the document with the activated
filter settings, then the total is also calculated based on the displayed elements.
If you deactivate the command View | With Selection Totals, then the total is calculated based on all
elements. Filter settings have no effect on the totals; the elements that are faded out are also included
in the totals.

11.5 Print data of the package

Application Button | Print | Print

You can print out information about the packages from the project window:

1. Place the cursor in the project structure on a project alternative (not on the
group folder of project alternatives!) and click on Application Button | Print |

2. The Print dialog box will open.

3. Select a report type or print package.

4. Change the Print Options if necessary.

5. Click on Print.

6. If you have activated the preview, a print preview appears. Otherwise, printing
begins on your standard printer.

11.5.1 Print Options Report type Award controlling General report type

176 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

Print General
Page break after
Enter the positions of the page breaks.

Enter the currency unit to be used here.

Only project alternatives selected for project statistics

If you activate this function, only the project alternatives that are part of the project
statistics are printed.

Only consider packages in contract phase

If you activate this function, only the packages of the contract phase are
considered for printing.

Round to whole amounts

If you activate this function, the amounts are commercially rounded off to whole
number amounts.

Incl. cost control units

The data of the cost control is also output if you activate this function. Further
Print bond
Print bidder
Print parameters
Specify whether you want to output this information.

▪ Filter
You can restrict the output of parameters with this filter.

Print key figures

Specify whether you want to output this information.

▪ Filter
You can restrict the output of key figures with this filter. Report type Fund outflow

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 177

Print General
Replace billed payments in payment schedule by payments made.
Activate this function if you want to output the payments instead of the billed

Evaluate cash inflow (project alternative)

Evaluate cash inflow (packages/CCU)
Specify whether the cash inflow is to be evaluated. Report type Contractor analysis General
Page break after a package
Specify whether a page break is to be inserted after a package.

Only consider packages in contract phase

If you activate this function, only the packages of the contract phase are
considered for printing.

Round to whole amounts

The calculated values are output and rounded to zero decimal places.

Enter the currency unit to be used here.

Level of detail
Enter the hierarchy level up to which you want to evaluate.

Report period
Select the report periods to be printed.

Only print packages with change orders

If you activate this function, only the packages containing the change orders are

Print change orders without assigned items

If you activate this function, the change orders which have no assigned items are
printed. Report type Sorted summary

178 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

Print General
Page break after a package
Specify whether a page break is to be inserted after a package.

Only consider packages in contract phase

If you activate this function, only the packages of the contract phase are
considered for printing.

Round to whole amounts

The calculated values are output and rounded to zero decimal places.

Incl. cost control units

The data of the cost control is also output if you activate this function.

Print gross amounts

Only the gross amounts are output if you activate this function.

Enter the currency unit to be used here.

Calculate budget from

Select whether the budget has to be calculated from the project alternative or the
work item allocation. Report type Sorted application summary General
Page break after a package
Specify whether a page break is to be inserted after a package.

Only consider packages in contract phase

If you activate this function, only the packages of the contract phase are
considered for printing.

Round to whole amounts

The calculated values are output and rounded to zero decimal places.

Incl. cost control units

The data of the cost control is also output if you activate this function.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 179


Only consider packages with applications

If you activate this function, only the packages containing any applications are

Enter the currency unit to be used here.

Select the ranges to be included in the sorting. Report type Sorted Overview

11.6 Print Options

Use the Options button in the Print window to open the Print Options window,where
you can enter the settings for the printout, which are either temporary (only for this
printout) or fixed (for all printouts until the Options are changed).

The program outputs the print data to the standard printer registered for your
operating system when printing out directly (Direct Print). If you have deactivated
Direct Print, the printout is first routed to the print preview. You can therefore view
the printout on screen just as it will be output by the printer.
The print preview is read-only. If you want to edit the print document, you must
save it and start the Secretary module.

The Print Options dialog window contains the following buttons:

▪ Save As
You can save the current settings as a new report type.

▪ Save
You can save the modifications you have made to the Print Options and use
them as default for the next printout. Click on Save to overwrite the Print
Options. The program stores the Print Options for each report type separately.

▪ OK
This closes the dialog window and takes you back to the Print window. The
settings that have been made are temporary − they apply only to this printout.

▪ Cancel
You can discard the changes made. You are taken back to the Print dialog.

▪ Print
The program begins preparation for the desired printout. If you have activated

180 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG


the Direct Print setting in the Print dialog, the report you have created will be
output to the configured default printer once the preparation is completed.

11.7 General print options

11.7.1 Cover sheet

A cover sheet/cover note includes information regarding the project, such as, for
example, project address, deadlines, client information, tender totals, etc. You can
select whether or not you want to print the cover sheet/cover note. You can also
edit the cover sheet/cover note.

a) You do not need an additional licence for this editing.

b) The selected cover sheet/cover note is saved in the report type (CFL file) for the document.

The template of the cover sheet/cover note is shown here along with the path of
the template. If you want to use your own cover sheet/cover note, click on the
Browse button. Click on the Edit button if you want to edit the selected cover sheet.
Print cover sheet
Activate this function if you wish to print a cover sheet. Deactivate this function if no
cover sheet is to be printed.

Following page break

If you activate this function, an automatic page break is inserted after the cover
sheet/cover note.

This starts the Report Writer module and enables you to edit the cover sheet/cover

Mail Merge Over Multiple Bidders

This function is only available to you in some reports of the bill of quantities and the

▪ Only A Main Document

If this setting is active, the cover sheets are prepared per bidder and only one
copy of the BoQ printout is prepared in a separate document.

▪ Complete Document
If this setting is active, the printouts are prepared in a complete document. In
this case, the page numbering runs completely through the entire document.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 181


Print copies
This function is not available in all reports.
Similar to serial printing, print documents are formatted many times.


Opens the Copies dialog box for entering and managing the names for the copies.

▪ Name

The names for the individual copies are managed in this table. You can define
new names for a copy by clicking on New. This information is stored in the
header of the printed document through a relevant placeholder.

▪ New

Create a new table line under Name. Specify a name for the copy.

▪ Delete

You can delete the selected table row.

11.7.2 Templates
A template is predefined in each of the delivered report types. Here, you can link
another template.

The print templates can only be edited if you have purchased the Report Writer module. This does not
apply to the cover note and cover sheet.

Templates (DVL or RMA file)

A template is the summary of the format composites that should be used in the
printout. Templates are edited in the Report Writer module and can be selected
here. The standard template corresponding to the task is set as default in this
selection field. You can select another template, such as one you made yourself,
with Browse.

The built-in templates are located in the template folder. The templates can only be
edited with the Report Writer module. The templates are designed in such a way
that you do not need to make any changes to achieve an optimum printing result.

Layout (LAY or RLY file)

The layout represents empty "letter paper", in which you can define the headers
and footers, page format, page margins, starting font and font size as well as your
company logo. The default setting of this field is the standard layout. You can
select another layout via Search.

182 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG


The name of the current report appears here. If you have changed the print
options, you can enter another name here and save the report under this name.

This entry is transferred as title of the current report. It can be changed as desired.
If you do not save the current report, this change is only temporary.

Report type for Report Writer XML

If you activate this function, the current report type is only available for the XML
Report Writer. Leave this function deactivated to use the current report type in the
"traditional" Report Writer.

Print file
Specify the format in which the documents should be created here, what they
should be called, and in which directory they should be saved.

This is the Secretary format, application-internal text editor.

The list is generated in PDF format. This requires a connector, which must first
be configured in the System Options.

▪ Save on print
If you activate this function, the documents are automatically transferred to the
project structure in the selected file format.

11.7.3 Format composites

You can deselect individual format composites. The contents of the deactivated
format composites are not printed out.

If you are not familiar with generating print templates, leave the standard settings intact.

This selection is only active in a few reports.
Select the desired module.

Calculating the formula or total placeholder of the deactivated format

You can generate totals in various hierarchy levels via a total placeholder in
hierarchical analysis, such as the change order summary. If you want to show

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 183


summarised reports only through the hierarchies, you can activate this function to
generate the totals via the unprinted elements.

11.7.4 Data Transfer

You can open data in other programs - usually with a little preparatory work -
and/or create PDF files. Data transfer to external programs

You must follow a few rules in order to smoothly transfer your data into external
programs without losses.

▪ You must know which file formats are supported by the post-processing
program (for example, Microsoft Excel does not recognise RTF, whereas
Microsoft Word can process it).

▪ You can use the supplied report types for exporting the data if the post-
processing program can interpret the RTF file format. Transferring tables is
only possible in RTF format.

▪ If you would like to generate a list to be output in columns, for example, in order
to be able to easily add certain values in a subsequent program such as
Microsoft Excel, it is recommended to first create new report types for the work
areas to be exported and to use delimiters, such as a semicolon, to separate
the placeholders to be exported within the templates for these new report
types. The post-processing program can recognise the individual columns by
using these delimiters.

▪ You should create a report type for each work area for the data export with
ANSI or ASCII. This report type should contain a template in which the
placeholders to be exported are separated by delimiters, e.g. a semicolon. The
transfer of design elements in the layout (such as graphics) and tables is not
supported in this export. The contents of the tables are also not transferred.

▪ Microsoft programs normally load the data in ANSI format. However, if you
want to have the data imported in ASCII format, you must activate conversion
confirmation in the Microsoft Word options, for example, so that the MS-DOS
text format can also be selected when opening the exchange file.

▪ Assigning a layout with header and footer to a report type only makes sense if
you perform a data export using the RTF data format. Under certain
circumstances, design elements such as graphics and text boxes can lead to
unexpected results in the post-processing program.

184 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG


▪ You must configure the Global or User-related Settings, Programs, to be able

to select the post-processing program and the parameter file here.

If you follow these instructions, then the results upon opening the data in the post-
processing program should be satisfactory.

You can use the following settings to decide whether and how you would like to
export your data to an external program.

Transfer print result as

It is vital that you activate this function. Only then will the other settings be active.

Activate one of the following options to specify the file type for the export. This file
type must be compatible with the post-processing program.

▪ ANSI (American National Standards Institute)

ANSI is the code used by the Windows operating systems and Windows
programs for displaying characters. The ANSI character set uses all 8 bits of a
byte, making 256 displayable characters available. (Source: and

▪ ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)

The ASCII code is used in MS-DOS. The ASCII character set only uses 7 of
the 8 bits of a byte, meaning 128 displayable characters are available. The first
32 of these characters are used as control characters, for example, for
controlling a printer. Umlauts and other special characters do not exist in
ASCII. The extended 8-bit ASCII code is used to display country-specific
characters such as the German umlauts. 256 characters can be displayed with
this system. The additional character assignments can differ from computer to
computer. (Source: and

The characters with the numbers 32 to 127 are identical in ANSI and ASCII and contain the Latin
alphabet as well as punctuation marks and currency symbols. The special characters such as German
umlauts, French accents, etc. can be found in the values 128 to 255.

▪ RTF (Rich Text Format)

RTF files are text files consisting of ANSI text and formatting commands that
are also encoded as ANSI characters. RTF documents can be opened and
edited in various word processing programs and are therefore suitable for data
exchange. While text files in the word processing program Word for Windows
may contain so-called macro viruses, this danger does not exist for RTF files.
(Source: and

WTX is the format for transferring files to the Secretary program.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 185


View before transfer

If you activate this function, you can take another look at the printout in the
Secretary after the print preparation. The post-processing program is not started.
If you deactivate this setting, the post-processing program is started immediately
after the print formatting.

Save transfer file in directory

You can select the path for a directory where the export file should be saved.

▪ Browse
A Browse for File dialog appears, in which you can select the desired directory.
Click OK in this dialog window to accept the selected folder path.

▪ Name of the export file

The filename consists of the prefix Exp and a number that is assigned by the
operating system, e.g. Exp106.rtf.

Parameter file for data transfer

The supplied template RIBParameter.dvl is an additional cover sheet with
information about the current project. This information can be used for an archiving
system, for example. This data is transferred in ANSI format.

▪ Browse
A Browse for File dialog appears, in which you can select the desired file.

Search here for the post-processing program that should be automatically started
after the export file is generated.

You must first set up the post-processing programs in the Global or User-related Settings, Programs,
before you can select them here.

Delete transfer files after exiting the program

You no longer need the temporarily generated export file if you have saved the
exported data in the file format of the post-processing program. In this case, you
can activate this setting to automatically delete the export file after exiting the post-
processing program.

For ANSI/ASCII transfer

Specify whether the empty lines and the page break of the print document should
be displayed in the post-processing program.

▪ Remove page break

If you activate this function, the page breaks set in the printed document are

186 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG


not transferred. The post-processing program can recalculate the page breaks
that have been removed − you will not see unwanted page breaks.

▪ Remove empty lines

When you activate this function, the unnecessary empty lines are deleted. Note
that all empty lines are deleted during this process.

If there is a space in a line, it is not an empty line. Generate PDF file – Defaults

1. You must have a program installed that can generate PDF files, such as:

– Adobe PDF Distiller, version 6.0 or higher - licensing required -


– FreePDF XP, version 1.6 or higher - free - (

– qvPDF - free - (

2. A PDF connector must be installed.

The connectors are written to your hard disk during installation. By default, the
connectors for the above-mentioned PDF programs are provided:

– PDFDistiller.RIBConnector

– FreePDF.RIBConnector

– qvPDF.RIBConnector

3. The PDF connector must be specified in the Global or User-related Settings.

4. The desired connector is selected in the System Options or the User Options. Generate PDF file


The Defaults have been set.

1. Start your printing as usual.

2. Open the Print options.

3. Switch to the Data transfer tab.

4. Activate the function Transfer print result as.

5. Activate the function PDF.

6. Enter a path for data storage.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 187


7. Set the remaining Print options.

8. Start the printing.

9. A PDF file is generated. The Secretary document, which otherwise appears as

usual, is not displayed.

See also

 Generate PDF file – Defaults [➙ 187]

11.7.5 XML data transfer

You have several options for the XML export of data via the printout:

▪ XML export without connector

If you do not specify a connector, an XML file with a unique name is created
and stored in the configured folder.
You can use this XML data as required.

▪ XML export with connector

If you have a connector, you can select it here. The created XML file is
processed with the help of the connector and transferred to an external
program. The functions offered here are more extensive than in the standard
export without XML.

▪ Connect is a programming technology for controlling various import and export

functions. This is required to achieve integration of these systems. After the
installation of the integration software, for the relevant preparatory interfaces,
either ready-to-use scripts can be used or individual scripts can be developed. XML export without connectors

If you do not specify a connector, an XML file with a unique name is created and
stored in the configured folder.
You can use this XML data as required.

XML export without connectors

1. Open the Print Options of the particular report type and configure them as

Save transfer file in folder


Transfer print data to XML file

Activate this function: An XML data transfer is only possible if this function is
activated and the remaining entries become active.

188 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG


Save transfer file in directory

In this field, specify where the XML file is to be stored. To select the desired
directory, click Search or simply enter the path.

You will only need the remaining fields of this tab for XML export with

2. Confirm the entries by clicking on the OK, Save or Save As button. XML export with connectors

You can select a connector here, if you have one. The created XML file is
processed with the help of the connector and transferred to an external program.
Open the Print Options of the particular report type and configure them as follows:

▪ Save transfer file in folder


Matrix Report in Excel Principle of the XML export

The new Connect technology is to used to export any data to external applications.

The following principle is the basis of the free export:

▪ All data is provided in the form of a print output. The Report Writer is used to
design the content and format of the output to be flexible.

▪ The data is first put into an XML format.

▪ Then, if needed, the data is mapped (compared) with the data of the external

▪ The data is then written to the external application according to the rules
defined in the connector.

The descriptions of the following sections are given with the help of an example of
an Excel connector for the matrix report with the following requirements:

▪ The matrix report is a sorted analysis of the project alternative, which outputs
e.g. costs of a project sorted first by class and then by location.

▪ The export of this data to Excel in a specific file (template) is desired.

In Excel, further adaptations should be carried out (e.g. formatting, layout,
addition of graphics).

▪ It should be possible to update data into the already existing Excel file.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 189

Print Settings for Connect

After you have created a connector, proceed as follows:

1. The connector must be integrated.

2. The print template must be modified.

3. The Print Options must be modified.

4. The XML export is carried out. Default settings

In the global and user settings, specify all connectors that you want to select in
XML Data Transfer of Print Options.

1. Open the Global Settings and select the desired profile. Then click Edit.

2. Switch to Connect, if necessary.

3. Click on New and the configuration file is subsequently accepted.

4. Click on Search to select the connector. After the selection, the data appears in
the Connector dialog.

5. Click on the OK button to accept the settings.

6. Exit the program if necessary and restart it. Adjust print template

Due to the variety of specific formatting, the print templates (DVL files) available as
standard are not recommended. The best is to be create a separate print template.
Please note the following:

▪ Do not use any tables and graphics in the print template

▪ Do not use any special formatting

▪ Always use a common character as field separator (e.g. tabulator, semi-colon)

▪ Remove unnecessary placeholders and formatting from the print template

When creating new print templates, ensure that all unnecessary placeholders and formatting are
removed. Set print options

1. Open the Print Options.

190 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG


2. Activate the function XML Data Transfer, Transfer Print Data as XML File.

3. Select the desired folder in the field Save Transfer File in Directory. If
necessary, click on Search to select the directory.

4. Select the desired connector in the Program field.

Confirm your selection with OK, Save or Save As.

5. In the Print dialog window, the print process starts with a single click on Print. Execute XML export

There are two options for starting the XML export via a connector:

▪ by printing the document with the normal printing procedure

▪ with Project | Free Export in the project structure

This export can be started with a right-mouse click on the level in which the
report is available.
Thereafter, a list of all available free exports is displayed. Select the desired
export and click on Start Export.

Execute XML export to Excel

1. Click on the command Project | Free Export or the corresponding context menu
command from the project alternative.

2. Select the Excel export Matrix Print and click on Start Export.

3. Specify the name of the desired Excel file to where the data should be
exported, in the following window. You can specify an existing file or create a
new one.

4. Excel is started afterwards and the data is exported.

5. Post-formatting is now performed in Excel:

6. Cell sizes, frames, fonts

Create other formulas

The same filename can be specified again in the update. In this way, all values of the Excel file are
updated. Summarised XML export

The composite XML export allows several reports to be assembled into a single
XML export file.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 191


1. In the project tree, click on Project | Free Export.

2. Select the reports to be assembled from the Configured Exports list.

3. Activate the Activate Export Aggregation if you have not already done so.

4. Enter the connector and target file.

The selection can be saved and loaded in the next XML export again.

11.8 Creating a print and export package

Application Icon | Print | Settings | Print Packages
Application Icon | Data Exchange | Free Export | Export Packages

With the print and export packages, you can put together as many jobs as desired
in the so-called print or export packages. You select the list types or export lists
that are to be output in the process and save them as a print or export package.

Export packages can be saved in the reports (CFL files) with the following path

▪ Type="A": Path is absolute

▪ Type="X": Path is relative to the path of the XFL file

▪ Type="R" or attribute omitted: Path is relative to the template directory

In this way, it is possible to create export packages that, for example, are used for
remote functions outside of the actual export package (e.g. in the Connector

11.9 Printing dynamic attributes

To print the dynamic attributes use the Configured Characteristic Placeholders in
the templates.

Defining configured characteristic placeholders

1. Open the Report Writer with | Tools | Report Writer – Template.

2. Open the template which will be used to print the dynamic attributes. To do so,
click on the Application Button | Open.

3. Click on Start | Placeholder | Tools | Use Configured Characteristic

A window opens. Here you can specify which dynamic attributes should be

4. Close the window once you have inserted the desired characteristic

192 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG


5. Exit the program for the changes to take effect.

6. Start the program.

Using configured characteristic placeholders

1. Open the Report Writer with | Tools | Report Writer – Template.

2. Open the template which will be used to print the dynamic attributes. To do so,
click on the Application Button | Open.

3. The defined characteristic placeholders are available as placeholders in the

relevant format composites.
Insert the desired characteristic placeholders at the desired position. To do so,
click on Start | Placeholder | Insert Placeholder.

4. Close the Report Writer by clicking on the Application Button | Exit.

You are asked if you want to save the template. Confirm.

See also

 Displaying dynamic attributes [➙ 39]

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 193


12 Import/Export
Application Button | Data Exchange | xxx

The basis for the data exchange has been established by the German GAEB (Joint
Committee for Information Technology in the Construction Industry). The first
provisions were laid down in 1985 in the "German GAEB Regulations 85", which
were updated in 1990 with the "German GAEB Regulations 90". The new data
exchange formats GAEB DA 2000 and GAEB XML replace the regulations of
1990, which until now were an accepted standard at national level.

The following exchange formats (data types = DA) are available for data exchange.
Select the data type to be exported in the Export or Import dialog box, which you
usually open using the above-named function.

▪ DA 81 Bill of Quantities Transfer

Interface for exchanging bills of quantities between the clients

▪ DA 82 Cost Planning Transfer

Interface for exchanging bills of quantities as cost planning between the clients

▪ DA 83 Invitation to Tender
Interface for exchanging bills of quantities for the invitation to tender between
the client and the contractor/s.

▪ DA 84 Hand-over of Tender
Interface for exchanging tenders between contractor and client

▪ DA 85 Alternative Tender
Interface for exchanging bills of quantities as alternative tender between the
client and the contractor/s.

▪ DA 86 Contract Awarding
Interface for exchanging bills of quantities as contracts between the client and
the contractor/s.

▪ DA 87 Award Data
Interface for exchanging the award data including the project information

▪ DA 88 Change Order
Interface for exchanging change order BoQs as contracts between the client
and the contractor/s.

▪ DA 89 Application
Interface for exchanging applications between the client and the contractor/s.

▪ DA 93 Inquiry
Interface for exchanging applications between the contractor/s and the

194 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG


▪ DA 94 Quotation
Interface for exchanging applications between the contractor/s and the

▪ DA 96 Order
Interface for exchanging applications between the contractor/s and the

▪ DA 97 Contract Confirmation
Interface for exchanging applications between the contractor/s and the

12.1 Import project data

Application Button | Data Exchange | xxx

If you have selected a project alternative, you can import the following documents:

▪ BoQ

▪ XML estimate

▪ Activity model

You can also import data from other programs, provided that you have added other programs in the
Global Settings and User Settings | Programs. The list in the File Type field is dynamically updated
with these entries.

12.2 Export project data

Application Button | Data Exchange | Export

1. Select the project alternative.

2. Click on the Application Button | Data Exchange | Export.

A dialog box opens.

Select the export folder.

Export settings
There is a list for the export settings, from which you can select what you want
to export. By default, all visible documents are exported. If you want to export
individual documents, select these for the export.

For some components, you can define the export options.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 195


12.3 Exporting a package

Application Icon | Data Exchange | Export

You can export all or individual packages.

1. Select the group folder of the packages or a package.

2. Click on Application Icon | Data Exchange | Export

A dialog opens.

3. In the dialog box, various connectors are displayed for the data exchange.
However, for a standard export, you do not need connectors.
Click on the Continue without Connector.
A dialog box opens.

4. In the dialog box, enter the file name and the path for file storage.
Click Save.

Default settings for file names

When packages are exported, the file name is set as follows by default, but it can
be changed:

▪ Export one SP
Project code + Name of the SP + SP phase.xsp

▪ Export all SP

Check for existing contract number

During the export of the packages, the connector checks for existing contract
numbers. The verification only takes place for the packages that are in the contract
phase. If the contract number has not been entered, the export does not take
If the export is carried out from the group folder of the packages (i.e. for all
packages), and a package in the contract phase does not contain a contract
number,the export does not take place.
The verification of the contract number is implemented in the connector, in the file
CheckValues.js:(…\Connectors\ArribaFinanzen\Vergabeeinheit). By removing the
corresponding lines, the verification can be deactivated.

196 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

Master project

13 Master project
The master project forms the basis for working efficiently. There is exactly one
master project. The master project represents your archive. It contains a number of
master catalogs. Some of them already contain data by default; the others you will
fill in the course of editing your projects.

if the input catalog data is not present in the project, the program always requests
the catalog data created in the master project. The master data is copied to the
project data base when used in a project.

In this way you can change the catalog data in the project independently of the
master data. On the other hand, you can maintain you master data without
destroying old or current project databases, since these are independent of each

All contents that can be used in several projects exactly as they are in terms of
their structure and in most of their details should be stored in master catalogs.

Tasks of the master catalogs

1. to predefine structures of certain types of information, which should be valid as
such in projects, e.g. the structure of cost codes

2. to store frequently used detailed information, e.g. description and unit of

measure of a cost code

3. to store default values for the estimate process, which may need to be adapted
if required, e.g. the average purchase price of a material

4. to combine several details under one unit for simplifying the work, e.g. the
combination of stone and plaster per m³ for a certain masonry type.

Saving and restoring the master project

The master project is saved and restored in exactly the same way as any other
project via the Project Explorer or via the Navigator.

13.1 Save master project

Project Explorer, Actions | Project | Save or
Navigator, context menu:Save

1. Open the Project Explorer or the Navigator.

2. Select the Master project.

3. Click Save in the context menu.

A dialog box is opened.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 197

Master project

Project group
This data is displayed for information purposes.

Destination file
Select the destination folder.

In this field, enter comments on data backup.

Save external documents

This function saves all documents, such as drawings and construction
descriptions, for example. If you deactivate this function, your documents are
ignored in the saving process - actually they are also not present in the backup
file. If you restore this project, all documents would then be missing!

Back up Document Directory

Select if you want to back up the whole document directory.

Save Authorisations
Select if you want to back up the authorisations as part of the project data.

Retain the file name master.rpa to avoid confusion with other projects.

4. Click on OK in the Save project in file dialog box.If you want to save the master
project in the suggested standard folder, a message appears.
You are asked if you want to overwrite the existing backup file.

13.2 Restore master project

Project Explorer, Actions | Project | Restore or
navigator, context menu: Restore

Warning: System failure

If you want to replace the master project with another master project, ensure that no user is working
with this program for the same procedure! Otherwise, inconsistencies leading up to system faliure can

1. Open the Project Explorer or the Navigator.

2. Select the master folder.

3. Click Restore in the context menu.

A confirmation query is prompted.
This confirmation prompt prevents you from accidentally overwriting your

198 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

Master project

master project.
Click on Yes.

4. A dialog box is opened.

Select the archive file of the master project to be restored using the Find

Authorisations from backup file

This function is active by default and has the effect that the authorisations from
the backup files are also transferred. The authorisations are not restored if you
deactivate this function. No authorisations are granted in this case.

Move external files into the Document Directory

If external files were backuped, you can restore them into the data directory of
the master project.

Remove invalid File Links

If links to files were backuped, which are invalid now, you can remove the
invalid file links during restore.

5. Click on OK.
A dialog box is opened. You are informed that no other user is allowed to be
working with the program. Click on Yes.
Restoring the master project can take several minutes, depending on the size.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 199

General Functions

14 General Functions

14.1 Locations document

"Locations" refers to the spatial structuring of a building in this context. A "location"
is a particular spatially delimited component of a building. However, the term can
also be defined more broadly: parts of a building such as a wall and a ceiling are
also "locations".

These "locations" are closely related to the elements of the building. A building is
structured spatially and described thus.

The content of the Locations document is automatically copied from the CPI data.

The locations may assume considerable importance in connection with the project
controlling. A particular work item may arise for many project "locations" with
respective split quantities. A quantity determination for a work item is implemented
in planning by determining its split quantities for all individual locations. The
quantity total of the work item is then obtained as the total of these split quantities.
Planning gives information about split quantity and location of work items.
This view is offered in the Edit BoQ under the tab Quantity splitting.

Any "location" contains particular quantities of particular work items. Therefore, a

partial work item catalog exists for every location. The "locations" should be
structured in a hierarchical manner, since this allows the generation of work item
catalog for crude building subunits as well.

This view also corresponds to the approach used for the construction activities.
Particular work items of particular split quantities are assigned there as well.
However, a construction activity usually only describes a particular work category
for a location. Several construction activities can thus be assigned to one location.

14.1.1 Creating locations manually

As the locations are normally project-dependent, they are also created in a
separate document.
The locations are managed in the project alternative in the document with the same
name. You can create one locations document per project alternative.

1. Open your project.

2. Position the cursor over the project alternative.

Invoke the context menu command New | Locations.
The Locations document is created in the project structure.

200 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

General Functions

3. A confirmation query appears for opening the document.

Click on Yes. The Locations document is opened.
Open the locations properties with Start | General | Locations module
properties. You can set the structure of the document and the authorisations

4. For every Locations document, create the structure [➙ 201] once.

5. You can now create the locations.

Use the context menu commands.

6. Enter a Description for the newly created location.

You can copy or move existing objects or even entire hierarchy levels via drag and
drop. If an action is not clear, the system will display a dialog in which you can
specify whether the objects can be inserted, attached or accepted as sub-element. Structure
You can see the structure when you select the document Locations or Object
Model in the project structure or by opening the document and selecting the
uppermost entry.

Define the structure of your building here. You can award a maximum of 12
hierarchy levels. Work with the context menu in the table.
If you want to display additional columns, you can do this using the table

a) You can append individual hierarchy levels to the end of the object hierarchy at any time.
b) You can only delete hierarchy levels not used in the program.

Meaning of the table columns

Column label Meaning Special features

Hierarchy level Number of the hierarchy level Are numbered consecutively

Label Name of the hierarchy level Is used in the context menu of the
object model

Format Input:

▪ A = alphanumeric

▪ N = numeric

Format definitions for the CAD code

Min. length Number of characters that must be

used in the object number

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 201

General Functions

Max. length Number of maximum possible

characters of an object number

Start value Value used as a starting point for the

numbering of the object numbers.

Increment Increments for the automatic

numbering of the object numbers

Separators Characters used to separate the

parts of the object numbers; the
default is a period.

Filler character Characters used to fill the erroneous Specify exactly 1 filler character.
parts of the object numbers

CAD type Object description according to CAD ▪ Icons are set up automatically
▪ You can exchange individual
icons if required.

▪ Each icon can only have one


14.1.2 Copying locations from the master project

In addition to the option to copy a location document from the master project when
you create a project, there is also the option to copy it from the master project
whilst editing the project. All information of the location document is copied, e.g.
CPI filter and structures.

To do so, the corresponding system or user option Project/Project Alternative |

Locations | General must be active.

14.1.3 Set defaults for name

Start | General | Location Module Properties, CPI Objects

The formation of the object name can be defined via a free syntax. The object
name is formed from the CPI name without an explicit definition. If, for example, a
unique object element ID is to be systematically displayed in all areas and displays,
the formation of the object name can be freely defined via a syntax.

Incorporating the RevitID in the object name

Rule for object name: @Name [@Attr{RevitID}]

When the CPI data is read, the object names are formed according to this syntax,
e.g. rod 200 mm [146961]. This information is provided in all job areas.

202 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

General Functions

14.1.4 Selection Sets

View | Screen Configuration | Docking Window | Object Selection Groups

Basically, you copy multiple object elements of the same type from the Object
Visualisation window into the Object Selection Groups window. In this way, you can
create groups of the same object elements which are to be assigned the same
work item later. You give these groups suitable names and in this way structure the
sample process effectively. These arrangments are saved with the project.

Object selection groups in the master project

Object selection groups can already be defined in the location document of the master project. They
are made available while creating a new project by copying documents into the new project.

Statistic and dynamic object selection groups

In these object selection groups, you can generate the statistic or dynamic object
selection groups.

▪ Statistic object selection groups

The statistic object selection groups explicitly save the individual object IDs.
This means that while updating the objects, they remain statically in the object
selection groups. Only missing ones are deleted.

▪ Dynamic object selection groups

For the dynamic object selection groups, the criteria is saved which was used
to form these quantities. e.g. Material = "Concrete", etc.
These quantities are hereby always created using the current object data and
The quantities are updated in the following situations:

– After the query formula has been entered, as soon as you exit the input

– After the CPI model is updated, as soon as the quantity is displayed for the
first time.

– To do so, click on Functions | View | Refresh.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 203

General Functions

Object selection groups about quality of quantity details

The quality of quantity instances of an object can also be used for object selection groups.
This function is available only if the quality level has been accepted as comment in the formula
(system or user options, Quantity Overview). Instances without comment have quality level 0
Example: The following Object Query finds all objects that have at least one quantity detail of the
quality level > 1: QTI(@Quality > 1).

Manner of operation
You can select any object elements/objects as desired in the Object Visualisation
window and then copy them as a object selection group. This selection method is
meant for small projects; it would be cumbersome for large projects.
When working on larger projects, you can comfortably use the filter functions of the
Object Filter in addition to the Object Tree. With these filters, you select exactly
those object elements that you want to put together as an object selection group.
The copying into the Object Selection Groups window functions the same for both

1. In the Object Selection Groups window, click on (manual object selection

group) or (dynamic object selection group).

A new group is created.
Overwrite the suggested name New Object Selection Group with External
Walls, for example.

2. While using a dynamic object selection group, you can create a query formula
or use a filter in the object query field by clicking on From Filter.

3. In the Object Visualisation window, select the desired object elements. Select
multiple items by pressing and holding the <Ctrl> key.
In addition, use the selection quantities of the subwindow Object Visualisation
and, as the case may be, the various filter functions for the selection of the
object elements.

4. Now click on or .
The selected or visible object elements are copied in to the Object Selection
Repeat the previous and this work step until you have combined the group

5. For the actual sampling, you can select all or individual object elements in the
Object Selection Groups window and drag them to a work item in the Element
Planning Tree.
You can also reverse the process by dragging a work item from the element

204 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

General Functions

planning tree to the Object Selection Groups window.

When you have selected individual lines in the Object Selection Groups
window, you also have the option to sample only these selected lines.

Function Meaning

Functions of the selection list

New static object selection group

Generate new groups for objects;
you can overwrite the default name "New Object Selection Group".

New dynamic object selection group

Generate new groups for objects;
you can overwrite the default name "New Object Selection Group". You can define
an object query.

Delete object selection group

The current group will be deleted after a confirmation query.

Functions at the side

These functions are also available to you as a context menu.

The following functions lead to an update of the display in the Object Visualisation window

Display object selection group

Only those elements that are currently listed in the Object Selection Groups window
are displayed.

Also display object selection group

The objects from the Object Selection Groups are also displayed in addition to the
objects already displayed.

Do not display object seleciton group

The objects listed in the Object Selection Groups window are hidden in the Object
Visualisation window.

Select object selection group

The current objects in the subwindow Object Selection Quantities are selected in the
Object Visualisation window.

Normal view
All objects of the CAD data are displayed.

The following functions lead to an update of the display in the Object Selection Groups window

Add selected
The selected objects of the subwindow Object Visualisation are copied into the
window Object Selection Groups and added to the current selection.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 205

General Functions

Function Meaning

Existing objects are not copied in the selection.

Add visible
All objects of the subwindow Object Visualisation currently visible are copied into the
window Object Selection Groups.
Existing objects are not copied in the selection.

Delete selected
All objects of the subwindow Object Visualisation that are currently selected are
deleted from the Object Selection Groups window.

Delete visible
All objects of the subwindow Object Visualisation that are currently visible are
deleted from the Object Selection Groups window.

Delete all
All objects are deleted from the selection list of the subwindow Object Selection
Groups. Query syntax / rule (formulas)

The query / rule consists of functions which are linked by logical operators and
(&&) and or (||) and brackets. Each function in turn consists of a number of
attributes which are linked by the logical operators and (&&) and or (||) and

The syntax of an attribute in itself consists of the attribute name, a logical operator
(<, <=, >, >=, ==, !=) and the desired value (possibly with wildcards). Several
attributes can also be linked by and (&&) and or (||) and brackets.

Specific syntax features

In order for the syntax of the rule language to be similar to the previous two
languages (QTO syntax, formula parser) used in iTWO, the following provisions

▪ The logical operator for equal to is ==.

▪ Attributes which must exist directly for an object are identified by a @ placed in
front (CPI attribute transmissions are also included). Attributes which are
allowed to be directly present on the object and on a parent object, are
identified by a $ placed in front.
The query via @ is therefore identical to the filtering by objects via the object

▪ String values are enclosed at the top by simple quotation marks (e.g. 'Test');
numbers are indicated directly. The unit of measurement can be indicated in

206 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

General Functions

square brackets after a number (e.g. 42.5[m2]). When a comparison is made,

the corresponding conversion takes place.

▪ The logical operators and and or are displayed internally by && or ||.

▪ Wildcards (* and ?) are only permitted for strings and when the operators == or
!= are used


The function and attribute names are case sensitive. At the moment, the values are always compared

To address the objects, the following functions are available. Function for objects - Object(<Attribute>)

The object attributes are checked directly via the function Object().

For use in <Attribute>, the following attributes are available:

Attributes Meaning

FullID Key

Description Description


CpiPath CPI context

cpiComponentType CPI object element type

Negative Negative objects

Composite Composite objects

cpiFitMatchKey Matchkey of objects

ManAssignments Number of manual assignments of element cost plannings to an


<other attributes> Free attributes…


Object(@volume > 42.0[m3]) Checks if the attribute volume is greater than 42

square meters for a 3D object

Object ($RevitType == ’Floor’ && Checks if a 3D object is part of a floor and is made out
@Material == ’Concrete’) of concrete.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 207

General Functions

Object(@ManAssignments >= 1) Supplies all objects which at least have one manual
sampling. (sampling via dynamic object selection
quantities does not count as manual sampling. It is
therefore possible to create assignments via dynamic
object selection quantities which can only happen
though if a manual sampling does not already exist.)

The filter for cpi attributes (Locations document) affects the dynamic object selection quantities. Cpi
attributes which are already disregarded in the system by the filter, can also not be evaluated in the
dynamic object selection quantities. Function for element cost planning - FitItem(<Attribute>)

By selecting the function FitItem(), all objects are addressed which are connected
to an element cost planning via an association.

This association can exist via the following:

▪ Sampling

▪ Quantity detail with object and element cost planning relation.

For use in <Attribute>, the following attributes are available:

Attributes Meaning

Key Key for element cost planning

FitKey Matchkey of element cost planning

Description Description

Formula QTO formula

Unit Unit of measurement

Value Quantity

WC Work category key (WorkCategory)

FitItem($Description == 'W*') finds all CPI objects that are associated with an element
cost planning, which itself has the designation W... or
which is beneath such an element cost planning. Function for quantity instance - QTI(<Attribute>)

By selecting the function FitItem(), all objects are addressed which are connected
to an element cost planning via an association.

208 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

General Functions

For use in <Attribute>, the following attributes are available:

Attributes Meaning

Unit Unit as string

Manual 1 for instance origin "manual",

0 for instance origin "3D quantity"

Value Value (number with unit)

QTI(@Manual == 1 && finds all CPI objects for which there is a manual quantity
@Value == 42[m]) instance with the value 42 m. Here the unit is taken into
account and converted if necessary! Function for bill of quantities - BoQ(<Attribute>)

By selecting the function BoQ(), all objects are addressed which are connected to a
bill of quantities via an association.

For use in <Attribute>, the following attributes are available:

Attributes Meaning

RefNo RN

OutlineSpec Outline spec

WC Work category key (WorkCategory)

ItemTotal Item total (without discount)

BoQ(@ItemTotal >70000[US$]) finds all CPI objects which are associated with a BoQ
item where the item total is greater than 70000 US$.
Here of course the currency is also converted if
necessary. Advanced filtering

The dynamic object selection set can also be used for extended filtering.

All objects are to be displayed which have not yet sampled (assignment to element
cost planning) but where the description does not correspond to the specific values
('Partition Panel', 'Glazed', 'Model lines').

A dyn. object selection set can be created with the following query:

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 209

General Functions

FitItem(@Key == '') && Object(@Description != 'Partition Panel' && @Description

!= 'Glazed' && @Description != 'Model lines')

By calling it up using the symbol, only these objects are now displayed.

14.2 Quantity splitting

View | Screen Configuration | Docking Window | Quantity Split

In Quantity Splitting you can distribute the BoQ, AQ, BQ and IQ quantities of work
items across several categories, in order to bill them separately, for example:

▪ Bill-to
You can create the bill-to party in the Properties of the project alternative or

▪ up to 4 structures
The structures are created in the catalog Structures of the current project or of
the project MASTER.

▪ Locations
Create the locations in the document with the same name in the project

The Quantity Type (BoQ, AQ, BQ or IQ quantity) for which a quantity splitting can
be carried out depends on the current document. Quantity splitting is used in the
following documents:

210 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

General Functions

Quantity splitting overview

▪ Bill of Quantity
You can divide the BoQ and AQ quantities into the different categories in the
bill of quantity. If a BQ or IQ quantity already exists for the quantity splitting, a
check mark appears in the corresponding column.
By dividing the quantities into the different categories you can bill these
quantities separately in the billing BoQ.

▪ Billing BoQ
the quantity splittings of the bill of quantities is displayed in the billing BoQ.
You can create quantity splittings here for the billed quantities.
If an installed quantity already exists, a check mark appears in the
corresponding column.

▪ BQ/IQ Quantities
All quantities and quantity splittings are clearly displayed in the BQ/IQ quantity
document and can be edited.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 211

General Functions

a) Input method
You can set the default settings for the quantity input, quantity splitting, quantity balance, stages
of completion and many other details in the System or User Options, Quantity Administration.
b) Export via GAEB 90
As soon as you switch to the quantity splitting, a line appears containing the previously specified
quantity. This is only considered a quantity splitting once you have created another line. This fact
is also taken into account during a GAEB-90 export.
In the data exchange, a quantity splitting line (line type 27) is only transferred if two quantity
splitting lines exist, or if a classification or a location has been assigned to the split quantity or the

14.2.1 Create quantity splitting

View | Screen Configuration | Docking Window | Quantity Splitting

Context menu command New Split

For quantity splitting among different bill-to parties, the bill-to parties must first be created in the
project alternative or package. Otherwise the column Bill-to will not be available to you in the quantity

1. Select the desired work item.

2. If necessary, switch to the window Quantity Splitting. To do this, click on View |

Screen Configuration | Docking Windows | Quantity Splitting.
The quantity splitting is specified in a table. The table is created automatically
and always includes the table header with the column heading and the total
If a BoQ or adjusted quantity has been determined for the work item, then
another table line appears in the quantity splitting, which includes this quantity.

3. Fill in the table fields.

The total line is updated automatically.

4. You can create new quantity splitting lines using the context menu command
New split <Ctrl> + <N>. You can also press <Enter> at the end of the line.

Table columns in the quantity splitting

Column Meaning

Type The selected quantity splitting is entered. Each quantity splitting is

identified by a special colour in the table cells.

▪ Total (Colour: yellow)

Totals of quantity types per work item; is always created

212 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

General Functions

Column Meaning


▪ Split (Colour: grey)

Quantity splitting line for BoQ and adjusted quantity and
subtotal for IQ and BQ quantities for the selected BP (in the
quantity filter)

▪ Billed quantity(Colour: blue)

Billed quantity splitting line in the billing BoQ

▪ Installed quantity(Colour: red)

Installed quantity splitting line in the quantity document

Classification No. 1-4, ▪ A maximum of 4 columns can be shown for the assignment of
Classification No. 1-4 descr. classification catalogs. You determine which classification
catalogs are displayed. This is done in the project, in the
Quantity Splitting section, under Catalogs | Classifications,
Properties | Assignment.

▪ Selection with <F3> or

Locations ▪ This column is only active if locations have been created.

▪ Selection with <F3> or

Descr. locations Display of the location description; this can only be changed in the
locations document

BoQ quantity ▪ If a quantity exists in the BoQ, then it is copied.

▪ Quantities that are disabled in the BoQ cannot be edited either

in the quantity splitting, e.g. lump sum items.

▪ If additional quantity splitting lines are created, the quantity in

the BoQ is the same as the total of all BoQ item split

Update-compatible BoQ If a work item allocation exists, the quantities and all quantity
Update-compatible BoQ AQ splittings are included as standard during the data transfer. In this
column you can exclude individual quantity splittings from the data

QTO Quantity ▪ If a quantity has been entered in the bill of quantities using a
side computation/QTO, then it is displayed; the line colour is

▪ The QTO cannot be manually overwritten. It can however be

changed in the side computation or in the QTO (<Ctrl> + <R>).

Adjusted quantity ▪ If nothing else has been entered, the adjusted quantity is the
same as the BoQ quantity.

▪ If there is a deviating adjusted quantity in the BoQ, then it is


▪ If additional quantity splitting lines are created, the adjusted

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 213

General Functions

Column Meaning

quantity in the BoQ is the same as the total of all AQ item split

▪ For lump sum items, the adjusted quantity can deviate from
the BoQ quantity.

BP ▪ The current BP of the quantity filter is copied to newly created

quantity splitting lines.

▪ For old quantity splitting lines, the associated BP is displayed.

▪ The total line always refers to the BP that was selected in the
quantity filter.

Billed quantity If a billed quantity already exists in the billing BoQ, a check mark
appears here.

Checked quantity Flag for checked quantity

Supposed quantity Flag for supposed quantity

RP ▪ The current RP of the quantity filter is copied to newly created

quantity splitting lines.

▪ For old quantity splitting lines, the associated RP is displayed.

Installed quantity ▪ If an installed quantity exists, a checkmark appears here, in

the BoQ and billing BoQ.

▪ The installed quantity can be edited in the IQ/BQ document. Quantity types and line types

A separate line is created for every quantity type. In addition, coloured
backgrounds are used in the table cells to designate the various quantity types and
provide a clearer overview.

Total line (line type)

▪ The first line is the total line. This is created automatically as soon as quantity
splitting is opened. It exists one time per work item. The totals of all split lines
are added up here.
The total calculation in the billing BoQ and IQ/BQ document depends on the
BP selected in the quantity filter.

▪ Optionally, the totals can also be overwritten manually. This results in a

backward calculation across all quantity splitting lines. The split quantities are
then recalculated based on the previous proportions within the grand total.
The necessary default setting can be found in the System or User Options,

214 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

General Functions

Quantity Administration | Quantities 3, in the Allow change to billed quantity

totals in case of quantity splitting section.

▪ The total line cannot be deleted. However, if all quantity splitting lines are
deleted, the values are removed from the total line.

Split line (line type)

Context menu command: New Split

The second line is a split line. This is also created automatically as soon as
quantity splitting is opened. This line can be created any number of times.

Billed quantity (quantity type)

Context menu command: New Billed Quantity
One billed quantity can be created per split and BP/RP.

Each quantity splitting from the bill of quantities can be billed separately. To do this,
use the context menu command New | Billed Quantity.

For each BP/RP, one line can be created per split and quantity type. The split line
represents the split quantities of the selected BP/RP. The necessary default setting
can be found in the System or User Options, Quantity Administration | Quantities 3,
function Show billed/installed quantities in individual split lines per BP/RP.
The quantities of the split line can be overwritten manually.

Installed quantity (quantity type)

Context menu command: New Installed Quantity
One installed quantity can be created per split and BP/RP.

Split quantity from side computation

Actions | Quantity | Quantity Type, Side Computation

Use the context menu command Quantity | Side Computation (<Ctrl>+<R>) if you
wish to calculate the split quantity using a side computation. The split quantity is
automatically updated in the quantity splitting.
Split quantities from a QTO or side computation can be manually changed in the
quantity splitting. The QTO or side computation remains unchanged.

14.2.2 Quantities from the element planning document

The quantities of the object elements can be copied directly from the model data.
This occurs in the element planning document

Copy specific quantities from the CAD data. Three-dimensional data is available
thanks to designing within a CAD system. From this data, you can filter out the
quantities you require for the individual work items.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 215

General Functions

With access to the design plans, the quantities can be copied exactly, and you
save a significant amount of time that would be required for manual quantity
determination while reducing possible errors.

In the element planning document, you can define quantity queries for the work
items to be executed. The program uses this quantity query to filter out the
quantities for the individual work items.
The quantity of a work item consists of n split quantities since the quantity
calculation is performed separately for each object element. Each split quantity is
listed as a split line.

If you select a work item in the bill of quantities, you will see n split quantities in the
Quantity Splitting window; the total of these split quantities is copied as BoQ/AQ

Quantity splitting

The quantities of the top line of the quantity splitting are automatically calculated
from the underlying split lines and copied to the bill of quantities.

If no changes were entered for the adjusted quantities, the adjusted quantity is
equal to the BoQ quantity.

14.2.3 Quantity splitting in the billing BoQ

Context menu command New Split
Context menu: New Billed Quantity

216 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

General Functions

All quantity splittings are visible in the billing BoQ; the ones from the tender BoQ
and the ones from the application.
A setting in the System or User Options allows the quantity splittings to be viewed
per billing period (Quantity Administration | Quantities 3, Show billed/installed
quantities in individual split lines per BP/RP).

The individually billed quantity splitting is entered cumulatively. Anything entered

per BP is shown in lines with a blue background. The splits are naturally added to
obtain the total billed quantity in the current BP.
The table line Billed Quantity has a grey background if a corresponding QTO

If the option Edit last billing/report period only is activated, the BP cell appears grey
and only the last BP is light blue.
The settings of the quantity filter provide defaults for new billed quantities. The total
of the billed quantities always refers to the current BP of the quantity filter.
The billing periods (BP) can be optionally enabled.
In addition to the specified criteria, the billed quantity is split over the billing period
(BP), and the installed quantity is additionally split over the report period (RP). This
model allows the optional entry (System or User Options, Quantity Administration |
Quantities 3) of the total quantity with proportional splitting over the existing split

Quantity Filter
a) The settings of the quantity filter are copied as defaults for new quantity splitting lines. These
values can be overwritten.
b) Selection of the BP in the quantity filter is important for the value in the total line. In case of a
cumulative entry, the total line optionally shows the cumulatively billed quantity of the selected

14.2.4 Quantity Splitting in BQ - IQ Document

The quantity split in the IQ-BQ document offers you an overview of all work item

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 217

General Functions

Show all data

a) In order to be able to see all quantities in the IQ-BQ document for the billing and report periods,
the following function must be activated:
System or User Options, Quantity Administration | Quantities 3 | Display Installed/Billed
Quantities in Individual Split Rows per BP/RP
b) You can control whether or not the IQ total can be modified despite the quantity split with the
following function:
System or User Options, Quantity Administration | Quantities 5 | Permit Changes to IQ Totals for
Existing Quantity Split

Provided this option is activated, all quantities are displayed for the work item. The
billed and installed quantities will be displayed in individual lines per BP/RP for all

Quantity split in the billed-installed quantities document

The quantity types are identified with different colours for a better overview.

Quantity filter settings

In general, the settings of the quantity filter are used as a default for new quantity
split lines.
The selection of the BP has an effect on the totals line. The totals line always
displays the total for the selected BP.

Calculation in the quantity split

In the given example, there are two splits, split 1 and split 2. In split 1, billed
quantities are entered for the 1st and the 3rd BPs. Split 2 contains only one billed
quantity for the 3rd BP. Since the 3rd BP was selected in the quantity filter, only the
billed quantities of the 3rd BP of all splits are added.
The filter settings also affect the split line, since only the accumulated sum of the
billing period is located here.

218 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

General Functions

14.3 Mathematical operations and constants

You can perform the most varied of mathematical operations in the program. The
operands can be both numbers and parameters. The mathematical operations are
especially suitable for all quantity details, parameters and typical values.

Define your quantity calculations with parameters and mathematical operations in:

▪ Project

▪ Characteristic catalog

▪ Work Item catalog

▪ Estimate document

You can use the following mathematical operations and constants in quantity
queries and quantity details. General mathematical operations include subtraction,
addition, brackets, etc.

Mathematical operator
Mathematical operator Meaning Example
Quantity query Result

+ Total 1+1 2.000

- Difference 2-1 1.000

* Product 2*3 6.000

/ Quotient 6/3 2.000

() Brackets (2+3)*4 20.000

^, Power 2^3 16.000

** 2**3 16.000

~, Root 2~16 4.000

// 2//16 4.000
(square root of 16)

Mod Modulo 10mod3 1.000

div Integer portion of a 10div3 3.000


Only letters, digits and "_" are allowed for parameter names, whereby names must
not start with "_" or a digit. Parameter names can be configured to have upper case
or lower case. Invalid mathematical operations are announced with an error

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 219

General Functions

Constants Meaning Example
Quantity query Result

Pi Pi = 2.0*asin(1.0) pi*1 3.14

e Euler's number e*1 2.718

You can freely use constants in the mathematical operation. If in doubt, put the
constants in brackets.

General Functions
Function Meaning Example
Quantity query Result

floor Next smallest integer floor(12.27) 12.000

ceil Next largest integer ceil(12.27) 13.000

sqrt Root sqrt(16) 4.000



sqr Square sqr(2) 4.000

abs Absolute amount abs(-12.27) 12.270

roundk Round to y decimal roundk(12.27;1) 12.300



round Round to 0 decimal round(12.27) 12.000


trunc Truncate decimal trunc(12.77) 12.000


min Minimum min(3;5;4;2) 2.000

max Maximum max(3;5;4;2) 5.000

if If the first parameter is If (1;2) 2.000

not equal to 0, the result
if (0;1;2) 2.000
is that of the second
If (0;1) 0.000
parameter. If the first
parameter is not equal
to 0, the result is that of
the third parameter (if
this exists). Otherwise

220 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

General Functions

Function Meaning Example

Quantity query Result

the result is 0.

QTO Start of the QTO

quantity query

Trigonometric functions

Unless otherwise specified, all angle details are in degrees.

Function Meaning Example
Quantity query Result

sin sine sine(90) 1.000

cos Cosine cos(90) 0.000

tan Tangent tan(45) 1.000


x != Pi/2 ± n*Pi

cot Cotangent cot(45) 1.000


x != ± n*Pi

arcsin Arc sine arcsin(1) 90.000


-1 <= x <= 1

arccos Arc cosine arccos(0) 90.000


-1 <= x <= 1

arctan Arc tangent arctan(1) 45.000

arctan2 Arc tangent 2 arctan2(1;1) 0.700

arccot Arc cotangent arccot(1) 45.000

Hyperbolic functions
Function Meaning Example
Quantity query Result

sinh Hyperbolic sine sinh(2) 3.627

cosh Hyperbolic cosine cosh(5) 74.203

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 221

General Functions

Function Meaning Example

Quantity query Result

tanh Hyperbolic tangent tanh(0.2) 0.197

Exponential functions
Function Meaning Example
Quantity query Result

ln Natural logarithm (base ln(10) 2.303




log Common logarithm log(100) 2.000

(base 10)



exp e to the power of exp(1) 2.718

eex 10 to the power of eex(2) 100.000

Conversion functions
Function Meaning Example
Quantity query Result

rad Converts angle from rad(180) 3.142

degrees to radian

deg Converts angle from deg(3.142) 180.023

radian measures to

Boolean operators
Operator Meaning Example
Quantity query Result

< Less than 5<10 1.000

<= Less than or equal to 5<=10 1.000

> Greater than 5>10 0.000

>= Greater than or equal to 5>=10 0.000

222 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

General Functions

Operator Meaning Example

Quantity query Result

<> Not equal to 5<>10 1.000

== Same 5==10 0.000

Boolean operators indicate whether a statement is true (1) or false (0).

Logic links

If you would like to use multiple parameters of a parameter code, you can place
them in sequence with logical links
e.g. …CondComp:="LB==´014`&& Characteristic==Characteristic{Tiles}"….
Operator Meaning Example
Quantity query Result

! NOT !(5<10) 0,000

!(5>10) 1,000

&& AND

|| OR

14.4 PDF Output

A PDF file can be generated directly from the print framework.

The installation of at least one of the following PDF generators is necessary:

1.) Adobe PDF Distiller 6.0

2.) FreePDF XP 1.6* (

3.) qvPDF* (

* These solutions are free of charge – they only use freeware tools.

The program provides one connector each for this, which must be registered via
the Global Settings. Afterwards, the desired PDF connector is selected via
System/User Options | General | PDF Generation.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 223

General Functions

Note to customers (developers) who wish to customise the connectors themselves:

a) It is possible to automatically create a PDF based on a WTX document. This is done via a PrintTo
command. This command is executed by dragging & dropping a WTX document onto a printer in
the explorer. However, the command can also be executed via command line:

⇨ C:\Programs\...\Bin\secret.exe /pt "C:\Temp\Test.wtx" "FreePDF XP"

b) Here are the exact meanings of the parameters:

⇨ /pt "%1" "%2" "%3" "%4"

%1: filename to print
%2: printer name
%3: driver name: "WINSPOOL" <- standard default
%4: port name: "NE01:" <- standard default

14.5 Creating a bill of quantities from the elemental

costing and object model
Start | Actions | Create BoQs

When you are working with data collections, they must be updated with the manufacturer data first;
otherwise, an error message appears.

There is a link between the composites/WIC element planning and the BoQ items
generated from it.

1. Open the object model or the elemental costing.

2. Click on Start | Actions | Create BoQs.

An assistant is started, which guides you through the required steps.

3. Click on Continue and finally Finish.

The bill(s) of quantities are created.

There is a link between the composites/WIC element planning and the BoQ items
generated from it. This link guarantees that the item and the composite detail can
be found.

14.5.1 General explanations

You can generate bills of quantities from the elemental costing and the object
model. This takes place from the element planning of the object model or the
composite details of the elemental costing.
Each space has detailed specifications in space parameters. This includes basic
measurements such as length, width and height, but also values that have already
been prepared, such as floor areas, wall areas, etc. This information is used by the

224 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

General Functions

cost elements for the calculation of the composite detail quantities. These quantity
results can be copied into the bills of quantities.

The first run

When you create the bills of quantities from the object model or the elemental
costing for the first time, the following takes place:

▪ Packages are generated, if necessary

▪ The bills of quantities are generated; if necessary, the budget BoQ receives an
item entry.

▪ The divisions are generated depending on the specifications.

▪ BoQ items are created. The generated BoQ items have a link to the element
planning/composite details. This guarantees that the same item will be found
during the creation of a new BoQ.

▪ Split quantities of the item are calculated from the element planning/composite
details according to the specified calculation processes and written into the

Other runs
Existing split quantities will be deleted for existing element planning/composite
details. The split quantities are re-formed and copied into the bill of quantities.

For new element planning/composite details, the following occurs:

▪ Packages are generated, if necessary

▪ The bills of quantities are generated; if necessary, the budget BoQ receives an
item entry.

▪ The divisions are generated depending on the specifications.

▪ BoQ items are created. The generated BoQ items have a link to the element
planning/composite details. This guarantees that the same item will be found
during the creation of a new BoQ.

▪ Split quantities of the item are calculated from the element planning/composite
details according to the specified calculation processes and written into the

▪ If a BoQ item has lost all references to the element planning/composite detail,
this item will be deleted from the BoQ.

Links between element planning/composite details and BoQ items

When you modify, copy or delete element planning/composite details, the
generated bills of quantities should be updated when you carry out the function
Create BoQs again in the object model or in the elemental costing. At the same

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 225

General Functions

time, the links between the element planning/composite details and the BoQ items
will be updated.

▪ Move items in the BoQ

When you move individual items within a PA/SP in the generated BoQ, the link
to the element planning/composite detail remains.
When you move individual items into another PA/SP in the generated BoQ, the
link is lost.

▪ Copy items in the BoQ

When you copy a generated BoQ item, the copy does not have a link to the
element planning/composite detail.

General information
▪ There is a link between the composites/WIC element planning and the BoQ
items generated from it. This link guarantees that the item and the composite
detail can be found.
The composite detail recognises if the item is deleted. Likewise, the item
recognises if the composite detail is deleted.

▪ The copying of items deletes the link permanently (i.e. the deletion is
In contrast, the link remains when moving items within the PA.

▪ BoQs can also be generated in the PA (Creation Target).

There is an option (Form Job Package), which enables you to link the new BoQ
the same as the underlying WIC-BoQ, or according to individual specifications,
such as WC No. or Class No. Here, the BoQ Assignment is not displayed,
since the formation of the new bills of quantities and their classification are
taken from the WIC-BoQ.

▪ The labels of the new BoQ or packages are recommended in BoQ Assignment,
depending on the selected individual package formation. No entry for the SP
No. means that the BoQ will be created in the SP. Previously generated BoQs
are shown in grey. If a BoQ is not to be generated, the entry in the BoQ label
must be deleted.

▪ Determine BoQ Levels enables the setting of the new BoQ structure. These
entries are ignored if you plan to write into an already existing BoQ. The
structure of the existing BoQ has priority here.

▪ In System Options, Elemental Costing | Create BoQs, you can specify the
default settings.

226 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

General Functions

14.5.2 Updating quantities or links

Here, you specify whether or not the existing quantities should be updated or if
additional items are to be generated.

Only update quantities

Generate additional items (from WIC items) and updated quantities
You can activate one of the two settings.
You can either update only the existing BoQ quantities or generate new BoQ items
from WIC items and additionally update all BoQ quantities.

Delete all quantities (also manual split quantities of linked items)

If you want to delete all BoQ and AQ quantities from the bill of quantities before the
update in order to, for example, copy only the adjusted quantities into the bill of
quantities, activate this function.
If you want to update only the existing quantities, leave this function deactivated.

Transfer to BoQ quantity and adjusted quantity

Transfer to adjusted quantity
You can activate one of the two settings.
You can copy the quantities into the bill of quantities as either BoQ and adjusted
quantities or only as adjusted quantities.

Create QTOs
The quantities are created as QTO quantities. The QTO document is automatically

Copy comments
The comments in the element planning/composite are copied into a user-defined
field in the bill of quantities.

Copy CE code
The cost element code is copied into a user-defined field in the bill of quantities.

Only consider composite details with quantity not equal to 0

If you only want to copy the element planning to which you have assigned a
quantity into the bill of quantities, activate this function.
If this function is not activated, all element planning elements with a quantity of 0
are copied into the bill of quantities.

Only consider composite details with split quantities

If you only want to copy the element planning instances that have split quantities
into the bill of quantities, activate this function.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 227

General Functions

If this function is not activated, all element planning elements are copied into the
bill of quantities.

Delete linked SP or PA items

This setting is only active if "Only consider composite details with split quantities" is
If you have deleted instances of cost elements, and the linked BoQ elements are to
be deleted also, activate this function.
Note that the linked BoQ elements may already be a component of a contract.
If this function is not activated, the linked BoQ elements remain in place, even if the
origin (instance) was deleted.

14.5.3 Creation target

Specify where the bill of quantities are created.

Create BoQs in the project alternative

Bills of quantities are created in the project alternative.

▪ Copy estimate details

The estimated details of the WIC items are copied into the PA-BoQ.

Create BoQs in packages

Bills of quantities are created in the packages.

▪ Generate BoQ items

When a BoQ is created in an SP, this SP-BoQ is linked with a PA item in the
budget BoQ as per the work item allocation.

14.5.4 Form job packages

In the object model, you can assign WIC items to each space as element planning.
Cost elements can also contain many WIC items. These WIC items are now the
source for the generation of the SP- or PA-BoQs.
The goal is to form packages from WIC items. These packages, also known as job
packages, are allocated BoQ codes and/or package codes subsequently.

BoQs are to be packaged and structured like WIC-BoQs

The formation of the packages takes place in such a way that all items of a WIC
are together in one BoQ.

The job packages are divided separately based on WIC-BoQs. In order to be able
to depict the structure within these BoQs, independent BoQs must be generated
from the job packages. That is to say, the specifications for SP no. or BoQ no. must
generate separate BoQs. The program does not permit deviating entries.

228 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

General Functions

BoQ packaging through individual specifications

You can use four criteria for the individual formation of the bills of quantities. Each
of these four criteria corresponds to a catalog. The bill of quantities is structured
analogue to this selection. Select the analysis level for each criterion. The higher
the analysis level, the more BoQ hierarchies are generated.

With this selection, you can write two job packages in one target BoQ. For this
reason, the specification of identical SP no. or BoQ no. is possible here.

The higher the analysis level and the more criteria that are used, the more more job packages are

14.5.5 BoQ assignment

The previously formed job packages are displayed. The default settings of the
white fields can be overwritten. The corresponding labels are only copied from the
criteria WC and WIC.

WC WIC Default behaviours

SP label BoQ label

x WC label WC label

x WIC outline spec WIC outline spec

x x WC label WIC outline spec

There are different entry behaviours, depending on the selection in the Creation
Target window.

Create PA Create SP Description

x Only the entry of a BoQ is permitted. You cannot make SP

specifications. All BoQs are created in the PA.

x You absolutely must specify the SP no.

x x If no SP no. was specified, it is automatically assumed that the BoQ is

to be generated in the project alternative. A note appears in the SP
Label column.

If no BoQ is to be generated from a job package, the entry for the BoQ no. must be
For existing packages or bills of quantities, the label cannot be modified.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 229

General Functions

For job packages from which bills of quantities have already been generated, the
entry of the label and the code is blocked for the package and the bill of quantities.

14.5.6 Determine BoQ levels

This dialog box does not appear if the function Package and Structure BoQs Like
WIC-BoQs was selected in the window Form Job Packages. The BoQ structure
results from the structure of the WIC-BoQ. For this reason, you can do without this

If you have selected the function Packaging Through Individual Specifications in

the Form Job Packages dialog box, the WIC items must form a structure in the job
packages in the created bill of quantities. This structure is created from the
following specifications.

Here, you determine the structure system and the hierarchy of the bill of quantities.
The building structure, the work categories, the cost group numbers and the WI
catalogs all serve as the structure system. Here, you assign each of these structure
elements a hierarchy level from the created bill of quantities.

The settings of this tab are widely ignored when a job package is to be written into an existing bill of
quantities. In this case, only the division is named according to the settings.
If fewer divisions are to be assigned here than in the existing bills of quantities, an empty division will
be created during the BoQ creation (division without outline spec). In any case, the existing BoQ
structure specifications are maintained.
If fewer divisions are to be specified in the existing bill of quantities, only these levels are expanded
during the BoQ creation. In any case, the existing BoQ structure specifications are also maintained

14.6 Configurations
Project Structure | Configurations

Configurations represent a complete display of the most varied data.

You must first activate some of the configurations in the basic global settings for them to be displayed.
You must also release the allocation configuration in the System Options).

You can set defaults in the configurations for:

▪ Configured characteristics
You can enhance most of the objects with individual characteristics. These
configured characteristics can be defined similar to the system characteristics.
These configured characteristics can be used on almost all analyses using the

230 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

General Functions

logic of dynamic placeholders and formula placeholders. For this, the Report
Writer is required.

▪ KOSIV configurations
Specify how the technical and commercial cost codes should be mapped.
Logical mapping of the technical (estimate) cost codes with the commercial
cost codes is the basis for the realistic costs-planned-actual comparison

▪ Allowances sheet configuration

Specify how the estimate allowances sheet should be formatted. Every
estimate has an allowance sheet summary, which has to meet various
requirements depending on the tender processing.

▪ System characteristics
You can specify company-specific details which you can copy to the individual
projects if needed.

▪ Allocation configurations
Specify the allocation method and allocation values.

14.6.1 Create KOSIV Configurations

Project window, Start | New | Catalogs | Configuration

Specify how the technical and commercial cost codes should be mapped. Logical
mapping of the technical (estimate) cost codes with the commercial cost codes is
the basis for the realistic Costs Comparison Planned vs. Actual (Kosten-Soll-Ist-
Vergleich (KOSIV).

1. Select the entry KOSIV Configurations in the project structure and click on Start
| New | Catalogs | Configuration.

2. The program creates a new configuration with the name Unnamed


3. Edit the corresponding input in the basic data.

4. Open the new configuration by double-clicking.

5. Map the technical (estimate) cost codes with the commercial cost codes.

14.6.2 Create Config. of Allowances Sheet

You can specify how the estimate-allowances sheet should be formatted. Every
estimate has an allowance sheet summary, which has to meet various
requirements depending on the tender processing.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 231

General Functions

The function profile Configuration: Allowances Sheet must be activated.

Creating config. of allowances sheet

1. Select the entry Configurations | Allowances Sheet Configuration and click on
Start | New | Catalogs | Allowances Sheet Configuration.

2. The program creates a new allowances sheet configuration.

3. Edit the corresponding input in the basic data.

4. Open the new allowances sheet configuration by double-clicking.

5. Expand the structure view completely and define your individual allowances

14.6.3 System characteristics

You need the system characteristics for easy retrieval of basic data at various
places, e.g. project leader, unit rate breakdowns, etc.

The system characteristics are automatically created in each project and can be
individually changed. Depending on whether you create a project based on the
master or a template project, the particular system characteristics are copied from
the master or template project into the current project.

If you cannot view the system characteristics in the project structure, you must change the related
setting in the System Options.

The system characteristics are stored in the folder 90 Basic Data:

In the input data field, the name of which is similar to that of a system
characteristic, you can access the typical values of the system characteristics in a
list field. Record system characteristics

Before you edit your first project, you must record system characteristics for your
company. But you can always change the data. The change of a system
characteristic has no impact on the current project.

For example, if the project leader Mr Black leaves the company in the middle of the
project and Mr Miller takes over the project leadership, it is not enough for you to
just replace the name of the project leader in the system characteristics. You must
then also change the name in the Basic Data of the Project Properties.

232 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

General Functions

1. In the project structure open the Configurations and double-click on System


2. Fully expand the System Characteristics.

3. Place the cursor on the system characteristic to be changed.

4. You can change System Characteristics in the Basic Data.

You cannot create any new system characteristics. Only the installed system characteristics can be

The code is specified by default and cannot be changed.

You can change the description at any time. When you do this, the relevant entry
also changes in the structure tree. This change has no other effects.

Enter a shorter name if necessary.

The code is specified by default and cannot be changed easily. The following types
are available:

▪ Text
If you select this type, the content of the typical value can only be a text.
If the type of the system characteristic is Text, the contents of the respective
system characteristic are managed as typical values. In the interface, you will
see a drop-down list in the corresponding fields for making a selection.

▪ Summable Number
If you select this type, the content of the typical value can only be a number.
If the type of the system characteristic is Summable Number, the contents of
the respective system characteristic are managed as typical values. In the
interface, you will see a drop-down list in the corresponding fields for making a

▪ Date
If you select this type, the content of the typical value can only be a date.
If the type of the system characteristic is Date, the contents of the respective
system characteristic are managed as dates. In the interface, the
corresponding fields have a date field.

▪ Catalog Reference
With this selection, a class catalog is defined for the respective system

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 233

General Functions

characteristic as a typical value list. Thus, you have the option of defining self-
recorded catalog contents for the system characteristics. These individual
catalogs are recorded in the catalog folder Classes. If you select this type, then
instead of the Typical Values field, an area appears in which you can select the
desired catalog of the current project via Search.
If the type of the system characteristic is marked as Catalog Reference, the
contents are managed in class catalogs. In the interface, the corresponding
fields are not list fields, but fields for selecting the catalogs (select with <F3>).

The catalogs that you can select here are only class catalogs.

Convert type of system characteristic

You can only convert the system characteristic type if no typical values exist, or if
the class catalog was deleted in the for the Catalog Reference type.

Typical values
In this field, enter the data which you would like to select later, e.g. in the Project
Properties, such as all project leaders, for example.
Create the individual typical values in the form of a table. In the field Typical Values
select the context menu command New.
Enter the desired texts, numbers or data in the new line. Repeat this step until you
have entered all typical values.

The Connect module is a self-created program which displays a list of typical
values from another program with <F3> and performs a validation. You can thus
access the commercial system in the system characteristic Client or Cost Centre,
for example.

Typical values are mandatory

If you activate this function, you are forced to select one of the given typical values.

With Code
If you activate this function, the given typical values are numbered serially. You can
simply overwrite the numbering. The typical values are not sorted with the help of
the code. Copy system characteristics

Start | Actions | Update Catalog

If you have opened the system characteristics, you can insert the system
characteristics of other projects into the current system characteristics or overwrite
the current system characteristics.

234 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

General Functions

1. Open the System Characteristics.

2. Click on Start | Actions | Update Catalog. A dialog window opens.

Project group
From the list field Project Group select the project group that contains the
project, from which the system characteristics are to be transferred.
All projects of the selected project group are displayed in the middle area.
Select the project from which you want to copy the system characteristics.

For the whole catalog

This option is only active if you selected one or more system characteristics in
the table, before starting the copy process. If you want to overwrite all system
characteristics with the selected system characteristics of the other project,
activate this option.

Only for selected elements

This option is only active if you selected one or more system characteristics in
the table before starting the copy process. If you want to overwrite the system
characteristics selected in the table with the selected system characteristics of
the other project, activate this option.

3. Click on OK.
The desired system characteristics are accepted.

14.6.4 Configured characteristics

The Configured Characteristics catalog has all three functions; the System
Characteristics catalog only contains the function Use characteristics from the
You can assign the attribute read-only to a configured characteristic. Information
fields that cannot be edited directly by the user can also be created in this way, for
example, the last date of an import or arbitrary external keys.

You can hide or display a configured characteristic.

Use characteristic data from master

In general, a configured characteristic is created once within a master. When a
project is created, the configured characteristics are adopted by the project from
the master only once. If it becomes necessary to change the definition of this
characteristic, this is done within the master by the system administrator. (e.g.
adding typical values, "making typical values mandatory", even changing the type).

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 235

General Functions

Up until now, it was not possible to transfer such changes in the MASTER to the
project. This new function allows the system administrator to force an adjustment
within the project if a characteristic is modified in the master. The typical values are
adjusted in this way, up to and including changing the type. Invalid data entries are

Project actions which force an adjustment of a characteristic

▪ Modification via entry
When entering a value in an existing characteristic object, the type is checked
first. If the stored project characteristic does not correspond to the master
characteristic, the characteristics are adjusted first. In this case, the entry is
discarded and must be entered again. This is necessary because the type of
characteristic (text, date, number, ...) may have changed.

Type modifications in the table cannot be displayed immediately. It is

recommended to close and reopen the document.

▪ Modification via multi-function bar

Three adjustments are carried out using the function Start | Actions | Update

– Characteristics that are not yet contained in the project are then generated

– Characteristics stating Use characteristics details from the master are fully
adjusted as described above.

– For characteristics which do not state Use characteristics details from the
master the typical values are only extended if the type is the same. Objectives
The "Configurated Characteristics" module allows the user to expand most
program objects with their own characteristics (data fields). These configured
characteristics can be defined in the same way as the system characteristics.
These configured characteristics can be used for almost all evaluations via the
logic of the dynamic placeholders and formula placeholders (Report Writer is

With this functionality, the program installation can be adjusted very flexibly to
specific requirements. These extensions are not usually performed by the end
user. It is recommended that this preliminary customizing process be performed
during consultation.

236 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

General Functions Structure of "Configurated Characteristics"

The characteristics are defined in the "Configured Characteristics" configuration.
This configuration can be found in the configurations folder. The configuration is
only visible in the master as standard, but it can also be activated in the project via
the System Options (General - Display).

The program logic also applies here in principle, i.e. this data is provided in each
project and the master is the default. This ensures that a project can "survive" and
that projects can have differently configured characteristics.

When a new project is created without a template project, the "Configured

Characteristics" configuration is copied so that these characteristics are available
in the new project.

If characteristics in project are to be configured later, then the configuration can be

copied by dragging and dropping. Definition of the characteristics

A group must be created in the catalog to define the characteristics. The code of
the group defines in which class of objects the characteristics are created. This
code can be taken from a list of code words (see appendix). The description of the
group indicates the name of the tab in which it is shown. If no description is
entered, the name "Configured Characteristics" is used. The type of group is used
as a default for new attributes.

The characteristics themselves are entered subordinate to the group (New

Characteristic, <Ctrl>+<N>). The description of the characteristic indicates the
name under which the attribute is shown and which is used when printing. The
code of the characteristic is unique and sets the order in which the attributes are
displayed on the tab (see below). The short name is not currently used.

The other settings are described in the "Types" chapter.

See also

 Types [➙ 238] Display of characteristics

The characteristics are displayed on tabs (user-defined characteristics). A
maximum of 10 characteristics are contained on one tab as standard. If there are
more than 10 attributes to be displayed, multiple tabs are shown. In some areas,

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 237

General Functions

fewer characteristics are included on one tab due to the size of the tabs (e.g. 6 tabs
in the BoQ). If there is more than one tab then, the tabs will be numbered. Types
There are currently 4 types available for selection: Catalog reference

The type Catalog Reference is used for entering cost group catalog elements.

The Search and Delete buttons can be used to select a catalog or remove it from
the selection. There are 2 fields for data entry. One for the code and the other for
the description of the catalog element. The description cannot be filled in, and is
filled in automatically. Catalog reference characteristics cannot be created within
catalog elements. Date
The type Date is used for entering a date.

A calendar is offered for entering the date. The other settings are not currently
considered. Summable number

The type Summable Number is used for entering numbers.

A selection list for data entry is offered. Only numbers can be entered. If the typical
values are predefined, then no data can be entered in the selection list.

If the option Individual Unit Of Measure is selected, an additional text field is

offered for entering the unit of measure. Text
The type Text is used for entering text.

▪ If the option With Code is selected, 2 text entry fields are offered for entry.

You can select whether or not the typical values should be predefined. If the
typical values are predefined, text can no longer be entered directly. It must be
entered via the search function.

▪ If the option With Code is not selected, a selection list for data entry is

238 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

General Functions Print
The attributes are printed via the mechanism of the dynamic placeholders. For this
purpose, a dynamic placeholder of the "configurated characteristic" type is inserted
in the template in the Report Writer:

This is then filled in by the program. The Name and Description placeholders are
filled in by the description of the characteristic. The Code placeholder is filled in
with the code of the typical value or of the catalog element. The Calculation
placeholder contains the typical value for the types Text and Summable Number,
the date for the type Date, and the description of the catalog element for the type
Catalog Reference. For the Summable Number type, the placeholders Value and
UoM are also filled with the respective values. The other placeholders are not filled

When inserting a dynamic placeholder of the type Configured Characteristic, the Characteristic
Description must be entered (not the Characteristic Code!). Limitations
▪ When copying via drag and drop in the catalog of user-defined characteristics,
the catalog references are not copied.

▪ Catalog references cannot be used within catalog elements. Appendix
Code word Meaning

Artikel Individual commodities in the commodity catalog

ArtikelGruppe Individual commodity in the commodity catalog

ArtikelKatalog The commodity catalog

BAS Individual CWT in CWT Catalog

BASKatalog The CWT catalog

BaupreisIndex Individual construction price index in the construction

price index catalog

BaupreisIndexKatalog The construction price index catalog

Baustein Individual assembly in assembly catalog

BausteinGruppe Individual assembly group in assembly catalog

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 239

General Functions

Code word Meaning

BausteinKatalog The assembly catalog

BauteilKlasse Individual construction element in construction

element catalog

BauteilKatalog Individual construction element group in construction

element catalog

BauteilKatalog The construction element catalog

BGLKatalog The CPL catalog

CAdresse Individual address in the address catalog

CAdresseGruppe Individual address group in the address catalog

CAdresseKatalog The address catalog

D277Gruppe Individual area usage entry in the area usage


D277Katalog The area usage catalog

FreierAPVorgang For use on an activity of activity model type 'Free'

KalkBasedAPVorgang For use on an activity of activity model type


LVBasedAPVorgang For use on an activity of activity model type 'BoQ-


SammelAPVorgang For use on a summary activity of all activity model


GBausteinElement Individual assembly in plant assembly catalog

GBausteinGruppe Individual assembly group in plant assembly catalog

GBausteinKatalog The plant assembly catalog

GeraetGruppe Individual plant group in plant catalog

GeraetKatalog The plant catalog

HauptKaufmKOACatalog The accounting cost code catalog

Kostenart Individual cost code in the cost code catalog

HauptKOACatalog The cost code catalog

KGLElement Individual element in the cost grouping method


240 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

General Functions

Code word Meaning

KGLCatalog The cost grouping method catalog

Leistungsbereich Individual work category in the work category


LeistungsbereichGruppe Individual work category group in the work category


LeistungsbereichKatalog The work category catalog

OrteGruppe Individual location in the location catalog

OrteKatalog The location catalog

ProjektTypenKatalogElementGruppe Individual project type in the project type catalog

ProjektTypenKatalog The project type catalog

WarenGruppe Individual goods group in the cost code grouping


WarenkorbKatalog The cost code grouping catalog

VergabeEinheitCompItem The package

ProjektVariantenCompItem The project alternative

Projekt The project

LV The BoQ

LVPosition The item in the BoQ

LVZuschlagsPosition The surcharge item in the BoQ

LVGruppenStufe The division in the BoQ

LVUnterbeschreibung The subdescription in the BoQ

LVAusfBeschreibung The detailed description in the BoQ

LVTextElement The text element in the BoQ

Bieter The bidder in the package

AusRech The submitted application

EinRech The application received

Abrechnung The application or audit application document

Einzelauftrag The individual contract in the fixed term contract

EARechnung The individual application in the fixed term contract

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 241

General Functions

Code word Meaning

Lieferschein The delivery note

Bestellung The order

Regierechnung The daywork application

Preisanfrage The price request

Preisangebot The quotation

KKE_KKE The cost control unit in CCU

KKE_Sammel The collective cost control units in CCU

KKE_Auftrag The contract for the collective cost control unit in


EinzelGeraet Charcteristics of the single plant

GruppenGeraet Charcteristics of a group plant

14.7 Send message to all project editors

Application Button | Extras | Send Message

While working on a project, you can send a message to all those working on the
same project. Within a project, you can also send a message to all users of the
current document (Project, Contract, Request, Application and so on) and
especially to users who are currently billing an item. It is not necessary for the
sender to have opened the document. For those users, it is sufficient to simply
select the document in the project structure.

All users who have opened the document in which you are currently located
receive this message. For the recipient, a small window opens with the message
on the screen.

14.8 Project version with write-protection

Project Explorer, Actions | Project | Project Version is Read-Only
Project Explorer, Actions | Project | Project Version is Released

If you create a new project version in the project window, the existing project
version becomes read-only; i.e. you cannot change this project version. You can
identify a read-only project version in the Project Explorer by the icon.

242 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

General Functions

Removing write protection

In the Project Explorer, you can remove the write protection from a read-only
project version.

1. To do so, select the read-only project version.

2. Click on Actions | Project | Project Version is Released.

The write protection is removed.

Restoring write protection

In the Project Explorer, you can restore the write protection of a read-write project

1. Select the project version.

2. Click on Actions | Project | Project Version is Read-Only.

3. The project version is write-protected.

14.9 Checking the Database

Project Explorer, Actions | Administration | Database | Check Database

If you want to verify your database for errors, click in the Project Explorer on
Actions | Administration | Database | Check Database. Once you click here, the
selected database is checked for errors.

▪ If no errors were found, a message appears.

▪ If errors were found, a dialog box with information appears after the verification.
You are informed about the errors that were found.

Error log
In this field, the location, type and the number of errors are displayed in a table.

You can save the error log.

You receive a message regarding the repair.

You can start the repair. Note that you have to be logged in as a user RIBADMIN
(administrator) before you can perform this function.

14.10 Authorisations
If you like to have no restrictions, you can ignore these settings.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 243

General Functions

The authorised or excluded users can be individual users or user groups. The
users and groups that ultimately appear in your selection dialog box upon clicking
one of the Edit buttons depends on your company's internal network structure.


In the Functional authorisations for all users field, you can set the default setting for
the object administrator. If you have not made any default settings there, this tab
will be empty and only the Edit button in the Object Administrators section will be
active. This case is assumed in the following description.

a) Generally speaking, setting no authorisation permits each user to do everything.

b) A single set authorisation excludes all non-authorised users from using this function.
c) All of the authorisation settings set here cannot be exported.
d) You must at least establish yourself as object administrator. Otherwise, you will be unable to edit
the current project. If you have forgotten to establish yourself as object administrator, an error
message will appear when you try to close this window, reminding you that you have forgotten to
do this.
e) The object administrator automatically has all authorisations for the project and the project group.
f) The functional authorisations have a higher priority than the object authorisations. This means, if
you restrict a user from editing the bill of quantities, he would not be able to edit any bill of
quantities, even if he is named as an object administrator. In this case, this user will only have
read-access to the bill of quantities.

Awarding authorisations
1. First, award the authorisations for the object administrator.

Object Administrators
Click on the Edit button to the right of the Object Administrators area, in order
to specify the user, the users or groups that are allowed to administrate the
respective project (changing the authorisations, for example). A dialog window

2. Select the object administrator here.

Add Users/Groups
Double-click inside the two sections on the left side of this box to move groups
or individual users to the section Authorised on the right. You can also click on
a group or a user from the left-hand field and then move this item into the right-
hand section via the arrow button. As soon as you have selected a group or a
user, the name will appear in the opposite field.

The servers used for the system administration, which manages the groups
and the users, are displayed here. Click on theUpdate button to update the
display of the users and groups.

244 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

General Functions

a) You can enter the user name or even the user name with its default domain name in the Users
b) Remove Users/Groups
Click on the user or the groups in the right-hand field if you want to withdraw the awarded rights
from single users or groups of users, and remove the item with the appropriate arrow button or by

3. Finish entering information for the object administrator by clicking OK.

4. The function Edit in the other three fields becomes active. You can also set
certain restrictions for single users or groups of users in these fields as
described above.

All the users and groups of users with read-only access for the current object
are shown in this field. The object administrator can change this authorisation.

Read-write Access
All the users and groups with read-write access to the current object are shown
in this field. The object administrator can change this authorisation.

No Access
All the users or groups of users who do not have access to the current object
are located in this field. The object administrator can change this authorisation.

14.11 User information

, User-related | User Information

Open a dialog in which the user groups are displayed, of which you are a member.

14.12 Fixed Administrator Account

A fixed administrator account is necessary for the internal awarding of
authorisations. Since the authorisations are saved in the ObjectStore databases, it
must be ensured that a database can still be used, even in other domains or after a
server malfunction.

The fixed administrator account has the user nameRIBADMIN.

Please observe that the letters in this name must be capitalised.

▪ You can also use the group RIBADMINS instead of the individual user
RIBADMIN. All members of this group have administrator rights. The awarding
of administrator rights to a group means that there is more than one

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 245

General Functions

▪ The administrator always has all the rights to all modules, functions and

▪ The authentication of an administrator is also only allowed with a name in a

pure Windows-NT system environment. This ensures, that a database can still
be used, even if it is in another domain or if it has been reinstalled.

▪ Furthermore, the fixed name of the administrator account or administrator

account group ensures that a database in the network is protected from access
by locally installed programs. The RIBADMINS account must originate from the
same domain in which the client computer is registered.

▪ A local user administrator can, in fact, be specified in the local computer,

although he will not be allowed to access the network without his
corresponding password. If the administrator name could be changed, then a
user would be able to install a program version locally and enter his own name
as the administrator. He could then access all databases (with administrator
rights) within the network, to which his account has access.

14.13 Working with other languages

All data, with the exception of the wtx-specification (Secretary), are managed in
Unicode format. Specifications in the wtx format (Secretary) are formatted with
various fonts. This also applies to the wtx expression (Secretary) via the standard

One quality of the font is the script characteristic for the language. For foreign texts,
the correct script characteristics of the font must be ensured. This is set either via a
format template or through a fixed assignment in the text. In general, the font is set
via a format template, and the direct assignment to the text is only used in
exceptional cases.

Settings in the layout

In order to access a Turkish or Cyrillic font, for example, the script of the font must
be set correctly in the format template.

1. For this, all documents are closed and the layout editing is opened.

2. Open the window Format Templates in the layout.

3. Select the format template and click on Open.

The Filter Definition dialog box opens. Click on Script.

4. Select a the target language.

Click on OK and so the same for the remaining format templates.

246 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

General Functions

5. Verify the layout for the screen editing in the Global or User-related Settings.
Here, the updated layout must be entered.

Settings in the operating system

In order to make a Russian or Turkish font available, the settings in the Windows
control panel must be correct.

1. Open the Region and Language Options of your operating system.

2. Click in Languages on Details.

The Text Services and Input Languages dialog box opens.

3. Check that the desired language is displayed under Installed Services.

If not, you can select the desired language via Add. The "Standard Input
Region" can be left as Germany. Click on Copy. With OK, you switch back to
the Region and Language Options window.

4. In the input region list in the lower right, another language is now available.

Provided that you want to display only specifications (no table text or headers) in
Cyrillic or Turkish fonts, the settings are now complete in the operating system.

Advanced settings in the operating system

Provided that outline specs and headers are to be displayed in Cyrillic or Turkish
fonts as well, further settings must be carried out.

Stay in Region and Language Options and switch to Advanced.

In Languages for programs that do not support Unicode, select the desired
language. Click on Accept or OK.

Subsequently, the computer must be restarted. A dialog reminds you of this.

14.14 Configuring the element properties

You can limit display of the Element Properties to a minimum in order to work more
effectively. To maintain a complete overview of the current element, you can
display all parts of the Properties.
Which Properties are offered depends on the PA or SP phase.
You can also configure the element properties manually. Open the Configuration in
the Properties by clicking on:

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 247

Overview of the key combinations

15 Overview of the key combinations

In the following table you will find shortcuts that are used in many modules:

General shortcuts
Key without additional + <Shift> +<Ctrl> +<Alt>

<+> (number pad) expand a level

<-> (number pad) hide a level

<A> select all

<Page Up> 1 page up selection to start of jump to last

table element of
previous hierarchy
(not in project

<Page Down> 1 page down selection to end of jump to first item of

table next hierarchy (not
in project

<C> copy and insert in


<D> +<Shift>

<Ins> insert object from


switch between
insert and
overwrite mode

<End> jump to end of line jump to end of jump to last

data/page element

<Enter> leave current field line break in display element

outline properties (if
specification field available)

<Del> delete selection or

delete next

<F> search for text

248 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

Overview of the key combinations

Key without additional + <Shift> +<Ctrl> +<Alt>


formatting: bold

<F1> Help topics

<F11> copies the content

of the cell above in
the table

<F12> copy element(s)

<F2> highlight table cell


<F3> search in catalog

or similar

<F4> close program or

dialog box

<F5> update view

<F6> jump to next jump to previous +<Shift>:

subwindow subwindow jump to previous
(clockwise) (counter window

<I> paste before

<K> +<Shift>
formatting: italic

<L> delete

<N> new

<O> open project

<P> print

<Home> start of line start of data/page jump to first


<Back key> jump to parent undo last working

element (e.g. in step
project structure)

<Tab> jump to next field jump to previous jump to next tab or jump to next
field next field application

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 249

Overview of the key combinations

Key without additional + <Shift> +<Ctrl> +<Alt>


to the previous

<U> insert sub-element


<V> insert from


<X> cut and insert in


<x> (number pad) expand completely

<Y> undo last undone

working step again
(if possible)

<Z> undo
(if possible)

250 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG


16 Troubleshooting
Log files when the program crashes
For troubleshooting purposes, and in the exceptional case of a program crash, it is
important for the development to obtain a clear description of the error, including
the data, in order to be able to understand the problem.
A function is provided which displays a distinctive error message for most program
crashes and also creates an error log (CrashDump-File). This log file is used to
track the exact state of the system at the time when the program crashed, thereby
improving the troubleshooting process.

▪ Path of log files

When the program crashes, the logs are automatically created in the TMP
directory of the user (%TEMP%\iTWO).
The storage location for these log files can be changed if necessary via the
iTWOConfig.xml. The "CrashDumpDir" entry must therefore be edited
accordingly in the XML file.

Path of log files

▪ Structure of file names

<iTWO version with build number>-<Date: YYYYMMDD>-<Time: HHMMSS>-

▪ Number of log files

You can determine the maximum number of available logs. You will find this
setting in the system or user options, General | System Behaviour.

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 251

Subject index

Subject index

252 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

Subject index

Background calculation Calculate in the

Background, 149
Acceptance, 58, 95
Template project, 113
Screen configuration, 25
Bid opening, 57, 93
Additional tax rates
Additional, 169
Print report, 160
additional taxes, 52, 88
Print report, 160
other -, 108
Administrator account, 245
Export to Excel, 46
Alias, 24
Print partially, 169
Allocation configuration, 230
Allowances sheet configuration, 230, 231
Change, 135
Anchor points, 134
Content,delete, 139
ANSI, 185
Delete, 139
Edit, 135, 135
Cell, 142
Size,change with mouse, 139
Column, 142
Break in table, 36
Line, 142
Budget, 53, 59, 88, 95
Determination, 87
Print, 160
SP, 85
SP, 85
Application start values during print, 160, 162,
Report phases, 160, 162, 162, 176
162, 176

ASCII, 185

Assign template to specification, 129 CAD data

Assistant Adopt, 81

Roll in / roll out of SP, 111 Cash flow, 104

attribute Cash inflow, 76

dynamic -, 39 Catalog

Master, 197
Mix, 234

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 253

Subject index

Multiple assigment, 32 Width of the -, 142

Reference for system characteristic, 232 Width of the table, 142

Cell Condition in table, 39

Append, 142 Configuration, 230

Delete, 142 Allocation, 230

Insert, 142 Allowances sheet, 230, 231

Change Cost comparison planned vs. actual, 230, 231

Frame size, 139 System characteristics, 230, 232

Size of text box, 134 Connector, 232

SP in contract phase, 110 Constants, 219

Change order Contacts

Create number, 91 New, 95

Print overview, 160 Contract, 85

Set default valuation factor, 57, 92 Contract number, 58, 94

SP, 85 Contractor (SP info), 95

Status, 91 Copy

Change Order Element with location reference, 84

Create Number, 55 System characteristic, 234

Status, 56 Cost codes (SP info), 97

Change size of text box, 134 Cost comparison planned vs. actual, 231

Change SP into contract phase, 110 Cost comparison planned vs. actual configuration,

Check database, 243 230, 231

Check marker Cost planning

Remove, 152, 153 Package, 85

Check out Cover note, 181

Fixed term contract, 111 Cover sheet, 181

Package, 111 Covert system characteristic type, 232

Column CPI filter, 83

Append, 142 cpixml, CAD data, 81

Delete, 142 Create

Insert, 142 Contacts, 95

Modify area, 142 Package, 85

254 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

Subject index

Report period, 76 Line, 142

Table, 142 Line break, 130

Template project, 113 Paragraph markers (specification), 130

Creating a quantity splitting, 210 Table, 142

Currency, 52, 88 Delete text and graphic boxes, 139

Currency portions, 54, 90 Desired decimal places for URs, 55, 90

D Dictionary

Data Tab, 150

copy from template project, 113 Direct print, 160, 162, 162, 176

Exchange, 194 Division

Data converter, 195 With hierarchy, 169

Data Exchange, 194 Document, 234

Data transfer, 184 Delete link, 116

Database Info, 117

Check, 243 Link, 114

Check, error log, 243 Properties, 47

Repair, 243 dynamic attributes, 39

Date, 232 Dynamic attributes

Actual, 58, 94 Print, 192

print, 159 E
Target, 58, 94 Edit

Default settings, 147 Filter, 118

Spell checker, 147 Graphic and Text Boxes, 135

delete PA info, 51

Report Type, 159 Edit filter, 118

Delete Menu command in Project Explorer, 126

Cell, 142 Edit Filter

Check marker, 153 Menu command in Project Explorer, 127

Column, 142 Error log, 251

Document links, 116 Error log (check database), 243

Filter, 126 Estimate

Hyphen in the specification, 130 Update, 66, 102

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 255

Subject index

Export Font attributes, 37

Free -, 191 Format composites, 183

Package, 196 Formatting

Project, 195 BoQ text, 130

Project data, 195 Hard, 130

Quantity splitting, German GAEB 90, 212 Formatting, table columns, 38

Show packages, 160 Frame

Show Prints, 160 Size, 139

XML, 188 Free export, 191

Export package G
Create, 192 General
F Settings, 147

Favourites, 160, 162, 162, 176 Graphic

in table configuration, 37 Insert, 133

File extension Graphic and text boxes

Lay, 130 Size, 139

Fill in Graphic and Text Boxes, 135

PA info, 51 Grid, 149

SP info, 87 H
Filter Handles, 134
Activate/deactivate, 122 Hierarchy levels
CPI data, 83 Parameter, 156
Deactivate, 118 Hyphen
Delete, 126 Remove, 130
Parameter, 119 Set, 130
Quick Edit, 122 Hyphenation, 147
Quick editing, 125 Hyphen, remove, 152
Set, 119 I
Fixed administrator account, 245
Fixed columns, 36
Insert, 133
Fixed term contract
Import project data, 195
Check out, 111

256 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

Subject index

Documents, 117 Set default for name, 202

Package, 87 Locations

Insert Copy elements with location reference, 84

Cell, 142 Log, 104

Column, 142 M
Line, 142 Main window, 113
Text box, 134 Mandatory typical values, 232
Inserting an empty line before table, 142 Master project
Item summary, 166 Backup, 197
Print, 164 Restore, 197
J Mathematical operations, 219

JV Menu command

Enter members, 109 Edit Filter, 127

K Edit filter,Project Explorer, 126

Key figures, 63, 99 Master data, 197

L Message

Create, 242
Labour escalation
Send, 242
Print, 172
to Project Editor, 242
Layout, 159, 182
Mini toolbar, 48
Assign template, 129
Mixing catalog data, 234
Replace all, 160, 162, 162, 176
Modification history
Report, 160
Append, 142
Delete, 142
Cell width in cell, 142
Insert, 142
Column area of the table, 142
Select in table, 142
Column width, 142
Link, 114
System characteristic type, 232
Delete, 116
Table, 142
Documents, 114
Width of table, 142
in table, 39
Award controlling, 87

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 257

Subject index

Cost control, 85 Overall total, 85

Move P
Table, 142 Package
MULTI, operator, 120 Check out, 111
Multi-function bar, 18 Create, 85
Multiple assignment from the catalog, 32 Exporting, 196
N Package (SP)

Name Info, 87

Set defaults for object, 202 Info, contractor, 95

new Info, cost codes, 97

Report Type, 159 Info,Publication, 94

New Print, 176

Cell, 142 Package info

Column, 142 Fill in, 87

Contacts, 95 Page break

Line, 142 According to divisions, 169

Package, 85 in the pre-script, 141

Quantity splitting, 210 Specification, 140

Report type, 160, 162, 162, 176 When printing, 169

System characteristic, 232 Parameter, 156

Table, 142 Filter, 119

Text box, 134 Hierarchy levels, 156

O Rules for -n, 156

object Select, 157, 157

display in table, 39 Parameter type

Operator, 120 Non-summable number, 156

Options Summable number, 156

Button, 160, 162, 162, 176 Text, 156

When printing, 180 Parameters, 62, 98

Outline spec Print, 169

Print, 165 Succession, 156

Overview Payment modalities, 61, 97

258 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

Subject index

Payment schedule, 76, 104 Modification history, 160

Payments (SP), 85 Options, 180

PDF Options (button), 160, 162, 162, 176

Create a file, 187 Outline spec, 165

Phases Package, 176

Change, 109 Page break, 169

Pre-script Page numbering, 160, 162, 162, 176

Page break in the -, 141 Parameters, 169

print, 158 Pre-script and post-script, 164

Favourites-Reports, 158 Prices, 164

Options, 159 Project alternative, 162

System-Reports, 158 Project data, 160, 162

Table of Contents, 163 Project rights, 160

Users-Reports, 158 Quantities, 164

Print, 158 Received applications, 160

Applications, 160 Report type, 158, 160, 162, 162, 176

Bidder report, 160 Signature line, 171

Bidder specification list, 172 Specification, 165

Bond report, 160 Start values, 160, 162, 162, 176

Change order summary, 160 System characteristics, 160

Cover note, 181 Table, 45

Cover sheet, 181 Table of attachments, 172

Date, 160, 162, 162, 176 Tender BoQ, 160

Direct, 160, 162, 162, 176 Time, 160, 162, 162, 176

Divisions with hierarchy, 169 UFS rate, 160

Dynamic attributes, 192 Print bidder specification list, 172

Favourites, 160, 162, 162, 176 Print date, 160, 162, 162, 176

Format composites, 183 Print item statistics, 172

in the Project Explorer, 162 Print options

Item statistics, 172 BoQ 1, 163

Item summary, 164 BoQ 2, 173

Labour escalation, 172 BoQ 3, 175

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 259

Subject index

Table, 45 Storage, 162

Print package Template, 113

Create, 192 Project alternative

Print page numbering, 160, 162, 162, 176 Print, 162

Print pre-script and post-script, 164 Project alternative info

Print Preview, 159 Fill in, 51

Print received application, 160 Project data

Print start values, 160, 162, 162, 176 Export, 195

Print table of attachments, 172 Import, 195

Print table of contents, 163 Print, 160, 162

Print tender BoQ, 160 Project Explorer

Print time, 160, 162, 162, 176 Edit filter, 118

Print UFS rate , 160 Print, 162

Printing Project group, 49

Description, 183 Project phases, 15

Layout, 182 Project version

Name, 183 Read-only, 242

PDF, 183 Release, 242

Print file, 183 With write protection, 242

Report type for Report Writer XML, 183 Properties

Save while, 183 Document, 47

Specification, 130 Publication (SP info), 94

Template, 182 Q
Templates, 182 QTO
WTX, 183 Update, 66, 102
Process phases, 47 Quantities
Project, 49 Print, 164
Copy template data, 113 Quantity query
Create template, 113 Mathematical operations and constants, 219
Export, 195 Quantity splitting
Print rights, 160 Export German GAEB 90, 212
Read-only -, 242 Quick editing, filter, 125

260 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

Subject index

Quick filter, 122 delete, 159

Quick-start bar, 19 Layout, 159

R Page Numbering, 160

Read-only PA, 242 Phases, 159

Record Show Export Prints, 160

System characteristics, 232 Start values, 159

Release read-only PA, 242 Time, 159

Release used licences, 30 Required storage, 162

Remove RIBADMIN, 245

Cell, 142 Roll out

Column, 142 Fixed term contract, 111

Line, 142 Package, 111

Paragraph markers (specification), 130 Roll out assistant, 111

Table, 142 Rounding differences, 175

Remove line break, 130 RTF, 185

Remove paragraph markers (specification), 130 RTF editor in the specification, 128

Remove report type, 160, 162, 162, 176 Ruler

Repair the database, 243 Activate/deactivate, 128

Replace Activate/deactivate scale, 128

Specification, 130 Rules for parameters, 156

Replace all layouts, 160, 160, 162, 162, 162, 162, S

176, 176 Save automatically, 149
Report period Screen configuration, 23
Create, 76 Screen layout, 129
Report phases Scroll distance for scroll wheel, 148
Button, 160, 162, 162, 176 Scroll wheel scroll distance, 148
Report type Search functions
New, 160, 162, 162, 176 In the specification, 146
Print, 160, 162, 162, 176 Search in the specification, 130, 146
Remove, 160, 162, 162, 176 Secretary
Report Type Delete link, 116
Date, 159 Select

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 261

Subject index

Parameter, 157 Specification, 130

Select table line, 142 Activate/deactivate ruler, 128

selection group Activate/deactivate ruler scale, 128

statistic, 203 Hard formatting, 130

Selection group Page break, 140

dynamic, 203 Print, 165

selection quantity Remove hyphen, 130

dynamic, 203 Remove line break, 130

Selection quantity Remove paragraph markers, 130

statistic, 203 Replace, 130

Send message, 242 RTF editor, 128

Separate Search in the -, 130, 146

Tables, 142 Secretary, 128

Sequence Set hyphen, 130

Jump with <F6>, 25 Unicode, 128

Properties, 25 Spell checker, 147

Set up Split quantity, 210

PDF edition, 223 Start

Set up PDF edition, 223 Award controlling, 87

Setting Cost control, 85

General, 147 Start award controlling, 87

Show all columns, 36 Start cost control, 85

Signature line in printout, 171 Start values

SP group folder info, 85 on printing, 159

Applications, 85 Start values application printout, 160, 162, 162,

Budget, 85 176

Change orders, 85 Storage

Contract, 85 Project file, 162

Cost planning, 85 Used -, 162

Payments, 85 Succession of parameters, 156

SP Phases Summable number, 232

Phase change, 109 System characteristic, 230, 232

262 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

Subject index

Copy, 234 Import, 37

Record, 232 Line break, 36

Type, 232 Lines, 142

Type, catalog reference, 232 Modify, 142

Type, convert, 232 Modify cell width, 142

Type, date, 232 Modify width, 142

Type, summable number, 232 Move, 142

Type, text, 232 Print, 45

System characteristics Print options, 45

Print, 160 Put empty lines first, 142

T Select (line), 142

Tab Separate, 142

Contractor (SP info), 95 Tab in -, 142

Cost codes (SP info), 97 Type, 34

Dictionary, 150 Tables

In table, 142 Save configuration, 21

Screen layout, 129 Save Favourites, 37

table taskbar

show location, 39 Activating/deactivating, 20

Table, 142 Taskbar, 20

Adapt, 34 Taskmanager, 17

Change font attributes, 36 tax

Columns, 142 additional, 52, 88

Columns, modify area, 142 Tax rate, 169

Columns, modify width, 142 Template

Conditional formatting, 36 Assign layout, 129

Create, 142 For specification, 129

Delete, 142 Template project, 113

Fixed columns, 36 Backup, 113

Formatting, 38 Copy data from -, 113

Frames, 142 Create, 113

Grid, 142 Templates, 182

(c) RIB Software AG 03-2011 The Basics 263

Subject index

Text, 232 Model-oriented, 47

Box,edit, 135 Of process phase, 47

Formatting of the image, 130 W

Insert box, 134 Warranty, 59, 95
Search in the specification, 146 window
Text box Move, 22
Change size, 134 Window
Time Change, 17
print, 159 Main, 113
Total Write protection
Overview, 85 PA, 242
Total job costs, 53, 89 WTX, 185
Transmission of parameters, 156 X
XML export, 188
System characteristic, 232

Type for system characteristic, 232

Typical values

Are mandatory, 232

Unicode, 128

in the specification, 128


Units of measure, 149


Currency potions on the -, 54, 90

User RIBADMIN, 245

User-defined fields, 72, 103

Valuation factor, 57, 92

VAT, 52, 54, 88, 90


Classic, 46

264 The Basics 03-2011 (c) RIB Software AG

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