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An Unforgettable Experience

The night was hot and stifling and Ali just could not get to sleep. It was dark and as quiet as a
graveyard. His shirt was already drenched with sweat. Ali was having a sleepover at Ahmad’s house.
Ahmad’s parents were outstation.

Suddenly, Ali heard a creaking sound coming from the kitchen. He was nervous because he knew
there was nobody else in the house except Ahmad. He pulled himself together. He convinced himself
that it might be the strong wind. However, after a while, there was a whistling sound. The fine hairs
on the body stood at their ends. He was sure someone broke into the house.

He drew a deep breath as he could hear footsteps walking around the house. The clock was
showing twelve o’clock. Quietly, he woke Ahmad up. Ali told him about the sounds he heard. Ahmad
was astonished. He sat there, motionless, jaw to the floor. Both of them sat there, not knowing what
to do.

The emotions that was running through them at that moment was somewhat mixed, but they
believed they were more scared than anything else. All of a sudden, they were shocked by a loud
crash. They knew they had to do something. Their eyes were scanning the bedroom, seeking for

“Hurry up! We don’t have enough time!” Ahmad was holding a cast net while Ali gripped on a
baton. Ali’s heart was pounding heavily and he shuddered in fear. Both of them tiptoed into the
kitchen. In a blink of an eye, Ahmad darted forward and threw the cast net over the man and Ali
furiously beat him with the baton. The man was groaning loudly. Ahmad quickly switched on the
light. To their surprise, it was Ahmad’s father!

Ali was scolded quite badly by Ahmad’s father for beating him using the baton. However, Ahmad
stood up for him. Even though his father’s face was all covered in bruises, they were relieved that it
was not a robber. It was an unforgettable experience for them. Both of them went back to bed
giggling and sniggering to the thought of the experience.

(354 words)

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