Rebellion Has Been Institutionalized Through Trump

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Rebellion has been institutionalized through Trump. What are people rebelling against?

In some ways, it
is the truth. Ableism, homophobia, sexism- this past decade has been by far the most explosive in its
uncovering of these deep-seated problematics in our society. When something so fundamental

Microagressions matter- a lot.

It’s easy to believe they don’t.

It is far easier to create a world in which they don’t matter- where we can construct false flags and
threats, red herrings, in order to overlook these issues. When forced to confront our flaws- we can
instead worry about a war with North Korea- nukes are big! Or instances of geopolitical conflict- The SCS
could spillover and kill us all! We can create a world in which immigrants have stolen all our jobs- the
recent economic downturn was because of them! It’s possible to refute these instances, but that isn’t
relevant to my question. My question isn’t about the truth-value of these statements, it’s about how
they’ve been constructed as important. Ebola, 2012, Y2K, Rapture,

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