A Method To Establish Stimulus Control and Compliance With Instructions

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We evaluated a unique procedure to establish compliance with instructions in four young chil-
dren diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) who had low levels of compliance. Our
procedure included methods to establish a novel therapist as a source of positive reinforcement,
reliably evoke orienting responses to the therapist, increase the number of exposures to
instruction–compliance–reinforcer contingencies, and minimize the number of exposures to
instruction–noncompliance–no reinforcer contingencies. We further alternated between instruc-
tions with a high probability of compliance (high-p instructions) with instructions that had a
prior low probability of compliance (low-p instructions) as soon as low-p instructions lost stimu-
lus control. The intervention is discussed in relation to the conditions necessary for the develop-
ment of stimulus control and as an example of a variation of translational research.
Key words: children with ASD, compliance, noncompliance, stimulus control, translational

Compliance with instructions is essential for for the development of compliance among chil-
young children, especially those with autism dren with ASD.
spectrum disorder (ASD), to acquire skills, to Several interventions have been used to
initiate and maintain involvement in construc- improve compliance, including positive reinforce-
tive social activities, and to maintain child ment of compliance (Parrish, Cataldo, Kolko,
safety. It is one of the key skills that kindergar- Neef & Egel, 1986; Russo, Cataldo & Cushing,
ten teachers report predicts readiness for school 1981); timeout (Rortvedt & Milenberger, 1994);
(Lin, Lawrence, & Gorrell, 2003). Difficulty spanking (Forehand & McMahon, 1981); social
attending to social stimuli may serve as a barrier punishment (Doleys, Wells, Hobbs, Roberts &
Cartelli, 1976); escape extinction (Zarcone,
Iwata, Mazaleski & Smith, 1994); the high-
Address correspondence to: F. Charles Mace, Aran Hall
School, Gwynedd, UK. Email: fcmace@gmail.com probability instructional sequence (Austin &
doi: 10.1002/jaba.419 Agar, 2005; Davis, Brady, Hamilton, McEvoy,
© 2017 Society for the Experimental Analysis of Behavior
2 JOHN G. BORGEN et al.

& Williams, 1994; Mace et al. 1988); graduated stimulus–no reinforcer (S–noS) sequence weak-
guided compliance (Wilder et al., 2012); a pack- ens stimulus control. As a mathematical expres-
age of antecedent interventions (proximity, pos- sion, the magnitude of p(S–R–S) > p(S–noR)
ture, eye contact, attention and response and p(S–noS) should be high; however, this
interruption; Stephenson & Hanley, 2010); and magnitude has yet to be established in applied
video self-modeling (Axelrod, Bellini & Markoff, research. The roots of these relations can be
2014), among others. Although these interven- traced back to Dinsmoor (1985), Skinner
tions have been shown to improve compliance, (1933) and Spence (1936).
and none has significant limitations, some can be Considering this particular conceptualiza-
time consuming to implement or impractical tion, therapists attempting to teach compli-
(e.g., video self-modeling requires multiple video ance should deliver instructions that
clips to be made of the child that capture the maximize the likelihood that a compliant
child being compliant in multiple contexts and response will follow each instruction and pro-
video viewing prior to evaluation of the interven- duce a reinforcer. Instructions that are not
tion; Axelrod et al., 2014). Others employ aver- reliably yielding compliance should be
sive procedures that may produce pain (spanking; avoided during the early stages of compliance
Forehand & McMahon, 1981) or possible emo- training. Likewise, reinforcers used to teach
tional distress such as a loud scolding voice or vis- compliance should be minimally available
ual glare (Doleys et al., 1976), or have relatively outside of compliance training sessions to
long latencies to reach target levels of compliance avoid creating an open economy that could
(e.g., seven treatment sessions to increase compli- decrease the value of the reinforcer used dur-
ance above 80%; Rortvedt & Miltenber- ing compliance training (Reed, Niileksela &
ger, 1994). Kaplan, 2013). Failing to adhere to these lat-
Consideration of the nature of stimulus con- ter two recommendations may weaken the
trol may be useful in the development of addi- stimulus control of instructions.
tional interventions for noncompliance. We developed a compliance training proce-
Compliance is an example of stimulus control. A dure for young children with ASD, based on
stimulus (instruction) that previously exerted no the concepts described above, and evaluated its
control over compliant behavior acquires the efficacy with four children with ASD. Although
capacity to reliably occasion a response specified our procedure involves the identification of
in the instruction. Understanding the conditions requests with a high- and low-probability (low-
necessary and sufficient to establish stimulus p) of compliance, it is unlike the high-
control may lead to an efficient approach to rap- probability (high-p) request sequence com-
idly produce compliance. A necessary condition monly reported in the literature (e.g., Mace
for stimulus control to develop is for a reinforce- et al., 1988). The current procedure began by
able response to reliably follow the presentation delivering time-contingent food on a variable
of a stimulus. However, this may not be a suffi- time (VT) schedule followed by reinforcement
cient condition to establish stimulus control. It of orientation to the therapist when the thera-
is further necessary that the probability of a rein- pist said the child’s name. After reliable orienta-
forcing event given the stimulus must be sub- tion occurred, a series of three to eight high-p
stantially higher than the probability of the requests were presented at a minimum of 1-min
reinforcer given the absence of the stimulus. intervals and compliance was reinforced with
Thus, each stimulus–response–reinforcer contin- food and praise. Following consistent compli-
gency (S–R–S) strengthens stimulus control and ance with the high-p requests, successive low-p
each stimulus–no response (S–noR) and each requests were introduced and compliance was

reinforced until low-p compliance was lost, at cumulative record of compliance with instruc-
which time, the therapist returned to delivering tions on a trial-by-trial basis within and across
high-p requests in order to minimize the child’s sessions. Interobserver agreement (IOA) was
experience with S–noR–noS contingencies. computed on a trial-by-trial basis. IOA was col-
lected on 62% of the sessions for Patty and
Lucy and ranged from 90% to 100%. Agree-
ment was collected 60% of the sessions for
Participants, Setting and Materials Charlie and Linus and was always 100%.
Four young children diagnosed with an ASD
participated in the study. Lucy and Patty were
both 2 years old. Lucy spoke in phrases and Procedure
Patty had no vocal speech. Charlie and Linus The study was composed of three phases.
were both 3 years old. Charlie spoke five to The first was a baseline phase without the stim-
seven 1-word mands, and Linus had a three- to ulus control procedure or reinforcement for
five-word echoic repertoire. All participants had compliance with low-p instructions. Following
receptive language sufficient to respond to the baseline, the stimulus control of compliance
instructions used in the study and could follow procedure (SCP) began and then was reintro-
one-step instructions. Preference assessments duced as needed when there was a loss of com-
showed that all participants preferred snack pliance with low-p instructions. Parent training
foods, but Lucy also preferred toy shapes. All was then introduced for Patty, who was the only
met the inclusion criterion of < 20% compli- participant available long enough to participate
ance with a set of low-p instructions identified in the third phase (see procedures below).
by parental report prior to training. Baseline. Prior to study commencement, four
All children were enrolled in an early inter- to seven low-p instructions were identified by
vention program. Sessions were conducted in a parent interview. During baseline sessions, a
large classroom within a treatment space that single therapist at a time delivered low-p
was 4 m square. The classroom was equipped instructions to the child at a minimum of 1-
with a play area, tables, and chairs. The play min intervals. Stand up, come here, give me, and
area featured a variety of toys including jigsaw sit down were low-p instructions for all partici-
puzzles, toy cars, and building blocks. Thera- pants. Stop it was an additional low-p instruc-
pists were doctoral students in clinical psychol- tion for Patty and Lucy, and take out was an
ogy. Children attended the program 3-5 hr per additional low-p instruction for Patty. Instruc-
day, 3-5 days per week. tions were issued once per trial, compliance
with low-p instructions was praised on a fixed
Target Behaviors, Data Collection and ratio 1 (FR1) schedule of reinforcement. Non-
Interobserver Agreement compliance was ignored.
The target behavior of interest was compli- Stimulus control of compliance procedure
ance with low-p and high-p instructions. Com- (SCP). Ten steps were used to establish stimu-
pliance was defined as initiating the requested lus control of compliance (see Supplemental
behavior within 5 s of the instruction and com- Materials for list). The steps were followed in
pleting the behavior within 10 s to 15 s. Inde- the same sequence across participants, but there
pendent observers took trial data for each were variations in the final steps across partici-
instruction. These data were expressed as per- pants. Our first assumption is that it is easiest
centage compliance with the two types of to establish stimulus control of compliance
instructions and also, for two participants, as a with a person with which the child has no
4 JOHN G. BORGEN et al.

history of noncompliance, thus, training begins were provided. Response requirements were
with a novel therapist. Preferred foods were not increased systematically, nor measured.
then identified using a preference assessment Examples, include having the child walk a fur-
(RAISD, Fisher, Piazza, Bowman, & Amari, ther distance in response to the low-p instruc-
1996; MSWO, DeLeon & Iwata, 1996). Patty tion, come here, and requiring the child to come
preferred potato chips and pretzels, Lucy and here and sit down, after the child reliably came
Charlie Oreo® cookies, Charlie and Linus to the therapist. For Lucy, this occurred after
gummy bears and M&Ms®, and Patty and compliance with 22 low-p instructions using
Lucy preferred goldfish crackers. These foods only 3 high-p instructions or, on a second occa-
were initially given to the child by the therapist sion when there was compliance with 15 low-p
on a variable time (VT) 60-s schedule. This instructions using only 1 high-p instruction.
continued for approximately 5 to 8 min. Next, For Patty, schedule thinning began following
an orienting cue was delivered at a point in compliance with 15 low-p instructions using
time in which the child had paused engage- only 1 high-p instruction.
ment in an activity for approximately 2 to For Charlie and Linus, a variation was made
3 s. For example, the therapist waited for child in steps 9 and 10 to evaluate the strength of
to pause in activities such as touching, looking the stimulus–response relation without rein-
at or manipulating a toy. Following the pause, forcement. In place of the fading procedure,
an orienting cue was presented saying the therapists discontinued all reinforcer deliveries
child’s name in an intonation and cadence that for compliance with low-p instructions (ses-
was novel to increase the likelihood of orienta- sions 7-11 for Linus and session 8 for Charlie
tion to a novel sound (Catania, 2013). Contin- with Therapist 2). This was done to evaluate
gent on an orienting response, the therapist conditions representative of failures in treat-
held out a piece of food approximately 1 m ment integrity and to determine the number of
from the child. Just as the child was about to sessions required to reestablish stimulus con-
take the food, the therapist gave the instruc- trol. Additional evaluation of the SCP for
tion, “Take it,” the single high-p request for all Charlie and Linus was not completed due to
participants. The purpose of this procedure was the high levels of compliance observed.
to establish the conditions for stimulus control To begin compliance training sessions, steps
to occur. That is, a reinforceable response 3 through 6 (VT food, orienting cue at sched-
(compliance) followed an instruction, permit- ule changeover, high-p request reinforced with
ting compliance to be reinforced with food food and enthusiastic praise) were repeated
(i.e., the S–R–S contingency). Food deliveries before low-p instructions were introduced for
were coupled with enthusiastic praise. After the first 5 to 10 days of compliance training.
compliance with three to eight high-p instruc- This was to ensure that stimulus control was
tions, low-p instructions were introduced. With present prior to giving low-p instructions. After
the exception of Charlie and Linus discussed one or two consecutive low-p instructions were
below in the next paragraph, enthusiastic praise not followed, high-p instructions resumed to
continued on an FR1 schedule but the schedule re-establish stimulus control.
of food reinforcers was faded to the leanest vari- Mean duration for each baseline and treat-
able ratio (VR) schedule possible for Lucy ment session was approximately 45 min. How-
(VR 2) and Patty (VR 6) and the response ever, there was considerable variability across
requirements in the instructions were also grad- participants and across sessions within partici-
ually increased. No other differential conse- pants depending on how responsive they were
quences for compliance and noncompliance to treatment and how unresponsive they were

to baseline low-p requests. These patterns are compliance on the fifth treatment session.
evident in the trial data presented for Patty and Patty’s average baseline compliance was 16%
Charlies. and compliance was below 10% in the two ses-
Generalization and parent training. For Patty, sions preceding treatment. Compliance
compliance generalized to a novel therapist increased to 83% and remained high for the
without explicit training. During parent train- remainder of treatment. Compliance decreased
ing, the therapist reviewed the protocol with to 17% during baseline with Therapist 2. How-
the parent and then coached parents to cor- ever, during treatment with Therapist 2, com-
rectly implement the procedure as it was prac- pliance increased to 100% and averaged 99%
ticed. Six sessions of parent training were over the following 17 sessions. During four ses-
conducted, four of which were run by the par- sions of parent training, compliance aver-
ent and two of which were run by the therapist aged 90%.
to assist in establishing general stimulus con- A cumulative record of compliance with
trol. Parent training was not conducted with high-p and low-p instructions for Patty is
Lucy due to scheduling conflicts and her leav- depicted in Figure 2. The figure represents the
ing the early intervention program. Charlie first four sessions of treatment and illustrates
received a single session each of baseline and how high-p and low-p instructions alternately
parent training in the use of the SCP. Finally, were delivered. Each session began with the
Linus’ mother was unavailable beyond an initial delivery of high-p instructions. In session one,
baseline session. compliance to low-p instructions was not
achieved within five high-p instructions; there-
Experimental Design fore, additional high-p instructions were rein-
The experimental design for Lucy and Patty troduced on trial 6. High-p instructions were
was a multiple baseline design across partici- also reinstated on trials 20 and 21. This
pants with a brief return to baseline with a dif- resulted in compliance to 15 consecutive low-p
ferent therapist for Patty. The design for instructions for the remainder of the session.
Charlie was a mixed schedule design with two Session 2 required four high-p instructions to
different therapists and a parent in baseline and establish 24 consecutive trials of low-p compli-
the same two therapists in baseline implement- ance. For session 3, a series of four high-p
ing treatment. The experimental design for instructions established compliance for 20 con-
Linus was an ABAB design with a different secutive low-p trials, but again had to be rein-
therapist implementing each baseline and treat- stated to regain stimulus control. Session
ment phase, followed by a phase without rein- 4 required eight high-p trials to establish stimu-
forcement for compliance with low-p lus control to 22 consecutive low-p instruc-
instructions. tions. The complete data set is extensive and is
available from the corresponding author on
RESULTS Session results for Charlie are presented in
Figure 1 shows that both Lucy and Patty Figure 3. Baseline compliance for Therapist
responded quickly to the stimulus control pro- 1, Therapist 2, and his parent was 20%, 40%
cedures. Lucy’s baseline percentage of compli- and 40%, respectively. By contrast, compliance
ance with low-p instructions was 9% and with low-p instructions using the stimulus con-
increased to 58% after one treatment session trol procedure averaged 86% for Therapist
and reached over 80% compliance on the sec- 1 and 94% for Therapist 2. Charlie’s cumula-
ond treatment session and over 90% tive compliance with low-p and high-p
6 JOHN G. BORGEN et al.

Baseline Stimulus Control Procedure (SCP)

Percentage Compliance to Low-P Instructions

10 Lucy

BL* SCP * BL** SCP** Parent Training/SCP

90 Therapist
80 * - Therapist 1
** - Therapist 2
70 Parent
10 Patty
5 10 15 20 25 30

Figure 1. Percentage compliance to low-p instructions per session across one therapist for Lucy and across two
therapists and Patty’s mother for Patty.

instructions is presented in Figure 4. The first noncompliance to low-p instructions. This pro-
session represents baseline in which there were cedure eventually maintained high levels of
only 2 occurrences of compliance to low-p low-p compliance which was transferred to the
requests out of 10. The second session shows parent in the final phase (see Figure 4).
the introduction of the stimulus control proce- Session results for Linus are shown in
dure, which resulted in immediate high levels Figure 5. The initial baseline compliance with
of high-p compliance. When low-p instructions low-p instructions with Therapist 1 was 15%
were first introduced at trial 18, there was non- and increased immediately to 92% during
compliance. High-p instructions were then SCP. Low-p compliance with a second thera-
reintroduced but failed to produce compliance pist under baseline conditions was 29%, but
with low-p instructions. However, at trial increased to 83% by the first session of SCP
29, compliance with low-p instructions began with Therapist 2. After Linus demonstrated
to occur. Over successive trials, high-p instruc- compliance with the standard SCP, Therapist
tions were reintroduced shortly after there was 1 then reintroduced low-p instructions without

Stimulus Control Procedure (SCP) Therapist 1 SCP - Therapist 2

Session 4 Session 5 Session 6 Session 8

Cumulative Compliance with Instructions








16 Low-P

8 Patty
20 40 60 80 100 120
Cumulative Trials

Figure 2. Cumulative record of compliance to high-p and low-p instructions given by two therapists for Patty’s first
four therapy sessions (cumulative sessions 4, 5, and 6 with Therapist 1, session 8 with Therapist 2).

Percentage Compliance with Low-P Instructions

Therapist 2
80 (SCP)
Parent (SCP)
70 Therapist 1
Stimulus Control
60 (SCP)

Therapist 2 (BL) Parent (BL)

30 Therapist 1
Baseline (BL)

2 4 6 8 10 12

Figure 3. Percentage compliance to low-p instructions per session across two therapists and Charlie’s mother.
8 JOHN G. BORGEN et al.

Therapist 1 Therapist 2
Sessions Sessions Parent
120 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Cumulative Compliance with Instructions









10 High-P
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180
Cumulative Trials

Figure 4. Cumulative record of compliance to high-p and low-p instructions across 12 therapy sessions implemen-
ted by two therapists and Charlie’s mother.

Therapist 1 Therapist 2 Therapist 1

Stimulus Control
Baseline Procedure
(SCP) BL SCP SCP (No SR+ following Low-P Instructions)
Percenteage Compliance with Low-P Instructions









2 4 6 8 10 12

Figure 5. Percentage compliance to low-p instructions per session.


reinforcement for compliance. Initially, compli- (Mace et al., 2010; Mace, Pritchard & Penney,
ance dropped to 35% but steadily rose to in press; Pritchard, Hoerger & Mace, 2014).
100% over the next four sessions. This procedure was designed to increase the
As noted above, the SCP procedure was likelihood that each child would begin to orient
designed to maximize exposure to the S–R–S to the therapist when the therapist approached
contingencies and minimize the number of S– the child (Dinsmoor, 1985). Second, after sev-
noR and S–noS contingencies experienced by eral VT reinforcer deliveries, the therapist
the participants. That is, the aim was for the introduced an orienting cue consisting of saying
probability of an instruction–compliance– the child’s name in a novel tone and cadence.
reinforcer contingency was arranged to be high Novel stimuli have consistently been shown to
compared to the probability of an instruction– evoke orienting responses in several species
no response (noncompliance) as well as the (Pavlov, 1927; Sokolov, 1963). When the child
probability of an instruction–no reinforcer con- oriented to (i.e., looked at) the therapist, the
tingency. Probabilities conditional on the use reinforcer was then delivered. The timing of
of use of the SCP were calculated across all the orienting cue was contingent on the child
trials for each participant, excluding baseline pausing the activity in which he or she was
without SCP. If a = compliance to an instruc- engaging for at least 2 s. The purpose of this
tion, and b = noncompliance to an instruction, timing was to increase the likelihood that the
the following conditional probabilities are pos- child would switch from the current activity to
sible: (1) a/a+b and (2) b/a+b. In all treatment the compliance training activity. This concep-
trials, an instruction was given and each com- tualization is consistent with a changeover on a
pliant response was reinforced. For Patty these concurrent schedule of reinforcement
values were 1 = 0.96; 2 = 0.04, for Lucy 1 = (Ferster & Skinner, 1957; Herrnstein, 1961,
0.87; 2 = 0.13, for Charlie 1 = 0.85; 2 = 0.15, 1970). Third, following the orienting cue, the
and for Linus 1 = 0.87; 2 = 0.13. therapist held his or her hand out with the
reinforcer at eye level to the child. As the child
reached to take the reinforcer, the therapist
DISCUSSION gave the instruction, “Take it.” The take it
We evaluated a unique method for establish- instruction had a very high probability of com-
ing stimulus control and compliance with pliance because it was the response the child
instructions for four young children diagnosed was in the process of emitting. These elements
with ASD. Before intervention, all four partici- of the compliance training procedure resulted
pants had low levels of compliance (20% < com- in the instruction ! compliance ! reinforcer
pliance). After a single session of intervention, (S–R–S) contingency that is essential to estab-
compliance increased markedly (59%, 83%, lish stimulus control (Spradlin & Simon,
75%, and 90% for Lucy, Patty, Charlie and 2011). Fourth, after the child contacted several
Linus, respectively). A second intervention ses- of these S–R–S contingencies, low-p instruc-
sion increased compliance to over 80% for Lucy tions were first introduced. When the child
and over 95% for the other three participants, paused in his or her current activity, the orient-
indicating that the procedure can produce rapid ing cue was delivered with the reinforcer held
clinical improvements in compliance. out at eye level. As the child approached the
The procedure specifies four elements. First, reinforcer to take it, the therapist held the rein-
we identified a novel therapist with no history forcer next to the chair and said, “Sit down”
of interaction with the children to deliver tangi- (McIlvane & Dube, 1992). Response require-
ble reinforcers on a time-contingent schedule ments were then gradually increased by having
10 JOHN G. BORGEN et al.

the therapist stand, for example, next to a chair. (e.g., Stephenson & Hanley, 2010) and/or conse-
The orienting cue was provided when the child quences for compliance (e.g., Russo et al., 1981)
was 2 to 3 m from the therapist and chair, thus and noncompliance (e.g., Doleys et al., 1976),
requiring the child to walk to the therapist. we are unaware of interventions aimed expressly
Several of the other steps in the compliance at establishing the stimulus control of instruc-
training procedure (see Supplemental Materials) tions. We designed our intervention to maxi-
are common, well-established procedures in mize the number of experiences the participants
behavior analysis. Tangible reinforcers were cor- had with the S–R–S contingency and, at the
related with potential social reinforcers (enthusi- same time, minimizing the number of experi-
astic praise) in an attempt to strengthen the ences participants had with S–noR–noS contin-
reinforcing value of praise. After experiencing gencies. We maximized S–R–S contingency
several tangible-social reinforcer contingencies, exposures by beginning each compliance train-
the schedule of tangible reinforcement was grad- ing session with VT deliveries of preferred foods,
ually faded to the thinnest VR schedule that the orienting cues and high-p requests. This ensured
child could tolerate while maintaining social that prior to the introduction of low-p instruc-
reinforcement on an FR1 schedule (Wilder, tions, each child had experienced multiple S–R–
Nicholson, & Allison, 2010). Each compliance S contingencies, which are probably necessary
training session began with a repetition of the for instructions to acquire stimulus control over
first five steps of compliance training to re- cooperative behavior (Spradlin & Simon, 2011).
establish the stimulus control of instructions Given the above, if stimulus control is
before introducing low-p instructions. This pro- strengthened when p(S–R–S) is relatively high
cedure is consistent with errorless learning compared to p(S–noR–noS), it may likely fol-
instructional procedures (Ducharme & Popy- low that when this relation is reversed and a
nick, 1993). child experiences a relatively high number of p
Low-p instructions were identified for several (S–noR–noS) contingencies, stimulus control
key behaviors that were reported to be impor- of instructions will be weakened or not develop
tant for the child to be safe and successful in at all. If this proposition is accurate, it has
other settings or activities. By parental report, important clinical implications. In our work
these low-p instructions were met with very with numerous families whose children present
low levels of compliance, which was confirmed with noncompliance, it is common to observe
in our baseline data. To introduce a child to parents deliver and repeat the same instruction
community-based activities with success, the multiple times if the child is noncompliant or
child will need to be reliably compliant with uncooperative. This situation exposes the child
instructions such as Come here, Stay with me, to a relatively high number of S–noR–noS con-
Sit down, and several social responses (e.g., Say tingencies and thereby may weaken the stimu-
hi, Give it to her, Stand in line) that were not lus control of instructions, resulting in the
evaluated in this study but may be important problem of noncompliance. A therapist who
for success when introduced to a particular observes this parent–child interaction, and is
community activity. Support for this assump- aware of the conditions important for the
tion awaits further research. development of stimulus control, may request
Compliance, or cooperation, has been the tar- that the parent not repeat instructions that are
get of intervention for several decades not followed and instead practice delivering
(Forehand, Gardner & Roberts, 1978). instructions that the child is known to reliably
Although a wide variety of interventions have follow before presenting known low-p instruc-
targeted compliance by manipulating antecedents tions. Such cases may be good candidates for

use of the SCP evaluated in this work, but this separated by 15 s to 20 s following the conven-
too awaits further research. tional high-p treatment, compliance decreased
This research also gives guidance to therapists with each successive low-p instruction. In the
working with children who become uncoopera- current study, the intervals between high-p
tive with specific instructions during the course instructions and low-p instructions were a min-
of ABA therapy. The present study suggests that imum of 1 min, making a momentum effect
if a child becomes unresponsive to a given unlikely. For these reasons, we consider it
instruction, the therapist should discontinue the unlikely that the current procedure invoked
problematic instruction and instead provide sev- behavioral persistence consistent with behav-
eral high-p instructions at intervals up to 1 min ioral momentum theory.
to re-establish the stimulus control of instruc- The present study is not without limitations.
tions. We followed this procedure and returned First, the SCP contained multiple procedures
to high-p instructions after one or two instances comprising a treatment package, and it is
of noncompliance with low-p instructions unknown which procedural steps were requisite
occurred (see Figures 2 and 4). In our analyses for improvement in compliance. The treatment
with Patty and Charlie, this resulted consistently package is novel, and future investigators may
in a resumption of compliance with low-p want to analyze which components are critical
instructions. Although shifting from low-p to to producing clinical benefit. Second, it would
high-p instructions contingent on noncompli- be an oversimplification to conclude that stim-
ance carries the risk of negatively reinforcing ulus control per se was responsible for the
noncompliance, the shift in this study increased results. Stimulus control develops from multi-
compliance to low-p instructions after stimulus ple procedures (e.g., differential reinforcement).
control was re-established with high-p instruc- Third, there are possible concerns about the
tions. Presumably, the SCP would be contrain- practicality of providing high rate food rein-
dicated for children who also demonstrate forcement for performing relatively low-effort
problem behavior related to low-p instructions. responses. Future research is needed to deter-
Although the present study used high-p mine if, over longer periods time food rein-
instructions to establish compliance, the SCP forcement can be faded and more high effort
differs significantly from the high-p interven- responses will be responsive to the intervention
tion commonly used in the literature (Mace (cf. Hanley, Jin, Vanselow & Hannratty,
et al., 1988). First, the conventional high-p 2014). Finally, the purpose of this study was to
procedure presents high-p instructions in a introduce a novel and comparatively simple
rapid sequence, typically at 5- to 10-s intervals. procedure to improve compliance, but we do
This is thought to establish a behavioral not know whether this procedure would be
momentum-like effect that makes compliance more or less efficacious than other established
resistant to disruption by a low-p request deliv- treatments (e.g., differential reinforcement of
ered immediately after the high-p sequence compliance, Parrish et al., 1986; timeout for
(Nevin, 1996, 2015). However, the high-p noncompliance, Rortvedt & Miltenberger,
effect has been shown to be highly dependent 1994; a package of antecedent procedures,
on a short interval between the last high-p Stephenson & Hanley, 2010; emphasizing
instruction and delivery of the low-p instruc- DRA for “do” versus “don’t” requests, Neef,
tion (e.g., 5 s vs. 20 s; Houlihan, Jacobson & Shafer, Egel, Cataldo & Parrish, 1983;
Brandon, 1994; Mace et al., 1988). Second, among others). Comparative studies are war-
when Mace, Mauro, Boyajian, & Eckert ranted to assess the relative efficacy of the
(1997) presented successive low-p instructions current SCP.
12 JOHN G. BORGEN et al.

The current research was stimulated by recent DeLeon, I. G., & Iwata, B. A. (1996). Evaluation of a
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