Padre Pio: A Reaction Paper To The Movie "Padre Pio: Miracle Man"

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Padre Pio: Miracle Man

How do you feel after watching the movie of Padre Pio?
After watching the movie, I had a mixture of
feelings: sad, happy, inspired and consoled.
I felt sad because somehow I felt guilty of the times I give
in to my human desires. My life, when compared to that of
the holy Padre Pio, is so tainted and so minute in the realm
of virtue and faith that I feel I could not attain his radical
renunciation of worldly allurements, nay his holiness.
Nevertheless, I was happy because again I was able to
know a very important saint in the modern era. It’s a
reminder that one can still become a saint even amidst the
dwindling faith and moral standards of many societies. I’m
happy that at least there is still a proof that still we can
attain holiness despite the evil that besets the world today.
I also felt inspired in so many ways. One mode is it gives me a very good reason to
continue striving for holiness amidst my human weaknesses—so many them! I’m inspired also
that Padre Pio was able to win against his battle with the devil, who comes in many forms.
Human frailty can still be coupled with sublime radicality that brings to the fore countless
rewards, even here while still on earth. My vocation impels me to embrace the life of sacrifice,
apostolic zeal and commitment with the one true Jesus Christ. Padre Pio serves as a worthy
person to emulate, even if not totally. I know my limitations and I think as of yet I can’t be as
holy as he was. However, I feel that Padre Pio’s life is a perfect example of how to welcome the
love of Jesus in one’s own life. Lastly, I felt consoled after viewing that wonderful film mainly
because of the very nice ending of the movie: after a struggle with ecclesiastics, members of his
own congregation, lay people, still there was the recognition of Padre Pio’s genuine martyrdom
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Reaction Paper on the Film “Padre Pio: The Miracle Man”

and holiness. The highlight of this spectacular turn of events was the softening of the heart of the
almost-impregnable Inquisitor.

What part of the movie struck you most? Why?

As far as I am concerned, the most moving part of the film was when the Inquisitor, or
the grand Visitator of the Vatican, was finally made to believe in the genuineness of Padre Pio’s
holiness, especially the Stigmata. When the good padre Pio narrated to him exactly what
happened during one key episode in the Visitator’s life—an encounter with the young soldier,
about to die in war, whom he refused confession and absolution—then the mood dramatically
shifted. Now the seemingly impossible task of convincing him that Padre Pio, after all, is a bona
fide saint and not just some sort of a counterfeit Capuchin monk began to fade away. In the end,
he sobbed profusely in front of the saint and admitted his own transgression. I actually sensed
that some few droplets of tears were about to drop from my frail eyes that moment, but macho
pride kept me from a consummate whimper. I was really struck when the Inquisitor tightly
hugged Padre Pio like a child and asked for forgiveness from his own sins. It was a very patent
reminder of myself getting rescued from being totally devoured by the evil of sin due to
hardened heart and conscience. The Inquisitor, in a way, reminded me of my own sternness when
it comes to spiritual matters that seem to be too ordinary for me as a Salesian.
In my life, when authentic conversion happens to me and the voice of the Lord Jesus
beckons me to change my moral viewpoint; I give in to the compelling sensation of guilt mixed
with love, forgiveness, and consolation. And then I usually express my remorse by weeping, or
singing a love song. And I see this uncompromisingly moving incident in the last part of the film
as a worthy point for reflection for anyone who might be too pessimistic about an authentically
sanctified life.

How did Padre Pio take the persecutions coming from his own Franciscan superiors?
Padre Pio considered those persecutions as merely means to purify his person. This is so
that he might become a more dedicated and holy religious. Padre Pio of course couldn’t help but
feel bad about these persecutions all because of his being human. While his acceptance of these
persecutions were so heroic and radical, his fellow Franciscans, albeit superiors, seemed to enjoy
every bit of persecution or “bullying” they are giving the saint. Padre Pio likewise offered all
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Reaction Paper on the Film “Padre Pio: The Miracle Man”

these sufferings to Jesus Christ, whom, he said, was living inside his body. Now Padre Pio
mystically connects his own suffering to that of Jesus Christ crucified—the one and only savior
of mankind!
He also considered these persecutions as instruments of making him closer with Jesus
Christ. While he sustained all these, he kept on communicating with Jesus. Hence, they were not
something to abhorred, but rather, something that can open the door of intimacy with Christ. He
endured all these daunting trials because of his love for the Lord. These trials merely made him
more united with Jesus Christ. After all, nothing could stop him from loving his Lord and Savior
that he welcomed these persecutions with open harms and embraced them as if Christ were
embracing his own passion and death. It is not, however, a kind of masochistic desire for pain
and suffering that he enjoys it altogether. Rather, it’s an unequivocal form of suffering, without
any perversion of mind.

What made him persevere till the end?

I believe it was the grace of God that made him sustain his sanctity. His perseverance in
the kind of life he had is a manifestation that God has abundantly blessed him with several
virtues that strengthened him a lot, even from his younger years. In my own reflection, God
called him to live such a courageous and heroic life—one that is full of trials, persecution,
temptations and direct disturbances from the evil spirit—because He wants to drive home the
message that amidst all the apparent suffering, evil and pessimism, still there is a need to reserve
a place for God. It is by the grace of God that Padre Pio endured. Hence, through Padre Pio and
also all the rest of the saints of the Church, God is communicating to all of us that sanctity is
every human person’s goal in life.
Furthermore, among his astonishing heroic virtues was humility! Even if he was already
becoming so famous globally, yet his heart remained unstained with malice, deceit and
presumption. All he did was to recognize God’s hand in the miracles he did, in the conversions
of hardened penitents, and in all the works of charity and corporal acts of mercy he did. It would
be futile if I mention all the virtues he had during his lifetime. Nevertheless, to name some of
them, Padre Pio was exemplary in the divine virtues of faith, hope, love, humility, courage,
honesty, temperance, zeal, vigilance, piety. While he was almost angelic in the practice of
virtues, he was still so human as to have genuine human friends like Emanuele and Cleonice.
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Reaction Paper on the Film “Padre Pio: The Miracle Man”

What can you say about his spiritual friendship with the woman?
Cleonice, the woman whom Padre Pio became very close with, was a staunch defender of
Padre Pio’s humanity and, at the same time, sanctity. Indeed Padre Pio also acknowledged his
fondness of her in the latter part of the movie. The truth of the matter is their friendship was not
only a spiritual one but also very human. But such a friendship was so genuine that the Devil
could hardly get in between them to sow malice and to make them waiver in their loyalty for
each other. Cleonice and Padre Pio were true friends in the purest and most modest sense. There
were times when Cleonice was able to comfort a sad Padre Pio, even amidst the false allegations
by malicious onlookers.
In the realm of sacrifice, both of them had something in common. While Padre Pio
endured persecutions both from the clerical and lay world, Cleonice suffered from a lot of
intrigues, mainly targeting her romantic affair with the former. From the moment when Padre Pio
took away the possibility of her being raped, they became so close that, to the human eye, they
are indeed like lovers. Even I sometimes feel uneasy with their closeness. Looking at myself, I
would definitely have a certain difficulty in controlling myself when I have such a lovely female
friend. If I use my own moral standards, I might not be able to maintain a purely spiritual and
casual friendship, without entertaining some exciting thoughts perhaps! Knowing my
weaknesses and strengths, I may be able to sustain such an authentic friendly love, but surely
with difficulties—lots of ‘em!
Anyhow, I am very happy to see such a beautiful form of love—that of pristine
friendship. Both of them support, pray, think and feel for each other. But they never went beyond
the boundaries and, almost surely, never entertained seriously some sort of physical and sexual
intimacy. I salute both of their heroism in this regard!


Submitted by:


August 10, 2010

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