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5 TUESDAY, DECEMBEJR 5, 1944 'SeA Copy

Rogalski En·g agement Announced Few Changes In

Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Bosma an-
'Very In Air Corps nounced the engagement of their Basketball Rules
daughter Helen to James Her-
Every Tuesday there is a rec- Chester Rogalski has been on ton the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- This year there are 22 fellows
reation program sponsored by the call from the Army Air Corps liam ·Horton. out for basketball. The Fresh-
School Board ~nd ~irected by Mr.- for so~e time now. i Helen is a Senior at the Har- men, Sophomore and Senior
Bates and he IS assisted by mem- ~ He's beginning to wonder if bor Springs high school. She is classes are the best represented.
bers of the high school: . maybe he's going to have to go a very active member of her There is just one Junior boy out.
On November . 21 the semors : through the trouble of finishing class. James is employed by Pres- The boys are working hard to
had c~arge of ~his program. The school. Chet enlisted in the ton Feather & Sons of Petoskey.
1 be in the best condition, and they
committee consisted of Bob Fowl- : early summer of this year and , The wedding is planned for
., E ve1yn. L'm d ~rman, II although he is anxio~s to get ' in, late spring. are also improving their shooting
er, c h airman
ability. The game Monday
Art Kaltz, Doug Jardme and Tom everyone will hate to see him go. -HSHS-
Newman. night showed what they needed
-HSHS- to practice more on.
The Juniors were in charge of
the program on November 28 Engagement Announced
Embarrassing A few rules have been chang-
Their committee had Pat Burns
as chairman. She was assisted Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Tay-
.. ed this year. One of the most im-
portant changes is that each
by Jane Ann Jardine, Mary Dav- lor announce the engagement of Every person at one time or player is allowed 5 personal
is, Audrey Gleckler and David their daughter Elizabeth Ann to another has been embarrassed by fouls this year instead of the us-
Moore. Lt. Kenneth Davert, son of Mr. one thing or another. Some of the ual 4. Another one that has been
From 7:30 to a:30 volley ball and Mrs. E. J. Davert. seniors experienced same during changed is that they allow each
and games are played. From then Elizabeth Ann is a senior at the the play "As the Clock Strikes." team to play 15 games.
to 9:30 dancing ·is enjoyed by ev- University of Michigan. She is a Some of these were worth pass-
eryone. The Harbor schedule for the
member of Alpha Omicron Pi ing on to the school body. Such 1944-45 season is:
Everyone seems to enjoy them- sorority, of which she is corres- were the following:
, selves and we hope the success ponding secretary; a member of Dec. 4-Pellston, h ere.
William empty handed: "Mas-
of these activities continue. Dec. 8-Mackinaw City, there.
the University Glee club and is ter Nickie! The chloroform bot-
-HSHS-- Dec. 12-Alanson, there.
active in dramatics and other tie !" Dec. 15- Charlevoix, here.
I campus activities. Nick taking the bottle: "Here
Christmas Seals Lt. Davert is in the service, a I'll put it on the mantle."
Dec. 19-Pellston, there.
Jan. !5-East Jordan, here.
member of the Army Air Corps Alec: "And there is quite a bit
Are Distributed I and is now stationed in Nebras- left in it too."
Jan. 12-Petoskey, th£=re.
Jan. 19-Boyne City, here.
Tuberculosis Christmas Seals ka. The embarrassing thing about Jan. 23-Alanson, here.
it was that William was minus Jan. 26-East Jordan, there.
to fin~nce. tu~erculosis control Both graduated from Harbor the chloroform bottle, having
work m Michigan have been re- I high school with the class of '41 forgotten to bring it in Feb. 2-Mancelona, here.
ceived by thousands of Michigan I . Feb. 9-Boy ne City, there.
residents in their mail this week. -HSHS- William: I thought 1 heard Feb. 16-Petoskey, here.
This annual seal sale, which op-
ened Monday, Nov. 27 and runs
Kenny; noises sir!
Alec: about a half hour after
Feb. 20-Mackinaw City, here.
Feb. 23-Charlevoix, there.
till Christmas, was heartily en- J wards. Very excited: "What kind March 1-2-3-District Tourna-
dorsed by Governor Kelly as an Has Own p ane of rioises?'' ment.
esesntial home front activity. J If you know of somebody -=-HSHS-
"Christmas 1944 ,, the Gover- Ken~y Davert, a former mem- else's embarrassing moments put
nor said, "is 'the thirty-sixth an- ber of this school, ~as home .two them in the paper. They are al-
niversary of the sale of the first :veeks ago. Ke~my IS 2nd Lieut. ways funny to ever~one, except
tuberculosis Christmas seals in m the U. S. Air F"or ces. ,~e an.~ j ?f course, the subJect or sub- Promotion
Michigan. The Michigan Tuber- swers to any name f:om Pot~y + Jects.
culosis Association ·with the help to "Buzz.'' Kenny Is the firs '.1 -HSHS- Word has been received that
of warm-hearted 'citizens who members of the armed forces H20 SUPPLY TROUBLE Edward A . Stanley, AOM 1-c has
have purchased seals, has waged from Harbhor S~rings ltlo b~la J?til)- j LEADS TO? been promoted to the rank of
a telling fight against this dread ot, (and e can ~ea Y PI e I ·! Aviation Chief Ordnance Man.
disease. Since 1908, the tubercu- ~ ~enny was ~n active mem?er of I There seems to be w~ter sup- Stanley enlisted in the Navy
losis death rate has decreased by his class, bemg a class officer a ply trouble about 14 miles from December 15, 1941. He is now
two-thirds.'' couple of times and playing in , Harbor. Consequently the wat- stationed aboard an Aircraft
He pointed out that this suc- ~ all spo~ts. I er has to. be brought up from carrier somewhere in the South
cess was not justification for re- H is favorite plane is th~ A-20A , down stairs. Paciiic, and participated in the
laxing the effort to control tub- attack bomber, ~u~ h e flies a P - 1 Mo Br~wn and Elean?r Sterly
I first raids against the Marshalls
erculosis. Wartime conditions 47. He was a s1ttmg target for have th;Ir own techmque, but and Truk.
have caused the tuberculosis · questions in physics la~t Wednes- you begm to wonder after a half -HSHS-
death rate to increase for the · day, but held his own with 10 hour or so whether they are get-
first tim& in many years. 1
(c-o unting Mr. Bates) of us. 1 ting H20 or-oh-ah, nuf said.
Page Two THE REVIVAL Tuesday, December 5, 1944
to fool around in school but you taken for assistant patrol leader
I will change your mind when you and Guy won. Then King Cabed
Sponsored by the Senior Class get into service, and I'm not just was chosen for this patrol's name.
Published Everyother Tuesday slinging you a line. That helped Wayne Chellis was chosen as
Editor _ Bob Fowler me get the job of platoon leader another patrol leader. He chose
and means a first class petty of- Ronald Terp ening, Bob Melching
Ass't. Editor - Art Kaltz ficer rating during boot camp, and Steve Mulder into his pat- ·
Social1£ditors - B. Moser, F. Wilcox and will help me after I am out r ol. Th "'. Y selected the Pine Tree
of boot camp. Patrol fo r their name.
Sport Editor - Tom Newman Tell all the boys and coach Our highest ranking Scout is
Bus. Mgr. -Doug Jardine hello. Keith Sander son who is a Star
As ever, Scout and also is Junior Assist-
Single Copy 5c . I Merl. ant Scout Master.
The S econd Cla ~s Scouts are
Guy Bester, Wayne Ch ellis, J e r-
MORtE WAR BONDS Sl-lO·U il D BE BOU'GHT! I ry L evitt, Homer St. Clair, John
Canada, Steve Muld 2r, Ronald
With the opening of the Sixth War Loan the Girl Terp ening and Kyle Sanderson.
Scouts have started .selling War Stamps and Bonds at The Tenderfeet are Bob Mel-
both ends of the hall. In ·N ovember 21st the Scouts sold ·.~ hing, Bob Zumbaugh,- Dick El-
$26.90 in stamps and on November· 28 $91.60 worth liott, Louis Ettawageshik, J ocl
were sold. This amount included two War Bonds. ) Ayers.
The Scouts that are just join-
The children in the lower grades bring their nickels, TROOP 55 i_ng are Jim Snively, Donnie
dimes and pennies regularly. Why don't we, the high Our Scout meetings started on Davenport, Dick Melching, Garth
Holiday, Bernie Kaltz, M elvin
school body, turn over a new leaf and bring our cash Nov. 30 at 7:00 - in the gym, with Johnson and Alex Kishigo. They
also? Coach Bob Woodruff as Scout are all making progress and are
Master. almost tenderfeet.
We all have relatives and friends in the service, so There are fourteen registered The King Cabed and Pine Tree
let:s buy more stamps and bonds to speed up Victory Scouts and seven wh0 are just Patrols are going on their four-
and to hasten the return of our boys. joining the Troop. teen mile hike Sunday along the
Jerry Levitt was chosen a pa- shore towards Petoskey.
five to go. I sure hope it is three trol leader. He chose Dick Elliott, The King Cabed Patrol had a
THE LETTER BOX It's not that I don't like boot Bob Zumbaugh, Louis Ettawage- patrol meeting at Homer St.
camp but I would like to be home shik and Joel Ayers for his pa- Clair's home. . .
MERL STERL Y NOW for Christmas. trol. He theh elected Louis his The Pine Ti ee Patrol ' had · a '>
I want to advinse you and all assistant patrol leader. They meeting at the home of . Wayne
lsi CLASS PUSSY STRIPER chose Moose Patrol for their pa~
the rest of the boys who are plan- Chellis.
The following are excertps ning to enlist soon to get every- trol's name. -HSHS-
from • Merl Sterly. thing out of your classes in school Kyle Sanderson was chosen as
Hi Stoop: because it will really help you another patrol leader. He named Don't Forget - Recreation
We are now in our fifth week to get ahead in the service. You John Canada and - Homer St. Nights~very Tuesday at 7:30,
of training and either three or guys may think it is a lot of fun Clair into his patrol. A vote was at the High School Gym.

FOR Call for your For The COMPLIMENTS

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Harbor Springs The Drug Store on th~ Corner
Tuesday, December S, 1944 THE Rf.VIV AL Page Three

Senior Sl<etc~tes ... 1

This week: Tha t jivin' jitter~
buggin' teacher annoyin' care-
free p erson named " Mo" alias
Jack Brown.
Jack is 5 ft. I 0 in. tall and
weighs 145 pounds, and not a bit
of fat. H e has brown hair and
big beautiful blue eyes.
If asked about . his chief likes
and dislikes, he would h ave a
h ard tim e choosing between food .1 ·
and women for his chief likes.
His main dislike definitely would
be speech. 1 :

When asked about. h is most

thrilling moment, he told of his
mo5t t hriHing and surprising mo- ' _
ment both in one story. It was:
During the Mancelona football ·
game one of the Mancey's big
backs started through 'Mo's' hole.
Mo stopped the guy, and then
had to be shown the huddle af-
ter he finally d id pick himself up
off the ground H e says the sur-
prising part w s that he wasn't
killed .
As for his most embarrassing I
moment, He has had so many, ' .
that no one time stands out.
Jack has b~en in the high -Courtesy of Review
school band for two years, play-
ing the snare drum. Now he In the picture, left to right: Sta!lding -Bill Kishigo, Wes Hovey, Nonn Cosen3,
plays bass fiddle in the orchestra. Wayne Chellis, Dale Angell, Dave Moore and 'C oach Woodruff; s~ated, eight sen-
He can also pound out ·a little iors ineligible for further prep football-Art Kaltz, Gilbert Young, Harmon Wilcox,
Boogie Woogie on the piano too.
Doug Jardine, Darwin Davert, Jack Brow n, Bob Fowler an'd Mike Kishigo; front-
-HSHS- . Kyle Sanderson. The Rams, after losing to Mancelona 13-6 in the opening game,
Harbor's next home game is on were never scored upon, walloping. Cheboygan 12-0 and 9-0; Pellston 40-0 and Char-
December 15 with Charlevoix. levoix 6~ 0. _ This 'is Coach \Voodruff' s first year at Harbor High.

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Page Four THE REVIVAL Tuesday, December 5, 1944

is kind of funny when I go alone Fourth Grade
Love! Love! Love! Birthdays ..• or with someone else. We all enjoyed our Thanks-·
Girls alwayi say brothers · are giving vacation. Several of us
It seems as if there is still Alene Davis, Nov. 9.
nuisances, that is those who have visited our relatives in other
love, although it isn't spring. Francis Kruske, Nov. 1.
three or four. I get along pretty towns and had a very good time.
There are two persons in school Allene Joye Stolt, Nov. 5.
well with my older ones but the We are studying about the
(one boy and one girl) that have Roland Beckon, Nov. 8.
one closest to me is my oppo~­ Congo River Valley. We found
a touch of the wondtdul stuff, Robert Rarik, Nov. 16.
ent in most of my quarrels. pigmies living there. They are
that is, if a touch means that they Henrietta Sterley, Nov. 11
Then again, let any body speak such interesting little people. The
don't speak to one another when Dolores Swadling, Nov. 13.
to me and they are right on tallest of them are only the size
one thinks the other is getting Ronald Terpening, Nov. 2.
deck; you might say to hear all of ordinary fourth grades. They
too friendly with someone else. Helen Bosma, Nov. 15
the conversation. are brave though and even hunt
Anyways thfs happen~d a week Diane Curtis, Nov. 7.
People can say all they want elephants and other jungle ani-
or so ago with M.A.F. and W.T. Francis Herrick, Nov. 4.
to about brothers. I personally, mals. We expect to learn more
W.T. was very very mad and Noreen Keway, Nov. 26.
think they are a general nuis- about them.
M.A.F. was very very sad, so she Evelyn Linderman, Nov. 30.
ance; yet they can be nice when · We are all trying to do better
ran around telling people not to Metha McDonald, Nov. 12.
they want· to be which isn't very in our spelling tests. We have
talk to ner. While she did all of 1 -HSHS-
often. only a few poor spellers now.
these things W.T. sat back and
waite.d until she was winded and Brothers 9 ••
However, tho we fight all the
time, I suppose brothers are O.K.
Fifth Grade News
half dead. It was then that they (Items selected from those
made up. So I woulq say follow Brothers are very important Just another nuisance to put up written by children as an Eng-
with. lish lesson). ·
this little rule: "If you are short people; that is to some girls they
winded don't fall ih love, if you are. I have four brothers so I I We are going to have a library.
have already fallen, stay in the don't think I can agree with Girl Scout News We are bringing our books to
pink.'' them. If I did not have any broth- The Girl Scout meeting of let each other read them.
-HSHS- ers, I probably would not know November 27 was held in the All the Fifth Graders · had a
BUY MORE WAR BONDS! \vhat to do with myself. Under Scout Room at the school house. very nice Thanksgiving Day.
the circumstances, I think I have It was decided that we would Jack Melching went to Detroit
four brothers too many . . make scrapbooks for the children for Thanksgiving.
' For one thing, they a~e always at the Hospitals. The committee Douglas Merkobrad's ~ father
FOR in charge of the Progressive din~ Bruno Merkobrad, ~arne up fro~
tea~ing me. If I attempt to tease
THE FINEST them, they just laugh and let it ner to be held Dec. 18, gave a Detroit for Thanksgiving. His
report. The meeting was closed brother, Bruce, came too.
OF fUELS with the closing circle and · all
They quarrel with me; they went to the gym for games. Sixth Grad~
tell me how homely my new All but Rosella are back from i-- .

dress is. As a matter of fact, they Thanksgiving vacation. Now we

FRIEND FUEL AND have to say something about ev-1
erything I buy.
Bobby Schlappi shows sign of
are already planning for Christ-
SUPPLY CO. They never want to tag a medical career awaiting him. We are interested in foreign
along when they go to a dance Last week he dectected spurs on money. Bill's dad sent him some
or some place; yet they think it a turkey' s anatomy. Being some- from France and Barbara, Ken-
what of an artist Bobby drew a nie, and Alan have all shown us
picture of a strutting gobbler some.
with spurs that would fit an ost- Eddie Juilleret brought a queer
ric?. . He explained soberly, fish to school-long and skinny
For .... pomtmg to the stiff sharp spine with a huge mouth and many
Real Estate "that is where he keeps his blood needle-like t eeth. We all took ~
Insurance Clothing Needs poison." good look at him .

• •
State Street, Harbor Springs

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