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Influence of Exhibitions and Brand Outlets on Consumers Buying


1. Name
2. Age group
3. Gender
4. Annual Income of family
5. How did you first hear about any exhibition/brand outlet
6. Have you been to any exhibition/brand outlet
7. Did you visit the store based on a promotion or sale?
8. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the
following statements based on your experience of the
exhibition/brand outlet
Strongly Agree Neither Disagree Strongly
agree agree nor disagree
I felt moved or inspired
I felt engaged in the
I was exposed to new points
of view or ways of thinking
about things

It made me want to know

more about what I was seeing
It felt relevant to our society
and the times we live in

9. How would you rate the exhibition/brand outlet overall?

a. Excellent  Good  Average  Poor  Very poor
10. Was there anything about the exhibition/brand you think we
could have done better?
11. What were their primary objectives for the event (knowledge,
skills, networking) and did they met their objectives?
12. If the event were held again, would they participate in the again,
or recommend it to a colleague?
13. Was this exhibition/brand outlet worth your time & money?
14. Have you purchased anything from the exhibition/brand outlets?
15. How likely are you to recommend this store to others?

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