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September Neighborhoods First

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Posted by David Graham-Caso 725.80sc on September 30, 2016 · Flag · Add your reaction
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September 2016

Welcome to the September issue of Mike Bonin's "Neighborhoods First


IN THIS ISSUE : We learn about the approval of Mike’s legislation to create a

roadmap to 100% clean energy for LA, get an update on our efforts to combat
traffic on Sunset Boulevard, and take a look at progress being made on Mar Contact Our Office

Vista’s Great Streets project ... b u t f i r s t , please read this month's Neighborhoods
First Profile to learn about a Venice architect who is championing a new
Connect with Facebook
technology that creates water - out of air.

You can find out more about Mike , meet your CD11 staff and see the latest
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videos and updates from the Westside on our website at .
And remember to like Mike's Facebook page and follow him on Twitter to always
see the latest news about your neighborhood.
Councilmember Mike…


You and 371 other friends like this

David Hertz and Skywater - Water from Air

As an architect and environmentalist, Venice-resident David Hertz is known for
repurposing materials. He has used the wing of a 747 as the roof of a house and
crushed vinyl albums as flooring at a record label's office, so it should come as
no surprise that this environmentally-focused architect has found a new way to
turn something we take for granted into something we desperately need. David
Hertz is turning air into water. Read more about David and his work
with Skywater in the interview below.
How did you find out about
Tweets by ​@MikeBoninLA
A client of mine told me about the
Mike Bonin
Skywater technology that a friend of @MikeBoninLA
his had invented. He asked me to
Melissa Aczon of @DelReyNeighbor is one of my
evaluate the technology as it had not CD11 Neighborhood Heroes. Working for
yet been used in California. To me, like @ChildrensLA, volunteering for Summer Night
alchemy and too good to be true. To Lights, Del Rey Cup & Resource Fair, Del Rey
Health Day, organizing the Del Rey Spelling Bee,
make water from air efficiently? I was
& promoting STEAM education for young women
intrigued and very anxious to try it. I & girls.
started with a small office cooler sized
SkyWater machine to supply our
office of about 10 people and
subsequently installed a unit that
makes about 150 gallons of drinking
water per day from the air. In
California, we have not yet been able to achieve water self reliance because we
are reaching the limits of our conservation efforts. We cannot collect or store
enough stormwater to meet our needs, while we face unprecedented water
Mike Bonin
scarcity and water quality issues. The idea of being able to generate point of use
water on site is a very compelling solution and offers an alternative to the more
energy intensive method of transporting water long distances through an aging Embed View on Twitter

How does it work?

The technology uses a patented process called Adiabatic Distillation, which uses
the art of refrigeration to condense the moisture in air to make pure water. If one
thinks about an air conditioner and how it makes condensation, this is similar. In
simple terms, it's like a reverse air conditioner in that its primary function is to
only make water efficiently, instead of making cooling air. It's fascinating that
on our planet, less than 1.5% of the water is fresh. As we usurp our aquifers and
surface water, we will need many strategies, including the ability to harvest
water from the sky. It turns out that especially in our coastal communities, all
the evaporation from the ocean is replenished in the atmosphere on a weekly
basis as it blows over the city with prevailing breezes, making it infinitely
renewable. In fact there is more atmospheric water in the air at any given time
than all the rivers on Earth. So even if every building had one it would not affect
the climate.

How does Skywater fit with your other work repurposing materials?
I started out as an environmentalist and had to rationalize my place in the world
as an architect trying to lessen the impacts of the built environment on the
natural environment. I have used repurposing and radical re-use as a strategy for
reducing the use of raw materials by reusing what we already have instead of
extracting more primary raw materials. A good example is my 747 Wing House in
Malibu, which uses the wings of a decommissioned 747 as the floating roofs of a
house. Having been successful for over the last three decades as an architect
working to move buildings beyond sustainability toward a restorative and
regenerative architecture that gives back more than it takes, we have not been
able to find solutions for water generation that move beyond collection until
now. My interest in what we Take, Make and Waste has led me to a fascination
with water as the most important limited resource we have.

How are you using your Skywater system to benefit the community, and how
would you like to see Skywater used in Venice in the future?
I have been using solar energy to create over 100 gallons of fresh water per day,
which is more than we personally need. As a result, we have been giving it away
to the community for free. My studio is on Market Street near Ocean Front Walk,
where there is a high percentage of the homeless population with limited access
to clean water, which is a fundamental human right. I have been amazed by the
popularity, respectfulness and self governance surrounding the public's use of
what has been fondly called the "Wall of Water." I came up with the concept of
providing SkyWater to the community by installing a bottle filling station in the
alley on Horizon Court and incorporating it into a large mural by an LA street

Additionally, we have been providing several hundred gallons per week to the
local non profit, Community Healing Gardens , which has over 83 farm boxes on
the parkways throughout Venice, made legal by Mike Bonin's ordinance
permitting that. Considering California's permanent drought, it makes the most
sense to water all these boxes with water locally made from air. Community
Healing Gardens employs youth from Venice based S.P.Y. ( Safe Place For Youth ),
which provides job opportunities to kids aged out of the foster care system. CHG
now employees two full time formerly homeless teens to pick up the Skywater
from my studio twice a week and hydrate the Urban Farm boxes in Venice.

My wife, Laura Doss Hertz and I started as a public benefit

company to not only provide our community with Atmospheric Water, but to
invite them to become water self reliant with their own machines. We are about
to install a SkyWater machine combined with Aeroponic Food towers to the
Venice Open Temple at the Electric Lodge and have been engaged with the
restaurant, Plant Food and Wine on Abbot Kinney, which will become the first
restaurant in the world to not only grow produce for its restaurant onsite using
Skywater, but to also serve it to its customers.

In addition to other projects proposed in Venice and Los Angeles, including a

Skysource billboards using art and atmospheric water generators to provide
water at its base, we are working on alternative energy, water harvesting and
food production for projects through our " Precipitating Change initiative"
with in Haiti and Africa with intentions of providing a hyper local
response to water self reliance world wide.

To learn more, visit . You can also watch the short film on what
David Hertz is doing in Venice, made by local Venice film makers Nicol Ragland
and Matt Eppedio, which was recently selected as a finalist in a national film
challenge by the American Institute of Architects.

West LA First/Last Mile Project Breaks Ground

Mike, neighbors and city officials officially broke ground on an exciting street
improvement project in West LA in September that will make walking and biking
in the neighborhood easier and safer.

The project, which is being funded through an Active Transportation Grant from
the state, will include the construction of: 24 curb extensions, 58 Americans with
Disabilities Act-compliant access ramps, 77 bike racks, 188 trees, and a new
landscaped median at the intersection of Tennessee and Granville. You can see
diagrams of the improvements coming to your neighborhood
at: .

With the recent opening of the Expo Line and the Bundy station, Mike is working
to make it easy and safe for neighbors to walk to and from the station. This street
improvement project will be a tremendous improvement for the neighborhood
and will make West LA an even better place to live, work and enjoy. The work is
expected to be completed in December 2017.

UPDATE: Traffic Improvement Plan Unveiled for Brentwood

Earlier this year, Mike asked neighbors in Brentwood to join him as he launched
his Sunset Traffic Improvement Initiative - a major effort to reduce the gridlock
on Sunset Boulevard. As part of the effort, Mike hosted a workshop where people
could hear information from leading international transportation experts,
discuss the causes of congestion, and offer their ideas and suggestions.
Community feedback received at the workshop, as well as in subsequent online
surveys and community meetings, has been very helpful in guiding engineering
and demand management solutions on the corridor. Mike promised at the
workshop that he and his team would seriously consider each and every
suggestion neighbors and area stakeholders made, and that is what we have been
doing for the past few months.

Please find a full update on the progress we are making, as well as all of the
suggestions made by the community,
at: .

Abbot Kinney Festival

Thousands of neighbors, tourists and people from throughout the region

descended on Venice on September 25 to enjoy great music, food and fun at the
annual Abbot Kinney Festival .

The Abbot Kinney Festival Association, which organizes the event, hands out
thousands of dollars to local neighborhood organizations, and gives “Spirit of
Venice” awards "to recognize persons who are actively involved in the
community and/or serve as inspirational role models." Each year, Mike helps the
Association present the awards, and after presenting awards to Lori Shapiro,
Orson Bean, Alley Mills Bean and Peggy Thusing, the Festival Association
surprised Mike with a “Spirit of Venice” award of his own.

The surprise recognition caused a rare situation, as Mike was left speechless.

Neighbors, Curious About Coyotes, Meet to Discuss Safety and Living with
Urban Wildlife

Don't feed coyotes!

After a series of reports about increased coyote activity in Westchester and Playa
del Rey, Mike joined with the Neighborhood Council of Westchester/Playa to host
a community meeting on the topic on September 28. More than 200 people at the
meeting heard from experts about the state's Wildlife Watch program, local
patterns of coyote movements, what to do if you encounter a coyote in your
neighborhood, the penalties and dangers of feeding wildlife, and most
importantly, how the neighborhood can work together to deny coyotes the food,
water, shelter, and space that draw them to the community.

The most common question at the meeting was “What should I do if I see a coyote
in my neighborhood?” According to the experts on the panel, you should engage
in "hazing" techniques: wave your arms, shout in a low, loud tone, throw objects
at the coyote while maintaining eye contact, make yourself look as big as
possible, and if you are wearing a jacket, take it off & swing around over your
head. If possible, go towards active or populated areas but do not turn your
back or run from the coyote.

Additional Do's and Don'ts and FAQ can be found here . For information on how to
get involved with Wildlife Watch in Westchester-Playa or for more information,
please email .

In the event of a pet attack or to report illegal feeding of wildlife in your

neighborhood, please call West LA Animal Services at: (310) 207-3156 . For all
human emergencies dial 911.

More Than a Hundred Neighbors Roll Out for Bike with Mike

The September "Bike with Mike" was the best yet. Nearly 100 neighbors joined
Mike and his staff for the family-friendly ride around Del Rey and Playa Vista on
a beautiful Sunday morning. Special thanks to Westside Neighborhood
School 7th-grader Stella Vaughan-Verk, whose school project on behalf of
Mobility 2030 and safe bike routes on the Westside spawned the idea. (And to her
amazing dad, Jonathan Verk, who helped organize the event, along with Principal
Brad Zacuto and Westside Neighborhood School faculty and staff,
LAPD, members of Mike’s staff, Bike Attack , the Los Angeles County Bicycle
Coalition , and LA Metro Bike Share .)

Jungle Cleanup Picks Up Playa del Rey Neighborhood

Every year as summer winds down, neighbors in Playa del Rey meet up for a day
of taking pride in their community by cleaning the “jungle” neighborhood. As he
has done in past years, Mike joined the neighbors for the community cleanup
event, helping to clear overgrown vegetation and pick up litter.
Mike Helps Maintain San Vicente Medians in Brentwood

The San Vicente medians in Brentwood became overgrown over the summer and
a new landscaping contract didn’t start until the end of the month, so Mike
joined a city crew early on September 9 to do a little yard work. Once the new
contract kicks in, professionals will make sure walking, jogging, biking or
commuting on San Vicente will not require staring at overgrown grass and weeds
surrounding Brentwood’s beloved coral trees.

Festival of Tejate Celebrated in West LA

Every Sunday of Labor Day weekend, the Oaxacan community of West L.A. comes
together to celebrate the Festival of Tejate--a traditional Oaxacan drink made of
maize, cacao and mamey pits. Congrats to Natividad Santiago, Gabriel Gomez
and Grupo Folklorico Guish-bac on the 9th annual festival. Mike was proud to
honor the remarkable women who honor Oaxacan culture with their amazing

Westchester Arts and Music Festival Brings Community Together for a Special
Birthday Celebration

For the past 75 years, Westchester has maintained a careful balance of feeling
like a small “Mayberry-esque” town within a big city. That small-town spirit was
on full display on September 24, as the Westchester Arts and Music Block Party
celebrated the community’s “diamond anniversary” with a fun community block
party near the Emerson Community Gardens. Mike was on-hand to thank the
WAM volunteers for their excellent work putting the event together and to join
neighbors in singing “Happy Birthday” to Westchester.

Wonder Woman Walk for Breast Cancer Awareness in the Pacific Palisades

Mike was honored to join several hundred people for the kick-off of the second
Annual Jessica M. Berman Wonder Woman Walk for Breast Cancer on September

The event is in memory of Jessica M. Berman, a Palisadian who passed away from
breast cancer two years ago, leaving her husband and two young children. The
walk benefits Tower Cancer Research Foundation (TCRF) , which provides funding
for important and innovative breast cancer research and patient support
services. The walk celebrates breast cancer survivors and honors those who have
lost their battle with the disease. In just two years, this walk has raised more than
$1 million.

Block Party Season Continues with Fun in Del Rey, Mar Vista and Westchester

It is the season of the neighborhood block party! All around the 11th District
throughout September, neighbors were firing up the BBQ grills, blowing up the
bouncy houses, preparing food for the pot lucks, and enjoying each other's

Thanks to the neighbors of Stewart Avenue in Westchester and to the neighbors

of Stewart Avenue in Del Rey for inviting Mike to their parties and giving him a
chance to chat and discuss local issues. Thanks also to Moore Street and the North
Westdale Association in Mar Vista, Beatrice Avenue in Del Rey and the Villa
Marina for hosting block parties that brought together hundreds of neighbors to
enjoy life on the Westside.
LAPD Pacific Division Pancake Breakfast Brings Del Rey Community Together

LAPD’s Pacific Division hosted a pancake breakfast at their headquarters in Del

Rey on September 17, bringing the community together for great food and
wonderful company. The pancake breakfast is something the LAPD does to help
neighbors get to know the women and men who work to keep them safe every
day, and it gives people in Del Rey an excellent opportunity to enjoy the

Grease Sing Along at Venice High

Mike had a blast on September 18 at Venice High School at the annual Grease
Sing-a-Long. The school became Rydell High once again as alumni and students
celebrated the iconic movie filmed at Venice High. Congratulations to Venice
High School Alumni Association , Mar Vista Community Council , Del Rey
Neighborhood Council and sponsors on a great event. Mike was also glad to
support VHS' Solar Cup entry and meet the members of Venice High School Gay-
Straight Alliance.

Elks Car Show and Chili Cook-Off in Westchester

The Elks of Lodge 2050 in Westchester invited Mike to join them for their annual
Chili Cookoff and Car show on September 10, giving Mike an opportunity to talk
about neighborhood issues and to enjoy great food and classic cars with
neighbors in attendance.

UPDATE: Clearing Red Tape and Moving Toward a Great Street in Mar Vista

Progress is being made toward making Venice Boulevard in Mar Vista a truly
“Great Street.” Mike announced last month that we are on the verge of cutting
the biggest and last piece of red tape, and that we should see some real action in
just a few months.

Last year, Mayor Garcetti and Mike announced the concept plan for the Venice
Boulevard Great Street pilot project , a project which would transform Venice
Boulevard from Beethoven Street to Inglewood Avenue into a real, safe,
welcoming Main Street for Mar Vista. The plan is the direct result of nearly two
years of community input, including workshops, surveys, and demonstrations.

The biggest stumbling block has been that Venice Boulevard is a state highway,
under the jurisdiction of Caltrans, and not the City. Caltrans is really in the
freeway business, so to cut the red tape and get moving, we needed to get local
control of the street, and that is finally about to happen! As the result of the hard
work of Assemblyman Sebastian Ridley-Thomas, our Department of
Transportation, our Bureau of Engineering and the cooperative effort of
Caltrans, we expect the state to approve return of the street to local control in
October. This will come with state funding to help implement your vision for
Venice Boulevard.

That means that as soon as January we can begin implementing many of the
Great Street features -- pedestrian mid-block crossings, gathering spaces,
protected bike lanes, improved amenities like street furniture, curb ramps,
crossing signal upgrades, community-branding and public art!

New Parking Lot Opens in Venice

Parking is almost always in short supply in Venice, and last month, Mike joined
neighbors and city employees to celebrate the opening of a new lot that adds
needed parking to the neighborhood.
Lot 760, which will add 50 new metered parking spaces, bike racks, permeable
concrete paving, lighting and landscaping to Irving Tabor Court (just east of
Abbot Kinney), is a great example of how we are spending funding raised from
parking meters in Venice on increasing parking capacity in Venice.

Street Repaving in Brentwood

The Bureau of Street Services was working hard on the Westside in September,
paving a series of streets that included Bristol Circle, Westboro Street and Altair
and Crestline Drives in Brentwood, and Airport Boulevard in Westchester. The
newly paved roads are all looking great!

Palisades Village Construction Commences

It's happening! The Palisades Village project people in the Palisades have been
clamoring for is underway! Mike toured the construction site with Rick Caruso
and his team in early September, and saw that demolition has begun, and that
work is finally happening on the project that so many people have been eager for.

Public Safety Town Hall Held in Playa del Rey

There was a packed house at the Elks Lodge in Playa Del Rey on September 7 for a
Public Safety Town Hall organized by local resident Monica Harmon. More than
200 residents of Westchester, Playa del Rey, and Playa Vista turned out to hear
from LAPD, LADOT, and other agencies to discuss neighborhood safety. Mike
praised our local officers and captains, but reiterated criticism of LAPD brass for
not allocating more officers for neighborhood patrols, and for an insufficient
emphasis on community policing.

Steppin Into Art - Mar Vista Art Walk Holds Another Successful Event

On September 2, the Mar Vista ArtWalk - Steppin into Art celebrated the
neighborhood with a special Music Edition of the Art Walk. The neighborhood
event featured live bands, amazing art, murals, performances, food and a
parklet. Mike is proud to support the artistic, cultural and economic
revitalization of downtown Mar Vista's Great Street. Find out more about the
progress being made toward making Venice Boulevard in Mar Vista a truly “Great
Street” in the update entry earlier in this newsletter!

Rustic Canyon Park Benefit

On September 24, Rustic Canyon Park transformed into the Uplifters, an early
20th century ranch and social club in Rustic Canyon. The annual gala raises
critical funds to support the park. Thanks to park staff, the Park Advisory Board,
and sponsors for their continued support. At the event, Mike also honored Sharon
Kilbride for her tremendous community advocacy and commitment to putting
neighborhoods first.

Asian Cultural Bazaar Held in West LA

It was a beautiful day in West L.A.-Sawtelle on September 18 for the annual Asian
Cultural Bazaar hosted by WLA United Methodist Church . Thanks to WLAUMC for
supporting the Sawtelle Japantown community for 86 years. Special thanks to
Rose Honda for showing Mike some amazing crafts and art made by Japanese-
American Angelenos interned at Manzanar during World War II.

A Window Between Worlds

A Window Between Worlds is a phenomenal non-profit organization on the

Westside that is dedicated to cultivating and supporting a network of
transformative arts programs that empower individuals and communities
impacted by violence and trauma. The program started in 1991 when Cathy Salser
began giving art workshops to survivors of domestic violence. It has grown to
serve nearly 200,000 people. On September 24, Mike was honored to attend the
organization’s 25th Anniversary celebration, and to additionally present AWBW's
Community Service Award to his friend Bill Resnick.

Mike Updates Venice Neighbors on Homelessness Prevention and Reduction

Several hundred people attended a lively town hall meeting Mike hosted on
September 8 about ending homelessness in Venice -- with many hearty folks
staying past 11pm. Homelessness is the biggest crisis facing Los Angeles and our
neighborhoods, and if we do not act, homelessness will grow, encampments will
rise, people will suffer, and our neighborhoods will continue to become

Continuing to do nothing, or demanding or expecting that LAPD is the solution to

homelessness, will cause the situation to get dramatically worse. We need
housing, services, and an immediate street strategy, which Mike is offering for
Venice through an 18-point plan he first announced in March.

You can read the full City comprehensive homeless strategy here .

You can read more about his implementation plan for Venice
at .

Senate Approves Rep. Ted Lieu’s Bill to House More Homeless Veterans at VA

Thanks to the leadership of Senators Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, the
U.S. Senate this month passed the legislation, approved by the House last week
thanks to Rep. Ted Lieu's leadership, which allows the Veterans Administration to
proceed with its Master Plan for the campus in Brentwood and West LA. The plan
calls for construction of 1,200 permanent supportive housing units for disabled
and traumatized veterans and more than 700 short-term units for homeless

Housing 100 Homeless Youth in 100 Days

We are going to house 100 homeless young people in 100 days.

On September 9, Mike was very proud to join Peter Lynn from Los Angeles
Homeless Services Authority and Supervisor Sheila Kuehl's Housing and
Homelessness Deputy Molly Rysman at Safe Place for Youth (S.P.Y) in Venice to
announce that Los Angeles is one of three regions around the country to be
selected by A Way Home America to participate in the “100-Day Challenge." Over
the next 100 days, we will find permanent and stable housing for 100 homeless
young people across Los Angeles County.

This is just a small part of the work we are doing to end homelessness in Los
Angeles, and Mike is grateful for the many partners from various levels of
government, service agencies and the community who are helping to end
homelessness in our neighborhoods. At the 100 Day Challenge announcement, we
heard from Shane, who has lived on the streets for 5 years and who was
connected with services and eventually a job thanks to the great work that S.P.Y.
does. We are very excited to hear 99 more stories like Shane's in the next 100

Mike Hosts Tour of Permanent Supportive Housing Sites

Building housing for the homeless is a permanent solution to an intractable

problem, but the idea sometimes gives neighbors concerns about how it will
affect their neighborhood. On September 10, a busload of constituents joined
Mike on a tour of homeless housing and affordable housing that exists on the
Westside, well-integrated into surrounding neighborhoods and turning lives
around for people who once lived on our streets. The group toured: Del Rey
Square , a 134-unit affordable housing complex that includes 30 formerly
homeless residents; PATH Villas , which has 23 units of permanent supportive
housing; Upward Bound House , which provides transitional housing for 19
homeless families with children; and Gateway Apartments , which has 21 units of
permanent supportive housing. Del Rey Square, PATH Villas, and Gateway
Apartments are all in Del Rey. Upward Bound House is in Culver City, on the
border of Mar Vista.

There are a lot of misconceptions about what "homeless housing" means and
looks like, and Mike hosted the tour to help demonstrate what it is really like and
to underscore the importance of building more homeless housing throughout Los
Angeles. Thanks to all those who joined or participated in the tour! If you are
interested in participating in a similar tour in the future, please, email Taylor
Bazley at

Expo Line Exceeding Expectations

The Metro Expo Line is already a huge success! Nearly half of passengers
surveyed switched from driving solo to taking the train, and the line has already
reached 70% of the ridership projected for 2030!

Find out more by reading KPCC’s coverage of the Metro survey

santa-monica-converted-sol/ .

What Would Measure M Mean for the Westside?

The City Council voted on September 14 to support Measure M on the November 8


Measure M is an amazing opportunity to reduce traffic by revolutionizing the

transportation system in Los Angeles. From rail through the Sepulveda Pass, to
the long overdue rail connection to LAX, to local street repair and improved
service on rail and bus lines, Measure M makes game-changing transit projects

Find out what Measure M would mean for the Westside

content/uploads/2016/09/FactSheet_Westside.pdf .

California Incline Reopens

At long last, the California Incline is open!

Thanks to Santa Monica official’s smart, sensitive management of this major

project with the potential for much disruption and inconvenience, the project
avoided being a major inconvenience on Westsiders living near the incline. Santa
Monica staffers and officials were particularly thoughtful to the impacts on and
concerns of residents of Los Angeles who live in the Santa Monica Canyon.
Because of a great partnership with our neighboring city, Mike’s constituents
were spared some of the rougher impacts, and benefitted from smart

Kudos Santa Monica. We're all happy the incline is open again!

EIR Released for Landside Access Modernization Program

Progress continued on the work to modernize the region’s largest airport, as the
draft environmental impact report for the Landside Access Modernization
Program (LAMP) was released by Los Angeles World Airports on September 15. The
LAMP project is one of the most exciting aspects of LAX’s modernization, and it
will add more ways to get to and from the airport without a car, resulting in less
traffic on Westchester and Playa del Rey streets and a greatly improved
passenger experience for people traveling through LAX. LAMP includes a
connection to Metro rail via an Automated People Mover, as well as a consolidated
rental car facility and an intermodal transportation facility.

The Best Transit-Oriented Development in the City

What would you prefer to see at Bundy & Olympic? Traffic generating big box
stores and congestion-creating and pollution-spewing industrial facilities? Or a
project that provides much needed affordable housing, integration with mass
transit, neighborhood-serving retail, and a host of pedestrian improvements?

The owners of the lot on the corner of Bundy and Olympic could have built the
industrial or big box projects without City approvals, but they did not. After 150
community and individual meetings, and at Mike’s insistence, they crafted a
proposal that is genuinely transit-oriented, provides a record amount of
affordable housing, creates new jobs, and is a functional and visual complement
to the Metro Expo Line stop across the street. And employees of nearby businesses
like Riot Games Studios are already lining up to live there, so that they can trade
hour-long commutes through our neighborhoods for an opportunity to live, work
and shop without a car, adjacent to mass transit.

With nearly 100 people turning out in favor of the project and only a handful
testifying in opposition, the City Council approved the Martin Expo Town Center
on September 24. You can read more about why it is a good project, and see a
comprehensive list of benefits requested by neighbors that radically transformed
the project at .

Mansionization Conversations Continue

The Planning Department is working on two separate, but related, programs to
address concerns about the size of houses in the City’s single-family (R1)
neighborhoods: (1) amending the Citywide ordinances (BMO and BHO) that
regulate the development of single-family homes, and (2) adopting new single-
family zone options that will be applied to neighborhoods currently subject to
Interim Control Ordinances (ICOs), which includes Mar Vista, east Venice, the
Kentwood area of Westchester and the Pacific Palisades.

This can be a very confusing and complicated topic, but it is very important to
neighbors in the affected areas. The Planning Department hosted a community
meeting on September 14, and we have set up a page on Mike’s website to offer
more information and answer some likely questions about what is happening,
how it will affect you, and how you can get engaged in the process ahead.

Please visit one of the websites below to find out more.

If you do not live in one of the areas listed above, your neighborhood’s
redevelopment rules will be dictated by amendments to the citywide BMO, which
is still in process at the Planning Department.

The Planning Department has agreed to extend the deadline for the
public to submit comments to Planning staff in advance of the City
Planning Commission hearing scheduled for early November. Please
direct comments by email to, and
copy Tricia Keane

Find Out More About the City Council's Work to Put Neighborhoods First

100% Clean Energy Road Map

The City Council voted on September 16 to approve a motion authored by Mike
and his colleague Paul Krekorian , calling for the Los Angeles Department of
Water and Power (LADWP) to chart a path to 100% clean energy in Los Angeles.
The vote makes LA the largest city in the country to explore a 100% clean energy
mandate. The Bonin-Krekorian legislation instructs LADWP to form a research
collaborative with energy experts, local universities and other stakeholders to
identify the specific steps necessary to generating all of the electricity Los
Angeles needs from clean, safe and renewable resources.

"Much of the gorgeous coastline of the district I represent will literally be

underwater within decades if we do not take dramatic action to stop using
harmful and climate-polluting fossil fuels," Mike said after the vote. "Los Angeles
can lead the way and show cities around the country - and around the world -
that clean energy is here and ready to power thriving economies. This legislation
will make sure that our transition to 100% clean energy happens as quickly and
as strategically as possible and serves as a roadmap for other cities that want to
join the clean energy future."

“We’re thrilled that Los Angeles is taking the next big step towards re-powering
local communities and empowering all Angelenos with a 100% clean energy,”
said Michael Brune, Executive Director of the Sierra Club , the nation’s oldest and
largest grassroots environmental organization. “Cities across the country are
already making this bold commitment, and with this historic vote, Los Angeles is
on its way to cutting ties with fossil fuels and powering all homes, businesses
and schools with innovative clean energy solutions.”

Rent Control Reforms Approved by Council

The City Council took action in September to improve how the city monitors the
cash buyouts that landlords offer tenants to vacate leases in rent-stabilized
residences. The city's Rent Stabilization Ordinance (RSO) limits rent increases to
between 3 and 10 percent a year, but "Cash-for-keys" buyouts (as they are called)
allow landlords to exploit a loophole that can dramatically drive up the cost of
housing by driving long-term tenants out of an apartment. Once a tenant accepts
a “Cash-for-keys” buyout, the landlord is free to adjust the rent as high as the
next tenant agrees to pay, at which point the RSO's rent-increase limits resume
from the newly adjusted amount.

The new law that was unanimously approved by the City Council requires
landlords to inform tenants of their rights under the RSO, which includes
offering them a period of between 60 and 120 days to move and a relocation fee
of between $7,900 and $19,700, depending on factors such as the length of the
tenancy and the number of dependents in the household. The measure also would
permit the tenant a grace period of up to 30 days to go back on the deal, and it
would require landlords to file a copy of the buyout agreement with the Housing
Department's Rent Stabilization Division.

September Small Business Spotlights

Local small businesses provide more than jobs for people on the Westside - they
are part of what make neighborhoods great. Each week, Mike chooses a local Mom
and Pop business to feature on social media in his " Small Business Spotlight ."

Bike Attack - Playa Vista

This cycle shop was a co-sponsor of our recent Bike With Mike in Playa Vista and
Del Rey, and offered free tune-ups to neighbors before and after the ride. The
shop (which is located in the Runway shopping center, across from Whole Foods)
is a great place to buy bikes, rent bikes, or pick up any bike accessory or gear you
need to ride for fun, exercise or as part of your commute. Check out Bike Attack
at 12775 W. Millennium or visit them online at .
WAGZ (Westside Animal Grooming Zone) - Playa del Rey
The Playa del Rey shop has been selected as the neighborhood's favorite pet
groomer an impressive four times in a row in the annual Westchester/Playa del
Rey HomeTown News reader's poll. Wagz (also known as the Westside Animal
Grooming Zone) offers full-service dog & cat grooming and bathing, daycare &
boarding, dog rehabilitation and is also a doggie boutique. Find out what your
neighbors have been raving about at 8125 W. Manchester Ave. or check out Wagz
online at

Casa Nostra - Pacific Palisades

The happy neighbor who nominated Casa Nostra for the spotlight raved about the
restaurant's "Good food, excellent service, convenient location," and continued
with the glowing praise that a trip to Casa Nostra is just like "a short trip to
Tuscany in the Highlands." Visit Casa Nostra at 1515 Palisades Drive in the Pacific
Palisades and find out more about the restaurant
at .
Manny's Lowrider Bikes - Venice
This Venice bike shop was nominated by a neighbor who called it "a real local
small Venice community business," and also raved about how Manny's is "the
only place you can find parts for Schwinn Sting-Ray bikes at a good price and
selection." Manny's can be found at 1613 Lincoln Blvd. (on the corner of Lincoln
and Rialto) and you can call the shop at 310-306-3452.

Do you have a favorite business you want to nominate to be featured in Mike's

Small Business Spotlight? You can make a nomination for the “Small Business
Spotlight” at this link.

Find out about just some of the events happening in your neighborhood in the
next month!

Del Rey Cup/Mar Vista and Del Rey Health Fair

10/1/2016; 10am to 4pm
Mar Vista Gardens (4901 Marionwood Dr)

3rd Annual Ladera Day Community Faire

10/1/2016; 12 p.m. to 3p.m.
Frank D. Parent School, 5354 W. 64th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90056

15th Annual Kickin' Cancer! 5K Walk/Run

10/2/2016; 8 am - 11 am
11620 San Vicente., Los Angeles, CA 90049

Neighborhood Council of Westchester Playa General Board Meeting

10/4/16; 6:30pm
Westchester Community Room (7166 W Manchester Ave)

Walk to School Day

Your local school

Access 11 - Annual La Tijera Cleanup

10/8/16; 10am
Meet at the corner of La Tijera and Airport
More info and RSVP:

Students Run LA 5k
10/8/2016; 8:00 AM
Dockweiler Beach

Del Rey Neighborhood Council General Board Meeting

10/13/15; 7:15pm - 9pm
Del Rey Square Meeting Room (11976 Culver Blvd.)

Access 11 - Open Office Hours at Howard Hughes Farmers Market

10/13/16; 10:30am – 12:30pm
6080 Center Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90045

Rotary Club of Playa Venice Sunrise Annual Cultural Dinner

10/13/2016; 6pm
The CenterPointe Club (6200 Playa Vista Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90094)

LAPD West L.A. Division Halloween Haunted House

10/14/16 and 10/15/16; 6:00-9:00 p.m.
West L.A. Municipal Building, 2nd Floor (1645 Corinth Ave, West L.A. CA
More Info: 310-444-0737 or

LAMP Draft EIR Community Workshop

10/15/2016; 9:30a - 12:30p
Westchester Recreation Center (7000 West Manchester Avenue)

Venice Coeur D'alene Ave & Community Block Party

10/15/2016; 12 pm - 4 pm
912 Couer d'alene Ave

SHARE! Recovery Awards Dinner & Silent Auction

10/16/2016; 6:00 PM
6161 West Centinela Avenue, Culver City, CA 90230

Domestic Violence Awareness Month Event

10/18/2016; 6:30-8pm
G2 Gallery (1503 Abbot Kinney Blvd, Venice, CA 90291)

3rd Annual Neighborhood School Expo

10/18/2016; 5pm
Westchester Family YMCA Annex (8015 S. Sepulveda Blvd, Westchester, CA

LAMP Draft EIR Community Workshop

10/19/2016; 6p-8:30p
Flight Path Learning Center and Museum (6661 West Imperial Highway)

Playa Vista Campus Bagels and Brew

10/20/2016; 9:00 am - 10:30 am
Central Park Bandshell

Stand Down Event Hosted by VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System

10/20/2016; 6am to 5pm
VA West Los Angeles.Veterans Welcome Center, Building 257 - North
Campus (11301 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, Calif. 90073)

Westside Coalition's Celebrating Success Breakfast

10/21/2016; 7:30 am - 9:30 am
Santa Monica Beach Hotel (1700 Ocean Ave.)

Mar Vista Fall Festival

10/22/16; 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Mar Vista Rec Center (11430 Woodbine St, Mar Vista CA 90066)
More Info:

Access 11 - Open Office Hours at Mar Vista Fall Festival

10/22/16; 10:30am – 12:30pm
Mar Vista Park - 11430 Woodbine St, Mar Vista CA 90066

Food Day LA at City Hall

10/25/2016; 10 am - 1 pm
200 N. Spring St. 90012

75th Anniversary Celebration of Westchester

10/27/2016; 5:30pm
Loyola Marymount University's Roski Dining Hall

Halloween on Caswell (Block Party)

10/29/2016; 4 pm - 6 pm
12426 Caswell, 90066

2nd Annual Midfield Halloween Block Party

10/29/2016; 2 pm - 4 pm
Midfield Ave and 82nd Street, Los Angeles, CA 90045

Harvest Fest Playa Vista

10/29/2016; 11 am - 2 pm
Concert Park

Access 11 - Open Office Hours at Harvest Fest @ Playa Vista

10/29/16; 11am – 1pm
Playa Vista Concert Park (12700 W. Millennium Drive, Playa Vista, CA

Mar Vista Halloween Carnival

10/29/16; 4:00-8:30 p.m.
Mar Vista Rec Center (11430 Woodbine St, Mar Vista CA 90066)
More Info: 310-398-5982 or

Halloween Fair at the HUB on Venice

10/30/2016; 12 pm - 3 pm
The Hub on Venice (11827 Venice Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90066)

Dia de los Muertos Celebration

10/30/2016; 4pm - 7pm (ritual at 6pm)
2010 S Pisani Pl, Venice, CA 90291

West L.A. Halloween Carnival

10/31/16; 4:00-8:00 p.m.
Stoner Rec Center (1835 Stoner Ave, West L.A. CA 90025)
More Info: 310-479-7200

Halloween on Rialto
10/31/2016; 7 pm - 9 pm
Rialto Ave., Venice 90291

Have an event you would like listed? Email to submit


Yesterday, Mike found out that he won The Argonaut’s “Best of the Westside”
reader’s poll for “Best Local Public Official.” This is the third time Mike has won in
the three years he has been eligible in the category. Below is Mike’s reaction to
the exciting news.


Thank you so much! I just learned that readers of The Argonaut newspaper
selected me the “Best Local Public Official” in the annual “Best of the
Westside” readers poll.

This is a huge honor, and I am humbled to have been chosen in this category
three years in a row. Thank you to everyone who voted for me and who
acknowledged the work that my staff and I do every day to put our
neighborhoods first and improve our city.

The work we do and the progress we make is really about partnerships -- with
neighborhood leaders, with community organizations, and with hard-
working city employees. Everything we do right is because we do it together.
That’s why I attend so many block parties and youth sports events, or hold
my “Pop Up Office Hours” at farmers’ markets. That’s where you share your
ideas, and that’s where we form new partnerships.

I cherish those partnerships and love to celebrate our neighborhood heroes.

Twice a year, my monthly newsletter recognizes and celebrates those heroes.
Have you read about my recent honorees? You can do so here , and here .

Thank you so much for the opportunity to serve, and the privilege of working
for and with you. And thank you for the recognition in The Argonaut poll.


Thank you for reading the September issue of Mike Bonin's

Neighborhoods First Newsletter.
For more about Mike and Council District 11, please
v i s i t .

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