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Drude theory:

DC conductivity & Hall Effect

Debasish Datta
Department of Physics
Presidency University

January 2, 2018

Debasish Datta Drude theory: DC conductivity & Hall Effect

Debasish Datta Drude theory: DC conductivity & Hall Effect
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Debasish Datta Drude theory: DC conductivity & Hall Effect

Suggested readings

Solid State Physics by Neil W. Ashcroft & N. Mermin

Solid State Physics by A. J. Dekker
Solid State Physics: An Introduction by Philip Hofmann
Introduction to Solid State Physics by Charles Kittel (!)

Debasish Datta Drude theory: DC conductivity & Hall Effect


Calculate the electrical conductivity of Copper.

(or any other metal of your choice)

Debasish Datta Drude theory: DC conductivity & Hall Effect

Failed theory of Drude - who cares about history!
Assumptions: Let them go
Mad about KTG. Free electron
But there are two types of approximation.
particles in the metals. Independent electron
Electron gas (how dare!). approximation.

Debasish Datta Drude theory: DC conductivity & Hall Effect

Free electron densities

Debasish Datta Drude theory: DC conductivity & Hall Effect

Some grey areas

One electron feels no other electrons during motion →

independent electron approx.
No ion-electron interaction → free electron approx.!!
Unknown scattering mechanism (is there any?!)
Electrons are at thermal equilibrium with their
surroundings achieved through collisions and change in
τ : Collision time/Mean free time
Probability of having one collision within time dt is dt/τ .

Debasish Datta Drude theory: DC conductivity & Hall Effect

DC electrical conductivity
The eqn. of motion of an electron under electric field is
me = −eE
⇒ v(t) = −
and if τ is the average time between collisions then the
average drift speed is

Ohm’s law
We have, current density j = −nev. ne 2 τ
j= E
Debasish Datta Drude theory: DC conductivity & Hall Effect

The measured data for electrical conductivity are marked by

the elements’ names & calculations are the solid lines.

Debasish Datta Drude theory: DC conductivity & Hall Effect

What a success!
Drude’s theory gives a reasonable picture for the phenomenon
of resistance: Ohm’s law (linear relation between electric field
and current density). It also gives reasonable quantitative
values, at least at room temperature.

Debasish Datta Drude theory: DC conductivity & Hall Effect

Hall effect & Magnetoresistance

Debasish Datta Drude theory: DC conductivity & Hall Effect

Hall coefficient: what a failure!

For all metals:

RH = −

Debasish Datta Drude theory: DC conductivity & Hall Effect

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