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Becoming Edward Cullen

Part 1
Burning fire inside me
Chapter 1: Monsters
Elizabeth’s POV
June 20th 1901
“Edward, it’s a boy” I told the father of this darling new baby the nurse was
handing over to me. Big blue eyes glared up at me, not a single tear, not a
single moan or cry.
“What shall we call him?” Edward asked as he looked down at the small
“Edward we shall call him Edward, after you my”
I watched him grow and play and learn. I wanted the best for my son, just
like any other proud mother.
Birthdays would be great, watching Edward open presents. Christmas
would be great as well. His excited face lit up as he opened letter and
presents from ‘Santa’. My sister would come around then my husband’s
mother and father and my mother and father would come to. It would be a
wonderful family occasion. Edward would try to help as much as possible
to keep guests entertained as he got older. I remember he would get
different presents, one time, when he was 5, he got a yo-yo. May not seem
like much but he was addicted to it. He would play and play with it all day.
Then it broke. He cried and cried for weeks, I eventually bought him a new
one and then he was happy again.
He had a charming personality. He would help around the house when he
was old enough, setting the table and maybe help cooking with Lucy our
More years went past and in 1918 the Spanish influenza, Edward was 16,
trying to earn a living and I was dull, I was down in a deep hole for the rest
of my life. From my bright yellow personality to a dark murky grey. Edward
died from a first wave of influenza and it still burns to say that.
My Edward, my son, tried everything to keep me happy, but I loved my
husband so very much. Then the second wave came.
We ended up in hospital and that is where I am now, suffering from the flu,
destined to die the same way as my husband. Edward was too, unless...
Carlisle was trying everything, he didn’t want to do it but I told him to.
“Carlisle, do what no one else can do. I know you don’t want to but please
save Edward. He deserves better let me go...
Edwards POV
She was gone. She tried everything to keep me growing well, I missed her.
She should not have gone. I screamed and Carlisle ran over to me.
“Close your eyes, I am going to save you all will be explained...” He can’t,
what is he going to do? I closed my eyes as he said and I felt the influenza.
Sweating and shivering crying with pain.
But the flu went; I was burning in my heart. It was taking over me. I felt I
was closing down, shutting down, shutting... down... shutting...
My life was flashing through my eyes. I saw m. I saw my father dying. Grey
mother, no longer the happy quirky sole she used to be.
“Let me go...” she said...
“Come on Edward, wake up. I need to explain everything” I slowly opened
my eyes. Everything was blurry. Had I been reborn? Maybe this who I came
back as? All the burning had gone, I heard voices in my head. The same
voice as the first one to speak in my new life. Hang on, one more bit of
burning in my throat. I am thirsty, but this is different. What am I, a
“Edward, Edward. Sit up. You have been out for 5 days. Here drink this now
the burning will disappear” A red liquid was in my hand, a medicine? Oh
well, if Carlisle says so...
Gone, burning its erm gone... this is so, satisfying! Let me finish it.
“Carlisle, what is that who am I, what am I?” I asked.

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