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1) Knuckle Joint
2) Cotter joint with sleeve


1) Oldham coupling
2) Screw jack
3) Universal coupling
1) Static analysis of beam using ANSYS
2) Static analysis of truss using ANSYS
3) Static analysis of plate using SOLID WORKS
1) Manual part programming & Machining using Auto CAD
for CNC Turning
2) Manual part programming using Auto CAD for CNC
3) Robot programming through computer


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1. Cotter joint with sleeve

Aim : To draw the cotter joint with sleeve using Auto CAD.


1. Set limits of Auto CAD screen. Set units Type : Decimal, Insertion scale :
2. Insert line types Centre line and Dashed line into the drawing using Linetype

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3. Draw the centre line. Draw the two shafts by taking diameter of the shaft as
30mm and increasing the diameter to 1.3D inside the sleeve as shown in the
figure. Use line command and spline command for drawing cut sections of the
rods at the ends.
4. Draw a sleeve over the rods by taking diameter as 2.5D and length as 8D. using
trim command remove required portion of the sleeve and rods to insert cotters.
Cotter length is 4D, width 1.3D and taper is 1:30.
5. Represent the top half in section by applying hatching using hatch command.
Represent invisible portion of the rods and cotters in the sleeve with dashed lines.
6. Drawing the projections from the front view draw the top view using line, arc or
circle, fillet and trim commands.
7. Create a new layer using layer command and set color for layer to display
dimensions. Name this layer as Dim
8. Create a new dimension style. Draw all dimensions of the drawing in Dim layer.


1. Use zoom and Pan Commands properly while doing trim and fillet operations at
very small dimensions.
2. Use line type scale command(lts) for correct display of dashed and center lines.
3. Use hatchedit command to adjust the hatching of the sections.
4. Draw all the dimensions in new layer only.


Cotter joint with sleeve has been drawn successfully using Auto CAD software.

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2. Knuckle Joint

Aim : To draw the Knuckle using Auto CAD.


1. Set limits of Auto CAD screen. Set units Type : Decimal, Insertion scale :
2. Insert line types Centre line and Dashed line into the drawing using Linetype
3. Draw the centre line. Draw the pin in the top view by taking D as diameter 4D as
length. Draw the Eye end and Forked end using line, circle and arc commands.

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Draw a octagon and draw the octagonal ends of the rods by drawing projections
from the octagon drawn in the side view. Erase the octagon after drawing
4. Draw the collar by taking 1.5D diameter and 0.5D as length. Draw the pin inside
the collar.
5. Represent partial section by applying hatching using hatch command.
6. Drawing the projections from the top view draw the front view using line, arc or
circle, fillet and trim commands.
7. Create a new layer using layer command and set color for layer to display
dimensions. Name this layer as Dim
8. Create a new dimension style. Draw all dimensions of the drawing in Dim layer.


1. Use zoom and Pan Commands properly while doing trim and fillet operations at
very small dimensions.
2. Use line type scale command(lts) for correct display of dashed and center lines.
3. Use hatchedit command to adjust the hatching of the sections.
4. Draw all the dimensions in new layer only.


Knuckle joint has been drawn successfully using Auto CAD software.

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1. Oldham coupling

Aim : To make the part model, Assembly and Drawing of the Oldham coupling using

Part modelling
1. Flange : Select work plane in the side view and create a sketch. Draw a circle of
100mm dia in the sketch and extrude it to 20mm. Take a new sketch in the top

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view and draw a rectangle of 10X12mm and create a slot using extruded cut
feature. Create a hub of 60mm diameter using extrude feature. Create hole with
key way for the shaft of 30mm diameter.
2. Central disc : Select the work plane in the side view and create a new sketch.
Draw a circle of 100mm diameter and extrude it to 20mm. Remove the unwanted
portion using extruded cut feature and create the projection on both sides of the
central disc.
3. Shaft : Select the work plane side view and create a sketch with circle of 30mm
diameter using extrude feature. Create key way using extruded cut feature.
4. Key : Select the work plane side view and create a sketch with rectangle D/4 as
width and length.

Assembly : Create a sub assembly using shaft and key using coincidence mates. Create a
main assembly by taking a cental disc as main part. Assemble flanges to the central disc
and insert sub assembly of shaft and key to flanges.

Drawing : Create a new drawing file. Insert the assembly into drawing and project the
side view and front view. Take a sectional view from the side view. Draw the dimensions
using smart dimensing.

1. Select the Work plane properly based on the views required in the drawing.
2. Use the constraineds properly while drawing sketches.
3. Select the correct mates between the parts.

Result : Parts, Assembly and Drawing of the Oldham coupling done using Solid Works.

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2. Screw Jack
Aim : To make the part model, Assembly and Drawing of the Screw jack using

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Part modelling
1. Body : Select the work plane in the front view. Draw the sketch for the body with
given dimensions and revolve it using revolve feature to get body of screw jack.
2. Nut : Select the work plane in the front view. Draw the sketch for the nut with
given dimensions and revolve it using revolve feature.
3. Screw : Select the work plane in the front view. Draw the sketch for the screw
with given dimensions and revolve it using revolve feature. Select the work plane
in the side view and make a through hole using extruded cut feature. Make a M12
tapped hole at the top of screw using hole feature.
4. Cup : Select the work plane in the front view. Draw the sketch for the cup with
given dimensions and revolve it using revolve feature. Create a work plane in the
side view and draw a hole and make a semi circular cut using the extruded cut
option. Repeate the same procedure in the front work plane.
5. Washer : Select the work plane in the front view. Draw the sketch for the washer
with given dimensions and revolve it using revolve feature.
6. Screw : Select the work plane in the front view. Draw the sketch for the washer
with given dimensions and revolve it using revolve feature.
7. Tommybar : Select the work plane in the front view. Draw the sketch for the
tommy bar with given dimensions and revolve it using revolve feature.


Create a sub assembly with Cup,washer and screw. Insert the Body as main part.
Use proper mates to assemble remaining parts sub assembly.

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Insert the assembly into a new drawing file and project the front view and top
view. Create the sectional front view to get the details of screw and washer in the
drawing. Mark the dimensions for the entire drawing using smart dimensing.

1. Select the Work plane properly based on the views required in the drawing.
2. Use the constraineds properly while drawing sketches.
3. Select the correct mates between the parts.

Result : Parts, Assembly and Drawing of the Screw Jack prepared using Solid Works.

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3. Universal Coupling
Aim : To make the part model, Assembly and Drawing of the Universal coupling using

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Part modelling
1. Fork : Select the front work plane and draw the sketch for the vertical portion of
the fork. Select the top face and create the sketch for top part of the fork. Use the
mirror feature to get the bottom part of the fork. Create the hub and shaft for fork
using extrude feature.
2. Central block : Select top work plane Draw the sketch with two concentric
circles and extrude them. Select the front work plane Draw the sketch with two
concentric circles according to the given dimensions and extrude them.
3. Shaft : Select the work plane side view and create a sketch with circle of 30mm
diameter using extrude feature. Create key way using extruded cut feature.
4. Key : Select the work plane side view and create a sketch with rectangle D/4 as
width and length.

Assembly : Create a sub assembly using shaft and key using coincidence mates. Create a
main assembly by taking a central block as main part. Assemble Forks to the central
block and insert sub assembly of shaft and key to flanges.

Drawing : Create a new drawing file. Insert the assembly into drawing and project the
side view and front view. Take a sectional view from the side view. Draw the dimensions
using smart dimensing.

1. Select the Work plane properly based on the views required in the drawing.
2. Use the constraineds properly while drawing sketches.
3. Select the correct mates between the parts.

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Result : Parts, Assembly and Drawing of Universal Coupling prepared using Solid


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1. Static Analysis of a Beam
Aim : To find the deflections at the nodes and to draw the shear force and bending
moment diagrams of beam shown in figure.

7000N/m 10000N


2 2
Cross section area=0.01m Young's Modulus=2e7 N/m
Moment of Inertia=7.95e-6 m Poisson ratio=0.3 All dimensions are in metres only

Data Given :

Cross sectional Area of beam = 0.01m 2

Young’s modulus = 2 × 107 N / m 2
Poisson’s ratio = 0.3

ANSYS Procedure

1. Pre processor : A typical analysis in ANSYS begins with pre processing where data
such as the geometry, materials and element types are specified.

i) Set preferences : The preferences dialog box allows to choose the desired
engineering discipline for context filtering of menu choices.
- Turn on structural
- Select structural discipline options as h-method
ii) Define element types and options : Select proper element from this dialog
Preprocessor → Element type → Add/Edit/Delete → Select Beam 2DElastic3
iii) Define real constants : Real constant provide additional geometry
information. In this problem cross sectional area and moment of inertia are

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the real constants. Moment of inertia is needed to identify the shape of the
cross section.
Cross section area = 0.01m 2
Moment of inertia = 7.95 ×10−6 m 4 or 7.95e-6 m4
iv) Define material properties : Material properties are constitutive properties
of a material such as young’s modulus and poisson’s ratio.
In this problem Young’s modulus = 2 × 107 N / m 2
Poisson’s ratio = 0.3
v) Modeling : This problem has Discretised into three elements formed from
four nodes. In the world co-ordinate system the co-ordinates of the four
nodes are as follows.
1(0,0) , 2(7.5,0) , 3(10,0) , 4(12.5,0)
Preprocessor → Modeling → Create → Nodes → InActive CS
After entering co-ordinates of each node click on Apply to enter next node
click on O.K after entering the last node.
Elements : In this problem Beam cross section is not varying so no need to
set the element attributes.
Preprocessor → Modeling → Create → Elements → ThruNodes
Select two nodes to create an element. Then click on Apply and repeat the
same procedure for the complete beam.

2. Solution : Boundary conditions(Displacement constraints) and loads can be applied

in this stage.

i) Displacement Constraints :
Solution → Loads → Apply → Structural → Displacements → On Nodes
Select Node-1 as displacement constraint and click on Apply . In this dialog
box click on All DOF and Click on O.K
Select Node-3 and click on Apply . In this dialog box click on UY and click on
O.K .
ii) Applying forces :
Solution → Loads → Apply → Pressure on Beams
Select the element where the continuous varying load is acting. In this dialog
box enter pressure at Node I = 5000N/m, Pressure at Node J = 7000N/m.
Solution → Loads → Apply → Force/Moment on Nodes
Select Node-4 and click on Apply . In this dialog box select UY and enter
UY= −10, 000 N
iii) Solve : Solution → Solve → Current L.S

3. Post processor : Post processor is used to review the results through graphics display
and tabular listing.
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Shear Force and Bending Moment diagrams can be obtained by defining element
Define sequence numbers 2 and 8 for Shear Force diagram.
Define sequence numbers 6 and 12 for Bending Moment diagram
General Post processor → Element table → Define table → Add
In this dialog box scroll down the left text box and select By sequence num Type 2 in
the right side down text box. Then click on Apply . Repeat the same procedure for
8,6,12 numbers.

Shear force diagram:

General Post processor → Plot Results → Line Element Res
In this dialog box select Element table item at Node I =2
select Element table item at Node J =8
Click on O.K .
Bending Moment diagram:
General Post processor → Plot Results → Line Element Res
In this dialog box select Element table item at Node I =6
select Element table item at Node J =12
Click on O.K .

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2. Static Analysis of a Truss
Aim : To find the deflections at the nodes for the truss configuration shown in figure.

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Data Given :

Cross sectional Area of beam = 0.01m 2

⎛ 2.5 ⎞
At Node-5 Force is acting at an angle θ = tan −1 ⎜ ⎟
⎝ 1 ⎠
θ = 68.11°
Inclined force at Node-5 F1=44480N.
Horizontal component of Force F1 = 44480 × cos ( 68.11) =16525.6N
Vertical component of Force F1 = 44480 × sin ( 68.11) = 41298.64N
Force acting at Node-8 is in vertically downward direction i.e F2=44480N
Based on the truss dimensions Co-ordinates of the nodes in World Co-ordinate system
are as follows :
1-(0,0) , 2-(12,0) , 3-(2.4,6) , 4-(9.6,6) , 5-(-3,12) , 6-(3,12) , 7-(9,12) , 8-(15,12) , 9-
(3,16.5) , 10-(9,16.5). All dimensions are in meters only.

ANSYS Procedure

4. Pre processor : A typical analysis in ANSYS begins with pre processing where data
such as the geometry, materials and element types are specified.

i) Set preferences : The preferences dialog box allows to choose the desired
engineering discipline for context filtering of menu choices.
- Turn on structural
- Select structural discipline options as h-method
ii) Define element types and options : Select proper element from this dialog

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Preprocessor → Element type → Add/Edit/Delete
Select Beam Link-2D spar-1.
iii) Define real constants : Real constant provide additional geometry
information. In this problem links of the entire truss configuration is of same
cross sectional area.
Cross section area = 0.01m2
iv) Define material properties : Material properties are constitutive properties
of a material such as young’s modulus and poisson’s ratio. Assume the
material as isotropic.
In this problem Young’s modulus = 2 × 107 N / m 2
Poisson’s ratio = 0.27
v) Modeling : This problem has Discretised into 17 elements formed from 10
nodes. In the world co-ordinate system the co-ordinates of the four nodes are
as follows.
1-(0,0) , 2-(12,0) , 3-(2.4,6) , 4-(9.6,6) , 5-(-3,12) , 6-(3,12) , 7-(9,12) , 8-
(15,12) , 9-(3,16.5) , 10-(9,16.5). All dimensions are in meters only.
Preprocessor → Modeling → Create → Nodes → InActive CS
After entering co-ordinates of each node click on Apply to enter next node
click on O.K after entering the last node.
Elements : In this problem link is assumed as isotropic so no need to set the
element attributes.
Preprocessor → Modeling → Create → Elements → ThruNodes
Select two nodes to create an element. Then click on Apply and repeat the
same procedure for the complete truss.

5. Solution : Boundary conditions(Displacement constraints) and loads can be applied

in this stage.

i) Displacement Constraints :
Solution → Loads → Apply → Structural → Displacements → On Nodes
Select Node-1 as displacement constraint and click on Apply . In this dialog
box click on All DOF and Click on O.K
Select Node-2 and click on Apply . In this dialog box click on UY and click on
O.K .
ii) Applying forces :
Solution → Loads → Apply → Force/Moment on Nodes
Select Node-5 and click on Apply . In this dialog box select UX and enter
UX= 16525N.
Again pick node-5 UY= −41298N
Node-8 UY= −44480N

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iii) Solve : Solution → Solve → Current L.S

6. Post processor : Post processor is used to review the results through graphics display
and tabular listing.
General Post processor → Plot Results → Nodal Solution
In this dialog box select items to be contoured as DOF Solution and translation as
Item to be plotted is Def+Undeformed. Then click on O.K

3. Static Analysis of a Plate

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Aim : To find the VonMosses stress distribution and factor of safety for the given plate.

Part Model
Prepart model by taking a work plane in the front view. Draw the sketch with
given dimensions and extrude it to get the given plate.
1. To start analysis in solid works add the solid works simulations menu in the menu
bar. To add the menu Select tools ->Options->Solidworks simulation.
2. Select new study from solid works simulation give a name to that study.
3. Follow the simulation tool bar. Select the contraints button and select left side
edge of the plate to fix the plate.
4. Add material to the model. Select material from the material library. For the given
plate select steel.
5. Click on apply force button enter force as 10240N.
6. Select Mesh and RUN button to solve the problem.
7. Click on Result button to get the results in the required format.
1. Select correct edge or face while applying constraints or forces.
2. Refine the mesh size till the convergence occurs in induced stresses.
Result : VonMosses stresses and factor of safety are determined for given plate.

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Step Turning Component to be produced in a CNC Turning Machine

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Table Indicating the End-Point Coordinates
G28 U0;
G28 W0;
M06 T02;
M03 S1500;
G00 X10 Z5;
G01 X10 Z2;
G71 U0.3 R1;
G71 U0.2 W0.2 P10 Q20 F50;
N10 G01 X10 Z-20;
G01 X15 Z-20;
G01 X15 Z-30;
G01 X20 Z-30;
G01 X20 Z-40;
N20 G01 X26 Z-40;
G70 P10 Q20 F25;
G28 U0 W0;

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G00 G17 G54 G90 G80 G40;
G00 Z100;
M03 S2000;
G00 X-10 Y-10;
G00 Z10 M09;
G01 Z0 F300;
M98 P2000 L20;
M98 P2001 L1;
G00 Z10;

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G00 X100 Y50;
G01 Z0 F300;
M98 P2002 L30;
M98 P2003 L1;
G00 Z100 M09;


G01 G91 Z-0.5 F300;
G01 G90 X-10 Y9 F300;
G01 X191 Y9 F300;
G01 X191 Y91 F300;
G01 X9 Y91 F300;
G01 X9 Y-10 F300;
G01 X-10 Y-10 F300;

G01 G90 G42 D1 X-10 Y10 F300;
G01 X190 Y10 F300;
G01 X190 Y90 F300;
G01 X10 Y90 F300;
G01 X10 Y-10 F300;
G01 G40 X-10 Y-10 F300;

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G01 G91 Z-0.5 F300;
G01 G90 G40 X106 Y50 F300;
G03 X106 Y50 I-6 J0 F300;
G01 X112 Y50 F300;
G03 X112 Y50 I-12 J0 F300;
G01 X118 Y50 F300;
G03 X118 Y50 I-18 J0 F300;
G01 X124 Y50 F300;
G03 X124 Y50 I-24 J0 F300;
G01 X128 Y50 F300;
G03 X128 Y50 I-28 J0 F300;
G01 X100 Y50 F300;



G01 G90 G41 D1 X129 Y50 F300;
G03 X129 Y50 I-29 J0 F300;
G03 X100 Y79 I-29 J0 F300;
G01 X100 Y50 F300;

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3. Robot Programming through computer

JOINT A1 22.64 A2 -90.08 A3 90.08 A4 0.00 A5 90.00 A6 0.00
JOINT A1 22.64 A2 -55.75 A3 59.43 A4 0.00 A5 90.00 A6 0.00
JOINT A1 22.64 A2 -55.75 A3 69.63 A4 0.00 A5 66.10 A6 0.00
JOINT A1 22.64 A2 74.99 A3 84.03 A4 0.00 A5 66.10 A6 0.00
JOINT A1 -90.97 A2 -74.79 A3 84.03 A4 0.00 A5 66.10 A6 0.00
JOINT A1 -90.97 A2 -48.99 A3 75.16 A4 0.00 A5 66.10 A6 0.00
JOINT A1 -90.97 A2 -48.99 A3 76.38 A4 0.00 A5 53.32 A6 0.00
JOINT A1 -90.97 A2 -71.03 A3 79.89 A4 0.00 A5 53.32 A6 0.00
JOINT A1 -2.46 A2 -71.03 A3 79.89 A4 0.00 A5 53.32 A6 0.00

-Run the program

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1) Define Automation? 
Answer: Automation may be defined as the process of having machines follow a 
predetermined  sequence  of  operations  with  little  or  no  human  labour,  using 
specialized  equipment  and  devices  that  perform  and  control  manufacturing 
2) Define CAD and CAM. 
Answer:   CAD  may  be  defined  as  any  design  activity  that  involves  the 
effective  use  if  computer  to  create,  modify  or  document 
engineering design. 
CAM  may  be  defined  as  an  effective  use  of  computers  and 
computer technology in the  
planning,  management  and  control  of  the  manufacturing 
3) Define CAD/CAM. 
Answer: CAD/CAM is a technology moving in the direction of greater integration 
of  design  &  manufacturing  &  It  will  provide  the  technology  base  for  the 
computer integrated factory of the future. 
4) Define CAE? 
Answer:  It  becomes  a  comprehensive  tool  to  form  a  link  throughout  at 
engineering industry. Thus, CAE is a combination of techniques in which man and 
machine are blended into a problem solving team, intimately coupling the best 
characteristics of each. 
5) What are the basic steps involved in Shigley Design Process. 
Answer:   1) Recognition of Need  2) Definition of Problem 
    3) Synthesis      4) Analysis and Optimization 
    5) Evaluation      6) Presentation 
6) Explain the term Product life cycle. 

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Answer: A Manufactured product has a life. The demand for a product does not 
last  long.  The  lifecycle  is  driven  by  customers  and  markets,  which  demand  the 
product.  The  product  cycle  begins  with  a  concept,  and  idea  for  a  product.  This 
concept  is  cultivated,  refined,  analyzed,  improved  upon  and  translated  into  a 
plan for the product through the design engineering process. 
7) What do you mean by ‘Islands of automation’? 
Answer: The individually automated workstations or processes are called islands 
of  automation.  In  other  words  the  term  ‘islands  of  automation’  represents  the 
various  technologies  that  facilitate  manufacturing  automation  in  isolation, 
without having integrated with other manufacturing technologies. 
8) Explain Geometric Modelling? 
Answer: Geometric Modelling refers to computer compatible and mathematical 
representation  of  geometry.  Only  mathematical  representation  of  geometry  is 
not enough. Only visual representation of geometry is not enough. 
9) What are the 3 basic types of Geometric Modelling? 
Answer: 1) Wireframe modelling, 2) surface modelling, 3) Solid Modelling 
10) What is meant by Rapid Prototyping? 
Answer:  It  is  developed  as  an  alternative  to  subtractive  processes.  These 
methods  are  unique  in  that  they  add  and  bond  materials  in  layers  to  form 
objects & also for producing complex part geometries.  
11) What is production planning and production control? 
Answer:  Production  planning  is  a  preproduction  activity.  It  is  the  pre‐
determination  of  manufacturing  requirements  such  as  manpower,  materials, 
machines, and manufacturing process. 
Production  control,  through  control  mechanism,  tries  to  take  corrective  action 
to take corrective action to match the planned and actual production. 
12) What is group technology (GT)? 
Answer:  Group  technology  (GT)  is  a  manufacturing  philosophy  to  increase 
production efficiency by grouping a variety of parts having similarities of shape, 
dimension, and/or process route. 

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13) What is a part family? 
Answer: A part family is a collection of parts which are similar either because of 
geometric  shape  and  size  or  because  similar  processing  steps  are  required  in 
their manufacture. 
14) List the general methods used for grouping parts into part families. 
Answer:   1. Visual inspection, 
    2. Parts classification and coding system, and  
    3. Production flow analysis 
15) List any six coding systems that are widely recognized in industries. 
Answer:   1. Opitz classification system,   2. MICLASS system, 
    2. DCLASS system,      4. CODE system, 
    5. KK‐3 system, and      6. CUTPLAN system. 
16) What is meant by CAPP? 
Answer:  CAPP  refers  to  Computer  Aided  Process  Planning.  CAPP  is  used  to 
overcome the drawbacks of manual process planning. With the use of computers 
on  the  process  planning  one  can  reduce  the  routine  electrical  work  of 
manufacturing engineers. Also it provides the opportunity to generate rational, 
consistent and optimal plans. 
17)  Write the activities of production control. 
Answer:   1. Shop floor control;  2. Inventory control; 
    3. Manufacturing Resource planning (MRP II) 
    4. Just‐in‐time manufacturing systems.  
18) What is BOM? 
Answer:  The  bill  of  materials  (BOM)  designates  what  items  and  how  many  of 
each are used to make up a specified final product. 
19) Define CIM. 
Answer: CIM is the integration of the total manufacturing enterprise through the 
use  of  integrated  systems  and  data  communication  coupled  with  new 
managerial philosophies that improve organizational and personnel efficiency. 
20) What are the basic approaches of CAPP? 
Answer:   1. Retrieval (or Variant) CAPP system 

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    2. Generative CAPP system.  
21) Define FMS? 
Answer:  A  Flexible  Manufacturing  System  (FMS)  is  an  individual  machine  or 
group  of  machines  served  by  an  automated  material  handling  system  that  is 
computer controlled and has a tool handling capability.  
22) What are the components of FMS? 
Answer:   1. Processing stations or workstations  2.  Material  handling 
and storage 
    3. Computer control system      4. Human labour 
23) What is meant by NC? 
Answer: NC can be defined as a form of programmable automation in which the 
process is controlled by no’s, letters and symbols. 
24) What are the basic elements of NC Machine system? 
Answer:   1. Program of instructions  2) Machine Control Unit 
    3. NC Machine tool    4) NC cutting tools 
25) What are the tool positioning methods? 
Answer:   1) Absolute positioning method  2)  Incremental  Positioning 
26) Different types of NC motion control systems. 
Answer:   1) Point‐to‐point cut mode 
    2) Straight cut mode 
    3) Contouring cut mode 
27) Explain the terms, Fixed zero & Floating zero. 
Answer:  Fixed  zero:  The  origin  is  always  located  at  the  same  position  on  the 
machine table 
Floating  Zero:  To  set  the  zero  point  at  any  position  on  the  machine  table.  This 
feature is called floating zero. 
28) What is the code used for spindle rotation, clockwise and counter‐clockwise. 
Answer: M03 for spindle CW, M05 for spindle CCW 

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29) Function of M33 code. 
Answer: Thread cutting constant lead 
30) Function of G90, G91. 
Answer: Absolute Input, Incremental Input. 
31) Function of G81‐G89. 
Answer: Canned drilling and boring cycle. 
32) Function of Adaptive control.  
Answer: Machine control units for which fixed speeds and feeds are determined 
by feeds are determined by feedback sensors rather than by being programmed. 
33) Database Management system (DBMS), explain. 
Answer:    A  software  system  for  managing  data  and  making  such  features  as 
interrogation, maintenance, and analysis of data available to users. 
34) What is the use of F3 key in Auto CAD? 
35) What is the use of XPLODE command? 
Answer:  This  command  is  used  to  convert  a  polyline  object  into  individual 
36) Use of PEDIT command in Auto CAD. 
Answer:  This  command  is  used  to  edit  the  existing  polyline  object  on  the 
drawing screen. 
37) Function of WBLOCK command in Auto CAD. 
Answer: This command is used to create blocks with selected objects from the 
drawing screen which can be recalled at any time in any other drawing file. 
38) What is the use of Command, REVSURF? 
Answer: It creates revolved surface along the given axis to given angle. 
39) What is the function of EXTRUDE command? 

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Answer: This command is used to add material to a closed 2d polyline object in 
z‐direction to the given depth and taper angle. 
40) What are the Boolean operations in AutoCAD? 


1) CAD/CAM is the inter relationship between 
A) Marketing and design      B) Manufacturing and marketing 
C) Engineering and marketing    D) Engineering and Manufacturing 
2) Two discipline, which are usually tied by a common data base are 
A) Marketing and design      B) Manufacturing and marketing 
C) Engineering and marketing D) Engineering and
3) CAE and CAM are linked through 
A) A common data base and communications system
B) NC tape programming and automated design
C) Assembly automation and tool production
D) Parts production and testing
4) CAD/CAM is hardware oriented,  
A) Numerical control        B) Documentation 
C) Software          D) Communications 
5) Key hardware items which ties a CAD/CAM system together is  
A) Keyboard          B) Graphics workstation 
C) Digitizer          D) Plotter 
6) Item, which best describes a CAM technology is 
A) Numerical control        B) Documentation 
C) Drafting           D) Geometric Modelling 
7) Group technology brings together and organizes 
A) Parts and simulation analysis    B) Documentation and analysis 
C) Automation and tool production    D)  Common  parts,  problems,  and 
8) Four basic elements are required for an automated machine tool or production 
process are input interface, memory, output interfaces and 
A) Logic          B) NC tape programming 

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B) Software          D) Computer graphics workstation 
9) Automation means 
A) Increased productivity      B) Workers controlling machines 
C) Assisting and replacing humans by machines D) All of these 
10) Use of modern control technology in automation systems 
A) Reduced cost        B) Increases yield 
C) Improve reliability        D) All of these 
11) A flexible manufacturing system may be 
A) An automated assembly line    B) Expensive to alter 
C) Very difficult to change when new products are introduced 
D) All of these 
12)  Numeric control 
A) Applies only to milling machine     
B) Is a method for producing exact number of parts per hour 
C) Is a method for controlling by means of set of instructions 
D) All of these 
13)  What are the components typical NC systems? 
A) Tape input          B) Controller 
C) Machine tool        D) All of these 
14)  Flexible manufacturing allows for 
A) Factory management      B) Automated Design 
C) Tool Design         D)  quick  and  in  expensive  product 
15)  A programmable controller 
A) Allows faster machine checkout    B)  Is  easier  to  repair  than  standard 
relay logic 
C) Has all the logic status maintained in memory   D) All of these 
16)  The benefit is of numerical control on machines are 
A) Reduced fixturing        B) reduced nonproductive time 
B) Improved quality control      D) All of these 
17)  The benefits of CAD are 
A) Improved design accuracy     B) Shorter lead times 
C) Minimum transcription errors    D) All of these 
18)  Integration of CAD and CAM is called 
A) CIM           B) CAE 
C) CAM alone          D) CAD alone 

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19)  Robots are specified by 
A) Control system        B) Axis of movement 
C) Payload          D) All of these 
20)  Advantage of NC is  
A) Reduced manufacturing time    B) Reduced fixturing 
C) Reduced non productive time    D) All of these 
21)  The main functions of CAD are 
A) Drafting          B) Geometric modelling 
C) Documentation        D) All of these 
22)  CAD display configurability, which allows work without any host support is 
A) Highly intelligence        B) Low intelligence 
C) medium intelligence      D)  one  with  no  secondary  storage 
23)  Which of the following items best describes a CAM technology 
A) Drafting          B) Numerical control   
C) Documentation        D) Geometric Modelling 
24)  A NC machine tool system has replaced 
A) Hand action of the operator    B) brain of the operation 
C) Hand and brain of the operator    D) none of these 
25)  NC machine is economical to use especially when one has to manufacture 
A) Small quantity of parts products    B) New product 
C) Large variety with small number of products  D) None of these 
26)  In  point‐to‐point  NC  machine  tool  system  the  movement  of  tool  to  the  next 
A) Is of most significance      B) is of no significance 
C) Next position of the work is achieved by moving the hob D) A and C 
27)  Which of the following is not considered a method of input control in a CAD 
A) Programmable function box    B) Joystick 
C) Plotter          D) Touch terminal 
28)  Operator interaction directly with CRT is accomplished via 
A) Vector Scanning        B) A digitizing tablet 
C) A Stylus          D) A Touch terminal 
29)  The term that is used for geometric modeling like solid modeling, wire frame 
modeling and drafting is known as: 
A) Software package       B) Operating system 
C) Application software D) None of these
30) The nerve center or brain of any computer system is known as 
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A) CPU           B) Storage devices 
C) ALU           D) Monitor 
31) Following is not a operating system software 
A) Windows           B) UNIX 
C) VAX/VMS          D) IDEAS 
32) 2  DCAD model will have 
A) Zero thickness        B) Constant thickness 
C) Variable thickness        D) None  
33)   No. of tangents required to describe cubic splines 
A) 1  B) 2 
C) 3  D) 4 
34) Furguson curves are also called as 
A) B‐Splines    B) Cubic spline 
C) Rational B‐splines  D) Bezier curve   
35) Computer will perform the data processing functions in 
A) N.C    B) C.N.C 
C) D.N.C  D) Both A and B 
36) APT stands for 
A) Automatically Programmed Tool    B) Automated Part Tool 
C) Automated Pallet Tool      D) None of the above  
37)  CNC drilling machine is considered to be 
 A) P‐T‐P controlled machine      B)  Continuous  path  controlled 
 C) Servo controlled machine      D) Adaptive controlled machine  
38)  The following code is used to specify feed rate in mm/min is 
A) G28   B) G40   C) G94   D) G90 
39)  Linear interpolation is accomplished by 
A) G00   B) G01   C) G02   D) G03 
40)  EIA Standard punch tape has 
A) Eight regular column of holes    B) Seven regular column of holes 
C) Nine regular column of holes    D) Ten regular column of holes 
41)  In OPITZ code, plain surface are represented in  
A) 1 digit  B) 2nd digit 
C) 3rd digit  D) 4th digit 
42)  Cellular manufacturing system is designed on the basis of  
A) JIT    B) MRP 
C) GT    D) Layout 

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43)  KK‐3 system consists of  
A) 21 digits     B) 22 digits 
C) 23 digits    D) 25 digits 
44)  For development of a process plan for new parts, the best is 
A) Variant process plan    B) Generative process planning 
C) GT planning       D) None of the above 
45)  Capacity planning is concerned with   
A) How many machines required    B) how much labour required 
C) Both A & B          D) None 

1) D 2) B 3) A 4) C 5) B 6) A 7) D 8) A 9) D 10) D 11) A
12) D 13) B
14) D 15) C 16) D 17) D 18) A 19) C 20) D 21) C 22) D 23) D 24) A
25) A 26) B
27) C 28) A 29) A 30) A 31) D 32) B 33) B 34) B 35) B 36) A 37) A
38) C 39) B
40) A 41) D 42) C 43) A 44) B 45) C

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