Cdu Iexpense User Guide 22.06.15

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CDU iExpense User Guide

Oracle E-Business - R12

Staff Cash (Reimbursement / Travel Allowance

Claims) Expense Report
Staff Corporate Card Expense Report

University Finance/Finance Systems

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1 Overview 3
1.1 Monthly Dates 4
2 iExpense Responsibility 5
2.1 Home Page Explained 6
2.1.1 Section 1- Track Submitted Expense Reports 6
2.1.2 Section 2- Update Expense Reports 7
2.1.3 Section 3 - Notifications 7
2.2 Creating an Expense Report 8
2.3 Adding Credit Card Transaction to a Report 9
2.3.1 Credit Card Transactions screen 9
2.3.2 Enter the Expense type and the description. 10
2.4 Entering a Cash Expense 14
2.4.1 Travel Allowance 14
2.4.2 Staff Reimbursement Claim 14
2.5 Cash Advance 17
2.5.1 Cash Advance Request 17
2.5.2 Cash Advance Acquittal 18
2.5.3 Dealing with Excess spend 22
2.5.4 Other anomalies 22
2.6 Expense Allocations 23
2.6.1 Bulk Allocation Change 24
2.6.2 Splitting Allocation 25
2.7 Review Expense Report 26
2.8 Attach Receipt 27
2.9 Submit Expense Report 28
3 Appendix 29
3.1 Travel Audit Group (TAG) Documentation 29
3.2 Logging into Oracle E-Business Suite 29
3.3 Adding Delegation 31
3.4 Notification – Request for Information 32
3.4.1 Introduction 32
3.4.2 Transaction Instruction 32
3.5 Disputed Transaction 35
3.5.1 What is a Disputed Transaction? 35
3.5.2 To mark a transaction as disputed in iExpenses 35
3.5.3 Disputed Transaction Form 37
3.5.4 Opening The Disputed Transaction Form 38
3.5.5 Closing the Dispute 39
3.5.6 Enabling PDF forms in Firefox. 41

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1 Overview
A short summary of the steps required to process credit card transactions or expense
reimbursement claims are:

1. Log into elVIS (Oracle Financials) - (Appendix)

2. Choose CDU iExpenses responsibility – (2)
3. Create an Expense Report – (2.2)
a. Select the person for whom the expense report is for.
b. Create and label expense report.
c. Process credit card transaction,
 Add details and or itemize the transaction
d. And/or
e. Create expense claim (TA or reimbursement etc)
 Add details and or itemize the transaction
f. Allocate cost code and sub accounts.
g. Attach related documents (invoices, receipts, movement requisitions etc.)
a. Submit

Extra information;
- How to log on (Appendix 3.2)
- Disputed Transactions (Appendix 3.5)
- Adding someone to process your transactions for you (3.3)

For assistance and further enquiries or to book training please contact the Finance Systems

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1.1 Monthly Dates
Credit Card Expense should be submitted by the 25th to allow Approver and Auditors to
process the report before the end of the month.

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2 iExpense Responsibility
In order for you to access the screens and services available for processing Credit Card
transactions and personal expense claims you need to have the CDU iExpense responsibility
added to your Oracle Financials user. Please contact to arrange this.

When you log into Oracle Financials you may be presented with a number of Responsibilities
in the left navigation pane. Click on CDU iExpense to start. If your only responsibility in
Oracle Financials is CDU iExpense, it will open automatically.

From the Main Menu, click on CDU iExpense to open the iExpense Home page below.

From the iExpense home page, the following expense reports are created.

1. Entering a Cash Expense Report for Travel Allowance or Staff Reimbursement Claims
2. Entering a monthly Corporate Card Expense Report

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2.1 Home Page Explained
The Home page is in three main sections:

2.1.1 Section 1- Track Submitted Expense Reports

Any outstanding expenses or expenses paid within the last 30 days are displayed in this area

You can “sort” a column by clicking on field heading.

 Field  Description
Employee name that the Expense Report is for, including anyone who you have
Name entered an expense on behalf of. This will become the Supplier once it is imported
into Accounts Payable
Report Number of submitted Expense Report – this will become the invoice
Report Number
number once it is imported into Accounts Payable
Report Submit
Date the Expense Report was submitted
Status of the report – these include:
Report Status Pending Individual’s Approval, Pending Manager Approval, Pending Payables
Approval, Pending Your Resolution, Ready for Payment, Paid
Last Report
Status Activity Number of days ago that the Expense Report was looked at / edited
Current The Approver the Expense Report is currently queued with, awaiting there for
Approver approval
Receipts Status The status of the receipt, including: received, required, waived
Report Total
The $AUD value of the expense report
Purpose The purpose of the Expense Report

If you click on you can duplicate the Expense Report, all details (excluding
Duplicate credit card transactions) will be copied, and dates will be increased by one week.
New receipts will need to be added.

If you click on you can withdraw the Expense Report. You can then update
and re-submit.
NOTE – You cannot withdraw a request if the expense has been fully approved
(i.e. where Supervisor and Audit approval has been granted).

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2.1.2 Section 2- Update Expense Reports

Lines in this section are claims which are in process and not ready to be submitted for
approval. Any saved, rejected, or returned expenses are displayed in this area.

You can Update, Duplicate or Delete the Expense by clicking on the relevant icon (see below):

2.1.3 Section 3 - Notifications

If you are an authorized approver and you need to approve an Expense Report, this is
actioned in the Notifications section. If you are setup as cost centre approver you will receive
an email notification when staff submit their claims for approval. If you are a supervisor you will
receive an FYI email notifying you of your staff members Expense Report submission.

You will also receive notifications here if your Expense Report has been sent back for a
“Request for Information” from your Approver, the CDU Travel Officer (if the Expense report
involves travel) or the Payables Auditor. Other notifications that you will receive are listed
 When the Expense Report has been submitted for approval on your behalf.
 When the Expense Report is approved by your Approver
 When the Expense Report due amount has transferred via EFT to yourself for cash expense
claims (i.e. expense reimbursements / travel allowances)

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Oracle Notifications are further discussed in Topic 3.4 – Notification – Request for

2.2 Creating an Expense Report

Login to Oracle and Select CDU iExpense responsibility
This will take you to the Expense Home Page (see Topic 1)

To start the process click on to get started

If creating an Expense Report on behalf of another staff member (as a proxy), select their
name from the drop down box beside Name. Then add details to the Purpose.
Convention – IntialLastname – Type (CCard, Travel, Reimbursement, Cash Advance) – Period

There is a CDU iExpense Quick Reference Guide (QRG) which you can refer to
for Entering Expenses

Once you have started the Create Expense Report you can Save it at any time allowing you
to add transactions or update information at a later time.

The progress indicator will tell what stage you are at throughout the creation of the Expense
Report. When you re-open a report you may need to click Next a few times to get to the
screen you wish to update. *Do not untick transactions after reopening an Expense Report or
you will lose all the data you have entered for that line or lines.

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2.3 Adding Credit Card Transaction to a Report
If you or the person you are preparing the Expense Report for has a CDU Corporate Credit
Card, the Credit Card Transactions page will be available. If not you will be taken straight to
the Cash and Other Expenses screen.

2.3.1 Credit Card Transactions screen

Tick in the Select box the transaction/s you wish to code. Or choose Select All.

Do not un-tick transactions you have already coded. This will remove the
transaction from the report and you will have to re-enter all data related again.

Click next will bring up the Credit Card Expenses screen where the transactions are coded
and descriptions are entered.

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2.3.2 Enter the Expense type and the description.

A maximum of 256 characters in the description field will be imported into the
General Ledger. This may affect your reporting and may therefore need to be
carefully considered.

If you have a receipt that needs to be split between different Expense Types this is referred to

as itemization Go into details. To do this click on the details icon . Then Click Itemize Missing Receipt

If the receipt is missing tick the box next to “Original Receipt Missing” and change the Tax
Code to Gst-0%. This means the cost centre will incur the full cost of the transaction as the
University is unable to claim the GST without a receipt that displays the amount of GST
charged. Statutory Declaration is available via the Policy and Forms link at the top of the page.

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Some Expense types require Additional Information on this screen. For example

Ensure that all fields marked with * (Mandatory Information) is completed. Itemization
If receipts need to be split, for example, a Staples order that included purchases for both
stationery and kitchen consumables; we need to Itemize the transaction. Click on the

to start.

There are a few ways to do this. We recommend that you decrease the first line by the
amount of the next line (or sum of the extra lines) Change the value of the first line. (See
example below).
In this example we have a purchase from Officeworks. Stationary and a hard disk ($90) were
purchased on this transaction. The hard disk could be assigned to Minor Equipment and

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Click on the Details icon on the transaction row

Click Itemize. You should see details of the transaction line at the bottom of the page (you may
need to scroll down)

Reduce the Itemized Receipt Amount by the amount of the row you wish to add, in this case

Notice that Unallocated Expenses is now showing $90. Click on Add Another Row. The new
row will automatically assign the Unallocated Expenses amount.

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Now select the Expense Type and update the Description

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When completed ensure “Unallocated Expenses” is $0.00 as any Unallocated
Expense amounts will not be paid by CDU

You also need to use Itemization if a portion of the receipt is Tax Free – GST-
To calculate the GST portion of a Coles or Woolworths receipt, multiply the
GST amount shown on the receipt by 10 and add back the GST amount to get
the Gross Value.
For Example
Receipt Total $100
GST $2.50
Would be Itemized in the details screen.
Line 1-1 Catering $72.50 GST-0%
Line 1-2 Catering $27.50 GST-10%

Once itemization is completed you can either select to proceed to the details page of
the next Expense or you can select which will take you back to the “Cash and Other
Expenses” summary page.

Once details have been entered for all claims click on which will take you to “Expense
Allocation” page

2.4 Entering a Cash Expense

If you have permission to enter Expense reports on behalf of someone their name will also be
available in the dropdown list.

Input a Purpose for the Expense Report:

2.4.1 Travel Allowance

Purpose: e.g. AIkonomou – Travel Allowance MR#AI270415 – 01.05.2015

2.4.2 Staff Reimbursement Claim

Purpose: e.g. AIkonomou – Staff Reimbursement Claim 30.04.2015

*Please remember to attach supporting documentation for audit purposes before submitting

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Entering Expense transactions is very similar to Credit transactions. The difference
being that transaction date, amount and merchant all have to be entered manually.

Note: Where both Corporate Card and Cash Expenses exist, they can be included in a single
expense claim. Travel Allowance should be entered as a separate Expense Report in order to
make the future date of TA not clash with other transactions.

Receipts are attached at the header of the Expense Report, remember to number them
matching the line of the purchase on your claim.

Click until you are at Cash and Other Expenses

If you do not have a Corporate Card, these credit card pages will not be displayed.

If the expense was in a foreign currency you will need to show the receipt currency.


Travel Allowance Claim – Date is to be set a week prior to departure (refer to Table 1 – Date
for more information) and Travel Allowance should be a separate Expense Report ie. Anna is
expected to travel on the 27th April therefore the date selected is 7 days prior to departure eg.

Select the Expense Type and enter the details of the Description

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Staff Reimbursement Claim – Enter the Details and Descriptions for all receipts

Reimbursement Claim Forms – When submitting an Expense report on behalf of

someone else you must attach a signed and authorised Reimbursement Form.

See Table 1: Transaction Fields for a description of each of the fields.

Table 1: Transaction fields.

 Field  Description

Receipt Date. Use the calendar to select date

Date Note: Travel Allowance Claims – Date is to be set a week prior to departure (if it’s
less than 7 days before departure set as at today’s date)
ie AI230315 – date set to 16-Mar-15 (7days prior)
Receipt Amount Receipt value (including GST)
Transaction currency can be selected from the dropdown box
Receipt Currency
Where the transaction currency is not listed, manually covert the amount to AUD.
Exchange Rate Displays the exchange rate used to convert the transaction currency to AUD.
Expense Type can be selected from the dropdown box
Expense Type These Expense types will determine which Natural Account code will default into
the Account Allocations
Reason the Expense was incurred WHO the person receiving the payment,
Description WHERE Merchant Name, WHEN Date, WHAT was purchased, WHY was the
purchase made
Amount that is to be reimbursed or acquitted to credit card
Amount (AUD)

Details Click to enter further information for each receipt and to itemize.

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2.5 Cash Advance
Cash advance requires two separate Expense Reports:
- The first is the request for the Cash Advance
- The second in the acquittal of the Cash Advance.

2.5.1 Cash Advance Request

Create a new Expense Report giving the purpose with User-Cash Advance Request-reason
(eg. MMaderal- Cash Advance Request – East Timor Travel)

Click Next through to Cash and Other Expenses then create an entry for the date the cash is
required and the amount. Select Cash Advance (752) as the Expense Type. The description
should include the user-why-movement request no (if applicable).

You may get a notification if you have future dated the request. Click Yes

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The expense allocation

Click Next and attach relevant documentation (attaching files is discussed in the section on
Attaching Receipts) such as movement requisitions and any justification for the advance.
Click Submit and note the Expense Report Number (CDUxxxxxx). You will need this number
for acquitting the Cash Advance.

2.5.2 Cash Advance Acquittal

Create a new report. The purpose should include the receivers name-Cash Advance
Acquittal-CDUxxxxxx (the number of the Cash Advance Request) eg. MMaderal-Cash
Advance Acquittal- CDUxxxxxx.

Click Next through to Cash and Other Expenses

The first entry will be the amount of the original Cash Advance as a negative value. The
Expense Type with be Cash Advance Acquittal. Description should show the User-
Acquittal-CDUxxxxxx (Cash Advance Request number).

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Note that the Total is showing a negative number. This needs to be zero to completely acquit
all funds.
If the expenses were in a foreign currency then you will need to click on Show Receipt
Currency. Remember that transactions overseas do not get GST so you will need to go into
details to change the Tax settings to GST-0%

Enter the expense in exactly the same way as a Cash Expense. Put the description used in
the first line (Cash Advance Acquittal) as the start of each expense line.
Note click on update will recalculate the amount due.

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Once all expenses have been entered the remaining cash should be given to cashiers who will
give you a receipt. Enter this amount as the final line. Expense Type is Cash Advance
Refund. Description will have the first line description with the receipt number from Cashiers.

Note that the Total is now 0.00.

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Click Next and to update Expense Allocations.

After all Sub-accounts have been updated to reflect the expense of the purchase Click Next

Attach receipts and related documentation. Click Add to attach receipts and other related
documents. Then Submit

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2.5.3 Dealing with Excess spend

If you have spent more than was allocated from the original Cash Advance you will need to get
written authorisation from the cost centre owner and attach the document. iExpense will then
treat the excess amount like a standard reimbursement claim. You do not need to submit a
separate Expense Report, just continue to add the amounts to the existing report. In this case
the amount remaining should be a positive amount payable. Remembering that all
transactions will need to have receipts and related documentation attached.

2.5.4 Other anomalies

There will likely be differences in amounts as a result off currency conversion. If this adds up
to less than 5% of the total Cash Advance then enter this as a transaction to “Bank Charges
(336)” adding “currency conversion losses” to the description.

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2.6 Expense Allocations
NOTE: The account Expense Allocations will be defaulted from the expense type selected for
each expense and itemized expense line.

Complete the Sub-account fields by entering your selection or by using to search and
quick select. Ensure all fields marked with XX are updated to include the sub-account before
clicking Next

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2.6.1 Bulk Allocation Change

If you need to change the Area and Activity or both allocations for a lot of lines, select the lines
you wish to update the allocations for (using the select checkbox)


Select an Allocation Method, input the cost combination and type in an allocation reason


Update Allocations can also be used for Splitting amounts over more than one Area /

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2.6.2 Splitting Allocation
You may need to split a transaction between two or more cost centres.
Select the transaction you wish to split and click on the Update Allocations button.

You have a choice over how you would like to split the transaction with the radio buttons next
to Allocation Method:
Amount Split – allows a fixed amount to go to each of the allocated codes.
Equal Split – allow equal distribution of the cost between all allocated codes
Percentage Split – allows the split to be applied by percentage % to all allocated codes

You may click on Preview to see how the allocation will apply. Click Apply when completed.

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2.7 Review Expense Report
Select to proceed to the Review Page

Select the tab to review account allocations.

To review the Approver of your Expense report, select the tab. Once your Expense
report has been submitted it will show a Status of “Notified”

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All Cash and Other Expense Reports - Travel Allowance and Reimbursement Claims that
contain Travel Related Code/s ie 382 – Duty Fare, will first be checked for compliance and
approved by the Travel Audit Group (TAG) . Once approved by one member of the TAG it
will then flow through to the delegated Approver to approve.

2.8 Attach Receipt

Attachments for claims ideally should be kept separate:
- Attachment 1. Credit Card Transactions receipts
- Attachment 2. Travel Allowance Calculation / Movement Request
- Attachment 3. EFT Staff Reimbursement Claim Form and receipts

To add a receipt to the Expense Report before submitting, select

Add in a Title (e.g. wording used for Purpose (see page 11) and a Description (if required)
and select a category eg. Receipts

Click the Browse button to search for the network for your receipt

Find scanned file and click

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You can add more receipts by selecting

Once done, Click . You will receive confirmation that your attachment/s have been

Click you will receive information that includes your Expense report ie CDU129476 is

Either collect all receipts and make one claim per month or Submit each claim as
they are required – ie Travel Allowance.

Reminder: NO travel on University Business should commence without an approved

Movement Request.

2.9 Submit Expense Report

To submit the expense report, click

You will receive confirmation that your Expense Report has been submitted; with your
Expense Report number e.g. CDU129476

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3 Appendix
3.1 Travel Audit Group (TAG) Documentation

When Movement Requests include a Travel Allowance payment prior to travel the
documentation will be scanned and included in the iExpense System, there will no longer be
the need to forward documentation to the Travel Officer.
However Movement Requests with no up-front payments i.e. Reimbursements, charge to
Corporate Card or paid by external agency will still need to be forwarded to the Travel Officer
in the Office of Strategic Procurement.

All Approved travel Movement Requests should be submitted to Procurement prior to travel,
however we do not need duplications. So if they are already in Oracle iExpenses the
Procurement Office will register the movement details from the electronic copy.

Please do not hold approved Movement Requests to process post travel without lodging with
the Travel Officer first (either by scanning to or delivering to Orange
8). This ensures the movement is registered for insurance and other emergency situations.

3.2 Logging into Oracle E-Business Suite

Users accessing Oracle Financials will first need to log in via their VPN Client, which is
software loaded onto all University computers – you should have a VPN Client icon .
Your username and password is generally the same password you use to access the internet.
Any problems in regard to VPN should be referred to ITMS Support.

Next staff will need to use the Oracle Financials R12 (elvisman).
Access the Oracle Financials web address – as below
The following page will be displayed
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Type your Username and Password provided from the Finance Support and Click on Login.

When logging in for the first time – you will be requested to change your password. The
password must be at least five (5) characters long with 1 numeric and no repeating characters.
You will be prompted to change your password every 90 days. If you have difficulties with
your password, please contact Finance Support (

NOTE: Passwords associated with user accounts should be kept confidential and users should
prevent the use of their account by others

Change password and then Click Submit.

PLEASE NOTE: Oracle R12 consists of a combination of HTML pages and Oracle Forms,
JAVA WILL ONLY BE LAUNCHED IF USERS access Oracle Forms. When accessing Oracle
Forms the java program (jinitiator) screen then needs to remain open so that the application
continues to work.

Delegates (Proxy) in iExpenses

You can submit an expense report on behalf of other employees. You will need to have access
granted either by the employee (they can do this themselves from within iExpenses) or by
Finance Support. Each expense report can have only one employee associated.

Once granted you will see the employee in the drop down list next to Name in the Create
Expense Report Screen. You will also be able to see outstanding transactions in the Credit
Card Transactions tab.

Some users may not be fully configured within Oracle Financials (Payables) to receive
payments into their bank account. If the user has not ever received a payment from Oracle
Financials, it is advisable to check with Finance Support to confirm bank details have been

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entered. This form will need to be completed if the details are not there. Bank Details for Staff

You can also assign people to process Expense Reports on your behalf. The procedure is
explained below. It is recommend that you discuss assigning delegation with the relevant
person first.

If you have any queries or need support/assistance please contact or phone
8946 6039.

3.3 Adding Delegation

Login to Oracle and Select CDU iExpense responsibility from main menu list
This will take you to the iExpense Home page

Click on in the top menu

Under Expense Entry Delegations click on

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Click on to search for person; you can type in the start of the person’s last name followed
by a %


Click to select the person

This will take you back to the Access Authorizations screen

*If you cannot find the staff members name, contact Finance Support


An Oracle Workflow Notification and Email will be sent to the employee when an
Expense Report is submitted on their behalf.

3.4 Notification – Request for Information

3.4.1 Introduction
This section describes the procedure for responding to a “Request for Information” notification.

3.4.2 Transaction Instruction

If the Approver or Auditor returns an Expense Report for Request for Information, the
preparer will receive an email from Workflow instructing them that their Expense Report has
been returned. The Expense Report, and any notes from the Approver or Auditor can be
viewed by clicking on the hyperlink or directly from their Oracle Worklist.

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This will take you to the Workflow Summary

If you need to add more documentation you will need to open the expense report from the
Expense Home page

The report will have Pending Your Resolution in the Report Status

Click on the Expense Report

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Click on add to attach the relevant documents

Once done return to the Work Flow page.

Put a comment in the Additional information to inform the auditor that you have added the files.
Then click on Send Additional Information

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Add in any notes about the Question and click

3.5 Disputed Transaction

3.5.1 What is a Disputed Transaction?
A disputed transaction is one that appears on your statement or iExpense screen that you or
your delegate has no knowledge of. They can come in many forms.
Some examples include;
1. Random or unrecognised Merchant.
2. A purchase made from a strange location.
Double charge. Card can be swiped more than once.
3. Excessive charge.
4. Small charges. (lots small charges can go unnoticed)
Note: Do not treat transactions that are valid but are expected to be refunded as disputed
transactions. Such transaction must be processed normally. Use the same code and
description on the refund as was used on the original transaction.

3.5.2 To mark a transaction as disputed in iExpenses

Go to Credit Card Transactions

Click on Dipute Transaction

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Select the card holder with the disputed transaction. (If you are not a proxy for anyone the card
will default to your own.)
Clicking on Go will bring all unprocessed transactions. Alternatively you can put in search
criteria to help locate a particular transaction.

In this example we have $600 in the billed amount. The transaction to be disputed is the
Murin Airways line. Click on the Dispute icon.

This will bring up the following screen . Place a reason for the dispute in the Reason box and
Click Apply. This will remove this particular transaction from your list of transactions .

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3.5.3 Disputed Transaction Form

A Disputed Transaction Form must then be immediately completed and emailed to the Office of Strategic Procurement. To Access the form Click on
the Policy and Forms Link at the top of the page
Note** If you are using Mozilla Firefox you will need to adjust the browser so the pdf form will
be able to be filled in electronically – this is not required to be done in Internet Explorer – see
Enabling PDF forms in Firefox about 4/5 Pages below this page.

You will be taken to the Finance web page where there is a list of various forms and
information regarding iExpenses. Click on Disputed Transaction Form.

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3.5.4 Opening The Disputed Transaction Form
This will open the form allowing you to enter data on the screen.
You can review the data by going back to the disputed transaction screen.

Once the dispute form is completed it should be emailed to The

Office of Strategic Procurement may contact you to seek further clarification.

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3.5.5 Closing the Dispute
1. If the transaction is no longer disputed Click on Update

Click in the End dispute box and enter a short description relating to why the transaction is not
in dispute anymore. Eg Merchant name is different to the shop name. Click Apply.

This will place the transaction back in the list of transactions needing to be coded.

2. If the bank /credit card company acknowledges the dispute you should see a credit in your
transaction list. It will have brackets around the value.
Click on Match with Credit

This will bring up a list of Credit transactions.

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Click on the drop down list under Match and select Yes then Click Apply.

You will get this confirmation screen. Click Yes. This will clear the transaction

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R 12 Printed on 22-Jun-15
3.5.6 Enabling PDF forms in Firefox.
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CDU iExpense User Guide - Page 41

R 12 Printed on 22-Jun-15

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