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Conceptual Communication Model (CCM)


 Internal: manager, agents, risk evaluators, financial accounting

 External: clients, banks, service, police

manager clients
2, 5
4 7
1, 6
10 agents banks
13, 15 23

12, 14

evaluators 17 service
8, 20
9 19
18 11

financial police
1. Request for offer
2. Send a typical order/ offer
3. Negotiate the offer
4. Negotiated offer
5. Contract and policy
6. Contract signed
7. Payment order (rates)
8. Statement account (proof of payment)
9. Copy of statement account
10. Update the clients’ account
11. Report of accident
12. Request for payment (report from police+ typical request+ policy)
13. Request for evaluation
14. Photos and other documents to prove damages
15. Report of evaluation of damages
16. Demand for repair+ access ticket
17. Invoice
18. Report regarding the invoice, approval
19. Payment order
20. Payment order certified+ statement account
21. Payment order certified+ statement account
22. Statement account
23. Access/ entrance ticket

First step- policy: 1 to 10

Second step- risk occurrence: 11 to 23

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