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MORPHOLOGY, MODERN LING ISTICS SERIES Sere tors Poesor Noel Ruston Roberts Univer of Newcastle pon Tyne ach txtook inthe Mun Linguists src is designed to provide & ‘arefily graded introduction to atop in contemporary linguists ae Sled disciples, presented ia aster that acca and trate 10 "ede with no previous experince of the tpi bat kading them some Imderstading of erent ses, The text are desipned to engage te active print of the reader, fvouring a peobemsolving approach and ‘clang Wr nd varied exerci mater Ties publ the series glh Symes and Argumetaion (acond eiion) Bas Aarts Phenaogy Pip Cart “Lingus and Second Language Agustin Vivian Cook ‘Soelingutes’ Rea and Cowsebook "Nikolas Coupland sn Adam Jaworst Morphology (cond edition) Franc Katamba ap os Stonkam ‘Sonar Kate Keats Symiacte They Geofiey Poole Comact Lanewages: Pid ant Cres" Mark Sebba Further tiles preparaion Sos Dein, lo Dito La gtk Hone Ro NS Ed Morphology Second Edition Francis Katamba and John Stonham StesUle Wace fedrehfesic palgrave macmillan _ gaeonaiyunwy nn ei py ain To Janet and Eun-Sook to pega i pinyin pel end ye ug rd ee oy ce ‘Banmhrncasr donate a Te the mtr nd ig en a ato stoner ih ph Dw Pa A 88 Seka naga ‘tn sereetee York wo Cond wpe eae at ac aca eb aang oh Pg ‘cna dune art nl ag hn (estar tee eee ne tes ese ogee {piste ces hg sme et ne ee five Pat ieee nel ‘stooped ange atefrncing daa a iy ‘hg cua are ap ryan fete eeetcoonoms erence ey foe Coenen at "phy anes amt adn Soto. Fees ttopup eae odd, as a) SN -a “Mee, pn ngs ep ta oT rs andbond nc ran by Cana ace copra ante Contents Prface Prface 0 the Scond Eton Acknledrmene ‘Aiteratonr end Syboe ‘he Internal Phonetic Alphabet PART 1 BACKGROUND INTRODUCTION LL The Emergence of Morphology 112. Morphology in American Stata Lingus 13 The Coney of Chomshyan Generate Grama BIL The place of morphology early senerative 1.32 The morphology-phonology intriction 133 The mombology-tytaximeracton 134 The morphology-semantics interface 135 The leon 14 Orzanisation of the Book INTRODUCTION TO WORDSTRUCTURE, 21 What ia Word 21 The lewne 212 Word 213 The erammatial word 2.2, Morphemew The Smallest Unis of Meaning 22.2 Morphemes, morphs and allomorphs 223 Grammatical condoning, lxkal conditioning and supletion 2. “The Natre of Morpher 24 Sanmary rte Reading TyPES OF MoRPHEMES ME Ks ties, Stems and Sia Roots S12 Aten wit Conon Contets 3.13 Roots, seme and bases LIA. Stem extenders 32. ifectinal and Dettloal Morphemes 33. Mute finan vy ae 1X7. Morphol Type Ag WP the Conrlit ofthe Word 4 PRODUCTIVITY IN WoRD-FORMATION {AD The Open-Ended of he Lesion 1 What fe productive? 12. Semipredactsty {N13 Prodaciaty and ret rit on Prodctiy 421 Blocking 43 Does Proustity Separate Insti from Derivation? 4 The Natre ofthe Leicon 41 Potential words 422 Kowa of language andthe role ofthe exon Further Read | PART I MORPHOLOGY AND ITS RELATION 10 PHONOLOGY, 5 INTRODUCING LEXICAL MORPHOLOGY 2) The Lesical Phootlogy and Morpology Model 2 Lexa Strata S21 "Derivation nese morphology 2.2 Inston ales! morphology ‘33 Lexa Res 124.ilferccesbtneen Lexa and Pest Lencal Rls Farther Reading Eyerehes 6 INSIGHTS FROM LEXICAL MORI 2 ies GET Stator ordering refecting morpeme sequencing (622 Stratum onering und prodctity aepaeaeens aeecezcausess SeeEiseee 4 nL 1p (623. Suatum ordering and conversion G24. The Sit Cy Condition Farber Reading Exerees LEXICAL MORPHOLOGY: AN APPRAISAL, 71 ntedacton: The Claims Made by Lexical Phonology 72 Creins f Leia! Phonlors ‘TELT" Are les! stata determined by affine aber ‘han rots 122. Doafizsusiguly belong t one stratum? 724 How many sent are neal? 724 Are phonologal rules estited one statu? 735 Are morholosical ales resicted to one stu 78 Conason Exerc TEMPLATIC MORPHOLOGY A ntodscton| 2 Phonolgit Poade: Antosymental Phonology AZT Atosepmentl ptoology: mapping principles 422. The able er 2 Root and Paters Morphlogy S31 "Anbie Biyanir 832, Prosodic morphology and non-oneuterative rmorpbology 433 Thermorpheme er hypothesis 4 Conton Faeries TEMPLATIC AND PROSODIC MORPHOLOGY 91 What Redpleation? | 92 1 Redaction Cominst Copying? 92 Cy Templates an Redapication 531" Undenpecicaton 9532 Redupieaton as pretation 533 Redupention aaton 934 ner edupeation 933 Redupintion and fod sepmentsm 9.4 Prod Maran) Other Prod Phenomena OT” Subactve merphcogy 982 Rng expletive ina us Rh rr ry ba bo 0 1 1st 1 1 155 162 18 1685 m a 0 180 1 18 se has 9 180 192 199 x omens omens 26 Cochaien Faeries OPTIMALITY THEORY AND MORPHOLOGY 02 The Bas 03.1 Notation 10222 The interaction of ensues 103 Morpoloy in Opinalty They PART IIL MORPHOLOGY AND LEXICON AND SYNTAX RELATION TO THE, 112 Inflscton ad Desvation 121 Diffeentadng beewen ifeton and derivation 1122 Relevance an geneity 1123. temorpholoeynecenary? 113 Vesa neta Categories USB lnkeent verbal proper 1132 Agreement properties of ves 13.3. Cenfgustionalpropertion of ers Ua Inherent eatporie of nouns 1142 _Agreameat extegorie of nouns 143 Configurations etegores of ans eerie 12 MORPHOLOGICAL MAPPING OF GRAMMATICAL FUNCTIONS 122, Prediaen, Aguments and Lexical tin 123 Theol and Leica Eats 124 Grammatical Relations 125. Grammatical Funcion-ChangngRales 1252 Antipasive 2m am my ma a x 21 mm 76 1253 Apnliative 1254. Camative 126 The Miro Principle 127 incorporation IRI Noun incomoraion| 1272 Verh incorporation 12.73 Prepon nsomportion 128 Conc 13 THE INTERPRETATION OF THE LEXICON, MORPHOLOGY AND SYNTAX 1 nrodctn: The Intertce Between Modules 152 Phonologlal Factors In Compodnding 133 Are Compounds Diferent fom Syatacie 133.1 "Toe notion "word svi 1333, Lene 333, Unoted mompologia objets 1334 Syntace objets and sytacuc atoms 134 The Character of Wort Formation Ras T341 Headenes of compounds 1342 The righthand head rle (RHR) 1343 Lefteaded compounds 1344. Headless compounds 135 Compounding and Derivation Tas Crasberey won 1382. Neos compounds 136 Cc. 137 Conchson goa Tex Sale Ide 2 26 = Bs 296 Fa ou 310 316 08 a ue nl mi mI Preface “This books an eoducson to morphology that pesuppses ile previo Verbs NP) whigh enumerate permisible com Tuts of word in phrases ad Setenss fom russ of word-stuetre Ite the oe in (13 ht ives wale from ul, All ese rs ae banded Inesher bose they are sonserned. nih ceumerating permissible ‘Stubiaton of mores eabove)- Note, however, hat this reatent Sr Sptactialy motivate eration in the or of words controversial. ‘Welhve moey ied the probe Torte present. We pospone detaled “scion wnt Chapter 1 1.34 The Morphology Semants Interface Turning to semantic, the connection between morphology aad the lexcon| mth on had wih sung on the oer obvious ie a major role of the xeon o tomar to nthe meanings of words This because ually the rsaioshipbetwsen word and is meaning is arbiter. Onan ofthe Book 6 ‘Theze sno reason why a word asthe particule meaning that it has. For ‘msn, yo jn veto memorie the fact tha the word alert ind of beaddrex worn nthe seventeenth century. Tete no way tat {you could dacoer ths far fom the sods or he sree ofthe word ‘We will come back to this loi a Seton 13.32. AS The Lexicon 113 es inmeditly obvious hat, nation tinting the msg of| ‘words and morphems, the licon mas ala stor other Kinds of infor tion reevant to te application of ntact and phonclogkal rues. Satan reeds to have acest 10 morpiosyntctic properties (Le, popes tht tre partly morphological and partly synticte) sich as wheter noun iS oumtahe te spades or uncountable like eownment ‘This aes it haviour in phases and senenes. We may sy he paleo tes spe but we can only sy sequen (nt "these eum) ertermore some phonolorial rules apply to worde dren depend ing on thar moron tactic proper. Fer example, sane phonological rly ae sesitve tothe flees tween nan and verbs Thi, the ‘Nord pri the main ses falom te Ba sla the word fenton 2 nw (petit Bue Fanci sa er (mig) in ses fllson the tt sible. Obvios for phonological rules hat sign ese apply correc, acceso such morphonymtatc information resi. ‘This afemation must frm part of he ety ofthe word inte lexicon "Tae study of nopholgy thesore, cannot be el contned The 4 turalist doctrine of teri separation of Knguisti bv skated 1} Unteable Trae, thar are sme sss tate fhe ners concths of ‘morbolgy, but many torptologial problems involve the intracton tetween morphology ad other modules ofthe amma Fer his reason, mck ofthe space the capers that follow devoted othe eration etmen the leicon and merpholog wih the eter modules 14 ORGANISATION OF THE BOOK The book i nears Follows: Pare 1 (Chapters 1-4) ineoduces basic concepts and tains otons hich ae fundamen oll morphologtaldions, Part (Chapters 5-10} explores the relationship between epopboloy. phonology and th lexicon in arent generative theory, examining sever odes of morphology. Part IM (Chapters 11-13) deals withthe eationship betwcen morphology and syotx in eaten generative theory ‘Ove he yar, hee ve been several morphological theories that have teen propose by linguists, One way of introducing ou to morphology Would be to preset sore! and comparative survey. We could Bave ‘hamine varows theorie i arm apd perape compared them. Or lr tative, we ould ave ben poem td peeeyising. trying operands outta a preted theory isthe best thor. Tha snot what me shal Jin this book Tasted, we present yoo, sympathetily, Sata the sme tine eal swith one theosesaly cert approach 0 morphology. namely tether) ‘morphology ncuron maisacam aeerave ganar. Tie decsion ‘Soule nt only tossed ete dominant model nthe Bi oda, bat tk beans ws thik eff he mot promising solos to the prea [woblens in morphological analysis ven 20 the book it intl sete, We have aot attempted 0 ssprvet every shade of opinion wih the gveratv school Rater we fe cas a ides and races that sce to orm part of the emerging “nonin mainsteam generative morphology. Obviously, to some extent ‘his fea matter of abjecive judgement In some cam the jdgements hee ay not be the me thw of se ter ng Th pacclr, we have only brief dicised What now the dominant ‘woud of phonaogy, Opiality Theory in Chaper 10 The main reason {or hiss that the tcatment of morphology in Optimality Thecey remains in “rather cent ste wih many question remaining undid. o ee ‘sepiored. Where curent Optimality Theol analyse ae avalible Peipally with respect to redupication, they will be discussed inthe et (Of couse, morphological theory in. cucresk minsream generative rammar docs ot enjoy a monopoly of sigh. The deb owed to ater “nproaces wil he cede in hs Book xpeclly in the eanychaptes and sth ecommended readings ad iho phy ‘A‘major fre ofthe Book i tht ou wil Be asked fo be an active issn, not passe reader. We have endeavoured to engige 308 sctnely and prety in dong morphology rather than in merely ening shout is hiory apd watching om the al how its done. As yu read tchehaple, you are ssked (o pause a pees and answer i-iet questions exces before proceeding (he questions abd etre re ial by lise sro the pags), Each caper ae ths one) ends wth Tate ‘eres deine with ois ied nthe body of he tex. Thisnesence on felling you to analy dats is du to our feb conviction tha the best ition for nyo who wih to ocome Hingis todo ngs inal ight rom the st rather thant rd abo inthe ett new morphological terns appear in Wad type ad they are expluinad when They te hist ittadced They Wil als appa in he Hossary at thee of this hook whereby fern from other branches of Hnguintc re abo explained. Transco of Standard RP, English are fa Introduction srawn from Jones and colleagues (203). For any other Hngusi temas that ae unimii,apood dictonary of ngustcs, sich as Davi Crystal's 4 Ditonary of Lingus and Phones (2003) or Laure Baers A Gla “ry of Morsolog (200), shoul be cosa 2 Introduction to Word-Structure 2.1 WHAT IS A WORD? “The sumption that Languages contuin words is takon for grated by nowt people Eve ilieratespenter know that thee are word the lingutge. Tru, smetines there te difrenes of opinion ao what ite ue tobe tet as words Fr instance, English speakers gh not agree ‘ether alright tone word oto a at rest dips may are 38 teople can ealyeeogase a word of thls lngusge when they se or tt ‘me! And aormaly their Judgements a6 to what Is oF isnot a word. do side Engsh speakers are, for example that the frm od i the Se Ty ct ihe manta Eh ned 21 The Lexeme owever, loser examination ofthe nate ofthe word’ eval somewhat tore empl ltare than pant above What we mci by "word not nays Gear. Aa we shall fein the next few paragapte, eas fa Taig the ature of the word are largely de tothe fae ha he tr ‘nod used ina variety of senses hat wll ae not early dstagused In faking the existence of words for granted, we tnd (0 oveook the ‘tuple of whit we ae taking fr arated What would you do i you were reading «Book and you encountered the ‘wn poked forthe st ine in this conte? He went to dhe pub for pit an thes peck of ¥ would probably look up chat unui word in a ditonary, ne Ur poker pack Tis Bsn you Know that pckied i Told you hat the words peng un poker wll ho ei. Farherore, i Intron to WordStractone Morphemse The Sales Unt of Meaning » you know that poking. poke, pokes and poked are fre maniestions of he sme absent Vocus em ‘Weakall efr othe won inthe sense of watutvocbulaty em sing the ter lxene, The Tors pocing, poole, pokes and. poled ce iret ealsatos (or representations or manifestations of te exeme oCKLE exmes wile wien seat eters) Tey al share core Inesnng although they ae spel se pronoun aileelly. Less ate the yoabuluy Hes tht are listed the dhconry (ef, Di Slllo und Wis, 1989), xr ‘Which one of he words i [22] Rlow telons to te same lexeme? 2} see catches ler boy caching ses Sleps woman catch saw tallest seeping oye sleep seen tall amped ashe sec jump women Sept Jumps amping We sald all gare that The physi! nondomns se relstions of the eee ep spn. spt Steer tc ctche, etc, cught caret The physi wordforne she exeme Jp, jam, jonped. ning iM ‘al alert ran bo, bye mv 212 Wonkonm [As we bave just seen above, sometimes, when we ue the em “word i fot the abst robo) em with common core of meaning, the KEteme ht we want refer to. Rater we aye the tem wonder to putiodar physical elation of iat acne i spech oc wing that 5,4 parseularwordfrm, Ths, e can refer to see, ese, so and “bea ve dileent words, In this sen, the ferent osrenses ‘one of these word-foms would count a thee words, We ca lo say that the word ir ave hn tice tr ad the word Ton eight And we wot counting dhe member of wor ina psi, me woul daly count Ste ae, ig 0 ane five dierent words belousng Lo Re as ene) 2.13 The Grammatical Word The wor! can also be sen as representation ofa lereme that is associated with eeain morpharytactc properties (partly morphological and uty mtatie proper) such a6 noun, active, verb, tense, ender, ‘mber, ee Wes we he em grammatal word offer tea ‘Poercise Siow why ew should be repre representing two distin! grammatical de the win Ry. Usually Feu the bread onthe abe 1. esterday Tet the Bre nthe sh The same word orm ct, beloging to the verbal lexeme CU, can represt| to diferent rammatial words. In [23a eu reprsents the grammatical Wor lye ep ot pr apa Ra the reset tense, nowt In singular form’ of fe verb Cor. But im [3] st repesets the [mati word eon poy wich eles the pas tate of CUT. Tee he two aie words elo y the word-form cu which te menoned above, teeisa thd one which you can obese in Jane It on fer nger This grammatical wor ya gry BeOS {i sopaate seme CUT he noun, Obviously, eT he nou rated a cians Yo CU the ver. Hlometer, CUT, the noun, is «separate seme Thom eur. the ye, baaueit bloat diferent wordt (ee Section Vsti The natare ofthe grammatical word is mporant inthe discussion of ‘he tclaonship Dewan words and setener and the boundary between 12 MORPHEMES: THE SMALLEST UNITS OF MEANING Morphology isthe say of wordstructre. The clam that words have Airtore might some as arse becouse oemally speakers thik of ‘words a invisible units of meaning. This is probably du othe at that many words are morphologkaly simple. For example th fre. lephant, ‘at oon, fs, mou, et, came pment 2, vid up) io Scaler ani that are thet sein is spss to sy what he “tute pc f asp sre at fre tana But very many Engh words are morphological complex. They canbe broken dow into stiller units tat are meaning. This steve of wort, like deter and fon, formance, whore desk reer to one pice {urine ad boo sft to one lem of footwenr, we in bth as th serves the gemma function of iadiating pelt "The feat morpeme is wed to refer tothe sale, indivisible units of semantic content o grammatical Santon Irom which words are mie wp By dfmton, 1 norpheme eunno! be decomposed into smaller ute Wich ‘te cer ncaniagil by females or mak t gamit ncn Uke finglar or pal outber inthe noun, I we dived up the word fo (8) (hich contains just ose mopheme) into, sy, (and ft wuld be Impose to say hat each ofthe sounds] and mene by it, sce Sounds in themes donot have ani. Ho do we how when to cogs a sige sound or «group of sounds as tepesnting morphs? Wheto area sound oe sing of sounds isto be regarded as « manifestation ofa morpheme depends on the word in ‘whch it appears. So, wile wn represents a negative merpbeme ad has 3 ‘meaning th can roughly be plod at Words sh a ut! ad ‘ry, has mo claim fo meepeme status when i ccc in wl o a ier, sine in these later wore it docs not hive any Went gras rnc or seman vale, Beni -le andr on tei no not mesh Snsthine(Morpbemes il be separated with hypben nthe exp) Tego provide auf analogy! morphomes canbe compared to pers of {Lego that ca be wed aga and aguas buling Hoes o frm ieeat ‘words, Resarent prs of werd that have the same meuning ie lata {and recognised as manifestations ofthe se morpheme. Ths the negative ‘orphan oscars ina indefinitely age mune of words, bees hose Tied above. We hi iin sgl, wap. at nce over, eeureoe ina ive number of Words is not ab eset propery’ of morphs. Sometines « morpeme may be retried To ree vey few word. This i tre ofthe morpheme “bm, mssnine ‘conn, Se dig, which oun in words ike marordom, Kingda, chen ‘te (Gloss, bare and elsoubete ia the book, are based on defaitons athe (Oxford Bgl Dietary OED.) Tefus ben aged tha, nan extreme cas, a morpheme may osc in sinale word. Lightner (1975) as cles thatthe mere ric mcaing “Miscou only found in the word Pho. Bu ths clay is dpe ‘by Bauer (193) who agg Instead tht ethape re snot dint Monphemes: The Smal Unt of Meng 2 imorpeme and that ishopie shoul! be titel in the dictionary’ 3s an namapsable word. We mil leave this controversy at that and instead ee Now morpane re ienifed ia less problematic cise. {ere [iste other words that contain ech morpheme represented belo. Ral a

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