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Subjective paper 2010

Section I

Q2 Loc geet ne punjab di muashrat te saqafat nu sambiya hoya we. twada ki khyal e?

Q3 Bab fareed ganj shakr ne apni shayri raheen jera pegam logan no dita e ode te behas kro.

Q4 Waris shah nu "sukhan da waris" kun akhya janda e wazahat de nal daso?

Q5 Jagratey da werewa krdiya howian sharif kunjahi de shayri uta jhat pao?

Section II

Q6 Uz nosha ganj buksh da adbi fikri te lasani jaiza pesh kro.

Q7 Dr. baqir horan "huth" wich apne ehd di aqasi kite e dalilaan nal sabat kro.

Q8 Punjabi tanqeed de toor wich "Parkh parchol" de muqam te behas kro.

Q9 Write any two notes:

a: bullay Shah de afaqi shayri
b: loc geet bolliyaan te bharwaan jaiza lo.
c: Ashfaq ahmad di drama nagari "tali de thaley" de hawaaley nal
d: munir niazi de rumzia shayri .


Part II

section -A

Q.2 punjabi di lok sanf "boli" utty bharwan chanan pao te misalan diyo.

Q.3 heer waris shah de hawaly nal waris shah dy ahad dy punjab da sayasi, samaji te mazhabi naqsha misalan dy
zariye wazih karo.

Q.4 shah hussain dy alamti nizam bary apny wicharan da izhar karo.

Q.5 ahmad rahi apny zamany dy doojy shairaan toun dhair wakhra nazar aunda ay - "taranjan" dy hawaly nal ahmad
rahi dy nokeely wasfan utty chanan pao.

Section - B

Q.6 punjab di saqafti zindagi dy hawaly nal " tahli dy thay " da anqeedi jaiza paish karo.

Q.7 pnjabi parakh di tareekh wich najam hussain sayyed di "seedhan" ik inqilabi moar ay- tahada ki khayal ay - apni
gal nu dalil nal sabit karo.

Q.8 " muaiz-e- nosha ganj bakhsh " dy moazuaat te sabha(style) da werwa karo.

Q.9 thaly ditty huy sar nawiyan wichon kisy do utty noot likho.

a) munir nayazi di ramziya shairi

b) mian muhammad bakhsh di sufiana shairi

c) naval "heth" wich ahmy da pakistan apran da waqiya

d) anwar ali di afsana nigari.



International Relations Paper 2000

1. Define International Relations. Di(1) Yalta Conference was held in:

(a) 1944 (b) 1945 (c) 1946 (d) None of these.

(2) The Cuban Missile Crisis occurred in:

(a) 1960 (b) 1961 (c) 1962 (d) one of these.

(3) NATO was formed in:

(a) 1948 (b) 1949 (c) 1950 (d) None of these.

(4) SEATO was formed in:

(a) 1953 (b) 1954 (c) 1955 (d) None of these.

(5) NAM was formed in:

(a) 1955 (b) 1961 (c) 1962 (d) None of these.

(6) INF Treaty was signed in:

(a) 1985 (b) 1986 (c) 1987 (d) None of these

(7) U Thant was:

(a) The Prime Minister of Laos (b) President of Taiwan

(c) Secretary General of the United Nations. (d) None of these.

(8) Saile Brakat is: -

(a) An Israeli Statesman (b) A leader of East Timor

(c) Chief Palestinian negotiator (d) None of these. -

(9) Pamila Parker is:

(a) A British Actress (b) An American Senator -

(c) Girlfriend of crown Prince Charles (d) None of these:

(10) Abdul Kalam is:-

(a) A Literary Figure (b) An Indian Nuclear Scientist

(c) A Kashmiri Mujahideen- Leader (d) None of these.

(11) Trygve Lie was:

(a) An Actor of Marshal Art (b) Administrator of Hong Kong

(c) Secretary General of the United Nations. (d) None of these.


(12) Fidel Castro became Cuban Prime Minister in:

(b) February, 1959 (b) February, 1960

(c) May, 1961 (d) None of these.

(13) OIC was formed in:

(a) Jedda (b) Rabat (c) Cairo (d) None of these.

(14) Politics Among Nations was written by:

(a) James Rosenau (b) Hans Morgenthan

(c) K.J Holsti (d) None of these.

(15) Congress of Vienna took place in:

(a) 1648 (b) 1815 (c) 1899 (d) None of these.

(16) Afghan Mujahideen took power in Kabul on:

(a) April 20,1991. (b) April 28, 1992

(c) 1st March, 1993 (d) None of these.

(17) Alma Atta is the Capital of: -

(a) Tajikistan (b) Terkmenistan

(b) Kazakistan (d) None of these.

(18) Nosterdamus was:

(a) An Italian (b) A French (c) A German (d) None of these.

(19) Americans are going to elect: -

(a) 43rd President of USA (b) 44th President of USA

(c) 45th President of USA (d) None of these.

(20) Soviet Union was disintegrated on:

(a) 5th December, 1991 (b) 28th May, 1992

(c) 28th December, 1993 (d) None of these

1.discuss its scope and importance of the study of International Relations.

2. Define Imperialism and discuss the Economic Theories of Imperialism.

3. Do you agree that in contemporary International Relations, International Economic and Trade linkages are being
used as pressure tactics in inter-State Relations.

4. Define Non-Aligned Movement? Make an appraisal of its role and discuss the future of NAM.

5. Define the Politics of Nuclear Proliferation. How far the super powers have been responsible for the proliferation
of Nuclear weapons.

6. Write notes on TWO of the following:

(a) De-colonization (b) Crisis Management

(c) Euro Communism (d) Pak-China relations in the 1990s.

7. Define the present "Russian Doctrine" and discuss its impact on Pakistan and India.

Q.8. Write only the correct answer in the Answer Book. Do not reproduce the question.

(1) An organization whose members are from national governments is a:

(a) Nongovernmental Organization (NGO)

(b) Intergovernmental Organization (IGO)
(c) World wide Transnational Organization (WTO)
(d) Non of these

(2) “The national interest is defined as the acquisition of power”. The speaker is a:

(a) Pluralist (b) idealist (c) structuralist (d) Non of these

(3) Neoliberals:

(a) stress the importance of international institutions in reducing conflict in the international system.
(b) are pessimistic above international operations.
(c) agree with realists that are unitary actors.
(d) both (a) and (c)
(e) Non of these

(4) The military industrial complex consists of:

(a) the military, defense contractors and research institutes.

(b) the military, defense contractors, and the executive branch.
(c) the army, the navy and the air-force.
(d) Non of these.

(5) Territorial waters traditionally are recognized to extend how far from a state’s coastline?

(a) 3 miles (b) 10 miles (c) 12 miles (d) Non of these

(6) A state’s executive economic zone (EEZ) is recognized to extend how far from the coastline?

(a) 3 miles (b) 10 miles (c) 12 miles (d) Non of these

(7) States can exclude others from entering which the following?

(a) 12 miles limit from coastline (b) airspace (c) orbital space
(d) Both (a) and (b) (e) Non of these
(8) Weapons of mass destruction include:
(a) nuclear, chemical and biological weapons
(b) nuclear, conventional and biological weapons
(c) chemical, ballistic and biological weapons
(d) Non of these

(9) Strategic weapons are:

(a) short-range weapons (b) intermediate range of weapons (c) long-range weapons
(d) Non of these

(10) The Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) attempts to prevent:

(a) the spread of missile technology (b) the spread of missile weapons
(c) the spread of biological weapons (d) Non of these

(11) Which of the following is a principle stated in the UN Charter?

(a) states are equal under international law

(b) states have full sovereignty over their own affairs
(c) states should have full independence and territorial integrity
(d) all of above (e) Non of these

(12) A just war:

(a) can be waged to change another state’s government, if it is violating human rights.
(b) can be waged for ethnic or religious reasons
(c) can be waged only in response to aggression
(d) non of these

(13) “Sustainable” economic development means:

(a) development that can be sustained over a period of decades

(b) development that is supported by the domestic economy and does not involve international trade.
(c) development that does not deplete resources and destroy ecosystems so quickly that the basis of development
itself is undermined.
(d) Non of these

(14) Which of the following is the greenhouse gas that accounts for most of global warming?

(a) carbon dioxide (b) methane (c) chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) (d) non of these

(15) Which of the following is the major contributor to the destruction of ozone layer?

(a) carbon dioxide (b) methane (c) chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) (d) non of these

(16) Privatization is:

(a) the concentration of wealth in private hands.

(b) the sale of state-owned industries
(c) a key feature of socialism
(d) Non of these

(17) Neocolonialism is:

(a) the transfer of a colony from one colonial power to another

(b) the new round of colonization of Africa after Latin America gained independence
(c) colonization which took place in the nineteenth century rather than eighteenth
(d) Non of these

(18) Who is responsible for the economic reforms that have been take place in China since the mid- 1970s?

(a) Mao Zedong (b) Jiang Zemin (c) Deng Xiaoping (d) Non of these

(19) Ante-governmental protests in China by students, workers and some government officials took place:

(a) Tiananmen Square, in 1989 (b) Tiananmen Square, in 1992

(c) Shenzhen, in 1989 (d) Non of these

(20) A nation is:

(a) territorial entity controlled by a government and inhabitant by a population

(b) group of people who share characteristics such as language and culture
(c) set of relationships among the world’s states.
(d) Non of theses

Q.1. Explain, with examples, the main principles of the NEO-REALIST SCHOOL OF THOUGHT in International
Relations. How does Neo-Realism differ from Classical Realism?

Q.2. Explain, with examples, the main principles of the NEO-LIBERAL SCHOOL OF THOUGHT in International
Relations. How does Neo-Liberalism differ from Classical Liberalism/Idealism?

Q.3. What are the main problems in defining ‘terrorism’? Also narrate the implications of the “War on Terrorism”
for International Law.

Q.4. Explain the impact of India-Pakistan nuclearisation on strategic stability in South Asia.

Q.5. How does domestic politics influence foreign policy decision making? Explain with reference to Pakistan’s
policy towards India.

Q.6. write a critical analysis of the theory of ‘Clash of Civilizations’. What are the prospects of a dialogue among

Q.7. What are the principal challenges and potential opportunities for economic liberalization and democratization
in the Muslim world?


8. Write only correct answer in the Answer Book. Do not reproduce the question.

(1) The Great Britain and Russia agreed to make Afghanistan a buffer state between their empires in:

(a) 1879

(b) 1897

(c) 1869

(d) None of these

(2) Amnesty International was established in London by the British Lawyer, Peter Benenson in:

(a) 1961

(b) 1951

(c) 1971

(d) None of these

(3) The ANZUS Treaty between Australia, New Zealand and United States was signed in:

(a) 1951

(b) 1945

(c) 1950

(d) None of these

(4) The Treaty of Versailles settled peace in:

(a) Europe

(b) Middle East

(c) Africa

(d) None of these

(5) The Commonwealth of independent states was established in:

(a) 1991

(b) 1990

(c) 1989

(d) None of these

(6) International Monetary Fund was formed after Bretton Woods Conference in:

(a) 1944

(b) 1943

(c) 1945

(d) None of these

(7) “Issues in Global Politics” was written by:

(a) E. H. Corr

(b) Gavin Boyed

(c) James N Rosenau

(d) None of these

(8) South West Asia is popularly known as:

(a) Near East

(b) Middle East

(c) Arab World

(d) None of these

(9) NATO was organized in:

(a) 1948

(b) 1949

(c) 1950

(d) None of these


(10) Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) was established in:

(a) 1960

(b) 1968

(c) 1970

(d) None of these

(11) South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation consists of:

(a) 7 states

(b) 8 states

(c) 5 states

(d) None of these

(12) Suez crises between Egypt, France, Britain, Israel began in:

(a) 1956

(b) 1955

(c) 1954

(d) None of these

(13) The International court of Justice was constituted on:

(a) 26th June 1945

(b) 21th June 1946

(c) 23th June 1948

(d) None of these

(14) The Charter of United Nations consists of:

(a) 108 articles

(b) 101 articles

(c) 111 articles


(d) None of these

(15) The British Secretary of Foreign Affairs A. Balfour announced British support to establish Jewish state
in Palestine in:

(a) November 1917

(b) October 1916

(c) December 1918

(d) None of these

(16) To cripple British Communication with India, Napoleon organized military expedition to Egypt in:

(a) 1798

(b) 1789

(c) 1898

(d) None of these

(17) LAIA stands for:

(a) Latin America Integration Association

(b) Latin America Information Agency

(c) Latin America Investment Association

(d) None of these

(18) Arab League was established on:

(a) 22nd March 1945

(b) 22nd April 1945

(c) 22nd February, 1945

(d) None of these

(19) The Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT-I) was signed in:

(a) 1972

(b) 1971

(c) 1974

(d) None of these

(20) The headquarter of Asian Development Bank (ADB) is located in:

(a) Bangkok

(b) Manila

(c) Singapore

(d) None of these


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8. Write only correct answer in the Answer Book. Do not reproduce the question.
(1) The Great Britain and Russia agreed to make Afghanistan a buffer state between their empires in:
(a) 1879
(b) 1897
(c) 1869
(d) None of these

(2) Amnesty International was established in London by the British Lawyer, Peter Benenson in:
(a) 1961
(b) 1951
(c) 1971
(d) None of these

(3) The ANZUS Treaty between Australia, New Zealand and United States was signed in:
(a) 1951
(b) 1945
(c) 1950
(d) None of these

(4) The Treaty of Versailles settled peace in:

(a) Europe
(b) Middle East
(c) Africa

(d) None of these

(5) The Commonwealth of independent states was established in:

(a) 1991
(b) 1990
(c) 1989
(d) None of these

(6) International Monetary Fund was formed after Bretton Woods Conference in:
(a) 1944
(b) 1943
(c) 1945
(d) None of these

(7) “Issues in Global Politics” was written by:

(a) E. H. Corr
(b) Gavin Boyed
(c) James N Rosenau
(d) None of these

(8) South West Asia is popularly known as:

(a) Near East
(b) Middle East
(c) Arab World
(d) None of these

(9) NATO was organized in:

(a) 1948
(b) 1949
(c) 1950
(d) None of these

(10) Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) was established in:

(a) 1960
(b) 1968
(c) 1970
(d) None of these

(11) South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation consists of:

(a) 7 states
(b) 8 states
(c) 5 states
(d) None of these

(12) Suez crises between Egypt, France, Britain, Israel began in:
(a) 1956
(b) 1955
(c) 1954
(d) None of these

(13) The International court of Justice was constituted on:

(a) 26th June 1945
(b) 21th June 1946
(c) 23th June 1948
(d) None of these

(14) The Charter of United Nations consists of:

(a) 108 articles
(b) 101 articles
(c) 111 articles
(d) None of these

(15) The British Secretary of Foreign Affairs A. Balfour announced British support to establish Jewish state in
Palestine in:
(a) November 1917
(b) October 1916
(c) December 1918
(d) None of these

(16) To cripple British Communication with India, Napoleon organized military expedition to Egypt in:
(a) 1798
(b) 1789
(c) 1898
(d) None of these

(17) LAIA stands for:

(a) Latin America Integration Association
(b) Latin America Information Agency
(c) Latin America Investment Association
(d) None of these

(18) Arab League was established on:

(a) 22nd March 1945
(b) 22nd April 1945
(c) 22nd February, 1945
(d) None of these

(19) The Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT-I) was signed in:
(a) 1972
(b) 1971
(c) 1974
(d) None of these

(20) The headquarter of Asian Development Bank (ADB) is located in:

(a) Bangkok
(b) Manila
(c) Singapore
(d) None of these

. “Europeans transformed Westphalian System of States into empires during 16th, 17th and 18th centuries to
increase their Wealth and Power.” Elucidate the statement.

2. Describe interactions among Nations through diplomacy for establishing balance of power to preserve their
National Interest.

3. Comparatively analyze the basic philosophy of International Relations, “Peace and Security” has been challenged
by the emerging “Economic Regionalism and Military Technologies”.

4. How do you perceive US military engagement in Afghanistan and Iraq and its implications in near future?

5. The two great wars had dismantled colonialism and created Third World and Non-Alignment Movement. How
did the UN justify its role in the World Affaris.

6. Discuss the role of Nuclear Diplomacy in South Asia with particular reference to, “US Indian Nuclear deal has
activated Indo-Russian Nuclear Cooperation”.

7. The post Cold War, World Order promised Peace, Security, Democracy, Nuclear Non-proliferation and Human
Rights protection. Assess its repercussions at present confronted by the world community in the context of
Terrorism, Nuclear Proliferation, Globalization and erosion of Human Dignity.

International Relations during 1648—1945 were characterized by:

a. Bi-polar system
b. Multi-polar system
c. Uni-polar system
d. None of these

ii. French revolution occurred in:

a. 1787
b. 1789
c. 1798
d. None of these

iii. World population was one billion in:

a. 1800
b. 1803
c. 1850
d. None of these

iv. Versailles Peace Conference was held in:

a. 1918
b. 1919
c. 1920
d. None of these

v. Germany invaded Poland in:

a. 1938
b. 1939
c. 1940
d. None of these

vi. Bretton Woods Conference was concluded in:

a. July 1944
b. August 1944
c. September 1944
d. None of these

vii. ECOSOC has been established under chapter______of the UN charter:


a. V
b. VII
c. X
d. None of these

viii. The UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim belonged to:

a. Austria
b. Poland
c. Belgium
d. None of these

ix. “Politics among Nations” was written by:

a. K.J.Holstai
b. Hans Morgenthau
c. Frederick Hartman
d. None of these

x. United Arab Emirates is a federation of:

a. 5 Emirates
b. 6 Emirates
c. 7 Emirates
d. None of these

xi. The ICJ is located at:

a. Washington
b. Geneva
c. The Hague
d. None of these

xii. Cuban Missiles Crisis occurred during:

a. 1958
b. 1960
c. 1962
d. None of these

xiii. German reunification occurred in:

a. 1990
b. 1991
c. 1992
d. None of these

xiv. The WTO began in:

a. 1993
b. 1994
c. 1995
d. None of these

xv. Switzerland joined the UN during:


a. 2000
b. 2001
c. 2002
d. None of these

xvi. OIC is an organization of:

a. 48 states
b. 57 states
c. 60 states
d. None of these

xvii. African Development Bank was established in:

a. 1962
b. 1964
c. 1969
d. None of these

xviii. Black Sea Economic Cooperation Zone consists of ______ members:

a. 11
b. 12
c. 13
d. None of these

xix. The author of famous book, “Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy” is:

a. Gerald Ford
b. Henry Kissinger
c. Ronald Reagan
d. None of these

xx. Mauritius and Seychelles are located in ______ ocean:

a. Pacific
b. Western Indian
c. Mediterranean
d. None of these
Q.2. The emergency of sovereign state as a primary actor was just the beginning of the evolution of modern
International System. Assess the pace of change in International Relations from 1815 to 1914. (20)

Q.3. War and Peace are conflicting values of International Politics. A state cannot encourage one without sacrificing
other. Describe three means of peace and security in nuclear age. (20)

Q. 4. “Development of International Law and Organization are the efforts of all states to make International System
less anarchic”. Elucidate the statement. (20)

Q.5. How can a Nation state best protect her interest and identity in a transitional World Order? (20)

Q.6. Since South Asia has been dominated by the antagonism between India and Pakistan, what impact do nuclear
weapons have on the balance of power in the region. (20)

Q.7. Terrorism has compelled every one to think, “No one can be trusted and every one is to be feared.” Discuss an

appropriate response to Domestic and International terrorism. (20)

Q.8. How effective the UN in dealing with global problems. What will the International System look like in the year
2050? (20)

Q.1. Select the best option/answer and fill in the appropriate box on the Answer Sheet. (20)

(i) Sarah Palin is the governor of:

(a) New York

(b) Alaska
(c) Illinois
(d) None of these

(ii) President De Gaulle withdrew France from NATO in:

(a) 1966
(b) 1950
(c) 1962
(d) None of these

(iii) Pearl Harbor, USA, naval base in Hawain Islands, during WWII was attacked by:

(a) Germany
(b) Japan
(c) Cuba
(d) None of these

(iv) According to Brandt Report, 'The South consists of:

(a) Third world countries

(b) Australia
(c) China
(d) None of these

(v) In 1933 Hitler signed an agreement with pope known as:

(a) Brandeus
(b) Concordat
(c) Peace Pact
(d) None of these

(vi) The current president of Russia is:

(a) Vladimir Putin

(b) Nicolas Sarkozy
(c) Dmitry Medvedev
(d) None of these

(vii) North Korea invaded South Korea in:

(a) 1948
(b) 1950

(c) 1959
(d) None of these

(viii) Indian Congress came into power under the leadership of Sonia Gandhi in:

(a) 2000
(b) 2004
(c) 2006
(d) None of these

(ix) The UN charter in 1945 was drawn up in:

(a) New York

(b) San Francisco
(c) Washington
(d) None of these

(x) Owen Young, who gave the young plan was:

(a) an American banker

(b) German President
(c) British Ambassador
(d) None of these

(xi) Windock is the capital of:

(a) Ziganda
(b) Namibia
(c) Luxembourg
(d) None of these

(xii) CENTO was dissolved in:

(a) 1979
(b) 1981
(c) 1998
(d) None of these

(xiii) The first Hague Conference was held in:

(a) 1890
(b) 1907
(c) 1914
(d) None of these (1899)

(xiv) NPT is not signed by:

(a) China
(b) Israel
(c) Russia
(d) None of these

(xv) Afghanistan has vice-presidents:

(a) 1

(b) 2
(c) None
(d) None of these

(xvi) Current Foreign Secretary of Pakistan is:

(a) Shah Mehmood Qureshi

(b) Salman Bashir
(c) Sherry Rehman
(d) None of these

(xvii) ASEAN summit 2008 took place in:

(a) Bangkok
(b) Malaysia
(c) Philippines
(d) None of these

(xviii) Faroe island is:

(a) a scandinavian state

(b) Darwin's birth place
(c) an American prison
(d) None of these

(xix) Ronald Reagan was a presidential candidate of:

(a) Republican
(b) Democrat
(c) Both
(d) None of these

(xx) " politics among nations" was written by:

(a) K.J. Holsti

(b) Gavin Boyd
(c) Hans.J.Margenthau
(d) None of these


(i) Part-II is to be attempted on the separate Answer Book.
(ii) Attempt ONLY FOUR questions form PART-II. All questions carry EQUAL marks.
(iii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered.

Q.2. Describe and discuss the concept of Nation-State and evaluate its future in the light of certain recent

Q.3. Discuss the importance of International Relations as a field of study.


Q.4. Critically discuss the origin and developments of the cold war and its consequences on world politics.

Q.5. Economics realities compelled the members of the developing world to demand for the establishment of New
International Economic Order. Give your comment.

Q.6. What factors were responsible for the creation of the WARSAW and NATO pacts? Can NATO's continuing
existence be justified?

Q.7. Critically evaluate American foreign policy towards Pakistan.

Q.8. What is nuclear proliferation? How far the United states of America is justified in making a nuclear deal with


1-UNO was formed in:

a)1944 b)1945 c)1946 d)Non of these

2-The cold war between USA and USSR started in:

a)1942 b)1945 c)1946 d)Non of these
b)- 1945 (Some books claims it technically started in 1947)

3-Peaceful co-existence between USA and USSR was initiated by:

a)Stalin b)Brezhnev c)Khruschev d)Non of these

4-Detente between USA and USSR started between:

a)1959-69 b)1969-79 c)1980-90 d)Non of these

5-Perestroika was started by:

a)Brezhnev b)Podgorny c)Gorbachev d)Non of these

6-The Taliban came to power in Afghanistan in:

a)1990 b)1992 c)1996 d)Non of these

7-Ismail Hania is:

a)President of Palestine b)Lebanese Minister c)Leader of Hamas d)Non of these
c)Leader of Hamas

8-Natan Yahu is:

a)President of Taiwan b)Defence Minister of China c)Prime Minister of Israel d)Non of these
c)Prime Minister of Israel

9-USSR was disintegrated in:

a)1989 b)1990 c)1991 d)Non of these

10-Theory and Practice of International Relations is written by:

a)Padelford and Lincoln b)Palmer and Perkins c)Hans j.Morganthau d)Non of these

d)Non of these (Not Sure, Not confirmerd)

11-Kim El Jong is:

a)President of South Korea b)Foreign Minister of Burma c)President of North Korea d)Non of these
c)President of North Korea

12-Aviar Solana is:

a)Foreign Minister of Spain b)President of Namibia c)Foreign Policy adviser of European Union d)Non of these
c)Foreign Policy adviser of European Union

13-Ronald Reagan an actor became the President of:

a)Mexico b)USA c)France d)Non of these

14-NPT was signed in:

a)1966 b)1968 c)1970 d)Non of these

15-CTBT was signed in:

a)1990 b)1944 c)1995 d)Non of these
d)Non of these (Signed 1996, Sorry Guys who opted for 1995 including myself)

16-People's Republic of China came into being in:

a)1947 b)1948 c)1949 d)Non of these

17-WTO was formed in:

a)1990 b)1993 c)1995 d)Non of these

18-Cuban Missile Crisis took place in:

a)1960 b)1961 c)1962 d)Non of these

19-NATO was singed in:

a)1945 b)1948 c)1949 d)Non of these

20-UN Secretary General Ban Qi Moon is from:

a)Burma b)Mauritius c)South Korea d)Non of these
c)South Korea

Q2. "Can you imagine a world with out inter-state relations"? Explain the importance of International Relations in
the Nuclear age.

Q3. Describe the basic features of modern nation state. What are the dangers to its future?

Q4. Define balance of terror. How far it has succeeded in preventing a major war in the world?

Q5. Explain the socio-economic and Political Compulsions which led to the formation of Regional Blocs.

Q6. "After the downfall of Colonialism. The western Powers have embarked upon a new policy of "Economic
Imperialism" through IMF, World Bank, Multi-nationals and WTO". Do you agree? Substantiate

Q7. " The Kashmir problem has been mishandled from the beginning and every successive Government in Pakistan
has contributed to that". Critically explain the statement.

Q8. "The Al- Qaeeda phobia has made USA a neurotic Super Power. She is disregarding the norms of International
Law and Diplomacy". Make your comments by a brief survey of US Global Policy.


The author of the book “The End of History and the Last Man” is:
a. Fukuyama
b. Huntington
c. Kissinger
d. Christine Faire
e. None of these

(ii) The author of the book “Twenty Years Crisis” is:

a. Rosenau
b. Harold J Laski
c. E. H. Carr
d. John Dewey
e. None of these

(iii) Balance of power is based on:

a. Realist Paradigm
b. Liberal Paradigm
c. Marxist Paradigm
d. Post Modernism
e. None of these

(iv) Emmanuel Kant and John Locke provides the philosophical basis for:
a. Realism
b. Liberalism
c. Post Modernism
d. Behaviouralism
e. None of these

(v) Pre Emptive Strike Doctrine confers upon states the:

a. Right to attack any potential threat to its security.
b. Right to attack when they are actually attacked
c. The responsibility to intervene in the domestic affairs of other states for humanitarian protection
d. Duty to respond to the calls of UN.
e. None of these

(vi) Modern State System is believed to have started with:

a. End of Second World War
b. Versailles Treaty
c. End of Cold War
d. Peace of Westphalia

e. None of these

(vii) The 1979 summit meeting which led to peace between Egypt and Israel was held at:
a. Camp X-Ray
b. Camp Roger
c. Camp New York
d. Camp David
e. None of these

(viii) Apartheid was a policy of the:

a. State of Israel
b. State of West Africa
c. State of South Africa
d. State of North Africa
e. None of these

(ix) Pakistan joined NAM in:

a. 1955
b. 1978
c. 1988
d. 1985
e. None of these

(x) In Pakistan:
a. All treaties must be ratified by Senate to become binding.
b. The government can bind Pakistan to any treaty without informing the Parliament.
c. Constitution requires referendum on each treaty before it becomes binding.
d. All provincial governments must also agree with the federal government before a treaty becomes binding.
e. None of these

(xi) SAARC was established in:

a. 1993
b. 1985
c. 1990
d. 1998
e. None of these

(xii) NATO has announced to hand over all security operations in Afghanistan to Afghans in:
a. 2011
b. 2012
c. 2013
d. 2014
e. None of these

(xiii) Intifada refers to:

a. The Russian revolution
b. The spontaneous popular uprising of the Palestinians beginning in the late 1980s
c. Palestinian relations with Jordan
d. The popular uprising of the Arab people for democracy

e. None of these

(xiv) Through Balfour Declaration 1917:

a. USA announced its support for creation of Israel
b. Britain announced its support for creation of independent Palestine
c. Britain announced its commitment to the creation of a Jewish state in the Middle East
d. Soviet Union announced its support ofr World Revolution
e. None of these

(xv) The current row between US and Iran is about:

a. Iran’s system of Education
b. Iran’s Democracy
c. Iran’s Nuclear Program
d. Iran’s relations with Pakistan
e. None of these

(xvi) Kerry Lugar Bill is about:

a. Aid specifically to Pakistani flood victims
b. Aid to Pakistan
c. Aid to Pakistan Army
d. Aid to Muslim countries
e. None of these

(xvii) Indo-Chinese war occurred in:

a. 1965
b. 1962
c. 1971
d. 1948
e. None of these

(xviii) Ho Chi Minh was:

a. Leader of Vietnam
b. Leader of Laos
c. Leader of Thailand
d. Leader of Japan
e. None of these

(xix) Missile crisis of 1962 was between:

a. USA, USSR and Cuba
b. USA, USSR and Argentine
c. USA, USSR and Egypt
d. USA, USSR and Iran
e. None of these

(xx) New International Economic Order:

a. Is Economic System structured after the end of Cold War.
b. Was the demand of the rich countries to change the International Economic System
c. Was the demand of the Global South to restructure the International Economic System.

d. Is the International Economic System based on technological revolution

e. None of these.

Q.2. Define International Relations.Identify and explain its continuously changing and expanding nature and subject

Q.3. Define and explain the international Law.Does International Law have any real role in international Relations?

Q.4. Discuss and explain the causes of World War II. Could a different policy by Britain, France and USA have
avoided its occurrence?

Q.5. Discuss the significance and increasing role of International Society in the classically sovereign domains of
state with reference to United Nations. Also debate whether the UN in its present structure of status can play the
increased role expected of it?

Q.6. Identify the main arguments of the Realism and Liberalism in IR. Which approach appeals to you as a better
explaining IR and why? Discuss the empirical evidence.

Q.7. Discuss and analyze the role of Soviet Union during the Cold War. Was it a stabilizing or destabilizing factor in
International Relations? Elaborate your answer with reference to theory and facts.

Q.8. Explain why, despite being target of terrorism, Pakistan's international allies often publicly express
dissatisfaction with Pakistan's counter terrorism policy and actions ? Is this a failure of Pakistani diplomacy or
weakness in its policy? Identify the fault and suggest corrective measures, if required.


1. Discuss the development of the study of " International Relations" and define its core influential factors and
define its role in the post cold war era?

2. Discuss "Diplomacy" and define its kinds. Explain diplomatic means which can help to resolve disputes
and conflicts in the world.

3. Define " Economics as an instrument in foreign policy" and explain its fundamental characteristic which
can help to achieve state's objectives.

4. Critically discuss "Pakistan's participation in SEATO and CENTO " and explain political, strategic, and
economic causes and define its potential disadvantages for the country's foreign policy and diplomacy.

5.Discuss "Nationalism" and define its silent features in the post cold war situation and explain its grave
consequences with reference to eastern Europe, African continent and South Asian tragic incidents. Also
debate whether the UN and superpowers played any role in preventing bloodbath in the regions.

6..Discuss the strategic importance of "Indian ocean" in the post cold war scenario and analyze the role of
the United States and China in the region. Also identify vital political,economic,and strategic interests of
both great powers in the contemporary geopolitical situation.

7. Critically Define " American interests in Afghanistan" and explain its political strategic failure in the
region and its unnecessary pressure on pakistan to "do more" which can destabilize the regional scenario

rather than stabilizing the situation. Also discuss the serious impact of the American war on terror on the
Pakistan's state, Society and system.


1- "Theory of International Politics" has been written by

c- Kenneth Waltz

2- League of Nations was formed after the treaty of

a- Versailles

3- Yalta conference was held in the year

c- 1945

4- NATO stands for

d- North Atlantic Treaty Organization

5- Pakistan became part of SEATO in the year

b- 1955

6- Perestroika and Glasnost reforms were introduced by

b- Garbachev

7- After the Cold War, Pakistan was subjected to sanctions under

e- none of these

(Pressler amendment is related to Pakistan but that is related to Nuclear program of Pakistan)

8- NPT came into effect in the year

c- 1970

9- Warsaw is the capital of

b- Poland

10- The headquarter of Conference of Disarmament(CD) is in

b- Geneva

11- The Bandung Conference was attended by

c- 29 countries

12- Easing of tension between rival states is called

c- Detente

13- "Imperialism: The Highest stage of Capitalism" was written by

c- Lenin

14- The island of Diego Garcia is situated in

a- Indian ocean

15- The island of Diego Garcia is situated in

d- 8 years

16- The treaty signed in 1991 for the reduction of strategic weapons was


17- The absense of centralized authority at the international level is called

b- Anarchy

18- To frighten one's enemy into inaction is called

e- none of these

19- Balfour declaration was signed in the year

a- 1927

20- The famous diplomat of Pakistan who also remained the president of ICJ was

a- Zafarullah Khan

2- Critically discuss the concept of Balance of power in the light of Hans Morgenthau's thought.

Q.3- Evaluate the general view the peace of Westphalia as the founding moment for modern state system. Do
you think this system is challenged in the contemporary world?

Q.4- In what ways was the Versailles treaty a contributory factor to european political instability in the period

Q.5- Elucidate the impact of world war II on the decolonialization process in Asia.

Q.6- Describe the efforts of African National Congress against Apartheid regime of South Africa.

Q.7- Carry out a comparative analysis of US foreign policy towards South Asia during and after the Cold war.

Q.8- Is globalization under threat because of world economic crises?


Q.2. Do you agree that 19th century European International Society was merely a means of legitimizing
Imperialism? (20)

Q.3. How for was Germany responsible for the outbreak of war in 1914? (20)

Q.4. Analyse the causes and events of the Arab Israeli war of 1967? What were it implications? (20)

Q.5. What nuclear proliferation concerns have stemmed from the dissolution of the Soviet Union? Has the
western world been able to address these concerns? (20)

Q.6. Is nationalism ultimately about preserving cultural identity against global pressure towards
homogenization? Discuss. (20)

Q.8. Elucidate the significance of NATO during the Cold War and discuss whether it is still useful for European
security in the contemporary era? (20)

Author of 'Theory of International Politics'?
Ans: Kenneth Waltz
Pakistan signed Sino-Pak boundary agreement in?
Ans: 1963
Foreign policy goal of US in Pakistan?
Ans: eradicate terrorism OR control nuclear assets
Germany surrendered unconditionally before:
Ans: Yalta Conference
Spread of nuclear weapons: more may be better. who supported this?
Ans: Kenneth Waltz
Armistice Agreement refers to:
Ans: Green Line (i think)

Part II

Q. No. 2. Discuss evolution and development of the discipline of International Relations; define the dominant
factors responsible for and explain their role in the post-cold war era.

Q. No. 3. Explain the concept of Balance of Power in international relations and evaluate its relevance after the
demise of Soviet Russia.

Q. No. 4. Critically evaluate the joining of Western Alliances (SEATO & CENTO) by Pakistan and explain its
political, economic and strategic consequences for the state's policy.

Q. No. 5. Do you believe that Diplomacy is the ultimate way to resolve international desputes? What diplomatic
means are significant to realize that goal in general and Pakistan-India in particular?

Q. No. 6. Define the term globalization. Do you believe its prospects are threatened because of the current economic
crises in general and third world economies in particular.

Q. No. 7. Do you support the argument that Iran-US nuclear deal will bring a new wave of instability in the region
and can also cause serious implications for global non-proliferation regime?

Q. No. 8. Do you agree that the post-Cold War international scenario has generated more constraints that
opportunities for Pakistan's foreign policy? If so, what those? Suggest measures enabling Pakistan to face the 'new

Q2. "A single catastrophic event "Nine Eleven", has turned the world topsy-turvy". Discuss.

Q3. Visualize the post-Taliban scenario in Afghanistan and discuss implications for Pakistan.

Q4. Pak-china relations are historic and times tested, have developed a momentum of their own and are
continuing. Explain.

Q5. The phenomenon of terrorism has occupied central stage in world's today. Highlight the difference between
terrorism and freedom struggle. Discuss the issue of terrorism in backdrop of what is happening in Afghanistan,
Palestine and Kashmir.

Q6. "In her foreign policy and trade, Pakistan has never benefited fully from the ideal Geostrategic location".

Q7. Discuss the economic and strategic importance of Gawadar port of Pakistan and for the region.

Q8. Write short note on any of two:

A. Terminology of AF-Pak



International law


(1) Provisions of Municipal Law:-

(a) are enforceable in international relations without any qualification

(b) are enforceable in international -relations if they are not in conflict with international law

(c) are not at all enforceable in international relations.

(2) Select one of the following: -

(a) Public International Organizations are subjects of International Law;

(b) both Public and Private International organizations are subjects of International Law

(c) None of the above is subject of International Law.

(3) Foreign diplomatic envoys enjoy absolute immunity from local jurisdiction in;

(a) Civil matters; (b) Criminal matters; (c) both civil and criminal matters.

(4) The Right of innocent passage is available to:

(a) Foreign Aircrafts; (b) Foreign ships; (c) all foreign vehicles.

(5) Non-permanent members of the U.N. Security Council are elected for a period’ of:

(a) five years; (b) three years; (c) two years.

(6) A successor state is legally bound to:

(a) fulfill all the obligations of its predecessor state; (b) only selected obligations;

(c) No obligation at all..,

(7) A lower riparian state:

(a) Has no right to share water resources of an International River;

(b) Has exclusive right (c) Has right to share water on an equitable basis.

(8) The Charter of the U.N. was drawn up by:-

(a) London Declaration 1943.; (b) Moscow and Tehran Conference1943;

(c) San Francisco Conference 1945.


(9) Universal Declaration on Human Rights was adopted in:

(a) 1978 (b) 1958 (c) 1948

(10) The judges of the I.C.J. are elected by:

(a) the U.N. Security Council (b) the U.N. General Assembly (c) both

(11) Territorial Waters are:

(a) Waters within the territorial limits of a state;

(b) Waters dividing the territory of two or more states;

(c) None of the above.

(12) A state is admitted to the membership of the’ U.N. by:

(a) the Security Council; (b) the General Assembly; (c) Both

(13) Advisory opinion from the I.C.J. can be sought by:

(a) the U.N. (ii) the States (c) Both

(14) A state is exempted from the jurisdiction of the local courts in another state:

(a) if an agreement has been made to that effect; (b) by virtue of its sovereign status; (c) if such an
exemption is granted by the local authorities.

(i5) The offence of piracy is subject to the jurisdiction of:

(a) the flag state; (b) the offenders state (c) all the states.

(16) A Continental Shelf is situated beneath the sea level at the approximate depth of:

(a) 200 meters (b) 300 meters (c) 500 meters

(17) Foreign sovereign ships sailing/anchoring in the coastal waters of another state are:

(a) subject to the law of the flag state; (b) subject to the law of the coastal state;

(c) subject to the law of both states.

(18) In case an alien is injured in a foreign state, it is the right of the:

(a) injured alien to bring a claim against the wrongdoer state before arrival international forum; (b) state of
the nationality of the injured alien; (c) none of the two has aright to do so.

(19) Extradition is the process of: -

(a) providing asylum to the person who needs it; (b) handing over a person accused or convict of a
crime by a state to the demanding state; (c) None of the two.

(20) The Economic and Social Council is:

(a) a specialized agency of the U.N. (b) an organ of the U.N. (c) N.G.O. for the uplift of economic and
social standards of the people of the world.
(2) 1. Explain the rules which’ govern the application of International Law by Municipal Courts. Give your
answer in the light of the court practice with special reference to the British and American Courts.

2. What do you understand by 'Recognition of States' and 'Recognition of Governments’? Explain fully the
distinction between ‘Recognition Dejure’ and ‘Recognition Defacto’.

3. Write short notes on any FOUR of the following:

(a) High Seas (b) Nationality

(c) High jacking (d) Intervention
(e) Chorzow Factory case, Germany V. Poland (1928) , P.C.I.J. Rep. Ser. A, No.17

4. Write short notes on any FOUR of the following:

(a) Human Rights (b) Exclusive Economic Zone

(c) Calvo Clause (d) Blockade
(e) Corfu Channel Case, U.K.V. Albania(1948), I.C.J. Rep. 1949.

5. Define a ‘Treaty’. State how are they concluded and terminated?- Explain it in the light of Vienna
Convention on the Law of Treaties 1969.

6. Critically examine the powers and the voting procedure of the U.N. Security Council .

7. Write a detailed note on the International-court of Justice with particular reference to its powers to
exercise jurisdiction over disputant states.

CSS 2006

1) principal of “double criminality” means that:

(a) the person who is being extradited must be tried in both the states
(b) the person who is being extradited must be tried in both the states but may be punished in one
(c) that the offence for which a person is extradited must be an offence in both the states
(d) none of these

(2) principal of “specialty” means that:

(a) the person extradited must be awarded special punishment by the requesting state
(b) the person extradited must not be awarded special punishment by the requesting state
(c) the person extradited must be punished only for the offence for which he has been extradited
(d) none of these

(3) features of international law include all except which of the following:
(a) there is no single legislative source of international law
(b) there is no single world court for interpreting international law
(c) there is no world executive branch that can enforce international laws
(d) none of these

(4)which of the following is not a source of international law?

(a) treaties and conventions
(b) custom
(c) judicial decisions and teachings
(d) none of these

(5)the United Nations is governed by all except which of the following?

(a) the general assembly
(b) the security council
(c) the secretariat
(d) none of these

(6)the group of European countries created to promote peace, security, economic and social unity is called
(a) European market

(b) European union

(c) European coalition
(d) None of these

(7)GATT is a multilateral treaty that:

(a) restricts trade among non-member countries
(b) imposes multiple trade barriers among its member nations
(c) establishes trade agreements and limited tariffs and trade restrictions
(d) None of these

(8) the oldest principal of international law is the doctrine of:

(a) sovereign immunity
(b) foreign dignitaries
(c) religious freedom
(d) none of these

(9) diplomatic envoys are absolutely immuned from which of the following jurisdictions:
(a) criminal jurisdiction
(b) civil jurisdiction
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) none of these

(10) which of the following is not an example of Extra-Territorial Asylum:

(a) asylum granted in a ship in high seas
(b) asylum granted in the premises of an international institution
(c) asylum granted in an embassy
(d) none of these

(11) universal declaration of human rights was passed in:

(a) Chicago
(b) London
(c) Berlin
(d) None of these

(12) “Continental Shelf” means:

(a) that portion of land which belongs to no state
(b) that portion of land on the South Pole which can be used by any state
(c) submerged bed of sea contiguous to a continental land mass
(d) none of these

(13) Vatican city is:

(a) a province of Italy
(b) is an independent state
(c) is not an independent state
(d) none of these

(14) the jurisdiction of the international court of justice:

(a) is binding on all the members of the UNO
(b) is not binding on all the members of the UNO

(c) is binding only upon the members of the SECURITY COUNCIL

(d) none of these

(15) a “Vassal State” is the one which is:

(a) situated on the sea shore
(b) an independent state
(c) under the suzerainty of another state
(d) none of these

(16) Confederation means:

(a) good diplomatic relation between some states
(b) union between some states
(c) relation between the provinces of a federal state
(d) none of these

(17) “Littoral State” means:

(a) situated on the sea coast
(b) an independent state
(c) under the suzerainty of another state
(d) none of these

(18) “Contiguous Zone” means:

(a) that portion of land which belongs to no state
(b) that portion of land on the South Pole which can be used by any state
(c) that portion of sea which is adjacent to territorial waters
(d) none of these

(19) “Maritime Belt” means:

(a) that portion of land which belongs to no state
(b) that portion of land on the South Pole which can be used by any state
(c) that portion of sea which is adjacent to the territory of a coastal state
(d) none of these

(20) “ Economic and Social Council”

(a) was an organ of the League of Nations
(b) is an organ of the WTO
(c) is an organ of UNO
(d) none of these

Q.1. “International Law is a Law regulating the rights and duties of states and creating no rights and
imposing no duties on individuals”. Do u agree with this statement? Why or why not? Argue.

Q.2. Discuss the liability of the following:

a) The ambassador of the Republic of Brondasia in Islamabad murders a Pakistani out of sudden
b) The wife of the Brondasian ambassador bought cosmetics worth Rs.1000,000 from a local departmental
store, refused to pay and went away to her embassy.
c) A Pakistani friend of the Brondasian ambassador has murdered a Brondasian employee of the embassy.

Q.3. Describe the functions of a Prize Court. What law does it administer?

Q.4. What is the duty of other states in case of internal revolt in an independent state? Can they help the
rebels? Under what circumstances recognition may be accorded to the rebels?

Q.5. Discuss the extent to which a state can claim jurisdiction over the high seas in war and peace. Is an
appropriation by a state of the underwater soil allowed in International Law?

Q.6. A Pakistani citizen working in the embassy of a foreign country in Islamabad, has committed an
offence against another Pakistani citizen. The Pakistani police want to arrest such person. However, the
ambassador is refusing to handover the accused to the police with the plea that the accused has a diplomatic
immunity. Do you agree with the pleas of the ambassador? Why or why not?

Q.7. “Whatever the morality of intervention, states have no right under International Law to intervene on
the territory of other states in order to prevent alleged crimes against humanity or to uphold human rights
norms.” Discuss.


1. A state has the right to exploit in the Continental Shelf:

(a) living resources
(b) non-living resources
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) none of these

2. The principle of rabus sie stantibus means:

(a) a state cannot use force
(b) there is no crime without a law
(c) fundamental change of circumstances
(d) none of these

3. The Schooner Exchange case dealth with the principle of:

(a) a state has soverign right its natural resources
(b) state courts have to accept the validity of a foreign state's acts
(c) a state's right of reprisals in case of violation of rights
(d) none of these

4. Hague convention of 1970 dealt in properly with the crimes realting to:
(a) refugees
(b) prisoners of war
(c) hijacking
(d) none of these

5. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted in:

(a) 1920
(b) 1945
(c) 1948
(d) none of these

6. Contiguous Zone in Pakistan is adjacent to and beyond the territorial waters and extending seawards to a
(a) 12 nautical miles
(b) 24 nautical miles
(c) 60 nautical miles measured from the base-line
(d) none of these

7. De facto recognition is:

(a) legal recognition
(b) recognition in principle
(c) circumstantial recognition
(d) none of these

8. The limit of territorial waters of Pakistan is:

(a) 12 nautical miles
(b) 20 nautical miles
(c) 24 nautical miles---beyond the land territory and internal waters of Pakistan, measired from the base-
(d) none of these

9. Continental shelf of Pakistan may extend upto a distance of:

(a) 150 nautical miles
(b) 200 nautical miles
(c) 300 nautical miles----beyond the limits of its territorial waters
(d) none of these

10. Exclusive Economic Zone of Pakistan is an area beyond and adjacent to the territorial waters, the limit
of which is:
(a) 12 nautical miles
(b) 100 nautical miles
(c) 200 nautical miles
(d) none of these

11.Select the correct one:

(a) only coastal states have the right to sail ships under their flags on the high seas
(b) every state has the right to sail ships under its flag on the high seas
(c)only five big powers have the right to sail ships under their flags on the high seas
(d) no state has the right to sail ships under their flags on the high seas

12. Convention on the Law os the Sea was signed at Jamaica in:
(a) 1948
(b) 1975
(c) 1982
(d) none of these

13. Statutes of International Courts of Justice were drawn up by:

(a) London Declaration in 1941
(b) Moscow and Tehran Conference in 1943
(c) San Francisco Conference in 1945

(d) none of these

14. According to the "floating island" theory, a "floating island" is:

(a) an island within three nautical miles from the coastof a country
(b) an island on the high seas, which is not the territory of any particular state
(c) a ship bearing the national flag os a state
(d) none of these

15.The Security Council is:

(a) Specialized agency of the U.N
(b) Principle organ of the U.N
(c) N.G.O. for settling disputes between various states
(d) none of these

16. In procedural matters, the decisions of the Security Council are made by the affirmative votes of any:
(a) 5 members
(b) 9 members
(c) 15 members
(d) none of these

17. Extradition is normally granted:

(a) in all cases
(b) in criminal cases only
(c) in civil cases only
(d) none of these

18. What is CONTRABAND?

(a) all narcautics
(b) articles banned by a government
(c) all smuggled goods
(d) Goods which may assist an enemy in the conduct of war

19. The term of Judges of the International Court of Justice is:

(a) 3 years
(b) 5 years
(c) 7 years
(d) 9 years

20. A diplomatic agent is immune from local jurisdiction:

(a) in all cases
(b) in criminal cases
(c) in cases involving personal property
(d) none of these
Q.1 "What is meant by RECOGNITION of STATES as a mamber of FAMILY of NATIONS? State the
different modes of such recognition.

Q.2 "In the absence of any form of international legislature of democratic states, international law was said
to be based upon the consent of the states upon their individual acceptance of its principles and rules."

Q.3 Write short notes on:

(a) universal declaration of human rights
(b) international court of justice
(c) international boundaries
(d) extradition
(e) neutrality

Q.4 What is "VETO?" How , when and by whom it is used?

Q.5 State and discuss in brief the various steps mentioned by STARKE in the creation of legal obligation
by a treaty.

Q.6 Coercion against a state renders a Treaty invalid.Discuss main features of the principles. Also
elaborate TWO other methods of rendering invalid the consent of a State to be bound by a treaty.

Q.7 Explain the various modes of acquiring and losing NATIONALITY. What is DOUBLE


Diplomatic protection is the protection which a state gives to:

(a) Its nations living abroad through its Embassies
(b) All diplomatic envoy on its own territory
(c) Its own diplomatic agents in the foreign states
(d) None of These

Pacta Sunt Servanda means:

(a) A diplomat not acceptable to the receiving state
(b) Agreement between states are to be respected
(c) A pact of ceasefire between the belligerent parties
(d) None of These

Briand Kellog Pact was meant to:

(a) End War between France and Britain
(b) Establish peace in western Europe
(c) Denounce war as an instrument for settling disputes.
(d) None of These

Treaty of Westphalia was signed in:

(a) 1658
(b) 1680
(c) 1776
(d) None of These(1648)

Permanent Court of International Justice was established in:


(a) 1919
(b) 1922
(c) 1915
(d) None of These

Srilankan High Commissioner in Islamabad, if found involved in a serious crime in Pakistan, can be
(a) Arrested by local police and put to trial
(b) Arrested and handed over to his home govt
(c) Asked to leave the country by the local authorities
(d) None of These

The Law of War and Peace was writtern by:

(a) Hegel
(b) Kelsen
(c) Grotius
(d) None of These

Permanent Cout of Arbitration was an outcome of:

(a) League of Nations
(b) UNO
(c) Hague Conference 1907
(d) None of These

Albama claims Arbitration Award 1872 established certain principles of:

(b) Neutrality
(c) Extradition
(d) None of These

The leader of positive school of thought was:

(a) Bynkershok
(b) Stark
(c) Extradition
(d) None of These

Contraband means:
(a) Things usable in war by one party against the other
(b) No war pact between the states parties
(c) Pact between the parties to stop the war temporarily
(d) None of These

In the continental Shelf the coastal has:


(a) The exclusive right over all resources

(b) The exclusive right over its living resources only
(c) Has The exclusive right over its non living resources
(d) None of These

Vienna Convention on Law of Treaties was signed in:

(a) 1961
(b) 1969
(c) 1975
(d) None of These

Territorial sea of a coastal state is:

(a) open for innocent passage of all type of foreign ships
(b) open for innocent passage of all except the fishing ships
(c) Reserved for vessels of the coastal states only
(d) None of These

Cabotage is:
(a) Part of the Sea prohibited for war activity by law
(b) No fly zone , determined by UN during war
(c) Intercourse by sea between two ports of the same state
(d) None of These

Principle of Jus Soli is:

(a) Granting nationality on the basis of place of birth
(b) Granting nationality on the basis of parentage
(c) invalidation of a treaty due to change in circumstances
(d) None of These

UN Declaration of Human Rights was passed in:

(a) 1945
(b) 1948 (December)
(c) 1949
(d) None of These

Re Meunier and Re Castioni cases are test cases for:

(a) Extradition of military offenders
(b) Extradition of political offenders
(c) Determining the enemy Status of aliens during war
(d) None of These

All international Treaties signed by the Us president are subject to ratification by the Us:

(a) Senate with 2/3 majority

(b) House of Representatives with 2/3 majority
(c) Congress with 2/3 majority
(d) None of These

Prize courts are:

(a) International Courts
(b) Municipal courts
(c) judicial tribunals under UNO
(d) None of These

Q.2. John Austin says “International Law is not a real Law, but a positive International Morality.” Do you
agree with him? Give arguments in support of your answer.

Q.3. Briefly and precisely define SUBJECTS International Law. Do you agree that INDIVIDUALS can be
considered as subjects of International Law? Give appropriate examples in this regard.

Q.4. Discuss Amicable Means for the settlement of International Disputes.?

Q.5. Give precise definition of Extradition. Write a comprehensive essay on extradition by covering all its

Q.6. Define High Seas. Explain the concept of Freedom of High Seas along-with restrictions over it.

Q.7. Discuss Recognition. Differentiate between de-jure and de-facto recognition. What are the disabilities
of an unrecognized state?

Q.8. Differentiate between Territorial and Extra-Territorial Asylum. Under which circumstances an
Embassy or Consulate can offer asylum to a fugitive/offender of the territorial State?


1. One of the modes of acquiring state territory is:

(a) Jurisdicition (b) occupation (c) insurjency (d) Non of these

2. The name of the present secretary general of the UN is:

(a) Kofi Anaan (b) Boutros gali (c) Ban ke Mon (d) Non of these

3. The preamble to the universal declariation on human rights was adopted on:
(a) 12 jan 1949 (b) 10 Dec 1948 (c) 6th Aug 1947 (d) Non of these

4. The right of innocent passage means:

(a) right of a foreign merchant ship to pass un-hindered through the territorial sea of the cost
(b) Not to publicize dangers to navigation in the sea
(c) To over look regulations of marri-time traffic
(d) Non of these

5. The basic frame work for the nature and characteristics of treaties was defined in the:
(a) Vinnea convention on the law of treaties 1969
(b) Geneva connvention on the high seas 1958
(c) Vinnea convention on the law of treaties 1986
(d) Non of these

6. With drawal of recognition is more easily achieved with respect to:

(a) Defact recognition
(b) Collective Recognition
(c) Implied Recognition
(d) Non of these

7. The father of International Law is:

(a) David Dudley field
(b) Hugo Grotius
(c) Geremy bentham
(d) Non of these

8. Internal waters of a state are, such waters which are:

(a) found on the land-ward side of base line from which the territorial sea is measured.
(b) Adjusant to the exculsive fisheries zone.
(c) waters flowing into the high sea's
(d) Non of these

9. The doctrine of open sea was eloborated by:

(a) Blunt schilli
(b) Pufendorf
(c) Grotius
(d) Non of these

10. According to article 3 of the 1982 convention on the law of the sea the breadth of the territorial sea is:
(a) 10 miles
(b) 12 miles
(c) 14 miles
(d) Non of these

11. The term Men of War signifies:

(a) Military personal
(b) A warship
(c) An aircraft carrier
(d) Non of these

12. The number of judges constituting the international court of justice are:
(a) 15
(b) 12
(c) 10
(d) Non of these

13. Terra Nullius means:


(a) Island in the sea

(b) No territory
(c) Territory belonging to no state
(d) Non of these

14. The Acroniyum WMD stands for:

(a) Western missile defense
(b) Weapons of mass distruction(c) World metrological Department
(d) Non of these

15. Hot persuit is the principle designed to ensure:

(a) Vessiles voilating rules of coastal state cannot escape punishment by fleeing to high sea's
(b) Capture
(c) Cancellation of Registration
(d) Non of these

16. Piracy, according to law of sea convention 1982 is:

(a) An illegal act by crew of private ship on the high sea's.
(b) An act of sabotage
(c) Act permisible in certain cases
(d) Non of these

17. The general assembly of the UN is :

(a) The most powerful organ
(b) A supervisory body
(c) An elected House
(d) Non of these

18. The charter of the UN is a comprehensive document having:

(a) 112 articles
(b) 111 articles
(c) 108 articles
(d) Non of these

19. One of the amicable means of settling state disputes is:

(a) Concillation
(b) Blockade
(c) War
(d) Non of these

20. The bulk of the rules of International law are derived from:
(a) Judicial decisions
(b) work of publicites
(c) Customs
(d) Non of these
Q.1 Define International personality and discuss various entities as International Legal person.

Q.2 How far do you think that International Law is based on common consent of States? Evaluate
importance of customary law and treaty law as binding in this regard

Q.3 Territory is undoubtedly the basic character of a state as well as widely accepted elaborate with
reference to exclusive rights of states on Land and Air territory.

Q.4 How far has the United Nation succeeded in developing a comprehensive system of Human Rights
protection? Can emphasis on social justice and Human rights lead to a stable International Order?

Q.5 Define State jurisdiction and explain how domestic jurisdiction can be limited by and reduced by
principles of International Law?

Q.6 keeping in view the objectives of the charter seeking to establish a mechanism of peace and security
how far has United Nations succeeded in confronting changes in Global society?

Q.7 Describe Importance of diplomacy in interstate relations and discuss the concept of diplomacy and

1) Consuls, in receiving state are considered representative of:
(a) Head of State
(b) The government
(c) Foreign Office
(d) None of these

2) International law is not a true law but a positive international morality:

(a) Brierly
(b) Oppenheim
(c) John Austin
(d) None of these

3) Who is known as father of International law?

(a) Jessup
(b) Grotious
(c) Hegal
(d) None of these

4) Albama claim arbritation determines the principles of:

(a) Extradition
(b) Nationality
(c) Neutrality
(d) None of these

5) Decision of arbritation is:

(a) Binding on parties
(b) Not binding
(c) Partially binding
(d) None of these

6) Indo-Pakistan conflict in 1965 was a:

(a) Non-war Armed conflict

(b) War
(c) Just border conflict
(d) None of these

7) Nationality of a women as a result of marriage with a foreigner is:

(a) Lost
(b) Changed
(c) Nothing is done
(d) None of these

8) Tashkent declaration between india and pakistan in 1966 by USSR was a:

(a) Conciliation
(b) Mediation
(c) Arbitration
(d) None of these

9) Geneva convention for POWs was signed in:

(a) 1949
(b) 1952
(c) 1945
(d) None of these

10) Armed attack on enemy fall under:

(a) Retortion
(b) Reprisal
(c) Intervention
(d) None of these

11) Briand-Kellog pact was signed in Paris in:

(a) 1923
(b) 1928
(c) 1945
(d) None of these

12) Universal declaration of Human rights was passed by:

(a) Geneva Convention
(b) Vienna Congress
(c) UN General Assembly in 1948
(d) None of these

13) Truce is:

(a) Agreement of ceasefire
(b) Peace treaty
(c) Agreement of exhange of Prisoners of War
(d) None of these

14) Concept of state will was first time given by:

(a) Hegel
(b) Grotious

(c) Bynkershoek
(d) None of these

15) If a pakistani citizen is involved in counterfeiting US currency, US can claim jurisdiction over him
on the basis of principle of:
(a) Subjective Territoriality
(b) Objective Territoriality
(c) Exta Territoriality
(d) None of these

16) Charge' d Affairs, appointed in a foreign state has to report to:

(a) Head of State
(b) Head of government
(c) Foreign Office
(d) None of these

17) Charter of international crimincal court was adopted in:

(a) Rome conference 1998
(b) Geneva Convention
(c) General Assembly
(d) None of these

18) Genocide Convention 1951 protects the:

(a) smaller minority groups
(b) Prisoners of war
(c) Non-combatants
(d) None of these

19) Extradition means:

(a) Capurting a criminal
(b) Exchange of Diplomats
(c) Exchange of criminals to other states
(d) None of these

20) International court of justice can exercise its jurisdiction on:

(a) All disputes between states
(b) With concent of any one party
(c) With concent of all parties
(d) None of these

. Give such a definition of Int Law which could cover all the modern trends in it?

3. Discuss the concept of Neutralization. How is it done? Explain the Rights, Duties and Guarantees given
to a Neutralized state.

4. Define Recognition. Differentiate between Defacto and Dejure Recognition.

5. What is meant by 'Subjects of Int Law'? Justify Individuals as the subject of Int Law by giving

appropriate examples.

6. Discuss various modes of Acquisition of Territorial Sovereignty by the states acknowledged in Int Law.

7. Give an account of the efforts of international community to protect the civilian population from the
effects of war.

8. Discuss in detail amicable means for settlement of international disputes.


1. Pakistan became member of UNO in:

a. 1948
b. 1947
c. 1950
d. None of these

2. Articles of UN Charter are:-

a. 115
b. 111
c. 120
d. None of these

3. Which article of the Statute of International Court of Justice deals with the sources of International

a. 36
b. 40
c. 38
d. None of these

4. Secretary General of UNO is from:-

a. Russia
b. Holland
c. South Korea
d. None of these

5. Total Members of the UNO are:

a. 180
b. 150
c. 192
d. None of these

6. The Headquarters of International Court of Justice is at:


a. Geneva
b. Hague
c. New York
d. None of these

7. Which article of the 1982 Convention on the Law of the Sea deals with the breadth of the territorial

a. 4
b. 7
c. 3
d. None of these

8. Who is called the father of the law of nations?

a. Jeremy Benthem
b. Oppenheim
c. Hugo Grotius
d. None of these

9. The Security Council takes enforcement measures with respect to threats to the peace under chapter:

a. 5
b. 7
c. 9
d. None of these

10. Locarno Pact (1925) concluded between:

a. UK, France, Germany, Belgium and Italy

b. Russia, USA, China, Canada and Brazil
c. Australia, New Zealand, Portugal, Argentina and Peru
d. None of these

11. De Jure Belli Ac Pacis (The Law of War and Peace) was written by:

a. Vattel
b. Bynkershoek
c. Hugo Grotius
d. None of these

12. The Nuremberg Trails were held at:

a. Holland
c. Germany
d. None of these

13. Territorial Waters and Maritime Zone Act, 1976 of Pakistan contains articles:

a. 20
b. 17
c. 14
d. None of these

14. "International Law is not a true law but a positive international morality", siad:-

a. John Austin
b. Oppenheim
c. Brierly
d. None of these

15. The term international law was first coined by:

a. Hugo Grotius
b. Jeremy Bentham
c. Hagel
d. None of these

16. One of the presidents of USA is called the father of the League of the Nations

a. Roosevelt
b. Truman
c. Wilson
d. None of these

17. Extradition means:

a. Handing over a diplomat to other state

b. Handing over a spy to other state
c. Handing over a criminal to other state
d. None of these

18. Persona non grata means:

a. Ungrateful diplomat
b. Inefficient diplomat
c. Undesireable diplomat
d. None of these

19. One of the focible means of settling state disputes is:

a. Concilliation
b. Retorsion
c. Arbitration
d. None of these

20. International Law Commission was established by the General Assembly in pursuance of which

article of UN Charter:

a. 10
b. 13
c. 17
d. None of these
2. Q. 2: "As the basis of the Law of Nations is the common consent of the member states of the Family of
Nations, it is evident there must exist as many sources of international law as there are facts through
which such common consent can possibly come into existence." (Oppenheim). Discuss

Q. 3: "International Law is primarily concerned with the rights, duties and intersts of states." Examine
this statement wiht reference to the place of individuals and non-state entities is International Law.

Q. 4: "The Subject of Recognition is one of the most difficult branches of international law, not merely
from the points of view of exposition of principles, but also intrinsically by reason of manyh
difficulties which arise in practice." Discuss

Q. 5: Define Diplomatic Envoy. Give a short account of the functions, privileges and immunities of the
diplomatic envoys accredited to other states.

Q. 6: "The Practice of United Nations Organization Show that while the principle of Self-
Determination is agreed upon, neither the scope of its application nor the method of decolonisation has
been settled." Discuss

Q. 7: "All the major issue on voting in the Secretary Council are now satisfactorily resolved. The real
problem today is about the composition of the Security Council." Discuss

Q. 8: Elucidate and justify: "The United Nations inspite of its imperfections, is the only organizations
that can save humanity from disaster and copmplete annihilation."

1) Legal person means
a) An entity on which a legal system confers rights and imposes duties
b) A living being with power and authority
c) A body with necessary powers and authority
d) None of these

2) The theories which define the relationship between the international and domestic laws are:
a) Realism and idealism
b) Legalism and pluralism
c) Monism and dualism
d) None of these

3) What is the difference between a subject of international law and an international legal person:
a) Same as that of state and government
b) Same as that of federating unit and centre in a federation
c) No difference
d) None of these

4) How many organs of the United Nations are located in New York?
a) 4
b) 5
c) 6
e) None of these

5) What is the status of the ICRC in the international law?

a) An inter-governmental organization for protecting Geneva Convention 1949
b) An international organization
c) A non-governmental organization
d) None of these

6) What is jus congens?

a) Statutory law
b) Common law
c) Compelling law
d) None of these

7) Amnesty international and Greenpeace are?

a) NGOs
b) CSOs
c) Multinational bodies
d) None of these

8) Which of the following UN organ’s resolutions are binding on member states?

a) Trusteeship council
b) Security council
c) General assembly
d) None of these

9) “Corporate Social Responsibility” means

a) Multinationals to follow basic human rights, environmental laws in developing countries
b) Multinational corporations to give due regard to local cultures
c) Multinationals to accommodate local morality in official procedures.
d) None of these

10) In which I.C.J Article the sources of International Law are explained?
a) Article 15
b) Article 38
c) Article 50
d) None of these

11) The UN membership as at December 31,2011 was:

a) 190
b) 193
c) 200
d) None of these

12) Principle of “ Pacta sunt servanda” means:


a) Treaties are binding

b) Treaties have no force
c) Agreements are sacred
d) None of these

13) The I.C.J decisions are binding upon:

a) All member states of the UN
b) Only the parties to the conflict
c) The UN non-member states
d) None of these

14) What was the exact number of member states when the UN was founded in 1945?
a) 41
b) 51
c) 71
d) None of these

15) The principal judicial organ of the UN is?

a) General Assembly
b) I.C.J
c) Security Council
d) None of these

16) Cabotage means:

a) Movement of ships between two ports of neighbuoring countries
b) No fly zone imposed by a state during war time
c) Intercourse by sea between two ports of the same state
d) None of these

17) Who was the first General Secretary of the UN:

a) U. Thant
b) Trygve Halvadan Lie
c) Boutros Ghali
d) None of these

18) What is “condominium”

a) A piece of territory under control of just one state
b) A piece of territory under the joint tenancy of two or more states
c) A territory under UN control
d) None of these

19) The Covenant of League Of Nations carried

a) 16 Articles
b) 26 Articles
c) 36 Articles
d) None of these

20) What is the difference between Open Sea and High Sea?
a) The sea in and around a state

b) No difference
c) Territorial waters meeting Open Sea
d) None of these

Q.2 Does the customary international law grant the right to use force to a state in response to a terrorist attack on it?
Substantiate your answer by arguing from Article 51 and Paragraph 4 of the Article 2 of the UN Charter and other
recent examples in this regard.

Q3. “Non-recognition of a government can be amounted to denying the recognition of the state itself as it is the
governments that do international business on behalf of the states.” Argue in affirmative this statement with
particular reference to Constitutive Theory of Recognition.

Q4. Lord Curzon once said, “Frontiers are indeed the razor’s edge on which hang suspended the modern issues of
war or peace, of life or death to nations.” Explain in this light the various modes of acquisition of territory by a state.

Q5. What are the various kinds of treaties in international law? Explain the laws about formation, interpretation and
termination of treaties.

Q6. What is Veto? How, when and by whom it is used? What consequences Pakistan had to face in the past because
of its use by a former superpower?

Q7. Explain with reference to the relevant articles of the UN Charter that whether the world body is authorized to
intervene in the domestic jurisdiction of its member states.

Q8. Write short notes on any FOUR of the following:

(a) Protectorate (b) Prize Courts (c) Extradition
(d) Double Nationality (e) Continental Shelf (f) Universal Declaration of Human Rights
1. The UN charter also functions as a:
(a) Constitutional and Law making treaty
(b) Moral binding only
(c) Judicial decision
(d) None of these

2. The term “Opinio juris” signifies:

(a) Just opinion
(b) The belief that a certain practice is obligatory as a matter of law
(c) Decision of publicists on law
(d) None of these

3. An entity have direct rights and duties under International Law is called:
(a) NGO
(b) Condominium
(c) International legal person
(d) None of these

4. The criteria for statehood generally recognized in customary International Law was set in the:
(a) Island of Palmas case 1928
(b) Covenant of the League of Nations
(c) Monte video convention of the rights and duties of States (1933)
(d) None of these

5. A state that lies on an International river is known as:

(a) Coastal state
(b) Riparian state
(c) Littoral state
(d) None of these

6. War crimes are violations of the laws of war and in particular the:
(a) Geneva Conventions of 1949
(b) Declaration of Paris 1856
(c) Vienna Convention 1969
(d) None of these

7. Internal waters of a state include

(a) Marginal belt or territorial sea
(b) Land locked seas and non-national rivers
(c) Gulfs and canals
(d) None of these

In the Geneva Convention on the High seas 1958 the term ‘High seas’ means:
(a) Exclusive economic zone
(b) Continental shelf
(c) Waters of an archipelago state
(d) None of these

9. Validity of treaty and state consent is determined only by:

(a) Vienna Convention 1969
(b) State practice
(c) Provisions of the treaty itself
(d) None of these

10. The UN Charter consists of how many articles?

(a) 41
(b) 114
(c) 27
(d) None of these

11. The status of the statute of the International Court of Justice is:
(a) Integral part of the UN Charter
(b) Inoperative
(c) Ineffective and obsolete
(d) None of these

12. Extradition means:

(a) Aggression
(b) Wilful defiance
(c) War crimes
(d) None of these

13. Primary responsibility for Human Rights question is given by the UN Charter to:
(a) Security Council
(c) General Assembly
(d) None of these

14. Most important treaties developing the laws of war are:

(a) Hague conventions of 1899 & 1907
(b) Locarno treaties
(c) Geneva conventions
(d) None of these

15. Peaceful methods of settlement of disputes under the UN Charter are:

(a) Blockade & Reprisals
(b) Recognition & Asylum
(c) Mediation & Inquiry
(d) None of these

16. “Equity” in International Law denotes:

(a) Flexibility
(b) Extra powers of Judges
(c) State practice
(d) None of these

17. The 1982 Convention on the Law of the Sea for common heritage of mankind provides:
(a) Sea-bed, ocean floor & subsoil as common heritage
(b) Territorial sea and EEZ as commonly owned
(c) Equal sharing of marine resources of national waters
(d) None of these

18. What does the acronym UNDHR stands for:

(a) United Nations Development of Human Resource
(b) United Nations Doctrine of Human Rights
(c) United Nations Declaration of Human Rights
(d) None of these

19. Ban Ki Moon, the UN Secretary General belongs to

(a) North Korea
(b) South Korea
(c) Japan
(d) None of these

20. The United Nations Headquarters are in the city of:

(a) Hague
(b) New York
(c) Barcelona
(d) None of these
Answers 1) Constitutional and Law Making Treaty
2) Decision of Publicists on Law

3) International Legal Person

4) Mont Video Convention
5) Riparian State
6) Geneva Convention 1949
7) Marginal Belt or Territorial sea
8) Continental Self
9) Vienna Convention 1969
10) None of These
11) Integral Part of UN
12) None of These
13) General Assembly
14) Geneva Convention
15) Mediation and Inquiry
16) Extra Power of Judges
17) Sea-bed, ocean shore and subsoil as common heritage
18) United Nation Declaration of Human Rights
19) South Korea
20) New York

Part II

1. International law is a product of centuries - elaborate the statement in view of the scientific
development and codification of the law.

2. States continue to be the principal subjects of international legal relations but non-state entities
too exert a great deal of influence on the legal system. Examine the statement with reference to
rights and duties of international organizations under law.

3. While customs form the major part of Internatiomal law it is conventions that make it more
authentic and applicable. Discuss.

4. Why is the third UN convention on the law of sea (UNCLOS-III) considered a vast diplomatic
and legal undertaking and what has made it different to the earlier efforts on the subject ?

5. Explain the structure and powers of the International Court of Justice and assess the importance
of the principles laid down in judicial decisions of leading cases as precedents for states.

6. Define Recognition and explain its kinds. Also point out the difference between recognition of
states and governments.

7. Keeping in view the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). What can be a reform
agenda in your opinion for making the UN more effective ?

Re-exam 2013

2) As a law based on common consent of states, international law should have more binding authority and less moral
considerations . Discuss.

3) Define the term NEUTRALITY and explain the rights and duties of a neutral state.

4) Keeping in view the powers of the security council what suggestions can you give for improving its structure as a
dominant body within UN .

5) TERRORISM has become an international phenomenon - how far are you satisfied with international legal
controls of such criminal conduct .

6) What is STATE SUCCESSION ? What is the scope of treaty continuity or treaty obligations in case of extinction
of a state?

7) Territory is essential part of a state - examine the statement in view of modes of acquisition and loss of state

8) Considering the practice of leading states how far is it true to say that international Law and municipal law are
two distinct but coordinate legal systems.

International law (2014)

1.Who coined the term "International law"


2.Who refused to become non-permanent member of SC recently.

Saudi Arabia

3.Where is head quarter of ICJ


4.Number of Judges in ICJ are


5.Who struggled for League of Nations

Woodrow Wilson

6.Original membership of league of nations is

32 (not sure)

7.Father of law of nations is

Hugo Grotious

8.First session of National assembly was held

New York

9.Oldest European Assembly is

Vienna Congress

10.The Secretary General of UNO who got Peace Prize

Kofi Anan

11.The secretary Genaral of Uno who died in an aeroplane crash

(Dont remember options even)

12.Extradition means

Handing over the crminals

13. Persona Non-grata means

Undesirealbe person

14.Charter of UNO contains

111 Articles

15. Reparation of Injuries case was between

Q.NO.2 "When all has been said it will be found that consent remains firmly the basis of international law, and there
are as many, and only as many, sources of international law as there are ways whereby the consent of states can be
expressed"? Discuss

Q.NO.3 "What ever be the generally accepted rules governing the outer limit of the territorial limit of the territorial
sea this issue, and others like it, will be settled in many cases on the basis of the principles of acquiescence and
opposability". Discuss

Q.NO.4 the assumption that the "genuine link" formula, invented for dealing with people, is capable of immediate
application to ships..........smacks of a disappointing naivete

Q.NO.5 "The case law of the international court of justice and the practice of United Nations show that while the
principle of self-determination is agreed upon, neither the scope of its application nor the method of decolonisation
has been settled" Discuss

Q.NO.6"All the major issues on voting in the security council are now satisfactorily resolved. The real problem to
day is about the composition of the Security Council" Discuss

Q.NO.7"The office of the Secretary General of the United Nations is certainly the most important and visible post in
intentional multilateral diplomacy but it has been called the most impossible job in the world because the faces
complex and contradictory pressures in the performance of his duties" Discuss

Q. No.8 To what extent could the constitution and practice of the international labour organisation server as a useful
model for other specialized international organisations ?


Q.2. What is the relationship between Positive Law Theory, Natural Law Theory and International Law? How these
theories contributed in the evolution of International Law? (20)

Q.3. Explain the sources of International Law in the light of Article 38(1) of the Statute of International Court of
Justice. (20)

Q.4. What is the difference between immunities and privileges of diplomats? What is its place in International Law?
How it affects the functions and responsibilities of the diplomats? (20

Q.5. "Treaties are known by a variety of differing names, ranging from conventions, international agreements, pacts,
general acts, and charters through to statutes, declarations and conventions.' Discuss in the light of laws of its
formation, interpretation and termination. (20)

Q.6. What is the role of state recognition in the commencement of existence of a state? What are the rules that
govern the issues that arise out of a state ceasing to exist? (20)

Q.7. Explain the rules which govern how an insurgency movement can become a subject of International Law. (20)

Q.8. Write short notes on any TWO of the following cases, discussing brief facts and important points of law: (20)
(a) Corfu Channel Case; (b) The Rainbow Warrior Case; (c) The Nottebohm Case


suitable title also. (20)

Besant describing the middle class of the 9th century wrote " In the first place it was for more a class apart. "In no
sense did it belong to society. Men in professions of any kind (except in the Army and Navy) could only belong to
society by right of birth and family connections; men in trade—bankers were still accounted tradesmen—could not
possibly belong to society. That is to say, if they went to live in the country they were not called upon by the county
families and in the town they were not admitted by the men into their clubs, or by ladies into their houses… The
middle class knew its own place, respected itself, made its own society for itself, and cheerfully accorded to rank the
deference due."

Since then, however, the life of the middle classes had undergone great changes as their numbers had swelled and
their influence had increased.

Their already well –developed consciousness of their own importance had deepened. More critical than they had
been in the past of certain aspects of aristocratic life, they wee also more concerned with the plight of the poor and
the importance of their own values of society, thrift, hand work, piety and respectability thrift, hand work, piety and
respectability as examples of ideal behavior for the guidance of the lower orders. Above all they were respectable.
There were divergences of opinion as to what exactly was respectable and what was not. There were, nevertheless,
certain conventions, which were universally recognized: wild and drunker behaviors were certainly not respectable,
nor were godlessness or avert promiscuity, not an ill-ordered home life, unconventional manners, self-indulgence or
flamboyant clothes and personal adornments.

2. Read the following passage and answer the questions given at the end in your own words. (20)

The vitality of any teaching, or historical movement, depends upon what it affirms rather than upon what it affirms
rather than upon what it denies, and its survival and continued power will often mean that its positives are
insufficiently regarded by opposing schools. The grand positives of Bentham were benevolence and veracity: the
passion for the relief of man’s estate, and the passion for truth. Bent ham’s multifarious activities, pursued without
abatement to the end of a long life, wee inspired by a "dominant and all-comprehensive desire for the amelioration
of human life"; they wee inspired, too, by the belief that he had found the key to all moral truth. This institution, this
custom, this code, this system of legislation-- does it promotes human happiness? Then it is sound. This theory, this
creed, this moral teaching – does it rightly explain why virtue is admirable, or why duty is obligatory? The limitation
of Bentham can be gauged by his dismissal of all poetry (and most religion) as "misrepresentation’; this is his
negative side. But benevolence and veracity are Supreme Values, and if it falls to one of the deniers to be their
special advocate, the believers must have long been drowsed. Bentham believes the Church teaches children
insincerity by making them affirm what they cannot possibly understand or mean. They promise, for example, to
fulfill the undertaking of their god---parents, that they will "renounce the devil and all his works, the pomps and
vanity of this wicked world" etc. ‘The Devil" Bentham comments: " who or what is he, and how is it that he is
renounced?" Has the child happened to have any dealings with him? Let the Archbishop of Canterbury tell us, and
let him further explain how his own "works" are distinguished from the aforesaid "Pomps and Vanity". What king,
what Lords Temporal or Spiritual, have ever renounced them? (Basil Willey)

(a) What does the writer mean by the following expressions:

Multifarious activities, amelioration of human Life, it is sound, be their special advocate, Renounce the devil,
drowsed, gauged, aforesaid.

(a) On what grounds does Bentham believe that the Church

(b) What is Bentham’s philosophy based upon?


(c) What according to the writer is Bentham’s limitation?

Teaches children insincerity?

(d) In what context has the Archbishop of Canterbury been quoted i.e. is he praised or condemned?

3. Write a comprehensive note (250 –300 words) on ONE of the following subjects:

(a) Society is produced by our wants and government by our wickedness (Thomas Pain).

(b) We learn from history that we do not learn from history. (Hegel)

(c) Liberty doesn’t work as well in practice as it does in speeches. (Will Rogers)

(d) Politics is strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles. (Ambrose Pierce)

4. Correct the following sentences:

(a) The lake free zed rapidly.

(b) The firm was unwilling to forego its usual commission.

(c) We watched the lambs gamble on the green.

(d) He belonged to the gild of carpenters.

(e) He hadn’t ought to have spoken.

(f) Is this his half – brother?

(g) Hay! Watch out for the car!

(h) This is the historical spot where he was shot dead.

(i) We bought a Japanee print.

(j) Fresh flowers smell sweetly.

5. Use any FIVE of the following idioms in sentences to make their meaning clear:

(i) Blow one’s top,

(ii) A cock-and-bull story,

(iii) Find one’s feet,

(iv) Call it a night,

(v) The tip of the iceberg,

(vi) Below par,

(vii) From pillar to post,


(viii) Hang up,

(ix) Turn some one in,

(x) By and by.

6. Use FIVE of the following pairs of words in sentences of your own to bring out the difference: (10)

Knead, need; Queue, cue; quarts, quartz; choral, coral; discrete, discreet; epoch, epic; Libel, liable; male, mail;
banned, band; barred, bard;

7. Complete the conversation with the correct idiom in the correct form: (10)

Keep regular hours, an unearthly hour, the small hours, a night owl, have a night out, at any moment, have one’s
moments, have a minute to all one’s own, a night on the town, on the spur of the moment:

"morning, Paul! You look tired". "Yes I am. I had a late night last night. I’m not usually------------------but I ----------
------------- ------ with some friends yesterday. I have been so busy all week that I’ve hardly------------------------------
---- , so I really enjoyed -------------------------------------------- . I start work early, so I usually -------------- ------- -----
- -- but yesterday was an exception. I didn’t think. I got into bed and must have fallen asleep, because the next thing
I knew my landlady was shaking me, saying she was sorry to wake me at such----------------------------------- , but she
thought there was a burglar in the kitchen".

"Well where was her husband?"

"Mr. Dick’s working on the night-shift, and I was the only man in the house. I am usually a coward, but I do----------
-------------------------, so I grabbed my tennis racket, which was the only thing I could think of --------------------------
---, and crept downstairs".

"And then?"

" I saw a dark figure in the kitchen with a knife in his hand, ready to strike------------------------------ . I was just about
to hit him with the racket, when a voice shouted out, " "Hey! It’s me! It was Mr. Dick. He had forgotten his


1.Make a precise of the following passage in about one third of its length and suggest a suitable heading. (20)

It was not from want of perceiving the beauty of external nature but from the different way of perceiving it, that the
early Greeks did not turn their genius to portray, either in colour or in poetry, the outlines, the hues, and contrasts of
all fair valley, and hold cliffs, and golden moons, and rosy lawns which their beautiful country affords in lavish

Primitive people never so far as I know, enjoy when is called the picturesque in nature, wild forests, beetling cliffs,
reaches of Alpine snow are with them great hindrances to human intercourse, and difficulties in the way of
agriculture. They are furthermore the homes of the enemies of mankind, of the eagle, the wolf, or the tiger, and are
most dangerous in times of earthquake or tempest. Hence the grand and striking features of nature are at first looked
upon with fear and dislike.

I do not suppose that Greeks different in the respect from other people, except that the frequent occurrence of
mountains and forests made agriculture peculiarly difficult and intercourse scanty, thus increasing their dislike for
the apparently reckless waste in nature. We have even in Homer a similar feeling as regards the sea, --- the sea that
proved the source of all their wealth and the condition of most of their greatness. Before they had learned all this,

they called it “the unvintagable sea” and looked upon its shore as merely so much waste land. We can, therefore,
easily understand, how in the first beginning of Greek art, the representation of wild landscape would find no place,
whereas, fruitful fields did not suggest themselves as more than the ordinary background. Art in those days was
struggling with material nature to which it felt a certain antagonism.

There was nothing in the social circumstances of the Greeks to produce any revolution in this attitude during their
greatest days. The Greek republics were small towns where the pressure of the city life was not felt. But as soon as
the days of the Greeks republics were over, the men began to congregate for imperial purposes into Antioch, or
Alexandria, or lastly into Rome, than we seek the effect of noise and dust and smoke and turmoil breaking out into
the natural longing for rural rest and retirement so that from Alexander’s day …… We find all kinds of authors ---
epic poets, lyricist, novelists and preachers --- agreeing in the precise of nature, its rich colours, and its varied
sounds. Mohaffy: Rambles in Greece

2. Read the following passage and answer the questions given at the end in your own words. (20)

Poetry is the language of imagination and the passions. It relates to whatever gives immediate pleasure or pain to
human min. it comes home to the bosoms and business of men: for nothing but what comes home to them in the
most general and intelligible shape can be a subject of poetry. Poetry is the universal language which the heart holds
with nature and itself. He who has a contempt for poetry cannot have much respect for himself or for anything else.
Whatever there is a sense of beauty, or power, or harmony, as in the motion of the waves of the sea, in the growth of
a flower, there is a poetry in its birth. If history is a grave study, poetry may be said to be graver, its materials lie
deeper, and are spread wider. History treats, for the most part, cumbersome and unwieldy masses of things, the
empty cases in which the affairs of the world are packed, under the heads of intrigue or war, in different states, and
from century to century but there is no thought or feeling that can have entered into the mind of man which he
would be eager to communicate to others, or they would listen to with delight, that is not a fit subject for poetry. It is
not a branch of authorship: it is “the stuff of which our life is made”. The rest is mere oblivision, a dead letter, for all
that is worth remembering gin life is the poetry of it. Fear is Poetry, hope is poetry, love is poetry; hatred is poetry.
Poetry is that fine particle within us that expands, refines, raises our whole being; without “man’s life is poor as
beasts”. In fact, man is a poetical animal. The child Is a poet when he first plays hide and seek, or repeats the story
of Jack the Giant Killer, the shepherd – boy is a poet when he first crowns his mistress with a garland of flowers; the
countryman when he stops he stops to look at the rainbow; the miser when he hugs his gold; the courtier when he
builds his hope upon a smile; the vain, the ambitious the proud, the choleric man, the hero and the coward, the
beggar and the king, all live in a world of their own making; and the poet does no more than describe what all others
think and act. Hazlitt

(a) In what sense is poetry the language of the imagination and the passion?
(b) How is poetry the Universal Language of the heart?
(c) What is the difference between history and poetry?
(d) Explain the phrase: “Man is a poetical animal”.
(e) What are some of the actions which Hazlitt calls poetry and its doers poet?
(f) Explain the followings underlined expression in the passage.
(i) It relates to whatever gives immediate pleasure or pain to human heart
(ii) A sense of beauty, or power, or harmony.
(iii) Cumbersome and unwieldy masses of things.
(iv) It is the stuff of which our life is made.
(v) The poet does no more than describe what all others think and act.

3. Write a comprehensive note (250 – 300) on ONE of the following subjects. (20)

(a) Modern history registers so primary and rapid changes that it cannot repeat itself.
(b) “The golden rule is that there is no golden rule”. G. B. Shaw
(c) Crisis tests the true mettle of man
(d) It is excellent to have a giant’s strength; but it is tyrannical to use it like a giant.

4. Correct the following sentences. (10)

(a) His wisdom consisted of his handling the dangerous situation successfully
(b) Many a girls were appearing in the examination.
(c) The vehicles run fastly on the Motorway.
(d) Smoking is injurious for health.
(e) He availed of this situation very intelligently.
(f) The black vermin is an odious creature.
(g) What to speak of meat, even, vegetables were not available now.
(h) No sooner we left our home when it started raining.
(i) Little money I had I spent on the way.
(j) The criminal was sent on the goal.

5. Use FIVE of the following in sentences to make their meaning clear. (10)

(i) The teaming meanings

(ii) To kick the bucket
(iii) To push to the walls
(iv) To read between the lines
(v) To be at daggers drawn
(vi) To throw down the gauntlet
(vii) To be a Greek
(viii) To stand on ceremony
(ix) From the horse’s mouth
(x) To carry the cross

6. Use FIVE of the following pairs of words in sentences. (10)

1. Brooch, broad
2. Collusion, collision
3. Fain, feign
4. Hoard, horde
5. Illusion, delusion
6. Persecute, prosecute
7. Prescribe, proscribe
8. Respectfully, respectively
9. Complacent, complaisant

7. Read the following dialogue and place the following words in it at proper places. (10)

1. Sweating away as usual

2. Health first, exam second
3. Can you study while confined to bed.
4. Has anyone be marketed anywhere?
5. An unwanted commodity
6. As long as there is life, there is hope.
7. You will become a thin, gaunt, half-blind weakling with sunken cheeks and haggard looks.
8. Once again grow into a rose-cheeked young man.
9. There is no deviation form it.
10. The paring of ways.

- Good morning Waseem ___________________and looking pale. Come out in the open.
- I am sorry, Nadeem. I cannot do that. The examination is drawing near and I want to urilize every minute for its

- To hell with exam ___________________
- Well, health is good but failure is bad. Therefore, one should take books and study them for the University exam.
- Suppose you grow into a bookworm and as a result fall ill. ___________________ Again, many boys work hard
and get degrees. Do you think they get jobs. Our society is flooded with graduates but ___________________?
They are roaming about with degrees in their hands. They are ________________.
- Well. Degree is an ornament in itself, job or no job. Besides, there is no need to be hopeless. I am sure when I get a
degree with a good grade, I am sure to get a job in a Government office or in a private firm. You know that
- Well, how should I explain to you the blessing of a good health. If you continue treading on this path,
___________________. Please come into the fresh air take exercise and play some game and
___________________ Don’t grow old prematurely.
- Please listen, I want to be a graduate this year, now or never. I have made up my mind for this and
- Well, if this is your aim, then ___________________.
- Bye
- Bye

I. Make a precis of the given passage, also give a suitable heading" (20) 'The official name of
our species is homo sapiens; but there are many anthropologists who prefer to think of man as
homo Fabcr-thc smith, the maker of tools It would be possible. I think, to reconcile these two
definitions in a third. If man is a knower and an efficient doer, it is only because he is also a
talker In order to be Faber and Sapiens, Homo must first be loquax, the loquacious one.
Without language we should merely be hairless chimpanzees. Indeed \vc should be some
thing much worse. Possessed of a high IQ but no language, we should be like the Yahoos of
Gulliver's Travels- Creatures too clever to be guided by instinct, too Self-centered to live in a
state of animal grace, and therefore condemned forever, frustrated and malignant, between
contented apehood and aspiring'humanity. It was language that made possible the
accumulation of knowledge and the broadcasting of information. It was language that
permitted the expression of religious insight, the formulation of ethical ideals, the codification
to laws, It was language, in a word, that turned us into human beings and gave birth to

2. Read the given passage, then give brief answers, to the questions placed at the end, in your
own words: - (20) There is indeed, something inexpressibly pleasing in the annual renovation
of the world and the new display of the treasures of nature. The darkness and cold of winter
with the naked deformity of every object, on which we turn our eyes, make us rejoice at the
succeeding season, as well for what we have escaped, as for what we may enjoy. Every
budding Flower, whLch a warm situation brings early to our view, is considered by us a
messenger to notify the approach of more joyous days.
The spring affords to a mind free from the disturbance of cares or passions almost everything
that our present state makes us capable of enjoying. The Variegated Verdure of the fields and
woods, the succession of grateful Odours, the Voice of pleasure pouring out its notes on every
side, with the gladness apparently conceived by every animal from the growth of liis food and
the clemency of the weather, throw over the an air of gaiety, significantly
expressed by Smile of nature.
(Samuel John Son)


(a) Give meanings of the under lines expressions in the passage in your own words. (10)
(b) Say howr an early budding flower becomes a messenger of happy days? (3)
(c) Who, according to the writer can make the best of the spring season? (3)
(d) Why are all animals glad at the approach of spring9 (3)
(e) Suggest a title for the passage. (I)

3. Write a Comprehensive note (250-300 words) on ONE of the following subjects (20)
(a) The winds are always on the side of the ablest
(b) Keep your face to the Sunshine and you cannot see the Shade.
(c) In strategy it is important to see distant things close, and take a distant view of close
(d) You \vill find poetry nowhere unless you bring some with you.

4. Change the Voice of the verb following sentences (10)

1. The production of Cash Crops directly affects the economy of an agricultural country.
2. The accelerated car sped past the traffic signal and crashed into a van and killed two men.
3. The students were asked to submit the assignment
before to end of day. 4 The new budget was being discussed.
5. The Manager has announced a bonus for all the workers.
6. The police chased the dacoit and finally arrested : . him
7. It was difficult to finish the work on time.
8. At last the Speech ended and prizes were distributed.
9. She manages her duties, without any help, despite her blindness.
10. I appreciate your efforts and hope you will continue in the same fashion.

5. Change the following sentences from direct speech to Indirect Speech:

1. "Hurrah''! Said the captain of the team, "we won the match".
2. "Please Sir, take pity on a poor beggar woman'', the wretched old woman asked for alms
3. They say. "Is this the right time to arrive9 Aren't you forgetting something"?
4. He often says, "I am always willing to help the needy, if I am assured they arc really in
5. The master said, "How long will you take in warming my
6 The boy said. "Alas' I could not pass my examination"
7. "Come hare quickly and work out this problem on the blackboard" said the teacher.
8. "What a lovely evening!" Said Irum.
9. "What is the name of this beautiful building?" asked the visitor.
10. He said "Sit down over here and don't move until I
allow you".

6-Correct the following sentences: (10)

1. I shall not come here unless you will not call me.
2. He does not have some devotion for the project you
have given him. 3 I went to either of the Four hill stations.
4. Who did you meet on your way to school?

5. You must remember that you are junior than Hamid.

6. Aslam, as well as, his Four friends were planning to visit the museum..
7. Where you went in the vacation?
8. This is the youngest and most intelligent of my two sons.
9. He is one of those who always succeed.
10. I congratulate you for your success.

7-Make sentences with the given

Idiomatic phrases so that their meaning become clear: (10)

(1) take aback (2) take after (3) take for (4) take ill (5) take off (6) take over (7) take to (8)
take to task (9) take to One's heels (10) take with a grain or
pinch of salt.


1. Make a precis of the given passage and give a suitable heading:(20) If then a practical end must be
assigned to a University course, I say it is that of training good members of a society. Its ah is the
art of social life, and its end is fitness for the world. It neither confines its views to particular
professions on the one hand, not creates heroes or inspires genius on the other. Works indeed of
genius fall under no art; heroic minds come under no rule; a University is not a birthplace of poets
or of immortal authors, of founders of schools, leaders of colonies, or conquerors of nations. It
does not promise a generation of Aristotle or Newtons of Napoleons or Washingtons of Raphaels
or Shakespearcs though such miracles of nature it has before now contained within its precincts.
Nor is it content on the other hand with forming the critic or the experimentalist, the economist or
the engineer, through such too it includes within its scope. But a University training is the great
ordinary means to a great ordinary end; it aims at raising the intellectual tone of society, at
cultivating the public mind, at purifying the national taste, at supplying true principles to popular
aspirations. It is the education which gives a man a clear conscious view of his own opinions and
judgments, a truth in developing them, an eloquence in expressing them, and a force in urging
them, ft teaches him to sec things as they arc, to go right to the point, to disentangle a skein of
thought, to detect what is sophistical and to - discard what is irrelevant. It prepares him to fill any
post with credit, and to master any subject with facility. (John H. Ncwman)

2. Read the following passage and answer the questions given at the end, in YOUR OWN
WORDS. 20 My father was back in work within days of his return home. He had a spell in the
shipyard, where the last of the great Belfast liners, the CANBERRA, was under construction, and
then moved to an electronics firm in the east of the city. (These were the days when computers
were the size of small houses and were built by sheet metal workers). A short time after he started
in this job, one of his colleagues was sacked for taking off time to get married. The workforce
went on strike to get the colleague reinstated. The dispute, dubbed the Honeymoon Strike, made
the Belfast papers. My mother told me not long ago that she and my father, with four young sons,
were hit so hard by that strike, that for years afterwards they were financially speaking, running to
stand still. I don't know how the strike ended, but whether or not the colleague got his old job
back, he was soon in another, better one. I remember visiting.him and his wife when I was still
quite young, in their new bungalow in Belfast northern suburbs. I believe they left Belfast soon
after the Troubles began.
My father then was thirty-seven, the age I am today. My Hither and I are father and son, which is
to say we are close without knowing very much about one another. We talk about events, rather

than emotions. We keep from each other certain of our hopes and fears and doubts. I have never
for instance asked my father whether he has dwelt on (he direction his life might have taken if at
certain moments he had made certain other choices. Whatever, he found himself, with a million
and a half of his fellows, living in what was in all but name a civil war.As a grown up 1 try often
to imagine what it must be like to be faced with such a situation. What, in the previous course of
your life, prepares your for arriving, as my father did, at the scene of a bomb blast close to your
brother's place of work and seeing what you suppose, from the colour of the hair, to be your
brother lying in the road, only to find that you arc cradling the remains of a woman?
(Glciin Patterson)

(a) From your reading of (he passage what do you infer about the nature of (he 'Troubles" (he
writer mentions.
(b) What according to the writer were (he working conditions in the Electronics firm where his
father worked?
(c) Why was his father's colleague sacked?
(d) How docs the writer show that as father and son they do not know much about each other?
(e) Explain the underlined words/phrases in the passage:
Made the Belfast papers, had a spell, dubbed, was sacked, hit hard.

3. Write a comprehensive note (250-300) words on ONE of the following: (20)

(1) Lots of people confuse bad management with destiny.
(2) If a window of opportunity appears don't pull down the shade.
(3) We are all inclined to judge ourselves by our ideals: others by their act.
(4) Goodwill is earned by many acts: it can be lost by one.

4. Change the voice of the verb in the following sentences:(10)

(1) The assassins shot the leader in broad daylight.
(2) The President inaugurated the Motorway recently.
(3) Will you negotiate the matter with the opposition?
(4) Why should I be suspected by you?
(5) The establishment is pleased with your performance.
(6) The Parliament members gave a hard time to the Prime • Minister.
(7) The Prisoners in Cuba arc being treated cruelly, by the so-called Human Rights custodians.
(8) The present Government is serving the people honestly! .
(9) Who did this?
(10) The Palestinians are avenging the death of their leaders.

5. Change the following to reported speech: (10)

(1) "This is your house, isn't it?" asked Jcmmic.
(2) "Where do you want to be dropped?" said the taxi driver.
(3) "Call (he first witness," said the judge.
(4) "Don't blame him for the accident," the boy's mother said.

(5) He said, "I baiigcd on Cliffs door but he did not answer".
(6) "Where is the boat? Hurry up we are being chased", she cried.
(7) "I have lost my way. Can you direct me to the Post Office please?" said the old lady.

(8) He said to me, "what a pity you missed such an important meeting.
(9) "How wonderful! Why didn't you suggest this plan earlier".
(10) He said, "Let's wait till the road gets cleared".

6. Correct the following sentences:

(1) The hostel provides boarding and lodging to students.
(2) My cousin-brother will come to meet me.
(3) He lives backside of my house.
(4) You have read it. Isn't it?
(5) We discussed about this question.
(6) I am studying in an University for an year.
(7) Neither he nor I arc at fault.
(S) The committee have issued a notice.
(9) One must boast of his great qualities.
(10) . It is one of the best speeches that has ever been made in the General Assembly.

7. Use the following in your own sentences to bring out their meaning: (10)
(1) Kick the bucket
(2) Bolt from the blue
(3) Put your foot down
(4) Worth your salt
(5) Down the drain
(6) All cars
(7) Swan song
(8) Cheek by Jowl
(9) in a nutshell
(10) Give me five
2. 2004

1. Make a precis of the given passage and suggest a suitable heading

We're dealing with a very dramatic and very fundamental paradigm shift here. You may try" to lubricate your' social
interactions with personality techniques and skills, but in the process, you may truncate the vital character base. You
can't have the fruits without the roots. It's the principle of sequencing: Private victory precedes Public Victory. Self-
mastery and self-discipline are the foundation of good relationship with others. Some people say that you have to
like yourself before you can like others. I think' that idea has merit but if you don't know yourself, if you don't
control yourself, if you don't have mastery over yourself, it's very hard to like yourself, except in some short-term,
psych-up, superficial way. Real self-respect comes from dominion over*self from true independence. Independence
is an achievement. Inter dependence is a choice only independent people can make. Unless we are willing to achieve
real independence, it's foolish to try to develop human relations skills. We might try. We might even have some
degree of success when the sun is shining. But when the difficult times come - and they will - We won't have the
foundation to keep things together. The most important ingredient we put into any relationship is not what we say or
what we do, but what we are. And if our words and our actions come from superficial human relations techniques
(the Personality Ethic) rather than from our own inner core (the character Ethic), others will sense that duplicity. We
simply won't be able to create and sustain the foundation necessary" for effective interdependence. The techniques
and skills that really make a difference in human interaction are the ones that almost naturally flow from a truly
independent character. So the place to begin building any relationship is inside ourselves, inside our Circle of
Influence, our own character. As we become independent - Proactive, centered in correct principles, value driven
and able to organize and execute around the priorities in our life with integrity - we then can choose to become
interdependent - capable of building rich, enduring, highly productive relationships with other people.

2. Read the following passage and answer the questions given at the end, in YOUR OWN WORDS. (20)

We look before and after, wrote Shelley, and pine for what is not. It is said that this is what distinguishes us from the
animals and that they, unlike us, live always for and in the movement and have neither hopes nor regrets. Whether it
is so or not I do not know yet it is undoubtedly one of our distinguishing mental attributes: we are actually conscious
of our life in time and not merely of our life at the moment of experiencing it. And as a result we find many grounds
for melancholy and foreboding. Some of us prostrate ourselves on the road way in Trafalgar Square or in front of the
American Embassy because we are fearful that our lives, or more disinterestedly those of our descendants will be cut
short by nuclear war. If only as" squirrels or butterflies are supposed to do, we could let the future look after itself
and be content to enjoy the pleasures of the morning breakfast, the brisk walk to the office through autumnal mist or
winter fog, the mid-day sunshine that sometimes floods through windows, tne warm, peaceful winter evenings by
the fireside at home. Yet all occasions for contentment are so often spoiled for us, to a greater or lesser degree by
our individual temperaments, by this strange human capacity for foreboding and regret - regret for things which we
cannot undo and foreboding for things which may never happen at all. Indeed were it not for the fact that over
breaking through our human obsessions with the tragedy of time, so enabling us to enjoy at any rate some fleeting
moments untroubled by vain yearning or apprehension, our life would not be intolerable at all. As it is, we contrive,
everyone of us, to spoil it to a remarkable degree.

1. What is the difference between our life and the life of an animal? (3)

2. What is the result of human anxiety? (3)

3. How does the writer compare man to the butterflies and squirrels? (3)

4. How does anxiety about future disturb our daily life? (3

5. How can we make our life tolerable? (3)

6. Explain the underlined words/phrases in the passage. (5 )

3. Write a comprehensive note (250-300 words) on ONE of the following: (20)

1. One may smile and smile, and be a villain

2. Gather ye rosebuds while ye may.

3. No sensible man ever made an apology.

4. Our thoughts are ours, their ends none of our own.

4. (a) Choose the word that is nearly similar in meaning to the word in capital letters. * (5)


1. Reef

2. Glacier

3. Cluster of islands

4. Lagoon


1. Cheese dish

2. Veranda

3. Public Square

4. Style or dash


1. Stringed instrument

2. Dessert

3. Whining dance

4. Gratuity

(4) IONIC:

1. Indian stone monument

2. Greek architectur

3. Roman Sculpture

4. Mediterranean Sea


1. Teacher

2. Literary classic

3. Chaperone

4. Guide

(b) Pick the one most nearly opposite in meaning to the capitalized word: * (5)




3Cluster of islands -CORRECT



1Cheese dish


3Public Square -CORRECT

4Style or dash


1Stringed instrument

2Dessert -CORRECT(i couldn't find the word BAKLAVA in Oxford's standard dictionary which is absurd but it is
available in online dictionaries)

3Whining dance


(4) IONIC:

1Indian stone monument

2Greek architecture -CORRECT

3Roman Sculpture

4Mediterranean Sea



2Literary classic



(b) Pick the one most nearly opposite in meaning to the capitalized word:





4Saturate -CORRECT



1Departure from tradition

2Impatience with stupidity

3Demotion from glory -CORRECT

4Surrender to impulse

5Cause for grief

(3) SPUNK:


2Timidity -CORRECT

3Growing awareness
4Loss of prestige

5Lack of intelligence

(4) CAVIL:




4Flatter -CORRECT(im not sure about this one it either has to b flatter or commend)






4Mellifluous -CORRECT

5. (a) Change the Voice of any FIVE of the following sentences: (5)

1. International Humanitarian Law forbids actions leading to unnecessary death and suffering.

2. Why should I antagonize you?

3. Let Manchoo be told about the jokes of Mulla Nasiruddin.

4. Whv have the roads not been constructed by the government in this part of the country?

5. Do not kill your ability by roaming in the streets.

6. Your cousin is drawing a large sum of money from his account.

7. The arrangements of holding the Art Exhibition could not be completed on time.

8. Build your house when cement is cheap;

(b) Correct any FIVE of the following sentences: (5)

1. Passing through ten different cities, Karachi is the most active.

2. He was laid up for six weeks with two broken ribs.

3. Someone showed the visitors in the room.


4. Until you remain idle you will make no progress.

5. It is very wrong to be devoted to lying and cheating.

6. He told me that he is waiting for me since a long time.

7. The .house stood up in the dull street because of its red door.

8. He brought the articles to the market which he wanted to sell.

6. (a) Use any FIVE of the following in your own sentences to bring out their meaning: (5)

1. To bring grist to the mill.

2. Set one s cap at.

3. To draw the long bow.

4. To send a person to Coventry .

5. Beer and skittles.

6. The acid test.

7. A skeleton in the cupboard.

8. To discover a mare's nest.

Use FIVE of the following pairs of words in your own sentences so as to bring out their meanings: * (10)

1. Auger, Augur

2. Fain, Feign

3. Emigrate, Immigrate

4. Envy, Jealousy

5. Invade, Attack

6. Trifling, Trivial

7. Simulation, Dissimulation

8. Venal, Venial


Make a précis of the given passage and suggest a suitable heading (20 +5)

Basically, psychoses and neuroses represent man’s inability to maintain a balanced or equated polarity in conducting
his life. The ego becomes exclusively or decidedly one sided. In psychoses there is a complete collapse of the ego
back into the inner recesses of the personal and collective unconsciouses. When he is repressed toward fulfilling
some life goal and where he is further unable to sublimate himself toward another goal, man regresses into goal
structures not actually acceptable to himself or to the society. Strong emotional sickness of the psychotic type is like
having the shadow run wild. The entire psyche regresses to archaic, animal forms of behaviors. In less severe forms
of emotional sickness there may be an accentuated and overpowering use of one of the four mental functions at the
expense of the other three. Either thinking, feeling, intuiting or seeing may assume such a superior role as to render

the other three inoperative. The persona may become so dominant as to create a totally one-sided ego, as in some
forms of neurotic behavior. All in all, whatever the type of severity of the emotional disorder, it can be taken as a
failure of the psyche to maintain a proper balance between the polarities of life. Essentially, psychoses and neuroses
are an alienation of the self from its true goal of self actualization. In this sense the culture is of no consequence.
Emotional disorder is not a question of being out of tune with one’s culture so much as it is of being out of tune with
one’s self. Consequently, neurosis is more than bizarre behavior, especially as it may be interpreted by
contemporaries in the culture. This interpretation avoids the sociological question of what is a mental disorder, since
form of behavior which is acceptable in one culture may be considered neurotic in other culture. To Jung, the
deviation from cultural norms is not the point. The inability to balance out personal polarities is.

2. Here is an excerpt from the autobiography of a short story writer. Read it carefully and answer the questions that

My father loved all instruments that would instruct and fascinate. His place to keep things was the drawer in the
‘library table’ where lying on top of his folder map was a telescope with brass extensions, to find the moon and the
Big Dripper after supper in our front yard, and to keep appointments with eclipses. In the back of the drawer you
could find a magnifying glass, a kaleidoscope and a gyroscope kept in black buckram box, which he would set
dancing for us on a string pulled tight. He had also supplied himself with an assortment of puzzles composed of
metal rings and intersecting links and keys chained together, impossible for the rest of us, however, patiently shown,
to take apart, he had an almost childlike love of the ingenious. In time, a barometer was added to our dining room
wall, but we didn’t really need it. My father had the country boy’s accurate knowledge of the weather and its skies.
He went out and stood on our front steps first thing in the morning an took a good look at it and a sniff. He was a
pretty good weather prophet. He told us children what to do if we were lost in a strange country. ‘Look for where the
sky is brightest along the horizon,’ he said. ‘That reflects the nearest river. Strike out for a rive and you will find
habitation’. Eventualities were much on his mind. In his care for us children he cautioned us to take measures
against such things as being struck by lightening. He drew us all away from the windows during the severe electrical
storms that are common where we live. My mother stood apart, scoffing at caution as a character failing. So I
developed a strong meteorological sensibility. In years ahead when I wrote stories, atmosphere took its influential
role from the start. Commotion in the weather and the inner feelings aroused by such a hovering disturbance
emerged connected in dramatic form.

a. why did the writer’s father spend time studying the skies ? (3)
b. why the writer thinks that there was no need of a barometer? (3)
c. what does the bright horizon meant for the writer’s father ? (3)
d. How did her father influence the writer in her later years ? (3)
e. explain the underlined words and phrases in the passage. (8)

3. Write a comprehensive note (250-300) words ) on any one of the following . (20)

a. each man is the architect of his own destiny

b. ignorance is bliss, knowledge worry
c. democracy fosters mediocrity
d. unhappiness is best defined as the difference between our talent and our expectations
e. they know enough who know how to learn.

4. (A) choose the word that is nearly similar in meaning to the word in capital letters

1). ANATHEMA a) curse b) cure c) anemia d) asthma

2). TORPOR a) fever b) lethargy c) taciturn d) torrid
3). TOUCHSTONE a) criterion b) gold c) character d) characteristics
4). SEQUESTER a) eliminate b) finalize c) sedate d) isolate
5). DENOUEMENT a) denunciation b) dormancy c) termination d) explanation

4. (B) pick the most nearly opposite in meaning to the capitalized letters

1). DELETERIOUS a) nourishing b) injurious c) vital d) fatal


2). VALEDICTORY a) farewell b) final c) hopeful d) parting

3). SEDENTARY a) afraid b) loyal c) active d) torpid
4). TURBID a) muddy b) clear c) invariable d) improbable
5). PHLEGMATIC a) dull b) active c) lymphatic d) frigid

5. (A) change the narration from direct to indirect or indirect to direct speech (do any five)

1). Our sociology professor said , ‘I expect you to be in class every day. Unexcused absences may affect your
2). My father often told me , ‘every obstacle is a steppingstone to success. You should view problems in your life as
opportunities to prove yourself.’
3). When tom asked Jack why he could’nt go to the game, Jack said he didn’t have enough money for a ticket.
4). When I asked the ticked seller if the concert was going to be rescheduled, she told me that she didn’t know and
said that she just worked there.
5). Ali said, ‘I must go to Lahore next week to visit my ailing mother.’
6). The policeman told the pedestrian, ‘you mustn’t cross the road against the red light’
7). Ahmed asked if what I said was really true.
8). Sarah wanted to know where they would be tomorrow around three O’clock

5 (B) Make corrections in any five of the following where necessary ?

1). What does a patient tell a doctor it is confidential ?

2). It is a fact that I almost drowned makes me very careful about water safety whenever I go swimming
3). Did they not consider this as quiet convincing
4). St Peter’s at Rome is the largest of all other churches
5). The amount they receive in wages is greater than twenty years ago
6). They succeeded with hardly making any effort
7). Whatever have you done !
8). The officers were given places according to their respective ranks

6 (A) use any five of the following in your own sentences to bring out their meaning

1). Keep ones nose to the grindstone

2). Throw someone for a loop
3). Letter perfect
4). Off the wall
5). Out to lunch
6). Salt something away
7). Take someone to the cleaners
8). Wear the pants in the family

6 (B) use five of the following pairs of words in your own sentences so as to bring out their meanings

1). Council, counsel

2). Distinct, distinctive
3). Apposite, opposite
4). Deprecate, depreciate
5). Punctual, punctilious
6). Judicial, judicious
7). Salutary, salubrious
8). Canvas, canvass


Q # 1... Make a précis of the given passage and suggest a suitable heading: (20 + 5)

It was not so in Greece, where philosophers professed less, and undertook more. Parmenides pondered nebulously
over the mystery of knowledge; but the pre-Socratics kept their eyes with fair consistency upon the firm earth, and
sought to ferret out its secrets by observation and experience, rather than to create it by exuding dialectic; there were
not many introverts among the Greeks. Picture Democritus, the Laughing Philosopher; would he not be perilous
company for the dessicated scholastics who have made the disputes about the reality of the external world take the
place of medieval discourses on the number of angles that could sit on the point of a pin? Picture Thales, who met
the challenge that philosophers were numskulls by “cornering the market” and making a fortune in a year. Picture
Anaxagoras, who did the work of Darwin for the Greeks and turned Pericles form a wire-pulling politician into a
thinker and a statesman, Picture old Socrates, unafraid of the sun or the stars, gaily corrupting young men and
overturning governments; what would he have done to these bespectacled seedless philosophasters who now litter
the court of the once great Queen? To Plato, as to these virile predecessors, epistemology was but the vestibule of
philosophy, akin to the preliminaries of love; it was pleasant enough for a while, but it was far from the creative
consummation that drew wisdom’s lover on. Here and there in the shorter dialogues, the Master dallied amorously
with the problems of perception, thought, and knowledge; but in his more spacious moments he spread his vision
over larger fields, built himself ideal states and brooded over the nature and destiny of man. And finally in Aristotle
philosophy was honoured in all her boundless scope and majesty; all her mansions were explored and made
beautiful with order; here every problem found a place and every science brought its toll to wisdom. These men
knew that the function of philosophy was not to bury herself in the obscure retreats of epistemology, but to come
forth bravely into every realm of inquiry, and gather up all knowledge for the coordination and illumination of
human character and human life.

Q # 2… Read the passage and answer the questions that follow: (20 Marks)

“Elegant economy!” How naturally one fold back into the phraseology of Cranford! There economy was always
“elegant”, and money-spending always “Vulgar and Ostentatoin;” a sort of sour grapeism which made up very
peaceful and satisfied I shall never forget the dismay felt when certain Captain Brown came to live at Cranford, and
openly spoke of his being poor __ not in a whisper to an intimate friend, the doors and windows being previously
closed, but in the public street! in a loud military voice! alleging his poverty as a reason for not taking a particular
house. The ladies of Cranford were already moving over the invasion of their territories by a man and a gentleman.
He was a half-pay captain, and had obtained some situation on a neighbouring rail-road, which had been vehemently
petitioned against by the little town; and if in addition to his masculine gender, and his connection with the
obnoxious railroad, he was so brazen as to talk of his being poor __ why, then indeed, he must be sent to Coventry.
Death was as true and as common as poverty; yet people never spoke about that loud on the streets. It was a word
not to be mentioned to ears polite. We had tacitly agreed to ignore that any with whom we associated on terms of
visiting equality could ever be prevented by poverty from doing anything they wished. If we walked to or from a
party, it was because the weather was so fine, or the air so refreshing, not because sedan chairs were expensive. If
we wore prints instead of summer silks, it was because we preferred a washing material; and so on, till we blinded
ourselves to the vulgar fact that we were, all of us, people of very moderate means.

(a) Give in thirty of your own words what we learn from this passage of Captain Brown. ( 4 marks )

(b) Why did the ladies of Cranford dislike the Captain. ( 2 marks )

(c) What reasons were given by the ladies of Cranford for “not doing anything that they wished”? ( 2 marks )

(d) “Ears Polite”. How do you justify this construction? ( 2 marks )

(e) What is the meaning and implication of the phrases? ( 2 marks each )

(1) Sour-grapeism

(2) The invasion of their territories

(3) Sent to Coventry


(4) Tacitly agreed

(5) Elegant economy

This one is quite simple and easy. THANKS ALMIGHTLY.

Q # 3... Write a comprehensive note (250-300 words) on any ONE of the following: ( 20 marks )

(a) Where ignorance is bliss, it is folly to be wise.

(b) A pen becomes a clarion.

(c) Charms strike the sight but merit wins the soul

(d) What fools these mortals be!

(e) Stolen glances, sweeter for the theft.

Q # 4 (A)… Chose the word that is nearly similar in meaning to the word in capital letters. (1 mark each)


(a) unstable

(b) troubled

(c) fussy

(d) unpleasant


(a) underground press

(b) secret police

(c) twirling jig

(d) large metal tea urn

(3) VELD:

(a) arctic wasteland

(b) European plains

(c) South African grassland

(d) Deep valley

(4) CAJUN:

(a) French-Canadian descendant

(b) American Indian

(c) Native of the Everglades

(d) Early inhabitant of the Bahama Islands



(a) pathway

(b) Marsh

(c) gallery

(d) carriage

(B) Pick the most nearly opposite in meaning to the capitalized word:

(1 mark each)


(a) Tolerant (b) capable (c) Winning (d) Recollected


(a) Dislike (b) Attitude (c) Imminence (d) Distance


(a) Powerful (b) Colonial (c) Undisputed (d) Unremarkable


(a) imitation (b) model (c) mutation (d) pattern


(a) appropriation (b) peculation (c) purloining (d) indemnification

Q # 5… (A) Change the narration from direct to indirect and from indirect to direct speech (only five)

(1) He said, “let it rain ever so hard I shall go out”.

(2) The mother said to the young girl, “Do you know where salim is”?

(3) The officer said, “Hand it all! Can you not do it more neatly”.

(4) Invoking our help with a loud voice she asked us whether we would come to her aid.

(5) He exclaimed with an oath that no one could have expected such a turn of events.

(6) The teacher said to his students, “Why did you come so late”?

(7) They applauded him saying that he had done well.

(8) “You say,” said the judge, “the bag you lost contained one hundred and ten pounds”?

(B) Correct ONLY FIVE of the following:

(1) Playing a game regularly is better than to read books always.

(2) A good reader must be hardworking and possess intelligence.

(3) I noticed Akbar was carrying a bag in his hand.


(4) Having entered his house, the door was shut at one.

(5) He thinks that his writing is better than his friend.

(6) He is such a man who is liked by everyone.

(7) I sent a verbal message to my friend.

(8) He has visited as many historical places as one has or can visit.

Q # 6… (A) Use ONLY FIVE of the following in sentences to bring out their meaning:

(1) Twiddle with

(2) Vamp up

(3) Whittle away

(4) Winkle out

(5) Give someone the bum’s rush

(6) Loom large

(7) Besetting sin

(8) To hang fire

(B) Use ONLY FIVE pair of words in sentences:

(1) Veracity, Voracity

(2) Persecute, Prosecute

(3) Moat, Mote

(4) Loath, Loathe

(5) Ingenious, Ingenuous

(6) Fair, Feign

(7) Emigrant, Immigrant

(8) Wreak, Wreck.

Finicky Fussy

Samizdat underground press

Veld South African grassland

Cajun French-Candanian descendant

Loggia Gallery

word antonyms

Captious tolerant

Penchant dislike

Putative unremarkable, common

Facsimile mutation

Larceny indemnification

Idiom meaning

Twiddle turn, rotate

Vamp up part of shoe which covers instep

Whittle out cut down, reduce

Winkle out force from a place or position

Give some one forcibly eject someone

bums rush

Loom large a machine for weaving cloths (loom)

Besetting (sin) harass (besetting)

Hang fire wait, delay

Pair of words

word meaning

Vercity truthfulness

Voracity ardent enthusiasm for something

Persecute opress

Prosecute put on trial

Moat protective body of water surrounding town or fortress

Mote dust particle, speck

Loath (adj) unwilling

Loathe (v) hate, detest

Ingenious clever

Ingenuous innocent

Fain willing

Feign pretend, fake

Emigrant one who leaves his own country to settle in another


Immigrant one who goes to live permanently in a foreign country

Wreak Inflict, carry out, perform

Wreck destruction, ruins, debris


Q#1 Make a précis of the given passage and suggest a suitable heading.

The author of a work of imagination is trying to effect us wholly, as human beings, whether he knows it or not; and
we are affected by it, as human beings, whether we intend to be or not. I suppose that everything we eat has some
effect upon us than merely the pleasure of taste and mastication; it affects us during the process of assimilation and
digestion; and I believe that exactly the same is true of any thing we read.
The fact that what we read does not concern merely something called our literary taste, but that it affects directly,
though only amongst many other influences , the whole of what we are, is best elicited , I think, by a conscientious
examination of the history of our individual literary education. Consider the adolescent reading of any person with
some literary sensibility. Everyone, I believe, who is at all sensible to the seductions of poetry, can remember some
moment in youth when he or she was completely carried away by the work of one poet. Very likely he was carried
away by several poets, one after the other. The reason for this passing infatuation is not merely that our sensibility to
poetry is keener in adolescence than in maturity. What happens is a kind of inundation, or invasion of the
undeveloped personality, the empty (swept and garnished) room, by the stronger personality of the poet. The same
thing may happen at a later age to persons who have not done much reading. One author takes complete possession
of us for a time; then another, and finally they begin to affect each other in our mind. We weigh one against another;
we see that each has qualities absent from others, and qualities incompatible with the qualities of others: we begin to
be, in fact, critical: and it is our growing critical power which protects us from excessive possession by anyone
literary personality. The good critic- and we should all try to critics, and not leave criticism to the fellows who write
reviews in the papers- is the man who, to a keen and abiding sensibility, joins wide and increasingly discriminating.
Wide reading is not valuable as a kind of hoarding, and the accumulation of knowledge or what sometimes is meant
by the term ‘a well-stocked mind.’ It is valuable because in the process of being affected by one powerful
personality after another, we cease to be dominated by anyone, or by any small number. The very different views of
life, cohabiting in our minds, affect each other, and our own personality asserts itself and gives each a place in some
arrangement peculiar to our self.

Q.2 Read the following passage and answere the questions that follow:

Strong section of industrials who still imagine that men can be mere machines and are at their best as machines if
they are mere machines are already menacing what they call “useless” education. They deride the classics, and they
are mildly contemptiois of history, philosophy, and English. They want our educational institutions, from the oldest
universities to the youngest elementary schools, to concentrate on business or the things that are patently useful in
business. Technical instruction is to be provided for adolescent artisans; book keeping and shorthand for prospective
clerks; and the cleverest we are to set to “business methods”, to modern languages (which can be used in
correspondence with foreign firms), and to science (which can be applied to industry). French and German are the
languages, not of Montaigne and Gorthe, but of Schmidt Brothers, of Elberfeld and Dupont et Cie., of Lyons.
Chemistry and Physics are not explorations into the physical constitution of the universe, but sources of new dyes,
new electric light filaments, new means of making things which can be sold cheap and fast to the Nigerian and the
Chinese. For Latin there is a Limited field so long as the druggists insist on retaining it in their prescriptions. Greek
has no apparent use at all, unless it be as a source of syllables for the hybrid names of patent medicines and metal
polishes. The soul of man, the spiritual basis of civilization- what gibberish is that?


a) What kind of education does the writer deal with? (2)

b) What kind of education does the writer favour? How do you know? (3)
c) Where does the writer express most bitterly his feelings about the neglect of the classics? (3)
d) Explain as carefully as you can the full significance of the last sentence. (4)

e) Explain the underlined words and phrases in the passage (8)

Q-3 Note (250-300 words) on any one of the following

1- Honesty is the best policy but advertising also helps.

2- It is hard for an empty bag to stand upright.
3- A suspicious parent makes an artful child.
4- Spontaneity and creativity as symbols of freedom.
5- Means justify ends.

Q-4 Choose synonyms (only five)

a-tiny marine life
b-shallow water
c-local dialect
d-missing parts

a-moral lesson
b-sudden outburst
d-pallid imitation

d-type of moth

b-to restrain
c-make better
d-enable to fly

c-deep affection
d-patient endurance



(B) Pick the most nearly opposite in meaning to the capitalized words.





Q.5 (A) Change the narration from direct to indirect or indirect to direct speech: (do only five ) extra attempt
of any part of the question will not be considerd. (5)

1) “this world, “he decleared” is full of sorrow. Would that I were dead!”
2) he said to me, “come early; we shall be waiting for you.”
3) “how delighted I am, “said he, “to meet my friends here by my own fireside!”
4) the man said that he was quite sure he should succeed.
5) John exclaimed with a sigh that he was ruined.
6) The constable enquired of the man where he was going
7) The boy said that he would walk.
8) “what losses, “cried he, “have I suffered? What anguish have I endured!”

Q5 (B) correct Only five if the following:Extra attempt of any part of the question will not be considered.(5)
1) either of these three umbrellas will suit me.
2) Shall you not take my word in this matter?
3) This poor man was suffering much for a long time past,
4) If he had not died, he would grow up to be a murderer.
5) Neither he nor I are in the wrong
6) It is high time they mend this road
7) I heard him went down the stairs
8) Paper is made of wood.

Q. 6 (A) Use only Five of the Following in sentences which illustrate their meaning:Extra attempt of any part
of the question will not be considered (5)

1) To put the lid on

2) Flavour if the mouth
3) Zero hours
4) Gloom and doom
5) To pig out
6) Bag people
7) Compassion fatigue
8) No to mice matters

Q6 (B) Use only five of the following pairs of words in sentence which illustrate their meaning: extra attempt
of any part of the question will not be considered. (10)

1) Affluence, effluence
2) Wretch, retch
3) Euphemistic, euphuistic
4) Amoral, immoral
5) Imperial, imperious
6) Degrade, denigrate
7) Temporal, temporary
8) Precipitate, precipitous


Q.1. Write a précis of the following passage in about 100 words and suggest the title: (20+5)

Objectives pursued by, organizations should be directed to the satisfaction of demands resulting from the wants of
mankind. Therefore, the determination of appropriate objectives for organized activity must be preceded by an effort
to determine precisely what their wants are. Industrial organizations conduct market studies to learn what consumer
goods should be produced. City Commissions make surveys to ascertain what civic projects would be of most
benefit. Highway Commissions conduct traffic counts to learn what constructive programmes should be undertaken.
Organizations come into being as a means for creating and exchanging utility. Their success is dependent upon the
appropriateness of the series of acts contributed to the system. The majority of these acts is purposeful, that is, they
are directed to the accomplishment of some objectives. These acts are physical in nature and find purposeful
employment in the alteration of the physical environment. As a result utility is created, which, through the process of
distribution, makes it possible for the cooperative system to endure.

Before the Industrial Revolution most cooperative activity was accomplished in small owner managed enterprises,
usually with a single decision maker and simple organizational objectives. Increased technology and the growth of
industrial organization made necessary the establishment of a hierarchy of objectives. This is turn, required a
division of the management function until today a hierarchy of decision makers exists in most organizations.

The effective pursuit of appropriate objectives contributes directly to organizational efficiency. As used here,
efficiency is a measure of the want satisfying power of the cooperative system as a whole. Thus efficiency is the
summation of utilities received from the organization divided by the utilities given to the organization, as
subjectively evaluated by each contributor.

The functions of the management process is the delineation of organizational objectives and the coordination of
activity towards the accomplishment of these objectives. The system of coordinated activities must be maintained so
that each contributor, including the manager, gains more than he contributes.

Q.2. Read the following passage carefully and answer all the questions given at the end.

These phenomena, however, are merely premonitions of a coming storm, which is likely to sweep over the whole of
India and the rest of Asia. This is the inevitable outcome of a wholly political civilization, which has looked upon
man as a thing to be exploited and not as a personality to be developed and enlarged by purely cultural forces. The

people of Asia are bound to rise against the acquisitive economy which the West have developed and imposed on
the nations of the East. Asia cannot comprehend modern Western capitalism with its undisciplined individualism.
The faith, which you represent, recognizes the worth of the individual, and disciplines him to give away all to the
service of God and man. Its possibilities are not yet exhausted. It can still create a new world where the social rank
of man is not determined by his caste or colour or the amount of dividend he earns, but by the kind of life he lives,
where the poor tax the rich, where human society is founded not on the equality of stomachs but on the equality of
spirits, where an untouchable can marry the daughter of the king, where private ownership is a trust and where
capital cannot be allowed to accumulate so as to dominate that real producer of wealth. This superb idealism of
your faith, however, needs emancipation from the medieval fancies of theologians and logists? Spiritually, we are
living in a prison house of thoughts and emotions, which during the course of centuries we have woven round
ourselves. And be it further said to the shame of us—men of older generation—that we have failed to equip the
younger generation for the economic, political and even religious crisis that the present age is likely to bring. The
while community needs a complete overhauling of its present mentality in order that it may again become capable of
feeling the urge of fresh desires and ideals. The Indian Muslim has long ceased to explore the depths of his own
inner life. The result is that he has ceased to live in the full glow and colour of life, and is consequently in danger of
an unmanly compromise with force, which he is made to think he cannot vanquish in open conflict. He who desires
to change an unfavourable environment must undergo a complete transformation of his inner being. God changes
not the condition of a people until they themselves take the initiative to change their condition by constantly
illuminating the zone of their daily activity in the light of a definite ideal. Nothing can be achieved without a firm
faith in the independence of one’s own inner life. This faith alone keeps a people’s eye fixed on their goal and save
them from perpetual vacillation. The lesson that past experiences has brought to you must be taken to heart. Expect
nothing form any side. Concentrate your whole ego on yourself alone and ripen your clay into real manhood if you
wish to see your aspiration realized.


i. What is the chief characteristic of the modern political civilization? (4)

ii. What are possibilities of our Faith, which can be of advantage to the world? (4)
iii. What is the chief danger confronting the superb idealism of our Faith? (4)
iv. Why is the Indian Muslim in danger of coming to an unmanly compromise with the Forces opposing him? (4)
v. What is necessary for an achievement? (2)
vi. Explain the expression as highlighted/under lined in the passage. (5)
vii. Suggest an appropriate title to the passage. (2)

Q.3. Write a comprehensive note (250—300 words) on any one of the following: (20)

a. To rob Peter to pay Paul

b. The child is father of the man.
c. Art lies in concealing art
d. Life without a philosophy is like a ship without rudder
e. A contented mind is a blessing kind.

Q.4. a. Use any FIVE of the following idioms in sentences to make their meaning clear: (5)

i. Blow one’s top

ii. A cock and bull story
iii. Find one’s feet
iv. Call it a night
v. The tip of the iceberg
vi. Below par
vii. From pillar to post
viii. Hang up
ix. Turn some one in
x. By and by

b. Use any FIVE of the following pairs of words in your own sentences to bring out their meanings: (5)

i. Mitigate, Alleviate
ii. Persecute, Prosecute
iii. Popular, Populace
iv. Compliment, Complement
v. Excite, Incite
vi. Voracity, Veracity
vii. Virtual, Virtuous
viii. Exceptional, Exceptionable

Q.5. a. Pick the most nearly opposite in meaning to the capitalized word. Do any FIVE. (5)

i. MORATORIUM..a. Large tomb……..….b. Waiting period..c. Security for debt…..d. Funeral house
ii. PROLIFIC………a. Skilful……………...b. Fruitful………..c. Wordy…………..…d. Spread out
iii. BI-PARTISAN….a. Narrow minded…….b. Progressive…...c. Representing two parties….d. Divided
iv. UNEQUIVOCAL.a. Careless…………….b. Unmistakable…c. Variable………...d. Incomparable
v. COVENANT…….a. Prayer…………...…b. Debate………...c. Garden…………..d. Agreement
vi. TENTATIVE…….a. Expedient…………..b. Nominal………c. Provisional……...d. Alternative
vii. DEMOGRAPHIC..a. Relating to the ……..b. Demons……….c. Communications..d. Population
…………………………….study of Government
viii. SONAR…………..a. Apparatus to Detect ..b. Locate objects...c. Measure rain…….d. Anticipate Earthquake
…………………………….something in the air...….under water

b. Indicate the meaning of any FIVE of the following: (5)

i. Brag
ii. Antiquarian
iii. Input
iv. Prodigal
v. Bibliophile
vi. Nostalgia
vii. Burn one’s boats
viii. Feedback
ix. Agrarian

Q.6. a. Correct the following sentences. Do any FIVE. (5)

i. Please tell me where is your brother?

ii. Sajjad as well as Saleem were late.
iii. He is the most cleverest boy in the class.
iv. I have met him last month.
v. Your writing is inferior than him.
vi. Nothing but novels please him.
vii. The teacher gave the boy an advice which he refused.
viii. He brought the articles to the market which he wanted to sell.

b. Change the narration from Direct to Indirect or Indirect to Direct speech. (5)

i. He said to his friend, “Let me go home now”

ii. I will say “Mother, I will always obey you”
iii. “Splendid”: said father as he read my report,
iv. He said, “Good morning, can you help me”
v. She said “Brother, why do you tease me”
vi. The King said to the Queen, “If I die, take care of my people”
vii. “By God”, he said” I do not know his name”
viii. You exclaimed with sorrow that you lost your pen.


Q.1. (a) Choose the word that is nearly similar in meaning to the word in capital letters. (Do only FIVE). Extra
attempt of any Part of the question will not be considered. (5)

(a) Unclear (b) Doubtful

(a) Obnoxious (b) Affable

(a) Delude (b) Avoid

(a) Honorable (b) Disingenuous

(a) Fixed ideas (b) Delusion

(a) Innate (b) Moderate

(a) Credible (b) Timid

(b) Pick the most nearly opposite in meaning to the capitalized word: (5)

(a) Unable (b) Scruffy (c) Suitable (d) Personable


(a) Escape (b) Starvation (c) Doom (d) Rescue


(a) Clean (b) Distinct (c) Ambiguous (d) Frugal

(a) Porus (b) Charming (c) Horrid (d) Offensive

(a) Calm (b) Anger (c) Excite (d) Kindle


(i) PART-II is to be attempted on the separate Answer Book.
(ii) Attempt ALL questions from PART-II.

Q.2. Make a précis of the given passage and suggest a suitable heading. (20+5)

From Plato to Tolstoi art has been accused of exciting our emotions and thus of disturbing the order and harmony of
our moral life.” Poetical imagination, according to Plato, waters our experience of lust and anger, of desire and pain,
and makes them grow when they ought to starve with drought. “Tolstoi sees in art a source of infection. “Not only in
infection,” he says, “a sign of art , but the degree of infectiousness is also the sole measure of excellence in art.” But
the flaw in this theory is obvious. Tolstoi suppresses a fundamental moment of art, the moment of form. The
aesthetic experience – the experience of contemplation- is a different state of mind from the coolness of our
theoretical and the sobriety of our moral judgment. It is filled with the liveliest energies of passion, but passion itself
is here transformed both in its nature and in its meaning. Wordsworth defines poetry as “ emotion recollected in
tranquility’. But the tranquility we feel in great poetry is not that of recollection. The emotions aroused by the poet
do not belong to a remote past. They are “ here”- alive and immediate. We are aware of their full strength, but this
strength tends in a new direction. It is rather seen than immediately felt. Our passions are no longer dark and
impenetrable powers; they become, as it were, transparent. Shakespeare never gives us an aesthetic theory. He does
not speculate about the nature of art. Yet in the only passage in which he speaks of the character and functions of
dramatic art the whole stress is laid upon this point. “ The purpose of playing,” as Hamlet explains, “ both at the first
and now, was and is, to hold, as, twere, the mirror up to nature; to show virtue her own feature, scorn her own
image, and the very age and body of the time, his form and pressure.” But the image of the passion is not the passion
itself. The poet who represents a passion doest not infected us with this passion. At a Shakespeare play we are not
infected with the ambition of Macbeth, with the cruelty of Richard III or with the jealously of Othello. We are not at
the mercy of these emotions; we look through them; we seem to penetrate into their very nature and essence. In this
respect Shakespeare’s theory of dramatic art, if he had such a theory, is in complete agreement with the conception
of the fine arts of the great painters and sculptors.

Q.3. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. (20)

It is very nature of helicopter that is great versatility is found. To begin with, the helicopter is the fulfillment of tone
of man’s earliest and most fantastic dreams. The dream of flying – not just like a bird – but of flying as nothing else
flies or has ever flown. To be able to fly straight up and straight down – to fly forward or back or sidewise, or to
hover over and spot till the fuel supply is exhausted.

To see how the helicopter can do things that are not possible for the conventional fixed-wing plane, let us first
examine how a conventional plane “works”. It works by its shape – by the shape of its wing, which deflects air when
the plane is in motion. That is possible because air has density and resistance. It reacts to force. The wing is curved
and set at an angle to catch the air and push it down; the air, resisting, pushes against the under surface of the wing,
giving it some f its lift. At the same time the curved upper surface of the wing exerts suction, tending to create a lack
of air at the top of the wing. The air, again resisting, sucks back, and this give the wing about twice as much lift as
the air pressure below the wing. This is what takes place when the wing is pulled forward by propellers or pushed
forward by jet blasts. Without the motion the wing has no lift.


(i) Where is the great versatility of the helicopter found?

(ii) What is the dream of flying?
(iii) What does the wing of the conventional aircraft do?
(iv) What does the curved upper surface of the wing do?
(v) What gives the wing twice as much lift?

Q.4. Write a comprehensive note (250—300 words) on any ONE of the following: (20)

(i) The importance of industrialization.

(ii) Do we live better than our forefathers?
(iii) Protecting freedom of expression not lies.
(iv) Adopting unchecked Western life styles.
(v) Variety is the spice of life.

Q.5. (a) Change the narration from direct to indirect or indirect to direct speech. (Do only FIVE). (5)
Extra attempt of any Part of the question will not be considered.

(i) He said to him, “why do you waste your time?”

(ii) He ordered his servant not to stand there doing nothing.
(iii) He exclaimed with joy that he had won the match.
(iv) The traveler said, “What a dark night?”
(v) He said, “Let it rain even so hard, I will start today.”
(vi) My mother said, “May you live happily and prosper in your life.”
(vii) He said, “How foolish have I been?”

(b) Correct ONLY FIVE of the following: (5)

Extra attempt of any Part of the question will not be considered.

(i) He swore from God.

(ii) Is your dress different than mine?
(iii) He inquired whether I live in Karachi.
(iv) He spoke these words upon his face.
(v) The ran direct to their college.
(vi) I shall not come here unless you will not call me.
(vii) They have been building a wall since three days.
(viii) He does not have some devotion to his studies.

Q.6. (a) Use ONLY FIVE of the following in sentences with illustrate their meaning: (5)
Extra attempt of any Part of the question will not be considered.

(i) Leave in the lurch.

(ii) Hard and fast.
(iii) Weather the storm.
(iv) Bear the brunt.
(v) Meet halfway.
(vi) Turncoat.
(vii) Where the shoe pinches.

(b) Use ONLY FIVE of the following pair of words in sentence which illustrate their meaning: (10)
Extra attempt of any Part of the question will not be considered.

(i) Persecute, Prosecute

(ii) Luxuriant, Luxurious
(iii) Mean, Mien
(iv) Observation, Observance
(v) Naughty, Knotty
(vi) Ghostly, Ghastly
(vii) Hew, Hue


Q1: Pick the word that is nearly similar in meaning to the capitalized word.
1) Acrimonous
a) Bitter b) Provocative c) Cheap d) Volatile

2) Calligraphy
a) Computers b) Handwriting c) Blood Pressure d) Brain waves

3) Unequivocal

a) Variable b) Plain c) Unmistakable d) Negligent

4) Demise
a) Conclude b) End c) Affection d) Death

5) Incendiary
a) Happy b) Sneer c) Causing fire d) Jolly

6) Touchstone
a) Remind b) A hall c) at rest d) Criterion

7) Void
a) Emptiness b) Lea c) Anger d) Trick

8) Essay
a) Direct b) Copose c) Attempt d) Suppose

b) Indicate the most nearly opposite in meaning

1) Ignoble
a) Lowly b) Vile c) Good d) Noble

2) Melancholy
a) Sorrowful b) Happy c) Forbidden d) Brisk

3) Obliterate
a) Preserve b) Destroy c) Ravage d) Design

4) Ally
a) Alloy b) Foe c) Partner d) Accessory

5) Vulgar
a) Coarse b) Gross c) Exquisite d) Obscene

6) Pretend
a) Sham b) Substantiate c) Feign d) Fabricate

7) Liberty
a) Permission b) License c) Serfdom d) Bound

8) Consceintious
a) Uncorrupt b) Honorable c) Principled d) Profligate

Q2: Precise

Of all the characteristics of ordinary human nature envy is the most unfortunate; not only does the envious person
wish to inflict misfortune and do so whenever he can with impunity, but he is also himself rendered unhappy by
envy. instead of deriving pleausre from what he has, he derives pain from what others have. if he can, he deprives
others of their advantages, which to him is as desirable as as it would be to secure the same advantages himself. if
this passion is allowed to run riot it becomes fatal to all excellence,and even the most useful exercise of exceptional
skill. why should a medical man go to see his patients in a car when the labourer has to walk to his work? why
should the scientifc investigator be allowed to spend his time in a warm room when others have to face the
inclemency of the elements? why should a man who possesses some rare talent of great importance to the world be
saved fromt he drudgery of his own housework? to such questions envy finds no answer. fortunately, however, there
is in human nature a compensating passion, namely that of admiration. whosoever wishes to increase human
happiness must wish to increase admiration and to diminish envy. what cure is there for envy? for the saint there is

the cure of selflessness, though even in the case of saints envy of other saints is by no means impossible. but,
leaving saints out of account, the only cure of envy in the case of ordinary men and women is happiness, and the
difficulty is that envy is itself a terrible obstacle to happiness. but the envious man may say: 'what is the good of
telling me that the cure of envy is happiness? i cannot find happiness while i continue to feel envy, and you tell me
that i cannot cease to be envious until i find happiness.' but real life is never so logical as this. mereley to realize the
cause of one's own envious feeling is to take a long step towards curing them.

Question 3: Comprehension

And still it moves. the words of Galileo, murmured when the tortures of the Inquisition had driven him to recant the
Truth he knew, apply in a new way to our world today. sometimes, in the knowledge of all that has been discovered,
all that has been done to make life on the planet happier and more worthy, we may be tempted to settle down to
enjoy our heritage. that would, indeed, be the betrayal of our trust.

These men and women of the past have given everything---comfort, time, treasure, peace of mind and body, life
itself---that we might live as we do. the challenege to each one of us is to carry on their work for the sake of future

The adventurous human mind must not falter. still must we question the old truths and work for the new ones. still
must we risk scorn, cynicism, neglect, loneliness, poverty, persecution, if need be. we must shut our ears to easy
voice which tells us that human nature will never alter as an exucse for doing nothing to make life more worthy.

Thus will the course of the history of mankind go onward, and the world we know move into a new splendour for
those who are yet to be.

1) What made Galileo recant the Truth he knew?
2) What is the heritage being alluded to in the first paragraph?
3)what does the 'betrayal of our trust' imply
4) Why do we need to question the old truths and work for the new ones?
Explain the words or expressions as highlighted/underlined in the passage.

Question 4: Write a comprehensive note on any one of the following

1) When flatterrers get together, the devil goes to dinner.
2) The impossible is often the untried.
3) A Civil servant is a public servant
4)Internet---a blessing or a bane
5) Hope is the buoy of life.

Question 5: Use Only Five of the following in sentences which illustrate their meaning:

1) Make for
2) Yeoman's service
3) Discretion is the better part of valour.
4) Out of the wood
5) A casting vote
6) Look down upon
7) Iconoclast
8) A swan song

b) Five pairs of words in sentences:

1) Adverse, Averse
2) Maize, Maze
3) Medal, Meddle
4) Imperious, Imperial

5) Veracity, Voracity
6) Allusion, Illusion
7) Ordinance, Ordnance
8) willing, Wilful

Question 6:

a) Correct the following sentences

1) This house is built of brick and stone.

2) the climate of Pakistan is better than England?
3) He swore by God.
4) You ought to have regarded him your benefactor.
5) My friend is very ill, i hope he will soon die.
6) he is waiting for better and promising opportunity.
7) When I shall see her I will deliver her your gift.
8) Many a sleepless nights she spent.

b) Change the narration from Indirect to Direct or Direct to Indirect

1) On Monday he said, "My son is coming today."

2) they wanted to know where he was going the following week.
3) he said, "Did she go yesterday?"
4) 'By God', he said, "I do not know her nickname."
5) he says that we are to meet him at the station.
6) He said, "I don't know the way. ask the old man sitting on the gate."
7) My father prayed that i would recover from my illness
8) He said, "How will you manage it?"




Q.2. Make a precise of the following passage and suggest a suitable heading. (20)

One of the most ominous and discreditable symptoms of the want of candour in present-day sociology is the
deliberate neglect of the population question. It is or should be transparently clear that if the State is resolved, on
humanitarian grounds, to inhibit the operation of natural selection, some rational regulation of population, both as
regards quantity and quality, is
imperatively necessary. There is no self-acting adjustment, apart from starvation, of numbers to the means of
subsistence. If all natural checks are removed, a population in advance of the optimum number will be produced,
and maintained at the cost of a reduction in the standard of living. When this pressure begins to be felt, that section
of the population which is capable of reflection, and which has a standard of living which may be lost, will
voluntarily restrict its numbers, even to the point of failing to replace deaths by an equivalent number of new births;
while the underworld, which always exists in every civilised society the failures and misfits and derelicts, moral and
physical will exercise no restraint, and will be a constantly increasing drain upon the national resources. The
population will thus be recruited, in a very undue proportion, by those strata of society which do not possess the
qualities of useful citizens.

The importance of the problem would seem to be sufficiently obvious. But politicians know that the subject is
unpopular. The unborn have no votes. Employers like a surplus of labour, which can be drawn upon when trade is
good. Militarists want as much food for powder as they can get. Revolutionists instinctively oppose any real remedy
for social evils; they know that every unwanted child is a potential insurgent. All three can appeal to a quasi-
religious prejudice, resting apparently on the ancient theory of natural rights, which were supposed to include the
right of unlimited procreation. This objection is now chiefly urged by celibate or childless priests; but it is held with
such fanatical vehemence that the fear of losing the votes which they control is a welcome excuse for the baser sort
of politician to shelve the subject as inopportune. The Socialist calculation is probably erroneous; for experience has
shown that it is aspiration, not desperation, that makes revolutions.

Q.3. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. Use your own language. (20)

Human beings are afraid of death just as children feel afraid of darkness. The fear of darkness of kids increased by
the stories of the heard ghosts and thieves. In the same way, the fear of human being is increased by the stories
which they heard about the agony of dying man. If a human being regards death as a kind of punishment for his sins
he has committed and if he looks upon death as a means of making an entry into another world, he is certainly taking
a religious and sacred view of death. But if a human being looks upon death as a law of nature and then feels afraid
of it, his attitude is of cowardice. However, even in religious meditations about death there is sometimes a mixture
of folly and superstition. Monks have written books in which they have described the painful experiences which
they underwent by inflicting physical tortures upon themselves as a form of self purification. Thus, one may think
that the pains of death must be indescribably agonizing. Such books and such thoughts increase a man's fear of

Seneca, the Roman Philosopher is of the view that the circumstances and ceremonies of death frighten people more
than death itself would do. A dyeing man is heard uttering groans; his body is seen undergoing convulsions; his face
appears to be absolutely bloodless and pale; at his death his friends begin to weep and his relations put on mourning
clothes; various rituals are performed. All such facts make death appear more horrible than it would be otherwise.

1. What is the difference between human beings' fear of death and children's fear of darkness?
2. What is a religious and sacred view of death?
3. What are the painful experiences described by the Monks in their books?
4. What are the views of Seneca about death?
5. What are the facts that make death appear more horrible than it would be otherwise?

Q.4 Write a comprehensive note (250 - 300) on any ONE of the following:

1. Self done is Well done

2. The Bough that bears most bend most
3. Nearer the Church, farther from God
4. Rich men have no fault
5. Cut your coat according to your cloth

Q.5 Use ONLY FIVE of the following in sentences which illustrate their meaning. Extra attempt shall not be

1. Wool gathering
2. Under the harrow
3. Cold comfort
4. A gold digger
5. Walk with God
6. On the thin ice
7. A queer fish
8. Unearthly hour

Q.6 (a) Correct ONLY FIVE of the following: Extra attempt shall not be considered.

1. A ten feet long snake made people run here and there
2. We are going to the concert, and so they are.
3. Enclosed with this letter was a signed Affidavit and a carbon copy of his request to our main office.
4. Fear from God.
5. Pakistan has and will support the Kashmiris.
6. He has come yesterday.
7. Arshad's down fall was due to nothing else than pride.
8. Do not avoid to consult a doctor.

(b) Change the narration from direct to indirect or indirect to direct speech (DO ONLY FIVE). Extra
attempt shall not be considered.

1. He said to us, "You cannot do this problem alone".

2. The beggar asked the rich lady if she could not pity the sufferings of an old and miserable man and help
him with a rupee or two.
3. The Commander said to the soldiers, "March on".
4. He entreated his master respectfully to pardon him as it was his first fault.
5. "Do you really come from America? How do you feel in Pakistan?" Said I the stranger.
6. The officer threatened the peon to come in time otherwise he would be turned out.
7. People wished that the Quaid e Azam had been alive those days to their fate.
8. They said, "Brave! Imran, what a shot".


Q.1 Choose the word that is near most similar in meaning to the Capitalized words. (1 Mark each) (20)

a) Regulate
b) Flare up
c) Frail
d) Exhilarate
e) None of These

a). Immerse
b) Rescue
c) Drown
d) Overflow
e) None of These

a) Argument
b) Procession
c) Angry Speech
d) Torture
e) None of These

a) Secret
b) Improper
c) Seeming
d) Whole
e) None of These

a) To Prove
b) Boast
c) Defraud
d) Defame
e) None of These

a) Unnecessary
b) Disorder
c) Confused Talk
d) Game
e) None of These

a) Condescend
b) Pretend
c) Disparage
d) Refuse
e) None of These

a) Trade Agreement
b) Government Secretariat
c) Labouring Class
d) Wealthy Class
e) None of These

a) Liberal
b) Fearful
c) Comic
d) Praise Worthy
e) None of These

a) Baleful
b) Belonging to a male person
c) Social
d) Fighting by Nature
e) None of These

Choose the word that is nearly most opposite in meaning to the Capitalized words.

a) Feeble
b) Dull
c) Vigorous
d) Weak
e) None of these

a) Nervous
b) Tense
c) Costly
d) Calm
e) None of these

a) Courage
b) Boldness
c) Cowardice
d) Spirit
e) None of these

a) Epitome
b) Dissect
c) Abstract
d) Synopsis
e) None of these

a) Flaunt
b) Coax
c) Beguile
d) Flatter
e) None of these

a ) Virginity
c) Chastity
d) Single

e) None of these

a) Rough
b) Unpleasant
c) Unfavorable
d) Genial
e) None of these

a) Ineffective
b) Without resolution
c) Yielding
d) Sturdy
e) None of these

a) Supplement
b) Augmentation
c) Appendix
d) Contraction
e) None of these

a) Shun
b) Run
c) Blamed
d) Meet
e) None of these


Note: (i) PART - II is to be attempted on separate Answer Book.

(ii) Attempt all questions from PART - II.
(iii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered.
(iv) Candidate must write Q. No in the Answer Book in accordance with Q. No in the Q, paper.

Q.2. Make the precis of the following passage and suggest a suitable heading. (20+2=22)

Culture, in human societies, has two main aspects; an external, formal aspect and an inner, ideological aspect. The
external forms of culture, social or artistic, are merely an organized expression of its inner ideological aspect, and
both are an inherent component of a given social structure. They are changed or modified when this structure. They
are changed and modified when this structure is changed or modified and because of this organic link they also help
and influence such changes in their parent organism. Cultural Problems, therefore, cannot be studied or understood
or solved in isolation from social problems, i.e. problems of political and economic relationships. The cultural
problems of the underdeveloped countries, therefore, have to be understood and solved in the light of larger
perspective, in the context of underlying social problems. Very broadly speaking, these problems are primarily the
problems of arrested growth; they originate primarily from long years of imperialist-Colonialist domination and the
remnants of a backward outmoded social structure. This should not require much elaboration European Imperialism
caught up with the countries of Asia, Africa or Latin America between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries. Some
of them were fairly developed feudal societies with ancient traditions of advanced feudal culture. Others had yet to
progress beyond primitive pastoral tribalism. Social and cultural development of them all was frozen at the point of
their political subjugation and remained frozen until the coming of political independence. The culture of these
ancient feudal societies, in spite of much technical and intellectual excellence, was restricted to a small privileged
class and rarely intermingled with the parallel unsophisticated folk culture of the general masses. Primitive tribal

culture, in spite of its child like beauty, had little intellectual content. Both feudal and tribal societies living
contagiously in the same homelands were constantly engaged in tribal, racial and religious or other feuds with their
tribal and feudal rivals. Colonialist – imperialist domination accentuated this dual fragmentation, the vertical
division among different tribal and national groups, the horizontal division among different classes within the same
tribal or national groups. This is the basic ground structure, social and cultural, bequeathed to the newly liberated
countries by their former over lords.

Q.3 Read the following passage and answer the question that follow. Use your own language.(20)

The civilization of China, as everyone knows, is based upon the teaching of Confucius, who flourished five hundred
years before Christ. Like the Greeks and Romans, he did not think of human society as naturally progressive; on the
contrary, he believed that in remote antiquity rulers had been wise, and the people had been happy to a degree which
the degenerate present could admire but hardly achieve. This, of course, was a delusion. But the practical result was
that Confucius, like other teachers of antiquity, aimed at creating a stable society, maintaining a certain level of
excellence, but not always striving after new successes. In this he was more successful than any other men who ever
lived. His personality has been stamped on Chinese civilization from his day to our own. During his lifetime the
Chinese occupied only a small part of present-day China, and were divided into a number of warring states. During
the next three hundred years they established themselves throughout what is now China proper, and founded an
empire exceeding in territory and population any other that existed until the last fifty years. In spite of barbarian
invasions, Mongol and Manchu dynasties, and occasional longer or shorter periods of chaos and civil war, the
Confucian system survived, bringing with it art and literature and a civilized way of life. A system which has had
this extra ordinary power of survival must have great merits, and certainly deserves our respect and consideration. It
is not a religion, as we understand the word,because it is not associated with the supernatural or with mystical
beliefs. It is a purely ethical system, but its ethics, unlike those of Christianity, are not too exalted for ordinary men
to practice. In essence, what Confucius teaches is something very like the old-fashioned ideal of a ‘gentleman’ as it
existed in the eighteenth century. One of his sayings will illustrate this: 'The true gentleman is never contentious ...
he courteously salutes his opponents before taking up his position ... so that even when competing he remains a true


1. Why do you think the author calls Confucius' belief about the progress of human society as a delusion?
2. How did Confucius' though affect China to develop into a stable and 'Proper' China?
3. Why does the author think that Confucian system deserves respect and admiration?
4. Why does the author call Confucian system a purely ethical system and not a religion?
5. Briefly argue whether you agree or disagree to Confucius' ideal of a gentleman?

Q4. Write a comprehensive note (250-300 words) on any ONE of the following: (20)

1. Revolution versus Evolution

2. Let us agree to disagree in an agree-able way.
3. Say not, struggle not availth.
4. Beneath every cloud there is always a silver thing.
5. Is democracy an ideal form of government?

Q.5. (a) Use ONLY FOUR of the following in sentences which illustrate their meaning: (Extra attempt shall
not be considered). (04)

1. The milk of human kindness


2. A rule of thumb
3. Out and out
4. To wash one's dirty linen in public
5. To pay through the nose
6. To lose face

Q.5. (b) Use ONLY FOUR of the following pair of words in sentences which illustrate their meaning: (Extra
attempt shall not be considered). (04)

1. Adjoin, Adjourn
2. Allay, Ally
3. Bases, Basis
4. Click, Clique
5. Distract, Detract
6. Liable, Libel

Q.6. (a) Correct ONLY FIVE of the following. Extra attempt shall not be considered. (05)

1. My boss agreed with my plan.

2. If he was here, he would be as wise as he was during the war.
3. We have amusements in form of music.
4. You get hungry for all the work you have to do
5. We were glad for being there.
6. I prefer the fifth act of Shakespeare King Lear the best of all.
7. After finishing my lecture, the bell rang.
8. We needed not to be afraid.

Q.6 (b) Change the narration from direct to indirect speech. (DO ONLY FIVE) Extra attempt shall not be

1. “If I had spoken to my father as you speak to me he’d have beaten me,” he said to me.
2. “How far is it”? I said, “and how long will take me to get there”?
3. “Do you know anybody in this area or could you get a reference from your landlady?" he asked me.
4. She told me to look where I was going as the road was full of holes and very badly lit.
5. He wanted to know if I was going to concert and suggested that we should make up a party and go together.
6. He said, I must'nt mind if the first one wasn’t any good.
7. “What a nuisance! Now I’ll have to do it all over again”, he exclaimed.
8. “I must go to the dentist tomorrow”, he said. “ I have an appointment”.


Q.2. Make précis of the following text and suggest a suitable title. (20)
In studding the breakdowns of civilizations, the writer has subscribed to the conclusion – no new discovery! – that

war has proved to have been the proximate cause of the breakdown of every civilization which is known for certain
to have broken down, in so far as it has been possible to analyze the nature of these breakdowns and to account for
their occurrence. Like other evils war has no insidious way of appearing not intolerable until it has secured such a
stranglehold upon the lives of its addicts that they no longer have the power to escape from its grip when its
deadlines has become manifest. In the early stages of civilization’s growth, the cost of wars in suffering and
destruction might seem to be exceeded by the benefits occurring from the wining of wealth and power and the
cultivation of the “military virtues” ; and, in this phase of history, states have often found themselves able to indulge
in war with one another with something like impunity even for the defeated party. War does not begin to reveal its
malignity till the war making society has begun to increase its economic ability to exploit physical nature and its
political ability to organize manpower; but, as soon as this happens, the god of war to which the growing society has
long since been dedicated proves himself a Moloch by devouring an ever larger share of the increasing fruits of
man’s industry and intelligence in the process of taking an ever larger toll of life and happiness; and, when the
society’s growth in efficiency reaches a point at which it becomes capable of mobilizing a lethal quantum of its
energies and resources for military use then war reveals itself as being a cancer which is bound to prove fatal to its
victim unless he can cut it out and cast it from him, since its malignant tissues have now learnt to grow faster that
the healthy tissues on which they feed.
In the past when this danger-point in the history of the relations between war and civilization has been reached and
recognized, serious efforts have sometimes been made to get rid of war in time to save society, and these endeavours
have been apt to take one or other of two alternative directions. Salvation cannot, of course, be sought anywhere
except in the working of the consciences of individual human beings; but individuals have a choice between trying
to achieve their aims through direct action as private citizens and trying to achieve then through indirect action as
citizen of states. Personal refusal to lend himself in any way to any war waged by his state for any purpose and in
any circumstances is a line of attack against the institution of war that is likely to appeal to an ardent and self-
sacrificing nature; by comparison, the alternative peace strategy of seeking to persuade and accustom governments
to combine in jointly resisting aggression when it comes and in trying to remove its stimuli before hand may seem a
circuitous and unheroic line of attack on the problem. Yet experience up to date indicates unmistakably, in the
present writer’s opinion, that the second of these two hard roads is by far the more promising.

Q.3. Read the following text carefully and answer the questions below: (20)
Experience has quite definitely shown that some reasons for holding a belief are much more likely to be justified by
the event then others. It might naturally be supposed, for instance, that the best of all reasons for a belief was a
strong conviction of certainty accompanying the belief. Experience, however, shows that this is not so, and that as a
matter of fact, conviction by itself is more likely to mislead than it is to guarantee truth. On the other hand, lack of
assurance and persistent hesitation to come to any belief whatever are an equally poor guarantee that the few beliefs
which are arrived at are sound. Experience also shows that assertion, however long continued, although it is
unfortunately with many people an effective enough means of inducing belief, is not an any way a ground for
holding it.
The method which has proved effective, as a matter of actual fact, in providing of firm foundation for belief
wherever it has been capable of application, is what is usually called the scientific method. I firmly believe that the
scientific method, although slow and never claiming to lead to complete truth, is the only method which in the long
run will give satisfactory foundations for beliefs. It consists in demanding facts as the only basis for conclusions,
and inconsistently and continuously testing any conclusions which may have been reached, against the test of new
facts and, wherever possible, by the crucial test of experiment. It consists also in full publication of the evidence on
which conclusions are based, so that other workers may be assisted in new researchers, or enabled to develop their
own interpretations and arrive at possibly very different conclusions.
There are, however, all sorts of occasions on which the scientific method is not applicable. That method involves
slow testing, frequent suspension of judgment, restricted conclusions. The exigencies of everyday life, on the other
hand, often make it necessary to act on a hasty balancing of admittedly incomplete evidence, to take immediate
action, and to draw conclusions in advance of evidence. It is also true that such action will always be necessary, and
necessary in respect of ever larger issues; and this inspite of the fact that one of the most important trends of
civilization is to remove sphere after sphere of life out of the domain of such intuitive judgment into the domain of
rigid calculation based on science. It is here that belief pays its most important role. When we cannot be certain, we
must proceed in part by faith-faith not only in the validity of our own capacity of making judgments, but also in the
existence of certain other realities, pre-eminently moral and spiritual realities. It has been said that faith consists in
acting always on the nobler hypothesis; and though this definition is a trifle rhetorical, it embodies a seed of real

Answer briefly in your own words the following questions:
1. Give the meaning of the underlined phrases as they are used in the passage. (04)
2. What justification does the author claim for his belief in the scientific method? (04)
3. Do you gather from the passage that conclusions reached by the scientific method should we considered final?
Give reasons for your answer. (04)
4. In what circumstances, according to the author, is it necessary to abandon the scientific method? (04)
5. How does the basis of “intuitive judgment” differ from the scientific decision? (04)

Q.4. Write a comprehensive note (250 – 300 words) on any ONE of the following topics: (20)
(i) Education should be for life, not for livelihood
(ii) The art of being tactful
(iii) Human nature is seen at its best adversity
(iv) Spare the rod and spoil the child

Q.5. (a) Use only Five of the following in sentences which illustrate their meaning (Extra attempt shall not be
considered). (05)
(i) Itching palm
(ii) The primrose path
(iii) Break one’s fall
(iv) Wash one’s hands of
(v) To become reconcile to
(vi) To militate against
(vii) To be cognizant of
(viii) Wages of sin

(b) Explain the difference between the following word pairs by defining each word. (Do only five) (05)
(i) Plaintiff, plaintive
(ii) Valet, varlet
(iii) Monitor, mentor
(iv) Complacent, complaisant
(v) Penitence, penance
(vi) Crevice, crevasse
(vii) Beneficent, beneficial

Q.6. (a) Correct only Five of the following sentences: (05)

(i) Have either of you seen my pen?
(ii) On attempting to restore the picture to its original condition, almost irreparable change was discovered.
(iii) The child is the prettiest of the two.
(iv) I was annoyed arriving late, also his rather insolent manner put me out of temper.
(v) He is anxious not only to acquire knowledge, but also eager to display it.
(vi) If he was here now, we should have no difficulty.
(vii) Due to unforeseen environments, we shall have to leave early.
(viii) People have and still do disagree on this matter.

(b) Rewrite One of the following passages, converting what is in direct speech into indirect, and what is in indirect
speech into direct. (05)
(i) Just as we came inside of the valley Jamil met us,--“yes, the valley is all very fine, but do you know there is
nothing to eat?”
“Nonsense; we can eat anything here.”
“Well, the brown bread’s two months old, and there’s nothing else but potatoes.”
“There must be milk anyhow.”
“Yes, there was milk, he supposed.”

(ii) Miss Andleeb said she thought English food was lovely, and that she was preparing a questionnaire to be
circulated to the students of the university, with the view to finding out their eating preferences.
“But the students won’t fill a questionnaire,” said Miriam.
“Won’t fill up questionnaire?” cried Miss Andleeb, taken aback.
“No”, said Miriam, “they won’t. As a nation we are not, questionnaire-conscious.”
“Well, that’s too bad,” said Miss Andaleeb.

(i) In the accident one of my arms broke and my legs bruised.

(Parallelism: which means their should be same form of verb before and after "And".
Moreover, this sentence should be in active not in passive because we always write "I broke
my arm etc.")

ii)The people who had been raising slogans against the government for many hours they
wanted an increase in their salaries.
(Before "increase" we add "an")

(iii) You have been working very hard for the last two years hasn't it?
(It is problem of question tag. We use same auxiliary verb in tag. But remember in perfect and
perfect continuous tags we use same tags "Hasn't it" instead of "Hasn't it bee".)

(iv) John could hardly do better than to have caught a bass of such dimension.
("Not" will not be used here as the idea has been expressed by "Hardly")

(v) I, who have no chance to meet him, would rather go with you instead of sitting at home.

(Here is the problem of punctuation as non restrictive clause has been placed after "I". So, we
would add commas before "who" and after "him")

(vi) He comes there not only for swimming but also for coaching new swimmers.

(Same problem of parallelism. There should be same form of verb after "not only" and "but
also". So, we need to place "not only" with for swimming as it becomes same as "but also".)

(vii) Last time, when he visited the fair, he bought not less than twenty school bags.

(Last time is an adverb of time so it is place in the beginning)

(viii) Ten cattle were grazing in the field.

("Cattle" is a plural word without "s")


Q2. Shah Waliullah realised "The renaissance of Islam and Muslim Society can not be affected until the
intellectual life of the Muslims is re-oriented." Discuss Critically.

Q3. Aligarh and Deoband movements had great contrast in their views and mission and their leaders were
at daggers drawn with each other. Discuss

Q4. How far is it correct to say Quaid-i-Azam consolidated the nascent state of Pakistan? Comment.

Q5. Why military of Pakistan intervened in Pakistan's politics? What is the role of the present leadership to
de-politicize army? Give specific measures.

Q6. What is meant by National Reconciliation? What are it's ingredients? Can we equate National
Reconciliation with National Reconciliation Ordinance?

Q7. Compare and contrast the resistance movement of East Pakistan with the present movement of
Baluchistan. Suggest remedies.

Q8. Pakistan's industry is providing jobs to various categories of workers and is earning foreign exchange
for the country. Comment.

Pakistan Affairs 2011


Q.1 Select the best option/answer and fill in the appropriate box on the answer sheet.

(i) Who recalled Muhammad Bin Qasim from Sindh?

(a) Caliph Walid
(b) Caliph Sulaiman
(c) Caliph Abdul Aziz
(d) None of these

(ii) What was thereal name Shah Waliullah?

(a) Qutubddin Ahmed Faruqi
(b) Qutubddin Ahmed Siddiqui
(c) QUtubddin Ahmed Syed
(d) None of these

(iii) Who was formal teacher of Syed Ahmed Barelvi?

(a) Sheikh Ahmed Sirhandi
(b) Shah Walliullah
(c) Shah Abdul Aziz
(d) None of these

(iv) Who for the first time translated the Holy QUran in Urdu language?
(a) Shah Walliullah and Shah Abdul Aziz
(b) Shah Abdul Qadir and Shah Rafiuddin
(c) Syed Ahmed Baralvi and Shah Ismail Dehlvi
(d) None of these

(v) Faraizi Movemnents was primarily a religious movemtn. What change Dudhu Mian brought in the movemtn?
(a) Transferred it into a gurreilla movement
(b) Transferred it into a political movement
(c) Transferred it into a Cultural movement
(d) None of these

(vi) Which of the following was/were the drawback(s) of the government of Indian Act 1858?
(a) Control of the Secratery of State for India and his council was bureaucratic in nature
(b) Expencese of the Secratery of State for India and his Council became a burden on Indian revenues:
(c) Both of these
(d) None of these

(vii) By how many member(s) the Executive Council of the Governor General was enlarged under the Indian
Council Act of 1861 ?
(a) One member
(b) Two members
(c) Four members
(d) None of these

(viii) As per the Govermnet of Indain Act 1858, the transfer of the contaol of the Government of Indian from the
East Indian Company and assumption by the Crown was to be announced by Queen’s Proclamation, which was
accordinly read in a Darbar. Where was this Darbar held?
(a) Calcuta
(b) Delhi
(c) Allahabad

(d) None of these

(ix) Where, during the War of Independence, was Sir Syed Ahmed Khan woking/ posted.
(a) Delhi
(b) Bijnaur
(c) Aligarh
(d) None of these

(x) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan established a Treanslation Society (later, renamed as ‘Scientific society’) in 1864. In
which town was it founded?
(a) Bijnaur
(b) Aligarh
(c) Ghazipur
(d) None of these

(xi) In 1867, some promienent Hindus of Banares Launched a movement for the replacement of Urde written in
Nasta’leeq by Hindi written in Deva Nagiri script as the Court language. In which province(s) was this movement
(a) Bengal Province
(b) Central Provinces
(c) North-western Provinces
(d) None of these

(xii) What was the designation of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan in M.A.O school at Aligarh?
(a) Secretary, Managing Committee
(b) President, Managing Committee
(c) Parton, Managing Committee
(d) None of these

(xiii) Which organization is considered the first Muslim political body contitured to represt the Muslims of the
subcontinewnt as a whole?
(a) Anjuman-e-Mussalmanan-e-Hind
(b) Central National Mohammadan Association
(c) Urdu Defence Association
(d) None of these

(xiv) Mention the importance annoucments(s) that was/were made by the Governor General Lord Hardinge in thie
Darbar at Delhi in 1911?
(a) Annulment of the partition of Bengal
(b) Transfer of Capital from Calcutta to Delhi
(c) Both of these
(d) None of these

(xv) Which Muslim leader left the politics after the cancellation of the partition of Bengal?
(a) Nawab Salimullah Khan
(b) Nawab Waqar-ul-Mulk
(c) Nawab Hamidullah Khan
(d) None of these

(xvi) First sesstion of All-indian Muslim League was helo on 29-30 December 19074. where was it held?
(a) Lahore
(b) Aligarh
(c) Karachi
(d) None of these

(xvii) “Few individuals significantly alter the source of history. Fewer still modify the map of the world. Hardly
anuone can be created with creating a nation-state. Mohammad Ali Jinnah did all three”. Who made these remarks
about Quaid-e-Azam?
(a) Stanley Wolpert
(b) Ian Stephens
(c) Lawrence Ziring
(d) None of these

(xviii) The All-indian Muslim League observed ‘Day of Delivernce’ after the resignation of the All-India Congress
minstereis. On what date was it observed?
(a) 22 octuber 1938
(b) 22 December 1938
(c) 22 October 1939
(d) None of these

(xix) Who was the first leader of opposition in the first National Assembly constituted under the 1962 contitution of
(a) Sardar Bahadur Khan
(b) Khan. A sabur
(c) Mumtaz Daultana
(d) None of these

(xx) In which year Pakistan become ‘Republic’?

(a) 1947
(b) 1956
(c) 1962
(d) None of these


Q.2 Briefly analyze and discuss the contribution of the religious reforms – Shaik Ahmed Sirhandi, Shah
Walliullah, Syed Ahmed Barelvi and the like – in the growth of Muslim consciousness in the South-Asian

Q.3 John Plamentaz defines ‘Nationalism’ as “the desire to preserve or enhance peoples national or cultural
identity, when that identity is threatened or the desire to transform or even create it when it is felt to be
inadequate or lacking.”
In the light of above definition, briefly but comprehensively discuss the respective role played by Sir Syed
Ahmed Khan, Allama Iqbal and the Quaid-e-Azam in strengthening the Muslim nationalism in India.

Q.4 Describe the main content and relative importance of the Lucknow Pact and Delhi Muslim Proposals
and their respective impact on the subsequent political development in India.

Q.5 Can the Lahore Resolution be termed as the ‘Magna Carta’ of Pakistan? Take a position and support
your argument by historical facts, if any.

Q.6 Give a critical appraisal of the constitutional crises/crises initiated by the controversial actions taken by
Governor General Ghulam Muhammad and endorsed by the superior Court of Pakistan. Discuss and
analyze its effects on the subsequent history of Pakistan.

Q.7 Federalism has been a continuing cause of political tension in our country. Will the 18th amendment
made in the constitution by the present Government solve this issue for all? Take a position and support
with your argument.

Q.8 Given the problems that Pakistan is facing today, what is your vision of Pakistan in the year 2011?
How, in your opinion, can be its internal and external problems solved?

Pakistan Affairs 2012

Q2 Discuss critically the role of Silsalah(Orders)in the development and progess of Muslim society in the Sub-
Continent of Indo-Pakistan.

Q3 Sir Syed Ahmad Khan believed in "Trinity of ideas" i.e loyalty,devotion and aloofness".Discuss it in perspective
of his reformation movement.

Q4 Before passing Lahore resolution(Pakistan Resolution)the division of Indian Sub-Continent was advocated by
various thinkers,intellectuals and reformers.Discuss.

Q5 The "Objective Resolution"(1949) satisfied both orthodox and modernists by combining the features of Western
and Islamic democracy.Discuss critically.

Q6 What is bureaucracy and what are its charactersitics?How did it play its role in strengthening and integration of

Q7.What are the security concerns of Pakistan?Suggest some measures by revisiting the foreign policy of Pakistan.

Q8 The location of Pakistan has given the strategic strength to the State.What are its physical features and narrate its
advantages and dis-advantages.


Current Affairs 2003

NOTE: Attempt any FIVE questions. All questions carry equal marks. Be relevant and precise while
answering the questions.

1. What are the strategic objectives of America’s increased embroilment in South Asia ‘s power relationship?

2. Assess the growing impact of information technology on Pakistan’s socio-economic and educational complexion.

3. Governance through ordinances has been the hallmark of all regimes, democratic or otherwise, in Pakistan. In this
context briefly review Pakistan’s political, constitutional and judicial landmarks.

4. Discuss politics of World Trade Organization and Globalization.

5. The linguistic burden of English, Arabic, Urdu and the mother tongue on learning is a serious issue requiring
serious treatment. Analyze.

6. Discuss how Pakistan is affected by political and economic stakes and nuclear concern of Japan in South Asia?

7. Longer period of political stability is the requirement to institutionalize reformist polices whereas the same has
not been available in Pakistan. Assess the prospects of recent multiple reforms in the context of this statement.

8. Write notes on TWO of the followings:

(a) Issue of control over Al Quds.

(b) China’s potential as super power.

(c) Ramification of Taliban’s style governance.

(d) IMF’s objectives in funding Pakistan.


Time Allowed: 3 hours

Maximum Marks: 100

Note: Attempt any FIVE questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Determine the extent to which the objectives of Americans-led global coalition against the so-called
terrorism are achievable.

2. Visualise the post-Taliban Scenario in Afghanistan and discuss its implications for Pakistan.

3. How has the apathetic role of Arab countries complicated the issue of Palestine?

4. Sino-Pakistan collaboration on Gwadar Sea opening will have far-reaching economic and geo-strategic
consequences. Comment.

5. The United Nations Organization is being side-lined by denying the peace-making role that legitimately
belonged to her. Examine the statement.

6. Evaluate the structural changes introduced in Pakistan’s economy over the past two years.

7. Highlight the constitutional issues affecting Pakistan’s politics since the army take-over in October 1999.

8. Judicious evaluation of examination scripts by the Universities and Boards of Education in Pakistan
needs to be ensured. How can it be accomplished?

9. Write notes on any TWO of the following:

(i) Shanghai Cooperation Organization
(ii) Aftermath of Agra-Summit
(iii) Gender prejudices and women empowerment in Pakistan
(iv) Economic consequences or preparation at the World Trade Centre.

Current Affairs 2002

General Knowledge, Paper II

Current Affairs
Attempt any 5 questions. All questions carry equal marks

Q.1 “In her foreign policy and trade, Pakistan has never benefited fully from her ideal geostrategic location “.

Q.2 Give a critique of the performance of SAARC since its inception

Q.3 Critically evaluate the US concerns about the production of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)

Q.4 Analyze the role of OIC in the resolution of problems faced by its members

Q.5 “A single catastrophic event –‘Nine Eleven’ – hs turned the entire world topsy-turvy”. Discuss.

Q.6 How has the conflict between US and Iraq affected them and the world at large ?

Q.7 Give a comprehensive appraisal of the revival of democracy after the interregnum of 1999-2002

Q.8 Write notes on any Two of the following :

A Expansion of European Union (EU)

B Communal riots in India
C Kalabagh Dam
D Pakistan’s Pollution Problem




questions carry EQUAL marks. Write clearly.

1. In the current relationship of mutual dependence, American obligations arc minimal while Piikistani ones are
substantial Comment.

2. Globalization, as being shaped by the World Trade Organization in a world of un-cqual nation-slates, has un-
managcable implications. Discuss.

3. Give a long-term scenario of Afghanistan and Iraq beyond the perspective of' N ine Eleven'.

4. Highlight the factors and forces, which have contributed to sideline the United Nations Organization in terms of
its peace and security role.

5. What are the ground realities inhibiting the capacity of Organization of Islamic conference as an effective body to
protect the legitimate interests of Muslim world1?

6. In what ways India-Israel nexus, India-China bilateral relations and

India-Iran gco-cconomic tics affect Pakistan? 1. Debate, National Interests VS Democratic Values in the context of
recent political and constitutional developments in Pakistan.

8. Attempt any TWO parts:

(a) Current Palestinian situation and the Arab neighbours.

(b) France's policy on Iraq's invasion.
(c) Any one personality of the following:
(i) Noam Chomsky (ii) Arundhati Roy
(iii) Edward Wadic Saeed
(iv) Eqbal Ahmcd (not Allama Iqbal)


General Knowledge II (Current Affairs )

General Knowledge II (Current Affairs )

Attempt any five questions in all including Question No.1, which is compulsory

1. Write only the correct answer in the answer book, do not reproduce the question

1).The worlds oldest international human rights organization is

a) amnesty international b) freedom house

c) anti slavery d) non of these

2).The constitution of European union has not been ratified by

a) Italy b) Netherlands
c) France d) non of these

3). After united states, the largest contributor in the united nations budget is

a) Germany b) France
c) UK d) non of these

4). Ariana is an airlines of

a) Australia b) Egypt
c) Iran d) non of these

5). What percentage Pakistan produces electricity from thermal source

a) 30 % b) 50%

c) 70% d) non of these

6). Chinas fastest growing economy is facing a major challenge of

a) population explosion b) shortage of electricity

c) challenges of WTO regime d) non of these

7). US president George bush has created ‘millennium challenge Account’ to

a) improve national security b) provide aid to iraq and afghanistan

c) help poor countries pursuing democratic ideals d) non of these

8). 38th parallel is a boundary line between

a) Canada and America b) north and south Vietnam

c) greek and turkish port of Cyprus d) non of these

9). In which month does the un general assembly usually meet every year

a) January b) march
c) September d) non of these

10). Pakistan has recently been given observer status in

a) organization of economic development cooperation and development (oecd) b) gulf cooperation council (gcc)
c) shanghai cooperation organization(sco)
d) non of these

11). The project to reduce water logging and salinity area in Pakistan has been financially supported by

a) world bank b) IMF

c) Asian Development Bank d) non of these

12). Pakistan and US navies recently conducted joint exercises in the Arabian Sea by the name of

a) Optimum Impact b) Divers Move

c) Inspired Union d) non of these

13). Which of the following internet search engine will introduce the worlds biggest digital library

a) yahoo b) google
c) giga blast d) non of these

14). The recently appointed United nations high commissioner for refugees Antonio guterres is the former prime
minister of

a) denmark b) Romania
c) Canada d) non of these

15). When a country grants another country MFN (most favored nation) status in mutual trade, it implies

a) providing same trade concessions as are being given to other countries b) trade will be through exchange of
commodities rather than foreign exchange
c) imports and exports payments will be in local currencies only d) non of these
16). The programme ‘united nations millennium development goals’ is focusing on

a) eradicate extreme poverty and hunger b) achieve universal primary education

c) promote gender equality and empower women d) all of the above

17). The largest agency of FATA (federally administered tribal areas) by area is
a) north waziristan b) south waziristan
c) Khyber agency d) non of these

18). Reuter is the news agency of

a) USA b) Germany
c) UK d) non of these

19). SAARC human resource development centre is located at

a) Delhi b) Colombo
c) Karachi d) non of these

20). Under Vision 2025 WAPDA will construct SATPARA Dam on Indus Rive in
a) Balochistan b) NWFP
c) Northern Areas d) non of these

2. The new dimensions in Indo US warming up of relations would have serious implications for Pakistan and the
world region, discuss

3. The phenomenon of terrorism has occupied center stage in todays world. Highlight the difference between
terrorism and a freedom struggle. Discuss the issue of terrorism in the back drop of what is happening in Iraq,
Chechenya, Kashmir and Afghanistan

4. America has been bogged down in Iraq and Afghanistan. What would be Americas exit strategy to disengage
itself from the prevalent confrontational situation ? discuss.

5. How best can the issue of Provincial Autonomy in Pakistan be resolved within a viable Federal Structure ?

6. The Gwadar Port would have great strategic significance in addition to its vast economic potential not only for the
uplift of Balochistan but for the neighboring countries like China, Afghanistan and Central Asian States, comment.

7. In the Muslim Societies factors like justice, rejuvenation, education and enlightenment, which determine the
conditions of human societies are miserable lacking. Analyze the problems confronting the Muslim world in the
light of this statement.

8. Analyze the convergence and divergence of interests in Pakistan –Iran relations since the last two decades.
Current Affairs-2006

Q # 1... MCQ's

(1).. How many medals were won by Pakistan in the 18th Commonwealth games?
(a) 3 (b) 5 (c) 7 (d) None of these

(2).. The Currency of China is:

(a) Rouble (b) Yen (c) Yuan (d) None of these

(3).. In the absence of President, who becomes the acting President of Pakistan?
(a) Speaker of the NA (b) Chairman Senate (c) Chief Justice of pakistan (d) None of these

(4).. Han Myung has become the First Woman Prime Minister of:

(a) South Korea (b) North Korea (c) Vietnam (d) None of these

(5).. Zalmay Khalil is the US Ambassador to:

(a) Iraq (b) Syria (c) Lebanon (d) None of these

(6).. H3N1 is the name of a:

(a) Medicine (b) Vaccine (c) Virus (d) None of these

(7).. Biman is the AirLine of:

(a) Sri Lanka (b) Nepal (c) Bangladesh (d) None of these

(8).. Which country's border with Pakistan is called Durand line:

(a) Iran (b) Afghanistan (c) Iran (d) None of these

(9).. Xinhua is the news agency of:

(a) China (b) Russia (c) North Korea (d) None of these

(10).. The headquarters of the UN Security Council is located at:

(a) Washington (b) Paris (c) New York (d) None of these

(11).. Who is the Governor of the State Bank of Pakistan?

(a) Dr. Shamshad Akhtar (b) Dr. Ishrat Hussain (c) Sulman Shah (d) None of these

(12).. Nobel Peace Prize for the year 2005 was awarded to M. Elbardei together with:
(a) United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
(b) International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) (c) World Health Organization (WHO)
(d) None of these

(13).. Who is the US Assistant Secretary of state for South Asian and Central Asian affairs?
(a) Riyan C. Crocker (b) Nancy Powell (c) Richard A. Boucher (d) none of these.

(14).. What was the magnitude of the Earthquake that shook northern Pakistan and Azad Kashmir on
October, 8, 2005?
(a) 5.7 (b) 7.5 (c) 7.7 (d) None of these.

(15).. Rafiq Bahauddin al Harriri had been the Prime Minister of :

(a) Libya (b) Lebanon (c) Syria (d) None of these.

(16).. Angela Mekel is the :

(a) President of France (b) First lady of Britain (c) Chancellor of Germany (d) none of these

(17).. Fourth Estate applied to:

(a) Executive (b) Secret Agency (c) Press (d) None of these.

(18).. The "Spirit of Islam" author is:

(a) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan (b) Syed Amir Ali (c) Allama Iqbal (d) none of these.

(19).. The South Asian Associan for regional cooperation (SAARC) Standing Committee had agreed in
principle to grant an observer status to:
(a) China and japan (b) Britain and France (c) US and Korea (d) None of these

(20).. George Washington was the first President of USA. Who is the incumbent Vice President of America?
(a) George Bush (b) Gerald Ford (c) Dick Cheney (d) None of these.


Q # 2... US accusations against North Korea, Syria and Iran are meant to bring them within the purview of the
doctrine of pre-emptive war. Discuss.

Q # 3... Countries that recognized the importance of higher education are way ahead of those who have ignored it.
What measures would you suggest to upgrade the standard of higher education in Pakistan.

Q # 4... Examine the causes of disturbances in Baluchistan.

Q # 5... The UN Security Council is regarded as a tool for the veto wielding powers and a debating forum for non
permanent members. Make a case for restructuring the Council with special emphasis on judicious distribution of
veto power.

Q # 6... The ongoing anti blasphemy campaign launched by Muslims all over the world and the West's obduracy not
to yield on the issue in the name of freedom of press has put the two on a collision. What role the UN and the OIC
can play to prevent recurrence of acts of blasphemy in future?

Q # 7... The US Presiden Bush visit to Pakistan had yielded no positive outcome except for promises and pledges. In
the backdrop of changing US mindset former Prime Minister Mir Zafrullah Khan Jamali had urged the government
to establish more vibrant relations with Iran, Saudi Arabia and China. Comment.

Q # 8... Write explanator notes on any two of the following:

( a ) Pak-Afghan Relations
( b ) Kalabagh Dam
( c ) October 8, Post earthquake Scenario
( d ) Iran-Pakistan-India (IPI) Gas Pilelines project.

a. Singapore
b. Chicago
c. Kaula Lumpur
d. None of these

(2) Name of the present Un secretary general is :

a. Kofi Annan
b. Bon ki Moon
c. Batrus Ghali
d. None of these

(3) The length of common border between India and Pakistan is:
a. 900 miles
b. 1000 miles
c. 1100 miles
d. None of these

(4) Last SAARC conference was held in 2004 at:

a. Islamabad
b. Kathmandu
c. Colombo
d. None of these

(5) China became the member of the World Trade Organization in:
a. 1998
b. 2002
c. 2004
d. None of these

(6) The number of players in each team of basketball game is:

a. 5
b. 7
c. 9
d. None of these

(7) Which is the largest Surah of Holy Quran:

a. Surah Al-Imran
b. Sura Al-Baqarah
c. Surah Yaseen
d. None of these

(8) The Olympic games in 2004 were held in:

a. Athens
b. Sydney
c. California
d. None of these

(9) How many members the National Security Council (Pakistan ) has:
a. 11
b. 13
c. 15
d. None of these

(10) Nobel peace Prize for the year 2006 was awarede to:
a. Dr. Mahatir Mohammad
b. Dr Mohammad Yunus
c. Dr Abdul Kalam
d. None of these

(11) Denzil Washington is renowned as:

a. USA army general.
b. British Naval Commander
c. Hollywood actor
d. None of these

(12) The number of OIC member states is:

a. 55
b. 57
c. 59
d. None of these

(13) Mahbub-ul-Haq Human Development Center is locates at:

a. Karachi
b. Lahore
c. Islamabad
d. . None of these

(14) Hugo Chavez is the president of:

a. Venezuela
b. Brazil
c. Bolivia
d. None of these

(15) what is the name of the only Pakistani whi won the Nobel Prize:

a. Dr Ashfaq Ahmed
b. Dr. abdus- Salam
c. Dr. Abdul Qadeer
d. None of these

(16) Maple leaf is the National emblem of:

a. Germany
b. China
c. Canada
d. None of these

(17) Name of Bangladesh parliament is:

a. People National Assembbly
b. Majilis-I-Shoora
c. Jatia Sangsad
d. None of these

(18) India has constructed “Baglihar Dam” in occupied Kashmir`s district of:
a. Udhumpur
b. Doda
c. Jammu
d. None of these

(19) “Hamas” was founded in 1987 by:

a. Yasser Arfat
b. Ismail Haniye
c. Khalid Meshaal
d. None of these

(20) which of the following regions of Balochistan will be irrigated through Kachi cannal project:
a. quetta
b. Zhob
c. Nasirabad
d. None of these

Q.2 What are the factors which contribute to the global warming? What measures have been agreed in the Kyoto
protocol to minimize the harmful effects of Pollution?

Q3. Association of the South East Asian Nation (ASEAN) is a success story of regional organization. What lessons
SAARC can learn from the experience of ASEAN?

Q.4 there is a perception that USA is preparing to attack Iran. Discuss the possibilities of this scenario and its
implication at global level specially in the Middle East, and on Pakistan.

Q.5 China, India and Pakistan are three Nuclear States in the Asian Continent. Is this a potential threat or strength
for the continent? Analyse.

Q.6 Pakistan is suffering from crises of governance at Institutional level. Suggest remedies to mitigate this situation.

Q.7 the organization of Islamic Countries (OIC) has not played and effective role in protecting the rights of member
states. How can it become a vibrant organization to achieve its objectives?

Q.8 Write notes on any Two of the following:

(a) Neo-Conservatism in USA
(b) Human Development

(c) Geneva Convention

(d) Balkanization

i. Transparency International is based in:

a. New York
b. London
c. Berlin
d. None of these

ii. The largest source of electricity generation in Pakistan comes through:

a. Thermal
b. Hydel
c. Coal
d. None of these

iii. Pakistan’s largest export partner is:

a. Saudi Arabia
b. America
c. Japan
d. None of these

iv. India is constructing Kishanganga Dam in:

a. Jammu
b. Sri nagar
c. Baramula
d. None of these

v. WAFA is the news agency of:

a. Syria
b. Jordan
c. Egypt
d. None of these

vi. Former US Vice-President Al Gore has won Noble Peace Prize 2007 for his campaign against:

a. Child Labour
b. Human Rights Violations
c. Global Warming
d. None of these

vii. May 3, each year is Internationally observed as:

a. World Environment Day

b. Human Rights Day
c. Press Freedom Day
d. None of these

viii. The World’s largest producer of Uranium is:


a. Australia
b. Canada
c. South Africa
d. None of these

ix. The district of the country having lowest population density is:

a. Khuzdar
b. Kalat
c. Kharan
d. None of these

x. Qantas is an airline of:

a. USA
b. Australia
c. Singapore
d. None of these

xi. The first Muslim Nobel Laureate was:

a. Anwar Saadat of Egypt

b. Yasser Arafat of Palestine
c. Abdus Salam of Pakistan
d. None of these

xii. Darfur conflict is in:

a. Somalia
b. Sudan
c. Liberia
d. None of these

xiii. Parachinar is the main town of:

a. Khyber Agency
b. North Waziristan
c. South Waziristan
d. None of these

xiv. One US Barrel oil is equal to:

a. 20 litres
b. 30 litres
c. 50 litres
d. None of these

xv. Ringgit is the currency unit of:

a. Singapore
b. Philippines
c. Malaysia
d. None of these

xvi. Pakistan is the Chairman of:


a. Non-Aligned Movement
c. Group of 77
d. None of these

xvii. The First President of America who made an official visit to Pakistan was:

a. Richard Nixon
b. Dwight D. Eishenhower
c. Lyndon B Johnson
d. None of these

xviii. The ‘Aid to Pakistan Consortium” meet every year in:

a. London
b. New York
c. Paris
d. None of these

xix. General Michael Hayden is the:

a. President of Chile
b. Defense Secretary of United States
c. Commander NATO’s force in Afghanistan
d. None of these

xx. Which of the following International Organizations has no formal structure and Secretariat?

a. Green Peace
b. D-8
c. G-8
d. None of these


(i) Part-II is to be attempted on the separate Answer Book.
(ii) Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. All questions carry equal marks.
(iii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered.

Q.2. The rise of religious extremism and militancy has become a major challenge to Pakistan’s internal
stability and promotion of democracy. Elaborate. (20)

Q.3. The amicable solution of Siachen glacier and Sir Creek maritime boundary disputes might harbinger
the settlement of the core issue of Kashmir between Pakistan and India. Discuss. (20)

Q.4. Why Pakistan is desperately seeking full-fledged membership in the Shanghai Cooperation

Organization? (20)

Q.5. Discuss the potential challenges Pakistan is facing in the WTO regime. (20)

Q.6. Discuss the various dimensions of Pakistan US relations in the wake of Pakistan’s playing the role as a
frontline state against International terrorism. (20)

Q.7. How far India factor is responsible for the present state of Pakistan-Afghanistan relations? Analyze.

Q.8. Write notes on any TWO of the following: (10+10)

a. NATO’s expansion is Eastern Europe

c. Afghanistan is SAARC
d. Great Game in Central Asia
e. Palestine issue.


Q. 2 why most countries of the Muslim world are devoid of democratic governance? What changes would you
recommend to make them modern democratic states?

Q. 3 Dynastic Politics in South Asia has become a norm rather than a exception what are the merits and demerits of
this political arrangement? Analyze and comment?

Q. 4 The strength of Chinese economy is perceived as a threat by USA to its dwindling hegemony. What changes at
policy level are required by America for harmonious relations with china?

Q.5 In the present day turbulent World, most of the countries in East Asia have been relatively calm and stable in
Political & Economic sphere. What reasons would you assign for this success?

Q. 6 Democracy in Pakistan has remained an elusive dream. Why it has taken so long to develop a road map and
follow it with necessary modification? Explain

Q. 7 The attack on Iraq by USA was an attempt to control oil resources of the area and redraw the map of middle
east. Having failed in to achieve both objectives, what policy options would be required by USA towards middle
east for peaceful relations?

Q.8 Write Short Notes on any two

A. Combating corruption in developing countries?
B. Free Market economy and economic melt down
C. Improving Quality of life in Africa
D. Economic Potential of Central Asia.


Q.2. "The troubling issue in Pak.pertains to an overbearing centre's supremacy in the federations and the resulting
demand for Provincial autonomy."discuss.

Q.3. "Pakistan provides the natural link btw the Sco states to connect the Eurasian heartland with the Arabian sea

and south asia."

substantiate Pak's claim for the membership of Sco in the view of the above mentioned statement:

Q.4. The issue of central imp.about corruption and accountability in Pak is the increase in corruption despite six
decades of efforts to eradicate it.Analyse and comment on the root cause of rampant corruption in the society.

Q.5. President obama's extended hand of friendship to china ushers in a new era of realist diplomacy in washington.
Highlight the new dimensions of U.S.foreign policy towards People's Republic of china.

Q.6. That feasible measures would you suggest to bridge the existing trust deficit btw Pak and India for the
resumption of stalled process of composite dialogue.

Q.7. "The new afghan strategy of U.S.,in fact,is a veiled request for their safe exit-.It is a gamble.the price of victory
will be high and the price of failure is incalculable."analyse and comment?

Q.8. Write notes on any two of the followings:

a.liberhan commission report.
b.aghaz-e-haqooq balochistan package.
C.jewish settlements in Palestinian terroritories.
d.chinese aided development Projects in Pak.
(i) the world highest Mountain is in
(a) Nepal
(b) Italy
(c) Srilanka
(d) China

(ii) on the map of the world which country appears as long shoe?
(a) Italy
(b) Malta
(c) Croatia
(d) Moldova

(iii) The Headquarter of Red Cross are in:

(a) London
(b) New York
(c) Berlin
(d) Geneva

(iv) Diamer-Bhasha Dam has been planned on the river:

(a) Jehlum
(b) Chenab
(c) Indus
(d) None of these

(v) Hajj Scam 2010 struck a blow to:

(a) Fazal-ur-Rehman
(b) Azam sawati, Hamid Saeed Kazmi
(c) Ishaq Dar
(d) Inamullah

(vi) Who was the special representative of USA for Afghanistan and Pakistan Affairs?
(a) Richard Holbrook
(b) Joan Alizabeth
(c) Gen. Mc Arthur
(d) None of these

(vii) AFPAK policy was announced in:

(a) 2008
(b) 2009
(c) 2007
(d) None of these

(viii) Ship mounted energy project (activated in Pakistan: 2010) is sponsored by:
(a) Saudi Arabia
(b) China
(c) Turkey
(d) None of these

(ix) Asian Development Bank was established in

(a) 1964
(b) 1966
(c) 1968
(d) 1960

(x) Who were the three statesmen who formulated Non-aligned Movement?
(a) Gandhi, Naseer, Tito
(b) Nehru, Naseer, Tito
(c) Chou-en-lai, Bhutto, Nehru
(d) Soe Karno, Naseer, Tito

(xi) The permanent secretariat of SAARC is established at:

(a) Kathmandu
(b) Dhaka
(c) Delhi
(d) Islamabad

(xii) Which of the following is the largest emitter of Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?
(a) China
(b) America
(c) Russia
(d) India

(xiii) The Rio conference on sustainable development was convinced in:

(a) 1972

(b) 1992
(c) 2002
(d) None of these

(xiv) World Trade Organization was established in:

(a) 1992
(b) 1993
(c) 1994
(d) 1995

(xv) How many official working language are recognized by UNO?

(a) 8
(b) 6
(c) 7
(d) 4

(xvi) The first UN conference on sustainable development happened in:

(a) 1952
(b) 1962
(c) 1972
(d) 1982

(xvii) Mirani Dam Exist in:

(a) Sindh
(b) Balouchistan
(c) Punjab
(d) None of these

(xviii) The founder of wikileaks scam belongs to:

(a) America
(b) England
(c) Australia
(d) Austria

(xix) There are how many non permanent members of Security Council?
(a) 12
(b) 13
(c) 14
(d) 10

(xx) Pakistan has become non permanent member of Security council for:
(a) Five times

(b) Two times

(c) Three times
(d) Six times


Q.2 What is AFPAK policy; how to manage its implication on Pakistan?

Q.3 If India is granted Permanente seat in Security Council; what can be the options available to Pakistan to manage
the Indian Hegemony in South Asia?

Q.4 How Pakistan can reduce foreign debt? Suggest mechanism in Pakistan economy to handle external perspective
of Pakistan economy.

Q.5 Give recommendations to make SAARC an effective organization at regional level keeping in view success of
European Union.

Q.6 What can be the strategies to reduce dependency of education sector on governmental funding?

Q.7 Give suggestions to manage political instability in Pakistan

Q.8 What is climate change impact? What are its implications on Pakistan? How to manage climate change in policy
and practice?


Q.1 Evaluate the ignificance of water conflict between India and Pakistan in global perspective of climate change.

Q.2 Discuss the mpact of foreign aid on Pakistan in post 9/11 scenario.

Q.3 Substantiate Pakistan's role in Common wealth.

Q.4 How can the energy crisis of Pakistan be resolved?

Q.5 Discuss issues in the higher educational system vis-a-vis 18th amendment in Pakistan

Q.6 How the corruption be managed in Pakistan?

Q.7 Discuss impact of economic development of China on World Order.


Q2: Discuss the successes and failures of political parties in bringing about a meaningful change in Pakistan.

Q3: Discuss the current socio-political and security situation of Afghanistan and its implications for the
neighbouring countries.

Q4: How will "Arab spring" effect the political and security environment in the Arab World?

Q5: Discuss the importance of Pak-China relations. How does this relationship effect political and security
environment in South Asia?

Q6: Discuss the causes of extremism and militancy in Pakistani society. Suggest ways and means for the state
organs to overcome these problems.

Q7: Resolution of Kashmir issue between India and Pakistan can bring peace and prosperity in the region. Discuss.

Q8: Critically evaluate the causes of Energy crisis in Pakistan and its concequences for the ecnomic growth and
socail fabric in the country.


Q.2. Evaluate the significance of water conflict between India and Pakistan in perspective of water management
projects in Indian held Kashmir.

Q.3. Discuss the impact of AFPAK policy on Pak-US relations.

Q.4. Substantiate Pakistan's role in UN peace keeping missions.

Q.5. Critically appreciate the decision making in Pakistan regarding energy crisis in Pakistan.

Q.6. What is character building? Access the factor (character building) in education systems of Pakistan and give
suggestions for improvement.

Q.7. How can the corruption elimination be made part of the government systems of Pakistan.

Q.8. Discuss the strengths of USA to implement its economic policies worldwide.

Q.3 . what is the role of education in character building of a nation? Highlight major pitfalls in pakistan’s
educational systems. (20)
Q.4. Define term “good governance”. What measures the present government should take to improve its
performance? (20)
Q.5. Do you believe that main cause of 2014 floods was indian “water terrorism” or it was due to awful
mismanagement of water resources in pakistan? (20)
Q.6 what are the causes of arab spring? Identify their impacts on the future politics of the region. (20)
Q.7 : Do you agree that pakistan’s role in afghan jihad against soviet union was the root cause of terrorism in
pakistan or it is a reaction of US invasion of Afghanistan after 9/11 and pakistan’s U-turn in afghan policy? (20)

Q.8: Critically evaluate the counter terrorism policy of pakistan and suggest measures to eradicate this evil. (20)
2016 current affairs paper

1. Discuss in detail the efficacy of counter terrorism measures adapted by government especially with
reference to the national action plan?
2. what measures would you suggest to improve the economy of Pakistan particularly in the areas of debt
reduction and enhancing export capability?
3. Discuss the possibilities of progress under the recently agreed rubric of comprehensive dialogue between
pak and your opinion what are the major constraints at present?
4. discuss the prospects and challenges to the construction of will CPEC become a game changer
for the region?
5. how do you see recent developments in the middle east,particularly with reference to the deteriorating
relations between Saudi Arabia and iran.what role,if any , pakistan could play in reducing the tensions
between two muslim countries?
6. examine the emerging strategic competition between china and US and its impact on global order?
7. discuss the adverse impact of climate change on the world and the measures recently adopted by the paris
conference to address this issue?


Part 1 MCQ’s

Q.1 Select the best option/answer and fill in the appropriate box on the answer sheet

(i) mention the religious book(s) of Buddism:

(a) Weena pataka
(b) Sata pataka
(c) Abhi dhaman pataka
(d) All of these
(e) None of these

(ii) What was the Religious of the majority of the Arabs before Islam?
(a) Buddhism
(b) Jewish
(c) Idolatrous
(d) Christianity
(e) None of these

(iii) Name of the son of Hazarat Yaqoob (A.S) whose off-springs are the Jews.
(a) Tibrani
(b) Yahooda
(c) Ishaq (a.s)
(d) Yousaf (a.s)
(e) None of these

(iv) which book is called old testament?

(a) zuboor
(b) torait
(c) injeel
(d) quran
(e) none of these

(v) What was the total number of idols which were fixed around the Kaaba?

(a) 260
(b) 360
(c) 460
(d) 560
(e) None of these

(vi) Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) was born about three thousands years, after:
(a) Hazrat Ismaeel (A.S)
(b) Hazrat Ibraheem (A.S)
(c) Hazrat Moosa (A.S)
(d) Hazrat Eessaa (A.S)
(e) None of these

(vii) Who suggested name “Ahmed” for the Holy Prophet (PBUH)?
(a) Hazrat Abdul Mutalib
(b) Hazrat Abu Talib
(c) Hazrat Abdullah
(d) Hazrat Hamza (R.A)

(e) None of these

(viii) When Hazrat Umer (R.A) embraced Islam?

(a) 600 A.D
(b) 608 A.D
(c) 612 A.D
(d) 616 A.D
(e) None of these

(ix) Zou-Shadatian is title of Hazrat:

(a) Khuzaima bin Sabit (R.A)
(b) Huzaifa bin Yaman (R.A)
(c) Ammar bin Yasir (R.A)
(d) Ahmed bin Hanbal
(e) None of these

(x) Which country is known as the “Land of Prophets”?

(a) Iraq
(b) Saudi Arabia
(c) Palestine
(d) Syria
(e) None of these

(xi) What is Tahleel?

(a) Recitation of 4th kalima
(b) Recitation of 3rd kalima
(c) Recitation of 2nd kalima
(d) Recitation of 1st kalima
(e) None of these

(xii) Name the 8th months of Islamic Calendar.

(a) Rabi-ul-Awal
(b) Rajab
(c) Ramzan
(d) Shaban
(e) None of these

(xiii) 9th Zil-Hajja is also called:

(a) Yaum-e-Arfat
(b) Waquf-e-Arafat
(c) Yaum-e-Mina
(d) Waqufe-e-Mina
(e) None of these

(xiv) Name the 1st man who issued regular order to collect and write Ahadis:
(a) Hazrat Umer bin khattab (R.A)
(b) Hazrat Usman bin Affan (R.A)
(c) Hazrat Ali bin Abu Talib (R.A)
(d) Hazrat Umer bin Abdul Aziz (R.A)
(e) None of these

(xv) The duration of third period of the compilation of Hadis is:

(a) 171 to 220 A.H
(b) 171 to 221 A.H
(c) 171 to 222 A.H
(d) 171 to 223 A.H

(e) None of these

(xvi) Surah Hajj consist of 10 Rukus and _________ Ayats.

(a) 70
(b) 75
(c) 78
(d) 82
(e) None of these

(xvii) Surah Saba is:

(a) Makki
(b) Madni
(c) Iraqi
(d) Makki madni
(e) None of these

(xviii) Who considered the Quran as the creature of Allah?

(a) Khawarji
(b) Mo,atazila
(c) Shami
(d) Kuif
(e) None of these

(xix) To which tribe did Hazrat Khalid-bin-Waleed (R.A) belong?

(a) Banu Ummayya
(b) Banu Asad
(c) Banu Zuhra
(d) Banu Makhzoom
(e) None of these

(xx) Which Sahabi was died in the hands of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in the battle of Uhad?
(a) Hazrat Haris-bin-Haris (R.A)
(b) Hazrat Haris-bin-Azima (R.A)
(c) Hazrat Haris-bin-Hassan (R.A)
(d) Hazrat Haris-bin-Hakeem (R.A)
(e) None of these


Q.2 To follow an ideal is very necessary for the progress of nation. In your view what are basic characteristic of
ideal and how Islamic ideology of life affects the individual and communal life with reference to basic characteristic
of Islamic ideology? Elucidate.

Q.3 what is meant by civilization and culture and how it effects collective life and also analyzes the foundation of
modern civilization and highlights the problems caused by it?

Q.4 Discuss the concept of veil and freedom of woman from Islamic point of view while analyzing the law against
veil in France.

Q.5 it is necessary to establish priority of law for the development of society. What is your point of view that today
Islamic punishments are regarded as Savagery? While discussing the Islamic philosophy of the reward and
punishment also describe the basic characteristic of Islamic concept of punishments.

Q.6 it is the period of basic human rights. What is meant by human rights and what is a western concept of human
right, discuss human rights of Islam in the light of the sermon of Hajjatul Widah.

Q.7 In the present period the Muslim Ummah is facing different problems and for the solution of these problem
“ijtehad” is necessary, so point out such an institution that can offer solution of the new problems with the help of

Q.8 Discuss in detail the importance of Akle-Halal form Islamic pint of view and explain how unfair resources can
be checked in the light of Islamic teachings?

Q.9 In the present era, Muslim Ummah has all the resources, but it is the victim of disunity, while analysis the
reasons of disunity, suggest measures to maintain unity amount the Muslim Ummah.



Q.2. What is meant by Day of Judgement? What are its impacts on human life?

Q.3. In the light of 'Inna-as-Salata-tanha-un-al-fahshai-wal-munkir', Describe the advantages and effects of prayer?

Q.4. The political system of Islam guarantees the prosperity of State. Discuss.

Q.5. Describe the concept of modern civilization and its effects on Muslim Ummah.

Q.6. Islam is a complete code of life. Discuss.

Q.7. Discuss human rights of Islam in the light of the sermon of Hajjatul Wida.

Q.8. Explain the economical rules of Islam in the light of Social Justice.

Q.9. Describe the necessity and importance of religion for man and its effects on human life.

Q.10. What do you mean by Shariah? Elaborate the different sources of Shariah.

Q.11. Discuss in detail the collection and compilation of Quran.



Q.No.1. Select the best option/answer:

1. The largest Surah of the Quran is:

a. Al-Baqrah
b. Aali Imran
c. Al-Taubah
d. Surah Younus
e. None of these

2. Fidk Garden was bestowed to the Holy Prophet (SAW) as:

a. Fay
b. Booty
c. Gift
d. Loan
e. None of these

3. Arbeen is the book of Hadith in which there are:

a. 40 Ahadith
b. 50 Ahadith
c. 30 Ahadith
d. 20 Ahadith
e. None of these

4. The heads of Zakat are:

a. 8
b. 9
c. 7
d. 5
e. None of these

5. Mauwazatain mean:
a. A Collection of Ahadith
b. Two specific Surah of Quran
c. A book of Jafferi Fiqh
d. A book of Hanafi Fiqh
e. None of these

6. The numbers of famous months are:

a. 4
b. 6
c. 7
d. 2
e. None of these

7. Jabal-e-Noor is situated in:

a. Arafat
b. Ghar-i-Hira
c. Ghar-i-Saur
d. Madinah
e. None of these

8. Which country is known as the “Land of Prophet”?

a. Iraq
b. Saudi Arabia
c. Palestine
d. Syria
e. None of these

9. Zou-Shahadatein is the title of Hazrat:

a. Khuzaima Bin Sabit (RA)
b. Huzaifa Bin Yaman (RA)
c. Ammar Bin Yasir (RA)
d. Imam Abu Hanifa
e. None of these

10. Sura Saba i:

a. Makki
b. Madani
c. Iraqi
d. Makki Madni
e. None of these

11. Which Surah of Quran has Bismillah twice?

a. Al-Nahal
b. Al-Namal
c. Al-Ahzab
d. Al-Noor
e. None of these

12. Imam-e-Darul-Hijra was a title of:

a. Imam Ahmad
b. Imam Maalik
c. Imam Shafai
d. Imam Muhammad
e. None of these

13. Masjid Qiblatain is situated in:

a. Madinah
b. Makkah
c. Taif
d. Jabal e Noor
e. None of these

14. Which is a religious book of Hinduism?

a. Injeel
b. Taurat
c. Ramain
d. Bibel
e. None of these

15. The first Islamic month is:

a. Muharram
b. Zil Hajjah
c. Safar
d. Rajab
e. None of these

16. Which was the total number of idols were in the Kaaba?
a. 260
b. 360
c. 460
d. 560
e. None of these

17. Batha Valley is situated in:

a. Makkah
b. Madinah
c. Iraq
d. Jordan
e. None of these

18. Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) gave the key of Bait-Ullah permanently to:
a. Ummrah bin Utba
b. Hanzla bin Abil Amir
c. Usman Bin Talha
d. Abdullah bin Amir
e. None of these

19. AshabusSabt mean:

a. Jews
b. Christians
c. Muslims
d. Sabieen
e. None of these

20. The word Muhammad (SAW) as a name has been mentioned in Quran only:
a. Two time
b. Four time
c. Six time
d. Seven time
e. None of these


Attempt ONLY FIVE questions.

Q.No.2. What is Human Dignity? Explain how Islam recognized it and what efforts have been adopted to maintain
the superiority of man? (16)

Q.No.3 Describe the importance and philosophy of Fasting (SAUM). Also explain its individual and collective
benefits? (16)

Q.No.4. Define Tauheed (Unity of Allah) in a scholarly manner describing its significance and its effects on human
life? (16)

Q.No.5. What is the significance of “Jihad” in the light of Quran and Sunnah? What are its kinds, principles and
conditions? (16)

Q.No.6. Define and explain Judicio-Political System of Islam? (16)

Q.No.7. write down in detail the problems of “Ummah” in the contemporary world.

Q.No.8. Discuss the concept of veil and freedom of women from Islamic point of view while analyzing the law
against veil in France. (16)

Q.No.9. The Holy Quran is the fountain-head at all kind of knowledge. Discuss (16)


2: Discuss the possibilities of establishment of an Islamic state under the present Political system of democracy.

3: Describe the Islamic concept of peace in the light of Quran and Sunnah

4: Describe tje wisdom of gradual revealation of Quran for Islamic Law

5: Describe the limitation of Co-existence and contradiction in the islamic and western social system

6: Describe the status and aim of Islamic Ummah in the light of ‫انتم اال علوں ان کنتم مومنین‬

7: Give comparitive review on the role of woman in islam and modern society

8: Good combination of the reason (intellect) and Revelation can resolve today's issues of humankind. discuss

9: In the presence of interest based global financial system, discuss the possibility of interest free Islamic Financial

2: Explain concept & structure of Muslim Ummah and give suggestions for its revival.

3: What is differnce between Jihad and Fasaad? Discuss the possibility of practical application of Quranic concept of
Jihad in current international scenario.

4: The entire faith in Prophethood is unacceptable without faith in finality of the Prophethood. Discuss in the light of
Quran & Sunnah.

5: Highlight the importance of Zakaat and prove that economic stability of a society can be ensured through its
effective implementation.

6: Write a comprehensive note on the importance of sunnah in interpretation and legislation.

7: Argue for supremacy of "Wahi" as the solution of human problems against other sources of knowledge.

8: Stability of modern society depends upon a strong family system in the light of islamic principles. Discuss

9: Give comparison of Islamic Ideology and modern Western thought about the present trends of individuality.

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