Bats and Birds: With Curt Black

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Rainier Audubon Society October 2008

October 20, Monday, at 7:00 PM

Rainier Audubon Presents

Bats and Birds with Curt Black

Unless you are in a steel-and-glass downtown office tower, chances are youʼre within
50 feet of a bat. If that bothers you — even a little — you should join us for this
monthʼs program, Bats and Birds with Curt Black. Both kids and adults will share a
fun flight through stunning video and audio that will challenge your preconceptions about bats. We will look at
how bats and birds have solved the same challenges in very different ways — or occasionally almost identically.
Do you bird by ear? Weʼll see if you can tell a bat from a bird. Weʼll look at the effects of wind turbines on
bats and identify habitat-enhancement steps you can take, including the
proper construction and installation of bat houses – modified so they really
work in Washington state. Weʼll finish by considering the conservation needs
of both bats and birds.

Curt Black is an environmental scientist with the EPA, where he works on

hazardous waste sites. In his free time, he talks and walks all things bat.
He is a technical advisor to Bats Northwest and helps with their annual
Bat Ambassador trainings. He has also worked with the Washington Bat
Working Group and the Northwest Bat Cooperative and the Bat Grid
Project. He has a BS in Geology and a BS in Zoology and a Masters in
Hydrogeology, all from the University of Texas. Most of all, he likes focusing
peopleʼs attention on the things around us that are usually invisible or

Please join Rainier Audubon as we welcome Curt and participate in what

promises to be a spectacular and informative program. Refreshments and conversation available before,
during, and following the program.

Federal Way United Methodist Church

29645 - 51st Ave. So.
(Actually in Auburn) 98001

Directions: In Federal Way, take 320th St. EAST past The Commons, crossing over I-5 and Military Rd. At 321st St,
turn left. Stay on 321st as it becomes 51st Ave. So. Follow 51st St. to 296th. Church will be on your left at 296th.

Check us out on the web:

Our Mission
To conserve and restore natural ecosystems and protect birds and other
wildlife for the benefit of humanity and biological diversity in
South King County and the world we live in.


President ................................................. OPEN

Vice President ........................................ Steve Feldman .................. (360) 802-5211
Treasurer ................................................ Jim Tooley ........................ (253) 854-3070
Program Chair ....................................... Dale Meland ..................... (253) 946-1637
Field Trip Chair ..................................... Carol Schulz ..................... (206) 824-7618
Backyard Habitat Program Chair .......... Carol Stoner ...................... (253) 854-3207
Conservation Chair ................................ Dan Streiffert ................... (253) 852-8394
Christmas Bird Count Coordinator ....... Nancy Streiffert ................ (253) 852-8394
Education Chair .................................... Annette Tabor .................. (253) 927-3208
Membership Chair ................................ Pat Toth ........................... (206) 767-4944
Newsletter Editor .................................. Nancy Hertzel .................. (253) 255-1808
Mailing Crew ....................................... Debra Russell ................... (425) 271-0682
Board Member...................................... Tricia MacLaren ................ (360) 802-0304
Board Member...................................... Erin Wojewodzki-Prinsen ... (425) 432-9965
Board Member.................................. Max Prinsen ....................... (425) 432-9965


Rainier Audubon Society

PO Box 778
Auburn WA 98071
(253) 852-8394


The Christmas bird count (CBC) is
coming up! The time from now until
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28 Sunday, December 28, will fly as fast
as the birds heading south! Previous
participants and new people are
This fall, Rainier Audubon will be welcome to join experienced leaders
offering an Introduction to Birding as we explore our
class. This enjoyable class will consist assigned area -
of one lecture, and two fun and centered on the
educational field trips. east hill of Kent and
extending north
Class will be held at to Renton, east to
the Federal Way United Maple Valley, west to
Methodist Church the Sound and south
(see address and to Pierce County.
directions on page 1)
on Tuesday evening, We start at dawn and finish at dusk
October 28, from 6:30 — some diehards come earlier and
PM - 9:30 PM. Field stay later to look and listen for owls.
trips will be Saturday, Afterwards, at Federal Way United
November 1, and Methodist Church, we warm up at a
Saturday, November potluck dinner, share stories of our
8, 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM. Your teachers day, and tally the numbers of each
will be Master Birder Carol Schulz and species seen. This data goes to the
Assistant Instructor Debra Russell. Cornell Lab of Ornithology, where it
adds to the previous years of research
We will use the National Geographic by citizen scientists like us all over
Field Guide to Birds of North America the country to show trends in bird
(3rd, 4th, or 5th edition) as the class populations and dynamics.
text. Please bring this guide to class.
Please call Nancy Streiffert at (253)
Cost will be $25 for Rainier members 796-2203 or email her at
and $40 for non-members. For more
information or to reserve a spot in the for information or
class, please call or email Carol Schulz to sign up.
at (206) 824-7618 or


Field Trips by Carol Schulz

West Seattle in the Fall Weekly Bird Walks at Nisqually

Sunday, October 12 Wednesdays 7:30 AM to Noon
8:00 AM to About 1:00 PM Leader: Phil Kelley
Leader: Kathy Andrich Big changes are happening at Nisqually NWR!

Visit the West Seattle shoreline in the fall when the Join Phil on his weekly bird walk as he counts the
seabirds return to Puget Sound. We will be look- birds at Nisqually NWR. On the first Wednesday
ing for seaducks, shorebirds, grebes, Brant geese, of the month, the group walks fairly quickly on a
mixed flocks of small birds, and resident Bald longer hike; other weeks, the trip is shorter, out to
Eagles. the Twin Barns, the Nisqually overlook area, and
the riparian area, totaling about 3 miles.
BRING: Gear and clothing for changeable October
weather. Bring a scope if you have one. Bring BRING: Good walking shoes or boots, raingear,
coffee money, as we will stop at the Alki Bakery water, snacks, and $3 entry fee unless you have a
for coffee and a snack. pass. Scopes are welcome.

MEET: At the Kent-Des Moines Park & Ride at MEET: At the Visitorʼs Center.
8:00 AM to carpool.
DIRECTIONS: Take I-5 south from Tacoma and
DIRECTIONS: Take 1-5 to exit 149, go east exit to Nisqually NWR at exit 114. Take a right at
(toward Kent) on Kent-Des Moines Rd 1/2 block, the light.
then take a left onto Military Rd. The P & R is on
the left. SIGN-UP: Call or email Phil to confirm details
(especially during the trail construction period):
SIGN-UP: Contact Kathy Andrich at (206) 390- (360) 459-1499,
3159 or at
[Construction on a 3-4 year estuary reconstruction
project has begun on some of the trails. The trail
to McAllister Creek will be closed temporarily.
For more information about trail closures, go to and click on Events
and News.]


Field Trips, cont.

Port Orchard & Southworth Ferry White-tailed Kites in the Fall

Saturday, October 18 Sunday, November 16
8:00 AM to Late Afternoon 7:30 AM to Late Afternoon
Leader: Jeff Cohen Leader: Roger Orness
Assistant Leader: Carol Schulz
White-tailed Kites are not known to migrate, but
Take a very interesting birding trip with Jeff the dispersal of the young and the possibility of
Cohen in the Purdy and Port Orchard areas! late nesting pairs can be found in fall. Our trip
Carol and the group will drive over the Tacoma will take us through several valleys where kites
Narrows Bridge to meet Jeff Cohen in Gig nested in the past, and we will also seek kites in
Harbor. After birding those areas with Jeff, we new areas. Our main target bird will be a fresh
will return to Seattle and then back home via plumaged juvenile. We also should see good
the Southworth Ferry and I-5. We will visit numbers of other raptors. This trip is limited to
freshwater and saltwater lakes, parks, and seven people and two vehicles, so sign up early to
beaches, and secure a spot.
we will also
check a couple BRING: Scopes, binoculars, lunch, and snacks.
of places for Be prepared for a long drive and a long day,
Mountain returning to Tacoma in late afternoon.
Quail. On
the ferry ride MEET: At the McDonaldʼs Restaurant at the
home with Hwy. 512 Park & Ride at 7:30. Depart promptly.
Carol, we will
be looking Directions: Take I-5 to Hwy. 512 south of
for seabirds Tacoma. Turn right and take an immediate
on Puget Sound. The mid-afternoon Southworth left on South Tacoma Way. Travel south one
ferry will be sailing from near Pt. Orchard, block, and turn left into the Park & Ride. Meet
stop briefly at Vashon Island, and continue to near McDonalds.
Fauntleroy in Seattle.
SIGN-UP: Call or email Roger Orness,
BRING: Lunch, snacks, warm and waterproof (253) 922-7516, or at
clothing, and hot drinks. Bring money to share
for the ferry ride which will be $11.15 per car.
Scopes are very welcome.

MEET: Meet Carol at the Kent / Des Moines Port Orchard Field Trip, cont.
Park & Ride at 7:30 AM to carpool. Her cell
number that morning is (206) 953-7204. Directions: Take I-5 to exit 149, go east (toward
Kent) on Kent-Des Moines Rd. 1/2 block, turn
[ALTERNATIVE MEETING SPOT: Jeff says left onto Military Rd. Park & Ride is on the left.
that people coming from the south can meet him
in Gig Harbor. Talk to Jeff for details.] SIGN-UP: Email or call Jeff Cohen, at
(Continued, next column) (206) 354-5542, or


Rainier Scholarship Goes to Charlie Wright!
By Carol Schulz

In gratitude for all the work Charlie Wright has done for Rainier and for the birding
community, in September, the Rainier Board awarded him a $1,000 scholarship.

Now 19, Charlie became interested in birds at the age of six. Soon his dad became
interested, too. As Charlie’s skills and involvement in the local birding community
progressed, his family supported him
wholeheartedly. He and his younger brother
Nick were home-schooled for many years, so
he was able to go birding during the week with
his family and with various Audubon members.
He learned quickly and soon found himself the
teacher to older, more experienced birders. He
is now one of the top birders in the state. His
“yard list” at home in Bonney Lake stands at
150, one of the top yard lists in the state.

Charlie has volunteered his time and skills

for Rainier Audubon for the past eight years.
He started birding with us at age 11 and was
officially leading field trips by age 12! Also
at 12, he took over writing the Seen & Heard
column in the Heron Herald, a position that
requires a strong base of knowledge about birds
in our area. Charlie proved to be a great writer
and for the next eight years, Rainier counted its

Charlie began helping on a birding route

during our Christmas Bird Counts when he was
11, has continued every year, and for the last several CBCs, has also served as species
compiler. He has participated in the monthly Green River Natural Resource Area bird
censuses in Kent for many years. He has had opportunities to do some birding in several
other states, has gone to Mexico four times, and also birded in Hawaii and Peru. This
summer, he did breeding bird surveys in New Hampshire in the White Mountains.

Charlie has made a number of notable contributions to birding, and discovered several
first state record bird species. Two were in Washington State: a Black-tailed Gull, and a
Baikal Teal. People came from all over the U.S. to view those birds.

Now in his sophomore year at a local community college, Charlie hopes to get an AA in
Biology or Science. He is very interested in doing tropical bird study in the future. Because
he is in college, he has had to step down from writing the Seen & Heard column, but he will
continue to help us do our Christmas Bird Counts. Rainier Audubon owes a lot to Charlie
Wright, his father Gordon, and his mother Katy who supported him as he developed his
birding knowledge and skills.


A New Shorebird Spot Close to Home
Last year, Carol Schulz found interesting birds at the pond in front of Toysmith in the Kent Valley.
This year, Kathy Andrich has found Greater Yellowlegs, Pectoral Sandpipers, Semipalmated
Sandpiper, Semipalmated Plover, and Wilson’s Snipe, as well as Least and Western sandpipers at a
new pond at a construction site just south of Toysmith. If you don’t have the time or don’t want to
buy the gas to go to the coast, take a look at this pond south of Toysmith.

From Renton, take 167 southbound and exit at 277th. Turn left
at the end of the ramp and cross over the freeway. The Toysmith
building is on your right. Turn right at the light and follow
Frontage Road past the Toysmith building. The construction
pond is on the left.

From Auburn/Federal Way, take 167 northbound and exit at

277th. Turn right at the end of the ramp. The Toysmith building
is on your right. Turn right at the light and follow Frontage
Road past the Toysmith building. The construction pond is on
the left.

Upcoming Rainier Programs

Programs are held the 3rd Monday of each month at 7:00 PM
Federal Way United Methodist Church

November 2008
All About Optics
Jim Danzenbaker and Jim Ullrich

December 2008
Getting Started with Gull Identification: How to Find the Gull of Your Dreams
Mike Donahue

January 2009
Nature and Bird Photography
Paul Bannick

February 2009
Washingtonʼs Not-So-Common Loon
Ginger Gumm and Daniel Poleshook, Jr

April 2009
Townsendʼs Shearwater of Isla Sorroca, Mexico
Peter Hodum


Rainier Audubon Membership Subscription Form
One-year Membership in Rainier Audubon — $15
To join, mail this application with your payment to:

Rainier Audubon Society - Membership

PO Box 778
Auburn, WA 98071

Name _______________________________________________________________________________

Address _____________________________________________________________________________

City ____________________________________________ State ______________ Zip ______________

Email _______________________________________________________________________________

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