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Anaheim High School

Comprehensive School Counseling Program

[Author Name]

Table of Contents

Mission Statement

Summary of Data

Needs Assessments:




School Wide Action Plan

Class Plan: Common Application

Lesson: Common Application

Survey: Common Application

Class Plan: Resume Building

Lesson: Resume Building

Survey: Resume Building

Class Plan: Cyberbullying

Lesson: Cyberbullying

Survey: Cyberbullying

Closing the Gap Plan

Mission Statement

The mission of the Anaheim High School Counseling Program is to advocate on behalf of the
student in multiple aspects of his/her life. Guided by the ASCA National Model, our main
objective is to help students identify their skills and enable them to excel in school and achieve
the highest possible education. Additionally, the School Counseling program will provide
students with multiple forms of information for either continuing their educational careers or
starting jobs. School counselors will, finally, push students to reach their greatest potentials in
preparation for lifelong learning.

1: Students will acquire skills to identify and pursue their passions.
2: Students will enroll in courses to meet requirements of UC/CSU admission.
3: Students will complete high school with knowledge and essential skills for workforce or
college options.
4: Students will develop a 4-year plan to meet course completion standards and ensure
graduation requirements.

Anaheim High School’s data has shown multiple recurrent themes including low drive to
complete UC/CSU required classes, high interest in Career and Technical Education classes, and
low passing rate for standardized testing. We think that as counselors our mission is to ensure
that all students’ needs are met to the best of our abilities. To do so, we think that our focus
should be on identifying the skills and strengths of students, ensuring that students are achieving
the highest form of education, and that students are college and career ready by graduation. By
identifying the skills of the students and creating a safe learning environment, we think that
students will become passionate about attending school and create a love for learning in
themselves. Looking at the data and focusing on specific areas of need, we will teach students
how to apply themselves and we will show teachers new methods of teaching to ensure that all
students are learning the material. By pushing students to perform at the top level of academics,
we will address the specific areas of concern in testing and low interest in AP courses. For
college and career readiness, we will promote classes that are required for UC/CSU admission
and have college representatives come speak to students about the benefits of attaining a post-
secondary education. Lastly, developing productive work habits and organizational skills in the
classroom through workshops and classroom tutorials will help students be successful in either
college or the workforce.

Looking at the data for Anaheim High School, there were many major concerns that were

apparent. While each class size (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior) is very large, the number

of students slightly decreases as the grade increases (861, 812, 794, 739). The student body is

made up of predominantly Hispanic or Latino students (94.2%) and predominantly

socioeconomically disadvantaged students (90.9%). Classroom sizes have dramatically gone up

in the past three years, to almost all classes having between 23-33+ students while the average

class size remains 22, regardless of subject taught. There are 9 academic counselors and 0

social/behavioral or career development counselors.

In regards to the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress Results,

only 16% of students meet or exceed the standards for mathematics, and 38% for English

Language Arts/Literacy. That 16% of English is made up of almost all the students with

disabilities (84%) and more than half of the students who are Hispanic or latino (60%). For math,

83% of the Hispanic or latino population, 83% of the socioeconomically disadvantaged

population, and 98% of students with disabilities did not meet the standards.

The percentage of students scoring proficient or advanced in the California Standards

Tests for Science has decreased the past three years (47%, 45%, 43%). The lowest performing

student groups are students who are English learners or socioeconomically disadvantaged. Only

22.10% of 9th grade students are meeting all six requirements for the California Fitness Test.

85.57% of the student population is earning a high school diploma as well as completing

a Career Technical Education. However while 99.81% of students are enrolled in courses

required for UC/CSU admission, only 35.13% of graduates completed all courses required for

UC/CSU admission.
Every year, the percentage of students scoring proficient or advanced on the California

High School Exit Exam in the subjects of English-Language Arts and mathematics is decreasing

(47%, 43%, 43%, and 46%, 50%, 44% respectively). In regards to English-Language Arts, 94%

of English learners and 100% of students with disabilities are not proficient. In math, 98% of

students with disabilities and 90% of English learners are not proficient.

Fortunately, in the past three years the dropout rate has gone down (16.9%, 8%, 7.4%)

and the graduation rate has gone up (79.79%, 84.14%, 85.87%). However, Anaheim High School

did not meet the graduation rate the past year. The suspension rate has gone up in the past three

years, as well (4.66, 6.3, 5.76).

With this information, we want to specifically target the students with disabilities and

English learners in regards to meeting standards when it comes to standardized tests. We think

that having meetings with these students weekly in groups or individually will really help them

understand that there is someone rooting for them and someone on their team. Additionally, we

would love to advertise colleges in a more public manner. While we understand that college is

not right for some students, we think that all the students could benefit from learning more about

college and college requirements. Our goal for this year would be for more students to stay in the

UC/CSU admission requirement classes and for more students to pass the standardized tests that

occur throughout the year.

Needs Assessment (Parents)

1. Student grade:
a. 9
b. 10
c. 11
d. 12

2. I know who my child’s school counselor is.

a. Yes
b. No

3. My overall impression of the School Counseling Department at Anaheim High is:

a. Excellent
b. Good
c. Average
d. Poor

4. As a PARENT, I would like to attend a Parent Workshop on the following topics:

a. College Application Process
b. Tips to a Successful High School Experience
c. Helping my Teenager Prepare for his/her Future
d. Understanding Test Scores
e. Understanding Graduation Requirements and Transcripts
f. Understanding Majors of Study
g. Helping my Teen Manage Stress

5. What FIVE (5) topics do you feel are the most important for STUDENTS at Anaheim High
to know about?
a. College Preparedness
b. Career Awareness
c. Goal setting
d. Post-secondary Planning
e. Self esteem
f. Gang awareness
g. Peer pressure
h. Academic motivation
i. Time management and organizational skills
6. Consider the following statements and indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, disagree,
or strongly disagree.
Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly
agree disagree
I know how to contact my child’s school
My child’s school counselor responds to my
requests in a timely manner.
My child feels comfortable talking with his/her
school counselor.
My child’s school counselor has helped with
post-secondary planning through individual
Classroom guidance lessons are beneficial for
students at Anaheim High.
I meet with my child’s school counselor at least
once a year.

Needs Assessment (Students)

1.) Indicate your grade level:

a.) 9th b.) 10th c.) 11th d.) 12th

2.) I have met with my counselor for the following topics (please indicate all that apply):

a.) Personal/family problems

b.) Bullying/Cyberbullying/Conflict with friends

c.) Behavioral Problems

d.) Schedule Changes

e.) Grades/Attendance concerns

f.) Drug and Violence Prevention

g.) Teachers

h.) College/Career Readiness

3.) I know what the school counselors role is here at AHS:

Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree

4.) Do you have a job outside of school?

a) yes

b) no

5.) After high school, I know exactly what I want to do:

Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree

6.) When I graduate, I want to get a good paying job and/or go to college:

Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree

7.) I believe that AHS is doing a good job of preparing me for this goal:
Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree

8.) How important is it to you to be successful in your classes?

a.) Very important

b.) Somewhat important

c.) Neutral

d.) Not Important

9.) The kind of presentations I would like to participate in would be: (check all that apply)

a.) Bullying/Cyberbullying e.) Dating Violence

b.) Decision Making/Self-Esteem c.) Sexual f.) Graduation Requirements g.) Drug
Harassment Awareness
d.) College Readiness/Careers h.) College Entry Exam
Needs Assessment (Teachers)

1. What grade level do you teach?
9th ☐
10th ☐
11th ☐
12th ☐
2. What subject do you teach?

3. To what degree do you believe the following are needed for Student Achievement? (Please
Take home material for students Not important Somewhat Very important

☐ important

(Such as: calculators, books, rulers, etc.)

Not important Somewhat Very important
After school tutoring ☐ important

Not important Somewhat Very important
Study Skills Workshop ☐ important

Not important Somewhat Very important
Parental involvement ☐ important

Not important Somewhat Very important
Peer-to-Peer tutoring program ☐ important

Not important Somewhat Very important
Organizational Skills Workshop ☐ important

Not important Somewhat Very important
Time Management Skills
☐ important


Topic: College Awareness

Creating a “Common Grade: 10

Dates: October 2016 –
November 2016 (follow up:

Application” Account April 2017) Materials:

computer lab, Common

Goal: inform students of the Common Application and set up an account

1. Students will create a Common Application account online.
2. Students will be aware of what is included in the Common Application.
3. Students will know the importance of filling out the Common Application.

• Ask students what they know about the Common Application
• Watch videos of what the Common Application is
o The importance the application plays in the college process
• List all the schools that accept the Common Application

Main Activity:
• Computer lab
o Guided by counselor and projected on screen, log onto Common
Application website, and step-by-step fill out an application
o Students log on to the Common Application website
o Students search around and become acquainted with the website
o Students create an account and begin filling out basic segments
of the application

• Restate the importance of the Common Application
• Ask for questions; encourage students to come see you if they have any
Evaluation: Pre and post test survey

ASCA Mindset/Behavior: MS 2: self-confidence in ability to succeed; MS 4:

understanding that postsecondary education and life-long learning are necessary for long-
term career success
Common Core Standard: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.WHST.9-10.1.D: establish and
maintain a formal style and objective tone while attending to the norms and conventions of
the discipline in which they are writing.
Pre/Post Survey – College Awareness

1. I am planning to attend college after I graduate high school.

a. Yes
b. No
2. I feel that Anaheim High School has adequately prepared me for college.
a. Yes
b. No
3. I have created an account online for the Common Application.
a. Yes
b. No
4. I can name at least two (2) schools that I would like to apply to attend after graduation.
a. Yes
b. No
Topic: How to build a
Resume Building resume
Grade: 12th
Dates: September 2016
Goal: Develop an understanding of how to build a resume Materials:
Objectives: - Blank resume template
1. Students will learn how to get involved more handout
2. Students will learn to build a resume -Word bank for resume
- Community
involvement list
-Engagement Strategy: “How many of you know how to make a good
- Extra Black
-Prior Knowledge: “What are some things you think make a good resume?
What key things should be included?” Students will share their answers.
-Overview: “Today we will be going over how to build a resume and what
makes a good resume.”
-Short video explaining helpful tips for resume building

Main Activity:
(Part 1) Inform students how being involved in extracurricular activities can
help make your resume more competitive and also look more professional
-Handout extracurricular involvement sheet (for outside community resources) and
have them highlight at least 3 that they would want to be involved with
-As a whole group, I will show them how to navigate through the city of Anaheim
page so they can learn who to contact for volunteer opportunities
(Part 2)
-Handout the blank resume template and word bank
(Specifically for HS students)
• Give the definition of an objective and what its meant for on a resume
• Have students get into groups of 3 or 4 and help each other come up with an
objective and write it in their blank template (help if necessary)
-Go through each category of the template with them and give examples of
what to put there (Ex. How many examples per category, what words to
use, how to word it, etc.)
- Have them continue to work individually or with a partner to fill in each
section to the best of their ability (help if necessary)
-Get back into small groups and talk about what they put on their resume
• If time permits and if students want to, some can share with the whole class

-Ask students what extracurricular activities they want to try and get
involved in before they graduate and how they plan on doing it
-Observe if students had the the right information in each section of the resume

ASCA Mindset/Behavior: BS.LS.10: Participate in enrichment and extracurricular

activities. BS.SS.1: Use effective oral and written communication skills and listening skills
Building a Resume Curriculum 2016-2017
Student Evaluation

Read each statement and check the appropriate box Disagree Somewhat Somewhat Agree
disagree agree
to the right.

I believe I can create a good resume

I believe I know how to become more involved in

the school or community

I believe I know who to contact about getting


I believe I can write an objective on a resume

I believe I know how to format a resume

What did you find most helpful about the Resume Building Activity?

What did you find least helpful about the Resume Building Activity?

What would you like to learn more about (please circle at least one):

How to write a cover letter Interviewing skills Professionalism

Cyberbullying Cyberbullying
Grade: 9th
Dates: December
5th-9th, 2016

Goal: Increase students’ knowledge and awareness about Materials:

cyberbullying and how they can respond to and prevent it.
Pre/Post Survey
Objectives: Power Point
1.) Students will relate their awareness about the problem of
cyberbullying and develop empathy for targets of cyberbullying. Laptop/LCD
2.) Students will identify their responsibility to address, intervene projector
and prevent cyberbullying. & screen

Procedures: Internet access

Pre-Lesson: Distribute pre survey to all students that will be
receiving lesson one week prior. Collect for evaluation. Resource Handouts
Opening: Counselor will start with a conversation with all
students by asking questions (students respond with raising their Poster boards
hand): What is cyberbullying? Where does it happen? How many
of you have experienced it? Next, discuss with students that they Writing utensils
will learn about cyberbullying, the different types that occur and
how they will be able to address it if they encounter it.
Main Activity: Present powerpoint slideshow on cyberbullying:
the definition, types that occur, the impact of it, methods of
intervention & prevention, and what they themselves have the
power to do to address it. Then read aloud possible scenarios of
cyberbullying and after each one go over the elements that would
or would not classify it as cyberbullying. Next, show Let’s Fight it
Together short film (7 minutes). Instruct students to break up into
small groups to answer these questions about the film on a poster
board: Why do you think Kim targeted Joe for harassment? Why
do you think Joe endured the cyberbullying and did not seek help?
Have you experienced or witnessed instances of cyberbullying like
this? If so, how did you respond? After watching this film, would
you respond differently in the future? (15 minutes). Last, have each
group present/discuss their posters to one other group nearby (10
Closing: Reconvene the class. Challenge students to summarize
what they learned by asking questions about lesson such as “what
is cyberbullying?”, “what are the types,” “what and whom does
cyberbullying harm?”, and “how can you help to stop it?” Lastly,
distribute resource handout(s).
Evaluation: Pre and Post tests.
ASCA Mindset/Behavior:
BS:LS.1: Demonstrate critical-thinking skills to make informed
BS:SS.4: Demonstrate empathy.
BS:SS.5: Demonstrate ethical-decision making and social
Evaluation Instrument: Pre/Post Test

What is your gender? ___ M ___ F

For each of the statements (questions 1-5), circle the numbers that most closely
correspond with both your own belief and the belief you feel is typically held by members of
your peer group. 1=strongly disagree; 2=disagree; 3=unsure; 4=agree; 5=strongly agree

1.) I have a free speech right to say whatever I want online.

a. Your response 1 2 3 4 5

2.) On the Internet it is okay to reveal personal secrets for others to see.
a. Your response 1 2 3 4 5

3.)What happens online should stay online.

a. Your response 1 2 3 4 5

4.) What happens online is mostly a game, so no one can really get hurt.
a. Your response 1 2 3 4 5

5.) If I text a private picture or something personal to someone, it is not okay for them to send it
to anyone else.
a.Your response 1 2 3 4 5

For the following, please indicate how likely or unlikely you would be to respond to the
given scenario. If you saw that someone was being cyberbullied, how likely is it that you
would do the following:

a. Join in by posting similar material.

___ Very likely ___ Somewhat likely ___ Somewhat unlikely ___ Very unlikely

b. Support the cyberbully.

___ Very likely ___ Somewhat likely ___ Somewhat unlikely___ Very unlikely

c. Read the material, but not contribute.

___ Very likely ___ Somewhat likely ___ Somewhat unlikely___ Very unlikely

d. Avoid or leave the online environment.

___ Very likely ___ Somewhat likely ___ Somewhat unlikely ___ Very unlikely

e. Complain to others, but not directly to the cyberbully.

___ Very likely ___ Somewhat likely ___ Somewhat unlikely___ Very unlikely
f. Try to help the victim privately.
___ Very likely ___ Somewhat likely ___ Somewhat unlikely___ Very unlikely

g. Tell the cyberbully to stop.

___ Very likely ___ Somewhat likely ___ Somewhat unlikely___ Very unlikely

h. Support the victim publicly.

___ Very likely ___ Somewhat likely ___ Somewhat unlikely___ Very unlikely

i. Report the cyberbullying to someone who can help.

___ Very likely ___ Somewhat likely ___ Somewhat unlikely___ Very unlikely

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