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Hello everybody,

My name is Gabriela Miron and today I’m going to speak about human rights.

Everyone knows that so-called human rights exist, but not everybody knows what exactly it means. So
we would like to acquaint you with what human rights are, with their main characteristics and with the basic
human rights.

What are human rights?

Human rights are inalienable(aineilibal) rights of every person, regardless of nationality, gender,
ethnicity, color, religion, place of residence, language or any other sign. All people equally have human rights,
eliminating all kinds of discrimination. The main human rights feature is that they are interdependent,
interrelated and indivisible.

The law often fixes and guarantees the universal human rights in the form of pacts, general law
principles, customary international law, and other international law sources. The fundamental freedoms and
human rights are protected by the state. The international law of human rights imposes on the state obligation
to implement activities to promote and protect human rights.

Human rights are inalienable(aineilieibal). Man cannot be deprived of them, except in rare cases and in
accordance with the law procedure. For example, if a person committed a crime, and the court admits his guilt,
a person may be deprived of the right to freedom.

The human rights are a single unit, they are interrelated and interdependent. These characteristics are
related to every human right. For instance, right to equality under the law, right to life, right to freedom of
expression (these are political and civil rights); the social, cultural and economic rights are the following: the
right to education, work, social security; there are also collective rights: the right to self-determination and
development. The principle of non-discrimination is a universal principle of international law on human rights.
This principle is present in all major documents relating to human rights. It also is the main subject of different
international conventions on human rights. For example, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
Discrimination against Women, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and

The principle of non-discrimination applies to every person and covers all human rights and freedoms,
avoiding discrimination on any of the features, such as sex, race, color or any other trait.

The recognition of human rights is not only a right for their implementation, but also the performance of
certain obligations. According to the international law, states assume obligations to respect, protect and fulfill
human rights. Respect for human rights implies the non-interference of the state in the exercise of human rights
and refraining from restricting rights. Human rights obligation requires states to prevent violations.
Implementation of human rights obliges(oblaijiz) the state to guarantee the smooth implementation of basic
human rights. At the individual level, everyone should respect the rights of others.
Providing freedom, the state makes the emphasis on the free, as much as possible independent self-
determination of a person in some spheres of public life. It provides the freedom of the person primarily by non-
interference of the country itself, and of all other social subjects. Consequently, freedom is the independence of
social and political subjects, expressed in their abilities and capabilities to make their own choices and to act in
accordance with their interests and goals.

Thank you for attention!

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