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Rectify the sentences below

1. It is an eyesoring sight for the residents and even the source of discomfort.
2. The rates of asma is on our area has also increase rapidly.
3. At the middle of the night, some of the teenager are speeding around the housing estate.
4. I would like to complaint about things or places in the housing estate are poorly damage.
5. The grass is to long and their have to much snakes.
6. This thing will make our playground become more bad looking too the visitor of our town.
7. Apart from that, there are many speeding car that will make another yuser of the fill dangerous.
8. It will cause accidents if this thing one not fix.
9. This are the complaint that I have given.
10. The park overgrown with grass-attracts rodents.
11. Too many rubbish because the rubbish will be collected once in four months.
12. The service has been 10 years being decline.
13. People who lives their have an eyesore and source of discomfort.
14. After that, here have should a heavy usage of roads.
15. I hope the local council members would consider to give feedback to my complaints so that we
should live peacefully in our lovely, Malaysia.
16. The place that town council should do the service is the neglected park and playground
17. I hope you can search ways to reduce again the council to become a clean and safety for your
town council.
18. The park is unsafety also cause the overgrown with grass, attracts rodents and snakes.
19. This problem can make many potholes, accidents and speeding car over here.
20. I am one of the behalf of who live in Taman Mutiara to complaint about a decline in the service
provide by the local council.
21. This conditions make the parent’s of Taman Ria afraid of using the park because concern the
safety of there child.
22. The conditions was neglected with the few of the exercise and playground equipments were
23. I will not let that happen so I am begging your cooperation to make a check on this place and
send someone to cut off the grass.
24. Children get a sick like mamaliar and other sickness.
25. Besides, always being increase in population of housing estate every year.
26. It should have many thing to renew.
27. This condition will make snakes come.
28. They cannot see the holes at night and let to accident.
29. The lorries out and in our village 24 hours using the road villages.
30. The local council also adopt immediate measures to rectify situation.
31. Refer to the main topic that I have state, I want to complaint about our housing estate area.
32. It is too dangerous for everyone that want to do any activity at ther.
33. It make an eyesore and source of discomfort.
34. There are have too many heavy usage of roads.
35. Lastly, it is also adopt immediate measure to rectify the situation.
36. The cause of the pollution at hous estate area was neglected park and playground condition.
37. The estate park overgrow look like old with grass-attratcs.
38. Government must put the limited usage sign board for the vehicles.
39. The environment with the grass-attracks around it make it look like snakes habit.
40. The local house will have a rats an dbring some sickness.
41. Causing by the dirty environment, the population of housing estate increase.
42. The proximity to expressways and there are many of factories.
43. The local leave the estate to keep their family save.
44. We as the local really need this service to save.
45. We as the local really need this service to save the population of housing estate.

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