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Most Powerful

Law of Attraction

Lorna Levy
The Most Effective
Law of Attraction Process

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Copyright 2015 Lorna Sophia Levy



Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 4

Definition ........................................................................................................................................ 5

Quantum Science ........................................................................................................................... 5

Who Is Lorna Levy? ......................................................................................................................... 6

You Create it All .............................................................................................................................. 7

Why do bad things happen to babies? .......................................................................................... 7

7 Inner Emotions............................................................................................................................. 8

Not Ask, Believe, Receive............................................................................................................... 9

The Language of The Universe ...................................................................................................... 9

Alpha ............................................................................................................................................. 11

The Process ................................................................................................................................... 11

How Often and How Long? .......................................................................................................... 13

Bonus Boost.................................................................................................................................. 15

How to know it’s coming ............................................................................................................. 15

“Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come.” ............................................ 15


Good Morning! I say Good Morning because it’s always a bright, new morning
somewhere. Thank you for making the choice to download this free report. It
will change your life, I promise!

This report, The Most Effective Manifesting Process, Ever! will help you
connect with your true self, will give you the tools to manifest your life any
way you want, will give you a deeper understanding of how it all works, and
will give you a closer connection to all that’s Real.

You are going to learn some things about law of attraction that you’ve never
heard; that no one has ever told you. They may sound controversial and they
may break open your paradigm. Some of you will welcome these truths like
water in a desert of platitudes. Some of you may find your toes stepped on
and may go away in a huff.

But those of you who stay, read through this and use it, will step into a world
of power previously unknown to you.

My mission is to reveal this spiritual truth to everyone who wants it, to

awaken each person to their spiritual power and to empower each person to
create all the joy they want in their lives.

When the Student is ready, the Teacher appears. You’re ready!


Law of attraction is the concept that we can create and affect our reality by
matching our vibration, or our frequency, with the things we want. It is also
called deliberate creation, manifestation, YCYOR – you create your own
reality, and the Science of Intention.

Quantum Science
Law of Attraction is the science of deliberately creating reality. It is not a
‘new age’ teaching – it has been known and understood for at least 3,000
years, and probably for a few thousand years before that. Buddha, Jesus,
and mystics of all ages and from all philosophies have taught it.

Every few years, the concept reappears. The New York Times was the first to
use the actual phrase, law of attraction, in 1879 at the beginning of the New
Thought movement. Most recently the movie, The Secret, reminded us again
of this ancient teaching. While the ancients had a deeper understanding of
law of attraction than we do, it seems with every iteration we lose a little bit
of the science of it.

Law of attraction is a quantum science. There are a lot of disbelievers out

there who say law of attraction is just pure fantasy, but they are not
physicists and they generally have not studied the science behind it.
Quantum science and quantum physics are rapidly moving us to a new and
deeper understanding of how we interact with the world.

Any quantum physicist will tell you the world looks more like consciousness
than matter. In fact, there really is nothing solid in matter, only
consciousness in different forms. And experiments with light done as far back
as the 1920’s show that our consciousness affects matter, whether we want
it to or not, and whether we are aware of it or not.

Quantum science is moving us into a new paradigm and we are just

beginning to understand all the implications of it. At the very least, it’s not

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Newtonian, and it’s not linear. That means it doesn’t work according to the
‘old rules’ of science, it works according to quantum rules.

Law of attraction is the study of using our consciousness to affect reality in

the way we want it. We use the laws of nature that we can observe as being
consistent, all the time. Just like gravity.

Who Is Lorna Levy?

I want to briefly tell you my story. I want you to know why I’m so passionate
about Law of Attraction. I grew up as a quiet, shy little girl who loved to
read. And because of that I was bullied a lot in grade school. That just drove
me deeper into myself. A good time for me was going to the library on
Saturday afternoon, after doing my chores in the morning, and coming home
with all the books I could carry. I loved that!

When I was still a pre-teen, I discovered some books in the library that were
in the “human potential” section. That’s what they called it then. These books
were on the powers of our minds – law of attraction, ESP, and other
fascinating things. I was hooked. Since then, I have read and studied
everything I could find on the subject. It has become my life’s work to
understand, and master, manifestation. And, modestly, I think I have
mastered it.

Some of the things I’ve manifested – I’ll give you a short list: unexpected
money, new friends, all expense paid trips across the country, living in
Hawaii – all expenses paid, getting accepted to a prestigious, Ivy League
grad school (getting accepted was much harder than graduating),
relationships – new ones, changing ones I’m in; cars – lots of cars, jobs
whenever I wanted one – those are a few of the big things.

There have been little things, too, like parking spaces at the front of the mall,
or seats at a restaurant that had a 2 hour wait. I, and my over 500 clients,
have story after story of the law of attraction results we’ve gotten just by

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using the basic principles of intention that I’ve discovered. Some of my law of
attraction success stories are available as a Kindle book here.

You Create it All

Before we get into the Most Effective Process, I want to give you some basic
principles of law of attraction. You can’t use it well, or to maximum
effectiveness, without some understanding of what you are doing.

Law of attraction works all the time. It is a law of nature, just like gravity.
You can’t ‘activate’ it because it’s always working. Whenever I hear someone
talk about activating law of attraction, I know they don’t have a clue how it

We create everything in our experience – good, bad or ugly. Nothing

happens to us that we don’t agree, on an inner level, to participate in. We
each have free will, and we can choose and create the reality we want to
experience, and we can change it when it’s not to our liking. The way to
change a situation is to understand how law of attraction works and then use
the techniques to shift your point of attraction.

The reasons why most of us are in bad situations that we don’t change are:
1. We don’t believe we can change it, so we don’t try,
2. No one has ever told us how to do it, and
3. We have succumbed to the cultural paradigm of our personal
helplessness, powerlessness, ineffectiveness and spiritual ineptitude.

Why Do Bad Things Happen to Babies?

When I say we create everything we experience, people always ask me,
“Why do bad things happen to babies?” They assume that babies are
unaware of their powers to create. Babies are non-verbal, but that in no way

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means that they are not connected to their souls. To answer this, we need to
go back to some basic principles.

This is highly condensed because there just isn’t space to go into detail here.
I do a class on each of these principles, and I’ve written a book (Why This?
soon to be published) on these principles, but the short answer is: We each
have a soul. We are eternal beings who have come here to experience three
dimensional time and space, and to learn how to maneuver and thrive here.
We come here for many lifetimes, and we chose, willingly, to experience a
range of conditions. We may be healthy for many lifetimes and then decide
to experience a life of limitation just to see what that is like.

One of the main principles of law of attraction is that we always have free
will, and none of us are victims. Ever.

7 Inner Emotions
Those who ask the question about babies assume that we create from our
intellect or our ego, but that is not so. This is the source of a lot of why law
of attraction doesn’t work for so many. We do not create from our intellect.
We chose what we want from our ego and intellect, but we create from our
Seven Inner Emotions. We talk more about this in my classes and go in
depth on how to recognize and access these emotions. I’ll tell you more
about my classes later. But this is the area of the mind that some call the

The concept of the subconscious was created by Sigmund Freud to explain

things he didn’t understand. There is nothing in our subconscious that we
can’t access with a little attention to it. We learn to see what we are really
carrying that we are not paying attention to. Then we change it and our lives
change for the better.

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Not Ask, Believe, Receive

Since we chose from our egos but don’t create from our egos, this idea from
the second, re-edited, version of The Secret is wrong. It’s not Ask, Believe,
Receive. And since we are creating our realities all the time, we have created
many experiences that we weren’t consciously “believing.” The first version
of The Secret taught Ask, It’s Given, Receive. That is the correct way law of
attraction works.

Ask. We are asking all the time. Desire is a natural correlation to the life
force. We desire food, warmth, fun experiences. That is part of being alive.

It’s Given. This is Spirit’s response to our asking. Spirit always says, “Yes,
My Beloved!” Everything we ask is given to us, for us to access as we will.

Receive. This is the hard part and this is where we do our work. Receiving
means to be in alignment with the things we want; to be in vibrational
harmony with them. It means to have addressed our Seven Inner Emotions
and have our inner selves resonating the frequencies of BEING
someone who has, or experiences, the things we want. When we do
that, our ‘thing’ comes to us – it can’t not. I put some words in bold because
it is the misunderstanding of these concepts that are the things that hold us

The Language of The Universe

The language of The Universe is feeling. Not thought. That’s why
affirmations, done by rote, mostly don’t work. That’s why watching movies
mostly doesn’t work. That’s why smothering your emotions with relentlessly
positive thought does nothing for you, except set you back. More on this on
my blog,, and in my Kindle book, Where’s My

Greg Braden talks about this in two of his bestselling books: The Isaiah Effect
and The Lost Mode of Prayer. He tells the story of his visit with David, a Hopi,

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First Nations, friend in the high deserts of northern New Mexico, where they
had experienced severe drought for the past 3 years. David invited Gregg to
go with him to "Pray Rain". A brief excerpt:

"The old ones say that it has been over one hundred years since the rains
have left us for so long," David said. "That is why we go to this place, to call
to the rain."

They hiked for 2 hours to a special place in the desert and David took his
shoes off, closed his eyes, his breathing became slow and his body became
motionless. After a few short moments, he took a deep breath and said,
"Let's go. Our work is finished here."

"Already?" I (Gregg) asked, a little surprised. It seemed as though we had

just arrived. "I thought you were going to pray for rain." Gregg was
expecting drumming, singing and dancing in native attire.

David laughed and said "No, I said that would "Pray Rain". If I prayed FOR
rain, it could never happen. Prayers for rain empower the drought.
Continuing to ask for these things puts the feeling on the drought and not on
the rain."

Gregg asks him what did he actually pray. He answers, "I began to have the
feeling of what rain feels like. I felt the feeling of rain on my body, and what
it feels like to stand with my naked feet in the mud of our village plaza
because there has been so much rain. I smelled the smells of rain on the
earthen walls in our village, and felt what it feels like to walk through fields
of corn chest high because there has been so much rain. I then felt grateful
for the opportunity to participate in creation.”

What David did was he FELT rain. He didn’t ask for it to rain, and he didn’t
ask for the drought to end. (That would be focusing on drought.) He
imagined it raining now. He lived the experience within his own mind and
heart. About an hour later, while Gregg and David were having lunch, it

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Lots. It actually flooded. Gregg laughs about watching the weatherman that
night puzzle over the strange dip the jet stream made down to New Mexico
which caused an extreme amount of rain over the area.

This story illustrates two important points. First, you have to get into alpha
and have a centered connection with the quantum field.

And, second, you can’t create by asking for what you want or by fighting
against what you don’t want. You can only create by ‘being in the experience
of having’ the thing you want.

I seldom see any other teacher talk about this. But one way to connect to
The Universe, and probably the easiest, is to enter into an Alpha state. That
is when your brain is sending out more alpha waves than beta waves. Alpha
is a state of reverie, a sort of dreamy relaxation. It is not the same as
meditation. Meditation takes you to a deeper state, and while that may be
helpful in law of attraction, it is not really necessary. But being in an alpha
state really gives you a boost in manifesting what you want.

This is illustrated in the Gregg Braden story as the guy gets quiet and does
his feelingization internally. This is the same state that Neville calls “a state
akin to sleep.” And this is the state Science of Mind Practitioners access when
they do the first two steps of Affirmative Prayer.

The Process
1. First, decide what you want to manifest in your life. Or if there is
something already in your life that you want to change, chose that. This next
statement is important: Chose for you, not for anybody else. This is not a
process to “fix” someone, or change someone who is not doing what you
want them to do. Remember, we each have free will. You can choose to

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participate in something you don’t like, or not. But you cannot choose to
change the person who is doing whatever it is you don’t like.

Also, pick something small to start with. Pick something you don’t have a lot
of emotional baggage around. Just as you wouldn’t walk into a gym and pick
up the 200 pound barbell first, don’t go for your biggest and stickiest issue at
first. You’ll get to that by starting small and gaining confidence and skill.

And third, don’t pick world peace as your first thing to manifest. You have to
clean up the violence in your own vibration before you can ever hope to
affect someone else’s. We are a very violent society – we “fight” crime, we
“fight” cancer, we even “fight” greasy dishes in our sink – so we, collectively
have to find peace inwardly before we can “make” someone else be peaceful.
Ironic, that we want to force peace, isn’t it?

2. Second, ask yourself these questions. Take out a piece of paper and
ask yourself these questions in regard to your issue:

1. “How do I feel now?” Be honest. This is not the time for fake positivity.
Nobody sees this but you. You have to know where you are to know where
you’re going. Even the GPS in your car has to now where you are starting
from, to take you where you are going.

2. “How do I want to feel?” Don’t say “better.” Use words that are evocative,
that paint a picture, that lift you. Drill down deep. Ask, “If I was feeling this,
I’d be feeling . . “ then answer that. Google a list of positive emotions and
chose 4 – 6 that match where you want to be.

3. And then answer: “When I’m feeling (answer to #2), I’ll be doing . . .” Pick
one event or experience you will have after your thing manifests. Go into
detail with the answer. Where will you be? What will you be doing? What are
you wearing? Who is with you? What is the weather? Are you indoors or out?
What do you see? What do you hear – what are people saying? What do you
smell? Can you feel the air against your skin? And so on.

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3. Third. The Feelingization™ Process.

This entire process should take 1 to 3 minutes. Don’t do it for longer because
you’ll find your ego coming in and rationalizing things away. This is a quick,
positive feeling process.

Sit quietly. You can do this anywhere. In your car, if you pull over to the
curb. At work, in the restroom. Anywhere you can close your eyes for 3

Take a few slow, deep breaths. At your own rate, breathe in through your
nose and out through your mouth. If it helps, count to 4 while breathing in,
and 4 while breathing out. Or 6. Or whatever is comfortable for you.

Let your shoulders drop. Relax you stomach. Unclench your fists. Wiggle your
jaw and let your lips turn up in a slight Mona Lisa smile.

Now see yourself in a scene that is happening after you have manifested
the experience or the thing you want. And bring to mind the answers to the
questions in step 3. Where are you? What are you doing? Who is with you?
How are you feeling? Hear what they are saying. Feel the air on your skin.
Bring all 5 senses into it. What are you seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting,
touching, and most important, feeling after it has manifested? Take no more
than a minute for this part.

Then drop it. Forget it and get up and go about your day.

How Often and How Long?

How often should you do this process, and for how long? You should
do this whenever you have the urge to do it. Relax into it and trust your
Inner Being to guide you. But don’t keep doing it out of fear that it’s not
working, or out of doubt that you did it right.

There is no way to do it wrong. This is not visualization – you don’t have to

“see” pictures. You are just easily imagining – with feeling, while in the alpha

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state. Do it whenever you want a quick hit of feeling good. At some point,
you will know, intuitively, it’s done and you don’t have to do it anymore.

Yes, you can do it for multiple things at a time. But do a separate

Feelingization™ for each one. Don’t bring a bunch of different desires into the
same one.

How long will it take? You will be surprised at how quickly this works. It
takes as long as it takes you to get aligned. But going into alpha first
bypasses a lot of the baggage we carry with us that sabotages our law of
attraction efforts.

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Bonus Boost
Here is a quick way to give your manifestations a boost. Look for it now.
Whatever feelings you decided you want to have more in step 2, above, take
some time now to look for where you already have those feelings in your life.
Appreciate those feelings and magnify them. That adds power to the feeling
of living it now and will bring your manifestations to you even faster.

How to know it’s coming

There are a number of things that happen and signs that occur to let you
know its working and that your manifestations are on the way. Keep an eye
on your email and we’ll talk more about that in a few days.
“Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come.”
This is one of my favorite quotes, by Victor Hugo. I think Law of Attraction is
an idea whose time has come. We are finally tired of the 2,000 year
suppression of knowledge.

P. S.
I’d love to hear from you. Email me and let me know the results you are
having with this.

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