Configuring Status Profile in SAP SD

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Configuring Status Profile In SAP SD

To configure a status profile, use the following menu path.

Menu Path SAP Customizing Implementation Guide | Sales and Distribution |
Sales | Sales Documents | Define And Assign Status Profile | Define Status
You can create a copy of an existing profile using the prefix “Z,” as shown in
Screenshot below. Enter a two-digit number representing the status step. (It is
best to leave a gap of at least ten per step so the profile is easy to change later
should you need to.) Enter a four-character key representing the status step.
(These do not need to begin with a “Z.”)
Enter a description of the status that the users will be able to understand.

When an object, such as a sales order, is created, the status that the profile is
automatically set to must be active in the Initial Status column. The lowest and
highest number controls the milestone the object has reached, and allows for it
to go back to an initial status or increase to the next status. An object may
have more than one status at the same time. However, only one of the statuses
may have a status number. If another status with a status number is activated,
the old status with a status number is deactivated.

The authorization code is the user authorization object the user must possess
in order to make changes relating to that status. Here, the authorization object
the user must have is ZCOMVAL. The system checks the authorization object

If you double-click on the status you will proceed to a screen similar to

Screenshot below, which controls whether a transaction has any control over
the sales status. This is used in workflow management.
In this Screenshot we see that Create Billing Document and Create Delivery are
forbidden with the status PECV.

Object types are not changeable in SAP. The two most common sales object
types are
 VBK Sales order header
 VBP Sales order item

If you create a status profile and wish to test this profile, simply highlight any
line in your status profile and select Extras | Status Simulation, for example, as
shown in Screenshot below. After clicking the Status Maintenance button, you
will see the screen the users will see when they use the status.

Don’t forget to assign the status profile to your sales document type using the
following menu path.
Menu Path SAP Customizing Implementation Guide | Sales and Distribution |
Sales | Sales Documents | Define and Assign Status Profile | Assign Order
Types/Status Profiles
You can also assign a status profile to item categories using the following menu

Menu Path SAP Customizing Implementation Guide | Sales and Distribution |

Sales | Sales Documents | Define and Assign Status Profile | Allocate Status
Profile to Item Categories

It is wise to have a different profile at item level than that at header level (if
profiles must exist at both levels) in order to avoid user confusion.

In the sales document header status tab we will see the following:
 The completeness section identifies if the document header is complete
 sales, delivery, and billing.
 The user status is the active status of the document status profile.
 The system status is released.
 Blocked status is self-explanatory.
 Credit status is approved. 
 The delivery status is partially delivered. 
 The confirmation status is not yet confirmed. 
 The rejection status is not rejected and overall status is being processed.

For Your Information:

Tables used to display statuses of a sales document are
 VBUK Sales Document: Header Status and Administrative Data
 VBUP Sales Document: Item Status

A useful database views to display statuses of a sales document is

 VBAKUK Sales Document Header and Status Data

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