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barefacts | 27 February 2003

10 | ElectionSpecial

Yes Free NUS Cards, Cheap Beer, The

Fight against Fees…and when you
Should USSU remain affiliated to NUS?
network – and it’s true what they
say about strength in numbers.
add up the savings we get on bars We are to the NUS what this union
and ents, it works out virtually is to Surrey students. We implore
free…but there are much better students to come to council to hold
reasons for us to stay strong and us accountable and mandate us
stay in NUS. to work on their behalf (or what’s
Our council tax exemption, our the point?). We tell them what we
Stella discounts, and the fight don’t like about the student world,
against fees are all thanks to NUS. and they have to do their utmost
Big or small, when students or TONI BORNEO to make it better. Take student
Unions have a problem the strength funding, or Wednesday afternoons,
of NUS helps. Learning Programme (an NUS or privatisation of halls….you name
It would be naïve to think that a initiative), USSU couldn’t have it. If it’s your problem, we can look
group of people could set up and launched and sustained the to them to fight the corner.
maintain a student’s union, with successful DAVE peer to peer I’m not saying the NUS is perfect
all the commercial elements, plus a training in just a couple of months. – there are cracks in the structure.
developing welfare unit and a strong Even the V Volunteering programme But I wholeheartedly believe that
Skills and Volunteering programme, had to draw on resources from we must use our vote to reform the
without loads of support, training somewhere. It makes sense to pool organisation. We’d gain nothing by
and information. I’m talking about knowledge and make it available going solo – and don’t forget we’d
Surrey specifically- so much of what from a central resource. NUS has the lose our students discounts and
we do is adapted from the copious full time staff carrying out research, NUS Entertainments (e.g. Orange
amounts of role-specific training training, publications and briefings Tours). Don’t think we could save
offered free throughout the year for that individual unions could never the £33k is costs to affiliate either
staff and sabbaticals. hope to disseminate effectively – the University pays for it so it’s not
Without the National Student between themselves. It’s a giant ours to save!

• When you add up the benefits and unions with all but one of NUS’ uk government to review student
discounts we get as part of NUS recommendations accepted in the funding;
Ents and NUS Services, affiliation final legislation;
is free; • Your NUS card is proof of a
• Winning the fight for fair and reciprocal agreement allowing you
• National representation for accessible complaints procedures and your mates to go to each others’
students in the fight for grants not in Universities Union clubs;
fees and winning back the grant;
• Raising awareness on gas safety • Last year, USSU enjoyed £50k’s
• Winning 100% exemption and winning new legislation worth of free NUS Entertainments,
from the council tax since 1992 on Housing Safety and Dodgy including the Orange Tour, and the
worth £630,000 a year to Surrey Landlords; PlayStation 2 network;
university students;
• Campaigning successfully for • Provides advice and guidance on
• Forcing the EU to abandon increases in hardship funds; the law relating to student union
proposals which would have made and charitable law issues;
it impossible for students’ unions to • Getting the views of students in
run minibuses; the national papers day in day out; • Thousands of discounts for
students online and in many high
• Securing the continued existence • Providing training, briefings, street retailers and loads of other
of the young persons railcard research, advice, publications, stuff we haven’t got room to
after the railways act threatened its and legal support for your union’s mention...
existence; officers as they need it;
• 98% of Students’ Unions can’t
• Overturning government • Pressurising the scottish be wrong: Stay Strong and vote
proposals to wreck students’ parliament, welsh assembly and YES to NUS

on-line voting at

barefacts | 27 February 2003

ElectionSpecial | 11

Should USSU remain affiliated to NUS?

Rather than simply state the
rationale for why USSU should
ineffective campaigns in the form of
the “If you do drink, don’t do drunk”
not be affiliated with the NUS, I to the more recent, stereotyping
will instead annotate the probable ‘Kebabathon’ game, in which you
offered reasons why we should play the part of a drunken student
remain affiliated with counter trying to break into his own house.
arguments: Consider also that of the £4million
“If USSU disaffiliates then you NUS spends annually only £95,000 is
will lose your student discount in spent on priority campaigns; unlike
high street stores” individual Unions the NUS has no
Years ago this may have been the societies or sport clubs to support.
case, however with increasing PAUL WRIGHT Compare this to the £282,200
competition from the likes of Virgin spent on annual conference or the
Student, the NUS card is no longer “Without affiliation sabbatical £667,850 spent on maintaining
the bastion of student discount it officers will miss out on valuable prestigious headquarters in Central
once was. With the introduction NUS training” London for purely historical reasons
of ‘discount’ cards this year not Although it is true that disaffiliation and you can see how little directly
only did retailers gain more ways of would mean missing out on NUS gets to student causes.
tracking individual student spending training it does not mean that “NUS will listen to student
habits but it forced students to officers would receive no training issues”
register with the nusonline website whatsoever. With the successful I expect we will see at least one NUS
in a thinly veiled effort to add value launch of the DAVE project this year officer actively campaigning for the
to the marketing deal NUS had with we have a proven training system ‘yes’ vote in the next couple of weeks.
ITM. that could be used with future No doubt they’ll claim that they are
NUS have lost sight of the students sabbatical teams. Add to that fact only too happy to listen to students
they supposedly represent when that two members of staff involved and their issues but ask yourself
they make discount agreements with in the DAVE project are former this: when was the last time that an
retailers like Habitat; just how many sabbaticals officers themselves; it NUS officer visited USSU? Last year
students shop there regularly? At the is easy to see that we could cover was the first occasion since I have
regional conference NUS treasurer most of the training requirements in been here with the rent protest and
announced that NUS were looking house. External training companies the nationwide publicity it attracted.
at potential new opportunities; these would cover the remainder of the Before that it was six years ago
opportunities, and I quote, were training requirements. during a strong ‘No’ campaign. Bear
“credit cards, mobile phones and “NUS campaigns get the message in mind also that most of the NEC
banks” - all of which do nothing for across nationally” are standing for re-election this year
the majority of students attempting This may be true but consider the and want as big a personal profile as
to avoid debt by saving money on mixed messages given out. On the possible.
required basics. one hand we had one of the most

NUS affiliation currently costs and conditions of this membership NUS card has meant that we have
£33,000 a year. This money comes stipulate that we have to sell certain been forced to expend extra effort
through the subvention from the “must stock” products and give in issuing the card to students
University and is budgeted for them favourable profile on the bars. and answering queries relating to
year on year. The Union would not The ratio of beer pumps is also laid registering on the nusonline website.
automatically receive this money if it down such that two Stella pumps The introduction of a separate card
was to disaffiliate but a sound case must be accompanied with one has lead to confusion with not only
could be put to the University for Carling and one Grolsch pump. the student population but also
this money to directly benefit Surrey These restrictions limit what offers retail shops that are not highlighted
students. Just think what an extra and products we can offer students, in NUS marketing. The company
£33,000 a year would mean to the in fact until last summer we were behind the card, ITM, fell into
societies, sport clubs and services not allowed to serve Stella as it was receivership earlier this year leaving
the Union currently offers. not an “approved product” in the NUS roughly £480,000 short of
As a member of NUS the Union eyes of NUSSL. income and leaving member Unions
is also a member of their buying The introduction of a new discount £75,000 short when combined
consortium, NUSSL. The terms card for Unions that issue their own together. |

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