What Is The Just Judge?

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What is the Just Judge?

“Dear Ms. Q,

I read about St. Expedite, then in a reply to a comment you talked about a
Just Judge candle. I went to an occult shop and I these candles and
Reference Works wondered about Just Judge, 7 African Powers and this one called most
Powerful Hand. Could you tell me about them. And could you post about
About Me how to do the prayer thing to St. Expedite, I think I may need his help.”
Well that is a very big order to take care of but I’ll explain first about Just
Judge and eventually the others that you mentioned and I’ll post in
another posting about the novena to St. Expedite as you were not the only
one asking about that.

VOODOO QUEEN Just Judge also known as Justo Juez is calling upon the help of Jesus
This Blog is a series of Christ in this presentation, who is represented as the ultimate judge who is
postings, of questions and fair in all matters of justice, because he himself was unfairly judged.
answers between my self the
Voodoo Queen and her There is another incident in the Bible where a group of men who believe
Students or other interested themselves to be qualified to judge the guilt or innocence of another
persons. I chose the name person, brought before Jesus a woman who had committed adultery, in
"Voodoo Queen" as a joke, those days and even today in the Middle East, the person accused of
because of a song that came adultery, mostly women are condemned to death by stoning. These so
out in the late 1960's. I will called righteous men bought this woman before Jesus and told him her sin
also answer legitimate and asked him what is the punishment. Jesus turned the tables on those
questions from other men and said “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone” and then he
interested readers. I've had sat down and started scribbling in the sand.
psychic abilities all my life and
was slowly educated to Now it is said that each man came up to Jesus to say the woman is guilty
handling it from the time I and should be put to death but they’d look at what Jesus had scribbled in
was 4 years old by my the sand, one man saw the word “Thief”, another “Liar”, another
Grandmother. I am well past “adulterer” and another saw the word “Murderer”, each and every one of
70 and this is information that them had a sin so they left until it was only Jesus and the woman, he asked
was taught to me and that I her “Has no one condemned you?” she said “No one my Lord” and he said
learned. I am passing this “Neither do I, go and sin no more”. He understood the truth in her soul
information on to those who and in the souls of each of those men.
are serious about learning the
magikal workings. I am When he was crucified the whole process was rigged for him to die, yet on
neither a white practitioner, the cross one of the two thieves who were also crucified, said that Jesus
nor dark not even grey, I use had done no wrong, yet he as a thief deserved his punishment, Jesus
them for what I feel is for the forgave him and said “Tonight you will be with me in Paradise”.
best and highest good. I hope
you feel the same way. If not, So if anyone knows anything about Justice it is Jesus Christ and he will
then remember what you send look into the heart and soul of each person involved.
out can come back to "bite"
you. The questions are When things are very difficult calling upon the Just Judge it is believe to
legitimate, so are the answers turn things around. Just as Jesus conquered death and rose to be the judge
and will cover many subjects. I of all mankind so too does the Just Judge conquer all unjust situations and
have done readings for judge fairly those who petition him, only he can judge those who are true
persons but am slowly in their heart.
reducing the number or
frequency of the readings due And it is believe may pardon those who are technically guilty of law-
to health issues as well as breaking but whose hearts are good. The Just Judge is petitioned by
other commitments. those seeking victory against an unfair enemy, those seeking justice, to
View my complete profile help people in legal matters, getting someone out of prison and also in
some cases to awaken those whose minds are clouded by lies and
Followers deception.

The Just Judge is very popular in Latin American countries and

communities and is often called upon in Latin American Catholic folk
magic practices. Those who practice Hoodoo and who work within the
Catholic folk magic traditions call upon the Just Judge to help in court
cases and for protection.

I’ve seen the imagery both on Candles (which is the most popular), prayer
cards and as Statues as an image of the crucified Jesus surrounded by a
group of objects associated with his passion and death. This tableau is
called the Arma Christi, Arms of Christ or Instruments of the Passion, they
are a group of objects associated with Christ's suffering, death and burial.
Follow by Email
Email addre Submit The objects include the rooster which crowed three times as Saint Peter
ss... denied his affiliation with Jesus, the sun which darkened at his death, the
cloth with which Saint Veronica wiped the face of Jesus as he carried the
Recommended cross to Golgotha "the place of skulls" , the bag of 30 silver coins paid to
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instruments of the Passion, including the scourge, ladder, pitcher of
Ancient Ways vinegar and gall, vinegar sop, lance, sword, hammer, and the gaming lots
Conjured Cardea cast for Jesus' clothing after his death.
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Indio Products The snake and apple on the ground refer to the Christian belief that
Lucky Hoodoo Products Golgotha, where Jesus died to save mankind from sin was also the burial
Lucky Mojo Curio Company place of Adam, the first man, who, according to Jewish theology,
committed mankind's first sin when he ate a forbidden apple offered to
Original Botanica him by a serpent.
Reverend Dee's Apothecary
Swamp Water Botanica How do you petition the Just Judge well you petition to either get justice
The Mystic Dream for yourself or to make the wrong doer pay for his/her wrongdoing, or you
Wisdom Products petition justice for your case and in some cases for all three.

Recommended Your initial prayer could be something like “May my cause be justified
Links with enlightenment from The Son of God, The Heavenly Host, Lord of
Lords, --and that (whomever) be held accountable for his/her actions in
Paranormal Web Blog of all eyes, ears and written orders.”
Reference List of Candle A more extended prayer from the New Revised “Helping Yourself With
Colors and their Meaning Selected Prayers” book:
Reference List of Graveyard or
Grave Dirts “Oh Just and Holy Judge, Blessed Son of the Virgin Mary, let my body be
Reference list of other kinds of calm and my blood be washed so that wherever I may go, the hands of my
dirt Lord Jesus Christ be in front of me. That of St. Andrew before and after
me. St. Peter's in the back and the middle. Those of the Virgin Mary, that
Recommended my enemies may come and go with eyes but without seeing me, with arms
but without hurting me, and that justice may not apprehend me. That my
Reading body be covered with the cloth that covered Jesus Christ's body, that I may
Anything written by Bishop not be hurt, or dead, or incarcerated. Oh Virgin Mary, this prayer I say for
Fulton J. Sheen good or evil that my enemies hold against me. If any sentence be in this
day against me, let it be revoked by the blessings of the Father, the Son,
and the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
Blog Archive
► 2017 (62) There is also a more complete prayer to Just Judge:
▼ 2016 (74)
► December (10) “Oh, Divine and Righteous Judge, creator of the skies and earth. King of
► November (5) Kings without equal, Judge of such supreme virtue that you nurture our
► October (10)
souls, with your paternal power.
▼ September (9)
Oh, my Lord and Redeemer, Rescuer of the Universe, via your infinite love
TO EVERYONE--- defend my interests from that of all adversaries, guide me, you are my
PLEASE INCLUDE light, my protector and my glory, via your infinite love defend me at all
St. Expedite Part 2 How Oh, all powerful and most Holy Jesus, bestow upon me a worthy death for
to petition and pray all the torment, pain and suffering of your own death nailed upon the Holy
to St... Cross. Holy Father prepare me as was done with your beloved Apostles
Thoughts on the Fall Saint Thomas and Saint Peter, liberate us as you did Saint Mary
Equinox~~~ Magdalene and several other virgins, make my life fulfilling and righteous
Do Reconciliation Spells without rash and reckless decisions, protect me from dangerous paths,
work? cruel prisons, treacherous rivers, all enemies, demonic possessions,
thieves, being referred to negatively, being the victim of false testimony.
A powerful Lunar
Liberate me Oh Supreme Being from falling into mortal sin – for that is the
Eclipse today~~~
worst that a Christian can commit on this earth, strip all powers from my
9/11 Day of enemies whether visible or invisible, never allow my conquering or that of
Rememberance~~~ my soul, never may I be within the reach of their eyes (be seen), feet (be
This is a 9-9-9 day, the located), hands (be apprehended).
first day of the rest of
... And as my Judge, protect me from their words, their spears, swords,
What is the Just Judge? knives, firearms or any means by which to mortally injure me, only you my
Needing to clear out my Lord, because your you are my Judge, my Father, my Redeemer. Conceal
comments me in that sacred sore at the Divine’s side, and cover me with the Sacred
sections~~~ Cloth that covered our most Holy Savior Jesus Christ’s body. My beloved
Father that my covered body be protected from injury, death,
► August (6)
imprisonment, captivity, and never within reach of the hands of any
► July (1) enemies, may my enemies be overcome/conquered.
► June (4)
► May (2) May the Father free me, the Son keep me, the Holy Spirit accompany and
► April (4) speak for me.
► March (5)
► February (8) In Jesus’s name. Amen”
► January (10)
Once you’ve completed your case, and it has been successful you need to
► 2015 (34) say a Thank You Prayer which goes like this:
► 2014 (34)
► 2013 (26) “Most Holy Judge, son of Mary, you did not let my body be harmed or my
► 2012 (1) blood spilled. You did not let my enemies see me, nor their armies hurt
► 2011 (3)
me. You covered me with your robe so that I would not be attacked by my
enemies. By the blessing of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, you
► 2010 (27)
have brought me peace and happiness. Thank You Just Judge. Amen”

Archive Now to show gratefulness you should make a donation to a religious or

charitable organization or one that is concerned with justice, for example
13 herb uncrossing bath (2)
such as the ACLU, the Southern Poverty Law Center, or Amnesty
13th hour water (2)
International. But not necessarily to a cause that only helps just one
2016 (1)
person, it needs to be an organization that seeks justice for many people.
4 thieves vinegar (1)
9-9-9 (1)
How do you do set the candle and the petition? On a piece of brown paper
9/11 (1)
torn from a plain paper bag, write your request, include the name of the
A note about Tag searches (3)
parties involved and if you know their birth dates or at least birth months,
a request (1)
if you have a photo of the other parties that will help as well.
about posting questions (3)
African Ju Ju Oil (1)
Anoint the 4 corners of your petition with Just Judge oil (included below)
Alignment Water (1)
anoint the candle with the same oil (do not drown the wick) Depending
All Hallows (2)
upon the court date if you can start it on the new moon that is best but if
Alligator Feet (1)
not then at least 8 days before the court date or if it’s an ongoing process
Alligator paws (1)
then on the new moon.
Alligator teeth (1)
alternate names for herbs (1)
alternative for graveyard dirt Say the petition prayer (1st on listed) then say one of the next two listed
(2) prayers, have the candle burn (safely) for the next 7 days. Sometimes it
am home (1) will burn very quickly in less than 7 days, if the candle is still burning after
An Egg Spell to find out if you 7 days let it continue to burn until it burns out. Then await the outcome.
been hexed (1)
Anna Riva (1) The 7 Day Just Judge candle is to achieve victory in court or for justice
Anna Riva oils (1) when you have been falsely accused. For added strength place a few drops
announcement (2) of Just Judge Oil on top of the candle as it burns. This vigil candle is
answering questions (3) alleged to protect you from all sorts of snares life can set forth, from
answers to questions (4) prison, thieves, gossip, liars and all enemies. The prayer petitions God to
Art of Candle spells part 1 (1) hold the petitioner close to his side where the enemy can never reach
Art of Candle spells part 2 (1) them. This candle is believed to be very powerful when burned.
Art of Candle spells part 3 (1)
Art of Candle spells part 4 (1) During this process you will also need to make a mojo bag out of blue
atheism (1) flannel (a craft store carries those flannel squares) you can make a small
Autumn (1) bag but it should be big enough to hold a Galangal root, John the
Autumn Equinox (1) Conqueror root along with either snake root or Indian tobacco and a horse
back on line (1) chestnut in a small bag. Anoint the roots, the nut and/or tobacco in Just
banishing (2) Judge oil and to give added punch van van oil. Carry this bag with you at
banishing oil recipe (1) all times even into court.
been ill (2)
been traveling (1) Now there is some questions such as if you are petitioning to deal out a
Benjamin Rucker (1) harsh sentence to a wrong doer does the petitioner need to take a cleansing
Bible in Folk Magic (1) bath afterwards, the answer is no because the Just Judge is Jesus one does
binding spell (2) not have to cleanse after asking him for justice. You are asking that the
Black Cat Oil (1) wrong doer gets what’s coming to them.
Black Destroyer Oil (1)
Black Herman (1) If you are petitioning for someone else for justice be specific, mention the
Black Herman Oil (1) victim’s name in the petition and that the victim hold the wrong doer
Black Salt (2) accountable or if you, the petitioner prefer have the accountability come
Black walnut bath (1) from another source but be specific.
Blessings (1)
Blood Moon (2) During the 7 days that the candle is burning at the same time each evening
Blood Moon water (1) recite this prayer from the bible: Psalm 94 as printed in the Holman
Blue Moon (2) Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)
Blue moon water (1)
bowls (1) The Just Judge
bridezilla's (1) 1 Lord, God of vengeance—God of vengeance, appear.
Calamus root (1) 2 Rise up, Judge of the earth; repay the proud what they deserve.
candle colors (3) 3 Lord, how long will the wicked—how long will the wicked gloat?
candle spell (2) 4 They pour out arrogant words; all the evildoers boast.
candle spells (8) 5 Lord, they crush Your people; they afflict Your heritage.
candle update (2) 6 They kill the widow and the foreigner and murder the fatherless.
Candlemas (1) 7 They say, “The Lord doesn’t see it. The God of Jacob doesn’t pay
candles (15) attention.”
Candles Update (2) 8 Pay attention, you stupid people! Fools, when will you be wise?
cannabis (1) 9 Can the One who shaped the ear not hear, the One who formed the eye
card reading for the year (1) not see?
cars (1) 10 The One who instructs nations, the One who teaches man knowledge—
catch up (5) does He not discipline?
catch up. (2) 11 The Lord knows man’s thoughts; they are meaningless.
celebrations (1) 12 Lord, happy is the man You discipline and teach from Your law
Chakras (1) 13 to give him relief from troubled times until a pit is dug for the wicked.
changes (2) 14 The Lord will not forsake His people or abandon His heritage,
chapter 1 (1) 15 for justice will again be righteous, and all the upright in heart will
Chapter 2 (1) follow[a] it.
Chapter 3 (1) 16 Who stands up for me against the wicked? Who takes a stand for me
Chapter 4 (1) against evildoers?
Chapter 5 (1) 17 If the Lord had not been my helper, I would soon rest in the silence of
Chapter 6 (1) death.
Chapter 6 A~~n addendum (1) 18 If I say, “My foot is slipping,” Your faithful love will support me, Lord.
Chapter 7 (1) 19 When I am filled with cares, Your comfort brings me joy.
Charged waters (12) 20 Can a corrupt throne—one that creates trouble by law—become Your
Chicken feet (1) ally?
Chinese Astrology (1) 21 They band together against the life of the righteous and condemn the
Chinese New Year (1) innocent to death.
Christmas Full Moon (1) 22 But the Lord is my refuge; my God is the rock of my protection.
Christmas Holy Water. (1) 23 He will pay them back for their sins and destroy them for their evil. The
Clairsenses (2) Lord our God will destroy them.
clean up (1) Amen.
Cleansing spell (1)
cleansing your hands (1) I have to say for a bible Hymn it’s pretty strongly worded.
Cleansing your space first part
physical cleansing (1) Recipe for Just Judge Oil:
Clearing a Love Mess (1) You will need:
closing psychic centers part 2 2 part carnation petals
(1) 1 part Anise seed
closing psychic centers part 3 1 part cinnamon
closing psychic centers part 4 Use 2 tablespoons of this mixture to 2 oz. oil usually light olive oil or
(1) almond oil. Add a piece of Galangal root to the bottle. Have it marinate for
closing psychic centers part I 24 hours.
coffin nails (1) It’s best to put some (a few drops) in your bath before any confrontations.
coins (2) Also wear as a perfume on your pulse points. (test for sensitivity)
cold iron (1)
Colors (1) Now I know you’ll want the recipe for Van Van oil and there are several of
comment sections (2) them out there, the one that I have from Mrs. Washington and Bella and
computer going into shop (1) Mrs. Byrd closely if not almost exactly matches the one listed by Catherine
computer problems (3) Yronwood, but Mrs. Harcourt although English had one that was a bit
Control your fear (1) different and there seems to be a few matches of it also on the internet, So
creating a hell hound (1) I’m going to do in the future a posting of the different Van Van oil recipes.
curses (1) Because only you the practitioner will know which one is right for you.
Cut and Clear spells (1)
D.U.M.E. (1) How do you dispose of the workings of this, with the petition burn it
Damnation oil use of. (1) carefully, crumble them up and then blow the ashes to the four winds, the
Days of the Dead (2) glass candle you can put into recycling where it will be melted down in the
death in family (1) heat of a blast furnace.
delays in responding to
comments (4) Bright Blessings,
dental surgery (2) Ms. Q
direction in this blog (1)
Dirt (1)
disguising magical workings
as something mundane (1)
disposing of ritual workings
do reconciliation spells work Posted by VooDoo Queen at 5:49 PM
(1) Labels: Just Judge , Just Judge Oil , Just Judge prayers , recipes for Oils , ritual
Dorothy Spenser (1)
Douay-Rheims Bible (1)
Double action candles (1) 14 comments:
dressing candles. family (1)
dual action candles (1)
Dust (1) Anonymous November 22, 2016 at 3:12 PM
Easter Break (1)
eclipse (4)
I saw there is another Just Judge statue. Here is a link to the
Editorial # 1 (1)
Editorial #2 (1)
It is call Rey Justo Juez. It shows a mean with a crown dress in
effectiveness (2)
white sitting on a throne.
Egg Cleansing Spell (1)
Is the man Jesus?
Egg Spell (1)
Have you heard of it?
Empath (1)
energies (6)
Ethics (2) Reply
ethics in magical workings (2)
exorcism (1) Replies
eyes (1)
Fall Equinox (1)
VooDoo Queen November 22, 2016 at 6:14 PM
family (6)
family history (2) Hello My Dear,
Feb 2 (1)
feeling better (1) This may be a variation of the Just Judge image
figure candles (3) although traditionally it shows the image of Jesus
Fireball water (1) crucified to indicate how injustice prevailed upon the
Firey Wall of protection oil (1) Savior of the World.
first protection (1)
first sacred circle (1) The image of Jesus crowned and enthroned proclaims
full moon water (2) the image and him as Christ the King.
Full Moons (4)
further subjects to cover (2) In the Encyclical Letter, QUAS PRIMAS, written by
general note to everyone (1) Pope Pius XI, the Pope states “Christ Himself speaks of
generational curses (1) His Own kingly authority; in His last discourse,
get rid of other woman (1) speaking of the rewards and punishments that will be
ghost hunting (2) the eternal lot of the just and the damned; in His reply
ghost post (1) to the Roman magistrate, who asked Him publicly
ghosts (3) whether He were a king or not; after His resurrection,
Good Fortune spells (1) when giving to His Apostles the mission of teaching and
Goofer Dust (2) Baptizing all nations, He took the opportunity to call
graveyard dirt (10) Himself king, confirming the title publicly, and
graveyard dirt intro (1) solemnly proclaimed that all power was given Him in
Graveyard dirt part 3 (1) Heaven and on earth. These words can only be taken to
graveyard dirt part 4 (1) indicate the greatness of his power, the infinite extent
Groundhog day (1) of His kingdom….. It is Christ Whom the Father "hath
Group Souls (2) appointed heir of all things"; "for He must reign until at
gun in magikal works (1) the end of the world He hath put all his enemies under
Halloween (2) the feet of God and the Father."
Halloween pt 1 (1)
Halloween water (2) Therefor this would be considered a variation of the
harvest time (1) image of the Just Judge as Christ the King judging the
Hash Water. (1) rewards and punishments to those who come before his
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Hauntings true or not (1) If you have a home where there is young children
healing (1) around having this image of Christ the King as the Just
health (2) Judge would be less frightening to them, it would be
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Hell Hounds (2) and actions.
herbs (3)
herbs for magic (3) In praying to the Just Judge Christ the King you must
High John the Conqueror (1) include the lines “Dear Jesus, you whom God the
History (2) Father has appointed to sit in Judgement till the end of
holidays (3) time, place my enemies under the feet of God Our
holy water (8) Father, so that justice prevails. Amen”
Honey jar spell for new love
(1) The image did not come up but by your description I
Honey Jar spells (2) knew what image it was. Thank you for sharing this
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house warding cleansing alvin sam November 25, 2016 at 2:22 PM
continued (1)
Thanks MS Q
how to create coffin nails. (1)
Here is a link on amazon.com of the Just Judge statue
how to petition St. Expeditius
how to process water (1)
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(1) Reply
Hush Water (1)
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Imbolc (1)
VooDoo Queen November 25, 2016 at 5:58 PM
in mourning (1)
insight (1) Thank You Alvin,
internet problems (1)
Introduction (2) I saw the statue, and it is a variation of Christ the King,
Introduction to same (1) for it to be named King Just Judge is odd, but the
Jar Candles (1) symbolism of him sitting on his throne, crowned, and
Just Judge (1) sitting in judgement would be correct.
Just Judge Oil (1)
Just Judge prayers (1) Thank You again.
Keys for Protection (1) Bright Blessings,
King James 1611 Bible (1) Ms. Q
Lake water (1)
laudanum (1)
learned behavior (1)
leopard image (1)
Licorice root (1)
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Links (3) alvin sam November 25, 2016 at 4:44 PM
list of metaphysical shops (2) Sorry I forgot to ask whether is it alright to have a Rev Justo Juez
list of revenge oils (1) statue in your house?
Love Mess (1) Since the Statue is Jesus will it bring a good vibration and grant us
love spell (2) protections?
Lunar Eclipse (4) Thanks
Mabon (1)
Made waters (7) Reply
Magical inks (1)
magical workings (14) Replies
magnet oil (1)
magnetic oil (1) VooDoo Queen November 25, 2016 at 6:04 PM
making Black Salt (1)
Making your own oils (3) Dear Alvin,
marketing (1)
memorials (1) It should be fine.
memories (1)
meteor showers (4) In terms of protections, when you petition him you
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Mid-Summer (1) protect you and your family.
mojo bags (1)
money spells (1) But he is really to be petitioned when an injustice has
moon phases (1) been done to you.
more information (1)
more types of graves. (2) However I do not see any problem with him being in
Ms Q retiring (1) your home and for you to ask him to watch over you
nature (2) and your family.
new post up (1)
new years (2) Bright Blessings,
next blog post (1) Ms. Q
notifying for questions (1)
Ocean water (1) Reply
off-line (1)
Oils (7)
oils for revenge (3)
Other types of dirt (2)
other types of dirt for magic alvin sam November 30, 2016 at 9:18 AM
(2) Hi Sorry to bother you but I have some last questions regarding
Other types of dirt part 1 (1) the Rey Justo Juez.
Other types of dirt part 2 (1) Do you know the story behind it?
Paraellel Universes (2) I was doing some research on line and they have a Shrine in
peace water (2) mexico.
Personal Protection (1) Do you know anything about it?
poisonous plants and herbs
(2) Reply
Policy (3)
poppy tea (1) Replies
post removal (4)
posting (3) VooDoo Queen December 1, 2016 at 7:13 PM
powders (2)
power outages (1) Dear Alvin,
Prayer (2)
Presidential Election (1) I’m going to have to do this in two parts.
problems with comment
section (2) I am not totally familiar with the shrine that you are
proceedures to collect it (1) thinking of but I did ask my one of my Grandchildren
processing graveyard dirt (1) who is studying religious anthropology about it and she
Protection (24) showed me a Youtube video of a festival in Mexico of
Protection spells (1) Rey Justo Juez, and although it doesn't say what time
Psalms (1) of the year, from the palm leaves and branches it
psychic ability (1) appears to be around Easter, the statue that they
psychic attack (2) showed is a far more detailed of Christ enthroned in a
psychic vampires (2) white robe but it shows clearly the crown of thorns,
psychic wars. (1) wounds on his knees and through the white glittery
purification (1) robe what looks like scourge marks on the back, so this
Quantum Theory (1) represents Christ enthroned but bloody from his
questions (6) persecution and crucifixion, so it is both Christ the King
quote from Ms. Q (1) and Christ the King and Just Judge.
Railroad spikes (2)
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recipe for goofer dust (1) The statue that is shown on amazon does not show the
Recipes (1) suffering that Christ underwent, except for the scourge
recipes for Black Destroyer Oil that was used to beat him that he holds in his right
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recipes for Oils (14)
recipes for powders (1) Someone translated the complete prayer from Spanish
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(1) Oh, my Lord and Redeemer, Rescuer of the Universe,
Red Brick Dust (1) via your infinite love defend my interests from that of
Reference list to graveyard dirt all adversaries, guide me, you are my light, my
(1) protector and my glory, via your infinite love defend me
references (1) at all times.
reincarnation (1)
rememberance (1) Oh, all powerful and most Holy Jesus, bestow upon me
repelling ghosts (1) a worthy death for all the torment, pain and suffering of
repercussions (1) your own death nailed upon the Holy Cross. Holy
reply to a question (1) Father prepare me as was done with your beloved
residual hauntings (2) Apostles Saint Thomas and Saint Peter, liberate us as
response to questions posted you did Saint Mary Magdalene and several other
and asked. (3) virgins, make my life fulfilling and righteous without
resting (1) rash and reckless decisions, protect me from dangerous
Retirement (1) paths, cruel prisons, treacherous rivers, all enemies,
revenge (3) demonic possessions, thieves, being referred to
revenge oils (1) negatively, being the victim of false testimony. Liberate
Revenge part 1 (1) me Oh Supreme Being from falling into mortal sin – for
revenge rituals (1) that is the worst that a Christian can commit on this
revenge spells (1) earth, strip all powers from my enemies whether visible
reviews (1) or invisible, never allow my conquering or that of my
ritual (3) soul, never may I be within the reach of their eyes (be
Ritual Inks (1) seen), feet (be located), hands (be apprehended).
River water (1)
Road Opener Oil (1) And as my Judge, protect me from their words, their
rohypnol (1) spears, swords, knives, firearms or any means by which
sacred space (1) to mortally injure me, only you my Lord, because your
Sacred waters (5) you are my Judge, my Father, my Redeemer. Conceal
Sage Water (2) me in that sacred sore at the Divine’s side, and cover
Saints (3) me with the Sacred Cloth that covered our most Holy
Salt (3) Savior Jesus Christ’s body. My beloved Father that my
Samhain (1) covered body be protected from injury, death,
seances (1) imprisonment, captivity, and never within reach of the
seasons (4) hands of any enemies, may my enemies be
sex (1) overcome/conquered.
Shielding (1)
simple burial ritual (1) May the Father free me, the Son keep me, the Holy
skull candles (1) Spirit accompany and speak for me.
solar eclipse (4)
Soul level part 2 (1) Jesus, Amen."
soul levels (5)
Soul mates (1) Continued in Part 2
spells. (1)
Spirit communication (4)
Spirit Guide part 2 (1)
Spirit Guide part 3 (1) VooDoo Queen December 1, 2016 at 7:18 PM
Spirit Guide part 4 (1) Part 2
Spirit guides (5)
spirit protection (5) There is a shorter prayer that is from the book New
spirit waters (4) Revised “Helping Yourself With Selected Prayers”:
spirits (1)
spiritual gifts (1) Oh Just and Holy Judge, Blessed Son of the Virgin
spiritual waters (3) Mary, let my body be calm and my blood be washed so
Spring cleaning (1) that wherever I may go, the hands of my Lord Jesus
Spring or Fall Equinox (1) Christ be in front of me. That of St. Andrew before and
spring water (1) after me. St. Peter's in the back and the middle. Those
St. Expedit (2) of the Virgin Mary, that my enemies may come and go
St. John's water (3) with eyes but without seeing me, with arms but without
St. Martha (1) hurting me, and that justice may not apprehend me.
St. Michael (2) That my body be covered with the cloth that covered
St.Expeditus (2) Jesus Christ's body, that I may not be hurt, or dead, or
substitutions (1) incarcerated. Oh Virgin Mary, this prayer I say for good
Summer Solstice (1) or evil that my enemies hold against me. If any
Super Moon (1) sentence be in this day against me, let it be revoked by
surgery (4) the blessings of the Father, the Son, and the Holy
Sweet Flag (1) Ghost. Amen.
symbol interpretation (1)
Tags (1) When petitioning you can say something like:
taking a break (5) May my cause be justified with enlightenment from The
tar water (1) Son of God, The Heavenly Host, Lord of Lords, --and
Thanksgiving (3) (whomever) he be held accountable for his actions in all
the Bible (1) eyes, ears and written orders. Amen
the Equinox (1)
thoughts (6) And then when it is completed you can thank the Just
tie up a man ritual (1) Judge with this prayer:
timing of purchasing Most Holy Judge, son of Mary, you did not let my body
graveyard dirt (1) be harmed or my blood spilled. You did not let my
To the person whose e-mail enemies see me, nor their armies hurt me. You covered
starts with Prince (1) me with your robe so that I would not be attacked by
tragedy (1) my enemies. By the blessing of the Father, the Son and
types of candles (3) the Holy Spirit, you have brought me peace and
types of Rain water (3) happiness. Thank You Just Judge. Amen
types of water (8)
Uncrossing bath (5) And you need to make an offering to a legal group that
Uncrossing if you have been helps prisoners or inequality.
Uncrossing love (1) Once again in my observation, the actual statue is really
Uncrossing recipes (1) very bloody and would frighten children, so the one
Uncrossing ritual (4) that is shown on Amazon is really a "cleaned up"
Uncrossing ritual part 1 (1) version and would be more acceptable in a home with
Uncrossing ritual part 2 (1) children.
Uncrossing ritual part 3 (1)
Uncrossing ritual part 4 (1) I have an antique statue showing Christ on his knees
understanding a situation (1) and holding the cross on one shoulder as he is going
understanding Candle talk (1) through the walk to Golgotha. My Granny would put it
understanding Candle talk. (1) out during the three hours on Good Friday and do the
Unspoken Water (1) rosary. It is very old and at the base it says "the Just
update (33) Judge". So we can have different representations and
use of coffin nails (1) they can change over the years.
use of cold iron (2)
uses of candles (4) I hope that helps you.
Uses of van van oil (1)
using figure candles (1) Bright Blessings,
vacation (5) Ms. Q
Van Van Oil (1)
various types of salt (3)
Vinegar (1)
voudou tradition (1)
Walnut bath (1)
waning moon (1)
war water (2) Maribel Santiago Santiago December 2, 2016 at 12:26 PM
Warding (3)
Hi there,
Wards (3)
warning (1)
I was wondering.. Can to do this for a person although the person
Water (16)
is guilty of the "crime" he's being accused of? And how would I go
Water introduction (2)
about it for him?
Water part 1 (2)
Water part 2 (1) Reply
Water part 3 (1)
Water Part 4 (1) Replies
Water Part 5 (1)
Water part 6 (1)
VooDoo Queen December 2, 2016 at 1:42 PM
Water Part 6 section 2 (1)
Water part 6 section 3 (1) Dear Maribel,
waters (5)
wax readings (2) In what context do you mean? Has this person been
weddings (1) found guilty of their crime by a jury, or is he being
weeding out comments section accused of a crime but has not gone to trial.
Well water (1) If you know personally that this person is possibly
what you need (1) guilty but has not been found out, then Calling upon
Wheel of the Year (1) Just Judge would be correct.
why a blog (1)
why love spells don't work (1) But if this person is not guilty, Just Judge will help to
why some spells don't work find the guilty party.
why to not look back (1) Read my post on this very carefully, I have several
why you need to work to have prayers posted on it and in the comments section, if
spells work for you (1) you have a Just Judge statue or candle you can put your
Wicca (1) petition under it until it is complete.
Wishing Moon (1)
witchbottle (1) It is prayers and burning candles and more prayers that
witchcraft (2) help, so the Just Judge can hear you.
work (1)
working with the saints (1) Just remember the "Wheels of Justice grin exceedingly
yule (1) slow but exceedingly fine."

Labels Then when complete make a donation to a charity that

helps victims.
13 herb uncrossing bath (2)
13th hour water (2) Bright Blessings,
2016 (1) Ms. Q
4 thieves vinegar (1)
9-9-9 (1)
9/11 (1) Reply
A note about Tag searches (3)
a request (1)
about posting questions (3)
African Ju Ju Oil (1) Amy Lee November 14, 2017 at 12:23 AM
Alignment Water (1) Is it ok to leave the candle in my boyfriends room he is the one
All Hallows (2) hurting and falsely accusing me. But i also want to protect him
Alligator Feet (1) from the law as he makes some bad decisions.
Alligator paws (1)
Alligator teeth (1) Reply
alternate names for herbs (1)
alternative for graveyard dirt
(2) Amy Lee November 14, 2017 at 12:27 AM
am home (1)
An Egg Spell to find out if you Is it ok or wise of me to leave the candle in my baby's father's
been hexed (1) home. He is the one hurting me physically mentally & emotionally
Anna Riva (1) by false accusing me & believing lies his friends tell him. But i also
Anna Riva oils (1) pray on the candle with intention to protect him from the law as
announcement (2) he makes bad choices. What am i doing wrong? Please help...
answering questions (3) Reply
answers to questions (4)
Art of Candle spells part 1 (1)
Art of Candle spells part 2 (1)
Art of Candle spells part 3 (1)
Art of Candle spells part 4 (1) VooDoo Queen November 14, 2017 at 9:15 AM
atheism (1) Dear Amy,
Autumn (1)
Autumn Equinox (1) This is Ms. Q's niece. She has suffered a serious heart
back on line (1) attack and has retired from this blog.
banishing (2)
banishing oil recipe (1) I did tell her this morning about your question, her
been ill (2) answer is No do not leave the candle with him, this
been traveling (1) candle is for you to have justice.
Benjamin Rucker (1)
Bible in Folk Magic (1) You are sending a mix message to the Just Judge,
binding spell (2) cleans the candle with spring water and do over but this
Black Cat Oil (1) time focus on you wanting him brought to justice for
Black Destroyer Oil (1) his lies, even if it means him going to jail.
Black Herman (1)
Black Herman Oil (1) Ms. Q says anyone who does this to a baby's Mama is
Black Salt (2) not a real man and deserves to be in prison. Save
Black walnut bath (1) yourself and your child.
Blessings (1)
Blood Moon (2) In Ms. Q's words Bright Blessings
Blood Moon water (1)
Blue Moon (2)
Blue moon water (1) Reply
bowls (1)
bridezilla's (1)
Calamus root (1)
candle colors (3)
candle spell (2)
candle spells (8)
candle update (2)
Candlemas (1)
candles (15)
Candles Update (2)
cannabis (1)
card reading for the year (1)
cars (1)
catch up (5)
catch up. (2)
celebrations (1)
Chakras (1)
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as something mundane (1)
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Dorothy Spenser (1)
Douay-Rheims Bible (1)
Double action candles (1)
dressing candles. family (1)
dual action candles (1)
Dust (1)
Easter Break (1)
eclipse (4)
Editorial # 1 (1)
Editorial #2 (1)
effectiveness (2)
Egg Cleansing Spell (1)
Egg Spell (1)
Empath (1)
energies (6)
Ethics (2)
ethics in magical workings (2)
exorcism (1)
eyes (1)
Fall Equinox (1)
family (6)
family history (2)
Feb 2 (1)
feeling better (1)
figure candles (3)
Fireball water (1)
Firey Wall of protection oil (1)
first protection (1)
first sacred circle (1)
full moon water (2)
Full Moons (4)
further subjects to cover (2)
general note to everyone (1)
generational curses (1)
get rid of other woman (1)
ghost hunting (2)
ghost post (1)
ghosts (3)
Good Fortune spells (1)
Goofer Dust (2)
graveyard dirt (10)
graveyard dirt intro (1)
Graveyard dirt part 3 (1)
graveyard dirt part 4 (1)
Groundhog day (1)
Group Souls (2)
gun in magikal works (1)
Halloween (2)
Halloween pt 1 (1)
Halloween water (2)
harvest time (1)
Hash Water. (1)
haunted by living spirits (2)
hauntings (1)
Hauntings true or not (1)
healing (1)
health (2)
heat wave (1)
Hell Hounds (2)
herbs (3)
herbs for magic (3)
High John the Conqueror (1)
History (2)
holidays (3)
holy water (8)
Honey jar spell for new love
Honey Jar spells (2)
hoodoo (3)
horse shoe protection (1)
Hospitalization (1)
Hot Foot Oil (2)
Hot Foot Oil use of (1)
Hot Foot Powder (2)
Hot Foot recipes (2)
Hot Foot spells (2)
house cleansing (2)
house warding (1)
house warding cleansing
continued (1)
how to create coffin nails. (1)
how to petition St. Expeditius
how to process water (1)
how to tell if you're an empath
Hush Water (1)
hyssop tea (1)
illness (4)
Imbolc (1)
in mourning (1)
insight (1)
internet problems (1)
Introduction (2)
Introduction to same (1)
Jar Candles (1)
Just Judge (1)
Just Judge Oil (1)
Just Judge prayers (1)
Keys for Protection (1)
King James 1611 Bible (1)
Lake water (1)
laudanum (1)
learned behavior (1)
leopard image (1)
Licorice root (1)
life after death (1)
Links (3)
list of metaphysical shops (2)
list of revenge oils (1)
Love Mess (1)
love spell (2)
Lunar Eclipse (4)
Mabon (1)
Made waters (7)
Magical inks (1)
magical workings (14)
magnet oil (1)
magnetic oil (1)
making Black Salt (1)
Making your own oils (3)
marketing (1)
memorials (1)
memories (1)
meteor showers (4)
meteorites (1)
Mid-Summer (1)
mojo bags (1)
money spells (1)
moon phases (1)
more information (1)
more types of graves. (2)
Ms Q retiring (1)
nature (2)
new post up (1)
new years (2)
next blog post (1)
notifying for questions (1)
Ocean water (1)
off-line (1)
Oils (7)
oils for revenge (3)
Other types of dirt (2)
other types of dirt for magic
Other types of dirt part 1 (1)
Other types of dirt part 2 (1)
Paraellel Universes (2)
peace water (2)
Personal Protection (1)
poisonous plants and herbs
Policy (3)
poppy tea (1)
post removal (4)
posting (3)
powders (2)
power outages (1)
Prayer (2)
Presidential Election (1)
problems with comment
section (2)
proceedures to collect it (1)
processing graveyard dirt (1)
Protection (24)
Protection spells (1)
Psalms (1)
psychic ability (1)
psychic attack (2)
psychic vampires (2)
psychic wars. (1)
purification (1)
Quantum Theory (1)
questions (6)
quote from Ms. Q (1)
Railroad spikes (2)
Rain Water (5)
Raymond Buckland (1)
re-setting protections (1)
read first (2)
recipe for goofer dust (1)
Recipes (1)
recipes for Black Destroyer Oil
recipes for Oils (14)
recipes for powders (1)
recommended metaphysical
shops introduction (1)
recommended movies (2)
recommended shops (2)
reconciliation spells (1)
recovery (2)
recovery from dental surgery
Red Brick Dust (1)
Reference list to graveyard dirt
references (1)
reincarnation (1)
rememberance (1)
repelling ghosts (1)
repercussions (1)
reply to a question (1)
residual hauntings (2)
response to questions posted
and asked. (3)
resting (1)
Retirement (1)
revenge (3)
revenge oils (1)
Revenge part 1 (1)
revenge rituals (1)
revenge spells (1)
reviews (1)
ritual (3)
Ritual Inks (1)
River water (1)
Road Opener Oil (1)
rohypnol (1)
sacred space (1)
Sacred waters (5)
Sage Water (2)
Saints (3)
Salt (3)
Samhain (1)
seances (1)
seasons (4)
sex (1)
Shielding (1)
simple burial ritual (1)
skull candles (1)
solar eclipse (4)
Soul level part 2 (1)
soul levels (5)
Soul mates (1)
spells. (1)
Spirit communication (4)
Spirit Guide part 2 (1)
Spirit Guide part 3 (1)
Spirit Guide part 4 (1)
Spirit guides (5)
spirit protection (5)
spirit waters (4)
spirits (1)
spiritual gifts (1)
spiritual waters (3)
Spring cleaning (1)
Spring or Fall Equinox (1)
spring water (1)
St. Expedit (2)
St. John's water (3)
St. Martha (1)
St. Michael (2)
St.Expeditus (2)
substitutions (1)
Summer Solstice (1)
Super Moon (1)
surgery (4)
Sweet Flag (1)
symbol interpretation (1)
Tags (1)
taking a break (5)
tar water (1)
Thanksgiving (3)
the Bible (1)
the Equinox (1)
thoughts (6)
tie up a man ritual (1)
timing of purchasing
graveyard dirt (1)
To the person whose e-mail
starts with Prince (1)
tragedy (1)
types of candles (3)
types of Rain water (3)
types of water (8)
Uncrossing bath (5)
Uncrossing if you have been
Uncrossing love (1)
Uncrossing recipes (1)
Uncrossing ritual (4)
Uncrossing ritual part 1 (1)
Uncrossing ritual part 2 (1)
Uncrossing ritual part 3 (1)
Uncrossing ritual part 4 (1)
understanding a situation (1)
understanding Candle talk (1)
understanding Candle talk. (1)
Unspoken Water (1)
update (33)
use of coffin nails (1)
use of cold iron (2)
uses of candles (4)
Uses of van van oil (1)
using figure candles (1)
vacation (5)
Van Van Oil (1)
various types of salt (3)
Vinegar (1)
voudou tradition (1)
Walnut bath (1)
waning moon (1)
war water (2)
Warding (3)
Wards (3)
warning (1)
Water (16)
Water introduction (2)
Water part 1 (2)
Water part 2 (1)
Water part 3 (1)
Water Part 4 (1)
Water Part 5 (1)
Water part 6 (1)
Water Part 6 section 2 (1)
Water part 6 section 3 (1)
waters (5)
wax readings (2)
weddings (1)
weeding out comments section
Well water (1)
what you need (1)
Wheel of the Year (1)
why a blog (1)
why love spells don't work (1)
why some spells don't work
why to not look back (1)
why you need to work to have
spells work for you (1)
Wicca (1)
Wishing Moon (1)
witchbottle (1)
witchcraft (2)
work (1)
working with the saints (1)
yule (1)

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