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The proponents proposed covered walkways in front of the city hall building.

Covered walkway

keeps the sidewalks covered from rain, sun and other natural elements, keeping the path dry and

clean. This is to provide easier mobility and safety to the clients of the city hall. Sidewalks and

walkways increase pedestrian safety by separating pedestrians from vehicle traffic vertically

raised with a curb.

The proponents proposed a covered walkway separated from the roadway for the pedestrians in

the city hall compound. Walkways are integral components of streets and roadways where

pedestrians need to experience safety, comfort, accessibility, and efficient mobility.

The benefits of covered walkways are endless. Covered walkways are a necessary addition to any
business because they create an area that protects those people walking into your business from
natural elements such as snow, rain, and UV rays.

Sidewalks separated from the roadway are the preferred accommodation for pedestrians. Sidewalks provide
many benefits including safety, mobility, and healthier communities.

In addition to reducing walking along roadway crashes, sidewalks reduce other pedestrian crashes. Roadways
without sidewalks are more than twice as likely to have pedestrian crashes as sites with sidewalks on both
sides of the street.4
Photo Credit: Burden

Providing walkways for pedestrians dramatically increases how well pedestrians perceive their needs are being
met along roadways.5 The wider the separation between the pedestrian and the roadway is, the more
comfortable the pedestrian facility.

By providing facilities that are more comfortable, we can increase the number of trips made by walking,
particularly in areas with mixed land uses.6 Providing sidewalks, widened paved shoulders, or stabilized
shoulders—particularly when providing access to public transit—can increase the transportation options for
individuals who may not be able to drive a car. Additionally, by moving pedestrians off the travel lanes, motorist
operations are improved and capacity increased.

Research indicates that people will walk for recreational purposes if a facility is provided. 6 Recreational walking
is one of the easiest ways for people to get the recommended allotment of physical exercise each day.
Moderate exercise, such as walking, contributes to both physical and mental well being. 7

Benefits of Paved Shoulders

Paved shoulders provide numerous safety benefits for motorists and pedestrians. Installing or widening paved
shoulders has the following benefits:

 Provides a stable surface off of the roadway for pedestrians to use when sidewalks cannot be
 Reduces numerous crash types including the following:
o Head on crashes (15%–75% reported reduction)8
o Sideswipe crashes (15%–41%)8
o Fixed object crashes (29%–49%)8
o Pedestrian (walking along roadway) crashes (71%)8
 Improves roadway drainage
 Increases effective turning radii at intersections
 Reduces shoulder maintenance requirements
 Provides emergency stopping space for broken-down vehicles
 Provides space for maintenance operations and snow storage
 Provides space for variable message signs
 Provides an increased level of comfort for bicyclists5

 The utility
 Covered walkway keeps the walkways covered from rain, sun and other natural elements, keeping
the path dry and clean. As the canopy covers the paths, so they offer better longevity. If you are
installing some great looking tiles on the walkways to make it look really glamorous, installing the
canopies will ensure that the tiles remain in their best condition and get a much longer life
without any heavy maintenance. A covered pathway keeps the path dry and clean, making it ideal
for use at any time irrespective of the weather condition. The canopies can also be installed to
cover the open parking space to provide a nice looking temporary shelter to the vehicles; these
canopies can serve the purpose of protecting as well as can offer the best looks.
 Aesthetic value
 With the addition of the covered walkway in your property, you can certainly add a new element
that is sure to increase the value and importance of the construction. Covered pathways offer ease
of use, and make it even easier to install proper lighting on the ways, which make the pathways
easy accessible and great looking even during the night. Many canopies even come with added
lighting setups, which support easy installation. These canopies are made up of steel frames
which make them strong enough to hold against even the heavy wind. High-quality fibre and
other synthetic materials are used to make the cover, which ensures great longevity of a single-
walkway cover over the years.

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