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NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCH SCHOOL OF DISTANCE EDUCATION EXAMINATIONS: JUNE 2010 NCP 21/PGPM 11/IDM 11: MANAGEMENT IN ORGANISATIONS i, Answer any 5 questions fi, All questions carry equal marks Time allowed: 2 hours Max Marks: 100 ess organizations 1, What Discuss various forms of bu with suitable examples? 2. How would you define management? Discuss whether management is art or science? 3. Explain the scientific theory of management by F.W. Taylor 4, As the project manager of Construction Company, explain, how you would like to utilise your knowledge of Maslow's need hierarch theory to motivate your employees? 5. You are the General Manager of a large Your company would like to undertake an attractive new project, Explain what steps you follow in planning for the project 6. Explain in detail the process of organizing in a construction company, with suitable examples? 7. Write short notes on ANY TWO: > Importance of effective communication in today’s organizations > Delegation > Value Engineering > MCKINSEY's 7-S approach NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCH SCHOOL OF DISTANCE EDUCATION EXAMINATIONS: DECEMBER 2009 NCP 26/ CBCM 4/ IDM 21: Construction Project Management Techniques PGPM22. * + Project Planning & Control farks: 100 Duration: 2 hours Max. Ma Not Answer any Four questions Q.a) State whiether following statements are true or false, In case of a false ag statement, vite the correct statement. 1) Critical path gives the minimum time required for project completion, 4) Critical path, once identified, remains critical throughout the project implementation tll its completion 4H) Daring compression, among activities along a critical path, tie activity with highest cost slope is compresced firs. {©) The amount of time by which an activity can be delayed from its carly start ‘without delaying the early start of the succeeding activity is called total float ¥) Eamed value is the actual cost of work performed. b) Answer the following, (Any three) a3) 2) The-mean expected project completion time for a construction project is 75 S, wrth standard deviation of $.6 weeks, What will be the expected project

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