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Sta. Filomena, Dipolog City

1st Semester 2017 - 2018


HIGHER EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Mgt 5 (Business Policy and Strategy)

FINAL EXAMINATION Earl Russell S. Paulican

NAME: ___________________________________________ SCORE: _______________________

COURSE/YEAR: ______________________________ DATE : _____________________

“If you have no money, use your brain, if you have no brain, sweat it out”
-Japanese Phrase-
Test I. TRUE OR FALSE. Write True if the statements are correct and False if otherwise. (2 Points Each)
1. The culprit of having achieved only so much or nothing at all can be traced to the absence of
vision-mission statement or having one which is improperly done or a vision statement itself
that is either impracticable or unachievable. This statement is a fallacy.
2. A strategic vision concerns a firm’s future business path and answers the question “where we
are going”. This statement is true.
3. A mission statement focuses on current business activities and answers the question “who
we are and what we do”. This statement is wrong.
4. The strategic vision is the guiding star or the roadmap of the management team and the
employees of the business organization as a whole. This statement is true.
5. To be meaningful and considered internalized or embraced by all parties concerned, the
vision-mission statement must be relayed or communicated to all parties in an exciting and
inspiring manner. This statement is true.
6. Objectives represent the desired ends towards which efforts are directed whereas goals are
specific and quantified version of objectives. This statement is true.
7. To achieve the vision-mission of the firm, the objective must be realistic and based on the
firm’s resource capabilities both human and other form of capital or financial resources. This
statement is correct.
8. There must a time frame or period and limit as to how soon the objectives can be achieved,
preferably soon enough. This statement is erroneous.
9. While crafting strategy/policy is management-oriented, it is actually the role played by all
parties in the organization in crafting the strategy/policy that determines a
practical/achievable strategy/policy. This statement is correct.
10. Strategy implementation and execution is essentially putting the strategy into action. This
statement is error-free.

TEST II. Enumeration. Enumerate and briefly define your answers.. (2 points each)
1. Why Strategies/Policies Evolve





2. What Are Considered Good Objectives






GOD Bless 
Test III. Essay. Your answers must not be least than 15 sentences. 10 points (7-substance, 3-structure)

Summarize your learning in this course (Business Policy and Strategy).

“Dear Students, You are the best because you brought out the best in me”
_keep on dreaming_
-Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year-
GOD Bless 

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