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4 Moments of Inertia About Inclined Axes; Principal Moments

10.4 Moments of Inertia About Inclined Axes; Principal Moments Example 1, page 1 of 3
1. Determine the moments of inertia of the standard rolled-steel
angle section with respect to the u and v axes.
0.987 in.

0.5 in. Ix = 17.40 in4

v Iy = 6.27 in4

Ixy = 6.08 in.4

6 in.

C 45°
u 1.99 in.

0.5 in.
4 in.
10.4 Moments of Inertia About Inclined Axes; Principal Moments Example 1, page 2 of 3
1 The formula for Iu is
Ix + Iy I I
Iu = + x y cos 2 Ixy sin 2
2 2
We can save some work later, if we calculate and save the expressions

Ix + Iy 17.40 in4 + 6.27 in4

= = 11.835 in4 (2)
2 2
Ix Iy 17.40 in4 6.27 in4 (3)
= = 5.565 in4
2 2
Eq. 1 becomes,
11.835 in4, by Eq. 2
6.08 in.4
45° ( is negative because the x axis
Ix + Iy I I
Iu = + x y cos 2 Ixy sin 2 must be rotated clockwise to make it
2 2 coincide with the u axis)
5.565 in4, by Eq. 3

= 5.76 in4 Ans.

10.4 Moments of Inertia About Inclined Axes; Principal Moments Example 1, page 3 of 3
2 Similarly, for Iv and Iuv,
11.835 in4, by Eq. 2
6.08 in.4 45°
Ix + Iy Ix Iy
Iv = cos 2 Ixy sin 2
2 2
5.565 in4, by Eq. 3

= 17.92 in4 Ans.

5.565 in4, by Eq. 3

Ix Iy
Iuv = sin 2 Ixy cos 2

6.08 in.4
= 5.57 in4 Ans.
10.4 Moments of Inertia About Inclined Axes; Principal Moments Example 2, page 1 of 5
2. Determine the moments of inertia of the crosshatched area with
respect to the u and v axes for a) = 25° and b) = 90°

40 mm

220 mm

100 mm 100 mm

20 mm

1 Before we can use the equations for Iu, Iv, and Iuv, we must
determine Ix, Iy, and Ixy. Determining Ixy is easy: the y axis is
an axis of symmetry, so

Ixy = 0 (1)
10.4 Moments of Inertia About Inclined Axes; Principal Moments Example 2, page 2 of 5
2 To find Ix and Iy, consider the crosshatched area to be
the sum of two rectangles and calculate Ix and Iy for
each rectangle y y
y y Centroid 20 mm
20 mm
40 mm

Centroid 120 mm 120 mm

220 mm = 220 mm x + 220 mm

220mm/2 = 110 mm

x x x
100 mm 100 mm Rectangle 1 Rectangle 2
20 mm I = bh3/12 for
rectangle about
Ix-rectangle-1 = Ix' + d2A centroidal axis Iy-rectangle-1 (220 mm)(40 mm)3
3 =
(40 mm)(220 mm)3
= + (110 mm)2[(40 mm)(220 mm) = 0.0117 108 mm4 (3)
= 1.4197 108 mm4 (2)
10.4 Moments of Inertia About Inclined Axes; Principal Moments Example 2, page 3 of 5
4 Ix-rectangle-2 = Ix' + d2A
(240 mm)(40 mm)3
= + (220 mm + 20 mm)2 (240 mm)(40 mm)
= 5.5424 108 mm4 (4)
Iy-rectangle-2 =
(40 mm)(240 mm)3
= 0.4608 108 mm4 (5)
5 Adding the results for rectangles 1 and 2 gives 0.4608 108 mm4, by Eq. 5
Ix = Ix-rectangle-1 + Ix-rectangle-2 Iy = Iy-rectangle-1 + Iy-rectangle-2

1.4197 108 mm4, by Eq. 2 5.5424 108 mm4, by Eq. 4 0.0117 108 mm4, by Eq. 3

= 6.9621 108 mm4 (6) = 0.4725 108 mm4 (7)

6 Substitute for Ix, Iy, and Ixy in the equation for Iu, Iv, and Iuv.
We can save work if we calculate and save the expressions

Ix + Iy 6.9621 108 mm4 + 0.4725 108 mm4 (8)

= = 3.7173 108 mm4
2 2
Ix Iy 6.9621 108 mm4 0.4725 108 mm4 (9)
= = 3.2448 108 mm4
2 2
10.4 Moments of Inertia About Inclined Axes; Principal Moments Example 2, page 4 of 5
7 Part a): Calculate Iu, Iv, and Iuv for = 25°
25° 0, by Eq. 1
Ix + Iy I I
Iu =
2 + x y cos 2 Ixy sin 2
3.7173 108 mm4, by Eq. 8 3.2448 108 mm4, by Eq. 9

= 5.80 108 mm4 Ans.

0, by Eq. 1
Ix + Iy Ix Iy
Iv = cos 2 Ixy sin 2
2 2
3.7173 108 mm4, by Eq. 8 3.2448 108 mm4, by Eq. 9

= 1.632 108 mm4 Ans.

Ix Iy Ixy cos 2
Iuv = sin 2
3.2448 108 mm4, by Eq. 9 0, by Eq. 1

= 2.49 108 mm4 Ans.

10.4 Moments of Inertia About Inclined Axes; Principal Moments Example 2, page 5 of 5
8 Part b) : When the u and y axes coincide, so no transformation
equations are needed. Instead, we have
y, u
Iu = Iy
0.4725 108 mm4, by Eq. 7
= 0.47 108 mm4 Ans.

90° Similarly,
v x Iv = Ix
6.9621 108 mm4, by Eq. 6
= 6.96 108 mm4 Ans.


Iuv = Ixy

= 0, by Eq. 1 Ans.
10.4 Moments of Inertia About Inclined Axes; Principal Moments Example 3, page 1 of 4
3. Determine the value of for which the product of inertia of the
crosshatched area with respect to the u and v axes is zero. Calculate
Iu and Iv for this value of and compare Iu and Iv to Imax and Imin

x2 + y2 = 1002
Ix = 1.9635 x 107 mm4
Iy = 1.9635 x 107 mm4

Ixy = 1.2500 x 107 mm4

10.4 Moments of Inertia About Inclined Axes; Principal Moments Example 3, page 2 of 4
1 The formula for Iuv is
Ix Iy (1)
Iuv = sin 2 Ixy cos 2
We can save some work later, if we calculate and save
Ix Iy 1.9635 x 107 1.9635 x 107
= = 0 (2)
2 2
Setting Iuv equal to zero in Eq. 1 gives,
0, by Eq. 2

Ix+ Iy Ixy cos 2

0 = sin 2
1.2500 x 107 mm4
Solving this equation for leads to two roots:

= 45°, 45° Ans.

10.4 Moments of Inertia About Inclined Axes; Principal Moments Example 3, page 3 of 4
2 The formula for Iu is

Ix + Iy Ix Iy
Iu = + cos 2 Ixy sin 2 (3)
2 2

We can save some work by calculating and saving

Ix + Iy 1.9635 107 1.9635 107 107 (4)

= = 1.9635
2 2
Substituting numerical values in Eq. 3 gives

1.9635 107 mm4 1.2500 107 mm4

Ix + Iy I I
Iu = 2 + x y cos 2 Ixy sin 2
2 45°
0, by Eq. 2
= 0.7135 107 mm4 Ans.

Similarly for Iv,

1.9635 107 mm4 1.2500 107 mm4
Ix + Iy Ix Iy
Iv = cos 2 Ixy sin 2
2 2 45°
0, by Eq. 2

= 3.2135 107 mm4 Ans.

10.4 Moments of Inertia About Inclined Axes; Principal Moments Example 3, page 4 of 4
3 Calculate Imax and Imin
1.9635 107 mm4 1.2500 107 mm4

Imax,min = Ix + Iy Ix Iy )2 Ixy2
2 2
0, by Eq. 2

= 3.2135 107 mm4, 0.7135 107 mm4

same as Iv Same as Iu

Thus Iv = Imax and Iu = Imin. In general if the product of inertia, Iuv, is zero for a
given orientation, then the moments of inertia, Iu and Iv, are the maximum and
minimum moments of inertia possible for any orientation.

4 Show the u and v axes' orientation.

x2 + y2 = 1002
v u (Axis of minimum moment of inertia)
(Axis of maximum
moment of inertia)

10.4 Moments of Inertia About Inclined Axes; Principal Moments Example 4, page 1 of 2
4. Determine the principal moments of inertia with respect to all
possible rectangular coordinate systems with their origin at the
centroid C.

20 mm Ix = 2.2013 x 107 mm4

Iy = 0.9213 x 107 mm4

50 mm
C x

50 mm

20 mm

60 mm 60 mm

10 mm

1 Because the x and y axes are axes of symmetry for the crosshatched area

Ixy = 0 (1)
10.4 Moments of Inertia About Inclined Axes; Principal Moments Example 4, page 2 of 2
2 Apply the equation for the principal moments of inertia.

2.2013 107 mm4 0, by Eq. 1

Ix + Iy
Imax,min = (Ix Iy)/2 2 + Ixy2
0.9213 107 mm4

= 2.2013 107 mm4, 0.9213 107 mm4 Ans.

That is, Ix and Iy are principal moments of inertia. In general, you can
immediately recognize if Ix and Iy are principal moments of inertia by noting if
the product of inertia is zero: Ixy = 0 implies that Ix and Iy are principal moments
of inertia.
10.4 Moments of Inertia About Inclined Axes; Principal Moments Example 5, page 1 of 3
5. Determine the principal moments of inertia and
principal axes having their origin at point O.

150 mm
15 mm
Ix = 1.1714 107 mm4
30 mm
Iy = 8.9083 107 mm4

Ixy = 2.3971 107 mm4

10.4 Moments of Inertia About Inclined Axes; Principal Moments Example 5, page 2 of 3
1 Apply the formula for the principal moments of inertia,
1.1714 107 mm4 2.3971 107 mm4
Ix + Iy Ix Iy )2
Imax,min = Ixy2
2 2
8.9083 107 mm4

= 9.5908 107 mm4, 4.8892 107 mm4 (1) Ans.

2 Apply the formula for the principal directions
2.3971 107 mm4
= (1/2) tan-1
p Ix Iy

1.1714 107 mm4 8.9083 107 mm4

= 15.8923° and 74.1077°

To determine which p value corresponds to Imax and which to Imin,

substitute 15.8923° into the transformation equation for Ix':

1.1714 107 mm4

Ix + Iy I I
Iu = 2 + x y cos 2 Ixy sin 2
8.9083 107 mm4 2.3971 107 mm4

= 4.8892 107 mm4

= Imin, by Eq. 1
10.4 Moments of Inertia About Inclined Axes; Principal Moments Example 5, page 3 of 3
3 Thus a 15.9° counterclockwise rotation of the
x axis would give the axis for which the

Iu = v2 dA

is smaller than the same integral evaluated for

any other orientation of the axis.

Axis of minimum
moment of inertia


O x


Axis of maximum
moment of inertia
10.4 Moments of Inertia About Inclined Axes; Principal Moments Example 6, page 1 of 4
6. Determine the principal moments of inertia
and principal axes having their origin at point O.

6 in.

O x
4 in.
10.4 Moments of Inertia About Inclined Axes; Principal Moments Example 6, page 2 of 4
1 Calculate the moment of inertia.
y y
Ix = Ix' + d2A (parallel axis theorem)
2 in.
(4 in.)(6 in.)3
= + (3 in.)2(24 in.2)
= 288 in.4

(6 in.)(4 in.)3
Iy = + (2 in.)2 (24 in.2)
6 in. x 12
= 128 in.4 (2)
3 in.
Ixy = Ix'y' + dxdy A
O 2
4 in. = 0 + (2 in.)(3 in.)(24 in. )

= 144 in.4 (3)

Area: A = (4 in.)(6 in.) = 24 in2
10.4 Moments of Inertia About Inclined Axes; Principal Moments Example 6, page 3 of 4
2 Apply the formulas for the principal moments of inertia.
288 in.4, by Eq. 1 144 in.4, By Eq. 3
Ix + Iy (Ix Iy)/2 2
Imax, min= 2
128 in.4, by Eq. 2
372.73 in.4, 43.27 in.4 (4) Ans.
3 Apply the formulas for the principal directions
144 in.4, By Eq. 3
p = 12 tan-1 2Ixy
Ix Iy

288 in.4, by Eq. 1 128 in.4, by Eq. 2

= 30.47° and 59.53°
To determine which p value corresponds to max and which to min,
substitute 30.47° into the transformation equation for Iu:

288 in.4, by Eq. 1

Ix + Iy I I
Iu = + x y cos 2 Ixy sin 2
2 2
128 in. , by Eq. 2 144 in.4, By Eq. 3

= 372.73 in.4

= Imax, by Eq. 4
10.4 Moments of Inertia About Inclined Axes; Principal Moments Example 6, page 4 of 4
4 Thus a 30.47° clockwise rotation of the x axis
would give the axis for which the quantity

Iu = v2 dA

is larger than the same integral evaluated for any

other orientation of the axis.

Axis of minimum
moment of inertia


O x


Axis of maximum
moment of inertia
10.4 Moments of Inertia About Inclined Axes; Principal Moments Example 7, page 1 of 3
7. Use Mohr's circle to determine the principal moments of
inertia and principal axes having their origin at the centroid C
of the standard rolled-steel channel section.
15.3 mm

Ix = 32.6 106 mm4

Iy = 1.14 106 mm4

127 mm


1 Because the x axis is an

axis of symmetry, Ixy = 0
127 mm
10.4 Moments of Inertia About Inclined Axes; Principal Moments Example 7, page 2 of 3
2 Draw the I and Ixy axes.

3 Plot the point corresponding to the x axis:

(Ix, Ixy) = (32.6 106, 0).

4 Plot the point C at the center of Mohr's circle:

(Iaverage, 0) = ((Ix + Iy)/2, 0)

5 Calculate the radius: = ((32.6 106 + 1.14 x 106)/2, 0)

R = 32.6 x 106 16.87 x 106 = (16.87 106, 0)

= 15.73 106
10.4 Moments of Inertia About Inclined Axes; Principal Moments Example 7, page 3 of 3
6 Draw Mohr's circle.

Ixy R = 15.73 106

7 Calculate Imax.

Imax = 16.87 106 + 15.73 106

Imin = 32.6 106 mm4 Ans.

C Imax
I 8 Calculate Imin.

Imin = 16.87 106 15.73 106

= 1.14 106 mm4

16.87 106

9 Principal axes: Because Ix is the same

as Imax and Iy is the same as Imin, the x
and y axes are the principal axes.
10.4 Moments of Inertia About Inclined Axes; Principal Moments Example 8, page 1 of 4
8. Use Mohr's circle to determine the principal moments of
inertia and principal axes having their origin at the centroid C
of the standard rolled-steel angle section.

0.987 in.

0.5 in.
Ix = 17.40 in4

Iy = 6.27 in4

Ixy = 6.08 in.4

6 in.

1.99 in.

0.5 in.
4 in.
10.4 Moments of Inertia About Inclined Axes; Principal Moments Example 8, page 2 of 4
1 Draw the I and Ixy axes.


4 Calculate the radius.

R= ( 6.08)2 + (5.565)2

I = 8.242
R 6.08
2 Plot the point corresponding to the x axis:
11.835 (Ix, Ixy) = (17.40, 6.08).

17.40 11.835 = 5.565

3 Plot the point C at the center of Mohr's circle:

(Iaverage, 0) = ((17.40 + 6.27)/2 , 0)

= (11.835, 0)
10.4 Moments of Inertia About Inclined Axes; Principal Moments Example 8, page 3 of 4
5 Draw Mohr's circle.
Ixy 6 Calculate Imax.

R = 8.242 Imax = 11.835 + 8.242

= 20.1 in.4 Ans.

8 Determine the orientation of the Imax axis.
= (1/2) tan-1( 6.08 )
11.835 5.665
= 23.8° (Counterclockwise rotation of the x
axis gives the axis of Imax.)
7 Calculate Imin.

Imin = 11.835 8.242

= 3.59 in.4 Ans.

10.4 Moments of Inertia About Inclined Axes; Principal Moments Example 8, page 4 of 4
9 Sketch the principal axes.

Axis of minimum
moment of inertia 0.987 in.

Axis of maximum
moment of inertia

1.99 in.
10.4 Moments of Inertia About Inclined Axes; Principal Moments Example 9, page 1 of 4
9. Use Mohr's circle to determine the principal moments of inertia
and principal axes having their origin at the centroid C.

105 mm
15 m
Ix = 6.7245 106 mm4
52.5 mm
Iy = 6.3520 106 mm4

80 mm Ixy = 5.1300 106 mm4

C x 15 mm

7.5 mm
80 mm

15 mm
10.4 Moments of Inertia About Inclined Axes; Principal Moments Example 9, page 2 of 4
1 Draw the I and Ixy axes.
2 Plot the point corresponding to the x axis:
(Ix, Ixy) = (6.7245 106, 5.1300 106).
6.7245 106

R 5.1300 106

4 Calculate the radius.

6.5382 106

R= (5.1300 106)2 + (0.1863 106)2

6.7245 106 6.5382 106
= 5.1334 106
= 0.1863 106

3 Plot the point C at the center of Mohr's circle:

(Iaverage, 0) = ((Ix + Iy)/2, 0)

(6.7245 106 + 6.3520 106 , 0)

= (6.5382 106, 0)
10.4 Moments of Inertia About Inclined Axes; Principal Moments Example 9, page 3 of 4
5 Draw Mohr's circle.

Ixy 6 Calculate Imax.

Imax = 6.5382 106 + 5.1334 106


5.1300 106 = 11.67 106 mm4 Ans.


R = 5.1334 106 8 Determine the orientation of the Imax axis.

6.5382 106 = (1/2) tan-1 5.1300 106
0.1863 106
0.1863 106
= 44.0° (Clockwise rotation of the
x axis gives the axis of Imax.)
7 Calculate Imin.

Imin = 6.5382 106 5.1334 106

= 1.40 106 mm4 Ans.

10.4 Moments of Inertia About Inclined Axes; Principal Moments Example 9, page 4 of 4
9 Sketch the principal axes.

Axis of minimum moment of inertia

C x


Axis of maximum moment of inertia

10.4 Moments of Inertia About Inclined Axes; Principal Moments Example 10, page 1 of 5
10. Use Mohr's circle to determine the principal moments of
inertia and principal axes having their origin at point O

2 in. 2 in. 2 in.

2 in.

2 in.

2 in.

O x
10.4 Moments of Inertia About Inclined Axes; Principal Moments Example 10, page 2 of 5
1 Consider the crosshatched area to be the difference
between a large square and a small square.

y y y y

2 in. 2 in. 2 in.

3 in.

2 in.
3 in.
2 in. 6 in. x 2 in. x

3 in. 2 in. 3 in.

2 in.
x x O x
Square 1 Square 2
2 Calculate the moment of inertia of square 1 about the x
axis (the moment about the y axis will be the same, by
symmetry): 3 Ixy-square-1 = Ix'y' + dxdy A

= 0 + (3 in.)(3 in.) (6 in.)(6 in.)

Ix-square-1 = Ix'-square-1 + d2A
= 324 in4 (2)
(6 in.)(6 in.)
= + (3 in.)2[(6 in.)(6 in.)]
= 432 in4 (1)
10.4 Moments of Inertia About Inclined Axes; Principal Moments Example 10, page 3 of 5
4 Calculate the moment of inertia of square 2. y y

Ix-square-2 = Ix'-square-2 + d2A 3 in.

(2 in.)(2 in.)3 2 in. x

= + (3 in.)2 (2 in.)(2 in.)
= 37.333 in.4 (3) 2 in. 3 in.

Ixy-square-2 = Ix'y' + dxdy A x

= 0 + (3 in.)(3 in.)[(2 in.)(2 in.)] Square 2

= 36 in4 (4)
6 Ixy = Ixy-square-1 Ixy-square-2
5 Calculate the moment of inertia for the composite square.
324 in.4, by Eq. 2 36 in.4, by Eq. 4
432 in.4, by Eq. 1 37.333 in.4, by Eq. 3 = 288 in.4 (7)
Ix = Ix-square-1 Ix-square-2

= 394.667 in.4 (5)

Iy = Ix, by symmetry

= 394.667 in.4 (6)

10.4 Moments of Inertia About Inclined Axes; Principal Moments Example 10, page 4 of 5
7 Draw the I and Ixy axes

Ixy 8 Plot the point corresponding to the x axis:

394.667 (Ix, Ixy) = (394.667, 288)

R 288


9 Plot the point C at the center of Mohr's circle:

10 Calculate the radius
(Iaverage, 0) = ((Ix + Iy)/2, 0)
R = 288
= ((394.667 + 394.667)/2, 0)

= (394.667, 0)
10.4 Moments of Inertia About Inclined Axes; Principal Moments Example 10, page 5 of 5
R = 288 11 Calculate Imax and Imin
Imax = 394.667 + 288
= 683 in.4 Ans.

Imin = 394.667 288

C = 106.7 in.4 Ans.

Imin Imax 12 Clockwise rotation of the x axis 90°/2 = 45° gives the
axis of Imax.

Axis of
394.667 minimum
Ixy moment of

Imin C Imax

O x
Axis of maximum moment of inertia

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