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FUNDAMENTALS OF STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS 3" Edition Kenneth M. Leet, Chia-Ming Uang, and Anne M. Gilbert SOLUTIONS MANUAL CHAPTER 9: DEFLECTIONS OF BEAMS AND FRAMES 9.1. Derive the equations for slope and deflection for the cantilever beam in Figure P9.1. Compute the slope and deflection at B. Express answer in terms of EL Ye F(L-x) 3 M_ -PlL-x) = “PLP ax” EL ex er (CONCAVE DOWN > O=44 ecPLx + Pet 4 Gy eL ZeL ye Pix + PP + creer tex Ger BVaLvaTe Cont pdite® LE ee Cree rdyeo: +0 QB xt Op: Py pt ee tet Os: -PL/zer ye cP PL 2EL GEL ys LY 3eL Page 9-1 P9.2, Detive the equations for slope and deflection for the beam in Figure P9.2. Compare the deflection at B with the deflection at midspan. ANALYSIS GY DOUBLE INTEGRATION eM ay, (Cems Te y(t ted 2 zer dy 2 - wh + 2mm ux a ° zerdy = whe + zwle- x's d at 23 aety = Ar xeosg ae Compute os SET X=L in EQ(2) ewe wih we uy ame ( = Bot typi. Ser X= Yom £a2 wi j.twtt comeare attic Yeast bate Ye Page 9-2 9.3. Derive the equations for slope and deflection for the beam in Figure P9.3. Compute the maximum deflection Hint: Maximum deflection occurs at point of zero slope. ae compute Ry Like e 0 MMe kau Rem Mau Evaceat® Ma: M Me= M~ Rue = m= hx a oy o Me (mye aa "EE Et dy = Mx~ Mid 4c, @ Bry = Mx*_ Mx? +¢,x #c, G) Yo No HE re ee Substi__y=o @ xso im £36) © ~e tote, C20 syesti_yro @ ot. in eg 2 Me = - 4, on MEH ret oy = SME =Mx-Mx?_ emt Ga) 4c & 2 as ery mgt? gx @ YORE BE Mx Go Gempete Amact set dp -200650 a Page 9-4 9.5, Establish the equations for slope and deflection for the beam in Figure P9.5. Evaluate the magnitude of the slope at each support. Express answer in terms of ET. AN sda? © Myer EL dy iat = MBs BI dy jdy = Mx~ B¥ix* 4 Cy Btys st Me rene ale LOUNEARY CANT aL Boi xg; 420; — aubeT. To @) Boe xl; YG; super. wie (2) B= dyidx = Mx - 3 Mx? _ ML Gada We ga ite Ong xea ; Onto 9; x Oye Me - ML ei OW Tea Page 9-5 9.6. Derive the equations for slope and deflection for the beam in Figure P9.6, Determine the slope at each support and the value of the deflection at midspan, Hint: Take advantage of symmetry; slope is zero at ‘idspan,) DNENOHN OQ, KNOWN Op: -O, 48220 On? G+ Adare Ocz0 . Aoxes Be(t)h = de «tee “HEYEXY) Ac PL? 48EL Page 9-6 9.7. Compute the slope and deflection at points B and Cin Figure P9.7. = a= ees “Bg = Qe 16 = Mg etey B.C BS) ee. ae Membapge-B ed (aed) “= ze t Page 9-7 P98. (a) Compute the slope at A and C and the deflection at B in Figure P9.8. (6) Locate and compute the magnitude of the maximum deflection ie ey, L * teas 140) (12(to') + 6(4')) = 4320 ze EL On: sp20/et 2T2ACyes (RNS) 35, Oc= Ont AOne 5 He + 445208) = 30% CRAALS) Penzciniee: Ap- 66'-ton B's Oa(it’) = 7880/EL teas 4 ge (iy) = l440/EL Ae: (2860-\440//ex = 1440/6L Page 9-8 9.9. Compute the slope at A and C and the deflection at B for the beam in Figure P9.9 7 beta te—de tet pos loka told A Es t te € sluf-4m m4 ese ne Arf oly im —S : 1 Lo : Zokstm steas = 40 Oy = SEA ox LEKID4 = 48 FROM sme. Q. «Gym Bg 4 Ag “Bp = 407s Ke SO. Sede ae DEFL.AT B Men 4 —tey 24K40+ LU 4 £1 EI 3 160... 53, = 10G.47 |} Br "er ” “Er Page 9-9 9.10. (a) Compute the slope at 4 and the deflection at ‘idspan in Figure P9.10. (b) Ifthe deflection at midspan isnot to exceed 1.2 in, what is the minimum required value of 1? E = 29,000 kips/ in’, 9.10 On Get BOne = Se 278. Ot ees e+ 3]40) Ox: ne Be eae = Bho 1+ Bofirddt 9(ies= 48s [ord] be BS EL eT Gertz tHe save FKL te» Qo77.5 (725) = 445.28in4 e000 © —— Page 9-10 9.11. (a) Find the slope and deflection at 4 in Figure 9.11. (6) Determine the location and the magnitude of the maximum deflection in span BC. Page 9-11 9,12. Compute the slopes ofthe beam in Figure P9.12 Skint ‘on each side of the hinge at B, the deflection ofthe hinge, ¢ and the maximum deflection in span BC. The elastomeric support at C acts as a roller. 7 Lito _}—9» 4 pez 2-35 +X = -35 +X SxAyE, xia 98» igs X= 872! Yo abe Max DEEL ml_sraw Bc Bieag# toe = Ce C128) ca =a Toes Be Gay +5 (20N@3.2)3; (4:28) = oad er Ma wtay ago. iat (a) =e} — Lert of h hy Op + AO 8 Ariac= 92% —Tpe = 0 +(3}30 WD = =30 ~ 5 Be (28) — 1e04.e7 2ex ET ef oss = Aru = 12338 ie 24860. where yc 004812. = «AB Qe 120 rex + ABO = 7 re Qecto Right of Hinge 2310 = LU AB — Sarr ep 7 3°9 9.13. Compute the slope at support A and the deflection at point B. Treat the rocker at D as a roller. Express the answer in terms of EI. Ths 2P Lb + PIED “RL ~ Ron §Ps ye aP- eng 1P ye wu | fo ate . © @ toy ee dele Se Ps saad foater ly is Sead [Eb] tes eerie “TeBeL - SLE - TPE - [s3eEr 1936 x2 50.P13 Me isa er = Page 9-13 9.14. Determine the maximum deflection in span AB and the deflection of C in Figure P9.14. Express answers in terms of M, E, I, and L. oo oBtee st ber Oa) Os Oo + AB, =Heb fh ale Lacie Swax WHERE Bo Ox: 0 + O5-$xy vwexe tye Bes. O= Meyer - eX MEE Bway s $12 Xx'— tre = 8 = ism) -| horsemen) Bree SSE Page 9-14 9.15, Determine the slope and deflection of point Cin Figure P9.15. Hint: Draw moment curves by parts. rT 3m —-+} 2m->| 6. 1 SHIOMENT_CURVES BY"PARTS“ EL O24 Ox + AGre OE EH + 4 38) = fase +[52x(35] ~[ apd] +b Bx 8] Sq = 1S Page 9-15 9.16. The roof beam of a building is subjected to the loading shown in Figure P9.16. Ifa vi-in. deflection is permitted at the cantilever end before the ceiling and roofing materials would be damaged, calculate the required moment of inertia for the beam. Use E = — 10 —_++—_ 10 — Pats MOMENT AREA BY rabto: Acco; 4(20)+ By (10) =O Bye 48h AZFye0; -2 ba shcy= 0 Er 0i aaa * ay tae YMC oe Ve'tec( #2) = 22%) ZeL 20) «3610 Ip"V/t0"\« =1200 ano Ie) FEL gee) “Ex bach) NG) 7.52 32944 the ee 324 2 2094.4 ef Aang Os (10)= too/er were O- & + Age «) = aire (5') 220 Teqan vervecs = An tha, thas sabcoper + WALA yer + L00/es. 234444 ex HR Da waxz 2/80. NO G28, 000%81 2 2449-4 (1728262) «356 in” Erecancen~ 2438-4 reseed) « 566 ie Page 9-16 9.17. Using the moment-area method, compute the slope and deflection under the 32-kip load at B. Reactions are given. = 510 in‘and E = 29,000 kips/in’. a £ Stein eed cape C 2 sstie ove fof Rynlbtin Rea Rie yale pea7 -3¢ ez Poet tea Ap Age tea £699 G Lid] + 1<6(%) 2 = aot bere yy) 23,000K 510m int Agr 0269.i0 Page 9-17 9.18. Compute the deflection of points B and D in Figure 9.18, The elastomeric pad at Cacts as a roller. 18. er ore BUI) 8 FG. IS) * - s- stages Be. Sali tea = 18 (O,m EE = et BEES “Ae ae Ber Were SS GB) = -36 Spy23@g + tog. So 2 FEY + HOD Sp lez + ler = 2er Seo AptisyMmerRiced _ DEFORMATOD, OF BM ABC Page 9-18 9.19, Compute the slope and the vertical deflection at point C and the horizontal displacement at point D. Lic= 800 int, a= 120 im, and E = 29,000 kips! in’ siBagoets +4 16759 [ 12] 5. Bp kp HP Deve Avy = 12123 (1728) Bosex BOO = 0.903in} Ge stbeye = Aten YAS ~ Ot pis + leeue ae = 480» Tet rE . = Ue = HOD « corde Revues P 29,008 Kou = 43102) + toe sD mB 1001826) + 5 2 DO = neh + OS = ORO 9.20. The moment of inertia of the girder in Figure 9.20 is twice that of the column. Ifthe vertical deflection at Dis not to exceed | in and ifthe horizontal deflection at Cis not to exceed 0.5 in, what is the minimum required value of the moment of inertia? £ = 29,000 kips! in’. The elastomeric pad at B is equivalent to roller. Says 18 Oc setae) + 2[koritel et Seiet* Ae (1128) Be bxoe & Soy tthe = 0.5" Wax. = HeIOWe = 129¢/er 6" = 1296(1728) ‘29000 T Tums i544 nt —— contro we GIRDER 22 + 306.9 nt Page 9-20 9.21. Compute the vertical displacement of the hinge at C in Figure P9.21. EY is constant. ee Hep AR BUDE O 2 -tep=-£e2.UDwe = 128 Bet EL Sos te. 128. 14t “2 er BT ABe2128, * 2UDe pe Page 9-21 9.22. The loading acting on a column that supports a stair and exterior veneer i shown in Figure P9.22. Determine the required moment of inertia for the column such thatthe maximum lateral deflection does not exceed vin, a criterion set by the veneer manufacturer. Use E'= 29,000 ips in. MAX: LATERAL VEPLECION acovR HHERE Be=0, HHICH OCOURS BETHEEN MAx. FOOTE VEFLECTIONS CAWSEY BY CTR #HIND LOADS INDEPENDENTLY. EUTIRE STRUCTURE: MM (rear) 1. MOMENT-AREA BY FART? = SAIR LAID ONLY + Me? #'7(75- Yee) ‘sop ANT o Yoo {75-yoe) £ oe 31.05" DEFLECTED SHAVE, 9.22 Continued P9.22 Continued 2. MOVIENT- AEA: WIND WoxP ONLY: Az Fetes (oe) A Eglin hy) DEFLECTED SUAPEs Avan CCCuRS @ Oes0 CF TE COMBINED eHECTeED saves, 3 Ge=Oc1+Ox2 =[Br-AOses] + [ Or -Abser] - Boje tye 2 Ug(2es (2524415). 5B54 = TBD hyo SS 75EL er Aboei = as yar), + Guam (tr fee = 46.26 ye 6.25 Yee AOse2= Foe (281% oy) + 4 yp = 1e.I9By, aot Oe = 1812-4088 Hm + 8 HUBS Ugg + 0. Ye = Tob O9.05 4, HO2SyEHOTYR.0 = DETERMINE. For Gero 19 Ges -5b/Er etd Ges +3.75/EI ie nap, Oe 4h. 34 der seus? Gex tors /er —»[Yece 1976] [Yous75" yore out tte cen. Is" 413! P9.22 Continued Page 9-228 P9.22 Continued betermine Ae = Acit Acg Seis Be, -teo Huere BE!= Or Yoe = On = bo obser e-9)] fis" = 34/ex tere Ler (Ye )[% (Yoe)] CEE) (uo) «1543 /er Mer Vos &m)@,+ toe 2 where tos = gx epee 18) = G4o0x10 -EKeo = @4eoxto™ Foo x BOOKIS™ = 0.0075(4)+.0.04.= OTM “on-Lem Page 9-27 9.28. The frame shown in Figure P9.28 is loaded by a horizontal load at B. Compute the horizontal displacements at B and D using the moment-area method, For all members E = 200 GPa and I= 500 * 10* mn. A Rp T 6m Regerions “BER HO; 100- Ayano Aye leaky o ZMga 0: (HOON ~ Rpl220 Row 509/ = 41.67 KN ALOT kad BO%ery "ps8 iN. 6357 fomeure Ae, SOAPTE De Tog = SOS x12Mx Bm © 24,000 Ap= dp -@c(5) “Er @ er Go = Teta = Zags Mme Oc =-2000 4.500 (\2) = igge er 2en = 1e6.c1 Tan = Spo x Ep x igm see Ape 14,167 -1000(8 os cL Er As + Og5™ ALGET + 20808) = 0,0%ms 9.2m —> EE — 14, 166-07 biem™ ez 14 166.67 Keen 200 «OF LN pee x SCOXIS et = 0.2m = thre ae Page 9 9.29. Compute the slope and deflection at point B of the cantilever beam in Figure P9.29. ET is constant. CONJUGATE BEAM ANALYSIS | 15 Ba 18. ot —-| MOMENT DIAGRAM Kip. fF — 135 j Re Coven Crp) #8 gre A w#—— 9 +l Me 4 be® Shear at B "har s0 Vg = 38.3 = =O 8g Vp = wns — Wg Moment TAT B - - 5 = 3645 bg = ene (@) =A ‘ =— Page 9-29 9.30, The moment diagram of a fix-ended beam with an external moment of 200 kip-ft applied at midspan is shown in Figure P9.30, Determine the maximum vertical Gi2sL/er WO Re aiesiyez- Ra alors yer FLEXURAL STIPFHESS k Page 9-32 9.33. Using the conjugate beam method, compute the stipe ‘maximum deflection in span BD of the beam in Figure 9.33 and the slope on each side of the hinge {c hinge beet oto +4 Po. Page 9-33 9.34, Solve Problem P9.11 by the conjugate beam method. 12 Reclo™ Rez lo¥ lone.v: IAGREM = —~=olps 549%, A 2 c£ Me Kaas shape \ Page 9-34 9.38, Solve Problem P9.12 by the conjugate beam Skip | | 4 M“DIAGRAM - Gep-F4) ~% @) CEM) | ceare Pont _o} | fags Dera, Spi BC GEE &) eth). A= Yer Gimiwar resaugles) 18” Seer ¥ = BX 25K irs 7S A SHEAR = AREA IS = 1OX(%X) - fags, $8) =21% Max DEL « M@ K= B12) u tS 12) = 5 (Bs 812218) 8M a. = 9%, (+812) fo) + ein ( en = 12 Aye M (Der) ae Page 9-35 9,36. Solve Problem P9.17 by the conjugate beam method. wl —— SI. Ryzl6kie Rea Bhim p= IG ips pear Conpore Mat®B = DEFLECTION Ra %X R ye x Te = 286 Mp «= 288410. 2BB62, = — 2304 | er? =230¢x 1128 24,000» S(O Ags ein 4e=Me= Page 9-36 9.37. For the beam shown in Figure P9,37, use the conjugate beam method to compute the vertical deflection ton and the rotation to the left and the right of the hinge per Fr at C. Given: E = 200 GPa, Ixc= 100 * 10 mm, and = [= 50% 10¢mm, 100kNen ES mb S mbS ob wt—10 —} poa7 Legs 50 (io%)mmt =I Tacs ez seen cr 5°(20m) +190" Dy (15m) =O bee Fret EM =0; “125 (12.5)-6.25(u1-1) +250(6.67) Dy lism) =O Dy= 41.0 7KNY Peo; Fye oar P9.37 Continued Page 9-374 P9.37 Continued Gaye 4 cx Oy] Hore - aE P byte 625 333, = 62.5 (6n)2G25 (0.31) H41.01(15) Cyl) =? a Seed Cys 4s7#t SEAMENT “AGT Rotations OC" Use seamen PF* FoR Sloe RIAHT oF ‘2°: (On = Va = (50 -250 10a VEL = 10d ITE ee = last /e00| (109x 10) 8 Vix Cy- Vp = 457-1047 104 /ET re DEFLECTION @ HNAE C” = MOMENT IN CAlJUAATE EM. Vee SEQMENT “AC AcsMe= €625 (3.93) +4Lu1(a) fer =-Mb.5ete} -416.5 kam (1000 %/m) = = 41.65 mm ea: Fey) 50x10 mt) =— Page 9-378 'P9.38. The reinforced concrete girder shown in Figure P9.38a is prestressed by a stcel cable that induces a compression force of 450 kips with an eccentricity of 7 in. The extemal effect of the prestressing is to apply an axial force of 450 kips and equal end moment Mr= 262.5 kip-ft at the ends of the girder (Figure 9.385). The axial force causes the beam to shorten but produces no bending deflections. The end moments Mrbend the beam. "upward (Figure 9.38) so that the entire weight of the beam is supported at the ends, and the member acts as a simply supported beam. As the beam bends upward, the weight ofthe beam acts as a uniform load to produce downward deflection. Determine the intial camber of the beam at midspan immediately after the cable is tensioned. Note: Over time the initial deflection will increase due to creep by a factor of approximately 100 to 200 percent. The deflection at midspan due to the two end moments equals ML‘(8ED. Given: I= 46,656 in’, A = 432 in’, beam weight w.= 0.45 kip/ft, and E = $000 kips! in’ My =28 Stipa Foresapled sccm by eset rs . a —<—$—___—> Mw, DEEL (PRESTRESS) 2 Ag = MEL. 2b2seo)ime _ nett P "ser 8x5,000 x 46,656, oats ‘DEEL ( WeIohT OF BH swlt _ 5 (0.49 conte 3B4EL 38x 5000 x 40,656 = 0.563) NET DERL = 0,875 - 0.563 =,312' f dge Page 9-38 9,39, Because of poor foundation conditions, a 30-in deep For tin steel beam with a cantilever is used to support an exterior building column that carries a dead load of {600 kips and alive load of 150 kips (Figure P9.39). What is the magnitude ofthe initial camber that should be induced at point C, the tip of the cantilever, to eliminate the deflection produced by the total load? Neglect the beam’s weight. Given: [= 46,656 in'and E,= 30,000 ksi. See case Sin Table 9.1 forthe deflection ‘equation. The clip angle connection at A may be treated a8 a pin andthe cap plate support at B as a roller. paisa). 3ELr 2 2 50 (wxidCig+e)2 “3 x 30,000. n46, 656 = 0.27 in upward CAMBER # Ae: Page 9-39 9.40. The rigid jointed stee! frame with a fixed base at ‘support 4 has to carry both the dead and live loads shown in Figute P9.40. Both the column and the girder are constructed from the same size members. What is, the minimum required moment of inertia of the frame ‘members in the vertical deflection at D produced by these loads cannot exceed 0.5 in.? Use E = 29,000 ksi. ae EMaz0; (.2"Vis\s)reseMlinfi-maro Mas 907 Fret AZF ro; Cult \ielt-asLn)+Ay20 Ays 25.42k¢ rent. hag hee b =| e ° 2 “Ho 6 L 120. 0x20 fyaer [ ose cums Oc= Ont AOxc = 0 + Motaer)i2's loBs.c/er toc = - 12.3 (12" (4) = 4040. ter Aoy= 1286 + toc 17,106.5/ex ‘Lpes = 17, 106.5 (1726 inde) 24,000 ksi (102") Leeap = 2038.6 int ae" Page 9-40 9.41. Computer study of the behavior of multistory building frames. The object of this study is to examine the behavior of building frames fabricated with two common types of connections. When open interior spaces and future flexibility of use are prime considerations, building frames can be constructed with rigid joints usually fabricated by welding. Rigid joints (sce Figure P9.416) are expensive to fabricate and now cost in the range of $700 to $850 depending on the size of members, Since the ability of a welded frame to resist lateral loads depends on the bending stiffness of the beams and columns, heavy members may be required when lateral loads are large or when lateral deflections must be limited. Altemately, frames can be constructed less expensively by connecting the webs of beams to columns by angles or plates, called shear connections, which currently cost about $80 each (Figure P9.41c).If shea ‘connections are used, diagonal bracing, wich forms a deep vertical truss with the attached columns and floor beams, typically required to provide lateral stability (unless floors can be connected to stiff shear walls constructed of reinforced masonry or concrete) Properties of Members In this study all members are constructed of steel with £ = 29,000 kips! in’. All beams: 7 = 300 intand 4 = 10 ine All columns: = 170 intand 4 = 12 int Diagonal bracing using 2.5 in square hollow structural tubes (Case 3 only—sce dashed lines in Figure P9.41a), 4 = 3.11 int, 1= 3.58 int Using the RISA-2D computer program, analyze the structural frames for gravity and wind loads in the following three cases. Case 1 Unbraced Frame with Rigid Connections (a) Analyze the frame for the loads shown in Figure P9.41a. Determine the forees and displacements at 7 sections along the axis of each member. Use the computer program to plot shear and moment diagrams. (@) Determine ifthe relative lateral displacement between adjacent floors exceeds s/ ina limit specified to prevent cracking of the exterior facade. (©) Using the computer program, plot the deflected shape of the frame. (@ Note the difference between the magnitudes of the vertical and lateral displacements of joins 4 and 9. What are ‘your conclusions? Case 2 Unbraced Frame with Shear Connections (@ Repeat steps a, b, and c in Case 1, assuming that the shear connections act as hinges, that is, ean transmit shear and| ‘axial load, but no moments. (6) What do you conclude about the unbraced frame’s resistance to lateral displacements? Case 3 Braced Frame with Shear Connections As in case 2, all beams are connected to columns with shear connectors, but diagonal bracing is added to form a vertical truss with floor beams and columns (see dashed lines in Figure P9.41.a). (@) Repeat steps a,b, and cin Case 1. (®) Compute the lateral deflections of the frame if the area and moment of inertia of the diagonal members are doubled] ‘Compare results to the original lighter bracing in (a) to establish the effectiveness of heavier bracing. (©) Make up a table comparing lateral displacements of joints 4 and 9 for the three cases. Discuss briefly the results of this study, Page S414, 9.41 CONTINU E (cote 1) Case 1 Unbraced Frame with Rigid Joints 20 tea (a) Moment Diagram (kip-ft) Shear Diagram (kips) 22 Axial Force (kips) be bh ) Relative Displacement between 1* and 2” floors = 1.25-0=1.25 in.>3/8 in.(NG) Relative Displacement between 2™ and 3rd floors = 1.90 -1.25=0.65 in.>3/8 in.(NG) CONTINUED Page 9-41B P9.41 contin VED (cme 1 4 come 2) ©) (wee 1_connluer) Case 2 Unbraced Frame with Shear Joints UAE P3451 CONTINVED Page 9-41 F941 CONTINVED (CAE 2) CKAE 2(@) CONTINVED ‘Axial Force (Kips) S Relative Displacement between 1* and 2™ floors = 5.81-0=5.81 in.>3/8 in.(NG) Relative Displacement between 2™ and 3rd floors = 15.58-5.81=9.77 in.>3/8 in.(NG) Deflected Shape sae) aparer E5876? “aa The lateral displacements are significantly increased if shear connections are used. O41 CONTINUED Page 9-41D | POA continvED Corte 3) Case 3 Braced Frame with Shear Joints @ Moment Diagram (kt) Page 9-41E P9.41 Continued - Case 3 Relative Displacement between 1" and 2" floors ).136 in.>3/8 in.(OK) Relative Displacement between 2” and 3rd floors = 0.24—0.136=0.104 in.> 3/8 in. (OK) Deflected Shape Es Beret aa ailet a saat NZ MS Ne Toa erat 1 089) 057 a15iee NB 708 oe NT aT = 078 Na aT are Ne 17 =m Doubling the area and moment of inertia of the braces reduces the lateral displacements by 35% and 29% at the 2™ and 3” floors, respectively. © Case ~ Lateral Displacement (in.) Toint 4 Joint 9 1 1.247 1.899 2 5.812 15.578 3 0.136 0.240 For the given member sizes, the rigid frame (Case 1) is not stiff enough to limit the relative lateral displacements between floors to within 3/8 in. Without rigid joints between beams and columns for a frame-as in Case 2-the lateral displacements are increased significantly. One efficient and practical way to increase the lateral stiffness of a frame with simple framing is to use diagonal braces, as in Case 3. Page 9-41F

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