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1 Suffixes ANSWERS

Worksheet 1
• to give students practice in word build i ng, focusing
I magine: imagination (noun), imagi native
on suffixes
(adjective), i maginatively (adverb),
Exam l i nk un imaginative (negative adjective)
Paper 3 (Use of English), Part 3 Disappoint: d isappoi ntment (noun),
d isappointi ng/ed (adjective)
Time Popular: popu larity (nou n), popularise (verb),
30 minutes u npopu lar (negative adjective)
Explain: explanation (noun), explanatory (adjective)
Preparation I nnovate: innovation (noun), i nnovative (adjective)
Make copies of Worksheet 1 for one hal f of the class a nd Suspect: suspicion (nou n), suspicious (adjective),
copies of Worksheet 2 for the other half. suspiciously (adverb)
Com merce: commercial (adjective), commercia l ise
Procedure (verb), commercial ised (adjective)
1 Divide the class i nto two halves. Distribute Worksheet 1 to 1 variety 2 insistence 3 obediently 4 clarify
one half of the class and Worksheet 2 to the other half. 5 validate 6 advisable 7 l i kelihood
2 Ask students o work individually to complete the word
diagrams in the first half of the Worksheet by inserting the Worksheet 2
words in the box in the correct place. Ask them to check Obey: obedient (adj ective), obediently (adverb),
this in pairs. obed ience (nou n), disobey (negative verb}
3 Students now work individually to try to complete Clear: clarity (noun), clarify (verb)
sentences 1 to 7 with the correct form of the words in Likely: u n likely (negative adjective), l ikel ihood
capitals. Emphasise that the answers to this exercise are (noun), u n l i kelihood (negative noun)
not on the word diagrams they have just completed. Vary: variety (nou n), various (adjective)
4 After they have completed sentences 1 to 7, each student Advise: advice (noun), advisable (adjective)
swaps h is/her Worksheet with a student in the other half Valid: valid ity (noun), validate (verb), inva l idate
of the class. Using the word diagrams on that Worksheet, (negative verb)
they check their answers to the sentences. Insist: insistence (noun), insistent (adjective)
5 Finally, go through the answers to both sets of sentences 1 d isappointment 2 i nnovative 3 popularise
as a whole-class activity. 4 commerci a l ised 5 suspiciously 6 unimaginative
7 explanatory
Options and alternatives
© Pearson Education Lim ited 2008 PHOTOCOPIABLE
If students find this type of exercise difficult, you may choose
to have the whole class working on the same sentences. In
this case, students should work first on the word diagrams
and then do the corresponding sentences, i.e. from the other
Worksheet. You may also choose to do just one set of
diagrams and sentences a nd save the others for another
lesson .
Worksheet 1

(noun) (adJective)

(noun) (adjective)

Imagi ne

(noun) (verb)
(negative adjective)


(negative adjective)

(nou n)

(adjective) (verb)



1 The station plays a wide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of music, both 5 Although the research finds some exceptions, it does not
popular and classical . VARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the conclusion that down loading m us ic
2 The song was written at the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of the record from the Net decreases overa l l sales. VALID
com pany, who wanted to a ppeal to a wider market. 6 It is . . . . .. . . . . . . . to buy tick ets for the concert wel l i n
3 After the piano lesson, he . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . practised the new 7 There is evidence to show that the use of personal stereos
exercises for half an hour. OBEY i ncreases the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of deafness i n l a ter l ife.
4 If a band com poses a song together, they need to LIKELY
.. who owns the copyright before launching it.
Worksheet 2

(adjective) (adverb)


(negative verb) (negative adjective) (noun)



(negative noun)

Vary (noun)

� ------
(noun) (adjective)


(negative verb) (adjective)

1 We recommend that you book for the concert early to 5 This new composition sounds . . . . . . . . . like a
avoid . DISAPPOINT rework ing of one of their earlier pieces. SUSPECT
2 This is certainly one of the most . . . . . . . . ... prod uctions 6 The new song was criticised for its banal lyrics and
I have ever seen_ INNOVATE . . . . . . harmon ies. IMAGINE
3 Great musicians have hel ped to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . certa in 7 The book gives a clear account of the development of
pieces of classical music POPU LAR early m usic and has some good . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . notes.
4 M usic became very . . . . . . in the later twen tieth EXPLAIN
cent u ry and p u n k rock was partly a reaction to this
Worksheet 1
(noun) (adJective)

(noun) (adjective)

Imagi ne

(noun) (verb)
(negative adjective)


(negative adjective)

(nou n)

(adjective) (verb)



disappointment popularise i magination innovation imaginative

suspicion disappoi nting/ed popularity u n imaginative suspicious
commercial suspiciously commercialise innovative explanatory
u n popular commercial ised explanation imaginatively

· ---- -- -----�---------------------------------- --------------------------------·---------------------------------- ----------------- --------------------·

1 The station plays a wide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of music, both 5 Although the research finds some exceptions, it does not
popular and classical . VARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the conclusion that down loading m us ic
2 The song was written at the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of the record from the Net decreases overa l l sales. VALID
com pany, who wanted to a ppeal to a wider market. 6 It is . . . . .. . . . . . . . to buy tick ets for the concert wel l i n
3 After the piano lesson, he . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . practised the new 7 There is evidence to show that the use of personal stereos
exercises for half an hour. OBEY i ncreases the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of deafness i n l a ter l ife.
4 If a band com poses a song together, they need to LIKELY
.. who owns the copyright before launching it.
Worksheet 2

(adjective) (adverb)


(negative verb) (negative adjective) (noun)



(negative noun)

Vary (noun)

� ------
(noun) (adjective)


(negative verb) (adjective)

clarity advice obedience likelihood insistent clarify disobey

insistence various validity obediently validate obedient
unlikelihood advisable i nvalidate unlikely variety

.. -- -- .......... · � ............... --. . . -----------. ---. - - ---------- ----- --- -- -- --- ---- --- -- ----- -- - -- --- - -- - -- - --- --- -- - -- - - . . . . -. . -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ----- --
1 We recommend that you book for the concert early to 5 This new composition sounds . . . . . . . . . like a
avoid . DISAPPOINT rework ing of one of their earlier pieces. SUSPECT
2 This is certainly one of the most . . . . . . . . ... prod uctions 6 The new song was criticised for its banal lyrics and
I have ever seen_ INNOVATE . . . . . . harmon ies. IMAGINE
3 Great musicians have hel ped to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . certa in 7 The book gives a clear account of the development of
pieces of classical music POPU LAR early m usic and has some good . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . notes.
4 M usic became very . . . . . . in the later twen tieth EXPLAIN
cent u ry and p u n k rock was partly a reaction to this

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