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1962, the agent of the Narcotics Bureau, the U.S.

anti-drugs at the time, Sonny

Grosso gets a call, a guy wishing to remain anonymous he announced that a large
quantity of heroin should arrive soon, in a hidden car, by boat from France, the
informant gave the name of a restaurant or need to meet the buyers and sellers the
same evening.
Of course Grosso and superior to the precision of information take them seriously,
the same evening several officers "planquent" in front of the restaurant, and even
within or Grosso and his partner Eddie "Popeye" Egan are to be mine the clients, they
recognize more types of suspect that there nottament French Francois Scaglia,
cataloged by the U.S. as a ruthless killer and traffic, it is in the company of brothers
Anthony and Patsy Fuca 2 men close to the family Lucchese, a businessman has a
reputation for louche French also, Jean Jehan complete the group of trade bags are
éffectués.Il becomes clear that the informant told the truth.
Grace has made wiretaps shortly after the restaurant, on Scaglia s'apperçoit that
often has a certain Jacques Angélvin, this one is a TV host in France, a true celebrity,
but about Angelvin landed in New York by boat, agents "Narcotic office are there to
observe ... They assist in unloading the car Angelvin and say that this is probably the
famous car full of heroin.

3 days after his arrival Angelvin that has hardly moved from his hotel leaving the
property at the wheel of the famous car, a Buick, always with the cops behind him,
Angelvin brings the car to a garage, a garage that ... belongs to Patsy Fuca.

During 2 days nothing happens, the car remains without anyone approached, finally
the next night something happens, the brothers Fuca take the car and go, they run for
more than 2 heurres without go nowhere, finally Patsy Fuca station the car in a street
in Brooklyn and goes with his brother, the agents who have not understand anything,
they still like to watch the car in the early morning light does still nothing Grosso and
his colleagues decide to swallow a breakfast!! when they return to their
surveillance ... the car feels disparu.On dream.

The officers are recovering thus monitor Jacques Angélvin one morning shortly after
they saw leaving his hotel at the wheel of a Buick with its sides ...

Francois Scaglia, grid Angélvin a red light, officials take the opportunity to intervene
and stop the 2 men and taken to the bes those say they do not speak English and
require an interpreter, during this time the Buick was searched but nothing, it then
proceeds with a examun per particle and are found tiny traces of heroines.

This finding under the legislation allows the U.S. arrest of brothers Fuca their garage
was searched and a false ceiling found 11 kg of pure heroin has more than 90% of the
very good product but the informant told him d a quantity much importante.

Pour trying to get their hands on the rest of the heroin "Narcotic Suite" leaves out on
bail for Anthony Fuca forward, it is far less clever than his brother Patsy, it seems him
it's slow for someone to be wary gentil.Moins also, he did not see that it is spun 24
24.A several occasions he went to the cellar of a house in the Bronx one morning
while inside the intervention is decided, Anthony is controlled and locations are
searched, officers discovered 39 kg suplémentaires then, this time the drug was.

Jacques Angélvin, the TV presenter, explained that it was Scaglia who had involved in
this case, Angélvin who loved nightclubs and flambé in circles Thursday, was found
covered with debts, then knowing about Scaglia offered her $ 10 000 to bring the U.S.
a car full of heroin, he agreed.

At his trial in 1963, Angélvin pleaded guilty he was sentenced to 6 years in prison, his
"friends" had less luck, Scaglia collected 22 y, 15 y the brothers Fuca each.

This drug-taking was the most important time of his "street value" was estimated at
$ 30 million, the film "French Connection" with nottament Gene Hackmann was
inspired by this case.

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