XMS Administration Guide Xmsadm - v21-410

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Revision record: VerazView-xMS Administration Guide
Dwg. Pub. Date Update Description
Rev. Rev.
A0 01 Dec-00 Sys. Ver. 2.2. Auth: KR
A1 02 Aug-01 Sys. Ver. 3.0. Auth: KR
E0 10 Apr-03 Sys. Ver. 3.6. Auth: KR
F0 11 May-03 Sys. Ver. 3.6.1. Auth: KR
G0 12 Jan-04 Sys. Ver. 3.7.0. Auth: KR
H0 13 Feb-04 Sys. Ver. 3.7.1. Auth: KR
J0 15 May-04 Sys. Ver. 3.8.1. Auth: KR
K00 16 Jul-04 Sys. Ver. 3.8.2. Auth: KR
L00 17 Aug-04 Sys. Ver. 3.8.3. Auth: KR
M00 18 Mar-05 Sys. Ver. 3.9.1. Auth: KR
M01 19 Jul-05 Sys. Ver. 3.9.2. Auth: KR
M02 21 May-06 Sys. Ver. 4.1. Auth: KR
Publication No. 99110003
Dwg. No. 480086-1000-106-95-M02

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V e r a z V i ew -x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e Contents

1 Introduction .............................................................................................. 1-1

2 SQL7 Server Maintenance Plan .............................................................. 2-1

2.1. SQL Server Agent service................................................................... 2-1
2.2. Launching the Database Maintenance Plan Wizard ........................... 2-3
2.3. Creating the Maintenance Plan ........................................................... 2-5

3 Security Concepts.................................................................................... 3-1

3.1. Overview ............................................................................................. 3-1
3.2. Primary security operations................................................................. 3-3
3.2.1. Step 1: Assigning an IP address to an I-Gate ...................... 3-4
3.2.2. Step 2: Logging into the VerazView-xMS station ................. 3-4
3.2.3. Step 3: Adding I-Gates to be managed ................................ 3-4
3.2.4. Step 4: Defining the management stations for an I-Gate ..... 3-6
3.2.5. Step 5: Defining Users and User Groups ............................. 3-8
3.3. Manager Access Control ................................................................... 3-12
3.4. Enhanced security features............................................................... 3-15
3.4.1. Screen Saver with password protection ............................. 3-15
3.4.2. Management of failed logins............................................... 3-15
3.4.3. One-station-only access ..................................................... 3-16
3.4.4. I-Gate protocols .................................................................. 3-16
3.4.5. Restricting Web client access............................................. 3-16
3.4.6. Separation of management network from IP network ........ 3-17
3.4.7. Network Address Translation ............................................. 3-18
3.4.8. FTP server login ................................................................. 3-19

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Contents V e r a z V i ew - x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e

4 Web-Based Management......................................................................... 4-1

4.1. Network architecture of WBM.............................................................. 4-1
4.2. Features supported by WBM............................................................... 4-2
4.3. Features not supported by WBM......................................................... 4-3
4.4. Sample screens of WBM..................................................................... 4-3
4.5. SSL support ........................................................................................ 4-4
4.5.1. Certificate Authority service.................................................. 4-6
4.6. Maximum Number of Concurrent Users.............................................. 4-6
4.7. Improving browser performance.......................................................... 4-7
4.7.1. Java Plug-In.......................................................................... 4-7
4.7.2. Disabling antivirus options.................................................. 4-11

5 I-Gate 4000 IP Address Assignment....................................................... 5-1

6 SNMP External Interface.......................................................................... 6-1

6.1. Overview ............................................................................................. 6-1
6.2. Architecture ......................................................................................... 6-1
6.3. Functions............................................................................................. 6-2
6.3.1. Events collection and forwarding.......................................... 6-2
6.3.2. Current status support .......................................................... 6-3
6.3.3. Topology............................................................................... 6-3
6.3.4. Current Alarms ..................................................................... 6-3
6.3.5. Keep Alive ............................................................................ 6-3

7 Backup and Restore................................................................................. 7-1

7.1. Backup ................................................................................................ 7-2
7.2. Restore................................................................................................ 7-7
7.2.1. Restoring I-Gate data to I-Gate flash disk ............................ 7-8
7.2.2. Restoring I-Gate data to external flash disk ....................... 7-13
7.2.3. Restoring VerazView-xMS database items ........................ 7-15

ii Veraz Networks Inc. Proprietary 99110003-21

V e r a z V i ew -x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e Contents

7.3. Log Reports....................................................................................... 7-17

7.4. Setting preferences ........................................................................... 7-18

8 I-Gate Topology Operations .................................................................... 8-1

9 GCP Monitor ............................................................................................. 9-1

9.1. What is GCP Monitor?......................................................................... 9-1
9.2. Launching GCP Monitor ...................................................................... 9-1
9.3. Displaying MG's to be monitored ........................................................ 9-2
9.4. Selecting MG's to be monitored .......................................................... 9-4
9.5. Online Monitoring window ................................................................... 9-6
9.6. Filtering the Online Monitoring window ............................................... 9-8
9.7. Saving a GCP Monitoring file .............................................................. 9-9
9.8. Configuring the display of locally monitored MG's ............................ 9-10

10 Trap Structure in SNMP External Interface.......................................... 10-1

10.1. Overview of SNMP traps ................................................................. 10-2
10.1.1. Terminology...................................................................... 10-2
10.1.2. SNMP version................................................................... 10-2
10.1.3. SNMP trap message format ............................................. 10-2
10.2. Trap Source Type definitions .......................................................... 10-7
10.3. Alarm severity levels ..................................................................... 10-10
10.4. I-Gate traps ................................................................................... 10-11
10.4.1. Traps specific to I-Gate 4000 PRO................................. 10-11
10.4.2. Traps specific to I-Gate 4000 ......................................... 10-13
10.4.3. Traps specific to I-Gate 4000 EDGE .............................. 10-15
10.4.4. General System Common traps ..................................... 10-21
10.4.5. DS1 interface traps......................................................... 10-24
10.4.6. DS3 Interface traps......................................................... 10-25
10.4.7. STM-1/OC-3 Interface traps ........................................... 10-26
10.4.8. Common Hardware traps ............................................... 10-32
10.4.9. Clock traps...................................................................... 10-33

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Contents V e r a z V i ew - x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e

10.4.10. Trunk replacement traps............................................... 10-34

10.4.11. MG traps....................................................................... 10-34
10.4.12. System Ethernet Port traps .......................................... 10-35
10.4.13. Signaling traps.............................................................. 10-35
10.5. VerazView-xMS specific traps....................................................... 10-36
10.5.1. VerazView-xMS Source Type definitions ....................... 10-36
10.5.2. VerazView-xMS Status enumerations ............................ 10-37
10.5.3. VerazView-xMS Traps.................................................... 10-38

A Glossary ....................................................................................................A-1

B Index ..........................................................................................................B-1

iv Veraz Networks Inc. Proprietary 99110003-21

VerazView -- the Veraz IP telephony management system -- is comprised of two
modules: VerazView-EMS for controlling the Veraz ControlSwitch and VerazView-
xMS for controlling Veraz Media Gateway Platforms (I-Gate 4000 PRO, I-Gate
4000, and I-Gate 4000 EDGE). For a detailed description of the role of each module,
please refer to the VerazView General Description.
This guide provides information about the VerazView-xMS module. The guide is
intended for use by administrators and technicians that need to perform
configuration operations or other specialized tasks involved in administering
For information about the VerazView-xMS license, see the VerazView-xMS
Installation Manual, Chapter "Initial Configuration of VerazView-xMS", Section
For information about the Runtime Configuration procedure, see the VerazView-
xMS Configurator User's Guide, Chapter "Runtime Configuration".
For information about the Activate Without Reset procedure, see Section
"Activating a SW version at an I-Gate" in the VerazView-xMS Fault and
Performance Manager User's Guide.

99110003-21 Veraz Networks Inc. Proprietary 1-1

Introduction V e r a z V i ew -x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e

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1-2 Veraz Networks Inc. Proprietary 99110003-21

SQL7 Ser ver Maintenance
This chapter guides you in creating a Maintenance Plan for the SQL database on the
VerazView-xMS station. With the Maintenance Plan you can:
Run database integrity checks
Update database statistics
Perform database backup
It is important to perform these maintenance activities for the SQL database on a
regular periodic basis.

2.1. SQL Server Agent service

The SQL Server Agent is the executable software that activates the SQL server. The
SQL Server Agent service must be running in the background at all times in order
for the Maintenance Plan to function. Since you should not have to think about
activating it manually, you need to set the SQL Server Agent service to run
To start the SQL Server Agent service:
1. From the Windows Start Menu, select Settings >> Control Panel
2. In the Control Panel window, double-click the Services icon; the following
window appears:

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S Q L 7 S e r ve r M a i n t e n a n c e P l a n V e r a z V i ew - x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e

3. In the Service column, select the SQLServerAgent service.

4. If the SQL Server Agent service has not yet been started, the Start button
appears with black text. Click the Start button; the button becomes grayed out,
indicating that the SQL Server Agent service is now active.
5. Click the button Startup…; the following window appears:

6. In the Startup Type section, select Automatic, and click OK.

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V e r a z V i ew - x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e S Q L 7 S e r ve r M a i n t e n a n c e P l a n

2.2. Launching the Database Maintenance Plan

The Database Maintenance Plan Wizard walks you through the steps for setting up
the SQL Database Maintenance Plan.
To launch the Wizard:
1. From the Windows Start Menu, choose Programs >> Microsoft SQL Server
7.0 >> Enterprise Manager.
2. Expand the Management node.
3. Right-click the Databases Maintenance Plans node and choose New
Maintenance Plan… as shown below:

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S Q L 7 S e r ve r M a i n t e n a n c e P l a n V e r a z V i ew - x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e

The opening screen of the Database Maintenance Plan Wizard appears:

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2.3. Creating the Maintenance Plan

The Maintenance Plan comprises several tasks. For each task we here illustrate the
settings that we recommend.
1. In the opening screen of the Database Maintenance Plan Wizard, click Next; the
Database Selection screen appears:

2. Select the databases Himan_Db, master, model and msdb.

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S Q L 7 S e r ve r M a i n t e n a n c e P l a n V e r a z V i ew - x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e

3. Click Next; the Update Optimization screen appears:

We recommend keeping the default sequence that the Maintenance Plan uses for
performing the main maintenance tasks: first the integrity check, then the
optimization, and lastly the backup.
4. If you want to change the default setting, click the Change... button and type in
the fields in the editing window.

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5. Click Next; the Integrity Check screen appears:

6. We recommend keeping the default schedule, every Sunday at 00:00. If you

want to change the default setting, click the Change… button and type in the
fields in the editing window.

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7. Click Next; the Database Backup screen appears:

Backing up the database is very important. In the event of a crash of the hard
disk of the VerazView-xMS station, all of the data on the hard disk will be lost.
Having a backup of this data makes such a loss merely inconvenient instead of
8. We recommend keeping the default schedule, every Sunday at 02:00. If you
want to change the default setting, click the Change… button and type in the
fields in the editing window.
9. If you have purchased and installed a tape drive, you can backup the database to
tape. Select the Tape option and choose the backup tape name from the drop

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V e r a z V i ew - x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e S Q L 7 S e r ve r M a i n t e n a n c e P l a n

10. Click Next. If you have chosen to backup to disk, the following screen appears:

For backup to disk we recommend using a directory on a different disk than the
one used by the SQL database server. This way, a crash of the hard disk of the
SQL database will not affect the backup, and the backups will not consume
space on the hard disk needed by the SQL database.
11. Click Next; the Transaction Log Backup screen appears. Repeat the same steps
(8 through 10) that you used for the Database Backup screens.

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12. Click Next; the Reports screen appears:

If you check the option Write report to a text file in directory, then the system
generates a report every time a maintenance task is performed (integrity check,
update optimization, and backup), as well as a report of any problems that have
occurred with them. This option is not needed.

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V e r a z V i ew - x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e S Q L 7 S e r ve r M a i n t e n a n c e P l a n

13. Click Next; the Maintenance History screen appears:

We recommend keeping the default options illustrated. A record of maintenance

activities will then be stored. This record maintains information such as the
Maintenance Plan name, activities performed, their start and finish times, and
any error messages arising in connection with them. Although it is possible for
you to peruse this record, it is intended mainly for use by a Veraz technician
wishing to investigate a problem.

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S Q L 7 S e r ve r M a i n t e n a n c e P l a n V e r a z V i ew - x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e

14. Click Next; the final screen appears:

15. Choose a name for the Maintenance Plan.

16. Click Finish to save the new Maintenance Plan.

2-12 Veraz Networks Inc. Proprietary 99110003-21

Security Concepts
3.1. Overview
Security refers to the process by which you make a network element accessible to
some agents but not to others. Thus security has three basic aspects:
The network element that you are protecting -- a computer or an I-Gate. We can
refer to this network element as the "target" of a security operation.
The aspects of the network element that you are protecting -- its operation or its
information. If you are protecting only its operation but not its information, then
the agent accessing the network element has Read (or Get) access only. If you
are protecting neither its operation nor its information, then the agent has Write
(or Set) access as well as Read access.
The agent to which you are allowing access -- a network element or a person. If
you are allowing a network element to have access to a target, then you are
carrying out a machine-based security task. If you are allowing a user to have
access to a target, then you are carrying out a person-based security task.
We can represent a security operation by a simple diagram:

Access Access

User Management Station PC Terminal / Gateway

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Security Concepts V e r a z V i ew - x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e

This diagram means that a user can have access to a management station; and the
management station can have access to an I-Gate. Therefore, a user can have access
to an I-Gate via a management station. In the diagram the management station is a
target relative to the user but is an agent relative to the I-Gate. In most real-life
situations, there is more than one user, more than one management station, and more
than one I-Gate. Nevertheless, the same basic model depicted by this diagram
Since security terminology can be confusing, the table below is presented to
summarize the terms for the main security parameters that you will encounter when
setting up your security configuration.

Comparison between a person-based and a machine-based security task

Security Task
Person-based Machine-based
Agent User Management Station PC
Agent Identifier Username IP Address
Agent Subidentifier Password Community (SNMP password)
Security level Access Level (Viewer, Operator, Profile (Get, Set-Get, Get-Set-
Planner, Administrator) Trap)
Target of agent's access Management Station PC I-Gate
Program and Command for Fault and Performance Manager: Fault and Performance Manager:
setting security parameters Security Menu >> Login, Site menu >> Add Terminal
Logout, Users, Groups Fault and Performance Manager:
Fault and Performance Manager: Managers View >> Add New
Tools menu >>User Permissions Manager
Fault and Performance Manager:
Managers View >> Change
Where security parameter On the hard disk of the On the CPU module and the flash
settings are stored VerazView-xMS station disk of the I-Gate
Sections of this chapter that Sections 3.2.2, 3.2.5 Sections 3.2.1, 3.2.3, 3.2.4
describe this aspect

3-2 Veraz Networks Inc. Proprietary 99110003-21

V e r a z V i ew - x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e Security Concepts

This chapter presents the main security operations that you carry out using
VerazView-xMS. These procedures are documented elsewhere as well (in the
VerazView-xMS Installation Manual's Initial Configuration chapter, and in the Fault
and Performance Manager User Guide's chapters dealing with management of users
and manager access control), but they are presented together here to consolidate the
various security operations into an integrated picture.

3.2. Primary security operations

The VerazView-xMS is a multiple-system manager: it can manage, control, and
monitor multiple I-Gates simultaneously. The VerazView-xMS runs on a PC and
connects to the various I-Gates over IP connections (LAN and WAN); therefore it
needs to have registered the I-Gates it is designated to manage (see Section 3.2.3
"Step 3: Adding I-Gates to be managed", page 3-4) and the way to reach them --
namely, their IP address.
The set of managed I-Gates is called the "managed environment" of the VerazView-
xMS station. The tool for defining and maintaining the managed environment for the
whole VerazView-xMS application suite is the Fault and Performance Manager.
This is the reason why the Fault and Performance Manager should be launched first
during VerazView-xMS initial configuration.
An administrator using the Fault and Performance Manager may add new I-Gates to
the managed environment, modify parameters, and remove existing I-Gates from the
list, as explained in the subsections of this section. Once managed environment
administration is completed, it is recommended to exit the Fault and Performance
Manager and relaunch it to ensure smooth operation thereafter.
The I-Gates to be added must be configured to recognize the VerazView-xMS PC as
their manager (see Section 3.2.4 "Step 4: Defining the management stations for an I-
Gate", page 3-6). Otherwise the VerazView-xMS will not be able to receive any
response from these I-Gates.
The users administration process (see Section 3.2.5 "Step 5: Defining Users and
User Groups", page 3-8) lets you define new VerazView-xMS users and modify and
remove existing ones. Each user receives an access level appropriate to his role.

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Security Concepts V e r a z V i ew - x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e

3.2.1. Step 1: Assigning an IP address to an I-Gate

This step is carried out as a part of the initial configuration during I-Gate
installation. In this step, a technician uses an RS-232 cable to connect the I-Gate to
the onsite setup monitor. The technician then launches the onsite setup monitor's
software, either HyperTerminal or any other RS-232 monitor application. This
software lets the technician set the IP address of the I-Gate.
For details of this step, see the Initial Configuration chapter of the Installation
Manual for the I-Gate 4000/PRO.

3.2.2. Step 2: Logging into the VerazView-xMS station

This step establishes you as the Administrator, the primary user of the VerazView-
xMS station. As Administrator, you have the authority to manage other users and
their levels of access to the VerazView-xMS station.
To log in to the VerazView-xMS station:
1. From the VerazView-xMS program group, launch the Fault and Performance
Manager application.
2. Type username: admin .
3. Type password: admin .

3.2.3. Step 3: Adding I-Gates to be managed

In this step, you register with the VerazView-xMS station each I-Gate that you want
to manage from the VerazView-xMS station. This step is the first step of a two-step
process (see step 4 in Section 3.2.4) which finalizes the security relationship
between the I-Gate and the VerazView-xMS. The set of I-Gates that the VerazView-
xMS manages is called the "managed environment".

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V e r a z V i ew - x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e Security Concepts

To add I-Gates to the managed environment of the VerazView-xMS:

1. In the Topology View, starting from the Root, add new regions and sites. (For
details of this procedure, see the Fault and Performance Manager User's Guide,
Section "Defining Regions, Areas and Sites"). The new regions and areas may
be virtual; that is, they may not exist in the real world, but in the Topology
View, they will serve conveniently as groups for your sites, clusters, and I-Gates.
2. In the Topology View, right-click a site to which you want to add an I-Gate, and
choose Add >> I-Gate 4000/PRO/EDGE; the I-Gate Properties window is

3. In the fields of this window, type the I-Gate's parameters (Name, IP Address,
4. Proceed as in steps 2 and 3, defining all I-Gates that you want the VerazView-
xMS to manage.
Later, you can edit these parameters by right-clicking an I-Gate in the Topology
View and choosing Properties.

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3.2.4. Step 4: Defining the management stations for

an I-Gate
In this step, you assign the VerazView-xMS server stations that will manage each of
the I-Gates that you registered in step 3 (Section 3.2.3). You may assign up to ten
VerazView-xMS server stations to manage an I-Gate. The first VerazView-xMS
server station that you assign as the I-Gate's manager becomes the "primary"
management station; that is, the only station that can assign or remove the remaining
nine management stations (the "secondary" management stations) or define access
levels for them.
You can choose to assign full access (both get-trap [read] access and set-trap [write]
access) to all 30 management stations. Alternatively, you can define restricted
profiles for some of the secondary management stations; see step 3 below. For more
detailed information about this procedure, see Section "Defining manager access" in
the VerazView-xMS Fault and Performance Manager User's Guide.

Important: The term "Manager" used by the Access Control functionality refers
to a managing VerazView-xMS PC, not to a user.

To define the VerazView-xMS station for an I-Gate:

1. In the Fault and Performance Manager's Topology View, right-click the I-Gate
to which you want to add a manager, and choose Access Control >> Managers
View; the Managers View window appears.

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2. On the toolbar of the Managers View, click the Add Manager button; the
Add Manager window appears as follows:

3. Complete the parameters in the Add Manager window. For a description of these
parameters, see Section "Adding a manager" in the VerazView-xMS Fault and
Performance Manager User's Guide.
4. Click Add, wait a few moments for the operation to complete, and click Close; a
row for the new manager is displayed in the Managers View, with the definitions
that you have made for each field.
5. To add a manager to multiple I-Gates, repeat steps 1 to 4 for each I-Gate to
which you want to add a manager.
6. Repeat steps 1 through 4 for all I-Gates for which you want to define managing
Later, you can edit these parameters by clicking the Change Manager Details
toolbar button in the Managers View.

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3.2.5. Step 5: Defining Users and User Groups

In this step, you add users that will have access to the VerazView-xMS station, and
thus access to the I-Gates that the VerazView-xMS station manages. Since you may
not want all of these additional users to have the same level of access authority, you
first create user groups with the appropriate access levels. For a more detailed
description of this step, see the Fault and Performance Manager User Guide, Section
"Defining Users and Access Levels".
To define users and user groups with access to the VerazView-xMS station:
1. In the Fault and Performance Manager's Security menu, choose Groups; the
User Groups window appears:

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2. In the User Groups dialog box, create a new user group by clicking Add; the
following dialog box appears:

3. In this box, give the group a name, and select a user group whose permission sets
are to be transmitted to your new group. Click OK; the name of the new user
group appears in the User Groups window, where you can modify the permission
sets for the new group..
4. From the Security menu, choose New Users; the following dialog box appears:

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5. Click Add…; the following dialog box appears:

6. In the Add User dialog box, define parameters for the new users (user group,
username, password, etc.).
Later, you can edit these user parameters by choosing Users or Groups from the
Security menu.

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7. To edit the user access levels for a particular network node: In the Topology
View, right-click the network node and select User Permissions; the Edit NE
Permissions dialog box opens:

8. To define the new user permission set required for a user group, with respect to
the selected network node, click the user group in the User Group column, and in
the respective NE Permission Set cell, select the new permission set from the
drop-down list.

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3.3. Manager Access Control

Using the procedures described in Section 3.2.4 "Step 4: Defining the management
stations for an I-Gate", page 3-6, you can define up to 30 VerazView-xMS stations
to manage an I-Gate. These 30 VerazView-xMS stations can all have both get-trap
("read") access and set-trap ("write") access at the same time (unless you define
restrictions for them in the Profile field of the Add Manager dialog box accessed
from the FPM Managers View). Normally, logging in to the VerazView-xMS
application automatically confers such access.
However, a VerazView-xMS station can manually acquire exclusive "write" control
over an I-Gate. Under this condition, if another VerazView-xMS station attempts to
write to the I-Gate, it will receive the message that the I-Gate is locked, that is, in
control by another VerazView-xMS station. Each of the other nine registered
VerazView-xMS stations can continue to view I-Gate information as well as
information about the VerazView-xMS managing station controlling an I-Gate.

Important: The term "Manager" used by the Access Control functionality refers
to a managing VerazView-xMS PC, not to a user.

The following Manager Access Control operations are available:

Acquire: You should use this manual Manager Access Control action only when
making software or hardware changes, or when modifying the properties of
several managers of an I-Gate in one session. Under these circumstances, you
need uninterrupted access to an I-Gate for the duration of the manager
modifications. You lock the I-Gate for your "write" use only, to prevent a write
operation by any other VerazView-xMS station that may negatively impact the
operations underway. In general an operator should try to avoid using the
Acquire option.
The Acquire command can be used for I-Gates that are not currently controlled
by an administrator. However, if the I-Gate is controlled by another
administrator you can take over control using the Take-Over Control command
in the Access menu.

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Release: After you have acquired control or taken over control of an I-Gate, and
after you have completed the required manager modifications, you should
release control of the I-Gate so that other administrators can control it, if
necessary. If you do not release control, the I-Gate will be inaccessible to write
operations by other VerazView-xMS stations.
Takeover: An I-Gate can be controlled by only one manager at any time. If an I-
Gate requires configuration modification but is currently locked by another
manager, you can choose the Takeover option in order to take the control of the
I-Gate away from the other manager. A Takeover operation may sometimes be
needed if the I-Gate was accidentally locked (due to an irregular exit from a
software application, for example).
Note that the Takeover command is different from Acquire command: You use
the Acquire command to take control when no other VerazView-xMS station is
currently in control, but you use the Takeover command to take control when
another VerazView-xMS station is currently in control. Before performing a
Takeover, you should first inform the I-Gate operator of the currently locked I-
Gate that you need to perform a Takeover.
Once you have taken over control, you can proceed with the necessary
configuration modifications.
View Control Information: The VerazView-xMS access control functionality
enables you to view information regarding the current administrative control
status of an I-Gate, including the IP address of the manager currently in control
of the I-Gate and the purpose for which such control has been acquired, in read-
only format.

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To perform any of these Manager Access Control actions:

1. In the Topology View, right-click the I-Gate for which you want to perform a
Manager Access Control action, choose Access Control, and choose the action
you want to perform -- Acquire, Release, or Takeover. A dialog window opens
similar to the following:

Each of the three Manager Access Control dialog windows is identical to the above,
except that the window title bar and the command button on the lower-left reflect the
respective Manager Access Control action. In this window:
2. Note the information displayed about the I-Gate
3. Type the new information in the field New Description
4. Click the command button Acquire, Release, or Takeover for the respective
Manager Access Control commands. (If you chose the Get Control Info option,
the command button's name is Refresh).
For more information about Manager Access Control procedures, see Chapter
"Manager Access Control" in the VerazView-xMS Fault and Performance Manager
User's Guide.

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3.4. Enhanced security features

3.4.1. Screen Saver with password protection

To enhance VerazView-xMS security, a Screen Saver feature with password
protection is provided. When this feature is active, you can leave the VerazView-
xMS station, whereupon the Screen Saver will be launched automatically after a
certain amount of time. When you return, you must re-type your password to access
the VerazView-xMS application. A different user must also log on, with his own
username and password.
To activate the Screen Saver feature:
1. In the Fault and Performance Manager, select Tools >> General Preferences
>> General.
2. Enable the checkbox Enable Screen Saver Security mode.
3. From the Windows Start Menu, choose Settings >> Control Panel >> Display
>> Screen Saver; in the Wait field, define the amount of time to elapse before
the Screen Saver is to be launched.

3.4.2. Management of failed logins

If a user attempts to log into the VerazView-xMS but uses an incorrect username or
password, he must wait a longer time to attempt his next login. If he fails again, he
must wait even longer to make his next attempt; and so on. The maximum waiting
time can be configured by using the VerazView-xMS Fault and Performance
Manager in the menu Tools >> General Preferences, Admin tab.
All failed login attempts are recorded as events in the History Browser, under the
Event Source category called User Permissions.

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3.4.3. One-station-only access

A user can log in to only one management station at a time. This feature includes
remote Web-based stations. If a logged-in user attempts to log in to a second station,
he receives a message indicating that he not allowed to enter this station.

3.4.4. I-Gate protocols

I-Gate 4000 Series media gateway systems are built for security. The I-Gate systems
enable using only the protocols that are required for operation.
The HTTP, FTP (server), and Telnet protocols are not required for normal operation
and are disabled. However, an extreme situation might arise in which using the
above protocols is required for solving operational problems. In this case the
technician must physically access the I-Gate, connect a monitor to the RS232 port
on its AHME/TPSM/XPSM card, and use the RS232 interface to enter the
appropriate command:
At the prompt shell > type: ACS_SetPremTimeOut x
where x is the number of minutes that you need for this procedure.
To close this mode of working, and to return to the normal security mode, type the
command: ACS_SetPremTimeOut 0

3.4.5. Restricting Web client access

You can ensure that only authorized PC's can connect to the VerazView-xMS
server. If an unauthorized PC attempts such access, its Web browser displays the
message "You are not authorized to view this page".
The procedure for configuring access by Web clients to the VerazView-xMS server
is described in the VerazView-xMS Installation Manual in the Section "Restricting
client access". In this procedure, you define a list of IP addresses of the PC's that are
authorized to access the VerazView-xMS server.

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3.4.6. Separation of management network from IP

In order to provide enhanced security, the management network can be separated
from the IP traffic network. In this way, a hacker will find it harder to harm the
network. Even if he should succeed in penetrating the management network, he will
not have access to the IP traffic network, and vice-versa. This separation is achieved
by assigning a different IP address to the I-Gate's Main CPU card for management
activity. (The Main CPU card is TPSM/TPSM-R1 in I-Gate 4000 PRO, AHME in I-
Gate 4000, and XPSM/BPSM in I-Gate 4000 EDGE ).
For example, in the I-Gate 4000, there are up to eight IP addresses for its
IGWM/IGWM-R1 cards, and a ninth IP address on its Main CPU card for the entire
system. The IP address designated for management activity is IP address number 10,
also located on the Main CPU card. The connection to this address is a separate one
made through the CPU I/O card.
For more information, refer to Chapter 5 "I-Gate 4000 IP Address Assignment".

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3.4.7. Network Address Translation

VerazView-xMS supports Network Address Translation (NAT) functionality. NAT
is the translation of an IP address used within one network to a different IP address
known within another network. One network is designated the inside network and
the other the outside network. NAT functionality enables using a private address in
the inside network and has some security aspects as well.
VerazView-xMS resides on the inside network, and as such, its IP address is
VerazView-xMS supports static NAT functionality. With static NAT functionality,
the NAT addresses are fixed.
With dynamic NAT functionality, the outside address ports are changed randomly.
Note that in case of dynamic NAT, a static address must be dedicated for
VerazView-xMS communication.
To enable NAT functionality, you need to make definitions in four places:
Configure the NAT fields in the Fault and Performance Manager application
window File >> Preferences >> Communication. See Section
"Communication preferences" in the Fault and Performance Manager User's
Configure the FTP Server IP Address field in the Fault and Performance
Manager window File >> Preferences >> OS Users. See Section "OS Users
preferences" in the Fault and Performance Manager User's Guide.
Add a new manager with the NAT address in the access control functionality.
See Section "Adding a Manager" in Chapter "Manager Access Control" in the
Fault and Performance Manager User's Guide.
Configure the FTP Server IP Address field in the Configurator application
window Preferences >> FTP Server. See Section "Defining FTP server
preferences" in the Configurator Manual.

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3.4.8. FTP server login

When you execute the Download Map command in the xMS Configurator, the
following sequence of events takes place:
1. The xMS station sends an SNMP command to the I-Gate.
2. The I-Gate sends an FTP Get Map request to the FTP server residing on the xMS
3. The FTP server transfers the map from the xMS station to the I-Gate.
In this sequence, Step 2 utilizes the login information (user ID and password) that
appears in the Configurator's FTP Preferences window. This window initially
displays the default password tmnpwd or eci. Thus, to enhance the security of the
map download process, you should type a different password in this window.
The user ID and password entered in the Configurator's FTP Preferences window is
the login information for the I-Gate, and does not have the same function as the
login information for the xMS user.

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3-20 Veraz Networks Inc. Proprietary 99110003-21

Web-Based Management
VerazView-xMS offers Web-Based Management (WBM) as a value-added module.
This feature lets an operator manage and monitor an I-Gate media gateway system
from anywhere in the world. The only requirement is that the remote PC must have
a Web Browser (Internet Explorer or Netscape) and a minimum screen resolution of
1024 by 768 pixels. The remote PC requires no installation of any VerazView-xMS
software -- an outstanding advantage of WBM.

4.1. Network architecture of WBM

The Web Browser acts as a client application when accessing the GUI and
functionalities of the VerazView-xMS, which acts as a server application (see figure
below). Your access does not significantly degrade the response time of the native
VerazView-xMS operator. The I-Gates are managed using SNMP v2 protocol.

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Setting up the VerazView-xMS station as a Web server requires installation of the

Internet Information Service (IIS) and subsequent configuration of the Web server
and the FTP server. These procedures are described in the Chapter "Setting Up Web
and FTP servers" in the VerazView-xMS Installation Manual.

4.2. Features supported by WBM

The VerazView-xMS Web-based management supports the following features:
Topology Tree with add/remove elements
Current alarm display
Event History browser
Active Notification
Scheduled Events handling
Scheduled Reports handling
Security log (for example, added users and failed logins)
Access control management
Inventory (for example, I-Gates and cards)
I-Gate views and maintenance commands
Auto Acknowledge configuration
Preferences configuration
Active users view
Online Help
About VerazView-xMS, and Contact us
Login and Logout
Change password

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4.3. Features not supported by WBM

The following functions are available from VerazView-xMS's local application
interface only (and not by using Web-Based Management):
Backup and Restore Manager

4.4. Sample screens of WBM

Once you go online at the remote PC, you enter your username and password, which
are encrypted. You can then view and work with the following screens of
History Browser
Current Alarms
Logical View
Hardware View
Terminal Details
Destination View
Access Control
The figure below shows a typical screen displayed on a remote Web client. In this
screen, Internet Explorer shows the VerazView-xMS Fault and Performance
Manager's Topology View in the left pane, and the Current Alarms view in the right

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4.5. SSL support

When using VerazView-xMS Web-Based Management, a remote operator is
exposed to eavesdropping. Any unauthorized person that obtains the WBM session
information can intrude into the VerazView-xMS system, and from it into the I-Gate
system. In order to prevent this intrusion, Veraz has implemented for VerazView-
xMS a proprietary encryption of the User ID and password.
This solution alone, however, is insufficient, as Tier 1 customers require:
Standard, proven, strong encryption
Encryption of all management traffic

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V e r a z V i ew - x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e Web-Based Management

The problem that VerazView-xMS operators and administrators face is a problem

faced by many Web service providers (Banks, Retailers, Universities and others).
The solution that most of them use is to encrypt the data being sent (including user
ID and password) by using SSL (Secured Socket Layer) protocol.
Veraz has therefore designed VerazView-xMS to support SSL protocol for
communication between the VerazView-xMS server (local application interface plus
IIS) and a Web browser.
SSL protocol is a powerful encryption method, the most popular method for
securing Internet transport. SSL can be considered a de-facto standard for website
security. It provides encryption, authentication, and integrity of the data stream,
including management information.
SSL encryption takes place at the application level. All screens and changes made to
them are encrypted. The VerazView-xMS operator can configure the SSL option on
the VerazView-xMS server.
The protocol that incorporates SSL and HTTP is HTTPS, which is supported by all
Web browsers and servers. The result is that all the HTTPS packets are encrypted
using a very strong encryption method whose complexity is exponentially dependent
on a cipher strength parameter measured in bits. The Internet Explorer 5.0 web
browser can decrypt SSL messages with up to 56 bits of cipher strength, while
Internet Explorer 5.5 has a cipher strength of 128 bits.
SSL uses a very strong and popular cipher model that requires a key in order to be
complete and to encrypt and decrypt messages. Since the SSL algorithm is a known
algorithm, what makes an SSL transmission virtually undecipherable is the keys
held at the endpoints of the transmission. If one end has the wrong key, the fact that
it knows that the encrypting algorithm is SSL is of little help.
SSL employs a method that actually uses a pair of complementary keys. A message
that was encrypted using one key can only be decrypted by the complementary key;
the message cannot even be decrypted by the encrypting key.
An encryption code's cipher strength is a function of the size in bits of each of the
keys; 128 bits is an acceptable minimum.

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4.5.1. Certificate Authority service

A customer must purchase the SSL certificate and key from a Certificate Authority
(CA) company. The CA company sends the key to a user only after verifying that
this user is eligible to receive the key. The customer must then include this key in
order to use the system.
Certificate Authority service is provided by commercial companies like VeriSign
and Thawte. The document "Obtaining and using an SSL certificate for VerazView-
xMS Web Based Management" must be prepared. More than one month is required
to obtain the key. The cost involved is about $250 per VerazView-xMS server for a
period of 2 years.
To provide the encryption key within a shorter time period, and at a reduced cost,
Veraz offers a second option: nominating a person within the company (an "in-house
CA") to provide encrypted keys. This is done by setting an agreement with a higher-
level CA.
By obtaining suitable documentation, the customer can learn the advantages and
disadvantages of using a commercial CA versus an in-house CA, and can then
choose a solution that best serves his needs.

4.6. Maximum Number of Concurrent Users

The VerazView-xMS license plug sets the maximum number of users that can
simultaneously connect to and operate VerazView-xMS. The maximum number of
concurrent users is six: five using the Web interface, and one using the local
application interface. However, concurrent user limitation does not apply to the
VerazView-xMS Administrator user. The VerazView-xMS Administrator user can
connect to the VerazView-xMS regardless of the number of concurrent users.
For more information about the license plug, see the VerazView-xMS Installation
Manual, Section "Licensing".

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V e r a z V i ew - x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e Web-Based Management

4.7. Improving browser performance

4.7.1. Java Plug-In

The Java plug-in software enhances the web browser's efficiency by using JAR files
to store application sources in the cache memory of the client station. Thus these
sources do not need to be loaded from the website to the client station each time a
website is accessed.
Once you have installed the VerazView-xMS modules from the CDROM to the
VerazView-xMS server station, the server station can then install Java plug-in
software to the client station. When you run the VerazView-xMS client on a given
station, you can click the Login screen text Optimize xMS web site to this web
browser. This command installs the Java plug-in software to the client station using
the setup file located on the server.
Perform this Optimize command according to the following table:
If your MS Java Virtual Java Plug-In Procedure
browser is Machine installed?
Internet Explorer Yes Installing the Java plug-in is optional
Internet Explorer No Installing the Java plug-in is mandatory
Netscape v6 not applicable Netscape v6 is not supported. Install Netscape v7 and
refer to respective procedure
Netscape v7 not applicable Installing Java plug-in v1.4.2 is mandatory

For users of Internet Explorer: To check whether you have the MS Java Virtual
Machine (VM) installed on your computer:
If no VM is installed, then you can navigate to the Login screen of VerazView-
xMS but cannot view further screens
If the VM is installed, then Internet Explorer displays the category Microsoft
VM in the Advanced tab of the menu Tools >> Options.

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VerazView-xMS supports Java plug-in v1.3.1, but if your current Java plug-in is
older than v1.4.2, you are strongly recommended to uninstall your current version
and install v1.4.2 (optionally -- see table above) using the procedure that follows.
To install the Java plug-in software:
1. Launch your web browser. Type in the IP address of the VerazView-xMS server
station and press < Enter > ; the VerazView-xMS Login screen appears:

2. Click the text Optimize xMS web site to this web browser.
3. Either (a) or (b) occurs:
a. The message appears: "Java plug-in software is already active on your
computer!" In this case, you do not need to continue with this procedure.
b. The message appears: "Please restart your web browser after the Java plug-in
software installation". Click OK to open the window for downloading and
installing the software. Below are sample windows from the three most
common web browsers:

Internet Explorer v5.x Internet Explorer v6.x Netscape v7.x

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4. In the above window, choose (a) or (b):

a. Choose Open/Run. This option runs the installation from its current
location. This option is unavailable if your web browser is Netscape, or
Internet Explorer without MS Java Virtual Machine.
b. Choose Save. This option saves the installation files to the hard disk. When
this process is complete, doubleclick the Java plug-in setup file
JavaPluginSetup.exe from its location on the hard disk.
5. The License Agreement window appears:

6. Click I accept.. (if you agree), and click Next; the following window appears:

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7. Choose Typical and click Next. Several progress screens appear as the files are
installed. After several minutes, the Complete screen appears:

8. Either (a) or (b) occurs:

a. A message appears instructing you to reboot the PC. This may occur if you
have never before installed the Java plug-in to this PC. Reboot the PC.
b. No message appears instructing you to reboot the PC. This may occur if you
have previously installed the Java plug-in. In this case, close and relaunch
your web browser.
9. Open the Java plug-in Control Panel either from the Windows Control Panel or
from the Java plug-in tray icon. In the Browser tab, mark the checkbox for each
browser that you will be using:

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10. Once you have completed these steps, the icon appears in the Windows tray
while you are logged into VerazView-xMS through your browser, to indicate
that the Java plug-in is active.

4.7.2. Disabling antivirus options

If an antivirus application is installed on your PC, you can improve the performance
of your Web browser by disabling certain antivirus options, as follows: If you have
the McAfee antivirus application, right-click its tray icon, choose Properties, and
remove the checkmark from the two options Download Scan and Internet Filter. If
you have another antivirus program, perform a comparable procedure.

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I-Gate 4000 IP Address
In an I-Gate 4000, the IGWM/IGWM-R1 card performs all the signal processing
tasks and the packetization and depacketization of the IP bitstream. An I-Gate can
accommodate up to nine IGWM/IGWM-R1 cards (eight active cards and one
redundant card). Each IGWM/IGWM-R1 card can be considered a media gateway
card and therefore has a separate IP address.
In addition, an IP address is assigned to the I-Gate 4000 system -- the AHME card
(sometime called CPU card).
Another IP address might be allocated for a dedicated network for the management
system (optional). The alternate network for the VerazView-xMS is connected by
using the AHIE card.
Thus the total number of IP addresses for a single I-Gate 4000 system is up to 10: up
to 8 IP addresses for media gateways, one IP address for the system, and one
optional IP address for an alternate management network.

IP to 8 IGWM cards



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5-2 Veraz Networks Inc. Proprietary 99110003-21

SNMP External Interface
6.1. Overview
This chapter describes the software of the SNMP External Interface. The chapter
describes the software environment and structure and interface between the
management stations and VerazView-xMS.
Event forwarding for the I-Gate products is implemented as a Veraz SNMP Proxy
Agent, which runs on a Windows 2000 server. It is implemented on the base of the
Windows 2000 SNMP Service.
The main functions of SNMP External Interface are:
Event forwarding of I-Gate events as SNMP traps
Supporting the status table of currently managed I-Gates. This status consists of
a set of parameters such as severity, connection state, and operational state. The
table can be accessed by Get and Get Next SNMP requests.
Obtaining information about current alarms, topology, and keep-alive status.

6.2. Architecture
The figure below shows the architecture of the SNMP External Interface facility.
The network elements shown in the diagram send their events and status information
to their respective management stations, which pass this information via the
WAN/LAN to the VerazView-xMS application. A VerazView-xMS .dll file
transfers the information to the Proxy Agent .dll file, converting the information to
SNMP format. The Proxy Agent .dll file passes the information to the SNMP
Service, which re-sends the information to the SNMP management station via the

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SNMP External Interface V e r a z V i ew - x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e

The SNMP external interface immediately passes all traps/events to the SNMP
manager, without needing an SNMP command. Topology, status, and current alarm
information is sent only in response to SNMP commands.
xMS PC / Windows 2000

SNMP Proxy
SNMP commands
Get / Get Next
SNMP Service
SNMP Topology, status,
WAN/LAN MS Windows
Manager current alarms
Traps / Events




Network WAN/LAN xMS

Elements modules

6.3. Functions
The subsections of this section describe the main functions of the SNMP External
Interface facility.

6.3.1. Events collection and forwarding

The forwarding of network element events occurs automatically, without any need
to send SNMP commands. A managed network element generates an event, sending
it to the SNMP external interface, and writes the result to the mail-slot of the SNMP
external interface.
The SNMP external interface does not recover lost events. However, current alarms
can be retrieved, as described in Section 6.3.4 "Current Alarms", page 6-3.

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V e r a z V i ew - x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e SNMP External Interface

6.3.2. Current status support

The SNMP external interface is enhanced by Get operation functionality. The
SNMP manager may request the current status information of each managed
network element. This status information includes Severity Level, Connection State,
and Operational State.
The status information is contained in a database table in each managed network
element. The information is obtained via sequential access to all rows using a Get
Next operation or through direct access to a specific row by index value. The index
of the status information table is defined as a combination of I-Gate type and a
unique I-Gate ID (within the I-Gate type).

6.3.3. Topology
An SNMP manager can obtain information about network element topology through
a series of Get and Get Next commands.

6.3.4. Current Alarms

An SNMP manager can obtain current alarms of the network elements through a
series of Get and Get Next commands.

6.3.5. Keep Alive

By sending a Get request to the MIB leaf dcmeProxyStatusState, the SNMP
manager can request the Keep Alive status of the VerazView-xMS; i.e., the SNMP
manager can check to see if the VerazView-xMS is currently operational.

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SNMP External Interface V e r a z V i ew - x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e

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Backup and Restore
The Backup Manager application lets you back up I-Gate data (stored in the I-Gate's
flash card) and/or VerazView-xMS database items (VerazView-xMS topology and
users) to a designated backup directory on the VerazView-xMS station or to external
storage media.
The Restore Manager lets you move data in the direction opposite from the Backup
process. With Restore, you transfer I-Gate data from a designated backup directory
(or from external storage media) back to the flash memory of a selected I-Gate; or
else you transfer VerazView-xMS database items (VerazView-xMS topology and
users) from a designated backup directory (or from external storage media) back to
their location on the hard disk of the VerazView-xMS station.
In addition, if you are using the Restore Manager to transfer I-Gate data back to the
flash disk of a selected I-Gate, you have an option of first transferring this data to a
flash disk in a PC external drive and then replacing the current I-Gate flash disk with
the updated flash disk. This option has the advantage of taking the I-Gate out of
service for a far shorter period of time.

Important: Before performing the Backup and Restore operations, you must
first shut down the VerazView-xMS application. Note that even if the
Backup/Restore application was launched from the Local Interface menu of the
VerazView-xMS server's tray icon, the server can be shut down while the
Backup/Restore application remains open.

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Backup and Restore V e r a z V i ew -x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e

7.1. Backup
To back up data:
1. From the Windows Start Menu, choose Programs - VerazView-xMS - Backup
; the program window appears:

2. If you want to back up I-Gate data, enable the Terminal Backup checkbox, and
in the Topology Tree, select the I-Gates that you wish to back up.
3. If you want to back up VerazView-xMS topology information and user
information, enable the checkbox VerazView-xMS topology and users

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V e r a z V i ew -x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e Backup and Restore

4. In the Backup Path field, type or browse for the directory on the hard disk
where you wish to store the data.
5. If you want to add the date and time to the name of the backup directory, click
the checkbox Add Time Stamp.
6. If you want to back up only the files that have changed since the last backup
(rather than backing up all files), click the checkbox Incremental Backup.
7. Click the Tape radio button if you want to back up the data to Digital Data
Storage tape. This media can store in the range of 20 and 40 Gbyte. For a list of
supported tapes, see the VerazView-xMS Installation Guide.
8. Enter any notes in the Notes field.
9. If you want to keep this backup configuration for future use, click Plan >> Save
As… and type a name for this backup plan.
10. To see the list of your saved backup plans, click Plan >> Show All…; the
Backup Plans window appears:

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Backup and Restore V e r a z V i ew -x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e

11. To edit a backup plan, select its line in this window, and click Edit to open the
main window of the Backup application, where you can edit the backup plan.
12. To delete a backup plan, click its line in the Backup Plans window, and click
13. To set up a schedule for a backup plan, click its line in the Backup Plans
window, and click the Schedule button to open the Schedule Dialog window:

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V e r a z V i ew -x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e Backup and Restore

14. In the Schedule Dialog window, click the checkbox Enable Schedule and select
the schedule that you wish to apply to this backup plan. The Advanced button
lets you choose more specific scheduling options:

15. Before beginning a backup operation, stop any scheduled backup operation that
may be in process by clicking Actions >> Stop Scheduled Backup.
16. When you are ready to make a backup, return to the main window of the Backup
application and click the Start button . Depending on the capacity of your
backup media, a message may appear: "There may not be enough disk space on
disk to perform the backup. Do you wish to continue?". Confirm that you have
enough disk space, and click OK.

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17. A progress window appears and monitors the process of copying the data:


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V e r a z V i ew -x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e Backup and Restore

7.2. Restore
There are three scenarios for restoring data:
Restoring I-Gate data to a new flash disk of an I-Gate (see Section 7.2.1
"Restoring I-Gate data to I-Gate flash disk", page 7-8)
Restoring I-Gate data to a flash disk in a PC external drive (see Section 7.2.2
"Restoring I-Gate data to external flash disk", page 7-13)
Restoring VerazView-xMS database items, i.e. VerazView-xMS topology and
users information (see Section 7.2.3 "Restoring VerazView-xMS database
items", page 7-15)

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7.2.1. Restoring I-Gate data to I-Gate flash disk

To restore I-Gate data to a new flash disk of an I-Gate:
1. Confirm that the new flash disk has the same IP address as the flash disk
previously used for the backup procedure, and that the new flash disk has
enough space available.
2. Remove the CPU card from the I-Gate as follows:
For I-Gate 4000 PRO, remove the protecting TPSM/TPSM-R1 card from slot
For I-Gate 4000, skip this step.
For I-Gate 4000 EDGE, remove the protecting XPSM/BPSM module from
its slot (right slot in this example).
3. Remove the CPU card from the I-Gate as follows:
For I-Gate 4000 PRO, remove the protected TPSM/TPSM-R1 card from slot
For I-Gate 4000, remove the AHME card from slot 7.
For I-Gate 4000 EDGE, remove the protected XPSM/BPSM module from its
slot (left slot in this example).
4. On the CPU card that you removed in step 3, change the I-Gate state from
normal operating mode to Basic SVM mode as follows:
For I-Gate 4000 PRO, move S1 DIP switch 3 to the On position.
For I-Gate 4000, move S1 DIP switch 6 to the On position.
For I-Gate 4000 EDGE, move S5 DIP switch 3 to the On position.
For this step, refer to the figures below. You might need a magnifying glass and
a bright light to see the switches and labels clearly on the module itself.

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V e r a z V i ew -x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e Backup and Restore

DIP switch no. 3 in On position Heat Sink

S1 Switch
Connectors to Backplane

Connectors to Backplane
Front Panel
Front Panel
Flash Card
S2 Switch

S1 Switch
S3 Switch
DIP switch no. 6 in On position

I-Gate 4000 PRO: I-Gate 4000:

Rear side of TPSM/TPSM-R1 card Front side of AHME card

Heat Sink
Connectors to Midplan

Front Panel

S5 switch DIP switch no. 3

in On position

S4 S5

I-Gate 4000 EDGE:

Upper side of XPSM/BPSM module

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5. Re-insert the card into the I-Gate as follows:

For I-Gate 4000 PRO, re-insert the protected TPSM/TPSM-R1 card to slot 7.
For I-Gate 4000, re-insert the AHME card to slot 7.
For I-Gate 4000 EDGE, re-insert the protected XPSM/BPSM module to its
slot (left slot in this example).
6. If you are working with an I-Gate 4000, disconnect the LAN cable from the
GBIO card and connect it to the AHIE card. If you are working with an I-Gate
4000 PRO or I-Gate 4000 EDGE, skip this step.
7. Reset the I-Gate, using either the Reset button on the I-Gate's CPU card or else
the Reset command from the I-Gate's Maintenance menu in the VerazView-xMS
Fault and Performance Manager.
8. At the VerazView-xMS station, from the Windows Start Menu, choose
Programs - VerazView-xMS - Restore ; the program window appears:

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V e r a z V i ew -x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e Backup and Restore

9. Select the Terminal Restore radio button, and in the Topology Tree, select the
I-Gate to which you wish to transfer the data.
10. In the Source for Restore box, choose (a) or (b):
a. If you have backed up the data on the VerazView-xMS PC's hard disk: Click
the Disk radio button, and in the Backup Path field, type or browse for the
directory where you have backed up the data.
b. If you have backed up the data to tape: Click the Tape radio button and
select the backup date in the Backup Date field.
11. In the Backup Notes field, you can read any notes that were made when the
backup process was performed.
12. Click the Start button ; a progress window appears to monitor the process of
copying the data from the backup directory to the I-Gate:



Wait for the Restore process to finish.

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13. Return to the I-Gate, and remove the CPU card as follows:
For I-Gate 4000 PRO, remove the protected TPSM/TPSM-R1 card from slot 7.
For I-Gate 4000, remove the AHME card from slot 7.
For I-Gate 4000 EDGE, remove the protected XPSM/BPSM module from its
slot (left slot in this example).
14. On the CPU card that you removed in step 13, change the I-Gate state from
Basic SVM mode back to normal operating mode as follows (for this step, refer
to the figure for step 4):
For I-Gate 4000 PRO, move S1 DIP switch 3 to the Off position.
For I-Gate 4000, move S1 DIP switch 6 to the Off position.
For I-Gate 4000 EDGE, move S5 DIP switch 3 to the Off position.
15. Re-insert the card into the I-Gate as follows:
For I-Gate 4000 PRO, re-insert the protected TPSM/TPSM-R1 card to slot 7.
For I-Gate 4000, re-insert the AHME card to slot 7.
For I-Gate 4000 EDGE, re-insert the protected XPSM/BPSM module to its slot
(left slot in this example).
16. If you are working with an I-Gate 4000, disconnect the LAN cable from the
AHIE card and re-connect it to the GBIO card. If you are working with an I-Gate
4000 PRO or I-Gate 4000 EDGE, skip this step.
17. Reset the I-Gate, using either the Reset button on the I-Gate's CPU card or else
the Reset command from the I-Gate's Maintenance menu in the VerazView-xMS
Fault and Performance Manager. Wait for the reset process to finish, when the I-
Gate LED's have stopped blinking.

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18. Re-insert the CPU card to the I-Gate as follows:

For I-Gate 4000 PRO, re-insert the protecting TPSM/TPSM-R1 card to slot 10.
For I-Gate 4000, skip this step.
For I-Gate 4000 EDGE, re-insert the protecting XPSM/BPSM module to its slot
(right slot in this example).

7.2.2. Restoring I-Gate data to external flash disk

The procedure described in this section applies to the I-Gate 4000.
To restore I-Gate data to a flash disk in a PC external drive:
1. At the VerazView-xMS station, from the Windows Start Menu, choose
Programs - VerazView-xMS - Restore ; the program window appears:

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Backup and Restore V e r a z V i ew -x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e

2. Select the Terminal Restore radio button, and click the I-Gate whose flash disk
you want to restore.
3. Mark the checkbox Restore to Disk, and browse for the PC's flash disk drive.
(Later you transfer this flash disk to the I-Gate's CPU card).
4. In the Source for Restore box, choose (a) or (b):
a. If you have backed up the data on the VerazView-xMS PC's hard disk: Click
the Disk radio button, and in the Backup Path field, type or browse for the
directory where you have backed up the data.
b. If you have backed up the data to tape: Click the Tape radio button and
select the backup date in the Backup Date field.
5. In the Backup Notes field, you can read any notes that were made when the
backup process was performed.
6. Click the Start button ; a progress window appears to monitor the process of
copying the data from the backup directory to the I-Gate:



Wait for the Restore process to finish.

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V e r a z V i ew -x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e Backup and Restore

7. Remove the external flash disk. Go to the I-Gate, remove the CPU card
(AHME), and replace its flash disk with the updated one. Re-insert the CPU card
into the I-Gate.
8. Reset the I-Gate, using either the Reset button on the I-Gate's CPU card
(AHME) or else the Reset command from the I-Gate's Maintenance menu in the
VerazView-xMS Fault and Performance Manager.

7.2.3. Restoring VerazView-xMS database items

To restore VerazView-xMS database items (VerazView-xMS topology and
users information):
1. Shut down the VerazView-xMS application.
2. At the VerazView-xMS station, from the Windows Start Menu, choose
Programs >> VerazView-xMS >> Restore ; once you log in with
username, VerazView-xMS User password, and VerazView-xMS password, the
program window appears:

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Backup and Restore V e r a z V i ew -x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e

3. Select the radio button VerazView-xMS Topology and Users Restore.

4. In the Source for Restore box, choose (a) or (b):
a. If you have backed up the data on the VerazView-xMS PC's hard disk: Click
the Disk radio button, and in the Backup Path field, type or browse for the
directory where you have backed up the data.
b. If you have backed up the data to tape: Click the Tape radio button and
select the backup date in the Backup Date field.
5. In the Backup Notes field, you can read any notes that were made when the
backup process was performed.
6. Click the Start button ; a progress window appears to monitor the process of
copying the data from the backup directory to the I-Gate:

Wait for the Restore process to finish, as indicated in the Message field of this
dialog box.
7. Re-open the VerazView-xMS application.

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V e r a z V i ew -x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e Backup and Restore

7.3. Log Reports

To obtain information about previous backup operations:
1. Click the Last Logs button on the toolbar; the following window appears:

2. To find out more details about a backup event, doubleclick its line in the above
window; the following window appears:

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Backup and Restore V e r a z V i ew -x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e

7.4. Setting preferences

To set preferences for the processes of Backup and Restore:
1. From the Actions menu, choose Preferences…; the following window appears:

2. In the Default Backup Directory field, type or browse for the directory where
you will generally want to store data for backup purposes.
3. In the Temp Directory for Tape Backup field, type or browse for the
temporary directory that you use when backing up data to Digital Data Storage
4. Click the radio button Tape or Disk, whichever is your preferred target for the
Backup process. For a list of supported tapes, see the VerazView-xMS
Installation Guide.
5. In the Number of Logs to Display field, type the number of log entries that you
want displayed in the Backup Log window. The default is 3.

7-18 Veraz Networks Inc. Proprietary 99110003-21

I-Gate Topology Operations
The topology for a defined network can be imported from another location to the
database, or the current topology can be exported to another location. This enables
you to use the same network structure at different locations, or to build a new
topology based on an existing one.
Copying a topology from one location to another involves exporting three tables
from the database, and then importing those tables to the new computer. (It is also
possible to manually copy the folder that includes the three tables to the new
computer.) The database (software) version must be the same on both the computer
from which you are exporting the topology and the computer to which you are
importing, or the transfer operation will not be executed. In order to import a new
topology, the current topology must first be deleted from the database.
In addition, the VerazView-xMS Fault and Performance Manager enables you to
define individual tables on the database for export, so that you do not have to export
the entire topology.

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I-Gate Topology Operations V e r a z V i ew - x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e

To perform topology transfer operations:

1. In the VerazView-xMS Local Interface window, from the Menu Bar, select
Utilities >> Database Operations; the Database Operations window opens.
2. Click the Topology tab; the window appears as follows:

C:\Program Files\Veraz View\xMS

3. Enter the path for the folder from/to which the topology is to be
imported/exported in the Topology Location field, or click the browse button to
browse to the required folder.
4. Click the appropriate button in the Topology Transfer box to perform the
following functions:
Import: Enables you to import the topology from the location specified in
the Topology Location field.
Reset Topology: Enables you to reset the topology, so that all network
nodes are deleted from the topology leaving only the network level. If a new
topology could not be fully imported and the previous topology has been
deleted, the reset option must be used in order to run VerazView-xMS. The
topology can then be rebuilt from the network level.
Export: Enables you to export the topology to the location specified in the
Topology Location field.
5. A confirmation message is displayed. Click Close. The Export/Import/Reset
Topology operation is executed.

8-2 Veraz Networks Inc. Proprietary 99110003-21

V e r a z V i ew - x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e I-Gate Topology Operations

To export database tables:

1. In the VerazView-xMS Local Interface window, from the Menu Bar, select
Utilities >> Database Operations; the Database Operations window opens.
2. Click the DB Tables tab; the window appears as follows:

C:\Program Files\Veraz View\xMS

3. In the Export DB Table area, select one or more tables for export.
4. In the Export To field, enter the path for the location to which the data base
tables are to be exported, or click the browse button to browse to the required
5. In the Export Format area, select either Text or SQL Script.
6. If Text is selected, the Delimiter for Text Format option is enabled.
7. In the Delimiter for Text Format field, enter a delimiter, or click the arrow to
select a delimiter. The default delimiter is comma ",".

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I-Gate Topology Operations V e r a z V i ew - x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e

8. Click Export. A confirmation message is displayed.

9. Click Close. The database tables are exported to the specified location.

8-4 Veraz Networks Inc. Proprietary 99110003-21

GCP Monitor
9.1. What is GCP Monitor?
The GCP Monitor is an application that lets you monitor the MGCP/H.248 messages
sent between an I-Gate media gateway (MG) system and a media gateway controller
(MGC -- also called a softswitch or call agent). The messages can be monitored in
both the Transmit and Receive directions. These messages give an indication of the
synchronization and registration between the media gateway and the call agent. This
information is useful for system startup.
The GCP Monitor utilizes software located on the DSPK/DSPK-R1 card of the
I-Gate 4000 PRO, on the IGWM/IGWM-R1 card of the I-Gate 4000, and on the
XPSM/BPSM module of the I-Gate 4000 EDGE. This software duplicates the
MGCP/H.248 messages and sends them to the client GCP application. The client
GCP application can be installed on the VerazView-xMS PC or on a different PC
(the latter is the recommended option).

9.2. Launching GCP Monitor

To launch GCP Monitor:

From the Windows Start Menu, choose Programs >> GCP Monitor ; the main
program window appears:
Online Monitoring

Open File

Print File



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GCP Monitor V e r a z V i ew -x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e

9.3. Displaying MG's to be monitored

To carry out this procedure, you must be a manager of the I-Gate for which you
want to display media gateways to be monitored. SNMP is used for the Get MGs
command in step 2.
To display media gateways to be monitored:
1. In the GCP Monitor Main Window (see Section 9.2 "Launching GCP Monitor",
page 9-1), click the Online Monitoring button ; the Media Gateway Selection
window appears:

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V e r a z V i ew -x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e GCP Monitor

2. In the Terminal IP field, type the IP address of the I-Gate containing the media
gateways to be monitored (or click the button to select the IP address from
the list).
3. In the Terminal field, select the I-Gate type containing the media gateways to be
monitored (or click the button to select the I-Gate type from the list).
4. Click Get MGs; a row appears for each media gateway:

The Media Gateway Selection window displays the media gateway cards
(DSPK/DSPK-R1 for the I-Gate 4000 PRO, IGWM/IGWM-R1 for the I-Gate
4000, XPSM/BPSM for the I-Gate 4000 EDGE) and their associated Monitor
Station and Monitor Port.
The Monitor Station field can display one of three possible messages:
IP address of a remote monitoring station for the media gateway
Local if the MG is being monitored by the local PC
Free if the MG is not being monitored

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9.4. Selecting MG's to be monitored

To select media gateways to be monitored:
1. In the Media Gateway Selection window (see Section 9.3 "Displaying MG's to
be monitored", page 9-2), mark the Monitor checkbox for each media gateway
that you want to monitor locally:

2. In the Monitor Port field, you can type a different port number for the media
gateway that you want to monitor.

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3. Click the MG of interest and click OK; the following window appears:

The following actions are going to be performed:

- Start monitoring on "MG-58"
- Takeover monitoring on "MG-60" from station ""

Are you sure?

The above dialog box asks whether you want to "start monitoring" for MG's that
are free, and "takeover monitoring" for MG's that are currently being monitored
by the station whose IP address is displayed in the Monitor Station column.
4. Click Yes; the Online Monitoring window appears (see Section 9.5 "Online
Monitoring window", page 9-6).

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9.5. Online Monitoring window

The Online Monitoring window is displayed (see figure below) once you have
selected the media gateways to be monitored (see Section 9.4 "Selecting MG's to be
monitored", page 9-4). If an Online Monitoring window is already open for a port
defined in the Media Gateway Selection window, then the MGCP/H.248 messages
will be added to the existing open window. Otherwise, a new Online Monitoring
window will be opened for each port.
Online Monitoring: Port 9000

MGCP/H248 Message

The Online Monitoring window is the core window of the GCP Monitor application.
This window displays pertinent data for the monitored media gateway cards in the
following columns:
Direction monitored (Tx or Rx)
Source's IP address and port
Destination's IP address and port
Sequence number of the message
Time of the message
Name of the media gateway
MGCP/H.248 message

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The second and third panes of the Online Monitoring window display the
MGCP/H.248 message in ASCII character format and hexadecimal format,
respectively. The selected (highlighted) portions of the three panes correlate with
one another. Selecting text in the hexadecimal pane selects the equivalent text in the
ASCII character pane, and vice-versa.
The Online Monitoring window uses a cycling mechanism for 10,000 messages.
Several command options are available in the Online Monitoring window:

Click (unpress) the Auto Scroll button button to freeze the display so that it
does not continue to display newly added rows. If you re-click this button to
return it to the pressed state, auto-scrolling continues.
Click the Stop Monitoring button to stop the media gateway controller from
sending messages to the monitoring station.

For a description of other commands to be applied to the Online Monitoring

window, see the following sections:
Section 9.6 "Filtering the Online Monitoring window", page 9-8
Section 9.7 "Saving a GCP Monitoring file", page 9-9
Section 9.8 "Configuring the display of locally monitored MG's", page 9-10

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9.6. Filtering the Online Monitoring window

In the Online Monitoring window (see Section 9.5 "Online Monitoring window",
page 9-6), clicking the Filter button displays the Filter Definition window:

In the Filter Definition window, choose the fields for which you want the Online
Monitoring window display to select and click OK. The Online Monitoring window
now displays the monitored media gateways filtered according to the criteria that
you have chosen.

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V e r a z V i ew -x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e GCP Monitor

9.7. Saving a GCP Monitoring file

When the Online Monitoring window displays information, you can save this
information to a file. This file has the extension .mdb.
To save a GCP Monitoring file:
1. Open the Online Monitoring window for a selected I-Gate (see Section 9.5
"Online Monitoring window", page 9-6).

2. On the toolbar, click the Save button ; if you have not previously given this
file a name, the Save As window appears:

3. Navigate to the folder where you want to save the file, give the file a name, and
click OK.
Once you have saved a GCP Monitoring file, you can later open the file in Offline

99110003-21 Veraz Networks Inc. Proprietary 9-9

GCP Monitor V e r a z V i ew -x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e

9.8. Configuring the display of locally

monitored MG's
With the Online Monitoring window open (see Section 9.5 "Online Monitoring
window", page 9-6) and displaying a set of monitored media gateways, you can
configure the Online Monitoring window to display a subset of media gateways
being locally monitored.
To configure the display of locally monitored media gateways:

1. On the toolbar, click the button ; the Locally Monitored MG's window

2. In this window, unmark the checkboxes of the media gateways that you don't
want displayed in the Online Monitoring window, and click OK.

9-10 Veraz Networks Inc. Proprietary 99110003-21

Trap Structure in SNMP
External Interface
This chapter describes the structures of the I-Gate traps that the SNMP External
Interface forwards to a third-party management system. This trap structure includes
all the third-party management traps that can be initiated by I-Gate 4000 PRO, I-
Gate 4000, I-Gate 4000 EDGE, and VerazView-xMS.
For an overview of the SNMP External Interface and a discussion of its network
architecture and functions, see Chapter 6 of this Administrator's Guide.
The SNMP external interface traps include the following source traps:
Traps generated by the I-Gate:
Common: traps common to all Veraz I-Gate platforms
I-Gate-specific: traps specific to the I-Gate 4000 PRO or I-Gate 4000 or I-
Gate 4000 EDGE platforms
Traps generated by VerazView-xMS: traps that the VerazView-xMS generates
internally, for example, when logging out of VerazView-xMS.

99110003-21 Veraz Networks Inc. Proprietary 10-1

Trap Structure V e r a z V i ew - x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e

10.1. Overview of SNMP traps

10.1.1. Terminology
The following is a list of terminology used in SNMP traps:
Trap: An unsolicited message sent by an SNMP agent to an SNMP manager
indicating that some event has occurred.
Alarm: A trap that indicates that a problem exists in the I-Gate, and has either
an ON (start) status, or an OFF (end) status.
Event: A trap that informs of an occurrence, for example, an I-Gate reset.

10.1.2. SNMP version

The VerazView-xMS SNMP External Interface currently supports SNMP V1.

10.1.3. SNMP trap message format

A trap sent from the VerazView-xMS to a third-party manager via SNMP External
Interface is composed of a Header and Body section. This format is described in the
following table:

Header Body
Enterprise Agent Generic Specific Time Variable Bindings
Addr Trap # Trap # Stamp

The SNMP trap message format fields are described in the following subsections.

10-2 Veraz Networks Inc. Proprietary 99110003-21

V e r a z V i ew - x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e Trap Structure Enterprise field

The Enterprise field is in the standard SNMP trap header. The Enterprise value
identifies (registers) the type of product (e.g., I-Gate 4000 PRO) or module (e.g.,
DS1) that generated the trap.
The registration Enterprise values are defined in DCME.MIB, and include the
Enterprise Value
I-Gate 4000 PRO
I-Gate 4000 Agent Addr field

The Agent Addr field is in the standard SNMP trap header. The Agent Addr field
specifies the network address (IP address) of the agent which sent the trap. Generic Trap field

The Generic Trap field is in the standard SNMP trap header. The Generic Trap
number identifies a generic trap if the values are zero (0) to five (5); or it identifies
an enterprise-specific trap (i.e., I-Gate 4000 PRO specific trap) when its value is six
(6). Specific Trap field

The Specific Trap field is in the standard SNMP trap header. The Specific Trap field
value, along with the enterprise field value, identifies an event when the value of the
Generic Trap field is six (6). This gives a general idea about the type of trap, e.g.,
Loss of Signal (LOS).

99110003-21 Veraz Networks Inc. Proprietary 10-3

Trap Structure V e r a z V i ew - x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e Time Stamp field

The Time Stamp field is in the standard SNMP trap header. The Time Stamp field
contains the value of the sysUpTime variable when the event occurred, i.e., the time
elapsed between the last (re)-initialization of the network entity and the generation
of the trap. Variable Bindings field

The Variable Bindings field is in the standard SNMP trap body. The Variable
Bindings field contains various information, as described in the following table:

Name Type Description Comments

dcmeProxyTra Display String Identifies the equipment type of
pNodeType (SIZE (0…32)) the node that generated the trap.
dcmeProxyTra Integer Identifies the node that generated
pNodeId the trap. This is a VerazView-
xMS-generated unique ID.
dcmeProxyTra Display String The VerazView-xMS node name
pNodeName (SIZE (0...30)) of the node that generated the
dcmeProxyTra Display String The trap name
pEventName (SIZE (0...30))
dcmeProxyTra Enumerated coded Indicates the trap category. For VerazView-xMS
pEventCategor values: traps (i.e., 3 - Ops), see
y • (1) Equipment the detailed description
in Section 10.4.2.
• (2) Communication
• (3) Ops (i.e.,
• (4) Protection
• (5) Software
• (6) Testing
• (7) Signaling
• (8) Other

10-4 Veraz Networks Inc. Proprietary 99110003-21

V e r a z V i ew - x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e Trap Structure

Name Type Description Comments

dcmeProxyTra Unsigned32 Defines the type of managed See a detailed
pSourceType object that generated the trap, for description in Sections
example, the I-Gate, card, or port. 10.2. and 10.4.2.
The next four fields provide more
detailed information about the
source (e.g., identification of the
instance of the source).
DcmeProxyTra Unsigned32 First source detail information. See a detailed
pSourceDetail1 This is trap-specific information description in Sections
to refine the trap source detail 10.2. and 10.4.2.
fields. The meaning/structure of
this field depends on the specific
DcmeProxyTra Unsigned32 Second source detail information. See a detailed
pSourceDetail2 This is trap-specific information description in Sections
to refine the trap source detail 10.2. and 10.4.2.
fields. The meaning/structure of
this field depends on the specific
DcmeProxyTra Unsigned32 Third source detail information. See a detailed
pSourceDetail3 This is trap-specific information description in Sections
to refine the trap source detail 10.21. and 10.4.2.
fields. The meaning/structure of
this field depends on the specific
dcmeProxyTra OCTET STRING Trap-specific information to
pSourceExtens ( SIZE (8)) refine the trap source detail
ion fields. The meaning/structure of
this field depends on the specific
In a standard MIB browser, this
field is displayed in hex format.
dcmeProxyTra Unsigned32 Origin of the trap. The
pOrigin meaning/structure of this field
depends on the specific trap. In
this version, it is always zero.
dcmeProxyTra DateAndTime Specifies when the trap occurred
pDateAndTime in the agent's time zone.

99110003-21 Veraz Networks Inc. Proprietary 10-5

Trap Structure V e r a z V i ew - x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e

Name Type Description Comments

dcmeProxyTra Enumerated coded Defines the old standard severity
pDcmeSeverity values: level of the specific trap. The
• (1) Critical value will always be 8.

• (2) Prompt
• (3) Deferred
• (4) Service
• (5) Maintenance
• (6) Normal
• (7) Indeterminate
• (8) Not applicable
dcmeProxyTra Enumerated coded Defines the standard severity
pSeverity values: level of the specific trap,
• (1) Critical according to the ITU-T X.733
• (2) Major
• (3) Minor
• (4) Warning
• (5) Cleared
• (6) Indeterminate
• (7) Not applicable
dcmeProxyTra Enumeration: Specifies whether this trap
pStatus • (1) None identifies the beginning or end of
an event.
• (2) On
• (3) Off
dcmeProxyTra Unsigned32 Trap sequence number.
dcmeProxyTra Display String Textual string providing
pDescription (SIZE (0...99)) additional information about the
dcmeProxyTra OCTET STRING Trap-specific information to
pSpecificInfo ( SIZE (10)) refine the trap information.

10-6 Veraz Networks Inc. Proprietary 99110003-21

V e r a z V i ew - x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e Trap Structure

10.2. Trap Source Type definitions

The Trap Source Type identifies the type of the managed object that generated the
trap, while the remaining variables provide more detailed information about the
The table below describes the SNMP textual convention for the Trap Source Type
IDs used in the trap template for the I-Gate traps.

Trap Trap Source TrapSource TrapSource TrapSource Trap Specific

Source Type Detail-1 Detail-2 Detail-3 Source Info
Type ID Extension
1 Terminal 0 0 0
2 Card Slot # 0 0 Card name
3 Clock IfIndex (see (1) Trunk Clock Priority:
Note) (3) Internal (1) Main
(4) External (2) Reserved
(3) Emergency
4 Trunk IfIndex (see (10) E1 0 Interface
Note) (11) T1 short name
(12) E3
(13) DS3
(14) OC-3
(15) STM-1
6 Time Slot IfIndex (see 0 0 Interface
Note) short name
8 Software 0 0 0
9 Clock Priority Clock priority 0 0
10 E1 IfIndex (see ECI Port 0 Interface
Note) Function: short name
• E1, or
• DS1

99110003-21 Veraz Networks Inc. Proprietary 10-7

Trap Structure V e r a z V i ew - x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e

Trap Trap Source TrapSource TrapSource TrapSource Trap Specific

Source Type Detail-1 Detail-2 Detail-3 Source Info
Type ID Extension
11 DS1 IfIndex (see ECI Port 0 Interface
Note) Function: short name
• E1, or
• DS1
13 DS3 IfIndex (see 0 0 Interface
Note) short name
14 OC-3 IfIndex (see 0 0 Interface
Note) short name
15 STM-1 IfIndex (see 0 0 Interface
Note) short name
16 Fan Slot # Fan # (1 to 4) 0 Card name
17 Power Entry Slot # Power Entry 0 Card name
1400 IG4kTrRepDest StaticTrDestI 0 0 Destination
D short name
1401 IG4kMgcpMG MGId 0 0 MG short
1402 IG4kSysIpPort IfIndex (see 0 0 Interface
Note) short name
1403 IG4kExtClkSour IfIndex (see 0 0 0
ce Note)
1404 IG4kMgcpMGT MGId TrunkIfIndex 0 MG short
runk name

1405 IG4kIuaSg SgId 0 0 Sg Name

1409 IG4kIpTdm IPoTDM IPoTDM
Link ID Link Name
(in ascii
1410 IG4kIpChGroup IPoTDM IPoTDM
Channel Channel
Group ID Group
Name (in
ascii code)
1500 Static Dest DestId 0 0

10-8 Veraz Networks Inc. Proprietary 99110003-21

V e r a z V i ew - x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e Trap Structure

Trap Trap Source TrapSource TrapSource TrapSource Trap Specific

Source Type Detail-1 Detail-2 Detail-3 Source Info
Type ID Extension
1501 Switch MG SwitchMgId 0 0 0
1502 Sys IP Port IfIndex 0 0 0
1504 Switch MG DS1 MgId DS1fIndex 0 0
1505 IUA SG SgId 0 0 0
1506 Clock Source Priority SourceInterfa 0 0
1507 Clock Priority ClockPriority 0 0 0

1. The following trap source IDs are applicable only for the I-Gate 4000 PRO:
1500, 1501, 1502, 1504, 1505, 1506, and 1507.
2. The following trap source IDs are applicable only for the I-Gate 4000: 1406,
1407, 1408, 1409, 1410.
3. In SNMP, physical and logical interfaces are identified and cross-referenced by
an ifIndex value. The ifIndex numbering scheme is as follows:
Physical interface ifIndex: The physical interface ifIndex contains the
decimal (not hex) format "sspp", where "ss" is the slot position, and "pp" is
the port number within the card (potential range is 1 to 99).
Logical interfaces (for example, frame relay service): ifIndex numbers are
an identifiable multiple of the underlying physical interface ifIndex. For
example, two frame relay services operating over Port 3 of Card 4 (ifIndex
403) would be numbered ifIndex 40301 and 40302, identifying the relation
with ifIndex 403, and hence the underlying service. A containment relation
can easily be defined/identified using this method.
Higher layer logical interfaces: These are identified by extending the
underlying services' ifIndex, if required. For example, a service on top of
Service 40302, would be numbered ifIndex 4030201.

99110003-21 Veraz Networks Inc. Proprietary 10-9

Trap Structure V e r a z V i ew - x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e

10.3. Alarm severity levels

The alarm severities of the I-Gate 4000 PRO and I-Gate 4000 traps are according to
the FCSv.2 conventions. The severity levels include the following:
Critical (1)
Major (2)
Minor (3)
Warning (4)
Cleared (5)

FYI: Severity levels are not applicable to traps whose Status field value equals
None (1).

10-10 Veraz Networks Inc. Proprietary 99110003-21

V e r a z V i ew - x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e Trap Structure

10.4. I-Gate traps

The following subsections describe the traps of the I-Gate 4000 PRO, I-Gate 4000,
and I-Gate 4000 EDGE. The majority of the traps are the same for the three I-Gates.
Section 10.4.1 "Traps specific to I-Gate 4000 PRO", Section 10.4.2 "Traps specific
to I-Gate 4000", and Section 10.4.3 "Traps specific to I-Gate 4000 EDGE" describe
traps specific to the I-Gate 4000 PRO, I-Gate 4000, and I-Gate 4000 EDGE,

10.4.1. Traps specific to I-Gate 4000 PRO

The following table describes traps specific to I-Gate 4000 PRO.
Trap Name Description Source Status Specific Severity
Specific Info
5904 Clock Priority Clock Priority Change 1507 None --
5905 Primary Clock Fail Primary Clock Fail 1506 On/Off User-
5906 Secondary Clock Secondary Clock Fail 1506 On/Off User-
Fail defined
5907 Clock is at free-run System Clock is at free- 1 On/Off User-
run state defined

5908 Clock is at System Clock is at 1 On/Off User-

Holdover Holdover state defined
5920 Static FE TDM Static Trunking 1500 On/Off User-
Destination Far End defined
TDM Alarm
5921 Static FE Conn Static Trunking 1500 On/Off User-
Loss Destination Far End defined
Connection Loss
5922 Static FE Rai Static Trunking 1500 On/Off User-
Destination Far End RAI defined

99110003-21 Veraz Networks Inc. Proprietary 10-11

Trap Structure V e r a z V i ew - x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e

Trap Name Description Source Status Specific Severity

Specific Info
5936 MGC Connection MGC Connection Loss 1501 On/Off User-
Loss defined
5937 DNS Connection DNS Connection Loss 1501 On/Off User-
Loss defined
5938 DNS Resolve DNS Resolve Failure of 1501 On/Off User-
Failure Alias to IP Address defined
5939 MG State Changed MG State Changed 1501 On/Off User-
5940 MG Span State MG Span State Changed 1504 None --
5941 MGC Control MGC Control Changed 1501 None --
5942 MGC Shutdown MGC Responded to 1501 None --
Response Shutdown Request
5943 MGC Span MGC Responded to Span 1504 None --
Shutdown Shutdown Request
5944 Low Available Low Available Channels 1501 On/Off User-
Channels defined
5952 Working Eth. Link Working ethernet link 1502 On/Off User-
Fail towards the network fail defined
5953 Protecting Eth. Protecting ethernet link 1502 On/Off User-
Link Fail towards the network fail defined
5954 Working Eth. auto Working ethernet link 1502 On/Off User-
neg fail auto negociation fail defined
5955 Protecting Eth. Protecting ethernet link 1502 On/Off User-
auto neg fail auto negociation fail defined
5956 Eth. State Changed Ethernet Link State Mode 1502 On/Off User-
Chaged defined
5957 Eth. State Ethernet Link State 1502 On/Off User-
Unavailable Unavailable defined
5968 ISDN Link State ISDN link state changed 4 On/Off User-
Changed defined

10-12 Veraz Networks Inc. Proprietary 99110003-21

V e r a z V i ew - x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e Trap Structure

Trap Name Description Source Status Specific Severity

Specific Info
5969 ISDN Link Down ISDN link is down 4 On/Off User-

5970 ISDN Link ISDN link is conngested 4 On/Off User-

Conngested defined
5971 IUA AS State IUA AS state changed 1505 None --
5972 IUA AS Down IUA AS is down 1505 On/Off User-
5973 IUA AS Congested IUA AS is congested 1505 On/Off User-
1. For a description of the Source field enumeration values, see Section 10.2 "Trap
Source Type definitions".
2. Trap ID 5968 is not applicable for this release.

10.4.2. Traps specific to I-Gate 4000

The following table describes traps specific to I-Gate 4000.
Trap Name Description Source Status Specific Severity
Specific Info
5648 Clock Priority Clock Priority Change Terminal On/Off Warning for
Change reserved
Minor for
5649 ClockSource Clock source was Clock None --
Change changed
5650 ExtClockLoss External Clock Loss of External On/Off Warning
Signal Clock

99110003-21 Veraz Networks Inc. Proprietary 10-13

Trap Structure V e r a z V i ew - x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e

Trap Name Description Source Status Specific Severity

Specific Info
5651 ExtClockAccurac External Clock External On/Off Warning
yFail Accuracy Fail Clock
5664 StaticFeTdmAlar Static Far End TDM IG4kTrR On/Off Warning
m Alarm epDest
5665 StaticFeConnLoss Static Far End IG4kTrR On/Off Warning
Connection Loss epDest
5680 MgMgcConLoss MG Mgc Connection IG4kMg On/Off Major
Loss cpMG
5681 MgDNSConLoss MG DNS Connection IG4kMg On/Off Warning
Loss cpMG
5682 MgDNSResolveF MG DNS Resolve fail IG4kMg On/Off Warning
ail cpMG
5683 MgServiceStateC MG Service State was IG4kMg None MGServi --
hange Changed cpMG ceState
5684 MgDs1ServiceSta MG DS1 Service State IG4kMg None TrService --
teChange was Changed cpMGTr State
5685 MgMgcChange MG Controlling MGC Switch None --
was Changed MG
5686 MgSdMgcRespon MGC response for the Switch None --
se MG shutdown MG
5687 MgSdMgcDs1Re MGC response for MG- Switch None --
sponse DS1 shutdown MG
5688 MgAvailChRatio The number of Switch On/Off User-
Exceeded availeble channels MG defined
exceeded the defined
5696 WIpPortFail Working Ip port IG4kSys On/Off Major
(Ethernet) Fail IpPort
5697 PIpPortFail Protecting Ip port IG4kSys On/Off Minor
(Ethernet) Fail" IpPort

10-14 Veraz Networks Inc. Proprietary 99110003-21

V e r a z V i ew - x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e Trap Structure

Trap Name Description Source Status Specific Severity

Specific Info
5698 WIpPortAnFail Working Ip port IG4kSys None --
(Ethernet) auto IpPort
negotiation failed
5699 PIpPortAnFail Protecting Ip port IG4kSys On/Off User-
(Ethernet) auto IpPort defined
negotiation failed
5700 IpPortState Ip port (Ethernet) state IG4kSys None --
changes IpPort
5728 IuaIsdnLinkState The IUA ISDN link Trunk None --
Change state changed
5729 IuaIsdnLinkDown The IUA ISDN link is Trunk On/Off Minor
5730 IuaIsdnLinkCong The IUA ISDN link is Trunk On/Off Warning
ested Congested
5731 IuaAsStateChang The IUA AS state IU AS None --
e changed
5732 IuaAsDown The IUA AS is down IU On/Off Major
5733 IuaAsCongested The IUA AS is IU On/Off User-
Congested defined
5760 IpTdm Ch Group Ip Over Tdm Ch Group IG4kIpC On/Off User-
Fail Failed hGroup defined
5761 IpTdm Link Fail Ip Over Tdm Link IG4kIpT On/Off User-
Failed dm defined

10.4.3. Traps specific to I-Gate 4000 EDGE

The following table describes traps specific to I-Gate 4000 EDGE.

Trap Name Description Source Status Specific Severity

Specific Info
3 Terminal Alarm Terminal Alarm terminal
4 Operational Mode Operational Mode terminal

99110003-21 Veraz Networks Inc. Proprietary 10-15

Trap Structure V e r a z V i ew - x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e

Trap Name Description Source Status Specific Severity

Specific Info
5 Operational State Operational State terminal
6 Power Input Power supply Input terminal
Failure Failure
7 Internal Error SW Internal Error terminal
18 File System not DOS File System not terminal
Synchronized Synchronized
256 Authentication Authentication Failure terminal
257 Manager Add Manager Add terminal
258 Manager Delete Manager Delete terminal
259 Manager Take Manager Take Over terminal
512 SW Add Add Software Version terminal
513 SW Remove Remove Software terminal
514 SW Update Update Software Version terminal
515 SW Activation Activate Software terminal
516 SW Activation Activate Software terminal
W/O Reset Version Without Reset
768 Map Add Configuration Map Add terminal
769 Map Remove Configuration Map terminal
770 Map Validate Configuration Map terminal
771 Map Activate Configuration Map terminal
772 Map Overwrite Configuration Map terminal
773 Map Rename Configuration Map terminal
774 Active Map Not Active Map Not Saved terminal
Saved To Flash

10-16 Veraz Networks Inc. Proprietary 99110003-21

V e r a z V i ew - x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e Trap Structure

Trap Name Description Source Status Specific Severity

Specific Info
775 Map Activation Activate Configuration terminal
W/O Reset Map Without Reset
1288 HSLIP Rx HSLIP - Rx High Slip trunk
1289 LSLIP Rx LSLIP - Rx LowSlip trunk
1292 HSLIP TRO HLSLIP TRO - High Slip bearer
Indication in the Trunk
Output Path
1293 LSLIP TRO LSLIP TRO - LowSlip bearer
Indication in the Trunk
Output Path
1300 CSV CSV - Abnormal Circuit TS
5120 DS3 RAI RAI Failure Alarm trunk
5121 DS3 Xmit RAI Transmitting Remote trunk
Alarm Alarm Indication
5122 DS3 AIS Alarm Indication Signal trunk
Failure Alarm
5123 DS3 Xmit AIS Transmitting Alarm trunk
Indication Signal
5124 DS3 LOF Loss of Frame Failure trunk
5125 DS3 LOS Loss of Signal Failure trunk
5126 DS3 Loopback Looping the recieved trunk
State signal
5127 DS3 Rcv Test Recieve Test Code trunk
5128 Frame Format Frame Format Fail trunk
5376 Working RS/Sec. Working trunk
LOS Regenerator/Section
Section LOS

99110003-21 Veraz Networks Inc. Proprietary 10-17

Trap Structure V e r a z V i ew - x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e

Trap Name Description Source Status Specific Severity

Specific Info
5377 Working RS/Sec. Working trunk
LOF Regenerator/Section
Section LOF
5378 Wrk Accuracy Fail Working Accuracy Fail trunk
5379 Protect RS/Sec. Protecting trunk
LOS Regenerator/Section LOS
5380 Protect RS/Sec. Protecting trunk
LOF Regenerator/Section LOF
5381 Protect Accuracy Protecting Accuracy Fail trunk
5392 Working MS/Line Working trunk
AIS Multiplexer/Line Section
5393 Working MS/Line Working trunk
RFI Multiplexer/Line Section
5394 Working MS/Line Working trunk
SF Multiplexer/Line Signal
5395 Working MS/Line Working trunk
SD Multiplexer/Line Signal
5396 Protect MS/Line Protecting trunk
AIS Multiplexer/Line AIS
5397 Protect MS/Line Protecting trunk
SF Multiplexer/Line Signal
5398 Protect MS/Line Protecting trunk
SD Multiplexer/Line Signal
5399 Protect MS/Line Protecting trunk
RFI Multiplexer/Line RFI
5408 Path LOP High Level Path LOP trunk
5409 Path AIS High Level Path AIS trunk
5410 Path RFI High Level Path RFI trunk

10-18 Veraz Networks Inc. Proprietary 99110003-21

V e r a z V i ew - x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e Trap Structure

Trap Name Description Source Status Specific Severity

Specific Info
5411 Path Unequiped High Level Path trunk
5412 Path Signal Lab High Level Path Signal trunk
Mis Label Mismatch
5424 VC/VT LOP VC/VT LOP trunk
5425 VC/VT AIS VC/VT AIS trunk
5426 VC/VT RDI VC/VT RDI trunk
5427 VC/VT RFI VC/VT RFI trunk
5428 VC/VT Unequiped VC/VT Unequiped trunk
5429 VC/VT Signal Lab VC/VT Signal Label trunk
Mis Mismatch
5440 Link Switch Link Switch trunk
6145 Ip Sniffer change Ip Sniffer change terminal
6160 Clock Priority Clock Priority Change clockPri
Change o
6161 Primary Clock Fail Primary Clock Fail clock
6162 Secondary Clock Secondary Clock Fail clock
6163 Clock All Fail Clock All Fail terminal
6164 License-Term. ID License key does not terminal
Mismatch match the Terminal ID
6176 Static FE TDM Static Trunking TrRepD
Destination Far End est
TDM Alarm
6177 Static FE Conn Static Trunking TrRepD
Loss Destination Far End est
Connection Loss
6178 Static FE RAI Static Far End Rai TrRepD
6192 MGC Connection MGC Connection Loss Mg
6193 MG State Changed MG State Changed Mg

99110003-21 Veraz Networks Inc. Proprietary 10-19

Trap Structure V e r a z V i ew - x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e

Trap Name Description Source Status Specific Severity

Specific Info
6194 MG Span State MG Span State Changed MgSpan
6195 MGC Control MGC Control Changed Mg
6196 MGC Shutdown MGC Responded to Mg
Response Shutdown Request
6197 MGC Span MGC Responded to Span MgSpan
Shutdown Shutdown Request
6198 MG Available Ch The number of availeble Mg
Ratio Exceeded channels exceeded the
defined ratio
6208 Ethernet State Ethernet Link State Mode Ethernet
Changed Chaged Link
6209 Ethernet Fail Ethernet Link Failed Ethernet
6210 Ethernet Rate Fail Ethernet Link Rate is not Ethernet
100BT Link
6211 Ethernet An Fail Ethernet Link An Fail Ethernet
6224 ISDN Link State ISDN link state changed trunk
6225 ISDN Link Down ISDN link is down trunk
6226 ISDN Link ISDN link is conngested trunk
6227 IUA AS State IUA AS state changed IuaAs
6228 IUA AS Down IUA AS is down IuaAs
6229 IUA AS Congested IUA AS is congested IuaAs
6240 IpTdm Ch Group Ip Over Tdm Ch Group IpTdm
Fail Failed Group
6241 IpTdm Link Fail Ip Over Tdm Link Failed IpTdmL
6256 Card Missing Card Missing card

10-20 Veraz Networks Inc. Proprietary 99110003-21

V e r a z V i ew - x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e Trap Structure

Trap Name Description Source Status Specific Severity

Specific Info
6257 Card HW BIT Card HW BIT Failure card
6258 HW Mismatch HW Mismatch (Between card
Required Services and
existing HW)
6259 Card Sw Mismatch SW binary file in the card
main CPU is not as the
running SW in the card
6260 Card Map Map parameters in the card
Mismatch main CPU are not as in
the card
6261 CPU Usage Above Card CPU is above card
Threshold defined threshold
6262 Card Sw Reset Card Sw Reset card
6263 Card Security Off Card Security dip switch card
is off

10.4.4. General System Common traps

Trap Name Description Source Status Specific Severity
Specific Info
1 dcmeTrapSysRe • "System Push Terminal None EciResetReas
setReason Button Reset - the on:
terminal is now (1) SW Reset
(2) Push
• "System Cold Reset Button
- the terminal is now
ready" (3) Watch
• "System SW Reset -
(4) Cold
the terminal is now
(5) Main
• "System WatchDog
CPU Insert
Reset - the terminal
is now ready" (6) Unknown

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Trap Name Description Source Status Specific Severity

Specific Info
2 dcmeTrapSysTi "System date and time Terminal None The
meChange has changed" terminal's
new time
8 dcmeTrapSysT "System temperature Fan On/Off Warning
mpThrshld level is above a
threshold, therefore,
Turbo is activated"
9 dcmeTrapSysT "System temperature Fan On/Off Minor
mpTmrExprd level is above a
recommended threshold
for longer than the
configured duration"
10 dcmeTrapSysT "System temperature Fan On/Off Critical
mpThrshldHigh level is above a
recommended high
11 dcmeTrapSysCo "Failure of active Map Terminal On/Off Critical
nfigurationMap (Map not valid or
Failure missing)"
12 dcmeTrapSysA "ACO has been Terminal None
COPressed pressed"
13 dcmeTrapSysIvr "One or more Terminal On/Off Minor
FileError Tones/Announcements
files are missing or
14 dcmeTrapSysSn "DNS connection has Terminal On/Off Warning
tpDnsConnFail failed"
15 dcmeTrapSysSn "SNTP IP address Terminal On/Off Warning
tpIpResolveFail resolve has failed"
16 dcmeTrapSysSn "Loss of connection to Terminal On/Off Warning
tpServerLoss SNTP server"
17 dcmeTrapSysSn "SNTP server IP Terminal None
tpServerIpChan address has changed"

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V e r a z V i ew - x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e Trap Structure

Trap Name Description Source Status Specific Severity

Specific Info
19 Validation Error "Validation Error at Terminal On/Off Critical
System Startup"

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10.4.5. DS1 interface traps

Trap Name Description Source Status Specific Default
Specific Info Severity
1280 dcmeTrapDs1Los "Loss of Signal (LOS) Trunk On/Off Major
alarm detected on E1 port"
1281 dcmeTrapDs1Lof "Loss of Frame (LOF) Trunk On/Off Major
alarm detected on E1 port"
1282 dcmeTrapDs1Ais "Alarm Indication Signal Trunk On/Off Major
(AIS) alarm detected on E1
1283 dcmeTrapDs1Crc "CRC Multi Frame (CRC Trunk On/Off Major
Mfr MFR) alarm detected on
E1 port"
1284 dcmeTrapDs1Rai "Remote Alarm Indication Trunk On/Off Minor
(RAI) detected on E1 port"
1285 dcmeTrapDs1Hbe "High BER (HBER) alarm Trunk On/Off Major
r detected on E1 port"
1286 dcmeTrapDs1Lbe "Low BER (LBER) alarm Trunk On/Off Minor
r detected on E1 port"
1287 dcmeTrapDs1Hcr "High CRC Error (HCRC) Trunk On/Off Major
c alarm detected on E1 port"
1290 dcmeTrapDs1Hsli "High Slip (HSLIP Tx) Trunk On/Off Warning
pTx alarm detected on E1 port"
1291 dcmeTrapDs1Lsli "Low Slip (LSLIP Tx) Trunk On/Off Warning
pTx alarm detected on E1 port"
1294 dcmeTrapDs1Mfr "Multi Frame (MFR) alarm Trunk On/Off Major
detected on E1 port"
1295 dcmeTrapDs1Rm "Remote Multi Frame Trunk On/Off Minor
fr (RMFR) alarm detected on
E1 port"
1296 dcmeTrapDs1Los "Loss of Signal (LOS) Trunk On/Off Major
Cfa alarm detected on DS1

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V e r a z V i ew - x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e Trap Structure

Trap Name Description Source Status Specific Default

Specific Info Severity
1297 dcmeTrapDs1Lof "Loss of Frame (LOF) Trunk On/Off Major
Cfa alarm detected on DS1
1298 dcmeTrapDs1Ais "Alarm Indication Signal Trunk On/Off Major
Cfa (AIS) alarm detected on
DS1 port"
1299 dcmeTrapDs1Yel "Remote Alarm Indication Trunk On/Off Minor
lowCfa (RAI) alarm detected on
DS1 port"
1307 dcmeTrapDs1Acc "Clock accuracy failure Trunk On/Off Warning
uracyFail detected on E1/DS1 port"

10.4.6. DS3 Interface traps

Trap Name Description Source Status Specific Default
Specific Info Severity
5120 dcmeTrapDs3R "Remote Alarm Indication DS3 On/Off Minor
cvRaiFailure (DS3 RAI) carrier failure
detected on DS3 port"
5122 dcmeTrapDs3R "Alarm Indication Signal DS3 On/Off Major
cvAis (DS3 AIS) carrier failure
detected on DS3 port"
5124 dcmeTrapDs3L "Loss of Frame (DS3 LOF) DS3 On/Off Major
of carrier failure detected on
DS3 port"
5125 dcmeTrapDs3L "Loss of Signal (DS3 LOS) DS3 On/Off Major
os carrier failure detected on
DS3 port"

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10.4.7. STM-1/OC-3 Interface traps

Trap Name Description Source Status Specific Default
Specific Info Severity
5376 dcmeTrapSdh • STM-1: "Loss of Signal STM-1 On/Off Major
WRsLos (Working RS/Sec. LOS) or OC-3
detected on Working STM-1
Regenerator Section"
• OC-3: "Loss of Signal
(Working RS/Sec. LOS)
detected on Working OC-3
Section Layer"
5377 dcmeTrapSdh • STM-1: "Loss of Frame STM-1 On/Off Major
WRsLof (Working RS/Sec. or OC-3
LOF)detected on Working
STM-1 Regenerator
• OC-3: "Loss of Frame
(Working RS/Sec. LOF)
detected on Working OC-3
Section Layer"
5378 dcmeTrapSdh • STM-1: "Clock Accuracy STM-1 On/Off (accordin
WAccuracyF detected on Working STM-1 or OC-3 g to
ail Regenerator Section" user's
• OC-3: "Clock Accuracy
detected on Working OC-3
Section layer"
5379 dcmeTrapSdh • STM-1: "Loss of Signal STM-1 On/Off Minor
PRsLos (Protect RS/Sec. LOS) or OC-3
detected on Protecting STM-
1 Regenerator Section"
• OC-3: "Loss of Signal
(Protect RS/Sec. LOS)
detected on Protecting OC-3
Section Layer"

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V e r a z V i ew - x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e Trap Structure

Trap Name Description Source Status Specific Default

Specific Info Severity
5380 dcmeTrapSdh • STM-1: "Loss of Frame STM-1 On/Off Minor
PRsLof (Protect RS/Sec. LOF) or OC-3
detected on Protecting STM-
1 Regenerator Section"
• OC-3: "Loss of Frame
(Protect RS/Sec. LOF)
detected on Protecting OC-3
Section Layer"
5381 dcmeTrapSdh • STM-1: "Clock Accuracy STM-1 On/Off (accordin
PAccuracyFai detected on Protecting STM- or OC-3 g to
l 1 Regenerator Section" user's
• OC-3: "Clock Accuracy
detected on Protecting OC-3
Section Layer"
5392 dcmeTrapSdh • STM-1: "Alarm Indication STM-1 On/Off Minor
WMsAis Signal (Working MS/Line or OC-3
AIS) detected on Working
STM-1 Multiplexer Section"
• OC-3: "Alarm Indication
Signal (Working MS/Line
AIS) detected on Working
OC-3 Line Layer"
5393 dcmeTrapSdh • STM-1: "Remote Defect STM-1 On/Off Minor
WMsRdi Indication (Working or OC-3
MS/Line RDI) detected on
Working STM-1
Multiplexer Section"
• OC-3: "Remote Defect
Indication (Working
MS/Line RDI) detected on
Working OC-3 Line Layer"

99110003-21 Veraz Networks Inc. Proprietary 10-27

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Trap Name Description Source Status Specific Default

Specific Info Severity
5394 dcmeTrapSdh • STM-1: "Signal Fail STM-1 On/Off Minor
WMsSf (Working MS/Line SF) or OC-3
detected on Working STM-1
Multiplexer Section"
• OC-3: "Signal Fail
(Working MS/Line SF)
detected on Working OC-3
Line Layer"
5395 dcmeTrapSdh • STM-1: "Signal Degraded STM-1 On/Off Minor
WMsSd (Working MS/Line SD) or OC-3
detected on Working STM-1
Multiplexer Section"
• OC-3: "Signal Degraded
(Working MS/Line SD)
detected on OC-3 Line
5396 dcmeTrapSdh • STM-1: "Alarm Indication STM-1 On/Off Minor
PMsAis Signal (Protect MS/Line or OC-3
AIS) detected on Protecting
STM-1 Multiplexer Section"
• OC-3: "Alarm Indication
Signal (Protect MS/Line
AIS) detected on Protecting
OC-3 Line Layer"
5397 dcmeTrapSdh • STM-1: "Signal Fail STM-1 On/Off Minor
PMsSf (Protect MS/Line SF) or OC-3
detected on Protecting STM-
1 Multiplexer Section"
• OC-3: "Signal Fail (Protect
MS/Line SF) detected on
Protecting OC-3 Line

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V e r a z V i ew - x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e Trap Structure

Trap Name Description Source Status Specific Default

Specific Info Severity
5398 dcmeTrapSdh • STM-1: "Signal Degraded STM-1 On/Off Minor
PMsSd (Protect MS/Line SD) or OC-3
detected on Protecting STM-
1 Multiplexer Section"
• OC-3: "Signal Degraded
(Protect MS/Line SD)
detected on Protecting OC-3
Line Layer"
5399 dcmeTrapSdh • STM-1: "Remote Defect STM-1 On/Off Minor
PMsRdi Indication (Protect MS/Line or OC-3
RDI) detected on Protecting
STM-1 Multiplexer Section"
• OC-3: "Remote Defect
Indication (Protect MS/Line
RDI) detected on Protecting
OC-3 Line Layer"
5408 dcmeTrapSdh • STM-1: "AU Loss of STM-1 On/Off Major
PathLop Pointer (Path LOP) detected or OC-3
on STM-1 Path Section"
• OC-3: "Loss of Pointer
(Path LOP) detected on OC-
3 Path Layer"
5409 dcmeTrapSdh • STM-1: "AU Alarm STM-1 On/Off Minor
PathAis Indication Signal (Path AIS) or OC-3
detected on STM-1 Path
• OC-3: "Alarm Indication
Signal (Path AIS) detected
on OC-3 Path Layer"
5410 dcmeTrapSdh • STM-1: "HP Remote Defect STM-1 On/Off Minor
PathRdi Indication (Path RDI) or OC-3
detected on STM-1 Path
• OC-3: "Remote Defect
Indication (Path RDI)
detected on OC-3 Path

99110003-21 Veraz Networks Inc. Proprietary 10-29

Trap Structure V e r a z V i ew - x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e

Trap Name Description Source Status Specific Default

Specific Info Severity
5411 dcmeTrapSdh • STM-1: "HP Unequipped STM-1 On/Off Minor
PathUneq Failure (Path Unequipped) or OC-3
detected on STM-1 Path
• OC-3: "Unequipped Failure
(Path Unequipped) detected
on OC-3 Path Layer"
5412 dcmeTrapSdh • STM-1: "HP Signal Label STM-1 On/Off Major
PathSlm Mismatch (Path Signal Lab or OC-3
Mis) detected on STM-1
Path Section"
• OC-3: "Signal Label
Mismatch (Path Signal Lab
Mis) detected on OC-3 Path
5424 dcmeTrapSdh • STM-1: "TU Loss of Pointer STM-1 On/Off Major
Vc12Lop (VC/VT LOP) detected on or OC-3
STM-1 VC Section"
• OC-3: "Loss of Pointer
(VC/VT LOP) detected on
OC-3 VT Path Layer"
5425 dcmeTrapSdh • STM-1: "TU Alarm STM-1 On/Off Minor
Vc12Ais Indication Signal (VC/VT or OC-3
AIS) detected on STM-1 VC
• OC-3: "Alarm Indication
Signal (VC/VT AIS)
detected on OC-3 VT Path
5426 dcmeTrapSdh • STM-1: "LP Remote Defect STM-1 On/Off Minor
Vc12Rdi Indication (VC/VT RDI) or OC-3
detected on STM-1 VC
• OC-3: "Remote Defect
Indication (VC/VT RDI)
detected on OC-3 VT Path

10-30 Veraz Networks Inc. Proprietary 99110003-21

V e r a z V i ew - x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e Trap Structure

Trap Name Description Source Status Specific Default

Specific Info Severity
5428 dcmeTrapSdh • STM-1: "LP Unequipped STM-1 On/Off Minor
VcUneq Failure (VC/VT or OC-3
Unequipped) detected on
STM-1 VC Section"
• OC-3: "Unequipped Failure
(VC/VT Unequipped)
detected on OC-3 VT Path
5429 dcmeTrapSdh • STM-1: "LP Signal Label STM-1 On/Off Major
Vc12Slm Mismatch (VC/VT Signal or OC-3
Lab Mis) detected on STM-
1 VC Section"
• OC-3: "Signal Label
Mismatch (VC/VT Signal
Lab Mis) detected on OC-3
VT Path Layer"
5440 dcmeTrapSdh "Working STM-1 port is <slot> STM-1 None
LinkSwitch : <port>" or OC-3

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10.4.8. Common Hardware traps

Trap Name Description Source Status Specific Severity
Specific Info
1024 dcmeTrapComH "Card Init BIT failure" Card On/Off (See
wInitBitFailure Note)

1025 dcmeTrapComH "Card Online BIT Card On/Off (See

wOnLineBitFailu failure" Note)
1026 dcmeTrapComH "Card serviced by Card On/Off Warning
wCardServiceBy redundant"
1027 dcmeTrapComH "Invalid Card Card On/Off (See
wCardInvalidInve Inventory" Note)
1028 dcmeTrapComH "Card resetting" Card None
1029 dcmeTrapComH "Card SW Version Card On/Off Minor
wCardSwMismat Mismatch"
1030 dcmeTrapComH "Card Map Mismatch" Card On/Off Minor
1031 dcmeTrapComH "Main CPU card Hot Terminal On/Off Major
wMainCardHotIn Insertion - terminal is
sertion halted"
1032 dcmeTrapComH "Card CPU usage has Card - On/Off Minor
wCpuUsageAbov exceeded threshold" AHME or
eThreshold IGWM,
details: slot#
and card

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Note: The severity levels are according to the following scenarios:

Normal card in configuration:
Minor: if there is redundancy
Critical: if there is no redundancy
Redundancy card in configuration:
Critical: if the card is active (Working)
Minor: if the card is not active (Protecting)

10.4.9. Clock traps

Trap Name Description Source Status Specific Severity
Specific Info
5648 IG4kTrapClockP "Clock priority was Terminal On/Off Warning for
riorityChange changed" reserved
Minor for
5649 IG4kTrapClockS "Clock source was Clock None
ourceChange changed"
5650 IG4kTrapExtClo "Loss of Signal (LOS) External On/Off Warning
ckLos detected on External Clock
clock port"
5651 IG4kTrapExtClo "Clock Accuracy External On/Off Warning
ckAccuracyFail Failure detected on Clock
External clock port"

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10.4.10. Trunk replacement traps

Trap Name Description Source Status Specific Severity
Specific Info
5664 IG4kTrapTrRep "Trunk Replacement Far IG4kTrR On/Off Warning
FeTdmAlarm End TDM alarm detected epDest
for the destination"
5665 IG4kTrapTrRep "Trunk Replacement Far IG4kTrR On/Off Warning
FeConnLoss End Connection Loss alarm epDest
detected for the destination"

10.4.11. MG traps
Trap Name Description Source Status Specific Severity
Specific Info
5680 IG4kTrapMgCaCo "Call Agent Connection IG4kM On/Off Major
nLoss Loss" gcpMG
5681 IG4kTrapMgDNS "DNS Connection Loss" IG4kM On/Off Warning
ConLoss gcpMG
5682 IG4kTrapMgDNS "DNS Resolve failure of IG4kM On/Off Warning
ResolveFail Alias to IP address" gcpMG
5683 IG4kTrapMGServi "MG <NAME> Service IG4kM None MGServi
ceStateChange state was changed to gcpMG ceState
5684 IG4kTrapMGTrun "MG <NAME> Span IG4kM None TrService
kServiceStateChan <ifIndex> Service state gcpMG State
ge was changed to <state>" Trunk

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10.4.12. System Ethernet Port traps

Trap Name Description Source Status Specific Severity
Specific Info
5696 IG4kTrapSysWEth "Loss of Signal detected IG4kSy On/Off Major
IpPortLos on Working IP link" sIpPort
5697 IG4kTrapSysPEthI "Loss of Signal detected IG4kSy On/Off Minor
pPortLos on Protecting IP link" sIpPort
5698 IG4kTrapSysEthIp "Working IP link is IG4kSy None
LinkState <slot> : <port>" sIpPort

10.4.13. Signaling traps

Trap Name Description Source Status Specific Severity
Specific Info
5728 IG4kTrapIuaIsdn "ISDN link state changed Trunk None
LinkStateChange for span <Slot> : <Port>"
5729 IG4kTrapIuaIsdn "ISDN data link is down Trunk On/Off Minor
LinkDisconnected for the specific span"
5730 IG4kTrapIuaIsdn "ISDN data link is Trunk On/Off Warning
LinkConnected congested for the specific
5731 IG4kTrapIuaAsSt "IUA connection state was None
ateChange changed for Signaling
Gateway (SG) <name>"
5732 IG4kTrapIuaAsDi "IUA communication to On/Off Major
sconnected AS is down from Signaling
Gateway (SG) <name>"

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10.5. VerazView-xMS specific traps

These VerazView-xMS events are relevant for trap whose Event Category value is
ops (3).
Each VerazView-xMS trap (listed in Section 10.5.3, "VerazView-xMS Traps"),
provides a "Source" and "Status" field that are enumerated. The enumeration values
for the "Source" and "Status" fields can be viewed in Section 10.5.1, "VerazView-
xMS Source Type definitions" and Section 10.5.2, "VerazView-xMS Status
enumerations" respectively.

10.5.1. VerazView-xMS Source Type definitions

The following table lists the VerazView-xMS "Source Type" field enumerated

Source Source Type TrapSource TrapSource TrapSource Trap Specific

Type ID Detail-1 Detail-2 Detail-3 Source Info
1 General 0 0 0 0 0
2 Network 0 0 0 0 0
3 Configuration 0 0 0 0 0
4 Maintenance 0 0 0 0 0
5 Communication 0 0 0 0 0
6 ACM (Access 0 0 0 0 0
Control Manager)
7 SVM (Software 0 0 0 0 0
Version Manager)
8 Backup 0 0 0 0 0
9 User Permissions 0 0 0 0 0
10 User Actions User ID 0 0 0 0
11 License 0 0 0 0 0
12 Disk Disk 0 0 0 0

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10.5.2. VerazView-xMS Status enumerations

The following table lists the VerazView-xMS "Status" field enumerated values:
Status Enumeration Status name Description
1 None
2 On
3 Off
4 Start Application or operation start
5 Exit Application exit
6 Login User login
7 Logout User logout
8 Up
9 Down
10 Success
11 Failed
12 Unknown
13 Add
14 Modify
15 Remove
16 RemoveFromDb
17 Managed Terminal managed
18 Unmanaged Terminal unmanaged
19 Acquire Control acquired
20 Release Control released
21 Takeover Control takeover
22 Move Element moved
23 LoginFailed Login failure

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10.5.3. VerazView-xMS Traps

Trap Name Description Source Status Specific Severity
Specific Info
100 NE Terminal Near End Terminal 1 13; Normal
101 FE Terminal Far End Terminal 1 13; 15 Normal
102 Site Site 1 13; 15 Normal
103 Managed Managed 1 8; 9 Normal
104 Cluster Cluster 1 13; 15 Normal
105 License Ops License 1 1 Normal
106 Disk Space Out of disk space 1 2; 3 Normal
200 Comm Link Link to Terminal 5 2; 3 Major
201 Missed event Missed event 5 1 Normal
300 Application Status Application Status 1 4; 5 Normal
301 User Status User Status 1 6; 7; 23 Normal
350 Access Control Access Control 7 19; 20; Normal
400 SW Activation Software Activation 7 4; 10; Normal
11; 12
401 SW Upload Software Upload 7 4; 10; Normal
11; 12
402 SW Add Software Add 7 4; 10; Normal
11; 12
403 SW Update Software Update 7 4; 10; Normal
11; 12
404 SW Delete Software Delete 7 4; 10; Normal
11; 12
407 PAL Add Add PAL 7 10; 11; Normal
408 SW Upgrade Software Upgrade 7 10; 11; Normal
500 Cfg Activation Cfg Activation 3 4; 5 Normal
501 Cfg Upload Cfg Upload 3 4; 5 Normal

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Trap Name Description Source Status Specific Severity

Specific Info
502 Cfg Download Cfg Download 3 4; 5 Normal
503 Cfg Override Cfg Override 3 4; 5 Normal
504 Cfg Rename Cfg Rename 3 4; 5 Normal
505 Cfg Remove Cfg Remove 3 4; 5 Normal
506 Cfg Runtime Cfg Runtime session 3 4; 5 Normal
508 Tone/Announceme Cfg Tone and 3 4; 5 Normal
nt Add Announcement Files add
509 Tone/Announceme Cfg Tone and 3 4; 5 Normal
nt Delete Announcement Files
510 Tone/Announceme Cfg Tone and 3 4; 5 Normal
nt Upload Announcement Files
511 Tone/Announceme Cfg Tone and 3 4; 5 Normal
nt Replace Announcement Files
600 Operator Note Operator Note 1 1 Normal
601 Event Filter Event Filter Change 1 1 Normal
602 Backup Process Backup Process 1 4; 5 Normal
603 Restore Process Restore Process 1 1 Normal
604 Scheduled Backup Scheduled Backup 1 5; 24 Normal
Process Process
605 Scheduled Plan Scheduled Plan Process 1 11; 10; Normal
Process 1; 4; 13;
14; 15
700 User Ack Event Event acknowledged by 10 1 Normal
701 Server Server configuration 10 1; 14 Normal
Configuration changed
702 Security Group Security group 9 13; 14; Normal
703 User xMS User 9 13; 14; Normal

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Trap Name Description Source Status Specific Severity

Specific Info
704 User was logged User was forcefully 9 1 Normal
out logged out
705 Security Security Permission Set 9 13; 14; Normal
Permission Set 15
800 Loopback Loopback 10 1 Normal
801 SW and Cfg Activate software and 10 1 Normal
Activate configuration
802 Back in service Back in service 10 1 Normal
803 Change over Card change over 10 1 Normal
804 Terminal Reset Terminal reset 10 1 Normal
805 Restart Terminal Restart 10 1 Normal
806 Aco Alarm cut off 10 1 Normal
807 Terminal Details Terminal Details 10 1 Normal
808 Graceful Shutdown Graceful Shutdown 10 1 Normal
809 Forced Shutdown Forced Shutdown 10 1 Normal
810 Cancel Graceful Cancel Graceful 10 1 Normal
Shutdown Shutdown
811 Back To Service Back To Service 10 1 Normal
813 Set as Working Port change over 10 1 Normal
814 Monitor trunk Trunking monitoring 10 1 Normal
status changed
815 Return to Main Clock reverted to Main 10 1 Normal
816 Flash Sync Flash syncronization 10 1 Normal
817 Set as Working Card change over 10 1 Normal
818 Save Map to Flash Save Map to Flash 10 1 Normal
819 Set CIR Set IP Over TDM CIR 10 1 Normal
820 Channel Restart Channel force restart 10 1 Normal
Note: For a description of the enumeration values of the Source and Status fields,
see Section 10.5.1 "VerazView-xMS Source Type definitions" and Section 10.5.2
"VerazView-xMS Status enumerations" respectively.

10-40 Veraz Networks Inc. Proprietary 99110003-21

Glossar y
Add SW version Download SW version
AHME Alarm Handling Main card (host card of I-Gate 4000)
background SW inactive SW version, referring to a SW Version that is in
version storage on the I-Gate's flash disk but not currently being
used for configuring the I-Gate
bps bits per second
BW bandwidth
CD-ROM Compact Disk Read-Only Memory, an acronym used in
reference to the CD-ROM drive
CPU Central Processing Unit
CPU card TPSM/TPSM-R1 card in the I-Gate 4000 PRO, AHME
card in the
I-Gate 4000
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Checking
DB database
DLI Digital Line Interface
DLL dynamic link library
DTX Veraz telephony equipment for TDM networks
EC echo cancellation
element manager management station, operator station
foreground SW version active SW version, referring to a SW Version that has
been loaded from an I-Gate's flash memory storage to the
RAM of its hardware devices, where the SW version is
used for configuring the I-Gate

99110003-21 Veraz Networks Inc. Proprietary A-1

Glossary V e r a z V i ew - x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e

FPM Fault and Performance Manager

FTP File Transfer Protocol, an Internet protocol used to move
files from one network location to another
FTP server application An application that provides users with FTP services
GIS Geographical Information System
GUI graphic user interface
IIS Internet Information Service
IP Internet Protocol
ITX Veraz telephony equipment for IP networks
LAN local-area network
MG media gateway
MGC media gateway controller; also called a softswitch or call
MGCP Media Gateway Control Protocol
MIB management information database
MS Internet Service FTP Server Application
NE network element, typically an I-Gate
OPS operator station (former name of a management station)
PAL Programmed Array Logic
PC Personal Computer
PL payload
PPS packets per second
RAM read-only memory
RTP Realtime Transfer Protocol
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol, a TCP/IP network
management protocol

A-2 Veraz Networks Inc. Proprietary 99110003-21

V e r a z V i ew - x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e Glossary

Software Version A version of the software that runs on a given I-Gate,

consisting of specified components of the original
SQL Structured Query Language
Fault and Performance An integral part of Veraz's I-Gate Media Gateway
Manager Management system, the Fault and Performance Manager
monitors the status of the NE's on the network
SVM Software Version Manager
SW software
terminal I-Gate platform
VAD Voice Activity Detection (silence suppression)
VM Virtual Machine
WAN wide-area network
WBM Web-based management
xTX the family of Veraz products that include I-Gate 4000
PRO and I-Gate 4000

99110003-21 Veraz Networks Inc. Proprietary A-3

Glossary V e r a z V i ew - x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e

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access control. See Manager Access Control Locally Monitored MG's window, 9-10
access from Web client, 3-16 logging into xMS, 3-4
Acquire command, 3-12 login
Agent service for SQL server, 2-1 failed, 3-15
antivirus options, disabling, 4-11 FTP server, 3-19
assignment of IP address, 5-1 Maintenance Plan. See Database Maintenance
Auto Scroll button, 9-7 Plan
Backup/Restore Manager, 7-1 managed I-Gates, adding, 3-4
client access, 3-16 management station, defining for an I-Gate,
concurrent users, maximum number, 4-6 3-6
control of an I-Gate. See Manager Access manager access control, 3-12
Control Network Address Translation, 3-18
Database Maintenance Plan Online Monitoring
for SQL server, 2-1 button, 9-2
Wizard, 2-3 display, 9-10
database operations, 8-1 filtering, 9-8
DB Tables tab, 8-2, 8-3 window, 9-6
DB tables, export, 8-3 protocols, 3-16
Export DB tables, 8-3 Release command, 3-13
failed login, 3-15 Restore/Backup Manager, 7-1
Filter button, 9-8 restricting Web client access, 3-16
Filter Definition window, 9-8 Save button, 9-9
FTP server saving a GCP Monitoring file, 9-9
login, 3-19 Screen Saver feature, 3-15
GCP Monitor, 9-1 security
displaying monitored gateways, 9-2 operations, 3-3
launching, 9-1 overview, 3-1
main window, 9-1 separation of management network, 3-17
Media Gateway Selection window, 9-2, SNMP External Interface
9-4 architecture, 6-1
selecting gateways to be monitored, 9-4 functions, 6-2
I-Gate overview, 6-1
adding managed, 3-4 SQL server
assigning IP address, 3-4 Agent service, 2-1
defining management stations for, 3-6 creating Maintenance Plan, 2-5
IP address assignment, 5-1 Database Maintenance Plan, 2-1
IP address, assigning to an I-Gate, 3-4 Stop Monitoring button, 9-7
Java plug-in, 4-7 Stop Scheduled Backup, 7-5

99110003-21 Veraz Networks Inc. Proprietary B-1

Index V e r a z V i ew - x M S Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n G u i d e

Takeover command, 3-13 Web client access, 3-16

topology Web-based management, 4-1
information, 6-3 Wizard, Database Maintenance Plan, 2-3
operations, 8-1 xMS, logging into, 3-4
users, defining, 3-8

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