United States: (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2006/0247373 A1

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US 20060247373A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2006/0247373 A1
Goyal et al. (43) Pub. Date: NOV. 2, 2006

(54) DUAL REACTOR POLYETHYLENE RESINS Publication Classi?cation

C08F 297/08 (2006.01)
(75) Inventors: Shivendra Kumar Goya], Calgary (52) Us. or. ............................. ..525/53;525/191;526/65
(CA); Ishkmandeep Kaur Boparai,
Calgary (CA)
Correspondence Address:
Suzanne Kikel
NOVA Chemicals Inc. Electronic packaging ?lms, tapes, bags and pouches having
400 Frankfort Rd excellent optical properties and heat sealability, loW hexane
extractables and a good balance of physical properties may
Monaca, PA 15061 (US)
be prepared from linear loW density polyethylene having a
(73) Assignee: NOVA Chemicals (International) S.A. melt ?oW ratio (In/I2) from about 23 to about 32, prepared
in a tandem dual reactor solution phase polymerization in
(21) Appl. No.: 11/116,990 the presence of a phosphinimine catalyst and a co-catalyst
system Which comprises an aluminum based co-catalyst, an
(22) Filed: Apr. 28, 2005 ionic activator or a mixture thereof.
Patent Application Publication Nov. 2, 2006 Sheet 1 0f 8 US 2006/0247373 A1

Figure 1

0.8 —

0.6 -

0.4 -

0.2 -

2.5 3

Log (Molecular Weight)

Figure 2
E1 Extruder Pressure (Mpa)
495 5 Current (A)
50 ' _ ElSpeci?c Power (Kglhramp)


Resin Type
Patent Application Publication Nov. 2, 2006 Sheet 2 0f 8 US 2006/0247373 A1

Figure 3


Resin Type

Figure 4

a?30.$20 w

Resin Type
Patent Application Publication Nov. 2, 2006 Sheet 3 0f 8 US 2006/0247373 A1

Figure 5

Resin Type

WEHxtera(STcpbnloN)ecstkgrh 8.0
+ Resin A
Figure 6

7.0 - _
+ Resm B
6o _ + Resin C
+ Resin D
5.0 _ —e— ResinE

LS2e5namglth 4.0 -

3.0 -

2.0 -

1.0 -

I I l l l I I I I l l l

65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135

Hot Tack Temperature (°C)

Patent Application Publication Nov. 2, 2006 Sheet 4 0f 8 US 2006/0247373 A1

Figure 7

Plateau Seal Strength = 12.0 N Y"r

Plateau Seal Temperature for

_ 0 Plateau Seal Temperature for Resin A
resins C, D and E =110 C
(SCteporNalndg),rth LS1e3namglth + Resin A
+ ResinB
+ Resin C
—l— Resin D
—e— Resin E

3.0 I I I I l

100 105 110 115 0120 125 130

Seal Temperature ( C)

Figure 8


Resin Type
Patent Application Publication Nov. 2, 2006 Sheet 5 0f 8 US 2006/0247373 A1

Figure 9









(STMEPgteuJrnlIcaDmiMgte)hy Resin Type

Figure 10
_n. O o

Resin Type
Patent Application Publication Nov. 2, 2006 Sheet 6 0f 8 US 2006/0247373 A1

Figure 11

'- 700 -


5 e00 -
5 s00 -
g- 400 - A015 mil Films 612.5 BUR and 12 lbsIhr/mch
- I 0.75 mil Films at 25 BUR and 16 lbslhrfinch
E 300 _ A0175 mil Films at 3.5 BUR and 12 lbslhr/inch
Q Cl 0.75 mil Films at 3.5 BUR and 16 lbslhr?nch

l I I I l l l I

20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 3B

Melt Flow Ratio

Figure 12

800 -

E 700 -
V 600 -
c 500 -
h 400 -
a 300 - g’ A015 mil Films at 2.5 BUR and 12 lbs/hr?nch
B I 0.75 mil Films at 2.5 BUR and 16 lbs/hr?nch
Q 200 _ ./_\.0.75 mil Films at 3.5 BUR and 12 lbslhr?nch
E 100 - E! 0.75 mil Films at 3.5 BUR and 16 lbslhr?nch

0 I l l I l l I I

20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38

Melt Flow Ratio

Patent Application Publication Nov. 2, 2006 Sheet 7 0f 8 US 2006/0247373 A1

Figure 13
1150 _ A015 mil Films at 2,6 BUR and 12 lbslhiflnch
2“ 1050 _ I 0.75 mil Films at 2,5 BUR and 16 lbslhr?nch
E A015 mil Films at 3.5 BUR and 12 lbs/hr?nch
E; 950 ' l: 0.75 mil Films at 35 BUR and 16 lbsmmiicii

I 850 -
c 750 -
w 650 -
I- __ _, A?‘ _ __ __-A

3 550- __,_," _____-~—-'

|_ B___ .. - - ___ _ _ _, .. - is” "

D ‘ a- — — -' _

350 -

I l | I l ‘I I l

20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38
Melt Flow Ratio

Figure 14
1 40 _ A015 mil Films at 205 BUR and 12 lbs/hr?nch
' I 0.75 mil Films at 2.5 BUR and 10 lbsihrlincii
13° ' A075 mil Films at 3.5 BUR and12|bslhrlinch
To; 120 _ D 0.75 mil Films at 3.5 BUR and 16 lbsfhr/inch
& +10% U
h 1.10 1 ~
l” 1.00 I "‘
"E 0.90 ‘
- 40%
D 0.80 -
0.70 - A

0.60 -

0.50 f l I l l l

2o 22 24 2s 2s 30 32
Melt Flow Ratio
Patent Application Publication Nov. 2, 2006 Sheet 8 0f 8 US 2006/0247373 A1

Figure 15
90 -

E 90 -
‘I 70 -

8) 60 -
If 50 - ‘0.75 mil Films at 2.5 BUR and 12 lbsihrfinch
q; 4 I 0.75 mil Films at 2.5 BUR and 16 lbslhrfinch
h 40 -

B A 0.75 mil Films at 3.5 BUR and 12 lbs/hr?nch

U 30 —
g D 075 mil Films at 3.5 BUR and 16 lbs/hr?nch
l 20 -

10 ~

0 I I I I I I I I

20 22 24 2a 2a 30 32 34 36 3s

Melt Flow Ratio

US 2006/0247373 A1 Nov. 2, 2006

DUAL REACTOR POLYETHYLENE RESINS FOR [0006] US. Pat. No. 6,372,864 issued Apr. 16, 2002 to
ELECTRONIC PACKAGING-FILMS, TAPES, BAGS BroWn teaches a dual reactor solution process for preparing
AND POUCHES a polyethylene in the presence of a phosphinimine catalyst
and different co-catalysts in the ?rst and second reactors. It
FIELD OF THE INVENTION discloses that some of the resulting polymers have a good
balance of properties. HoWever, the patent does not
[0001] The present invention relates to polyethylene ?lms, expressly teach any speci?c end use applications. Nor does
tapes, bags and pouches for electronic packaging. More the patent teach that by controlling the melt ?oW ratio (i.e.
particularly the present invention relates to electronic pack the ratio of I21/I2) or selecting a resin having a melt ?oW
aging ?lms, tapes, bags and pouches having good optical ratio from 23 to 32, preferably from 25 to 30 for such a resin,
properties, loW hexane extractables, excellent hot tack there is a convergence in the maxima or a good balance in
strength and sealability, and a good balance of puncture a number of physical properties such as dart impact strength,
resistance, dart impact strength, machine direction tear and tear strength in the machine direction (MD) and the direction
transverse direction tear strengths. perpendicular to the machine direction (transverse direc
tioniTD) tear and puncture resistance, along With optical
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION properties such as Haze and Gloss, hexane extractables and
heat sealability such as hot tack strength and cold seal
[0002] Films made from resins and particularly polyeth strength.
ylene resins manufactured using metallocene catalysts have
higher dart impact strengths than the ?lms made using [0007] The present invention seeks to provide electronic
Ziegler-Natta (Z-N) resins. HoWever, such metallocene res packaging ?lms, bags and pouches having a good balance of
ins tend to have a number of drawbacks including their physical properties, loWer hexane extractables and excellent
dif?culty in conversion to ?nished products and the ten optical properties, and excellent hot tack strength and seal
dency for ?lms made from these resins to split in the ability and Which are relatively easy to manufacture or
machine direction. It is desirable to produce a resin and process.
particularly polyethylene having a good balance of proper SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
ties and Which is relatively easy to process or convert into
?nished products. [0008] The present invention provides a electronic pack
aging ?lm, bag or pouch made from a linear loW density
[0003] One approach has been to blend resins and par polyethylene having a density from 0.914 to 0.945, prefer
ticularly polyethylenes made using different types of catalyst ably from 0.915 to 0.926 g/cm3 and a melt ?oW ratio
such as a dry blend of a polyethylene made using a Ziegler (MFR=I2l/I2) determined according to ASTM D 1238 from
Natta catalyst and a polyethylene made using a metallocene 23 to 32 prepared by A) polymerizing ethylene optionally
catalyst or a single site catalyst. HoWever, dry blending resin With one or more C3_l2 alpha ole?ns, in solvent in a ?rst
typically requires at least one additional pass of the com stirred polymerization reactor at a temperature of from 80 to
ponent resins together through an extruder to form pellets of 2000 C. and a pressure of from 10,500 to 35,000 KPa, (1,500
the blended resin. This can be costly particularly When one to 5,000 psi) in the presence of (a) a catalyst Which is an
of the resins is difficult to process (eg the resin produced organometallic complex of a group 3, 4 or 5 metal, charac
using the metallocene catalyst). terized by having at least one phosphinimine ligand; and (b)
a co-catalyst Which is selected from the group consisting of
[0004] An alternate approach to avoid dry blending is the an aluminoxane, an ionic activator or a mixture thereof; and
use of mixed catalyst systems in a single reactor. For
B) passing said ?rst polymer solution into a second stirred
example, US. Pat. No. 4,530,914 (EWen et al., to Exxon) polymerization reactor at a pressure from 10,500 to 35,000
teaches the use of tWo different metallocenes in a single
KPa (1,500 to 5,000 psi) and a temperature at least 200 C.
reactor, and US. Pat. No. 4,701,432 (Welbom, to Exxon) higher than the ?rst reactor and polymerizing further ethyl
teaches the use of a supported catalyst prepared With a
ene, optionally With one or more C3_l2 alpha ole?ns, in said
metallocene catalyst and a Ziegler Natta catalyst. Many second stirred polymerization reactor in the presence of (a)
others have subsequently attempted to use similar mixed
a catalyst Which is an organometallic complex of a group 3,
catalyst systems as described in US. Pat. Nos. 5,767,031; 4 or 5 metal, characterized by having at least one phosphin
5,594,078; 5,648,428; 4,659,685; 5,145,818; 5,395,810; and imine ligand; and (b) a co-catalyst Which is selected from the
5,614,456. group consisting of an aluminoxane, an ionic activator or a
[0005] HoWever, the use of “mixed” catalyst systems is mixture thereof; said polyethylene When formed into a ?lm
generally associated With operability problems. For at a bloWup ratio from 2.0 to 4.0 and a thickness from 0.5
example, the use of tWo catalysts on a single support (as to 6.0 mils using a bloWn ?lm line at a production rate that
taught by Welbom in US. Pat. No. 4,701,432) may be is greater than 6 typically 6 to 30 lbs per hour per inch of die
associated With a reduced degree of process control ?ex circumference, has good optical properties, heat sealability,
ibility (eg if the polymerization reaction is not proceeding loW hexane extractables and a good of balance of dart impact
as desired When using such a catalyst system, then it is strength, MD tear strength, TD tear strength and puncture
dif?cult to establish Which corrective action should be taken energy.
as the corrective action Will typically have a different effect BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
on each of the tWo different catalyst components). Moreover,
[0009] FIG. 1 shoWs the GPC pro?les of the resins used
the tWo different catalyst/co-catalyst systems may interfere
in the experiments.
With one anotherifor example, the organoaluminum com
ponent, Which is often used in Ziegler-Natta or chromium [0010] FIG. 2 shoWs the processing characteristics of the
catalyst systems, may “poison” a metallocene catalyst. resins used in the experiments.
US 2006/0247373 A1 Nov. 2, 2006

[0011] FIG. 3 shows the Haze of 0.75 mil ?lms made from comprise not less than 60, preferably not less than 70, most
the resins used in the experiments at a blow up ratio of 2.5. preferably not less than 80 Weight % of ethylene and the
balance of one or more C3_8 alpha ole?ns, preferably
[0012] FIG. 4 shoWs the Gloss 45° of 0.75 mil ?lms made
selected from the group consisting of 1-butene, 1-hexene
from the resins used in the experiments at a bloW up ratio of
and 1-octene.
[0025] The polymers suitable for use in the present inven
[0013] FIG. 5 shoWs the Hexane extractables of 3.5 mil
tion are generally prepared using a solution polymerization
?lms made from the resins used in the experiments at a bloW
process. Solution processes for the (co)polymerization of
up ratio of 2.5.
ethylene are Well knoWn in the art. These processes are
[0014] FIG. 6 shoWs the Hot tack pro?les of 2.0 mil ?lms conducted in the presence of an inert hydrocarbon solvent
made from the resins used in the experiments at a bloW up typically a C5_ 1 2 hydrocarbon Which may be unsubstituted or
ratio of 2.5. substituted by a C1_4 alkyl group, such as pentane, methyl
[0015] FIG. 7 shoWs the Cold Seal pro?les of 2.0 mil ?lms
pentane, hexane, heptane, octane, cyclohexane, methylcy
clohexane and hydrogenated naphtha. An example of a
made from the resins used in the experiments at a bloW up
suitable solvent Which is commercially available is “Isopar
ratio of 2.5.
E” (C8_l2 aliphatic solvent, Exxon Chemical Co.).
[0016] FIG. 8 shoWs the dart impact strengths of 0.75 mil
?lms made from the resins used in the experiments at a bloW
[0026] The solution polymerization process for preparing
the polymers suitable for use in the present invention must
up ratio of 2.5 and a production rate of 16 lbs/hr/inch (2.8
use at least tWo polymerization reactors one of Which should
kg/hr/cm) of die circumference.
be in tandem to the other. The ?rst polymerization reactor
[0017] FIG. 9 shoWs the machine direction (MD) tear preferably operates at a loWer temperature (“cold reactor”)
strengths of 0.75 mil ?lms made from the resins used in the using a “phosphinimine catalyst” described beloW.
experiments at a bloW up ratio of 2.5 and a production rate
of 16 lbs/hr/inch (2.8 kg/hr/cm) of die circumference. [0027] The polymerization temperature in the ?rst reactor
is from about 80° C. to about 180° C. (preferably from about
[0018] FIG. 10 shoWs the puncture energy of 0.75 mil 120° C. to 160° C.) and the second reactor or hot reactor is
?lms made from the resins used in the experiments at a bloW preferably operated at a higher temperature (up to about
up ratio of 2.5 and a production rate of 16 lbs/hr/inch (2.8 220° C.). Most preferably, the second polymerization reactor
kg/hr/cm) of die circumference. is operated at a temperature higher than the ?rst reactor by
at least 20° C., typically 30 to 80° C., generally 30 to 50° C.
[0019] FIG. 11 shoWs the dart impact strengths of 0.75 mil
The most preferred reaction process is a “medium pressure
?lms made from three dual reactor bimodal single site resins
process”, meaning that the pressure in each reactor is
used in the experiments at the bloW up ratios of 2.5 and 3.5
and the production rates of 12 lbs/hr/ inch (2.1 kg/hr/ cm) and preferably less than about 6,000 psi (about 42,000 kilopas
16 lbs/hr/inch (2.8 kg/hr/cm) of die circumference. cals or kPa), most preferably from about 2,000 psi to 3,000
psi (about 14,000-21,000 kPa).
[0020] FIG. 12 shoWs the MD tear strength of 0.75 mil
[0028] The monomers are dissolved/dispersed in the sol
?lms made from three dual reactor bimodal single site resins
vent either prior to being fed to the ?rst or second reactor (or
used in the experiments at the bloW up ratios of 2.5 and 3.5
for gaseous monomers the monomer may be fed to the
and the production rates of 12 lbs/hr/ inch (2.1 kg/hr/ cm) and
reactor so that it Will dissolve in the reaction mixture). Prior
16 lbs/hr/inch (2.8 kg/hr/cm) of die circumference.
to mixing, the solvent and monomers are generally puri?ed
[0021] FIG. 13 shoWs the transverse direction (TD) tear to remove potential catalyst poisons such as Water, oxygen
strengths of 0.75 mil ?lms made from three dual reactor or metal impurities. The feedstock puri?cation folloWs stan
bimodal single site resins used in the experiments at the dard practices in the art, e.g. molecular sieves, alumina beds
bloW up ratios of 2.5 and 3.5 and the production rates of 12 and oxygen removal catalysts are used for the puri?cation of
lbs/hr/inch (2.1 kg/hr/cm) and 16 lbs/hr/inch (2.8 kg/hr/cm) monomers. The solvent itself as Well (e.g. methyl pentane,
of die circumference. cyclohexane, hexane or toluene) is preferably treated in a
similar manner.
[0022] FIG. 14 shoWs the effect of bloW up ratio (BUR)
and output rate on MD/TD tear ratio of 0.75 mil ?lms made [0029] The feedstock may be heated or cooled prior to
from three dual reactor bimodal single site resins used in the feeding to the ?rst reactor. Additional monomers and solvent
experiments at the bloW up ratios of 2.5 and 3.5 and the may be added to the second reactor, and it may be heated or
production rates of 12 lbs/hr/inch (2.1 kg/hr/cm) and 16 cooled, preferably heated.
lbs/hr/inch (2.8 kg/hr/cm) of die circumference.
[0030] Generally, the catalyst components (i.e. the catalyst
[0023] FIG. 15 shoWs the effects of BUR and output rate and co-catalyst) may be premixed in the solvent for the
on puncture energy of 0.75 mil ?lms made from three dual reaction or fed as separate streams to each reactor. In some
reactor bimodal single site resins used in the experiments at instances of premixing it may be desirable to provide a
the bloW up ratios of 2.5 and 3.5 and the production rates of reaction time for the catalyst components prior to entering
12 lbs/hr/inch (2.1 kg/hr/cm) and 16 lbs/hr/inch (2.8 kg/hr/ the reaction. Such an “in line mixing” technique is described
cm) of die circumference. in a number of patents in the name of DuPont Canada Inc.
(eg US. Pat. No. 5,589,555, issued Dec. 31, 1996).
[0031] The residence time in each reactor Will depend on
[0024] The polyethylene polymers or resins Which may be the design and the capacity of the reactor. Generally, the
used in accordance With the present invention typically reactors should be operated under conditions to achieve a
US 2006/0247373 A1 Nov. 2, 2006

thorough mixing of the reactants. In addition, it is preferred [0037] The catalysts used to make the polymers useful in
that from 20 to 60 Weight % of the ?nal polymer is the present invention may be activated With different acti
polymerized in the ?rst reactor, With the balance being vators.
polymerized in the second reactor. On leaving the reactor
system the solvent is removed and the resulting polymer is [0038] The catalysts of the present invention may be
activated With a co-catalyst selected from the group con
?nished in a conventional manner.
sisting of:
[0032] In a highly preferred embodiment, the ?rst poly [0039] (i) an aluminoxane compound of the formula
meriZation reactor has a smaller volume than the second
polymeriZation reactor. R122AlO(Rl2AlO)mAlRl22 Wherein each R12 is indepen
dently selected from the group consisting of Cl_2O hydro
[0033] The polymers useful in accordance With the present carbyl radicals and m is from 3 to 50, and optionally a
invention are prepared in the presence of a phosphinimine hindered phenol to provide a molar ratio of Al:hindered
catalyst of the formula: phenol from 2:1 to 5:1 if the hindered phenol is present;
[0040] (ii) an ionic activator that may be selected from the
group consisting of:
[0041] (A) compounds of the formula [Rl3]+[B(Rl4)4]_
Wherein B is a boron atom, R13 is a cyclic C5_7 aromatic
cation or a triphenyl methyl cation and each R14 is
independently selected from the group consisting of
Wherein M is a group 4 metal, preferably selected from the phenyl radicals Which are unsubstituted or substituted
group Ti, Zr, and Hf, most preferably Ti; P1 is a phosphin With 3 to 5 substituents selected from the group con
imine ligand; L is a monoanionic ligand selected from the sisting of a ?uorine atom, a C 1_ 4 alkyl or alkoxy radical
group consisting of a cyclopentadienyl-type ligand; Y is an Which is unsubstituted or substituted by a ?uorine
activatable ligand; m is l or 2; n is 0 or 1; and p is an integer
atom; and a silyl radical of the formula iSii(R15)3;
and the sum of m+n+p equals the valence state of M. Wherein each R15 is independently selected from the
[0034] The phosphinimine ligand has the formula group consisting of a hydrogen atom and a C1_4 alkyl
((R2I)3P=N)i Wherein each R21 is independently selected radical; and
from the group consisting of C3_6 alkyl radicals. Preferably [0042] (B) compounds of the formula [(R18)tZH]+
R21 is a t-butyl radical.
[B(Rl4)4]_ Wherein B is a boron atom, H is a hydrogen
[0035] Preferably, L is a 5-membered carbon ring having atom, Z is a nitrogen atom or phosphorus atom, t is 2
delocaliZed bonding Within the ring and bound to the metal or 3 and R18 is selected from the group consisting of
atom through 115 bonds and said ligand being unsubstituted Cl’8 alkyl radicals, a phenyl radical Which is unsubsti
or up to fully substituted With one or more substituents tuted or substituted by up to three C l_4 alkyl radicals, or
selected from the group consisting of Cl_1O hydrocarbyl one Rl8 taken together With the nitrogen atom may
radicals Which hydrocarbyl substituents are unsubstituted or form an anilinium radical and R14 is as de?ned above;
further substituted by one or more substituents selected from and
the group consisting of a halogen atom and a C1_8 alkyl
[0043] (C) compounds of the formula B(Rl“)3 wherein
radical; a halogen atom; a C1_8 alkoxy radical; a C6_1O aryl R14 is as de?ned above; and
or aryloxy radical; an amido radical Which is unsubstituted
or substituted by up to tWo Cl_8 alkyl radicals; a phosphido [0044] (iii) mixtures thereof.
radical Which is unsubstituted or substituted by up to tWo
Cl’8 alkyl radicals; silyl radicals of the formula iSii(R)3 [0045] In the present invention the aluminoxane (co-cata
Wherein each R is independently selected from the group lyst) and the ionic activator (co-catalyst) may be used
consisting of hydrogen, a C1_8 alkyl or alkoxy radical, and separately (e.g. MAO in the ?rst or second reactor and ionic
C67l0 aryl or aryloxy radicals; and germanyl radicals of the activator in the second or ?rst reactor, or MAO in both
formula Gei(R)3 Wherein R is as de?ned above. Most reactors or ionic activator in both reactors) or together (eg
preferably, the cyclopentadienyl type ligand is selected from a mixed co-catalyst: MAO and ionic activators in the same
the group consisting of a cyclopentadienyl radical, an inde reactor (i.e. the ?rst and second reactor)). In one embodi
nyl radical and a ?uorenyl radical. ment in the ?rst reactor (eg the cold reactor) the co-catalyst
could comprise predominantly (e.g. >50 Weight % of the
[0036] Y is selected from the group consisting of a hydro co-catalyst) an aluminoxane co-catalyst. The co-catalyst in
gen atom; a halogen atom, a Cl_l0 hydrocarbyl radical; a the cold reactor may also comprise a lesser amount (e. g. <50
Cl’l0 alkoxy radical; a C5_1O aryl oxide radical; each of Which Weight % of the co-catalyst) of an ionic activator as
said hydrocarbyl, alkoxy, and aryl oxide radicals may be described above. In this embodiment in the second reactor
unsubstituted or further substituted by one or more substitu (eg the hot reactor) the activator may comprise a predomi
ents selected from the group consisting of a halogen atom; nant (e.g. >50 Weight % of the co-catalyst) amount of an
a Cl_8 alkyl radical; a Cl_8 alkoxy radical; a C6_1O aryl or ionic activator. The co-catalyst in the hot reactor may also
aryloxy radical; an amido radical Which is unsubstituted or comprise a lesser amount (e.g. <50 Weight % of the co
substituted by up to tWo C1_8 alkyl radicals; and a phosphido catalyst) an aluminum based co-catalyst (activator) noted
radical Which is unsubstituted or substituted by up to tWo above. In second embodiment the co-catalysts could be the
Cl’8 alkyl radicals. Most preferably, Y is selected from the reverse of the above (eg predominantly ionic activator in
group consisting of a hydrogen atom, a chlorine atom and a the ?rst reactor and predominantly aluminum based co
C1_4 alkyl radical. catalyst in the second reactor). In another embodiment the
US 2006/0247373 A1 Nov. 2, 2006

co-catalyst could comprise predominantly an aluminoxane [0052] (i) A cover ?lm, tape or a packaging bag for
co-catalyst in both reactors (eg the ?rst and the second electronic-parts package: Electronic-parts package is a plas
reactor). The co-catalyst in the both reactors may also tic carrier container or a carrier tape accommodating elec
comprise a lesser amount (e.g. <50 Weight % of the co tronic components such as semiconductors devices (eg IC
catalyst) of an ionic activator as described above. (integrated circuit), LSI (large-scale integrated circuit),
VLSI (very large scale integrated circuit)), transistor, diode,
[0046] The residence time in each reactor Will depend on capacitor, electronic components containing sharp edges etc.
the design and the capacity of the reactor. Generally the The cover ?lm or bag is required to excel in impact and
reactors should be operated under conditions to achieve a puncture resistance, heat sealability and optical properties.
thorough mixing of the reactants. In addition, it is preferred Impact strength, puncture resistance and heat sealability are
that from 20 to 60 Weight % of the ?nal polymer is required to protect electronic-parts from damaging on sud
polymeriZed in the ?rst reactor, With the balance being den impact, after being manufactured, before being
polymeriZed in the second reactor. On leaving the reactor mounted, during transportation or storage. Also, mechanical
system the solvent is removed and the resulting polymer is strength is important so that the ?lm, tape or bag Will not
?nished in a conventional manner.
damage or open from projection of sharp edged electronic
[0047] In a highly preferred embodiment, the ?rst poly parts. Optical properties are required so that the consumer/
meriZation reactor has a smaller volume than the second assembler of the electronic component could ensure that the
polymeriZation reactor. In addition, the ?rst polymerization proper component is used for the intended application either
reactor is preferably operated at a colder temperature than visually or by tracking it With a detection device such as a
the second reactor. laser reader, sensor, a CCD camera etc. The opaque package
has the problem that discernment of contents is dif?cult.
[0048] Following polymerization (i.e. on leaving the sec
ond reactor) the resulting polymer solution is passed through [0053] (ii) Apackaging bag for household electronic appli
a ?asher to ?ash the solvent. The resulting melt is pelletiZed ances (e.g. Washing machines, dishWashers, cooking range,
and further steam stripped to remove residual solvent and refrigerators etc.) Which require transportation and storage
monomers. In accordance With the present invention the for a long period of time in a Warehouse or a department
polymer should have a melt index (i.e. I2) less than 2, store. These bags require loW hexane extractables so that
preferably less than 1, most preferably from 0.4 to 0.9 g/ 10 during long periods of hot and humid state during transpor
minutes as measured according to ASTM D 1238. tation or storage, there is no occurrence of spots on the
appliance, Which is associated With high hexane extractables
[0049] The resulting resin may be compounded With typi or loW molecular Weight polyethylene Wax in the ?lm.
cal amounts of antioxidants and heat and light stabiliZers
such as combinations of hindered phenols and one or more [0054] (iii) A packaging bag or ?lm for electronic articles,
of phosphates, phosphites and phosphonites typically in accessories (e.g. audio cables/Wires, video cables/Wires,
amounts of less than 0.5 Weight % based on the Weight of the electrical cables/Wires, cable/Wire rolls, etc.).
resin. The resin may also be compounded With process aids, [0055] (iv) A packaging bag or ?lm for electronic devices
slip aids, anti-blocking agents and other suitable additives. (Audio systems, video systems, cellular phones, laptops,
The amount of additives included in the ?lm resin are computers, personal organiZers etc).
preferably kept to a minimum in order to minimiZe the
likelihood that such additives could be extracted into the [0056] (v) A bag or ?lm for packaging of videotapes, audio
product or application. cassettes, Digital Video Disks (DVDs), Compact Disks
(CDs) etc.
[0050] The resulting resin may then be converted to a
bloWn ?lm as a monolayer or as a co-extruded multi-layer
[0057] These packaging ?lms or bags require good optical
?lm. Typically the resin is extruded as a melt and passed
properties, excellent heat sealability, dart impact strength,
puncture resistance and split resistance. Good optical prop
through an annular die and is biaxially stretched (e.g. is
erties are highly valued because it is important for the
expanded in the transverse direction by compressed air
consumer to see the product inside the Wrap, bag or the
Within the extrudate having a circular cross section and is
pouch to quickly ensure that it is of the proper type.
stretched in the machine direction by increasing the speed of Excellent sealability is important to Withstand the rigors of
the take off line). The bloW up ratio (BURihOW much the the transportation environment Without opening. High ?lm
diameter of the extrudate is increased in comparison to the
die diameter) may be from about 2 to about 4, typically from
toughness (e.g. Dart Impact Strength, puncture and Split
2.5 to 3.5. The resins of the present invention have good (Tear) resistance) are desired so that the articles, devices and
bubble stability and are largely machine independent in accessories, etc. Will not damage from sudden impact or
processing. That is, the particular machines upon Which the
from projection of sharp edged objects.
resin is processed do not have to be operated signi?cantly [0058] The present invention Will noW be illustrated by the
different from the conditions using other resins. folloWing non-limiting examples.
[0051] The annular extrudate may be slit and collapsed to [0059] Three different ethylene octene bimodal single site
form a monolayer or co-extruded multi-layer ?lm. The LLDPE resins (Resins C, D and E) Were made using a
resulting ?lm typically has a thickness from about 0.5 to 6 titanium complex of titanium one cyclopentadienyl ligand,
mils, preferably from 0.75 to 3.0, most preferably from one tritertiary butyl phosphinimine ligand and tWo chlorine
about 0.80 to 2.0 mils. The resulting ?lm may be used for atoms (CpTiNP(t-Bu)3Cl2) prepared according to the pro
Wrapping and/or converted to make bags, tapes, pouches or cedures disclosed in Organomelallic 1999, 18, 1116-1118.
envelopes for packaging various electronics parts and/or The co-catalyst in the ?rst reactor Was methylalumoxane
devices such as: purchased from AkZo-Nobel under the trade name MMAO
US 2006/0247373 A1 Nov. 2, 2006

7® and the activator in the second reactor Was triphenyl 2. Optical Properties, Heat Sealability and Hexane Extract
carbenium tetra?uorophenyl borate. Dual tandem reactors ables Measurements
Were used to make the polymers according to the teachings
of US. Pat. No. 6,372,864 B1. All three resins had essen [0062] The selected resins Were extruded into monolayer
tially similar M1 and density, but differed in terms of MWD ?lms using a Gloucester BloWn Film Line With a 4-inch die.
The Gloucester line consisted of a general-purpose 53.8 mm
(molecular Weight distribution, MW/Mn) and, therefore, (2.12 inch) barrier ?ight screW having L/D=30. The die had
melt ?oW ratio (In/I2). TWo commercial LLDPE resins one
made using Z-N catalyst in an ethyleneihexene gas phase a dual lip air ring. The die had a 4-port spiral mandrel With
process (Resin A) and one made using a Z-N catalyst in an inner bore heating. The resins Were extruded into ?lms at a
ethylene4octene solution phase process (Resin B) Were bloWup ratio (BUR) of 2.5 using a output rate of 6 lbs/hr/
selected for comparison. Resins A and B had similar melt inch (1 kg/hr/cm) of die circumference and it Was ensured
index and density to resins C, D and E. Table 1 shoWs the that the ?lms Were free of melt fracture. The ?lms Were
physical characteristics of all the samples used in this study. conditioned for a minimum of 48 hours under controlled
environmental conditions before measuring HaZe (%), Gloss
Molecular Weight and Co-Monomer Distributions 45°, Hexane Extractables, Hot Tack Strength and Cold Seal
[0060] The average molecular Weights and the MWDs Strength. ASTM procedure D1003 Was used for the mea
Were determined using a Waters Model 150 Gel Permeation surement of the HaZe. ASTM procedure D2457-03 Was used
Chromatography (GPC) apparatus equipped With a differ for the measurement of the Gloss 45°. ASTM procedure
ential refractive index detector. The co-monomer distribu D5227-01, compliant With Code of Federal Regulations (US
tion of the resins Was determined through GPC-FTIR. All of Federal Register, Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21,
the resins, A to E, exhibited normal co-monomer distribu Parts 177.1520) Was used for the measurement of the
tions, i.e., the amount of co-monomer incorporated in poly Hexane Extractables. ASTM procedure F1921 Was used for
mer chains decreased as molecular Weight increased. the measurement of the Hot Tack Strength on J B TopWaveTM
Hot Tack Tester. To determine hot tack strength, one-inch
TABLE 1 (25.4 mm) Wide strips Were mounted on a TopWaveTM Hot
tack tester at seal time of 0.5 s, cool time of 0.5 s, peel speed
Characteristics of Polyethylene Samples of 500 mm/s and seal pressure of 0.27 N/mm2. Three
Melt specimens Were tested at each temperature and average
Index Density MFR Catalyst results are reported. Hot tack strength is recorded in NeW
Resin I2 kg/rn3 (I2 1/I2) Polydispersity Type tons (N)/inch Width. To determine cold seal strength, ?lm
A 0.50 918 27.7 3.3 Z-N
strips Were cut in the machine direction. Each specimen Was
B 0.50 918 31.1 3.3 Z-N placed in a JB TopWaveTM Hot Tack Tester and sealed to
C 0.65 918 22.9 2.4 Single Site itself using a seal bar pressure of 0.27 N/mm2. Five speci
D 0.65 918 28.8 2.8 Single Site mens Were prepared at each temperature. The sealed speci
E 0.65 918 35.5 3.8 Single Site
mens Were conditioned at room temperature for at least 24
hours and then pulled on Instru-met ?ve head universal
Film Extrusion tester at the rate of 20 in/min. Average values of ?ve
specimens are reported. Cold Seal strength is recorded in
1. Resin Processability and Physical Properties Measure NeWtons (N)/0.5 inch Width.
[0061] The selected resins Were extruded into 0.75 mil [0063] A Rosand capillary rheometer With tensile module
(19.05 micron) and 1.25 mil (31.75 micron) monolayer ?lms attachment Was used for the measurement of melt strength
using a 3.5-inch industrial siZe Macro BloWn Film Line With for all the samples.
an 8-inch die. The Macro line consisted of a general-purpose [0064] FIG. 1 shoWs the GPC pro?les for resins A to E.
88.9 mm (3.5 inch) barrier ?ight screW having L/D=30 and Resins A and B shoW the expected unimodal MWDs. Resins
a mixing head. The die had a dual lip air ring and internal C, D and E shoWed different MWDs depending on the
bubble cooling (IBC). The die had a 6-port spiral mandrel molecular Weight and amount of polymer produced in each
With inner bore heating and Was designed for IBC. The reactor. The MWDs of resins C, D and E are consistent With
resins Were extruded into ?lms at tWo different bloWup ratios their polydispersity and MFR measurements as shoWn in
(BUR=2.5 and 3.5) using tWo different output rates, 12 Table 1.
lbs/hr/inch (2.1 kg/hr/cm) and 16 lbs/hr/inch (2.8 kg/hr/cm)
of die circumference and it Was ensured that the ?lms Were [0065] FIG. 2 depicts the processing characteristics of
free of melt fracture. A constant frost line height Was resins A to E. As expected, the extrusion pressure for resins
maintained irrespective of changes in BUR and ?lm gauge. C, D and E decreases as the polydispersity or the MFR
The ?lms Were conditioned for a minimum of 48 hours increases. The extrusion pressure for resins A and B is also
under controlled environmental conditions before measuring consistent With their MFR values. Resin E shoWed the
dart impact, tear strengths, and puncture resistance. ASTM loWest extrusion pressure and extruder current, and provided
procedure D 1709-01 Method A Was used for the measure the highest speci?c poWer (kg/hr/amp) among all, due to its
ments of the dart impact strength using a phenolic dart head. higher MFR and loWer viscosity. The extrusion melt tem
ASTM D 1922-03a procedure Was used to measure the peratures of resins C, D and E Were found to be 5 to 80 C.
Elmendorf tear strengths of the ?lms. The puncture resis loWer than resins A and B. This drop in melt temperature
tance Was measured using an in-house NOVA Chemicals provided equivalent bubble stability for resins C, D, and E
procedure. In this procedure, the energy required to puncture compared to resins A and B, even though resins C, D, and
a polyethylene ?lm is measured using a % inch diameter E had slightly loWer melt strength (4 versus 5 cN for resins
round faced probe at a 20-inch/minute-puncture rate. A and B at equivalent temperature of 190° C.).
US 2006/0247373 A1 Nov. 2, 2006

[0066] FIG. 3 shows the Haze (%) values for the 0.75 mil [0071] FIG. 8 shoWs the Dart Impact Strengths of the 0.75
?lms made from resins A to E at 2.5 BUR. The ?lms made mil ?lms made at 2.5 BUR and 16 lbs/hr/inch (2.8 kg/hr/cm)
using dual reactor single site resins C, D and E shoW loWer of die circumference output rate for all the resins. It is seen
haZe (%) values compared to Z-N resins A and B. The from this ?gure that the broadest MWD (MFR=35.5) bimo
broadest MFR dual reactor single site resin E has more than dal resin E, provides similar Dart Impact values as obtained
40% loWer haZe than the conventional Z-N resins A and B. With the tWo Z-N catalyZed resins A and B. HoWever, When
However, When the MFR of the dual reactor single site the MWD of the dual reactor single site catalyZed bimodal
catalyst resins Was narroWed, the haZe (%) further decreased LLDPE resins Was narroWed, the Dart Impact Strength
substantially With resin D having the loWest haZe of 4.9% substantially increased With the peak value achieved for
folloWed by resin C at 5.2%. resin D With MFR value of 28.8. It is interesting to note that
at essentially similar MFR values, the bimodal resin D
[0067] FIG. 4 shoWs the Gloss 45° for the 0.75-mil ?lms provided Dart Impact Strength that Was more than double
made from resins A to E at 2.5 BUR. The ?lms made using the value achieved for the Z-N catalyZed resins A and B.
dual reactor single site resins C, D and E shoW higher Gloss
45° values compared to Z-N resins A and B. The broadest [0072] FIG. 9 depicts the Machine Direction (MD) Tear
MFR bimodal resin E has more than 25% higher gloss 45° Strengths for the same ?lm samples. The single site cata
than the conventional Z-N resins A and B. HoWever, When lyZed dual reactor bimodal LLDPE resins C, D and E all
the MFR of the dual reactor single site catalyst resins Was shoWed higher MD Tear Strengths compared to the Z-N
narroWed, the gloss 45° further increased With a peak value catalyZed unimodal resins A and B. Furthermore, the MD
achieved for resin D. It is important to note that, at essen Tear strength peaked for LLDPE Resin D With MFR value
tially similar MFR and density values, the ?lm made from of 28.8, that also shoWed loW haZe and hexane extractables,
the dual reactor single site resin D has gloss 45° value of high gloss 45°, high dart impact strength and excellent hot
75% compared to a gloss 45° value of 49% achieved for the tack and cold seal strength properties.
?lm made from the Z-N resin A. [0073] FIG. 10 illustrates a comparison of Puncture
[0068] FIG. 5 shoWs the hexane extractables (%) for 3.5 Energy required to break the ?lms for all the resins. The
mil ?lms made from resins A to E. Dual reactor single site ?lms made from the dual reactor single site catalyZed
resins C, D and E shoW substantially loWer hexane extract bimodal LLDPE resins C, D and E shoWed signi?cantly
ables (%) compared to the Z-N resins A and B. Very loW higher values of Puncture Energy required as compared to
hexane extractables of 0.36% are achieved for the ?lm made the Z-N catalyZed resin (A and B) ?lm samples. For bimodal
from Resin D With an MFR value of 28.8. LLDPE ?lms the Puncture Energy appeared to be relatively
insensitive to MWD of the resins. Essentially similar trends
[0069] FIG. 6 shoWs the Hot Tack Strength pro?les of 2.0 in Dart Impact and MD Tear Strengths and Puncture Energy
mil ?lms made from the resins A to E. Hot tack strength is Were obtained for the 1.25 mil ?lms bloWn at 2.5 BUR and
the force, measured in NeWtons, required to separate a hot 16 lbs/hr/inch (2.8 kg/hr/cm) of die circumference output
bi-layer ?lm seal. At a temperature of about 115° C., dual rate. These results shoW that the dual reactor single site
reactor single site resins C and D shoW peak hot tack catalyZed bimodal LLDPE resins can provide superior ?lm
strengths that are more than 25% higher compared to the physical properties and excellent processing characteristics
conventional Z-N resins A and B. High hot tack strength is compared to the Z-N catalyZed resins processed under
desired for example, in form-?ll and seal applications, Where similar conditions (BUR and output rate). This should alloW
the package contents are dropped into a bag While the seal the ?lm processors to achieve signi?cantly higher ?lm
is still hot. Since the contents can be heavy and are packaged performance With dual reactor single site catalyZed bimodal
at high speed, the high hot tack strength is desirable so that LLDPE resins. Alternatively, it may be possible to doWn
it can Withstand a certain load at a high loading rate While gage the ?lm thickness With dual reactor single site bimodal
the seal is still hot. The broad MFR resin E has loWer hot LLDPE resins and achieve similar ?lm properties as realiZed
tack strength that is someWhat comparable to the conven With the conventional Z-N catalyZed resins.
tional Z-N catalyZed resins.
[0074] FIG. 11 shoWs the Dart Impact Strengths of ?lms
[0070] FIG. 7 shoWs the Cold Seal pro?les of 2.0 mil ?lms at tWo different BURs and output rates as a function of MFR
made from the resins A to E. As seen in FIG. 7, as the Seal of different resins (C, D and E). For ?lms made at 2.5 BUR,
Temperature is increased the Force to open the seal increases it appears that high values of Dart Impact Strength are
until a plateau is reached after Which the force required to achieved When the MFR of the resin is betWeen 25 and 30
open the seal does not increase signi?cantly With further and these values are essentially independent of the extruder
increase in seal temperature. This can be referred to as output rates. At 3.5 BUR, hoWever, high values of Dart
“plateau seal strength”. The plateau seal strength for all the Impact Strength are achieved With the dual reactor single
resins (resins A to E) Was similar at about 12 N. HoWever, site LLDPE resins (C, D and E) irrespective of their MWD
there is a signi?cant difference in the temperature at Which (in the MFR range of 22.8 to 35.5 that Was examined in this
the plateau seal strength is achieved. The dual reactor single study). Furthermore, at 3.5 BUR, a slight decrease in Dart
site resins C, D and E achieve the plateau seal strength at Impact Strength Was seen as extruder output Was increased
about 110° C. compared to about 120° C. required for the from 12 lbs/hr/inch (2.1 kg/hr/cm) to 16 lbs/hr/inch (2.8
conventional Z-N resins A and B. Sealing the bags and/or kg/hr/cm) of die circumference. These results indicate that
pouches at loWer temperature, While maintaining the same the molecular orientation and, perhaps more importantly, the
cold seal strength, may lead to signi?cant energy savings resulting morphology (crystallite number, siZe and its ori
and/or faster cycle times With the dual reactor single site entation) play important roles in determining the Dart
resins C, D and E compared to the conventional Z-N resins Impact Strength of ?lms made With different MWD resins
A and B. under different processing conditions.
US 2006/0247373 A1 Nov. 2, 2006

[0075] FIG. 12 illustrates the effect of BUR and extruder and 30 provide loW hexane extractables, good optical prop
output rates on the MD Tear Strength of the 0.75-mil ?lms erties (loW haze and high gloss), good heat sealability, good
made With dual reactor single site LLDPE resins (C, D and puncture resistance, and good dart impact and MD tear
E) having different MFR values. At 2.5 BUR, it appears that strengths and balanced tear strengths in both the MD and TD
Resin D With MFR value of 28.8 gives the maximum value directions. Furthermore, the ?lm properties are found to be
of MD Tear Strength. At 3.5 BUR, however, MD Tear relatively insensitive to processing conditions.
Strength increases With an increase in resin MFR. In all
cases, MD Tear Strength of ?lms increased With an increase
1. Electronic packaging ?lm, tape, bag or pouch made
in extruder output rate. This result is someWhat surprising from a linear loW density polyethylene having a density
and opposite in relation to the observations generally made from 0.914 to 0.945 g/cm3 and a melt ?oW ratio (MFR
With the conventional Z-N catalyzed resins (and With (121/12) determined according to ASTM D 1238) from 23 to
LLDPE/LDPE blends) Where an increase in output rates is
32 prepared by
thought to impart higher molecular orientation thus reducing A) polymerizing ethylene optionally With one or more
machine direction tear strength. It implies that dual reactor C37l2 alpha ole?ns, in solvent in a ?rst stirred polymer
single site catalyzed, bimodal LLDPE resins (C, D and E) ization reactor at a temperature of from 80 to 2000 C.
exhibit very different ?lm morphology than the ?lms made and a pressure of from 10,500 to 35,000 KPa, (1,500 to
With the conventional Z-N catalyzed resins, and, therefore, 5,000 psi) in the presence of (a) a catalyst Which is an
previous understanding of the role of molecular orientation organometallic complex of a group 3, 4 or 5 metal,
on ?lm physical properties needs to be re-examined in characterized by having at least one phosphinimine
relation to the unique ?lm morphological attributes in dual ligand; and (b) co-catalyst selected from the group
reactor bimodal single site catalyzed LLDPE resins. consisting of:
[0076] FIG. 13 depicts the effects of BUR and output rates (i) an aluminoxane compound of the formula
on the Transverse Direction (TD) Tear Strength for various R122AlO(Rl2AlO)mAlRl22 Wherein each R12 is inde
dual reactor single site catalyzed LLDPE resins (C, D and pendently selected from the group consisting of
E). This ?gure shoWs that the TD Tear Strength of ?lms Cl’20 hydrocarbyl radicals and m is from 3 to 50, and
made from dual reactor bimodal single site catalyzed optionally a hindered phenol to provide a molar ratio
LLDPE increases With an increase in resin MFR and of Alzhindered phenol from 2:1 to 5:1 if the hindered
extruder output rates. Furthermore, TD Tear Strength also phenol is present;
increases With a decrease in BUR. Higher molecular orien (ii) an ionic activator that may be selected from the
tation under these conditions is believed to increase TD Tear
group consisting of:
Strengths in these ?lms.
(A) compounds of the formula [Rl3]+[B(Rl4)4]_
[0077] FIG. 14 provides the MD/TD Tear Ratios for the Wherein B is a boron atom, R13 is a cyclic C5_7
0.75-mil ?lms made under different BURs and output rates aromatic cation or a triphenyl methyl cation and
using various dual reactor bimodal single site catalyzed each R14 is independently selected from the group
LLDPE resins having different MFR values. MD/TD Tear consisting of phenyl radicals Which are unsubsti
Ratio of 1.0 indicates a good balance of tear strength in both tuted or substituted With 3 to 5 substituents
directions. This ?gure shoWs that resin D having MFR of selected from the group consisting of a ?uorine
28.8 provides a very good balance of Tear Strengths (Within atom, a Cl_4 alkyl or alkoxy radical Which is
110%) in both directions and the MD/TD Tear ratio is unsubstituted or substituted by a ?uorine atom;
relatively insensitive to the processing conditions (BUR and and a silyl radical of the formula iSii(R15)3;
output rates). From a ?lm processor’s vieWpoint, this is a Wherein each R15 is independently selected from
very good feature to have, since it eliminates the line-to-line the group consisting of a hydrogen atom and a
dependency on ?lm tear balance. Whereas, for resins C and C l 4 alkyl radical; and
E having loWer and higher MFR values than resin D, the line
conditions Would need to be optimized to achieve a better (B) compounds of the formula [(Rl8)t ZH]+
balance in tear properties. [B(Rl4)4]_ Wherein B is a boron atom, H is a
hydrogen atom, Z is a nitrogen atom or phospho
[0078] FIG. 15 shoWs the Puncture Energy required to rus atom, t is 2 or 3 and R18 is selected from the
break the ?lms made under different processing conditions group consisting of C1_8 alkyl radicals, a phenyl
using various dual reactor single site catalyzed bimodal radical Which is unsubstituted or substituted by up
LLDPE resins (C, D and E). The processing conditions to three Cl_4 alkyl radicals, or one Rl8 taken
(BUR and output rate) seem to have little in?uence on together With the nitrogen atom may form an
Puncture Energy of ?lm for a particular resin. Resin C With anilinium radical and R14 is as de?ned above; and
the loWest MFR appear to provide slightly higher values of
Puncture Energy under all processing conditions that Were (C) compounds of the formula B(Rl“)3 wherein R14
used here. is as de?ned above; and

[0079] The results shoW that the dual reactor bimodal

(iii) mixtures thereof; and
single site catalyzed LLDPE resins (C, D and E) exhibit B) passing said ?rst polymer solution into a second stirred
superior ?lm physical properties, excellent resin process polymerization reactor at a pressure from 10,500 to
ability and optical properties compared to comparable ?lms 35,000 KPa (1,500 to 5,000 psi) and a temperature at
made using conventional Z-N catalyzed resins (A and B). least 200 C. higher than the ?rst reactor and polymer
The dual reactor bimodal single site catalyzed LLDPE resins izing further ethylene, optionally With one or more
having a MFR betWeen 23 and 32, preferably betWeen 25 C37l2 alpha ole?ns, in said second stirred polymerization
US 2006/0247373 A1 Nov. 2, 2006

reactor in the presence of (a) a catalyst Which is an 11. A ?lm, bag or pouch according to claim 8, Which is
organometallic complex of a group 3, 4 or 5 metal, used for packaging electronic articles and accessories.
characterized by having at least one phosphinimine 12. A ?lm, bag or pouch according to claim 8, Which is
ligand; and (b) a co-catalyst as described above; said used for packaging electronic devices.
polyethylene, having a melt index less than 2 as mea
sured by ASTM D 1238 When formed into a monolayer 13. A ?lm, bag or pouch according to claim 8, Which is
or a co-extruded multi-layer ?lm at a bloWup ratio from used for packaging of videotapes.
2 to 4 and a thickness from 0.5 to 6 mils using a bloWn 14. A ?lm, bag or pouch according to claim 8, Which is
?lm line at a production rate that is greater than 6 used for packaging audio cassettes.
lbs/hr/inch (1 kg/hr/cm) of die circumference, has haZe 15. A ?lm, bag or pouch according to claim 8, Which is
values 59 to 65% loWer, gloss 45° values 49 to 55% used for packaging Digital Video Disks (DVDs).
higher, hexane extractables 58 to 75% loWer, a plateau
16. A ?lm, bag or pouch according to claim 8, Which is
seal temperature of about 110° C. r, hot tack strength (at
115° C.) 25 to 70% higher, dart impact strengths 97 to used for packaging compact disks (CDs).
142% higher, machine direction (MD) tear strengths 26 17. A ?lm, tape, bag or pouch according to claim 5,
to 95% higher, and puncture energy values 74 to 124% Wherein said resin is polymeriZed in said ?rst reactor in the
higher than, ?lms made from resin produced by con presence of a co-catalyst comprising a predominant amount
ventional Ziegler-Natta catalysis, Wherein the conven of a complex aluminum compound of the formula
tional Ziegler-Natta resin has a melt index of up to R122AlO(Rl2AlO)mAlRl22 Wherein each R12 is indepen
10.15 g/ 10 min loWer than the melt index of the linear dently selected from the group consisting of Cl_2O hydro
loW density polyethylene prepared according to steps carbyl radicals and m is from 3 to 50, and optionally a
A) and B). hindered phenol to provide a molar ratio of Al:hindered
2. A ?lm, bag or pouch according to claim 1, Wherein said phenol from 2:1 to 5:1 if the hindered phenol is present.
polyethylene is polymeriZed in the presence of a catalyst of 18. A ?lm, tape, bag or pouch according to claim 17,
the formula: Wherein said resin is polymeriZed in said ?rst and second
reactors in the presence of a co-catalyst comprising an ionic
activator selected from the group consisting of:
(A) compounds of the formula [Rl3]+[B(Rl4)4]_ Wherein
B is a boron atom, R13 is a cyclic C5_7 aromatic cation
or a triphenyl methyl cation and each R14 is indepen
Wherein M is a group 4 metal; P1 is a phosphinimine ligand; dently selected from the group consisting of phenyl
L is a monoanionic ligand selected from the group consisting radicals Which are unsubstituted or substituted With 3 to
of a cyclopentadienyl-type ligand; Y is a ligand selected 5 substituents selected from the group consisting of a
from the group consisting of a hydrogen atom, a halogen ?uorine atom, a C1_4 alkyl or alkoxy radical Which is
atom, and a Cl_4 alkyl radical ; m is 1 or 2; n is 0 or 1; and unsubstituted or substituted by a ?uorine atom; and a
p is an integer and the sum of m+n+p equals the valence state silyl radical of the formula iSii(R15)3; Wherein each
of M. R15 is independently selected from the group consisting
3. The ?lm, tape, bag or pouch according to claim 2, of a hydrogen atom and a C1_4 alkyl radical; and
Wherein the second reactor is 30 to 80° C. hotter than the ?rst
reactor. (B) compounds of the formula [(Rl8)tZH]+[B(R14)4]_
Wherein B is a boron atom, H is a hydrogen atom, Z is
4. The ?lm, tape, bag or pouch according to claim 3, a nitrogen atom or phosphorus atom, t is 2 or 3 and R18
Wherein in the catalyst the cyclopentadienyl ligand is is selected from the group consisting of Cl_8 alkyl
selected from the group consisting of a cyclopentadienyl
radicals, a phenyl radical Which is unsubstituted or
radical, an indenyl radical and a ?uorenyl radical.
substituted by up to three C1_4 alkyl radicals, or one R1 8
5. The ?lm, tape, bag or pouch according to claim 4, taken together With the nitrogen atom may form an
Wherein in the catalyst the phosphinimine ligand has the anilinium radical and R14 is as de?ned above; and
formula ((R2I)3P=N)i Wherein each R21 is independently
selected from the group consisting of C3_6 alkyl radicals. (C) compounds of the formula B(Rl“)3 wherein R14 is as
6. (canceled) de?ned above.
7. The ?lm, tape, bag or pouch according to claim 5, 19. The ?lm, tape, bag or pouch according to claim 18,
Wherein the polyethylene has a melt ?oW ratio (MFR Wherein the polyethylene has a melt ?oW ratio (MFR
(In/12)) as determined according to ASTM D 1238 from 25 (In/12)) as determined according to ASTM D 1238 from 25
to 30. to 30.
8. The ?lm, tape, bag or pouch according to claim 7, 20. The ?lm, tape, bag or pouch according to claim 19,
Wherein the polyethylene is formed into a ?lm at a bloWup Wherein the polyethylene is formed into a ?lm at a bloWup
ratio from 2.5 to 3.5 and a thickness from 0.75 to 3 mils at ratio from 2.5 to 3.5 and a thickness from 0.75 to 3 mils at
a production rate greater than 6 lbs/hr/inch (1 kg/hr/ cm) and a production rate greater than 6 lbs/hr/inch (1 kg/hr/ cm) and
up to 30 lbs/hr/inch (5.3 kg/hr/cm) of die circumference. up to 30 lbs/hr/inch (5.3 kg/hr/cm) of die circumference.
9. A ?lm, bag, tape or pouch according to claim 8, Which 21. A ?lm, bag, tape or pouch according to claim 20,
is used for packaging electronic-parts. Which is used for packaging electronic-parts.
10. A ?lm or bag according to claim 8, Which is used for 22. A ?lm or bag according to claim 20, Which is used for
packaging household electronic appliances. packaging household electronic appliances.
US 2006/0247373 A1 Nov. 2, 2006

23. A ?lm, bag or pouch according to claim 20, Which is 26. A ?lm, bag or pouch according to claim 20, Which is
used for packaging electronic articles and accessories. used for packaging audio cassettes.
27. A ?lm, bag or pouch according to claim 20, Which is
24. A ?lm, bag or pouch according to claim 20, Which is used for packaging Digital Video Disks (DVDs).
used for packaging electronic devices. 28. A ?lm, bag or pouch according to claim 20, Which is
25. A ?lm, bag or pouch according to claim 20, Which is used for packaging compact disks (CDs).
used for packaging of Videotapes. * * * * *

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