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Discussion on Sustainability

The global energy sector overlies on fossil fuel and is responsible for most of global
environmental degradation and climate change. The global demand for energy supply is increasing
and the supply is not sustainable. In this project, it has been argued that fossil fuel proven reserves
especially coal, are still able to support the current rate of energy production for the next several
years. Therefore, fuel substitution to clean energy sources, such as renewable energy, is required.
Fuel substitution is the major way to mitigate problems associated with fossil fuel supply.

Small hydropower energy is an excellent option to promote productive uses, economic

growth and development for small remote communities in developing countries, because hydro is
usually the cheapest of all electrification options for isolated communities, where hydro resources
exist. Besides that, hydro energy is a mature technology, widely proven and now manufactured in
a number of developing countries. Next, hydro energy resources are fully predictable, and generate
energy 24 hours a day, so they can safely be used to provide a range of services to health and
educations centres, for drinking water, for communication and other services. Furthermore hydro
also is an appropriate energy option for intensive energy consumption, because the marginal costs
for electricity generation are negligible, and it has proven to be effective in a number of
applications such as chicken farms, wood processing, agro processing, milk chilling, small mining,
and other productive uses and small businesses. It can be adapted to the local skills and capabilities
for implementation, operation and maintenance. Finally, hydro is a clean energy option, which can
be harnessed with minimum alteration of the environment and no greenhouse gases emissions.

Hydropower is one of the most efficient power generation technologies. Therefore, the
technology is mature and reliable as well. Hydropower technology can also be part of an integral
energy system performing a role as an energy storage device. Hydropower storage system makes
it possible for a power utility to store energy and use other energy sources with variable potential
such as wind to supply an almost constant load [1]. Some of the drawbacks for hydropower project
are the relatively high investment costs and the risks associated.

It can be concluded that hydropower technology is one the most environmental and social
sensitive power generation technologies. Though the impacts of hydropower projects depend on
the size and the site, in general large-scale hydropower projects have greater impacts that small-
scale project. Hydropower projects are also highly susceptible to risks concerning environmental
degradation and climate change. The occurrences of extreme weather events, which are
exacerbated by climate change, have negatively impacted hydropower generation in some area.
Thus, careful planning and design are required so as to come up with sustainable hydropower
projects [2].




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