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We use some with uncountable nouns and plural We use any with uncountable nouns and plural

countable nouns. countable nouns.

There is some butter in the fridge. Are there any letters for me?
Some boys are playing football. There isn’t any wine in the bottle.
Some can also be used alone, without a noun. Any can also be used alone, without a noun.

Use Use

We use some: We use any:

 in affirmative sentences.  in negative sentences, when not or other negative

There is some wine in the bottle. words are included.
There aren’t any newspapers on the table.
 in interrogative sentences, when we offer or ask
for something politely or when we expect a  in interrogative sentences.
positive answer. Have you got any tea?
Could I have some water, please?  in affirmative sentences, with the meaning “no
 As a plural to a /an. matter who, which, what…”. In this case we can
I have got a record. use any + singular countable noun.
I have got some records. You can visit me at any time.

We use no with uncountable nouns and plural We use every with singular countable nouns. If
countable nouns. every + noun is the subject, the verb is always
There is no coffee in my cup. singular.
There are no potatoes in the basket. Every dog has four legs.
I see her very day.
We use no:
We use every:
 in affirmative sentences (affirmative verb)
instead of not any. The meaning of the sentence is  in affirmative sentences.
negative. In my neighbourhood, every house has a
We cannot use any other negative words in the garden.
same sentence.
I haven’t got any bread. → I have got no bread.
I haven’t got no bread.


Someone Anyone No-one Everyone

People (Who?)
Somebody Anybody Nobody Everybody

Things (What?) Something Anything Nothing Everything

Places (Where?) Somewhere Anywhere Nowhere Everywhere

 The compounds of some, any, no and every always go with a singular verb.
Somebody is taking my umbrella. Everybody looks happy.
 We use the compounds of some, no and every in affirmative sentences.
Everything is ready. Nobody in my family likes football.
We can use the compounds of some in interrogative sentences when we offer or
ask for something politely, or when we expect the answer “Yes”.
Are you looking for something?
 We use the compounds of any in interrogative and negative sentences.
Is there anyone in this room? There isn’t anyone in this room.
We can use de compounds of any in affirmative sentences with the meaning “no matter who, what or where”.
Anyone can do this exercise.
Complete the sentences with some, any,
Complete the sentences with some or any.
no, every.

1. There hasn’t been ________ rain for months.

1. Have you got _______ cigarettes? No, I’m afraid I
2. Do you usually go to the gym? No, but I exercise at
haven’t got _______.
home _______ day.
2. The doctor gave me _______ medicine for my flu,
3. Do you want _______ sugar in your coffee? Yes,
so I feel better now.
please and I’d like _______ milk too.
3. Would you like _______ orange juice?
4. Alan has got ________ money. He spent it all at
4. There aren’t _______ apples left.
the disco last weekend.
5. Mary went to the cinema with _______ friends last
5. Is there _______ coffee left in the coffee-maker?
I’m late for work and I have _______ time to make
6. If you have _______ doubt, don’t hesitate to ask
_______ more.
6. _______ house in my neighbourhood has its own
7. There is _______ rice in the cupboard, but we
haven’t got _______ salt.
7. I must go to the supermarket to buy _______ food
8. My little sister doesn’t speak _______ foreign
because there isn’t _______ in the fridge.
8. Your essay was excellent. There were _______
9. We need _______ eggs to make an omelet.
10. Have you got _______ games for your computer?
9. Revise your homework! There is one mistake in
No, I haven’t got _______, but my brother has
_______ sentence.
_______ very good.
10. Sandra doesn’t want _______ dessert, because
11. _______ shops accept credit cards, but others
she’s on a diet.
11. Can you lend me _______ euros? Sorry, but I
12. I haven’t seen _______ films lately. I have been
have _______ money now.
very busy.
12. _______ guest had an invitation for the party.
13. Can you buy _______ butter, please? We haven’t
13. We can’t make _______ sandwiches, there’s
got _______ left.
_______ bread left.
14. Tom is very nervous because he’s got _______
14. Would you like _______ wine with your dinner?
exams next week.
No, I don’t drink _______ alcohol.
15. Could I borrow _______ sugar? I am making a
15. _______ parent wants the best education for their
16. We haven’t got _______ orange juice, but there’s
16. There are _______ people in the shop now, it is
_______ lemonade if you want.

Complete the sentences with the compounds of some, any, no and every.

Can I do __________ to help you? There is __________ at the door. The doorbell is
Alice lives __________ near Park Avenue. ringing.
This exercise is very easy. __________ could do it!! Lucy never uses her car. She goes __________
There is __________ at home. __________ is by bus.
working now. There is __________ in the cupboard, it is empty.
Mark is looking for his keys, but he can’t find them Tom has had a terrible day at work. __________
__________. went wrong.
I’m really hungry, I want __________ to eat. Are My father heard a noise outside, but he couldn’t
there any sandwiches left? see __________.
I can’t find Lisa. She’s __________! Can you get me __________ to drink, please?
Choose the correct alternative for each sentence.

9. Did you go somewhere / anywhere on holiday?

1. Sam was alone at home, no-one / anyone was
No, I went nowhere / everywhere, because I had
with him.
no money.
2. Did you go everywhere / anywhere last weekend?
10. My next door house is empty. Nobody / Somebody
3. There is always nothing / something interesting
lives there.
to read in this magazine.
11. Do you know where Susan is? She’s anywhere /
4. Look at your room, what a mess! There are toys
somewhere in the building, but I don’t know where
everywhere / nowhere.
5. Are you doing anywhere / anything tonight?
12. I totally agree with you. Everything / Anything
6. Please, don’t tell anybody / somebody about my
you say is true.
13. Anyone / Someone is calling you? Do you know
7. There is nothing / anything to do now, so let’s
watch TV.
14. Would you like something / nothing to eat?
8. A lot of people came to the party last night.
Anybody / Everybody enjoyed it!

Choose the correct alternative for each sentence.

1. __________ students were late today. They didn’t arrive at school on time.
a) Any b) Some c) No
2. I called you yesterday evening, but there was __________ at home.
a) Nobody b) Anyone c) everybody
3. Let’s go __________ tonight, I don’t want to stay at home.
a) nowhere b) anything c) somewhere
4. It is raining hard. There aren’t __________ people in the streets.
a) nobody b) any c) no
5. Lucas said __________ to me, but I couldn’t hear __________.
a) anything, nothing b) something, nothing c) something, anything
6. __________ room in this hotel has a private bathroom.
a) every b) some c) anything
7. Is there __________ in the room? No, there is __________.
a) someone, anyone b) anyone, no-one c) anyone, anyone
8. This house is very cold in winter, because there is __________ heating.
a) no b) anything c) any
9. Douglas is in trouble! I think he needs __________ help.
a) any b) someone c) some
10. Don’t worry, __________ is going to be all right!
a) everything b) nothing c) anywhere
11. I won’t get the job, because I haven’t got __________ experience.
a) some b) any c) anything
12. Look! It has been snowing during the night and now there is snow __________.
a) nowhere b) somewhere c) everywhere
13. I want to buy __________ nice for my friend on her birthday.
a) something b) any c) some

1. any, any 1. any

1 2. some 2 2. every
3. some 3. some, some
4. any 4. no
5. some 5. any, no, some
6. any 6. every
7. some, any 7. some, any
8. any 8. no
9. some 9. every
10. any, any, some 10. any
11. Some 11. some, no
12. any 12. every
13. some, any 13. any, no
14. some 14. some, any
15. some 15. every
16. any, some 16. no

1. no-one
1. anything 4 2. anywhere
2. somewhere
3. Anyone / Anybody 3. something
4. nobody/ no-one, Everybody / Everyone 4. everywhere
5. anywhere 5. anything
6. something 6. anybody
7. nowhere 7. nothing
8. someone / somebody 8. Everybody
9. everywhere 9. anywhere, nowhere
10. nothing 10. Nobody
11. Everything 11. somewhere
12. anybody / anyone 12. Everything
13. something 13. Someone
14. something

1.b 2. a 3. c 4. b 5. c 6.a 7. b 8. a
9. c 10. a 11. b 12. c 13. a

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