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2. Day / Date Extension : Tuesday, 23 December 2014

3. Place : NRC Building 4th Floor Room 406

4. Target : Mothers in the area Kedungmundu

5. Duration : 30 Minute

6. Extension Workers : Yuni Kartika Sari

7. * Purpose of Public Instruction : After health education for 30 minutes, mothers in the
area Kedungmundu can explain Cervical cancer correctly.

* Purpose Special Instructions : The purpose of special instructions after 30 minutes of

health education can Mothers

1) Explain Cervical Cancer correctly.

2) Explain the causes of Cervical Cancer correctly

3) Describe the signs and symptoms of cancer cervix properly.

4) Describe the early detection of cancer cervix properly.

5) Explain the transmission of Cervix Cancer correctly.

6) Explain how the prevention and treatment of cervix cancer correctly.

8. Materi :

1) Definition of Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is a type of cancer that occurs in the cervix or cervical area. Namely,
the womb, which is located on the bottom, which opens to the vagina.

2) Causes cervical cancer

The cause of cervical cancer is HPV (human papilloma virus). Initial trigger of this
disease some of them resulting from our own habits but because they do not know
what we are doing is wrong, for example:

a. Frequent washing the vagina with an antiseptic. Many antiseptic which causes
irritation of the cervix and antiseptics can also kill good bacteria in the vagina that is
Basillus Doderlain producing lactic acid which keeps moisture feminine area.
b. Frequently changing sexual partners.

c. Smoking habits.

d. Frequent vaginal sprinkle with powder, causing irritation.

e. Having sex too early.

f. Use of Estrogen hormones for menopausal women are not controlled.

g. Habits foods that contain lots of fat, consumption of foods that contain lots of fiber
such as vegetables and fruits.

h. The use of birth control pills are too long, if only within the long run more than 4

i. Chronic trauma to the cervix. This happens because the trauma of delivery
repeatedly (more children), the presence of infection, and chronic irritation.

3) Signs and symptoms of cervical cancer

a. Whitish usually watery pink / brown

b. vaginal bleeding

c. Pelvic pain with leg

d. blood urine

e. Decreased appetite

f. fatigue

g. Of the vagina out of urine or feces, broken bones

4) Early detection of cervical cancer

VIA (Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid) is the examination of the cervix by means of
a direct view of the cervix after applying the cervix with acetic acid solution of 3-5%. If after
the outward appearance of 3-5% acetic acid there is a change of color, which looks white
spot, then there is an indication of cancerous lesions.

Pap smear is the examination by taking the liquid in porsio (the cervix) and then in the
fixation with 95% alcohol to be brought to the laboratory for further examined using a
5) Transmission of Cervical Cancer

HPV virus transmission can occur through sexual intercourse, especially with
multiple partners. Transmission of the virus can occur either by transmission through the
genital organs to the genital organs, oral to genital or genital to manually. Therefore, the use
of condoms during intercourse does not significantly prevent transmission of HPV virus. For,
not only transmitted through the fluid, the virus can move through skin contact.

6) Prevention and Treatment of Cervical Cancer

Prevention can be done to mengihindari cervical cancer, namely:

a. Women aged over 25 years old, married, and had had a child needs to do a pap
smear at least annually or as directed by a doctor.

b. Select barrier.misalnya condom contraceptive method, because it can provide

protection against cervical cancer.

c. Avoid having sex at a young age and do not have multiple sex partners.

d. It is recommended for healthy behavior, such as keeping the genitals and do

not smoke.

e. Increase consumption of vegetables and fresh fruit.


As the incidence of other diseases, if the initial change can be detected as early as
possible, measures of treatment can be given as early as possible. If the initial changes
have been known to the general treatment is given by:

a. Heating, diathermy or laser.

b. Cone biopsy, namely by taking a bit of cervical cells, including cells undergoing
changes. This allows a more thorough examination to ensure that cells undergoing
changes. This examination can be performed by a gynecologist.

If the course of the disease has reached the stage of pre-cancer and cervical cancer
have been identified, it is for healing, some things you can do are:

a. Operation, namely by taking the cancerous area, usually the uterus and cervix.

b. Radiotherapy is by using high-powered X-rays that can be done internally or

9. Media and Tools : LCD, Laptop, dan Leaflet.

10. Method : Lecture, discussion, and FAQs

11. Strategy Activities :

Phase Extension Activity Activity Participants Time

Opening 1. Greetings  Answering greetings 5

2. Appreciation Material  Answering material
3. Explain the Purpose  Listening

Work 1. Explain Cervical Cancer  Listening 20

correctly. minute

2. Explain the causes of

Cervical Cancer correctly  Listening

3. Describe the signs and  Listening

symptoms of cancer cervix
 Listening
4. Describe the early detection
of cancer cervix properly.

5. Explain the transmission of  Listening

Cervix Cancer correctly.

6. Explain how the prevention

and treatment of cervix  Listening
cancer correctly

Cover 1. Provide opportunities to ask  Prepare questions 5

2. Make conclusions  Listening Minute

3. Evaluate  Actively ask and listen

4. Regards Cover  Answering greetings

12. Evaluate :

a. Structure Preparation

b. Process During health education

c. Result ICT
a) Structure

Criteria: 100% preplanning / SAP ready.

80% Media ready

80% Environment is ready.

b) Process

 Timeliness (start / long)

 100% audience present

 100% audience not droup out

 80% active audience asked

 100% audience listen well

c) Results

 90% of the audience to Explain Cervical Cancer

 90% of the audience Explain the causes of Cervical Cancer

 90% of the audience to Describe the signs and symptoms of cancer cervix

 90% of the audience to Describe the early detection of cancer cervix

 90% of the audience Explain the transmission of Cervix Cancer

 90% of the audience Explain how the prevention and treatment of cervix

13. Bibliography:

1) Doungoes, marilyn E, Rencana Asuhan Keperawatan : Pedoman Untuk

Perencanaan Dan pendokumentasian perawatan pasien. Edisi 3, EGC, Jakarta,

2) Monica Ester,,Rencana Perawatan Bayi, Edisi 2, EGC, Jakarta 2000

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