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2. Day / Date Extension : Tuesday, 23 December 2014

3. Place : NRC Building 4th Floor Room 406

4. Target : Mothers in the area Kedungmundu

5. Duration : 30 Minute

6. Extension Workers : Yuni Kartika Sari

7. * Purpose of Public Instruction : After health education for 30 minutes, mothers in the
area Kedungmundu can explain Immunization correctly.

* Purpose Special Instructions : The purpose of special instructions after 30 minutes of

health education can Mothers

1) Explain Immunization correctly.

2) Explaining the purpose Immunization properly

3) Explain the side effects of immunization properly.

4) Describe the types of immunization properly.

5) Describe the immunization schedule correctly.

8. Materi :

1) Understanding Immunization

Immunization is an attempt to provide / improve a person's active immunity

against Preventable Diseases Immunization (PD3I) by giving the vaccine, as the
disease is cheap and effective.

Immunization is an attempt to confer immunity in infants and children by

incorporating the vaccine into the body in order to make an anti-body to prevent
against certain diseases.

2) Giving goal Immunization

The purpose of immunization is expected that children become immune to the

disease so as to reduce morbidity and mortality and reduce disability from diseases
that can be prevented by immunization.
3) Immunization Side Effects

Her mild symptoms after immunization are:

 Pain and redness around the injection site (if the injection). The symptoms
after 1 or 2 days to heal itself.

 Low-grade fever.

4) Types of Immunization

Type the complete primary immunization is hepatitis B, BCG (Bacillus

Calmete Guerin), DPT-HB-Hib (Diphteri, Pertussis, Tetanus, Hepatitis B,
Haemophylus influenzae type B), Polio and Measles.

 Hepatitis B vaccine to prevent hepatitis B.

 BCG vaccine to prevent severe TB disease.

 Vaccine DPT-HB-Hib vaccine to prevent the disease Diphtheria, Pertussis

(whooping cough / cough hundred days), tetanus, hepatitis B, meningitis, and

 Polio vaccine to prevent the disease Polio

 Measles vaccine to prevent measles.

5) Giving Immunization Schedule

Type Vaccines Age Giving Vaccination

Month Year Old

Born 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 12 15 18 2 3 5 6 10 12

Immunization (PPI-required)


Hepatitis B 1 2 3

Polio 0 1 2 3 4 5

DPT 1 2 3 4 5 6

Measles 1 2
9. Media and Tools : LCD, Laptop, dan Leaflet.

10. Method : Lecture, discussion, and FAQs

11. Strategy Activities :

Phase Extension Activity Activity Participants Time

Opening 1. Greetings  Answering greetings 5

2. Appreciation Material  Answering material
3. Explain the Purpose  Listening

Work 1. Explain immunization  Listening 20

2. Describe the purpose of
 Listening
3. Explain the side effects of
immunization  Listening

4. Describe the types of

 Listening
5. Explain the immunization
 Listening

Cover 1. Provide opportunities to ask  Prepare questions 5

2. Make conclusions  Listening Minute

3. Evaluate  Actively ask and listen

4. Regards Cover  Answering greetings

12. Evaluate :

a. Structure Preparation

b. Process During health education

c. Result ICT

a) Structure

Criteria: 100% preplanning / SAP ready.

80% Media ready

80% Environment is ready.

b) Process

 Timeliness (start / long)

 100% audience present

 100% audience not droup out

 80% active audience asked

 100% audience listen well

c) Results

 90% of the audience to explain the meaning of immunization

 90% of the audience explaining the purpose of immunization

 90% of the audience to explain the side effects of immunization

 90% of the audience to explain the types of immunization

 90% audience explain the immunization schedule

13. Bibliography:

 Hidayat, A. Aziz Alimul. 2008. Pengantar Ilmu Kesehatan Anak untuk Pendidikan
Kebidanan. Jakarta: Salemba Medika

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