Examen Ingles 1

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1.Choose the correct answer.

1. Jules have got / is / hasn’t got black hair.

2. Birds have got / hasn’t got / aren’t wings.
3. That big dog is / haven’t got / has got ugly!
4. Athletic people isn’t / are / have got usually good at sport.
5. I haven’t got / am not / is shy.
6. We are / isn’t / have got a guitar.
7. Manx cats hasn’t got / aren’t / haven’t got tails.

2. Write questions according to the answers.

Is Lawrence from England?
1. Q: .......................................................................................................................................
A: Yes, he is. Lawrence is from England.
2. Q: .......................................................................................................................................
A: Yes, we are. We’re in Year 8.
3. Q: .......................................................................................................................................
A: No, she hasn’t. Stella hasn’t got a cat.
4. Q: .......................................................................................................................................
A: No, they aren’t. The neighbours aren’t friendly.
5. Q: .......................................................................................................................................
A: Yes, they have. Penguins have got wings.
6. Q: .......................................................................................................................................
A: No, it hasn’t. The house hasn’t got a garden.

3.Complete the paragraph with the correct form of have got or to be.
1………………… Have got
you ………………… an avatar? I 2………………… a fantastic avatar. My avatar 3…………………
a dog because I love dogs. His name 4………………… Midnight because he 5………………… black. Real dogs
6………………… wings, but Midnight 7………………… big black wings. He 8………………… shy and unfriendly.
He’s like me. We 9………………… confident and friendly.

4. Answer the questions. Make the answers true for you.

1. What is your favourite colour?
2. When have you got English lessons?
3. Where are your parents now?
4. Who is your favourite actor?
5. When is your birthday?
6. What have you got for lunch today?
5.Complete the sentences with a, an, the, some or any.
1. I haven’t got ………………… money.
2. There are ………………… eggs in the cake.
3. Mum, where’s ………………… dog? She’s not in my room.
4. We’ve got ………………… new computer.
5. Have you got ………………… avatar?

6. Complete the sentences with the correct form of there is or there are.

There are five fish in the aquarium. ………………… two orange fish and two grey fish. ………………… a
1. …………………
small yellow and purple fish, too.

2. I want a sandwich, but ………………… any bread.

3. ………………… any good programmes on TV?

4. ………………… some tea and some coffee, but ………………… any sugar.

5. ………………… any history homework today?

6. ………………… any apples in the shop.

7. Choose the correct answer.

Father: Let’s make 1 a / any / some spaghetti.
Mother: Great! 2 There are / Are there / Is there any tomatoes?
Father: No, 3 there are / there isn’t / there aren’t.
Mother: 4 There is / Are there / Is there any tomato sauce?
Father: Yes, 5 there is / there are / are there.
Mother: Have we got 6 a / any / some meatballs for the spaghetti?
Father: Yes, we have.
Mother: Mmmm! 7 Some / The / A meatballs are delicious! Is there 8 the / some / any ice cream
for dessert?
Father: No, there isn’t. But we’ve got 9 a / an / the banana cake or 10 an / any / some apples.
Mother: I want 11 a / some / an apple, please.

8.Write sentences with the words below. Use the correct form of There is or There are and a, an, some or any.
1. not / good programmes / on TV / today / .
There aren’t any good programmes on TV today.
2. not / sports lesson / today / .
3. dogs / in the park / ?
4. not / sugar / in the coffee / .
5. onion / in the basket / ?

9.Complete the sentences so that they are true for you. Use always, never, sometimes, usually, often or
1. I ………………… play computer games.
2. I ………………… go to bed after 11.00.
3. My father ………………… cooks dinner.
4. I ………………… have a shower at night.
5. My friends and I ………………… send text messages.
6. I ………………… have breakfast with my parents.
7. I ………………… do sport.
8. My parents ………………… go to the cinema.
10. Write questions for a quiz about gorillas. Use the words below.
1. gorillas / live / in the jungle
Do gorillas live in the jungle?
2. a gorilla / sometimes / weigh / 500 kilos
3. gorillas / usually / eat / meat
4. a young gorilla / often / play / with other gorillas

11. Complete the text with the correct Present Simple form of the verbs in brackets.
What 1………………… know
you ………………… (know) about gorillas? 2………………… you ………………… (like)
them, or are you frightened of them? Don’t be frightened. Gorillas rarely 3………………… (hurt) people.

Gorillas are very clever animals. They 4………………… (live) in the jungles of Africa. Large gorillas sometimes
5………………… (weigh) about 180 kilos. A gorilla is usually a vegetarian: it 6………………… (eat) fruit and
other parts of plants. It 7………………… often ………………… (not eat) meat or insects, and gorillas rarely
8………………… (drink) water.

You 9………………… usually ………………… (not see) a gorilla alone. Gorillas are social animals and they
10………………… (like) living in groups. A young gorilla often 11………………… (play) games with other young
gorillas. Its mother sometimes 12………………… (watch), but she 13………………… (not play) with them.

12. Write sentences with the words below. Use the Present Simple affirmative.
1. we / buy / bread / at the supermarket
We buy bread at the supermarket.
2. James / walk / to school / at 7.45
3. Sue and Ann / go / to the cinema / on Sundays
4. my dad / wash / his car / every Saturday
5. the children / watch / TV / in the evenings

13. Complete the sentences with the correct Present Simple form of the verb in brackets.
1. We rarely ………………… (talk) on mobile phones at school.
2. Nelly ………………… (not study) French at school.
3. Preston often ………………… (do) his homework in the afternoon.
4. ………………… mother chimpanzees ………………… (kiss) their babies?
5. Lions ………………… usually ………………… (not hunt) at night.
6. ………………… your snake ………………… (eat) mice?

14. Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the affirmative or negative form of the Present

play • wear • do • send • study • have

are having fish and chips at a restaurant at the moment. Mmm, delicious!
1. We …………………
2. The boys ………………… basketball now. They’re in the swimming pool.
3. The students ………………… geography right now. They’re studying English.
4. Jim ………………… e-mails. He’s playing a computer game.
5. I ………………… homework right now. It’s easy.
6. Cathy ………………… a beautiful hat. It looks great on her.

15. Write questions with the words below. Use the Present Continuous.
1. the cat / sleep / at the moment
Is the cat sleeping at the moment?
2. Sandy’s brothers / ride / their new bikes / now
3. Sue / read a book / right now
4. you / study / at the moment
5. Billy / get up / now

16. Choose the correct answer.

1. We have got hair on / between our head.
2. People sit behind / in front of their computers for hours.
3. Spain is next to / above France.
4. In the tango, the girl dances opposite / between the boy.
5. There are many shops under / in a shopping centre.
6. Eagles fly under / above tall buildings.

17. Complete the sentences with prepositions of place from Exercise 1.

1. The hospital is ………………… the sports centre.
2. The restaurant is ………………… the library.
3. The bakery is ………………… the butcher’s.
4. The supermarket is ………………… the bakery and the hospital.
5. The swimming pool is ………………… the sports centre.
6. There’s an ambulance ………………… the hospital.
7. The bank is ………………… the library.
8. There are some cars ………………… the bakery.

18. Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the correct form of the Present Continuous.
cook • run • play • ride • use

is riding
1. Kim ………………… her bike to the library now.
2. I can’t talk right now. I ………………… dinner.
3. ………………… you ………………… the computer at the moment?
4. Where’s Dad? He ………………… football, because his sports shoes are under the bed.
5. It’s early. Why ………………… Andrew ………………… to school?

19. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous.
1. Coffee beans ………………… (grow) in Brazil.
2. Where ………………… Tina usually ………………… (sit)?
3. Jo’s at school. She ………………… (shop) now.
4. Bert ………………… (understand) the homework because it’s very difficult.
5. ………………… you ………………… (feed) the fish at the moment?

20. Complete the e-mail with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present
Hi Jake,
1…………………Are studying
you ………………… (study) right now? I 2………………… (use) my laptop computer, but I
3………………… (not do) homework now. I 4………………… (sit) in the tennis stadium with Judy. We
5………………… (not watch) the tennis match, because the players 6………………… (not play) at the moment. It
7………………… (rain) and the players 8………………… (wait) for the rain to stop. Judy 9………………… (not like)
the rain. She’s cold and she 10………………… (want) to go home.

21. Complete the sentences with can or can’t.

1. The swimming pool isn’t open. We ………………… go swimming today.
2. Tomorrow is Sunday. We ………………… sleep late.
3. Lisa tries hard, but she ………………… play football at all well.
4. The ocean is very calm. We ………………… go surfing today.
5. It’s raining. We ………………… play tennis today.
6. Bill runs 100 metres in 10 seconds. He ………………… run very fast!

22. Write questions with can and the words below.

1. Usain Bolt / run / fast
Can Usain Bolt run fast?
2. elephants / jump / high
3. a canary / sing
4. Sergio Ramos / dance / ballet / beautifully
5. tigers / swim / well

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